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Biden's Re-election Will Secure The Biggest Draft Dodging Rebellion In History And NATO's Defeat

For the first several decades after World War II, the United States championed free trade. Exporting sectors like agriculture benefited from it. Many economists still support it.

Much of the rest of the country has soured on it.

The economic logic behind free trade is that goods should be produced where they can be produced most cheaply. Consumers are better off. So are investors; constructing factories in uncompetitive places misallocates capital.

But some factory workers lose as production is moved offshore to lower cost venues. Heeding the public’s outcry over runaway jobs, Congressmen no longer support free-trade agreements. Presidents push tariff increases and industrial policy instead.

National-security policymakers have a different concern with free trade, one spurred by the possibility of war over Taiwan. No one wants that to happen, but if it did American industry would be hard pressed to keep our military supplied.

When the US won World War II, it was the world’s manufacturing powerhouse “the arsenal of democracy.” Consider these statistics, taken from naval historian Craig Symonds’s Teaching Company course “World War II: The Pacific Theatre.”

From 1939 to 1945, the Allies (the United Kingdom, China, the Soviet Union and especially the US) built: 4.4 million tanks, trucks and armored vehicles while the enemy Axis powers – Japan, Germany and Italy – built only 670,000; 637,000 aircraft to the Axis countries’ 229,000; and 55,000 ships, the lion’s share in the US, to the Axis powers’ 1,700.

The US won the war, Symonds argues, “because the United States was able to produce the tools of war, and especially the warships and the transport ships, not only faster than the Japanese but in numbers that were previously unimaginable.”

What haunts policymakers is the realization that the US no longer has that kind of industrial edge. Today China is the world’s manufacturing powerhouse. The US isn’t as far behind China as Japan was behind the US in the 1940s, but it’s no longer the arsenal of democracy.

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I feel about the same and I live here. The state of this fucking nation is pretty much the reason I am awake to /pol/ is right. I'm surrounded by the results of ZOG. Mass immigrants. AIDS carrying faggots. Trans genital mutilators. Negros blaming me my entire life for the jew Atlantic slave trade. Away from my ancestral homeland. Can't go back because it's flooded by Muslims now. Though I often wonder if I'd be far more accepted because they have as many reasons to hate the jew as I do.

I often share the sentiment, a notion of moving to familial lands more welcoming of traditions long oppressed by this residing body of land now polluted by ideologies and the idiots who support them. The biggest hurdle is finding the voice to garner a native people's understanding of their own plight. I couldn't imagine a better time, such as how Scotland ridded themself one anti-Glasgow Glasgow, "born and raised" Pakistani sandworm. The common folk ought to have several not in leagues with the worldwide conditioning of breaking the spirit of native peoples into accepting their own defeat, when historical accords tie together stories of said population resisting such pressures. However, we will come to agree how this deliberate destabilization has been the work of a slow and secretive, generation-spanning assault.

Rally what you can with enough guile and grace, layer your words carefully but communicate with the communities that seen aware enough to realize how this can be turned around with enough action. Because when words stop reaching, action begins teaching, and it will teach those on the sidelines to get involved with turning around the direction of this shit that is happening.

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He's right.
All wars are banker wars.
US dollar is being ditched for trade globally after the US was robbed of it's future,
=(insolvent debt creation & outright looting with massive governmental expenditures).
Get the white middle class European dolts to fight and die in Ukraine.
Get the white middle class American dolts to fight and die in the Middle East.
Replace the white middle class dolts who had their pensions & savings robbed with third world illegal migrants.
Great Reset, new totalitarian world order without Whites to make anything great again,
=(a new world with feudalism 2.0, CBDC technocracy and despotism all run by criminal backstabbing scumbags).

White European and American "dolts" where the ones, the masses, who allowed all this to happen. Not only are the few of us awake incapable of stopping any of this, the majority of us are brainwashed and going along with the program enthusiastically. By that I mean all Caucasians who don't belong to the tribe. We outnumber them yet they're winning. They can blatantly commit genocide right out in the open and fuck-all is done about it. That's the ultimate spitting in our eyes. Just goading us to stop them from their mass murders. We don't. We won't. We'll do absolutely nothing anymore besides tell each other about it.

As each day encroaches, I believe the 'ashes and echoes' demoralizer spammer from 8chan ever more.

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Are YOU Ready For The Unstoppable Rise In Metal, Oil and Food Prices?

Of course, it helps that the current ever expanding war (COVID clot shots being the opening salvo) has now gone increasingly kinetic as Israel bombed the Iranian embassy in Syria (an act of war by international standards), followed by the Iranians lobbing a few drones their way.

We’ve got European dolts ramping up to go to battle with the Russian bear, Western politicians and 'leaders' thinking they can isolate Russia (a major nuclear and industrial superpower!), but then the Israelis have figured out that the obvious loss of this Ukrainian war (those still believing that Ukraine is winning being solely of the “CNN is the truth” mindset — in other words lobotomised) puts them in an awkward position.

You see, they are surrounded by enemies and supported by the mighty US military. That military is proving itself a tad weak now. Failing to quell the African states breaking away from the clutches of Western powers, and now the aforementioned obvious failure in Ukraine.

So what is Netanyahu to do? He’s hated domestically, and his reputation now hinges on defeating Hamas, but defeating Hamas I’d argue is practically impossible. But men backed into corners tend to make completely irrational decisions, and so here we are. The Israelis possibly figure that they need to destroy Iran and their enemies now, before the US loses all its credibility and fighting prowess.

The issue, of course, is that both Russia and China see that as problematic for them and will step in to support Iran. This is already happening. That useless rag the Washington Post called it a “desperate alignment.”

A distraction that’s needed to divert attention from the fact that the Russkies are solidly winning that war.

All of this is obviously positive for the price of metals, oil, and most anything in the supply chain.

Here’s the thing, though, and I don’t mind sticking my neck out on this. To my way of thinking there is no chance, zero, none, nada that with the open borders in the US (for years now) there aren’t entire battalions sipping Starbuks lattes on US soil. Battalions of who, you might say?

Well, consider the dozens and dozens of nations and groups that the USSA's government has carpet bombed in the name of "democracy" for the last… oh, I dunno… 80 years? It’d almost be irresponsible for say the Iranians, the Chinese, the Russians to NOT take advantage of wide open borders. In any event, I’d say the odds of a dust up of some sorts on US soil as this war rolls on are not zero.


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US Pension Funds Are Now At Risk Of Bankruptcy, Bail-In Theft

Regulators must equip themselves with tools such as "bail-in" bonds to deal quickly with a failed clearing house for stocks, bonds or derivatives without having to call on taxpayers for cash, the G20's risk watchdog said on Thursday.

After the global financial crisis of 2007-09, regulators mandated clearing for a wider range of derivatives, meaning they must pass through a clearer backed by a default fund to ensure completion of trades.

More recently, the United States adopted rules to force more trades in the $26 trillion U.S. Treasury market through clearers. As a result of such changes, some clearers have become vital to financial systems in more than one jurisdiction, meaning their failure could damage financial stability unless they can be stabilized or "resolved", meaning closed down, in an orderly way.

The Financial Stability Board (FSB) said its new standard, which builds on previous guidance, requires that adequate liquidity, loss-absorbing, and recapitalization resources and tools are available to maintain the continuity of a clearer's critical functions, and mitigate adverse effects on financial stability should a shutdown become necessary.

It sets out seven resources and tools that regulators are required to pick from, such as "bail-in" bonds issued by clearers that can be written down to plug losses, resolution funds, cash calls during resolution, and equity in a first-loss position in resolution.

Regulators will have to state publicly which tools they have selected. Laws could need changing or introducing in some countries to give regulators access to such tools.

"Temporary public funding for liquidity ... should be relied on only as a last resort," the FSB said.

Exchanges such as LSEG, ICE, CME and Deutsche Boerse all operate major clearing houses that handle trades totaling trillions of dollars.

The G20 economies commit to applying regulatory recommendations from the FSB, and the watchdog said it would monitor implementation and publish its findings.

The fact that this news has come out publicly should be an earth-shattering red-flag to everyone.  It seems to me, they don't tell Regulators to "prepare to handle FAILED CLEARING HOUSES" unless they already know that MORE THAN ONE is failing.

The fact that this guidance from the Financial Stability Board has now been made public, I think is their way of telling those who need to know, something is terribly wrong with more than one clearing house.... and I think it likely signals those in-the-know, to get out and get out fast.

If time was not of the essence, they would not have needed to make this public. They could have spread the word quietly. Discreetly.  So, in my personal opinion, whatever is about to happen is going to be staggering.  I think, they know it's coming.  I think, they know it can't be stopped.

People on Pensions rely on those Pension Funds to get cash out of stocks to pay their pension.  And that right there, is the big rub.  Pensions hold stocks.  When they need to sell some to put out Pension checks, they sell, their stock goes to the clearing house, the buyer sends cash to the clearing house and.... theoretically... the clearing house sends the cash to the Pension Fund.

In general, a clearing house is sent stocks or bonds to be "settled."  The entity settling sends the funds to the clearing house, to be forwarded onto the seller.

BUT if the clearing house is bust, the money the seller was *supposed to get*, never comes from the clearing house.  They keep it.  Hence, they failed.

If Pension plans can't get cash, they can't pay pension checks.  See how that works?

I am no financial expert and I am not licensed in any financial field.  I cannot, and am not, giving any financial advice.  But even I, a Layman, can see the writing on THIS wall.  Some BIG clearing houses are about to fail.

If I had funds in anything that needed to be cleared, I would get mine out.  What you do is your business and your responsibility.   You should consult with a licensed financial expert before making ANY financial decisions.


It's obvious at this point our treasonous government and the Federal Reserve want the US Dollar to crash so they can bring in their totalitarian CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) scheme to enslave taxpayers/consumers and dictate what people can or cannot buy or sell, having total communistic State-control over the economy and finance.  It's all about POPULATION CONTROL and absolutely not for the better.  If they can remotely micromanage everyone's finances and financial decisions as consumers they get rid of consumer choice, they destroy the free market system and free enterprise, and thus they will destroy freedom. They would be able to dictate what we can eat, what utilities we can buy, what clothing we can buy, where we can purchase our goods and services, every last thing, total absolute tyranny. Prepare accordingly now while you still can and make sure you have plenty of what you need or want ahead of time.

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Crime Statistics Now Being Censored In The USSA, Makes Corrupt Leadership Look Bad

With the November election less than 7 months away, mainstream media outlets are now choosing to misrepresent the current state of crime in the United States, claiming that crime is declining without providing evidence or details.

As the Daily Caller reports, there are two ways in which the federal government measures crime in the United States: The Bureau of Justice Statistics’ (BJS) National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR).

Whereas the NCVS asks roughly 240,000 Americans whether or not they’ve been a victim of crime in the last year, the UCR focuses on crimes that have been reported to police within the last year and shared with the FBI.

While more people are reporting to the BJS that they have been the victims of crime, the FBI is reporting fewer crimes through the UCR.

The UCR claims that violent crime dropped by 2% from 2021 to 2022, while the NCVS shows the exact opposite, reporting that the number of victims of violent crime increased by a staggering 42.4% from 2021 to 2022; this constitutes a rise from 16.5 victims per 1,000 people to 23.5 victims per 1,000.

Nevertheless, many mainstream media outlets such as CBS, NBC, PBS, NPR, Reuters, and The Hill have all turned to the FBI’s data to claim, falsely, that crime is on the decline. All such reports have failed to mention the crucial data from the NCVS.

Even Joe Biden himself has turned to deliberately misrepresenting the facts by relying solely on the FBI’s data.

This directly contradicts broad public sentiment in the United States, with a Gallup poll in December finding that 77% of Americans believe crime is getting worse.


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After More US Aid To Ukraine, Russia Will Take Sumy and Kharkiv Oblasts

As a direct result of the United States approving $61 Billion in new military aid to Ukraine, Russia has announced they are now required to take two additional states of Ukraine - Sumy and Kharkiv -- to assure Russian national security.

The aid package from the United States includes long-range ATACMS missiles, which can be used to strike targets inside traditional Russia, so Russia needs a safety zone to protect itself from such launches.

In response to the new Aid sent to Ukraine and the attacks by mercenaries on Belgorod, the Russian Army will now expand the objectives of the Special Military Operation (SMO).

This conflict is escalating. US meddling, and the massive amount of new US financial aid for military gear, is causing it to get worse.

Zelensky could have at least bargained to cede the Donbass for Ukraine's neutrality but I guess more regions will now be incorporated into the Russian Federation.

Kissinger backs me up. He said it was over every day until he died. Someone is following through on the plan he set. Now you burn out the Autocrat pigs. The inbred remnants of the ancient past, and rebirth as a whole in a flash of terrible glory

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Corrupt Governments Are Plotting Endless Wars To Cull, Depopulate & Enslave Populations

Award-winning journalist Alex Newman, author of the popular book “Deep State” and the new best-selling book called “Indoctrinating Our Children to Death,” says the UN’s quest for total tyrannical control of your life is coming sooner than you could imagine.

Newman explains, “The bigger story here that people are not paying attention to is the UN is coming together in September... and they are having ‘The Summit of the Future.’"

They are telling us they are going to bring out radical drastic reforms in the structure of the UN... and the power of the UN.  Think of it as the biggest power grab ever at the global level.  The Secretary General of the UN (António Guterres) has put out briefs where he is calling for the UN to be the one world global dictatorship with him at the helm.  In emergencies, the UN would have all power in emergencies and have all power to oversee emergency response...

They say the crisis could be a climate crisis, an economic crisis, environmental crisis, pandemic crisis, black swan crisis or maybe something from outer space.  So, basically, anything could be a crisis, and when the Secretary General declares a crisis, all power and authority would go to the UN.  This is like a blank check on the wealth and liberty on every person on the planet, and this is coming soon.  It is imminent.  This is coming in September at the UN, and it is a power grab of historic proportions. 

This is really a summit for a tyrannical future.

“One of the interesting things about going to the UN conferences is they are totally open and totally transparent about the fact that they think there are way too many of us on this planet. 

We are taking up their space and consuming their resources.  They say this openly. 

They say there are way too many people having way too many babies, and we have to drastically cut back on the number of people on the planet.  They have a whole agency dedicated to this called the UN Population Fund.”

One sure fire way to kill a lot of people in a short amount of time is war.

“They have understood, the globalists, the Deep State, the evil doers and the sick cabal, have understood for a very long time that war was the best mechanism for bringing about their totalitarian one world government.

This is not speculation on my part.  This is what they say.  Their game plan is war, famine, energy crisis and economic crisis.  These are all tools and catalysts for accelerating this agenda.

If millions of people die in a third world war, and it does not matter if it is Iran and Israel, or China and Tiawan, or Ukraine and Russia, it really does not matter, they want millions and millions of people dead so people will give up their attachment to the nation state, self-government and individual liberty and give up anything, money or freedom, anything to make it stop.”

Newman also points out what state and local governments can do and are doing to resist this UN total control of everything.  Newman says, “We are at war, and everyone needs to put on the full armor of God.”


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Toxic 'Vaccines' Have Destroyed Society, Unleashing Irreparable Damage To Public Health

We rarely hear about it due to the system-wide embargo on truthful information about the damage they cause, but vaccines have destroyed the world: https://expose-news.com/2024/04/16/how-much-damage-have-vaccines-done-to-society/

A Midwestern Doctor, a popular Substack account, conducted an extensive review into the science behind vaccines that never sees the light of day. The doctor found that the ugly truth about vaccines stays hidden in order to protect "the business," meaning the vaccine arm of Big Pharma.

To tell the ugly truth about vaccines "would destroy the vaccine programme," the doctor writes, which is why it is never told. One of them is the fact that vaccines do not prevent disease, and instead cause more of it.

Diseases that were once thought to be eradicated have returned, but not because the unvaccinated. The doctor found that vaccines are reintroducing these ancient illnesses, which are today being dubbed a "mystery."

Take the smallpox vaccine, for instance. Introduced in 1798, the smallpox jab was frequently observed to cause smallpox outbreaks rather than prevent them, but this ugly truth was swept under the rug.

If modern medicine was an honest science, the smallpox jab would have been pulled from the market and relegated to the dustbin of the world's worst scientific mistakes. Instead, the smallpox jab laid the groundwork for the thereafter release of a host of new vaccine injections, all of which do the same type of thing.

"Having looked at it extensively, I am of the opinion the smallpox vaccine reshaped the trajectory of humanity's health and ushered in the era of chronic illness," the doctor writes.

The vaccines that would come after smallpox unleashed other new health problems, often due to quality control issues. Besides their inherent toxicity, new vaccines would get pumped out at an increasingly faster rate, and all the new companies trying to cash in on the jab rush to cut corners to save a buck.

"Because of this, a variety of new and severe medical conditions emerged, many of which were deemed to be due to brain inflammation (encephalitis) or brain damage (encephalopathy) and observed to occur in conjunction with cranial nerve damage," the doctor explains.

"Most of these conditions in turn mirrored the myriad of injuries we now too see from modern vaccinations."

"Numerous clinical trials of individual vaccines (e.g., the HPV vaccine) show that vaccines cause many of the same disorders (e.g., a myriad of autoimmune conditions) that have increased in parallel to the number of doses of the vaccine one receives (e.g., the second shot is almost always more likely to cause a severe reaction than the first)," the doctor further writes.

"This in turn suggests that taking a large number of vaccines (presently the ever increasing CDC schedule gives children 90 before they turn 18) puts them at risk for developing chronic disease."

You've copy pasted a wall of text from a shitty article by a company whose sole revenue stream is wikipedia-esque donation begging and a barrage of bootleg viagra ads. This article's only sources are "the data" with no actual citation.

Come back when you have something worth sharing.

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Good! WHO Backs Off On Global Pandemic Treaty, Addresses Tyranny Concerns

Some good things happened this past week concerning the World Health Organization's (WHO) Pandemic Treaty.

In response to widespread public outcry, the WHO substantially revised its proposed International Health Regulations (IHR) amendments, dialing the tyranny back a notch.

Almost all of the substantive concerns presented to the WHO Working Group for the IHR amendments have been trimmed back, one of the biggest changes being that the WHO's recommendations will be non-binding.

Article 13A.1 which would have required Member States to follow directives of the WHO as the guiding and coordinating authority for international public health has been dropped entirely.

Another change is the erasure of a proposal that would have struck from the amendments wording that recognizes the "dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms" of human beings.

As for the controlled flow of information by the government, a process more commonly known as censorship, the WHO will have no jurisdiction over this, either.

What happened during the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "pandemic" in terms of how the WHO applies its IHRs will also remain the same rather than be expanded to also include "all risks with a potential to impact public health."

Of great remaining concern, however, is the explicit recognition in the revised IHR amendments that Member States – in our case, the United States – will be the ones responsible for implementing whatever WHO recommends, as they so choose.

What this means, of course, is that the always smart and never corrupted U.S. Congress, meaning the Zionists and multinational corporations that control them, will have the full and unfettered privilege of deciding how We the People get treated during the next public health "crisis" scamdemic.

It is not acceptable that our nation is influenced by an unelected group who conceived the original amendments. Nor is it reasonable that members of our government tried to persuade us they were nothing to worry about. We shouldn't have to defend ourselves from groups like this. The WHO needs to go.

While these latest developments might seem like a win for medical freedom, we must still be vigilant because the WHO, as well as our own corrupt government, remain untrustworthy.


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Israel Strikes Rafah Where All Remaining Gaza Refugees Fled, Many Children Killed During Strike

Just hours after the corrupt dinosaur clown show known as the United States Congress authorized billions more in aid for Israel, the Zionist state bombed Rafah in Gaza, killing mostly children.

Rafah, where all of the Palestinian refugees still alive in Gaza were forced by Israel to flee, is the last remaining place in Gaza that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is salivating at the thought of destroying.

All in all, the strike killed 22 people, 18 of them children, according to health officials. And there are many more deaths to come now that Israel is once again flush with cash extorted by Congress from US taxpayers.

The latest reports indicate that Israel is bombing Rafah almost every day now. Soon, if Netanyahu and his comrades get their way, there will also be a ground offensive in Gaza.

"In the coming days, we will increase the political and military pressure on Hamas because this is the only way to bring back our hostages and achieve victory," Netanyahu announced with that iconic grimace. We will land more and painful blows on Hamas — soon."

The very first Israeli strike on Rafah resulted in the death of a man, his wife and their three-year-old child, according to the nearby Kuwaiti Hospital that received their bodies.

The wife was pregnant with another child, which praise be to God was saved by doctors. However, the chances of that child surviving in the coming days is slim as Israel plans to fully ethnically cleanse the entire Gaza Strip. Something the Jews would normally denounce as a "Holocaust" if anyone else were to do that, that is.

"These children were sleeping," said Umm Kareem, one of the family's relatives. "What did they do? What was their fault?"


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Americans Struggle As Radical Democrats Destroy And Plunder Their Cities

A new Census Bureau survey highlights the 15 largest US metro areas where residents face the most financial difficulties, almost all of which are under Democratic leadership. This comes as no surprise as issues of elevated inflation, high taxes, soaring violent crime, and a migrant crisis are spiraling out of control across many blue cities.

The survey asked 70,000 respondents between March 5 and April 1 in major metro areas about:

Difficulty paying for usual household expenses, food scarcity and the ability to pay energy bills.

The survey's findings are stark: Riverside, California; Houston, Texas; and Chicago, Illinois, are the top three metro areas with the most financial hardships. All three cities are under Democratic leadership. With the exception of Dallas (#4 on the list) and Miami (#6), the rest of the metro areas are under radical leftist control.

In addition to the Census Bureau, the latest Beige book from the Federal Reserve found that consumer spending "barely increased" amid weakness in discretionary spending. The consumer is a lot weaker than the White House makes everyone believe with needless propaganda pushed on social media and at press conferences.

Consumers are bearing the brunt of failed Bidenomics: reckless federal spending, disastrous green initiatives, and horrible foreign policy have created a toxic environment for consumers. And now inflation is on the rise.

This is what happens when one party rule takes over, and their job becomes how to keep their job. No longer by the people, for the people, and of the people.

This is what is coming to your city if you keep voting for democrats.


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