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There is no doubt that the Zionist entity is having all sorts of problems. Bibi thinks if things get really bad that he can count on the United States to bail them out. This assumption may have been correct decades ago but not so much now. He’s made it much more difficult politically for an American intervention to occur by creating a public relations disaster with their genocide operations inside of Gaza. Even though Jews literally run the regime in Washington DC, it has become very difficult for them to support Israel as they are murdering babies, bombing hospitals and committing endless atrocities.

America is also a power in significant decline. Its military is filled with stupid cunts, niggers and other low IQ individuals because of Jewish social engineering agendas. It might not be possible for them to save the Zionist entity even if they wanted to do so. Look at the Afghanistan failure. It isn’t like the people running things are great military geniuses or anything. Bibi may have gotten Israel into a mess that he can’t get them out of. It is all going to hinge on if he can get America to intervene in a larger war but even if he is successful in doing that, there are zero guarantees that this will work. The Yemen Houthis have already caused all sorts of economic problems for Israel with their Red Sea blockade. There is also a growing lack of respect for American military power around the world. This whole situation could mark the end of this Zionist enterprise once and for all.

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My point was it's not just Leftists. Soon, the majority of people will see the value and undeniable logic of 'anti semitism' (Because Palestinians are Semites yet Israelis are killing them). You can thank Israel for the growing hatred of jews. When the day comes, no KIKE will be able to hide among the populace this time. The greatest man who ever lived left us a gift. The gift of revealing any jew no matter how much they try to conceal what they are. Did you think after being exiled from nations over 200 times that it would stop? No. The blueprint left from Psychological Warfare Division gave us a goal and the method of implementing that very important goal. The rest of our Gentile people used to suffer a general malaise during the 2010s. What a miserable time that was. We didn't know how to break them free! How to connect them against our parasitic enemy. But now we're gearing up for the 2030s to be a repeat of the 1930s. I used to hate Israel, to be quite honest. I kept collecting the images of dead and mutilated Palestinian babies, seething with disgust. Now though? Israel is accomplishing everything we set out to do. Your own people. I might actually get to participate in the near future pogrom of kikes. It just brings a sense of contentment throughout my whole body. What a time to be alive!
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> (Because Palestinians are Semites yet Israelis are killing them)
Also Arabs, and even Persians (though as early as the early Bronze Age they already adopted Indo-European as their language if I'm not mistaken) are Semitic, too. But according to Jews ONLY KHAZAR TURKS are "Semitic". Lmfao
I might be 1/4 "Jewish" myself (not confirmed because I don't trust Ancestry Websites enough, even if I am a Jew) AND YET I STILL SIDE with the Palestinians.
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Which website? Ashkenazi Mizrahi or Sephardic?
Mizrahi could be mistaken for Yemen, Egypt, Persia, Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Algeria, Libya, Morocco or Tunisia.
Sephardi could be Iberian Peninsula.
There's no way to tell the religion of your ancestry through DNA except for Ashkenazi.
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This might not be the right related thread to post this warning but whatever, hear me out anyway for whatever it is worth.

The US is already starting WWIII and Israel has openly announced to their citizens to prepare for war and massive blackouts. Iran is about to be attacked. BTW Iran does have some sophisticated Russian weaponry, so they can and likely will retaliate and then it is world war and global economic collapse. Get right with God and lay low. If you are smart you already got prepared for this years ago and have a decent shelter to bug out or bug into.

Regardless where you may live, in the event the power and/or internet goes out and stays off after an 8 hour period you know SHTF and you best be ready for the worst and hunker down. If you have *ANYTHING* else you desire and need for survival in the future you best get that shit ASAP!!!
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I'm Latino, so I'm guessing Sephardi (Latin Americans did in fact come from the Iberian Peninsula). I had been suspecting for awhile that I had J-wish blood for awhile because my family's European Latinos, and apparently the pale Latinos (that were rich or owned slaves, both of which was true of one of my ancestors) tended to be... Well them in disguise, unfortunately. But I have no allegiance to warmongers and parasites, even if I'm related to them. I know that everything "trusted historians" said about Hitler was wrong, because evil men always smear good men.

> The US is already starting WWIII and Israel has openly announced to their citizens to prepare for war and massive blackouts. Iran is about to be attacked. BTW Iran does have some sophisticated Russian weaponry, so they can and likely will retaliate and then it is world war and global economic collapse... If you are smart you already got prepared for this years ago and have a decent shelter to bug out or bug into.
Thanks for the warning, fren. I'm hoping where I live will be able to self-sustain, most people are conservative and at least _some_ people I know (other than my family) are Jew-aware.
>  Get right with God and lay low.
Based. God bless my brothers.
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> I'm guessing Sephardi
> my family's European Latinos
> tended to be... Well them in disguise
You're sure of this? Upon reflection, I have no idea about Sephardic jews. Yemen jews in the 1900s were black, yet ZOG has orchestrated their ethnic cleansing and Israel is against black jews. I've spent years exposing Ashkenazi. It's easier just to generalize and say jews. The rest who call themselves jew seem to be ordinary people swallowing some bullshit pill. Brainwashed and converting to the SoS.
> I'm latino
In my four decades on this Earth, I have encountered many latinos/latinas. Mexico is where the illegal U.S. immigrants come from, so I meet a lot of them. Way more than my own Caucasian race. You probably don't want to know about why I'm on the fence and I can't figure your people out. Half seem to be ok and half are lunatics. If I explain, the insanity I've witnessed is going to seem like a troll post.
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> It's easier just to generalize and say jews. The rest who call themselves jew seem to be ordinary people swallowing some bullshit pill. Brainwashed and converting to the SoS.
Thankfully I don't believe in Rabbinic Judaism, since it's, like you said, the Synagogue of S*t*n. And I'm okay with writing out God and Yahweh. It's funny to me that the Talmud teaches to not write out God's name, like it's some sort of swear word to them. They can't help but expose their own stupidity, I guess.
> In my four decades on this Earth, I have encountered many latinos/latinas. Mexico is where the illegal U.S. immigrants come from, so I meet a lot of them. Way more than my own Caucasian race.
If they look like the Amerindian on the far right of the picture named "Mexican Phenotypes", they're Mestizo and only "Latino" in language, because they speak Spanish. But they're Native Americans genetically. I'm Latino because of my South Brazilian side, where they speak Portuguese. South Brazil has more German and Italian immigrants (there's even full blonds and full red-heads there), though I admit I'm not blond by any stretch of the imagination. I look more like something between the first and second picture, though nowhere near as chad as either of them. 
> You probably don't want to know about why I'm on the fence and I can't figure your people out. Half seem to be ok and half are lunatics. If I explain, the insanity I've witnessed is going to seem like a troll post.
No worries lol, as a Brazilian I know how stupid they can be. They're either super friendly and nice, or super violent and stupid.
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> They're either super friendly and nice, or super violent and stupid.
Then you understand. It is Mestizos and Cholos. Probably the ancestry of Aztec human sacrifices and Mayan kings bloodletting their dicks makes them so crazy. A decade ago, I worked in the city south where they shot each other weekly. Brazilians seem to be a variety of colors - Celt, Roman, German, and Carthaginian ancestry (white) Phoenician, Iberian, Greek (olive) or Moors (entirely black). Ignore the Phoenician mockup's hook nose. Cartilage decays in the first century of decomposition
> Then you understand. It's Mestizos and Cholos. Probably the ancestry of Aztec human sacrifices and Mayan kings bloodletting their dicks makes them so crazy.
Likely, but that's probably when their ancestry is from further east. In your experience, do Mestizos of Mayan ancestry exhibit the same savage behaviour as those of Aztec ancestry? I know that there's genetic and linguistic overlap between Mayans and Aztec, but I don't live in the U.S.A. so I don't know what they're all like. I know that illegals tend to be people who are seen as unwanted trash (for good reason, if they're willing to break the law by illegally entering another country in the first place and then claim to be "victims") even in their own country, whether they be Middle Eastern, Mexican, etc.
> Reads text in the fourth picture
Oh, the Mayans were crazy too wtf
I always thought Mayans were more civilized than Aztecs. But I guess that's not saying much. I guess being on a different continent for too long will give you island syndrome after too long lol

> Cartilage decays in the first century of decomposition
Kek true, I think we both know who's behind facial reconstructions like that. Middle Easterners _do tend to have_ bigger noses, but that's a pretty common Caucasian trait in general. *Hooked* noses on the other hand...

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