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thumbnail of American Airmen For Palestinians.png
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American Airmen Hoist Flag For Russia And Burn Themselves Alive For Palestinians

A foreboding new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first noting corrupt socialist Western colonial puppet leader Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky acknowledged yesterday that President Putin urged him to stop the hostilities in Donbass in 2019, says the reason hostilities weren’t stopped before they erupted into a full-scale conflict was because the United States was secretly preparing for war against Russia—a fact confirmed by the leftist New York Times yesterday, who admitted that the CIA built a network of 12 secret bases along the Russian border in Ukraine and revealed: “The C.I.A. and other American intelligence agencies provide intelligence for targeted missile strikes, track Russian troop movements and help support spy networks...But the partnership is no wartime creation, nor is Ukraine the only beneficiary...It took root a decade ago, coming together in fits and starts under three very different U.S. presidents, pushed forward by key individuals who often took daring risks...It has transformed Ukraine, whose intelligence agencies were long seen as thoroughly compromised by Russia, into one of Washington’s most important intelligence partners against the Kremlin today”.


Though the American peoples weren’t informed that their demonic warmongering government has been secretly planning a suicidal war against the world’s largest nuclear weapons power Russia for over the past decade, this report notes, it was well known and long planned for by Moscow, which is why top Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov just factually observed about the economic dimensions of the conflict: “Russia’s economy has shown its immunity, and in this case, it has been stated not by us but by US representatives...Russia’s economy has demonstrated its immunity, it has adjusted and it continues developing”—a factual observation joined by socialist European Union foreign policy chief Josep Borrell fearfully assessing about the battlefield: “Russia has prepared well, and Ukraine is losing ground...We have to do more, and quickly...In the coming months the war may be decided”—and ahead of today’s top level meeting about Ukraine convened in France, it saw socialist European Union and NATO member leader Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico gravely warning: “The information about the issues we’re supposed to talk about on Monday sends chills down my spine”.


Most certainly sending chills down the spines of Europeans, this report continues, is watching in helpless terror as deranged and demented Supreme Socialist Leader Joe Biden leads them into a nuclear war apocalypse—a fact demonstrated by the Warner Bros. Discovery EMEA owned Nove television network in Italy, that on Saturday evening aired a brutal mocking skit showing Biden declaring: “I said to the president of Israel, Mikhail Gorbachev...Sorry, Michael Jordan, when he went to the moon…long shot from Dallas...Sorry, it wasn’t the moon, it was Mars...‘Mars Attacks’...Beautiful film where Netanyahu sang, ‘Somewhere over the garage’ ”, after which he pulled out a briefcase representing the nuclear football to reveal a giant red button, that he pushed to blow up the entire world.

In opposition to their own deranged and demented commander-in-chief Socialist Leader Biden, this report details, last week it saw a United States Air Force veteran, who served 10 years in Afghanistan, joining Russian forces in the liberation of Avdeevka, where he raised a US flag and told his fellow Americans to learn the truth—an act of heroic defiance against needless warmongering joined by active duty United States Air Force airman Aaron Bushnell, who in full uniform yesterday, set himself ablaze in front of the Israeli Embassy in Washington D.C., and whose no doubt final words were: “Free Palestine!...Free Palestine!...Free Palestine!”.


As to the extent of the demonic siege unleashed upon Americans by Socialist Leader Biden, this report concludes, it was horrifyingly revealed yesterday: “Anti-Christian hatred is accelerating in the United States, according to a Christian nonprofit that has tracked violence against U.S. churches since 2018...The Washington, D.C.-based Family Research Council (FRC) released its annual Hostility Against Churches report last week, finding there were 436 hostile incidents against churches in 2023...This is more than double the number tracked in 2022 and more than eight times as many as the group found in 2018”—but even in these darkest of times, the American peoples were just reminded: “President Trump won the White House with the backing of the American people and shocked the world....The following day after the Florida rally, Father Giacomo Capoverdi shared a fascinating story about the Hermit of Loreto, Italy who predicted the Donald Trump presidency back in the 1980s...The holy man of Loretto shared a premonition that President Donald Trump would help bring America back to God...This was decades before Trump even decided to run for US President”.


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