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New Arms Race! Biden Signs New Guidance For Using US Nuclear Weapons

Remember when the corrupt media and communist democrats were saying Trump was going to start WWIII because he was talking tough with China, Iran, and North Korea? Where are they all now that Biden is actually actively trying to start WWIII?

A new Arms Race is now kicking off. President Joseph Biden has signed "new guidelines" on the conditions for the US use of nuclear weapons.

This was announced by Special Assistant to the US President, Senior Director for Arms Control at the National Security Council, Pranay Vaddi.

"The updated guidance takes into account the realities of the new nuclear era. They emphasize the need to address the growth and diversity of China's nuclear arsenal, as well as the need to contain Russia, China, and North Korea, simultaneously," he said.

MY COMMENT: Contain? What is it that they need to "contain" exactly? I keep track of a lot of current events and news around the globe, and I can say with certainty it is our own governments in the West that are the ones being the most antagonistic today. All I see from our government is the obsession for endless war and non-stop escalation. America used to be a diplomatic country, even back during the Cuban missile crisis our government was willing to talk and negotiate for peace, contrary to what is happening today. What we need to "contain" is is all these foreign entanglements! We still have homeless American veterans dying in the streets while most of the youth can barely even afford rent or food anymore!

Ok. I had to remove one of those because you posted it twice. You posted the same thing in two other threads. My point being: This is getting pretty close to spam. If you go nuts, there will be no 8kun prepper.

Also his eyes are fucked. Get better AI.
That's Johnny Neptune trolling the News reporter here. Same news also gets posted to 8kun as well, where Johnny likes to troll everyone.
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Quoting stupid cunt from social networks and believing in the existence of nuclear weapons is a sign of a hereditary cretin or Kremlin bot who is only busy telling how the West is rotting. Pissed on a whore!
I don't care if my government hates Russia, there is no way in hell me or my family will have anything to do with the war between Russia and Ukraine. Nuclear war or no nuclear war I'm not changing on this issue. You can scream and kvetch about me being some "Kremlin bot" I care less. Not getting involved in these obviously staged ZOG wars. The real intent of these wars are to get whites killed in a meat grinder, so if you are white and smart you would have realized this by now.
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Furthermore, I'd like to add something to clarify my honest opinion. I care less if America creates more nuclear weapons, we probably should just because they are a fail-safe deterrent for escalation. It wouldn't matter anyway because the world would be brought back to the stone age if they were actually used in a global war. 

That aside, if Ukraine had negotiated a peace agreement with Russia, millions of Ukrainians would still be alive today and their economy would have recovered. More war only means more destruction for everyone involved. It's best for everyone to stay out of war and engage in diplomacy. That's what the UN was supposedly created for. If NATO decides to go to war I cannot stop them, but me, my family and friends can decide for ourselves whether or not to have anything to do with it and we made that decision. Every American and European needs to make a decision what to do (or not do) during an escalation and the sooner the better.
Johnny huh? Thought he left after weeks of shitting on Hitler because he's a sad, pathetic kike.
Lies. I would see the report if you did that. Your ID changes though, so I can tell banning you would be fucking annoying.
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The only war I'd get involved with is if there is an imminent hostile threat to myself, family or nearby neighbors. Fighting for a corrupt government and their globohomo special interests that desire global hegemony? Give me a break! I think even Hitler would laugh at this pathetic scenario where whites die for the very governments trying to replace them.
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Hitler was referring to fighting to preserve your cultural heritage as opposed to interracial breeding. It was not a quote to participate in wars led explicitly by jews.

What reduces one race to starvation stimulates another to harder work. All the great civilisations of the past became decadent because the originally creative race died out, as a result of contamination of the blood. The most profound cause of such a decline is to be found in the fact that the people ignored the principle that all culture depends on men, and not the reverse.

In other words, in order to preserve a certain culture, the type of manhood that creates such a culture must be preserved, but such a preservation goes hand in hand with the inexorable law that it is the strongest and the best who must triumph and that they have the right to endure. He who would live must fight. He who does not wish to fight in this world, where permanent struggle is the law of life, has not the right to exist. Such a saying may sound hard, but, after all, that is how the matter really stands. Yet far harder is the lot of him who believes that he can overcome Nature, and thus in reality insults her. Distress, misery, and disease, are her rejoinders.

Whoever ignores or despises the laws of race really deprives himself of the happiness to which he believes he can attain, for he places an obstacle in the victorious path of the superior race and, by so doing, he interferes with a prerequisite condition of, all human progress. Loaded with the burden of human sentiment, he falls back to the level of a helpless animal. - Mein Kampf Volume 1 Chapter 11

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