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Border Patrol Chief Admits Biden Regime Allowed Drug Cartels, Terrorists Into America

It looks like deliberate destabilization of the United States is almost complete under the current Democrat regime.

In a scathing revelation before Congress, former San Diego Sector Border Patrol Chief Aaron Heitke accused the Biden-Harris regime of covering up a sharp rise in encounters with suspected terrorists at the US-Mexico border.

During a House Committee on Homeland Security hearing titled "A Country Without Borders: How Biden-Harris' Open-Borders Policies Have Undermined Our Safety and Security," Heitke said he was muzzled from releasing critical information on the number of Special Interest Aliens (SIAs) — individuals with known or suspected ties to terrorism — apprehended in California.

“I was told I could not release any information on this increase in SIAs or mention any of the arrests,” Heitke testified. “The administration was trying to convince the public there was no threat at the border.”

“Once word was out that the border was far easier to cross, San Diego went to over 100 SIAs in 2022, well over that in 2023, and even more than that registered this year. These are only the ones we caught,” Heitke warned.

The bombshell testimony raises serious questions about national security, as Heitke further claimed the Biden regime allowed some illegal border crossers to settle in local communities ill-equipped to handle the influx. San Diego County Supervisor Jim Desmond, who also testified, slammed the administration for offloading the costs of transporting these individuals onto local taxpayers.

Clay Higgins, R-La, chairman of the subcommittee on Border Security and Enforcement, didn’t mince words during the hearing, calling the current situation a "self-inflicted border crisis" and a "threat to the homeland from within the homeland."

"By ending effective Trump-era policies and programs that protected us, the Biden-Harris administration has intentionally left us vulnerable to potential attacks from terrorists and criminals who are freely moving around our communities" Higgins said.

"These are not just undocumented migrants seeking a better life," Heitke testified. "These are individuals with ties to terrorist organizations. And we’re not catching all of them."

With border apprehensions on the rise and the stakes higher than ever, the Biden regime faces mounting pressure to restore security and transparency at the southern border before it's too late. We all know with these traitors in power, that will not happen.


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https://www.bitchute.com/video/nsqqwzkeqjnY [Embed]

Good excerpt here from the struggle of Adolf.  Notice how he goes through a normal transformation of thought, almost like he grew up during an alien invasion of Germany.  Truthfully that is what the jews did to germany and russia during those times.  The heady bloodletting of the French Revolution really got them whipped up and we are living in the result of that today.  In terms of time and space, the French Revolution and the US Jew Civil War are basically like "last month" and really just happened.  However, those of us who have a zoomed out macro lens on the timeline, are thus being even moreso distanced from these kids, because the kids attention span and mental ability to grasp the scale of things, is being ruined.  So, it's sometimes like we have to leave a message to the future or something.  That's kinda why I do memes and never use twit/X or any of those jew domains.  Here it's bitchute which is really the same fucking thing but at least this kind of good, historic and truthful comment of this fine man of history, can finally be heard.  You can see why Mayorkas and his cunt friends would burn entire neighborhoods just to Farenheit 451 Mein Kampf and then they would say it never existed.  DHS is a turd.

The point to look for in the text above is that at first Adolf saw jews and zionists as being at odds with one another, but then phase two became "Wait, perhaps they are faking their fight, and are actually 'brothers disagreeing'?? ...And then he proceeded to stage three "Holy schneitzel, they are not benign they are actually pretending to fight and they are actually at the root of all this destruction of my nation and smearing of our people!!  THEY ARE DOING IT ON PURPOSE!!"  ...And so then he realized at stage three, that they both hide under the hex/star of david, aka "magen david" which is a magical symbol.  You dont get people fighting under the same symbol, imagine if the NATSOCS tried to say they had a totally hidden tribe inside thiers, which oy vey we can't root out of us, and we both use the same flag, and you never really see us actually fight, and your nations are being united under our yoke of DEBT IMPENETRABLE AND UNCEASING..People would laugh to think there was a secret tribe inside the NATSOC of Adolfs day, and yet the jew/khazar/zionist surfs on that shit for decades.

"You don't have to be a Jew to be a zionist" - Joe Biden the Catholic

"I probably the most famous Jewish catholic there is!" - Jimmy Saville

Yah, I am recognizing a particular pattern in modern 'American' politics..... Democrats tend to massively destabilize the nation, and Republicans complain but do absolutely nothing to stop it. All they do is bicker over TV and radio all day, every day. Yet nothing is stopping the demise and destruction of this once-great nation. It leads me to believe all is lost at this point. Will this be yet another nation destroyed by corruption, arrogance, idiocy and subversive Jewish infiltration? What is the endgame? How long will this failed state freak show last? I can only imagine it getting much worse from here on. So, at some point, it will come to a complete hard collapse. Will the BRICS+ nations become safe havens in the future? Maybe it is time to start considering other options....?


Hmm yeah, as for solutions I will have to think about that.  But this stream of consciousness entry here can only describe what my day is like.  I am not mister wall street, I gave that life up when I was 19.  I am a technician in my fifties, I work for a large retailer I fix their IT shit and other shit like scales and bill presenters and shit like that.  ...So to day I am driving to drop off my van and my home store parking lot has these two little shits driving those retail motorized scooters, far the fuck away from the parking lot, and, I drove my van in their path and inquired as to what were they doing?  I couldn't tell if these were electric carts from our store or the neighboring big box store.  ...Immediately this little child 13 year old beaner on the left with a fucking mullet no less, starts yakking at me like I'm a cop or something.  He rattles off that some "security guard told them to collect them so why don't I just get lost and mind my own business."
  I fucking wanted to drive over those two little nothingness beaners but I did not, I told them they "were children and that I am a man, and they were not raised right."  The simple truth as I drove off.  ...So, I drive over to our parking lot to ditch my work van and I see the security guard from the neighboring store now cruise up.  He's a fucking street shitter who parks his car and gets out to "hey buddy" me, which I was having none of, I didn't even respond just gave him the 1000 yard stare and he fucked off.  ...Point being, neither of these fucking NPC I encountered, the turdlet beaners or the sreet shitter security guard, understand how they themselves are the problem.  There was no way to win, and a man in my demographic gets this a lot.  If you look at it from the street shitter perspective, everything must become like India, three levels of caste with people eating concrete on the bottom and people like the shits in Indiana Jone II at the top.  And so naturally the street shitter security guard knows how to wrangle the dirty little beaners and put them to work, even though a good white man would say to himself, "what the fuck is going on here??"  We should not even have a population who fucking drives the fucking electric scooter to the next fucking neighborhood for fucks sake!!"  So the original fuckwad we did not meet, and who drove his god damned fat ass three counties over with the fucking store scooter, causes these little shitty problem solutioon shitbox daily troubles, lol...I am lucky those little shits didn't call the cops on me, basically anyone can hang a white man up these days, and in a world like that, these shits should fear the results of their continual fucked up cultures.  Invading another country and then having attitude, should get a man kicked the fuck out and enslaved or killed if he doesn't leave, ITS ALWAYS BEEN THAT WAY UNTIL THE JEW

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