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Communist Globohomo Collapsing! PORT STRIKE To Close ALL East Coast and Gulf Coast Ports

A looming strike by roughly 45,000 unionized dockworkers at seaports on the East and Gulf coasts could begin next week and disrupt shipments of a variety of products.  Buy what you need, NOW!

One-half of the seaborne imports to the U.S. are shipped through the 36 ports that would be impacted by a strike that may begin on Oct. 1. It would be the first strike by the International Longshoremen's Association (ILA), which represents the port workers, since 1977. 

The union and the US Maritime Alliance (USMX), which represents port employers, are at an impasse over wages in a new contract. As of Sunday, talks between the ILA and USMX appeared to be at a standstill, with each issuing statements about the impasse.

With fifty percent of all imported goods coming-in to the country via the ports going on strike, the Supply Chain is going to take a big hit, and very fast.

So it is now imperative that you purchase the things you need, NOW, because once the strike begins, what's on the store shelves is pretty-much it.  When it sells out, there won't be replacement product coming in.

You've got four days before the strike begins, a few days after that until store shelves see an impact.

Remember: we don't warehouse much of anything in this country anymore, we utilize "Just-in-Time" inventory control systems.  It costs a LOT of money to buy product just to store it.  So companies don't do that anymore.  They know how much they sell, generally how fast they sell it, and they place orders for re-supply based on that known schedule.  There isn't anywhere near 3 months excess inventory stored here, so things will begin to run out, fast.

Since clothing will be significantly affected, you may want to get your winter clothes shopping done ASAP.

Auto parts will also be severely affected. So if you know your vehicle needs certain things, but have been putting it off, maybe you need to get those parts ASAP.

With fifty percent of US imports being affected by this port strike, the rest of the Supply Chain will be hit in a myriad of ways.  So stock-up now because once it's gone, it's gone.


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