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Years ago, while I was barking back at Andrew Anglin cocksuckers, I would have disagreed with you. Kikes want us mad at women so we won't continue to breed white children. But even then, they've turned our women against us by flipping the gender roles so that cunts are in authority everywhere. Our only chances now are the emerging "trad wives" that jews are screeching at the top of their lungs against. Meanwhile, I go to work under a bitch all my previous jobs for ten years straight have been under bitches. I go to the DMV and speak to an angry bitch. I call tech support when I already know how to unplug/plug back in and reset my modem, and talk to a condescending Indian street shitting bitch. I go to my bank and speak to the annoyed bitch behind the counter. I go to the post office and encounter another angry bitch behind the counter. I bring my pets into the vet for spaying/neutering with cunts promising to use eventually dissolving stitches and then the cunts use steel staples while being condescending and dismissive. I call Fed Ex about those idiots not leaving my packages on the porch without requiring a fucking pointless finger smudge as a "signature" and I get a condescending bitch lecturing me about policy. My children are great but my wife is absorbed with being brainwashed against men by The View so I threw the TV out. I'm about to trash her smartphone next.

Kikes want us to rage a civil war against women? I would be a participant, but let's face it. We're surrounded by even worse. Traitorous swarms of our own gender incapable of standing up and being men, instead relegate their roles to being simps and beta orbiters of OnlyFans whores. Weeaboos. Furries. Hagmaxing zoomers. Faggots.

There's no way to shove women from their pedestal they so loftily stood upon yet still won't shut the fuck up about equality for women even while they stand in higher positions and quaff their ridiculous overtired delusions out of their week-old-carcass smelling snatches. Not without removing the influence of jews first to free our own from the myriad of degeneracies that engulf so many.

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Our forefathers should have helped Hitler conquer all of Western Europe, then Euroean-Americans would have a homeland and an empire of our own. Now there is nowhere left to go, we are trapped in our leftwing Western nations administered by bolshevik kikes and zionist kikes, and they are slowly killing us off until one day we are no more.


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The answer is that women seek to be accepted in any society. Unfortunately, that society right now is degenerate. The question should then be, why when they stepped forward to be accepted into this degenerate society and screeched at the top of their lungs virtue signaling popular Frankfurt school JEW talking points, are they still furious cunts? Now, don't get me wrong. It's not every single woman everywhere. Some have woken up from the "woke". But their few numbers are not enough. It's a vast majority of women under the "woke". The elevated positions of women cause arrogance. The 1s through the 8s seek the top 9s or 10s of the male side. When these delusional bitches can't get such men, they don't become disillusioned like the male logic brain would.

'There is danger for him who taketh the tiger cub, and danger also for whoso snatches a delusion from a woman.' - Sherlock Holmes via Conan Doyle.

The female emotion brain instead remains deluded. This example woman will then choose other options. Either to be alone with 16 cats and continue to manage furiously over men employees or become a dyke who still desperately wants dick but her attitude becomes increasingly worse and also still manages over men employees. Without regular intercourse, vaginas tighten and tissues become thinner. The vaginal canal shortens as inflammation, urinary tract infections and burning sensations increase. They experience vaginal dryness, itching, soreness, difficulty inserting tampons. Insecurity, anxiousness. Compared to past society where men were in control, what is the difference? "During the late 1800s through the early 1900s, physicians administered pelvic massages involving clitoral stimulation by early electronic vibrators as treatments for what was called female hysteria." Western leftist femoids are like this because they need a regular dicking but the arrogance caused by raising them on such pedestals causes their pussies to tighten painfully from a complete lack of dicking. That is why they're such angry cunts.

tl;dr - Western Leftist women need dick but they suck and can't get dick so pussy hurts making them angrier.

Key reason why liberation is an illusion, only by the very groups of people who seek to entertain said liberation, providing methods of attaining, and once enough of the delusion has worn into their minds, dangles the very key to open the cage of liberation they are locked inside of.

The same could be said also for the important factors of privacy, security, decentralization. This list will continue autopopulating at a speed like no other, for such is allowed to happen after enough liberation, means of privacy, security, and decentralization, is stripped away by a thousand cuts. A solution to this is for one to personally become strong enough in breaking delusions dribbled out of the mouths of the slackjaw, slanted head imbeciles who are enabled to ruin free speech by using it. Take away the megaphone and provider of said megaphone, and then the lies will slowly fade. Push further, and take away any occupation giving continued access to cast the spells of twisted perversion. Even further, take away the option for such creature to be around others unfortunately too impressionable to poison with ideals and concepts stretching through millenia which only harbor destruction in the end, for all that is known by the creature is to eventually bring fruit of destruction. All evident by the actions pursued by these collective groups, hierarchies, factions, so on and so forth.

Women are inevitably paralyzed by the concept that through abandoning validation amongst their ilk, they no longer are held back to do whatever necessary in proving how impressionable they are, no matter the intelligence. Cunning subterfuge via suggestive thought, finger pointing, gaslighting, subverting the traditional roles assigned, etc., you have an Age of Decadence where libido is dominated by extremely unhappy people who will never come to change.

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