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News & Current Events + Happenings + Fuck off jews

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Ive been musing about what "news" is, and this sort of thread doesn't offend the side from my POV because in the old days when newspapers mattered (NOTE: I had paper routes until adults were forced by jews to take these from kids so as to have their own family survive) they would have fun columns and crossword puzzles and brain teasers and so forth.  So this definately fits.  HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM....

If I had five nukes I would not use them from the air.  I would dis assemble the hypersonic part and have them on the ground.  Then I would basically drive (or maybe fly on commercial airliner for stealth) the nuke(s) to the location where [chief jew behind covid events and global killings] is at.  I would track this person and make sure that I could get my nuke within blast radius of him.  I would probably keep it secret but if it got out I was coming for him it wouldn't hurt my plan.  I'm not funded so I would sell two or three of them to friendly nations like Japan for example, to fund the op and keep two and thus double my chances of a hit, like the game battleship, once we had triangulated him and knew where he was we could easily get the device within blast range.  Money would be needed to bribe people and thus know his whereabouts at all times.  I would probably send one nuke at a time, and thus they would know how many I had, nor how well I was funded.
This would be sad, but its much sadder to let him live on.

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