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Sometimes some posters don't have an id inside boards where every poster has ids
and it also appears that in the moderation pages those id-less posters have no informations, unlike other posters who do, so those id-less posters are immune to some moderation actions

is it a feature for some posters to be id-less?
or is it a bug?
regardless if it's a bug or not, this is a weakness in the moderation tools, is there any way to resolve this?
Here two examples of id-less posters in a board with ids enabled

to be more specific, every post, when looked at in the moderation mode, has an hash of the ip address
the id-less posts lack any hashed ip, they are basically ip-less, so it's impossible to ban them

this isn't the first time i've seen these odd information-lacking posts on boards, they stand out pretty much usually, but i can't find more examples at the moment

is this an expected behaviour for the site? or what could be causing this occurrence?
As posters noted above those are users posting via Tor or Lokinet. They don't get IDs or IP hashes, they are all count as 1 poster (on the whole site) and they aren't included the number of posters on the board page.
BOs can disallow the use of Tor on their board, that option was included in case of certain attacks. I encourage you not to choose using it, unless it's absolutely necessary.

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In the few past hours it's been a struggle to upload even small files of barely 1 MB
Is this happening only to me? or is it a common occurrence for the site bandwidth to be unreliable and irregular?
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Is there an expiration date for the uploads?
As in, are the uploaded files pruned from the site after some time? If yes, how much is that time?
I'm asking because some old boards sometimes have images missing
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Keep in mind that imageboard content were intended to be ephemeral, and while small chans (including Endchan) can keep data for a long time, they aren't safe storage places. Tho perhaps safer than the fashionable normie cloud storage...
We don't really touch even abandoned boards, because we know users expect their stuff to be here when (if) they return.
So looking at this in an empirical way,
the current record for file retention is: 6 years 
(from 2024 to 2018)

And that time is currently limited to 6 years only because of site bugs/errors and not because of any site policy
yep, it's a stretch to rely on imageboards for archiving, pure archives have better file duration, bigger archiving space, and better organizing tools, but also less public visibility, and often also stricter content policies actively removing content
it's a trade off, as for many things

> We don't really touch even abandoned boards, because we know users expect their stuff to be here when (if) they return.

That's something which is always nice to see, as it's becoming rarer to find online old sites and ancient messages from people even decades ago, internet has become a place focusing only on the now, with no past nor future

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Like the header says. 


Would Endchan be okay with taking refugees from that imageboard? Maybe inviting people or talking with the mods and site owners from anon.cafe to see if they let anons settle here is an option. There's lots of really good boards there, and I'd be a shame to see all of it go away in smoke around March.
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I left couple of posts on anon.cafe noting we are welcoming anyone.
We take whole communities and individual users. Feel free to use the site.
User board creation is enabled, register and create a board.
Untended boards can be claimed, can help with cleanup if requested. Link to board claiming process on the home page.
Otherwise this  >>/18990/
> I left couple of posts on anon.cafe noting we are welcoming anyone.

Yeah I saw that. I think they want us to post our board on the /shelter/ board too.

Wanted to also mention, that site is crawling with some bitter dataminer board owners that just legit start e-drama there every day. If someone starts to talk shit in that site for no reason, it's usually a malicious person. So just ignore them because they start fights with everyone there
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yes i second this. we (8kun as well) need to be a somewhat welcoming community that takes refugees from failed boards. we need to compete with 4chan because 4chan is the obvious choice when it comes to imageboards as it was really the only western board out there until 2013 when 8kun came out originally as 8chan. we need to make a solid presence in the anon community and collab frequently with each other (im meaning between 8kun and endchan, and sometimes even 4chan when necessary). I just sent an invite to anon.cafe on the site.
There is one guy badmouthing but that's okay. On one hand there always be at least one salty, on the other these occasions give reason to articulate certain points. However I had no time to check anon.cafe recently. It is an option to come here, they heard about it at least.

> pic
That was not my post.
> compete
I don't think we need to compete with anyone. Imageboard scene is not a market.

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Hello I have a friend who got caught up in this rangeban, is there any way they could be allowed to post on /turul/ again?
usually anti-flood or anti-spam. Mainly used now to help BOs/mods deal with events that are happening too quickly. But the engine keeps them around too long, we just purged them all for the year.

Have you registered a new account with the same name? This would close the vulnerability, but only if inactive accounts aren't automatically deleted. I suggest you revoke the volunteer role, just in case.

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My account got recently banned from being accused of hate and attacking someone one and this untrue followed even further from the fact that they haven't even pointed out what I said was even that someone just accused me of it and that mod whomever it was just automatically sided with that person and neither of them have even showed what I said was an actual concern warranting banning my account and the mods have actually deleted the comment so there's no way to know that I said to show that it's what they claim it is.

I've emailed and messaged every place possible on reddit inquiring about this matter and what I want to know now and what I'm wanting to ask is what and where do I go from here now?

does anyone know how, what or where I can go to contact the reddit admins directly?


The solution was found but for the record, here's some info that might be useful to others:
BO has to enable preformatted text, aka "code" in posts, there's an option among the board settings.
The HTML element that gets created is the pre element. In CSS select that to style the code.
Oh nice, I'll hope to be free and able to attend! I work on ships so depending on when my watch it and how decent my internet connection is at the time hopefully I'll be able to participate.

On the board /polru/ moderation was captured by a pro-Russian agent. He repeatedly deleted posts where I expressed my opinion on the current political situation.
He protects pro-Russian agents who are now actively working for the Russians, deciding our fate.
I ask you to sort it out with him.
His id: 2f42d9
His post:  >>/375559/

My last post that he deleted:  >>/375556/

*In any case it violates my rights to freedom of speech
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Is this your post?

He says that /polru/ moderation has a salary. LOL.

" >>/375458/
Пфф, русне дай 15 фублей она будет горы сворачивать и учить и програмировать ненужно
Хотя у мочи в обр зарплата повыше будет
Так пидоран?  >>/375429/
Сколько у тебя щас оклад в лахтацентре?"

> R9K prevented your message from being posted.

Is it possible to disable this feature on one of the boards?

Post(s) action:

Moderation Help
Duration: Days

Ban Type:

New Thread
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