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may as well mention here I get this error when I try to share videos from here on cytube

The remote server's SSL certificate chain could not be validated. Please contact the administrator of the server to correct their SSL certificate configuration. (error code: UNABLE_TO_VERIFY_LEAF_SIGNATURE)
Nothing wrong with .org

Balrog hasn't logged in, in 30 days. I just transferred ownership to me. I am around, you'll see me in the logs

Balrog maybe, but I'm still here. And I run the twitter, there's been nothing to tweet about. Things are going well.
For everyone it seems. We should try to catch Odili on IRC. Tried once but no result. I dunno when he is there. He also has Discord.
I think endchan is under severe DDoS attack, some anons on 8chan might have something to do with that too, maybe Jim, not so sure.

Also I hope Odilitime packs a rod at all times, I think there may be some State actors trying to kill him (maybe they already did, I don't know).
This is our site you might as well know it now. Ive taken the liberties to make sure that all assets all users are under control. in fact the plan has gone perfect every single one of you a pawn in my game to run the world. and now i stand before thee better than a man a king a god!

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