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Hi there.
Considering that this imageboard is under flow of refugees from lolifox.org - can you please remove restriction for max threads/hour or raise amount of max threads at least for some boards? Thematic, for example or userboards?
We need to create all threads from our old home and this restriction is too hard.
Also, it keeps saying that "flood detected", when i'm trying to create thread, if not about too much threads/hour for board.
Idk why. Maybe because i tried to create that thread with same text many time(but i wasn't successful even once yet).
what board are you? what happened?
some flooding settings are per-board and BO can change them
or do you mean global settings?
I'm refugeer from lolifox.org, admin of our home suddenly decided to close his imageboard, and now it is in the read-only mode, but probably will cease to exist soon.
My board is /bb/.

Looks, like i can create thread now! Sorry for troubling you, and thank you for sheltering :3
This. BO can change certain restrictions. OP claim a board for yourself. I'm not sure about the process but if you claim it, but you don't get response, post here.

I don't want to halt your enthusiasm but you can count on a few mysterious errors here. Most notable Connection failure when you post, or 500 error anytime else.
Endchan uses a server that was offered for free and we aren't on the top of the list when it comes to resources, also we're kinda running on a corrupted database, which might or might not will have an effect later. Nevertheless, if you want your stuff to be preserved 100% you might wanna backup it regularly.

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New Reply on thread #10358
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