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Is there any way to check who's the board owner other than deletetion/ban log?
Was /AM/ given to someone that held it before or is it some new guy e.g. that one comedically challenged moron that kept whining about imaginary /librejp/ invasions and acted like a total know-it-all cunt despite entire board pretty much telling him to fuck off?
/AM/ was doing fine without a BO tbh.
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thumbnail of we can do this the easy way or the hard way.jpg
we can do... jpg
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With that response I'm almost certain anyway so you can tell me. Is /am/ owned by the same BO?

Btw is my hunch that Balrog was second /AM/min was right?
I'm ecco, a globl volunteer. I claimed a bunch of claimable boards about a month ago. /deutsch/ /am/ /int/ /sp/ and /leftypol/ because they were getting a bunch of spam so I just turned thread or post captcha on as I felt was necessary. 

I posted the /am/ banners on /AM/ in case you all wanted them shortly after I claimed /am/. I am not and do not know who the /AM/ board owner is. Hope that helps
Oh, thank you!
I didn't know that it's possible (considering my experience on 8ch and such a big amount of undeleted dead boards).
Do I understand right, that the moderation tools don't allow to delete 1 particular file out of 5 in a post, but only all of them?

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Duration: Days

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15 replies | 3 file
New Reply on thread #10370
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