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Claims is a mess, I'm so sorry. Openmailbox barely works, and by allowing people to contact me outside of the email, some people effectively got to skip to the head of the queue (Many apologies to those in /rus/). 

I've processed as much as I can from openmailbox today. It won't let me send email replies (it just hangs). So you should have your board. if you don't have your board, you either:
- forgot your username
- included an impossible username with spaces (lynxchan doesn't allow spaces)
- the board is just no longer claimable (likely due to the original BO coming back to due to the exodus).

This definitely could have been handled much better and I should have ditch openmailbox last year when this started happening.

I'm thinking about switching back to cock.li service unless any one has any better ideas.

Head's up. Another board claim sent.

> I'm thinking about switching back to cock.li service unless any one has any better ideas.

A certain tinge of paranoia in an image-board admin is useful. Nevertheless, you are not running a terrorist organization, nor an underground pharmaceuticals enterprise. Cock.li is at least functional. Switch.

Diagnostic-Code: X-Postfix; connect to mail.openmailbox.org[]:25:
    Connection timed out
Been a long time since I've seen an email bounce message like that. Do let us know when you get around to the obvious fix.

Fuck it, I'm taking claims on infiend at airmail cc

was trying to give openmailbox to get their shit together but this is just too far. I apologize as the people that did follow the rules are going to get fucked because now there's a new line they have to queue in. 

Apologies to all. Lets get claims working again

I emailed you guys about /fit/, it's been a week or more--is this email working? Double checked just now and I sent it to the correct address... could you send some details to [email protected]? I'd like to be the new BO of /fit/. old BO hasn't been online, board is stagnating, and it's claimable on the claims page.

oh, and one more thing. The claims page still links to the .xyz domain so the link it broken and you have to manually replace it with ".net".

please let me know as soon as you can how to take ownership of a board, thanks.

> Hey! Whats up!
Hey to you too.
> Where is master of the internet??? 
That is the question. I made sure Odili is aware of the request, sadly I've no control over his timetable or his actions.
> What about /rus/ board? 
It isn't forgotten.
> Still has no answer! 
Sadly no, I saw too it is still claimable.
> WTF, so many time? 
It seems so.
> We can't waiting for infinity!
> We
How many is the "we"? You guys can go ahead and post on the board freely, only the management stuff is late.
> waiting for infinity
It is sure not expected.

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> I made sure Odili is aware of the request

why is he silent? He did not answer to me anywhere. Not here. Not by e-mail. Board status = still claimable.
> It isn't forgotten.

So what? It is abandoned and claimable. It have 0.1 anon activity.
> How many is the "we"? 

A few at now.
> You guys can go ahead and post on the board freely, only the management stuff is late.

Oh yes! We already tryed! In past we sitting there without any moderator. Board always was free. Some anons requested admin in answer inside thread, to dont give our board to any person. Then later somebody unknown successfully claim our board, and he take a shit on it. At the main page! You stlll can see it at his pinned thread with advertising >>>/rus/5507/
After that many people leaved this board, and it has become abandoned like now. Later it become claimable again. And now i woud like to revive it.
But now i don't want to do this without board owner rights. I don't want to repeat past mistake.

> Sadly

Sadly that the Endchan administration can not, or does not want to resolve this small question. It's very important for us.
I still waiting for 2-3 days. I hope to see normal administration answer about /rus/ board. By e-mail, or here, or just account page board status. Positive or negative, but some.

> why is he silent? 
You know how burgers are, probably trapped in a traffic jam with his mobility scooter.
But seriously the kasha isn't eaten that hot, you know things go slow around here. We're doing this board out of passion, hobby, beside our regular life, it's not a business. So things happen when we it's possible. But they happen.
Yes, giving it away to the previous BO was a mistake, he apologized here:  >>/10457/
> i don't want to do this without board owner rights. I don't want to repeat past mistake. 
I understand.
> I still waiting for 2-3 days. I hope to see normal administration answer about /rus/ board. By e-mail, or here, or just account page board status. Positive or negative, but some.
I'm going to forward this message too.

I'd like to claim /qrbunker/, which is an unlisted board. I'd also like to claim /qrb/ which is listed and claimable. Both are not being managed at the moment, as far as I can tell. I'll look around to see if there's another place to do claims--been a while since i was here, seems like there is a procedure listed somewhere. But I can't find it. Will check back, plz lemme know. Thx.

So i wrote contacted u guys re /qrbunker/ using this board claiming process:
Sent an email over a week ago and haven't heard anything back. Where will you contact me? Here or at the email address i used to contact u? I'm checking both.

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