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thumbnail of Dis place needums moar elf pr0n!.jpg
thumbnail of Dis place needums moar elf pr0n!.jpg
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(341.64 KB, 750x1900)
Yea, I left an editor open and it made a temporary .swp file in engine/ and guess what lynxchan does when it restarts? It reads EVERY file in engine/, no *.js guard or anything. So it couldn't restart, all fixed now.

> It was at this moment he knew he done fucked up.

Heh. It happens. Thank you for the feedback and everything else you do, Odilitime.

(Note: my on own instance of LC *not* Endchan/nothing to do with Endchan) Now if someone can explain to me why Lynxchan is refusing to upload board/global banners with a "connection failed" I'll be golden. Sigh.

Just making note of. Was 404ed on the /overboard/ and home was redirected the bunker. It cleared up and everything back to normal before I could do anything else. All happened a handful of minutes ago.

Or logrotate, maintenance script, nefarious Odilitime editor operations, etc. Good to hear others noticed though. It can be useful to give the site admins a heads up even when nothing critical happened.
> Lynxchan

Doesn't this thing run on a forked version of? "InfinityNow" I believe.

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