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thumbnail of tv-repairman.jpeg
thumbnail of tv-repairman.jpeg
tv-repairman jpeg
(39.07 KB, 300x300)
Hello /operate/. Hope all of you are doing good

Just wanted to ask if a few things were going/could be implemented:

1) I've seen a lot of people make random posts in threads to test how they can post around multiple boards. Since there's already a /test/ board here, I wanted to ask if it could be put in the front page for new users and lurkers to see it

2) Would emoji support be good on this IB?

3) Would it be good it we made this into a general thread for small updates/fixes on End?
1. Perhaps, but later.
2. No.
3. No. There's already a thread those things. Which means you didn't looked around. Although the OP image is better at attention grabbing I believe.
thumbnail of momo.png
thumbnail of momo.png
momo png
(257.18 KB, 500x375)
> 1. Perhaps, but later.
> 2. No.
Got it
> 3. No. There's already a thread those things. Which means you didn't looked around.
It was just for minor suggestions. I know there's a file support thread but was thinking for general and really small suggestions

Still, thanks for taking some time out to answer me. Appreciate it
I would like to recommend a small fix. I can't click the New Reply in Chrome or Firefox. IE can eat a dick, but I keep having to use the fucking browser to make posts. Please fix New Reply
Still not working intermittently on Chrome. Did yesterday. Won't again today. The button won't click. I keep having to go back to FF or IE.

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New Reply on thread #10811
Max 20 files0 B total