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> discord but they needed my cellphone number
They didn't ask me of that at any point.
> I tried logging into the irc but couldn't.
How come? It's literally clicking on the "irc" on the top bar giving a "Nickname" and clicking "Connect". And that's that.

Can't be bothered to create a new thread, so I'll post it here.
Yggdrasil mirror does not work for who knows how long. Either remove it from main page, or finally fix it. If fixing, adding Wyrd domain for it would be good as well.

Well, there would be a trial period. For now we are looking for someone who would be willing to report content not conforming to global rules, dropping by at IRC/Discord sometimes to have a chat. First we'd like get to know the prospect a bit (well as much as it can be done and still preserving relative anonymity), etc.
Tl;dr: yes.

We also noticed kind users reporting spam, thanks for that to them.

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> Maybe try putting this thread or message on the front of the site.
or! or a global announcement spot on every board like julayword or old 8ch with their ATTENTION HUNGRY GAMES ads.
> its some html goo-gaa
nothing crazy, and if BO's no like they can hide html within their own css

I was just thinking a way to shill effectively the Movie Corner. Essentially a captcha would have to be filled out for every post with the details of the upcoming stream 'bout a week before the event. I haven't shared this genius idea yet with the rest of the staff but combining it with your announcement spot suggestion maybe we could improve on this even more!
Kidding, ofc.

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> someone who would be willing to report content not conforming to global rules
That's fairly restrained. So obvious spam that doesn't break global rules is up for the boards themselves to manage. I can skim through the overboard once a day or more but am not really interested in deeper sifting.

The expectation is that Board Owners keep an eye on and delete everything not just that violate board rules, but global rules as well (some boards don't have any rules beside the global ones). We however are only concerned about global rules, which include other posts than spam.
Spam can contain content not allowed on Endchan, but spam can be devoid of illegal stuff and still violate global rules.

Big thanks to those who take the time to make the reports (we're getting them), it helps.

On bb. He is one of you.
Write in their sticky for example. Explain the problem. He might disregard it, but maybe he agrees with you. It worth a try.
Also you can report posts with the form at the bottom of every page.
1. mark the checkbox next to the post you want to report;
2. scroll down to the bottom of the page;
3. write a "Reason" - write it short but understandable;
4. solve the captcha (click "Reload" first at least once);
5. click "Report".

pics of women in /b/ some with names, I just don't want you guys involved in stalking bullshit or having to deal with bullshit for something like the pornhub deleting videos thing for CSAM

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> pics of women in /b/ some with names, I just don't want you guys involved in stalking bullshit or having to deal with bullshit for something like the pornhub deleting videos thing for CSAM

Oh yeah, that one guy on /b/ who just keeps posting photos of his ex-girlfriend and just keeps spamming the board is beyond annoying.

Создайте новый тред в /бб/ у меня не получается ни через .onion, ни через .net Передыдущий тред >>/bb/36479
Используйте аниме-девочку в качестве картини или что-то из прикрепленных картинок.
Create a new thread in /bb/ I can't do anything across .onion, nor through .net Driving Tred >>/bb/36479 
Use anime-girl as a picture or something attached pictures. 



Message text: 

Гайды с гидры:




I tested creating a new thread on all domains and Tor. I found no problem with it. You should try making a new thread. If it still doesn't work, let us know.
You can try .gg and .org domains too (.org is behind CloudFlare).

thread posting is broken, I tried to create thread but would get some Mongo error
now >>>/4/ is filled with my threads (it appeared after some time) but clicking on them leads to 404 - Not Found
I tried posting from onion and clearnet domains, same effect

Wrote you today about a problem i'm having signing in at BO for qrbunker - goes to wrong acct. Plz see thread with big red text. qrbunker is active again now and will prolly remain so. Hope problem resolves soon, concerned about security. 

good time to say thanks for what you do here, keeping this site open in a world that hates free speech. Can't offer more help atm, plate is full. But will run board as best i can.

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Hello, I added a new feature to your engine, it's called "Unhide image spoilers". It allow users to see through spoiler thumbnails. It's controlled by a checkbox like other options. It also works as userscript.

Please test it and add to the site if you like this.

The code:

Something wrong with one of my favorite thread.
I can see it on board/catalog (and last posts in it) - but i cant enter in it.

Board: /bb
Name of thread: Раковый тред
Pinned: yes :)
url: https://endchan.org/bb/res/74147.html
Error: 404 - Not Found

EndChan couldn't find the page you were attempting to reach.

If you just created a new thread, refresh after a few seconds.

Umm. I checked the code, and seemingly does what promised and nothing more, I added in greasmonkey, but it seems does not work for me. Our devop wanted to implement and add it to the site, but wanted to "translate" it from jquery to simple js. However in these weeks the site is getting flooded due to the Q board, and priorities shifted to its mitigation. So not sure when will anything be accomplished.
Anyway I can tell it's not a malware so if anyone wants to use it as a userscipt, then I don't see a problem with it.
We appreciate the effort, and sorry for not replying in timely fashion.

We're gonna try to fix it soon.

Yes, it would not work in Greasemonkey because of its security model... For some reason they don't allow access to page's jQuery instance.
It works with Tampermonkey.
I'm happy your developers found it useful.

Implemented the unspoiler-spoiler script, so no userscript manager is needed.
This is how it works:
- mark the checkbox the unspoiler the spoilered stuff on the page
- untick it to spoiler again

Thank you for your work!

Can you add time offset for post timestamps?
Like make posts 5-60 minutes before?

Some ISP's forced by governments to collect connections metadata for surveillance, even how much bytes were sent at some time.
And some companies collect social media posts to get anons ass, manipulate people, predict trends.
Post photos some times and you can be tracked by unique size and date, even in tor.
They want more control like in china.
They want to shut up freedom of speech.
Fuck them all.

Post(s) action:

Moderation Help
Duration: Days

Ban Type:
CAPTCHA unavailable

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