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thumbnail of kot911.jpg
thumbnail of kot911.jpg
kot911 jpg
(271.21 KB, 640x559)
youtube embed img and nameLink
> how can i hide it
i would like to just use the [Embed] button as the only way to use embed.
< if 2 yt streams pop up on the same page it musses up and only plays on vid
im just looking for a display: none; font-size: 0px; type of remedy.

thumbnail of dup.webm
thumbnail of dup.webm
dup webm
(682.26 KB, 1920x1080 vp8)
np. if you look in my custom their are a handful of things i was able to hide. since yt embed popup is not really functional id like to hide, but i did a lot of element inspection and it just shows up as a run if the mill .uploadCell(not expanded). if you could get the script to run properly that would be great too!
t.404 bo

>  pop up
What do you mean?

In threads there's no embed image and such, only in board view. So I assume you're talking about that.
There should be a figure element which adds a div and an a, which contains the stuff you wanna make disappear. After this figure comes the actual content of the post (divMessage) which holds the link and the Embed button.
I think you could try targeting that figure element, or it's children element with various selectors. No?

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