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I own 3 boards - most active is /qrbunker/.

Cannot log in - it goes to a DIFFERENT USER'S ACCT searcher_ 
he has a different list of boards owned.


happens in endchan.net
can log in normally on endchan.org
already changed acct password there but when got back on endchan.net and tried to login with new password, took me back to searcher_ account.

Email: [email protected]

see attached vid.
Thanks for the report.
For now use .gg or .org.
I have different issues with .net so right now I would say it's technical problem and not due to an attack. Passed the word to devops hopefully they'll figure it out soon.
I'd like to stress to try and use .gg.
I see .org doesn't have that problem for you. We'd like to know if .gg works fine to you as well. Thanks.
problem with .net signin as BO seems to be fixed - TX MUCH.

I'm on .gg now
was on .org and couldn't respond bc link to captcha was broken for this post (just an fyi)

will try to get the word out to anons about using .gg as well.

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