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On the board /polru/ moderation was captured by a pro-Russian agent. He repeatedly deleted posts where I expressed my opinion on the current political situation.
He protects pro-Russian agents who are now actively working for the Russians, deciding our fate.
I ask you to sort it out with him.
His id: 2f42d9
His post:  >>/375559/

My last post that he deleted:  >>/375556/

*In any case it violates my rights to freedom of speech
thumbnail of rave.jpg
thumbnail of rave.jpg
rave jpg
(44.84 KB, 897x161)
Is this your post?

He says that /polru/ moderation has a salary. LOL.

" >>/375458/
Пфф, русне дай 15 фублей она будет горы сворачивать и учить и програмировать ненужно
Хотя у мочи в обр зарплата повыше будет
Так пидоран?  >>/375429/
Сколько у тебя щас оклад в лахтацентре?"

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Moderation Help
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New Reply on thread #18919
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