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Why are you tracking and banning by device Mac address, and or device IP and not just regular IP?
You gave me a "range ban" that targeted my specific device and not by actual IP. 
None of my posts were in any violation of Board or Global site rules and were also not spam .

Thank God I'm an American!
Freedom of Speech and the Press!

Guess I need to break it down and explain in more detail...
I post via (device) Phone over the Internet.
Initially was illegitimately banned by IP address, for posting legitimate Australian News (YouTube links used) until 2029. (Reason given; Homosexual c'mons) (clever way of saying Faggot)
example; xx.xx.xxx.xxx
Did a quick IP change to receive clarification, as I was not in violation of ausneet board rules nor global rules.
Then received a so called "Range Ban" that started with 2600.xxx.etc
That long number starting with 2600 is part of my Device ID and is static, unchangeable, but is used in conjunction with IP address (which can be changed)...

> Did a quick IP change to receive clarification
Surely you did only for clarification.
> range ban on 2600.xxx.etc
That's an IPv6 range, not a device's MAC address.
There is no moderation feature to ban MAC addresses or any "device ID". You can check it yourself if you create a board and you look at the moderation tools.

Yes I see it in the logs. The BO issued it. I also see 2 denied appeals. Such cases.
We don't override BOs moderation decisions. This job is a daunting and thankless task, so the users should be careful.

Yes IPv6 range, which is static on my phone (Motorola) (Android???).
So it then therefore bans my device, not just IP, which is what I am explaining, and im sure you understand.

Admin, I'm pretty sure you actively participate in that board /ausneets/ and friends with the BO if you are not actually the same...

Either way, I need the BO to participate in this discussion here.

> Identities on an anonymous imageboard can't really be verified.
Yet I'm banned by IPv6...

Pretty sure you as an admin can see my IP & IPv6 (and/or hash if encrypted)

I have read and reread all those rules, and did not violate any of them. If the BO somehow thinks I did, Please explain which rule, and or how.

>  >>/886569/

NEET PEPE 08/15/2024 (Thu) 13:03:00 [Preview] No. 886569 [X] del
Another blessed 4 hours in the kitchen doing shit that should only take 20 minutes. Oh Seven...

Real funny dude ...o7

Guess I'm stuck in tard jail for the crime of posting YouTube links of Australia News...

I'll be on QRB o7

Well you let your side of the story known here, if BO wants to take any steps, it's on him to decide doing it or not.
It's not my place to explain his reasoning, but here's this one:
> 15. Don’t be a cunt. This is a catch-all for any unacceptably shit behaviour that does not clearly violate any other rule.
Which can be applied as necessary. Perhaps he felt it is justified.

> I'll be on QRB o7
Take care. It is respected board as any on site, we're glad to have 'em.

As of 2024, Australia's national IQ score was 99.24. 
In 2019, Forbes ranked Australia 16th in the world for smartest countries, with an average IQ of 99.2. 
In Australia, IQ scores are typically classified into the following categories:
Very superior: 130+
Superior: 120–129
High average: 110–119
Average: 90–109
Low average: 80–89
Borderline: 70–79
Intellectually disabled: 69 and below 
Scores of 120–130 or higher are generally considered to be in the gifted range.

Post(s) action:

Moderation Help
Duration: Days

Ban Type:

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