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Note: it is possible to get a "banned" alert if you use an IP which was banned previously (it could be a proxy, or VPN, or even a legit residential IP if it is distributed as dynamic IP).
I asked when was the ban because I checked the last couple of days in the logs (they are public, home page has the link to them) and I've found no ban with the reason "real spam".

Ah. No such ban was issued.
However some time ago in tandem with the usual cp spam there was another one that said "real rape of women" or something the like. I believe the ban message denotes that particular one. In this case the IP you used was banned some time ago, and wasn't issued to your post with screenshots of a libre vidya game.

Post(s) action:

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Duration: Days

Ban Type:
CAPTCHA unavailable

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New Reply on thread #19663
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