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I had tried to run a rebuild but kept erroring, so I just kept running it until my terminal crashed for using 25gb of memory (unrelated). I guess it's fixed tho.
I'm pretty sure I know what causes the issue now. Say the site doesn't respond when any given admin clicks to delete. Clicking again may have made the 404 bug happen (stubbornness). Perhaps if there was some way to code that admins (BOs or Vols) can only edit once and also somehow prevent more than one request. I have no idea. I haven't coded since HTML was the thing.

In the meantime, I'll try to remember to stop doing moderation things more than once at a time.
haha you mad great one "man"

your so cringe and you add nothing to the world 

seriously end your life

> but you so mad tho 

no your cringe and deserve to be bullied no emotion no major effort shits just right in this case
I cringe every time you type something out with that terrible grasp of English and grammar. Nice job sliding my message to Odilitime, though.
the biggest cringe is you sitting there on an obscure imageboard 

with barely any users

bragging about your "life"

and thinking anything you say sounds even belivable

kill yourself its obvious you have very little in life and being a moderator is one of your biggest accomplishments

end your life
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02 jpg
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My second message to him, you silly angry twat. You know it. It's the one that triggered you.  >>/8826/

Bragging? Are you angry I had roasted lamb? Goddamn, kid. It's $10 a pound. Buy some yourself and learn how to start an oven.
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thumbnail of self conscious man.jpg
self conscious man jpg
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cringe so mega cringe

no one with a real life tries to brag about it on tiny imageboards 

no one with a real life would admit that cleaning up bot spam was "relaxing" or whatever it was you said it was

you will never have anything but a sad excuse for a life and hotpockets

you think other people are emotional cause you cant frame anything outside your world view and your very emotional 

you will eventually kill yourself because you dont really have anything

so just go ahead and end your life now and get it over with 👌
go kill yourself 

> it dosent do anything you lost just for replying

youll spend the rest of your life going in this circle before you finally do end all the pain

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