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Fuck off.  We're not breaking the rules and I barely just made the board.  If you don't like the discussion that is/will be there, then simply don't visit it.

No one cares about jew-babble about rules when you're literally the most disgusting pieces of trash to walk the planet.  


Odili - do you condone pedos?  are you afraid to give their IPs to the FBI?  Quit being like every other chan owner and have a fucking spine.


> Don't be surprised when non-psychotic people respond logically to your dangerous perversion.

Lmao, except you're probably more psychotic for advocating the death of people whom didn't choose their sexual attraction and that being a pedophile is not equivalent to being a criminal.  If maybe you read a little more about pedophilia in general before speaking you would know that.  

Yeah, there's definitely nothing psychotic about murdering people that did nothing wrong other just merely existing, and you're the non-psychotic one.  Got it. 

And well, I won't get started on the "dangerous perversion" nonsense.  I encourage you to read and meanwhile doing that to also acknowledge that freedom of speech is not limited by your feelings. 

Even though you're spouting stupid shit right now, I would never advocate to censor you for example, because I respect your freedom to act disheartened about our inevitable existence. 

I don't expect you to understand any of this anyways, so I will just leave it to here.

hurr durr what kind of guy would be bothered by adults wanting to fuck little girls XD YOU TRIGGERED

all your bullshit is old - same old bullshit your faggot asses use on every board. 


pedophiles break the agreed upon norms of society. because they fail to live within the framework that is agreed upon, so they dont deserve to live within the protections of such framework. with that understanding, might is right is the rule of the land. if people think bashing your skulls in or burning you to death is proper treatment, then it is so.

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Mass rapists never admit that the purpose of having large genitals is to survive in r-type selection model. They love to have and leave as many children to fend for themselves as possible, because it creates more cousin rape and less capable opponents in the job market.

I already attempted to remove some of the images of children from the 4keks thread but I see they've added more.

I don't condone pedos. Yes, it's not my call and I can see how sending any of our users IPs to the FBI would taint our mission to create a place for free speech. I don't make policy, it's not my call, this isn't my site.

Supporting them fucks us, supporting you fucks us. User-boards are a lot of fucking work man.

But trust me, keep highlighting these threads and I will address them with the highest level our rules will allow for.

Fuck this gay earth. Everyboard I delete or takeover, they'll just make a new one or take over an existing one. Either I do nothing or let them change how the site operates. There's no win here.

I don't know what the hell is up with that other board where trade or whatever discussion is taking place on, but clearly there wasn't anything in the board I just created yesterday.  In fact, it's the first time I've been around this chan in hope I could remake the former /younglove/ community that once took place in 8ch, and nothing more.

with state of our borts and site down every day does it matter? before was enough site downs we lost people. its more dead broken links for everything total coincidence goy. odili doesnt give a shit. endchan no longer an exodus

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