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I love how this website goes down several times every day.
"Communication between the frontend and lynxchan has failed".
It's Chrome. Firefox tends to work fine with the site. Also if Odilitime sees this, I figured it out. You should recommend everyanon not use Chrome for endchan.
I hate it too and I'm sure a lot of users are turned away by it.
The worst part is that the error is cached in your browser and stays there until you clear your cache or perform a hard refresh which most users don't know how to. Odil should add a no-cache header to that error page.
Also, sometimes this happens to a specific javascript or json file and while the website looks fine if you try it perform an action. For instance it happened to upload.js yesterday and I couldn't upload anything. I had to open the browser console, open upload.js, and do a hard refresh pn that file.

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