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Druids and Meme Magic

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Hello Druids, I wanted to share a revelation I've been having for some time now. From the pieces I've gathered, I believe the Christian/Jewish God Yahweh is in fact Jormungand, the dark world serpent who Thor will kill at Ragnarok. I mentioned this on the big pagan thread on Crippledchan yesterday and figured it might be a good topic for here.

I have had two dreams that tie Yahweh and Jormungand together. In both dreams, the World Serpent was feeding on the spirits of our ancestors. In one, I saw my great grandmother dying. When I was young she taught me Norwegian numbers and words and this is one of my very few memories of her. She died a Christian and in the dream I saw her being devoured by Jormungand who I knew to be Yahweh. There didn't seem to be any physical pain, but there was an emotional oblivion of a horror beyond comprehension. The only solace in this nightmare was that the torture was not drawn out, and was mercifully short. I don't think the Beast's ceaseless hunger has the patience to draw out the suffering.

I believe billions of our Folk have been consumed permanently and irrevocably in this way by the eternal hunger of the all-consuming Jewish god. Far better to die faithless and inglorious after a life of self-indulgent wankery and face the judgment of Hela than to be annihilated as psychic fuel for the World Serpent. To die a Christian is a fate worse than the ones known to our ancestors, one far worse than Hel.

What do you think about these dreams? Have you had any religious dreams since reawakening your spirituality? I have had these two bad ones, and one good one in which Thor and Mjolnir appeared, though there didn't seem to be any spiritual significance to that one -- it was just cool.

I once had a dream in which I found myself in a vast northern landscape surrounded by huge mountains on one side and a sweeping open field on one side. 
The field was white with snow and completely flat, extending all the way to the horizon. 
A powerful wind was blowing in from across the field and I remember feeling at once utterly terrified, and strangely grateful, like I was reclaiming something that had been lost long ago. 

Can any meme druids shine some light on what this could mean? Am I beginning to reconnect with my ancestors?

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As far as simple symbology goes, I'd say the mountains represent what is known, and the snowy abyss of the plain represents what is unknown. To head back to the mountains means possible survival. To head into the abyss means likely death. Yet the abyss calls to you, and that's soul chillingly terrifying.

That's how I see it in my mind's eye when you describe it. I think only you would have the context to interpret the gratitude, however. The immediate association is the connection with your ancestors, yes, but there are other possibilities. One that occurs to me would be an explorer's courage to face that abyss which would simultaneously result in both emotions.

Another possibility is that you were 'really there.' Really looking into the heart of something terrifying. Chosen to stare it down.

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In any case it's a very cool dream. What do you think the interpretation would be? Do you think your ancestors were calling to you?

I get a sinking feeling when reading your description of your dream, like when you look closely at something for a while and realize you're staring into the eyes of a camoflaged snake, crocodile, or pic.

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Well to put it in context, I'd been reading Oswald Spengler's "Decline of the West" and in it he describes the idea that the Ursymbol of the North-West European (He uses the term "Faustian") people is limitless space. He argues that a longing to conquer space is a constant factor in all aspects of Western culture (exploration, long-range warfare, aeroplanes and perspective painting are examples).
To me that open plane felt full of (foreboding) power. My immediate interpretation was that I had rediscovered that same internal sense of longing (and fearful respect of) space that my ancestors had. It felt like the beginning of a major change in my lifestyle.

I hope this isn't too off-topic because of the lack of overtly pagan imagery, but I feel it holds the same atmosphere that I found in the stories of Snorre's Edda.


> I hope this isn't too off-topic because of the lack of overtly pagan imagery, but I feel it holds the same atmosphere that I found in the stories of Snorre's Edda.

Pagan imagery isn't really the point, if we want a living, breathing religious tradition. This board is about growing the faith, not stagnating it. There is hardly anything more on-topic than kindling the spirituality within you so you can really feel the religion. Fapping to pagan themed pics and stories all day is a good way to stagnate. We have to make paganism part of our daily lives and be 'off-topic.' Don't forget the shitposting cult tag for this board. :^)

> To me that open plane felt full of (foreboding) power. My immediate interpretation was that I had rediscovered that same internal sense of longing (and fearful respect of) space that my ancestors had. It felt like the beginning of a major change in my lifestyle.

I felt much the same way when you described it, with the first interpretation of 'explorer's courage,' but with much more fear than mere foreboding. More like a omen of doom attempting to paralyze you into inaction.

But whatever the actual 'interpretation,' the important thing is the feeling of inspiration; the primary language our Gods  use to speak to us. If you feel inspired to change, that is a direct message from the Gods in the most literal sense. Use it!

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I had another dream.

I dreamt I was a huge owl sent by Odin to watch over Humanity, but I gave up on them for being too stupid and abandoned my watch. I flew away and went to live with the Dwarves, but I found their civilization had been destroyed by ettins. I found survivors hanging onto remote fortresses, but in a dire situation.

The weird thing is that I was sent by Odin, since I don't venerate Odin. But the dream was quite clear, Odin was the one that sent me. So I'm not sure if this was just a random cool dream or something with meaning.


No remorse for abandoning my post, although it seemed dissonant to do so. I don't think I'd do so for real.

As for the Dwarves I don't think there was much emotion in it. I remember coming to one of their fortresses which had suffered a breach from an ettin attack, and they were rebuilding. All the bodies gone, no hot dramatic fire, just a sullen cleanup.

It was more a sense of forlorn inevitability. Dreadfully lonely and resigned. Only a matter of time before their last holdouts were destroyed.

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Sounds rough, but you should remember that honouring our ancestors isn't about submitting to the gods and waiting for them to help us. We ourselves have to provide an impetus for change.

Maybe your dream was intended to show you a world where the people were so resigned and apathetic from waiting for change to occur that they ultimately doomed themselves (not unlike the modern culturally Christcuck West).

Change has to come from within, and we can't just wait for Odin to swoop in on an owl and bring glory to our society.

That's my interpretation, at least.

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I think we tend to look too much at our current predicament of white extinction and view it as the end all be all.

In reality this is just one more in a long series of challenges we've faced, and I believe in our destiny to overcome it. I don't view it as ragnarok, or view the gods' mythology to be analogies for what we're going through any more than the christcuck invasion and destruction of our native religions was ragnarok. I certainly saw the parallels, but I think these are timeless themes that will apply to many of the situations our folk will find themselves in.

While I don't limit myself strictly to the Germanic tradition, one of the incredible things about Norse theology in particular is that they knew that Earth was round and espoused the existence of other habitable worlds, thousands of years ago. It competes with Hinduism for some of the mindfuckingly accurate tidbits you can find. They espoused 5 terrestrial worlds, and 4 spiritual worlds. 9 (3x3) was the most important number in the religion. 

To that end, I think the Dwarves are a real people (equals to hWhites) who live on their own homeworld. They are older cousins of man, with incredibly advanced technology that made gifts even for the Gods. I imagine them as less degenerate Eldar, if you're familiar with WH40k (lel LARPing, but all the elf and dwarf mythologies do come from the Norse religion and are echoes of a long half-forgotten revealed truth).

If I were to editorialize my own meaning onto the dream (which I am unsure has any meaning to begin with; there was lots of random shit like flying through a black void of floating islands surrounded by swarms of glowing blue moths), then I would say the meaning is that we need to get our shit together and go help the Dwarves ourselves. No matter what they're like, I believe they exist. We certainly cannot wait for the Gods. Like I said I don't even venerate Odin.

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