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study shows that troons who had tranny surgery have doubled suicide rates.
(predictable that cutting your dick and balls would make you more depressed, not less, but traps claim it's the contrary, that they need tranny surgery to "become actual women")

I've got a coworker FtM trans. This dipshit I work with can never pass. Not in a million years. Wraps her double Ds. Not only speaks in an obviously female voice but mannerisms are all female too. So the bitch tries to make up for it by being bossy. Sits when she pisses in the Men's Restroom. Nonstop rambles off topic, never getting to the point just like most women. Also gushing about "hot men".

It's a female. Through and through. But wants to be a man. Barely even attempts manhood. I don't get it. This clown world is too stupid and batshit crazy.

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Lebanon is right above the illegal occupation of Palestine claimed "Israel". You're practically neighbors. Those kikes are the reason for your suffering. I haven't looked into Lebanon before now, but it appears Michel Aoun is another leader who cucks to Israel. Typical of the entire planet, honestly. I have no questions.

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why is plebbit so gay?
make an account (used a protonmail e-mail), everything looks fine, but when you open your profile in a private window, it says you're suspended.
make a post in a subplebbit, you can see it but when opened in a private window it's invisible, also you get message from subplebbit saying they banned you for posting while suspended. WTF?

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plebbit.com/p/ShadowBan is the only subplebbit where posts aren't invisible.
funny rule: 
> 2 Being a bigot or racist
> Often people who have been shadowbanned site-wide think it’s OK to spout their usual drivel here since everything is made visible by u/AutoModerator. Please report these 14 year-old edgelords and their tired, racist, sexist, etc., post titles and comments.
> Go back to /pol/.
cuck/pol/ is unironically better than plebbit,at least when jannies ban you they give you a reason and expiration date.

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MAYDAY! Poland Moves Troops To Belarus Border As Russia Moves Nukes To Cuba

With every passing day, the disturbing possibility of a widening of the Ukraine war with the participation of other nations in direct military hostilities is becoming more and more palpable.

The Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) Director, Sergei Naryshkin, repeated today his warning that Poland is considering deploying troops on western Ukraine to establish control there.

The SVR head believes that Warsaw is finally coming to realize that the defeat of Ukraine is just a matter of time.

“The Polish leadership is intensifying the mindset to introduce control in the western territories of Ukraine, the western regions by deploying their troops there,” Naryshkin said at a meeting held by President Vladimir Putin with the permanent members of the Security Council.”

President Vladimir Putin instructed Naryshkin to monitor Poland’s plans for Ukraine, and said that Poland plans to form ‘a coalition under the guise of NATO’ to intervene in the conflict in Ukraine.

“As for the Polish leaders, they probably expect to form a coalition within NATO… and directly intervene in the conflict in Ukraine in order to then ‘tear off’ a fatter piece [of land] for themselves, to regain, as they believe, their historical territories – today’s Western Ukraine’, Vladimir Putin said.”

Reports in the media talk about an union between Poland, Lithuania and Ukraine, Putin added.

“There have been media reports about plans to create a certain so-called Polish-Lithuanian-Ukrainian union: that is, we are not talking about some gathering of mercenaries, there are enough of them, and they are being destroyed, namely a regular, assembled, equipped military unit that is planned to be used for actions on the territory of Ukraine, including for allegedly ensuring the security of the current Western Ukraine. And in fact, if you call things by their proper names — for the subsequent occupation of these territories,” Putin said at a meeting with permanent members of the Russian Security Council.

But the Polish territorial ambitions in Ukraine are not just a province of Russian propaganda, as many would have you think. Ex-Ukrainian president Yanukovych has also addressed this topic.

Former President Viktor Yanukovych also said that Ukraine’s statehood is under threat and it may be forced to merge with Poland. 

‘No matter how painful it is for me to write about this today, but the statehood of Ukraine is in extreme danger. It is threatened with complete destruction. At the same time, we are talking not only about the risk of losing vast territories in the south and east of the country’, Yanukovych said in May 2022, adding that Ukraine ‘may be forced’ to de-facto merge with Poland.”

Belarusian defense ministry announced that Wagner mercenaries had started to train Belarusian special forces at a military range located just a few miles from the border with Poland.



The "Vice-Admiral Kulakov," an Udalay-class Destroyer of the Russian Navy has arrived in Cuba for an official visit for the first time in a long time, and there is dangerous news for the United States . . .

Shortly before the Russian navy warship arrived, talks were held between the leaders of Cuba and Russia and their defense ministries. The result is statements to strengthen not only economic cooperation, but also military-technical cooperation.

According to American military experts, this could mean the return of Russia to Cuba with all the resulting consequences: the deployment of Russian troops and long-range missiles.

This will be a decisive Russian response to the threats posed by the expansion of NATO's presence in Northern Europe and Japan.

Readers should note that back in 1962, the then-Soviet Union placed Medium Range and Intermediate Range nuclear missiles in Cuba with a five minute flight time to Washington, DC.  This resulted in the "Cuban Missile Crisis" wherein then U.S. President John F. Kennedy, imposed a naval blockade of Cuba and began massing U.S. troops in Florida for an invasion of Cuba to destroy those missiles.

For the 13 days when the crisis erupted, the world stood on the precipice of actual nuclear war.

Same type of crisis as in 1962, only this time, it was the US and NATO that started it by trying to bring Ukraine into NATO, so as to put US nukes in Ukraine.


MY COMMENT ABOUT THE OP PIC: By the way, as funny as that meme is that I found passing around the internet, let me be very clear to the delusional state-run corporate media: THERE IS NO "LIMITED" NUCLEAR WAR. If one nuke goes off, all the rest will as well! There is no nation currently that I know of willing to be nuked and not allow their nukes to be used in retaliation - lest that nation wants to be defeated by adversaries! All major cities and surrounding areas would be destroyed! Tons of farmland would be ruined by fallout radiation! Everything from grass, wildlife and even humans would face unprecedented extinction! The nukes many nations have today are up to 200 times the yield from what the US used on Japan in WWII! You think it's just cities being leveled this time around? THINK AGAIN! Cities, suburbs out to the exurbs would be wiped out completely leaving only farmland that would be poisoned for decades to come! That means 90 percent, at least, global human fatality within one year in the aftermath! And all those oligarchs hiding themselves away in their military bunkers? Good luck re-building a poisoned planet all by yourselves after a year of global nuclear winter! Hint: you won't! You are so spoiled pampered like a bunch of babies you'd end up killing yourselves when you run out of supplies in your underground bunkers, and that goes for many others as well!

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The real enemy we're seeing right now is Russia. They're wolves in sheep's clothing, LARPing as conservatives while hiding their true judeo-bolshevik personality. We can't forget 1917.

And it seems like Moscow's on it again. We're living in 1963 cubed. Down with communists, capitalism wins again.

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Indeed. What is actually the plan is the following because I've seen right through it:
Israelis continue to massacre Palestinians in the hopes world hatred against jews for doing this dies down (hopefully it won't).
Their plan B because they're such massive failures is the evacuation of jews to the Ukraine. This is why U.S. Government is pushing so hard to add Ukraine funding of billions worth of taxpayer money along with the billions more proposed for Israel. Instead of being surrounded by the very Arabs they're pissing the fuck off right now, they would be surrounded by Russia, Belarus, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Moldava and the Black Sea.

Which means the following nations they've been agitating and attacking would not be able to reach them under the protection of Vladimir Jewtin: Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Iran and Turkey. (Don't forget the sheer size of Muslim Arabs and niggers from Libya and the Sudan) Kikes, as always, have been plotting from their sheer paranoia of being eliminated.

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I am doing an extensive research to dismantle homosexuality and transexuality, and prove that it is a mental problem and disprove the unsubstantiated theories that society currently holds, a product of misinformation and manipulation.

I would also like to know information about the widespread censorship of this subject.

Anything you know, be it proof of why it is a mental illness or proof of the censorship towards this topic, or information about the companies and millionaire people promoting this movement, please post it in this thread.
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I wish you all the blessings and success. One of my ambitions is to scienfically prove that homosexuality and transgenderism are biologically nonexistent and impossible, and that these are adopted by individuals who are self-hating and sexually immature. I am currently studying physics, but I will be studying biology and chemistry very soon. Best of luck!!

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You will find, should you become a noted figure in those circles, that "Peer Reviews" simply equal Peer Pressure By Jews. Peer Reviews are how they crush the truth. Many noted biologists have already released such documents and have been peer rejected. This is how their silly kike circles work. However, the flaw in trannies is not just biology, genetics and anatomy. The vast majority don't pass. "Passing", in case anyone's not aware, is how much a Male to Female or Female to Male transition tranny presents like the opposite gender they're trying to imitate.

(Pic related for the MtFs) FtMs sit down to pee in the Mens' restroom stall. They give straight men the cold shoulder, rejecting, not accepting. They easily talk to hot women. Never have any straight male bros. Never follow any bro code. They're not homophobic, instead always getting along with homosexuals. They nag, ramble, and express disgust at topics of a sexual nature. FtMs don't think about sex constantly. They're frigid prudes. FtMs are ashamed of their own genitals and would never show their genitalia. In short, they're women. Always women. These stupid bitches claim to have a male brain but can never behave like a man. The exact same for MtFs who can never behave like actual women. It's pathetic.
I submit that it's not gender which isn't real. Gender is not a social construct. Their delusions are not real. Rejection of their biological gender is a social construct. They are playing pretend. Dress up. Make believe. Then say everything fake they do is reality.

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9 Reasons Why Gold Will Soon Replace Treasuries As The Ultimate Store-Of-Value Asset

In the age of fiat currency, the distinct concepts of saving and investing have become conflated and confused.

Saving is producing more than you consume and then setting it the difference aside. Investing is allocating capital to a productive business to create more wealth. Investing has more risk — and potential reward — than saving.

Today, however, what most people think of as saving is actually investing. That’s because most people take the excess of their production over consumption and put it into the stock or bond market.

Most people understand that it’s not optimal to simply hold fiat currency, which the central banks continuously debase. So they put their money into other assets, primarily bonds and stocks.

In other words, fiat currency and inflation have ruined saving for most people. It has forced them further down the risk curve into stocks, bonds, and other investments in a struggle to maintain their purchasing power.

However, there is no guarantee those investments will even keep up with inflation. But suppose they do. They will then be subject to a capital gains tax, even if it’s only a nominal gain, not a real one.

That means savers face the daunting task of not only keeping up with inflation but also outpacing the capital gains tax on the nominal gain just to maintain their purchasing power. This reeks of a central banking ponzi scheme that will only benefit central planners in government, and central bankers, long term.

Before the era of easy-to-produce fiat currency, people could simply save in money, which was either gold or a derivation of it. There was no need for a dentist, construction worker, or taxi driver also to become a hedge fund manager to try to keep their head above water.

50 years ago, the market cap of all the gold in the world was roughly equal to the market cap of all the stocks in the world. Today, the market cap of gold is about 10% of the world’s equities. It’s an indication of how capital that used to be allocated to saving in gold became allocated to the stock market instead.

Bonds in general and Treasuries in particular, became the “go-to” savings vehicles to store wealth in the fiat era. However, I think that will change soon as bonds will be incapable of storing value in the face of financial repression.

Gold has been mankind’s most enduring store-of-value asset because of its unique characteristics. Gold is durable, divisible, consistent, convenient, scarce, and most importantly, the “hardest” of all physical commodities. Gold is the one physical commodity that is the “hardest to produce” (relative to existing stockpiles) and, therefore, the most resistant to debasement.

Gold is indestructible, and its stockpiles have built up over thousands of years. That’s a big reason why the new annual gold supply growth — typically 1% to 2% per year — is insignificant. In other words, nobody can arbitrarily inflate the supply. That makes gold an excellent store of value and gives the yellow metal its superior monetary properties.

From a historical point of view, using government bonds as a savings vehicle is a relatively new concept. As it fades, I expect people will rediscover the world’s premier store-of-value asset: gold.

It’s no coincidence that the worst year ever for US Treasuries also saw the highest central bank gold buying spree in over 55 years.

So far this year, central banks have bought about 25% of worldwide gold production.

China is one of the biggest gold buyers.

China has dumped over 25% of its massive stash of Treasuries since 2021. At the same time, China has bought vast amounts of gold — five million ounces since last November, or nearly $10 billion.

Central banks and governments are the largest individual holders of gold in the world.

Together they own over 1.1 billion troy ounces of gold out of the 6.8 billion ounces humans have mined over thousands of years.

And those are just the official numbers that governments report. The actual gold holdings could be much higher because governments are often opaque about their gold, which they consider a crucial part of their economic security.

Russia and China — the US’ top geopolitical rivals — have been the biggest gold buyers over the last two decades.

It’s no secret that China has been stashing away as much gold as possible for many years.

As the trend of financial repression unfolds, I expect central banks to accelerate their Treasury sales and gold purchases.


Here is the investment thesis for gold:

Observation #1: The US government can’t repay its debt. Default is inevitable.

Observation #2: It will not be an explicit default.

Observation #3: The debt will continue to grow at an accelerating pace.

Observation #4: Foreigners are not buying as many Treasuries.

Observation #5: The US government cannot allow interest rates to rise much further.

Observation #6: The Federal Reserve is the only big buyer of Treasuries stepping up, which means currency debasement.

Observation #7: The US government will use financial repression to debase the currency in a controlled fashion, though it could spiral into out-of-control inflation.

Observation #8: Treasuries will no longer be the “go-to” store-of-value asset as people look for alternatives.

Observation #9: Gold is the top store-of-value alternative to Treasuries. As demand for Treasuries falls, demand for gold will soar.

In short, we are on the verge of a paradigm shift in international finance as gold replaces Treasuries as the world’s premier store-of-value asset.

The last time the international monetary system experienced a paradigm shift of this magnitude was in 1971. Then, gold skyrocketed from $35 per ounce to $850 in 1980 — a gain of over 2,300% or more than 24x.

I expect the percentage rise in the price of gold to be at least as significant as it was during the last paradigm shift.


MY COMMENT: Store silver and some hard assets. Gold is good to have, but too valuable to barter with or use for smaller individual purchases. Most people will be exchanging silver for food rations, a bottle of clean drinking water, a carton of eggs, a pack of cigarettes or a cigar, a bottle of moonshine, a box of ammo, etc. Gold will mostly be reserved for buying an old fixed up vehicle or a tractor, or some property, or a firearm, something that is of greater value than the silver ounce. Silver will be great for bartering, and so will liquor be too ;)

> inb4 gold is outlawed again

Average Americans had no clue what would happen to the price of gold in those days, they had no internet or alternative sources of media to warn them, so many gladly gave up their gold for dollars. Not so today with the internet. Everyone knows the real value of gold, just do not tell the government you have it, purchase silver and gold with paper cash and they won't know who has what stacked away. Just make sure you trust and know the people you intend to barter with first!

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Most random appearances by anons on the topic of Hitler have been insulting lies. However, looking through these, I have seen no insults. No attempts at suggesting any known forgeries as "authentic". You can tell by reading that these are honest interviews (frequent dishonest lies revolve around bashing Hitler). Those who are displaying these resources are respectful. Well done. It's about damn time.

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