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Typhus was spread by lice. This is a disease which caused loss of appetite. Combine that with Allied bombing of supply lines, and the result was emaciated corpses. First of all, you should be aware there's no such thing as "open air gassings". Yet the corpses "stacked up like cordwood" were outside, in the open as exampled by this British soldier. Such as these at Buchenwald, and German women being forced to handle corpses because the Soviets knew the bodies were diseased. Allied soldiers had a stockpile of outdoors, unincinerated corpses.

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Where did all those piles of bodies come from? Aside from dying outdoors due to Typhus and starvation, a train of prisoners was machine-gunned by American fighters. The train was left for three weeks, wherein the prisoners inside starved to death. Soldiers of the 1st company ran this death train to enforce the false narrative of "gassed victims".

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At Buchenwald, nearby citizens of Weimar were forced to walk 4 miles to the camp to witness pre-prepared staged props. Among these were "shrunken heads", "strips of tattooed human skin", "a pelvis bone ashtray" and "a human skin lampshade". The problem was that the sun shone through the lampshade, proving it was not human skin. There were no tattoos on the lampshade, or stitching seams. This lamp has since conveniently disappeared. Prisoners' heads were all entirely shaved due to issues with lice, thus the shrunken heads would not have had hair. Among those at Buchenwald was Billy Wilder, the famous American film director who was born Samuel Wilder in 1906 to a Polish/Jewish family. He wrote scripts for many German films until Adolf Hitler came to power in 1933. Wilder immediately realized his Jewish ancestry would cause problems, so he emigrated to Paris, then the U.S. After the National Socialists were defeated, he conveniently came back to Germany, to Buchenwald, with that grudge and a plot hatched.

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Professor Susumu Kato of the book "Pigment of the Imagination" actually collects tattooed human skin. It is described as a "soggy bundle of technicolour tripe", not hardened papyrus or construction paper. Note the lack of ashes or dark ash stains on the "pelvis bone ashtray". The alleged human pelvis ashtray conveniently disappeared after the presentation, along with many other props. Ilse Koch, the wife of Buchewald's Commandant Karl Koch, was blamed for these false atrocities. Konrad Morgen of the SS led an 8-month corruption investigation against Ilse and Karl. Lying allegations by prisoners were investigated and found to be untrue. For executing prisoners, Karl Koch was executed by the SS a week before Buchenwald was liberated. Why would "Nazis" execute one of their own for executing camp inmates, when the narrative was "their intention was mass execution of prisoners"? Ilse Koch was acquitted, for lack of evidence. Even so, she was later given the nickname "bitch of Buchenwald", which the same liars also claimed she wore "human skin gloves", had "human skin soap" made, and fashioned "human skin book covers". Inmates never referred to her by this nickname. It was applied later.

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Commander Hermann Pister ran the Buchenwald camp from January 1942 through to the liberation. Before Ilse Koch was arrested, interrogators raped and impregnated her at the age of 41 years in 1947. The shrunken heads and tattooed skins were used as evidence to sentence her to life in prison. She comitted suicide in 1967, after 20 years in jail. Buchenwald was "documented" by the Psychological Warfare department. Daniel Lerner was a Sykewar department captain after WW2.

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As I'm sure you were never instructed in any history course, there Rheinwiesenlager (Rhineland) camps existed for German soldiers and civilians directed by Eisenhower to purposely withhold rations. Unlike the camps engineered by Germans, which will be covered later, Americans' camps provided Germans with no shelter. They sat behind barbed wire and slowly died in holes in the ground. http://truedemocracyparty.net/2012/05/was-there-really-a-judaic-holocaust/

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It should be noted that Eisenhower was the first to find dead, starved bodies (from Allied bombing of supply lines of food) in April 1945 at the Ohrdruf camp. Eisenhower found corpses in woodsheds at Ohrdruf, which were removed by German soldiers to keep from infecting the rest of the prison populations. Typhus was small bacteria in the poop of a louse, which are larger lice than average. Prisoners would scratch the bacteria into their skin. The lice died as well. Typhoid was from contaminated water, which caused chronic diarrhea and was the main cause of loss of weight. A fresh table was produced as a "whipping block", though Heinrich Himmler ordered all whippings to cease in 1942. This block was reconstructed for the narrative of tortured prisoners.

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That explained why there were around 900,000 survivors, estimated by the AMCHA (an organization in Hebrew for "your people/your nation)". What about the "6 million" who were allegedly gassed to death? You should be aware, 6 million is a Kabbalistic number. There has been record of them trying to push for a 6 million holocaust since 1869. Lets look at the worldwide population numbers to determine just how many died. 15,315,359 jews worldwide in 1933, 15,748,091 in 1938 and 15,753,638 in 1948.

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Other estimates by even jewish sources don't even come close to the figure of a loss of 6 million. What of the gas chambers? Zyklon B certainly existed, and was used, though it is an insecticide for lice and not meant for mass extermination of humans. It was claimed that at first, the Majdanek camp used "carbon monoxide", when later Zyklon B was introduced. Both carbon monoxide and cyanide poisoning produce the "red livor mortis" effect on the human body.

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There were no signs of red livor mortis on any of the corpses, in any of the camps. The chemicals in Zyklon B were known to cause Prussian Blue staining of walls. This was never present in the shower rooms of any camps, because they were actually showers. The screenshot (DCinA) is from David Cole in Auschwitz, being told the ceiling holes were built post-war: https://youtube.com/watch?v=DFrJF-noN7A

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The chimney at Auschwitz, planted in grass, is connected to nothing. The door to the alleged "gas chamber" were flimsy wood with glass panels, and not hermetically sealed, as all gas chambers are required to be to prevent escaping gas.

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Now for the actual percentage of jewish deaths at Auschwitz due to Typhus, Typhoid and starvation after the Allied bombing of supply lines.
Delousing at the Bergen-Belsen camp whom ran out of Zyklon B, yet still treated Typhus spread by lice. Every incoming inmate had to be stripped and deloused. Mexico knew this at the time (BraceYourselves.jpg) but you don't see Mexicans claiming a Kabbalistic number of 6 million "gassed"

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This deceptive hand-drawn image is based off of an actual photograph of children revealing their arms and displaying NO barcode tattooes.
This image of Germans waiting for a train in 1946 was cropped and explained as "jews waiting to be executed".

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The frequent story is that "women and children were gassed first". Against this is the fact that hair was allowed to grow back after it was shaved, due to lice infestations. "Holocaust" survivors love to tell frequent lies about their lives in the camps.

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Compare to those who only had good accounts of their time in the camps. Yes, that type of witness exists. No, they do not want these accounts in the mainstream. This video was flagged as "inappropriate", despite the fact these are only witnesses saying nice things: https://youtube.com/watch?v=YVmIaBW-HjI

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The narrative is that hundreds of corpses were burned and buried in this swampland with a water table of 6 feet. While a certain amount did die (15% of which were jewish), the primary causes were lice and starvation due to Allied bombing of supply lines, as covered earlier.

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Prisoners were not terrified of arriving at Auschwitz. The intention was to be a labor camp with then modern entertainment and luxuries. Compare to Eisenhower's Rhine fields with no shelter whatsoever. It was meant to be an industrial complex for the purpose of producing goods.

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Here's another of their disinfection chambers, as well as the not so infamous block 24. It was a heated library and reading room with storage of musical instruments and a brothel. Heinrich Himmler wanted brothels specifically to combat chances of homosexuality of male inmates.

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Auschwitz had a nursery. This goes against the lie that women and children were immediately gassed. The complete opposite, it was clearly for expecting mothers. Laborers engaged in carpentry and metalworks, the camp had a dentist, and there was an office for lodging complaints about prisoners or guards. Such complaints were brought to the attention of Commander Hoess.

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Auschwitz's kitchen from the outside. It was a sprawling complex a block long, used solely to feed guards and prisoners. Compare to Eisenhower's Rhineland camps. Another of the theater, and one of the sports facility. There was fencing.

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The Monowitz factory was for synthetic rubber and liquid fuels. Inmates were allowed to be married. (auschwitz1rm) is labor camp money they earned, and exchanged for food and items.  I'll finish off this camp with evidence of the solid pillar which Zyklon B was supposed to be dropped through, the problem being that it wasn't hollow.

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Intricate fumigation devices were created to deal with the lice problem. Germans did not want their camp workers to come down with disease or die. That would have meant less production. Adding to this, babies were born and taken care of in the camp at Dachau as well.

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This is how Finnish troops handled Zyklon B. It could not be opened and dropped down a hatch into a room with a flimsy door and glass panel. Very protective gear had to be worn. Rudolf Hoess was tortured for his confession and forced to sign documents in English when he spoke German, as were all of those at the Nuremberg Trial.

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David Cole in Auschwitz was referenced here:  >>/19/

On the Madjanek "gas chambers" myth:

On the Buchenwald dumb portrayal of evil seen near the beginning of this thread: https://youtube.com/watch?v=3HlPcaP9x5o

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On the evening of February 13, 1945, a series of Allied firebombing raids begins against the German city of Dresden, killing as many as 135,000 people. More than 3,400 tons of explosives were dropped on the city by 800 American and British aircraft. The firestorm created by the two days of bombing set the city burning for many more days, littering the streets with charred corpses, including women and children. This affected eight square miles of the city.

Replying to the /news/ post

Here's the vid I mentioned. It got scrubbed off the internet, but I got a copy on bitchute
https://www.bitchute.com/video/dMx19v8xmhqo/ [Embed]

The timestamps would be at the end of the video I believe. It's an old video so I don't remember it too well. You can delete the post after you get the url

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