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anon i really hope ur not retyping all notes... kek

all u do is highlight whats important, then click the post ID.

everything auto fills into the quick reply box like this


>   >>/14003/ (you)
>  Morning BO,

then just delete the bs so it forms like this

 >>/14035/ Morning BO,

again i do hope u are not manually typing out notables o.0

secondly if you are indeed just doing a highlight click and still getting too much and cant get anon help, then do this and just reference the whole previous thread. 

Anons Collected Notables
Q Research #9425 edition  >>/13307/

Dough: pastebin/fdafda

make sense?
Excellent work.
Looks like this is the entire bun from the start of the bred, yes? 
I took out the iffy notables on the bottom, not too much substance there. If something really matters and you miss it, it can always be reposted--i've sure done enough reposting as a digger!
> Looks like this is the entire bun from the start of the bred, yes? 
Yes, had the midbread bun still in a file before I went to sleep
Simply continued from there, adding/changing what anons asked to edit in the first bun.

yup, the former. Note taker (me) posted the hat-tip pepe.
Dig topic mini-bun

Bidens, General (may have overlap Ukraine/Romania)
 >>/13564/ The Bidens: A Family of Crime - A small collection of their infamosity
 >>/14044/,  >>/14046/,  >>/14048/,  >>/14049/,  >>/14079/ Hunter Biden's dealings with shadowy companies
 >>/14054/ Change of Narrative to get in front of it: Biden changes story about talking to his son

 >>/13570/ Guiliani on Hannity: "Next for Joe Biden - Watch Romania!"
 >>/13621/ An Initial Look at Biden's Romanian Connections
 >>/13920/ It's not just Popoviciu: Interview with Romanian MEP on Dems' dealings in "vassal states"

 >>/13384/ Ukrainian MP Press Conference Biden took $900k for lobbying
 >>/13522/ (link),  >>/13525/ (video),  >>/13719/,  >>/13726/ (screenshots) Ukraine Scandal Explained - Biden, Soros, DNC collusion (by Glen Beck
 >>/13853/,  >>/13854/,  >>/13855/,  >>/13894/,  >>/14015/  Drop of documents re. Biden & Burisma + sauce & verification
 >>/14079/  Biden's quid pro quo exposed 3/2018, decent timeline
 >>/14072/ Hunter Biden's connections mapped on LittleSis.org

Edward V. Szofer
 >>/14051/,  >>/14056/,  >>/14058/ Edward V. Szofer: Only involved or at the helm in Bidens' Pay for Play?
 >>/14052/,  >>/14060/,  >>/14073/ Edward V. Szofer (see above), Pt. 2
 >>/14119/ What SenecaGlobal appears to do is ‘deal with the deployment of BYOD’

Mini-bun assembled at post  >>/141125/
(which has nothing to do with topic but good round #)

Please reply to this post or tag it for additions.

we need pollfags 
eyes on fox and others

repost poll links here. post screen shots of poll over duration.


> cmon lurkers WE need help

> add to dough
Notables #9431
Note-taker on duty
 >>/13324/ Cracks emerging in Democrats' unity to conduct impeachment inquiry w/o vote
 >>/13328/,  >>/13386/,  >>/13392/,  >>/13395/ DIA worker Henry Kyle Frese busted for leaking secrets to journalists
 >>/13330/,  >>/14080/ Anti-Trump Whistleblower Attorney worked directly for Clapper
 >>/13367/ Weinstein leveraging his Clinton connection to kill Ronan Farrow’s Story
 >>/13371/ Entire text of the Trump-Zelensky whistleblower memo (via CBS)
 >>/13373/ Former US Amb. to the Ukraine, Bill Taylor involved in whstleblower hoax?
 >>/13382/,  >>/13384/  Burisma paid Joe Biden $900,000 for lobbying
 >>/13414/,  >>/13487/ Planned Parenthood to spend $45 million backing candidates supporting abortion
 >>/13426/ ODNI refusing to release Dan Coats' internal memo re. whistleblower complaint
 >>/13431/ For Keks: The Crooked One (HRC) to POTUS: "Don't tempt me" (to run in 2020)
 >>/13436/ Moar Defendants named in Araoz vs. Ghislaine Maxwell suit (also: news re. Brunel)
 >>/13439/ The Emperor's New Clothes: Anon's thoughts on internet & availability of information
 >>/13453/,  >>/13668/ What's up w/ the Public Safety Power Shutoff in CA?
 >>/13461/ Social Media FAQ for Anons
 >>/13473/ Anon pondering on The Madness of Crowds & the Maladies of our Culture.
 >>/13499/ Possible meaning of POTUS tweeting "Will have 182 soon"?
 >>/13508/,  >>/13695/ @CarrollQuigley Ukraine, NBA, Bill Bradley, Bill Taylor, and moar dig
 >>/13517/,  >>/13529/,  >>/13535/,  >>/13563/ POTUS tweets clip "We Will Rock You" also showing the Q-Baby
 >>/13522/,  >>/13525/,  >>/13719/,  >>/13726/ Ukraine Scandal Explained - Biden, Soros, DNC collusion (by Glen Beck)
 >>/13540/ Collection of Key Points of last night's convo
 >>/13564/ The Bidens: A Family of Crime - A small collection of their infamosity
 >>/13570/  Guiliani on Hannity: "Next for Joe Biden - Watch Romania!"
 >>/13621/  An Initial Look at Biden's Romanian Connections
 >>/13796/,  >>/13797/,  >>/13798/,  >>/13801/ Arizona County Assessor Paul Petersen indicted on human trafficking
 >>/13810/ DS, I can see your tells, Q can hear you breath, Anons unite to go after you!
 >>/13821/ Listen to the Signal, Ignore the Noise: Interview w/ Peter Navarro on OAN
 >>/13850/  Let's never allow this here!: Chinese Citizens to be Required To Scan Faces for Internet Use
 >>/13853/,  >>/13854/,  >>/13855/,  >>/13894/,  >>/14015/ Drop of documents re. Biden & Burisma
 >>/13909/ The Tylers' take on Creepy Joe getting paid $900,000 by Burisma for lobbying
 >>/13914/,  >>/13915/ Rats Abandon the Sinking Ship? Clinton Foundation HQ, Australia falling into disrepair
 >>/13920/ It's not just Popoviciu: Interview with Romanian MEP on Dems' dealings in "vassal states"
 >>/13950/ Kurdish YPG had an "International Batallion", previously named "Antifa Batallion"
 >>/13961/,  >>/13965/ POTUS listening? Foreign language meme suggestion reflected in today's tweets?
 >>/13982/ Tools/Webpages to use for spoofing SMS verification (handle with care)
 >>/14012/ Ronan Farrow's book detailing how NBC News chief Andrew Lack 'Preyed on Female Underlings'
 >>/14014/ Little Rock hotel ignored human trafficking, though management well aware
 >>/14033/,  >>/14044/ ,  >>/14046/ ,  >>/14048/ ,  >>/14049/ ,  >>/14079/ Hunter Biden's dealings with shadowy companies
 >>/14051/,  >>/14056/,  >>/14058/ Edward V. Szofer: Only involved or at the helm in Bidens' Pay for Play?
 >>/14052/,  >>/14060/,  >>/14073/,  >>/14119/ Edward V. Szofer (see above), Pt. 2
 >>/14054/ Change of Narrative to get in front of it: Biden changes story about talking to his son
 >>/14077/ Fox News oversamples Democrats in Impeachment Poll (related POTUS tweet:  >>/13921/ )
 >>/14085/ Parnas & Fruman who helped Guiliani in Ukraine investigation arrested on campaign finance charge
 >>/14074/,  >>/14089/ Anon proposes tracking livingstreaming of violent/illegal acts by social media; >> tracking anti-Q articles
 >>/14090/ Poll: 61% say DJT deserves a second term
 >>/14094/,  >>/14095/ Children's Defense Fund DIGG
 >>/14096/,  >>/14097/ QanonResearch Endchan is now indexed by Qresear.ch
 >>/14123/ On unrestricted war & information warfare
Notables #9431
Note-taker #1
 >>/13324/ Cracks emerging in Democrats' unity to conduct impeachment inquiry w/o vote
 >>/13328/,  >>/13386/,  >>/13392/,  >>/13395/ DIA worker Henry Kyle Frese busted for leaking secrets to journalists
 >>/13330/,  >>/14080/ Anti-Trump Whistleblower Attorney worked directly for Clapper
 >>/13367/ Weinstein leveraging his Clinton connection to kill Ronan Farrow’s Story
 >>/13371/ Entire text of the Trump-Zelensky whistleblower memo (via CBS)
 >>/13373/ Former US Amb. to the Ukraine, Bill Taylor involved in whstleblower hoax?
 >>/13382/,  >>/13384/  Burisma paid Joe Biden $900,000 for lobbying
 >>/13414/,  >>/13487/ Planned Parenthood to spend $45 million backing candidates supporting abortion
 >>/13426/ ODNI refusing to release Dan Coats' internal memo re. whistleblower complaint
 >>/13431/ For Keks: The Crooked One (HRC) to POTUS: "Don't tempt me" (to run in 2020)
 >>/13436/ Moar Defendants named in Araoz vs. Ghislaine Maxwell suit (also: news re. Brunel)
 >>/13439/ The Emperor's New Clothes: Anon's thoughts on internet & availability of information
 >>/13453/,  >>/13668/ What's up w/ the Public Safety Power Shutoff in CA?
 >>/13461/ Social Media FAQ for Anons
 >>/13473/ Anon pondering on The Madness of Crowds & the Maladies of our Culture.
 >>/13499/ Possible meaning of POTUS tweeting "Will have 182 soon"?
 >>/13508/,  >>/13695/ @CarrollQuigley Ukraine, NBA, Bill Bradley, Bill Taylor, and moar dig
 >>/13513/ Flashback: Bill Clinton Gave China Missile Technology
 >>/13517/,  >>/13529/,  >>/13535/,  >>/13563/ POTUS tweets clip "We Will Rock You" also showing the Q-Baby
 >>/13522/,  >>/13525/,  >>/13719/,  >>/13726/ Ukraine Scandal Explained - Biden, Soros, DNC collusion (by Glen Beck)
 >>/13540/ Collection of Key Points of last night's convo
 >>/13564/ The Bidens: A Family of Crime - A small collection of their infamosity
 >>/13570/  Guiliani on Hannity: "Next for Joe Biden - Watch Romania!"
 >>/13621/  An Initial Look at Biden's Romanian Connections
 >>/13796/,  >>/13797/,  >>/13798/,  >>/13801/ Arizona County Assessor Paul Petersen indicted on human trafficking
 >>/13810/ DS, I can see your tells, Q can hear you breath, Anons unite to go after you!
 >>/13821/ Listen to the Signal, Ignore the Noise: Interview w/ Peter Navarro on OAN
 >>/13850/  Let's never allow this here!: Chinese Citizens to be Required To Scan Faces for Internet Use
 >>/13853/,  >>/13854/,  >>/13855/,  >>/13894/,  >>/14015/ Drop of documents re. Biden & Burisma
 >>/13909/ The Tylers' take on Creepy Joe getting paid $900,000 by Burisma for lobbying
 >>/13914/,  >>/13915/ Rats Abandon the Sinking Ship? Clinton Foundation HQ, Australia falling into disrepair
 >>/13920/ It's not just Popoviciu: Interview with Romanian MEP on Dems' dealings in "vassal states"
 >>/13950/ Kurdish YPG had an "International Batallion", previously named "Antifa Batallion"
 >>/13961/,  >>/13965/ POTUS listening? Foreign language meme suggestion reflected in today's tweets?
 >>/13982/ Tools/Webpages to use for spoofing SMS verification (handle with care)
 >>/14012/ Ronan Farrow's book detailing how NBC News chief Andrew Lack 'Preyed on Female Underlings'
 >>/14014/ Little Rock hotel ignored human trafficking, though management well aware
 >>/14033/,  >>/14044/ ,  >>/14046/ ,  >>/14048/ ,  >>/14049/ ,  >>/14079/ Hunter Biden's dealings with shadowy companies
 >>/14051/,  >>/14056/,  >>/14058/ Edward V. Szofer: Only involved or at the helm in Bidens' Pay for Play?
 >>/14052/,  >>/14060/,  >>/14073/,  >>/14119/ Edward V. Szofer (see above), Pt. 2
 >>/14054/ Change of Narrative to get in front of it: Biden changes story about talking to his son
 >>/14077/ Fox News oversamples Democrats in Impeachment Poll (related POTUS tweet:  >>/13921/ )
 >>/14085/ Parnas & Fruman who helped Guiliani in Ukraine investigation arrested on campaign finance charge
Note-taker #2
 >>/14074/,  >>/14089/ Anon proposes tracking livingstreaming of violent/illegal acts by social media; >> tracking anti-Q articles
 >>/14090/ Poll: 61% say DJT deserves a second term
 >>/14094/,  >>/14095/ Children's Defense Fund DIGG
 >>/14096/,  >>/14097/ QanonResearch Endchan is now indexed by Qresear.ch
 >>/14123/ On unrestricted war & information warfare
> If comms open 

Normies now know MSM is corrupt and lying to them , show links to globalist ownership of press and their pushing socialism on every platform. 

Think C.F.R. , normies need to know how the opinions of the masses are ' engineered '
Re copy pasta problems
biggest ones are with links when they're the only thing in the whole paragraph
hard to copy pasta the link the normal way (with 3 mouse clicks)--do that, and the link is followed not copied
can't get around the edges easily, either

and whenever you want just PART of a page, the software is not cooperative--whole pages are fine. never seen a worse copy pasta in any other program!

the reason i don't like changing dough formatting in little ways is that i have to do it really fast in 8chan--bc breds can be 25 mins or less. Everythinghas to be totally automatic for a baker, wrote about this in this bred or another when i realized why it matters to me. most important for a baker is being able to bake when Q posts, and i do it the "8chan way" in order to keep the muscle memory the same. i practice over and over again, so it can be done fluently, without thinking. that is the only way it's possible to get thru those super fast breds.

I'll stick around for a few then sign off,

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