This Anon concurs...few things that suck moar (imho) than coming here (home) after a long difficult, stressful day/week/month/etc...with the intention of catching up on notables, conversing & working with fellow Anons & Autists, diggin'/meme'in/doin' what (You) do & having a few keks in the process..................Only to end up REEEEEEING and recoiling at the sight of the ever-increasing shilling & accusations of shilling being flung about, post after post of stupid grade school-tier shitposts by that fucking ebot faggot & his ilk (they're all clearly unaware of how irrelevant and astonishingly fucking pathetic they are; if they had a clue they would've offed themselves long ago) ; All of this and moar has increasingly sucked a significant portion of the once very abundant /comfy/ Anons/8 refugees had all come to profoundly appreciate and look forward to over the past 3 months (I hope I am/may speak(ing) for most Anons here on that last one). I wish I had another suggestion as to how to get it back the way it was prior to about 2-3 weeks ago (give or take)...this place was stocked full of frenly feelz, good digs, the occasional tunez to dig by, awesome free flow of thoughts/ideas/memes/plans/epiphanies/etc...Anons helping newfags who are here & trying to learn the ropes in earnest-being able to ask questions they probably daren't think about asking on 8 or half or elsewhere-oldfags imparting wisdom & guidance, everyone...each of us...lending or accepting a helping hand as We exemplified the very meaning of WWG1WGA!!!=
Sorry for the much-longer-than-originally-planned post/rant...I think of this place as home-in some ways actually superior to current-day 8ch/8kun (if it ever becomes accessible to some of us again, kek)...the only thing it lacks (prior to the previous 2-3 weeks I've already ranted about above) is a direct line to Q;...
outside of that and some minor board tweaks/aesthetics [Speaking of which: Does ANYONE here know how the hell to fix that??? I've never become accustomed to it & it still annoys the shit out of me to this day!] (Sorry, personal pet peeve there)...outside of some pretty minor shit ('cept the direct line to Q thing isn't minor, kek) I had become so fond of & /comfy/ in this digital respite on the edge of the abyss...the dark & beautiful END...that it genuinely upsets and angers me that this board I call home has been hijacked by some small-minded brainlet shill faggots. *may karma deal them an end to their pathetic existence in the form of a flaming dumpster fire full of hundreds of gallons of excrement*
ALL that being said-I love the rest of you fags (no homo) & I really do think of you as my frens & family and I feel grateful to you...sincerely. o7
/End rant