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You can be sure, however, that the Venetian Black Nobility Crown Banking Cartel = CIA - Soros - NWO Vatican - Black Pope - Knights of Malta - Five Eyes gang of criminals will use ex Soviet Countries like this to run their energy deals. Good to check with George Webb, he has great knowledge on this subject. See his YT videos.
> try to control your thinking and tell you who to listen to, which board to follow, which version of Q to follow

and all i was doing was asking for halp memen on wednesday.

see how a shill works kek

These shills try to set traps for others then attempt to use their words to paint a black picture of what is while. This is how you recognize shills as this one anons.

True anons who are not paid shills listen to the truth, dig into things, do not let others think for them. Use your brains and dig. The truth is too important then to simply let controlled opposition shills like this attempt to smear the very only one bringing you the truth and nothing but the truth.

This image above explains it all. Either you allow paid shills to think for you or you come along and reason with us. If you do not dig and read, study what the source has to present to you, you will end up just consuming whatever they tell you to consume and end up missing the BIG PICTURE!
thumbnail of expose-cnn.png
thumbnail of expose-cnn.png
expose-cnn png
(937.71 KB, 1158x1168)
Patriots and Followers Notified 


/x/ as soon as things settle down.
still researching tho o7

How to imagine we have always existed. 

In the Begining was God and the Word was with God...

We are the Living Word
> String Theory... sounds musical kek

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