/qanonresearch/ - Q War Room

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Welcome To Q Anon Research & Operations

We hold these truths to be self-evident.
- All men are created equal.
- All men are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights.
- That among these rights are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need, nor condone the use of force in our work here. All illegal content reported. Not Liable.



Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.


“A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn
a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort
the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new
problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly.
Specialization is for insects.” -Robert A. Heinlein

* Letters https://pastebin.com/zX0ZTKf2
-To My Family https://pastebin.com/WiGSu4mD
-To Patriots https://pastebin.com/0ieWe4t9
-Q Clearance Patriot https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/229860764
-A Prayer https://pastebin.com/3K3twDnQ
-A Prayer https://pastebin.com/DnH74iaK

 505 ERROR Bunker >> https://freenode.net/#qanonresearch 

* Access
Clear: https://endchan.net | https://endchan.org | https://endchan.xyz
TOR v2: https://endchan5doxvprs5.onion | https://s6424n4x4bsmqs27.onion
TOR v3: https://enxx3byspwsdo446jujc52ucy2pf5urdbhqw3kbsfhlfjwmbpj5smdad.onion

* Report Illegal Content on Endchan  >>/10952/  >>/10957/  >>/10959/  >>/10960/
* FAQ  >>/10458/  >>/10468/  >>/10970/
NChan Indexing  https://qresear.ch

NChan TRIPCODES (In the name field enter #YourUserName)
 >>/18016/ What is a tripcode?

SITEOWNER tbd [SnakeDude] (AWOL)
SUPERADMIN tbd [@OdiliTime] (dev/sysadmin)
ADMIN tbd [Balrog] (chief hotpocket, owner of endchan.xyz domain)
SECURITY tbd [Uguu] provides help with DDoS mitigation and runs our frontend
HOST tbd [Miao] (provides our hardware hosting at no cost)
BOARDOWNER ##qnktnX [citizen o7] Profile:  >>/21875/

#i/91V8  >>/34180/ 
#jQQLKu  >>/33698/

*Board Volunteers
BV0 #jIFGUa [weaponized autism] Profile:  >>/32290/

BAKER0 #sGrv/I [angry gerbil] Profile  >>/32289/

Awakening  >>/19890/ https://archive.is/BMb7d |  >>/13478/ https://archive.is/MwyS Locked
Memes  >>/960/ https://archive.is/70E93
Notables  >>/75/ https://archive.is/qqjlZ
Documents  >>/5829/ https://archive.is/Z2Z6U
Social  >>/15186/ https://archive.is/dZ1aO
War Room  >>/21400/ https://archive.is/Jr6Ml
Learn to Bake  >>/21146/  >>/22833/
Qproofs  >>/1980/
Symbols  >>/4289/ https://archive.is/nkrkR

PLAYERS [* = Focus] https://pastebin.com/xPM3snNY
[ Adam Shiff  >>/18339/ ] https://archive.is/PxPzM
[ Joe Biden  >>/14854/ ] https://archive.is/dN0qZ
[ Nancy Pelosi  >>/16673/ ] https://archive.is/csClW
[ Romania  >>/25339/ ]
[ Turkey  >>/16810/ ]
[ Ukraine  >>/18390/ ]


@POTUS @realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom https://www.whitehouse.gov | https://www.donaldjtrump.com/ 

*PCOMMS https://pastebin.com/NMmQF2U9
Two sets of two synonyms or three mentions of a term = significant.
re: repeated 3x = signal (NOT noise)
Check the timestamps on the posts and tweets capitalization on his Twitter
0 deltas tweets = comms open
During homophones, hand signals will give you the coded (and correct, but unexpected) word to hear. Eyes open.

QCOMMS  >>/23599/  >>/23609/  >>/23611/  >>/23612/  >>/23635/  >>/23599/  >>/23609/  >>/23611/  >>/23612/  >>/23635/  >>/25395/  >>/25395/ 
 >>/32201/ Reminder RTFM

RCOMMS [Rudolph Giuliani]  >>/23921/  >>/23927/  >>/23594/  >>/23279/  >>/25962/ 
 >>/32260/ RCOMMS Ukrainian docs showing 'collusion'

LCOMMS [Lou Dobbs]  >>/32318/ Lou Comms MiniBun IG Durham Senior Obama Justice Dept

*Speech Notes
19/11/26 Sunshine FL https://pastebin.com/QpTmpgxn
19/11/14 Louisiana https://pastebin.com/ETG7nQgH
19/11/06 [MARK] Judicial Confirmations https://pastebin.com/ZqFVUEh2 
19 kentucky https://pastebin.com/a2P932ai

Speech That Won Election - https://youtube.com/watch?v=zvrWvGJkfuU
Hillary Roast - https://youtube.com/watch?v=Bmvxx_YbDsM
4th July 19 - https://youtube.com/watch?v=lE3rNWYvkRg
MAGA Rally in NC - https://youtube.com/watch?v=5ODi8wTgoqs (That ending tho)
9/11 Interview - https://youtube.com/watch?v=V4ZfXOil1pk
Buckingham Palace - https://youtube.com/watch?v=oO-FT0q34tg
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/ynXV6CHT
SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool: https://publicpool.kinja.com/

Last Known Post - 25 Nov 2019 - 4:35:45 PM https://qmap.pub/read/3636
8kun.top Tripcode !!mG7VJxZNCI

* Q Proofs
Website dedicated to Q Proofs -- https://QProofs.com | https://QAnonProofs.com
Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w |  https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/ 
Shared folder of some Q "proofs" -- https://mega.nz/#F!bvR2lCJB!OOP1-Dxp58XnrI7c8VSm9Q!36xGUL6Y

* QPosts Archives
MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!cjZQRAaL!aTvYqIifJmSRQYUB5h4LmOJgjqNut2DOAYHFmYOV1fQ
MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ux6qfl2m40vbaah/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VI.pdf/file
SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/408371553/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VI?secret_password=m2IeU6xGZ7OtQhl7vvyg

* QPosts Archive - Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More.
https://qanon.app | https://qanon.pub | https://qntmpkts.keybase.pub | https://qmap.pub  | https://qanon.news | https://qposts.online

* Q Raw Text Dumps: https://pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE | https://pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t | https://pastebin.com/iteQ8xAt

* Spreadsheet and Resources QPosts Q&A and all images backup: 
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/ | https://pastebin.com/Ajs1iT3k

* Q Happenings Calendar
Submit an event here - https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a
Main Calendar URL —- https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

* Q and (You)
(this area for articles and such related to Q)
*Awakening  >>/18142/
Q Code of Ethics  >>/15355/ 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QAnon https://duckduckgo.com/?q=qanon https://twitter.com/hashtag/qanon

#Q #QAnon #TheGreatAwakening #YouAreDivine #QResearch #QanonResearch #TheEndChan

*How to make Q-related boards more effective sources of info via better content and presentation
would take a book
but have been working on this as digger, mostly done via example, e.g.:
- include details (authors/dates)
- cite relevant qresear.ch refs
- call out fake research (phony stats, msm material, fake studies)
- tie text to graphics ("see cap 1")
- call out main ideas with bold, etc.
- encourage descriptions in noms

DIG MEME PRAY [All 3 Continously]

The best would be to watch whats being discussed on the board in relation to what HOT TOPICS are in the news.

Start by asking yourself regarding the Vote what are the 5 W's
Who: Eddie Rispone
What: Voting
Where: Louisiana
When: Live atm
Why: To elect an official
> Post this info in the thread with a picture and a link to the source that gave you the information
> If its Really important information, you may also want to archive.is online and post that link also
> allow review and brainstorming for more ideas... moist likely next logical step would be who is he running against.

Get Everyone at ONCE and HIT 'Them' With Everything You Got! THINK PICARD MANUEVER! [POST STORM - THE WAVE]
[1] MEME MEME and MEME some MOAR! Stay Focused on Current HOTTOPICS
[2] Pick 2-3 hashes from the target area  htps://www.trendolizer.com Hijack them to get your #hash out.
[3] Post @ 10-11Am | 12-3Pm | 6-9Pm EST
[4] Always Post meme or Cap
[5] Use .@them to respond to all their following.
[6] Remember to be Quirky in your posts.
[7] RT other's tweets
[8] ReTweet LASERFAST. Use https://tweetdeck.com
[9] Information WarFare https://archive.is/E0oJm
> Them: Twitter Facebook Instagram...
> Example Meme Tiers 1 2 3  >>/33829/ (ex. T-3 Meme  >>/33830/)

*Operating Procedures  >>/23258/  >>/22435/
*What is the Narrative Softpill  >>/25924/
*Sample Personal 'MadHatter' Timeline Tweet  >>/25390/
*Sample Dems are Evil Notables Post & call for Patriots  >>/35464/
*How to dig other countries  >>/38691/ 
*Meme Tips https://archive.org/details/MemeticMagic

1. Make Aware Dems Are Evil: Standard SlowPill  Procedure Stage1&2  >>/21070/ | Stage3  >>/21380/
2. Make Awake You are Devine: The Great Awakening  >>/18142/

Commenting Raid  >>/24255/
Beat the Narrative  >>/24327/
What is Information Warfare  >>/24172/
Cloak a Q anon Research with a Potus Tweet  >>/24337/
Anti March RedPill Strategy  >>/25302/


 https://hashtags.org  https://pastebin.com/bFsuyT4V
#Romania #Ukraine #biden #pelosi #schiff
#donothingdemocrats #whistleblower #secretmeetings #ukrainecall #whereshunter
#BringThemHome #BringSoldiersHome #WeWantThemBack #TimeToComeHome #WeLoveOurSoldiers

#QAnon Hashtag ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats' 

* Sealed Indictments
-Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677
-Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y
-Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more – https://bad-boys.us/

* Resignations https://www.resignation.info | https://qresear.ch


* POTUS' Tweet Archive: http://trumptwitterarchive.com
* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets
* Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws
* Twitter Video Downloader: https://twittervideodownloader.com/
* Youtube Downloader https://ytmp3.cc/ 
* Video Pastebin https://videobin.org/
* Download url vids https://9xbuddy.com/sites/openload
* https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/archiver-menu/?src=search class="quoteLink" href="/qanonresearch/res/8607.html#8946">>>/8946/ (archiver)
* https://threadreaderapp.com
* http://trumptwitterarchive.com
* Twitter Trends https://www.trendolizer.com
* News Paper Snippet https://www.fodey.com/generators/newspaper/snippet.asp
* Trends Map https://www.trendsmap.com
* Top Trending Hashes https://trends24.in/united-states/
* Meme generator https://imgflip.com
Search Engine https://swisscows.com https://yippy.com
 >>/25135/ Tools for anons 
Are You Banned https://shadowban.eu/
search ex. [site:qanon.news shiff]
People Search https://www.truepeoplesearch.com/
 >>/15810/ Dough: https://pastebin.com/xY6LcKJa | https://pastebin.com/raw/Nb12HyuB 
More Tools > https://pastebin.com/u7P7a6hv

*Other Known Boards
https://08ch.net (Decentralized)
https://8kun.net | https://oxwugzccvk3dk6tj.onion | http://jthnx5wyvjvzsxtu.onion
https://freenode.net/#qanonresearch (enter a nick/no password)

* Expanded Q Text Drops: https://pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY
* QMap Zip: https://enigma-q.com/qmap.zip
* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/
* Memo & OIG Report Links: https://otherch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188
* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/
* The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

[A]labama easton biden
[U]kraine burisma bidenson
[R]omainia bidenson provocik
[U]n lucispublishing bidenson?
[M]uldova romania biden soros UN

 >>/15186/ https://endchan.net/qanonresearch/res/15186.html

SOCIAL AMMO  >>/960/ 
Review Warroom for current tools and services and advisory.
(You) Play the part of Mad Hatter when Awakening "Them".
Use .@them to reply to all their followings. https://www.themuse.com/advice/mystery-dot-the-best-kept-secret-on-twitter
Them List: https://pastebin.com/jknaAkg5
Moar Social advice  >>/15186/ && https://pastebin.com/5p5X8MJ4

*Pastebins for Limelighters/Famefags
Paul Pelosi https://pastebin.com/ptNeBBN2
Nancy Prawda https://pastebin.com/7d0b2hJ9

*POTUS Accomplishments after 2 Yrs in Office https://mega.nz/#F!C49DHYIa!jOxYHczFjauTrdWWb9VUqw
MAGA https://mega.nz/#F!cFESCQjK!vX36HNEzFXSu8IfTQenQ_w
 >>/24444/  >>/24469/  >>/24616/  >>/25585/  >>/25621/  >>/25684/  >>/25687/  >>/25807/  >>/25427/  >>/33140/ 
Medicine Prices  >>/40972/
4 More Years Trump 2020  >>/40976/
Abortion  >>/33141/ 
Israel  >>/33141/
Judges  >>/33152/
Kavenough  >>/33153/ 
Iran Sanctions  >>/33179/ 
USMCA  >>/33192/  >>/38779/  >>/38780/  >>/38774/  >>/38775/  >>/38781/ 
Tarriffs  >>/33207/
NK  >>/33243/
Job Growth  >>/33287/
ObamaCare  >>/33299/  >>/33887/
Vets  >>/33303/
Tax Cuts  >>/33310/
VoterId  >>/33322/  >>/33900/  >>/33902/  >>/33907/  >>/33910/  >>/33913/  >>/33917/  >>/33921/
African Unemployement  >>/33330/
Police  >>/33381/ 
Medicine Prices
Right to Try

Biden  >>/14854/ | Clinton  >>/25290/ | Memes  >>/960/ | Notables  >>/75/ | Pelosi  >>/16673/ | Shiff  >>/18339/ | Symbols  >>/4289/

#HunterBiden  >>/24579/  >>/24881/  >>/24934/ 
#AdamSchiff (Eric Ciaramella)  >>/33183/  >>/25314/  >>/24666/  >>/24732/  >>/24792/  >>/24614/  >>/35675/
 >>/35686/  >>/35696/  >>/35698/  >>/35703/  >>/35708/  >>/35713/
#VoterID (DanielCameron)  >>/33869/  >>/33864/  >>/33900/  >>/33902/  >>/33907/  >>/33910/ 
#GreatAwakening  >>/25761/  >>/25764/  >>/25781/ 
#HillaryClinton  >>/24471/  >>/24595/  >>/24619/  >>/24624/  >>/24701/  >>/24708/  >>/24709/  >>/24712/  >>/24719/  >>/24723/  >>/24731/  >>/25916/ 
African Amerc  >>/24005/  >>/24174/
CNN  >>/25218/ vid 
Dems  >>/23744/  >>/23775/  >>/24330/  >>/24171/  >>/24328/ 
Barr  >>/23676/
Bolton  >>/24673/
Mother Jones  >>/24160/
Obama  >>/24443/  >>/24752/  >>/25912/  >>/25913/ 
Pedovores  >>/24845/ 
Q  >>/25584/  >>/25631/  >>/25840/  >>/25885/ 
Rice  >>/24611/  >>/24671/
Soros Alex  >>/24605/  >>/24609/ 
Traffickers  >>/24811/  >>/25362/ 
Pizzagate  >>/25604/  >>/25609/  >>/25633/  >>/25627/  >>/25736/  >>/25752/ >25434  >>/25632/ 
Misc  >>/24479/  >>/25717/

2019-Jul https://mega.nz/#F!6xkHmYrZ!wxAJLCRIW3EQO3TpyHf1BA
2019-Jun https://mega.nz/#F!K89jwQgB!ij-qXn6rnqv2ZozlXIWiFg
Epstein Drone Photos https://mega.nz/#F!DwNkwAZQ!xa6JLeW9_632P0yw3MhlNw

*How it Flows
> BO manages dough and all the BV's
> BV manages board and all the bakers
> BAKERS eyes on potus tweets for thread ideas and keep anons focused with reminders
> DIGGERS  gather intel based on bakers thread and POTUS Tweets
> SCAPPERS keep dough updated with previous LB Main Notables and Memes list
> MINIBUNS gather and post towards end of thread or next thead
> NOTETAKER gather notable posts and per thread focus
> MEMERS build memes on gathered info of the focus
> SOCIAL fires memes based on current thread memes using Social Infowarrior thread and Warroom section
> BV posts minibuns/notables/memes to respected threads for normies and newcomers to get to speed.
> ARCHIVE maintain archives
> LURKERS watch our back and catalog for shill attacks
> OPTICS eyes on focus group 24/7S

*This place is not for people who need blow-by-blow direction.
But if you really want some, here are concrete suggestions
- compile notables for any bread--that's SUPER useful
- get sauce for tweets
- do caps for article links
- search on 'dig' or 'digg' and go do diggs anons have called for and report back.

Newbs Read Positions Here: https://pastebin.com/MUqNrY5m
-opticsanon  >>/22246/
-twitteranon  >>/22353/
-planefag  >>/35227/

*Moderation Manual

*Formatting Instructions

*Learn To Bake 
Ghost Bake  >>/25536/
Simple  >>/22843/  >>/21146/ https://pastebin.com/r5BQDBTF
Advanced https://pastebin.com/waNBgamW
 >>/21200/ Baking Tips, Tricks & Traps
 >>/19659/ RE how you know bakers are legit if no tripcodes.

How To Collect Notables  >>/24512/
How to Take Notable Notes  >>/24523/ 
Note Procedures  >>/24373/  >>/24512/


Call For Memes
MS-13 Removal 
Right to Try
4 More Years Trump2020
Republican Party united at 95% 
- senatemajldr Mitch McConnell 
- GOPLeader Kevin McCarthy
Fed Rate Too high
No Quid Pro Joe
MAGA - Dems are Evil
Awakening - You are Divine
The4 leading the Dem Impeach hoax 
ABC - pstain coverup
Fed Reseve Distruction to economy

#AdamSchiff DC
-No Quid Pro Quo
-No Bribery
-Adam Shiff to testify
-under water so far
-SCHIFF'S "FACT" WITNESSES = 23 Characters kek

FBI Falsified FISA

#VoterId  >>/33869/
Daniel Cameron 




POTUS https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump @realDonaldTrump
RUDOLPH https://twitter.com/RudyGiuliani @RudyGiuliani
SEANHANNITY https://twitter.com/SeanHannity @SeanHannity
JUDEGEJEANINE https://twitter.com/JudgeJeanine @JudgeJeanine
SARAHCARTER https://twitter.com/SaraCarterDC @SaraCarterDC
LOUDOBBS https://twitter.com/LouDobbs @LouDobbs
TUCKERCARLSON https://twitter.com/TuckerCarlson @TuckerCarlson
@Family - Potus Flotus DonaldJTrumpJr EricTrump IvankaTrump 
@Media - IngrahamAngle dbongino MorningsMaria FoxBusiness⁩ SundayFutures⁩ FoxNews⁩
@Military - https://pastebin.com/0JVakGS9
@FBI - https://pastebin.com/N04DMase
@Civilian - https://pastebin.com/N9mkxyBU @danielcameronag 

*Media - https://pastebin.com/Fh0ZFt8Z

Michael Flynn Legal Defense Fund https://mikeflynndefensefund.org/
 >>/36226/ watching the stars..
 >>/36258/ Bilderberg Group
 >>/36282/ Q = Alice
 >>/36347/ Utopian communities formed in the 19'th century
 >>/36467/ How to build a ' wind up toy shooter 
 >>/36787/ Planets and Gods https://pastebin.com/EbQZBT9E

*Minibuns  >>/41687/
Soros Shale Romania  >>/41597/ 
ETS/Ukraine  >>/40968/ 
All things Soros last 10 days  >>/40857/  >>/40970/
Davis twat, Hill worked for Soros, Open Society  >>/40791/ 
Biden in Cypress minbun  >>/40749/
Manatos & Manatos  >>/40750/  >>/40727/ 
Khoury's Company Mantos/Tawfic Khoury/Skippy  >>/40751/ 
Original Q poster minibun  >>/39810/ 
Biden Soros Burisma Ukraine  >>/39608/ 
Ivanov Vitaliy Sergeevich  >>/39564/ 
ETS diggz ISP:PE Ivanov Vitaliy Sergeevich  >>/39053/ 

*BOARD VOLUNTEER NOTES https://pastebin.com/pFLKY8L5
BO - Update Dough.
BV - [PIN] current Baker's Bread.
BV - [Lock] Last Baker's Bread.
Bakers - Use Tripcodes Baking.
Anons - Eyes on POTUS TWITTER.

formated bread
posted minibuns to notables
reorganized shit



Master Archives
*MasterArchivist —————— https://qarchives.ga | https://qarchives.000webhostapp.com | https://masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/
*Supplement to MasterArchivist 
    - main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/
*Germanarchiveanon —————— https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa
*8ch Notable Archives https://pastebin.com/2f1897vD
*Offsite Archive - https://qanon.news/archives

Information Warfare Archives/Articles
Information Warfare I: http://archive.is/http://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5240137.html
ARCHIVE: https://archive.is/E0oJm (newest)
ZIP FILE: https://archive.is/download/E0oJm.zip
Information Warfare II: http://8ch.net/qrb/res/22979.html
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/jTJWj
ZIP FILE: https://archive.fo/download/jTJWj.zip

Archive ONLINE: https://pastebin.com/8M0A8v8X
 >>/15881/ HOW TO ARCHIVE
 >>/15883/ Archive Tools and services

#9450 https://archive.is/NNFxs
#9449 https://archive.is/iwBvP
#9448 https://archive.is/Go6rf
#9447 https://archive.is/4fPTz
#9446 https://archive.is/H3dAE

Archive OFFLINE [Downloads]: https://pastebin.com/xCdx9zK7
Qmap https://mega.nz/#!74cwVIZD!K4FsXHkBQ-hlnhzPRnBs6nWMUAWsKS7Ny2PjD4v0Vgw
adam-shiff https://mega.nz/#!fh8DQAwB!eiBFuaf9zqJ0Hx-PyKN6hlZi91VtqYc-9jYxIY1VqqE
awakening https://mega.nz/#!j0tRkaAZ!6Kzu5Zqa8MgxlWjHv6XrhmK_sAyYKLIfXgCvNrkQb1Q
california https://mega.nz/#!Oh9REITJ!ukLGbtUAhTgX6myypY340IkCVQ7p9oEoMzkukGScioQ
joe-biden https://mega.nz/#!Ol9FzCAA!-e6k-yjzqmMBAr6vJfC2W-BCMsiI4l7qKgJfZ7Zyxrs
memes https://mega.nz/#!K9l10KLB!Mu92YvK_ZjZ1F9XaNHhpMLP254O9Awn2ZJBuzXxVKSI
nancy pelosi https://mega.nz/#!as8lxYbD!ntbrXfqcvxE6VUmZsP5EWX6xem0uckERnvo6oxq8xm4
notables1-1 https://mega.nz/#!v0lDhSKA!LD5g9qAyY_MYhAhqbWkm_N1oXEfCtavRfVKBRGirIsY
0deltas https://mega.nz/#!igszxAAL!_yqhDSyiF7_gp78BiBVIDnvBASvq4y8zjINATtZ08ug
P Listening https://mega.nz/#!P5sxHQDb!9YOa3-tmqxMtB3GlYfCBiOvh7BHFZ2aCLZ6sjtCWnCM
Social https://mega.nz/#!HkkxQQiB!il6j38-VnwKfL3HNndfywF3JnRYAYL8Msh7vxfl0Ge8
symbolism https://mega.nz/#!P41BzAzS!o3PtzY07QopJw4pTCUYTez8gMgVdBgXuTwOXqAWy4jQ
turkey https://mega.nz/#!f0lXVa4Z!LgZVbEgNIoGNJtFPlfA6zmKXix1kw6JsZgL7d1s5nVE
ukraine https://mega.nz/#!yw8xSY4D!R7TfJkTweLLURiBCVAIVbNHw8X0kaScMHyThPaIa6lg
warroom https://mega.nz/#!SsshxCSC!rbCMoVuLAV29bMpvxH_r6EVW15TXC4vuhVjeQ4uWypk
#9437 https://mega.nz/#!q0E12IyJ!xTcnfUQy6895cYzBsslGCSftC6rQ1ilFJGFMxoq7F0I
#9436 https://mega.nz/#!T5EhTSrL!zLfIC1Rt0aHaQSps_0YVX3AF67iST6SEi3cG35g6onA
#9435 https://mega.nz/#!Ckc1ESRB!GbF3wMTj_c9AMLcI3-jhmvzeKXl_XbFWYYB2P6p2sF4
#9434 https://mega.nz/#!m5MxxSSB!VGj31VgOY1ggJ2QuG6UcS2-ARcH0oo9uq79YUbOr7r0
#9433 https://mega.nz/#!O0U3nAAQ!BN78egiy2r_NCbsAQ6rEWi1KLCx1OlNr6pKPPyEisw4
MOAR ARCHIVES: https://pastebin.com/4myHuYL7

https://archive.today https://archive.org https://archive.is

Task Board

USMCCA and How Pelosi is costing us the longer it takes
DS Kids - Pastebin that shit
The4 leading the ImpeachmentHoax
Mark Zaid
Biden Romania
Hillary Emails
Soros Biden
UN Lucis Biden Romania 
Pelosi california
Romney mormon

Eric CIArammella Ukraine Whistleblower
Mark Zaid Pedo Lawyer

CA VoterId DanielCamerron
DC WhistleBlower EricCiaramella 
DC PedoLawyer MarkZaid
DC Mormon Mittromney
DC SecreMeetings Schiff

*Hashes to Hichjack

Global Announcements

Are not endorsements.

Notetaker Collected Notables


 >>/40762/ lb PapaD interview, Russian sanctions have pushed them towards China
 >>/40764/ (you) lb VP Biden visited Poland, Romania, Czech Republic in 2009
 >>/40765/,  >>/40766/,  >>/40770/ lb The Bridge Project, Potus opposition for 2020
 >>/40767/ (you) lb 2014 VP Biden states Cypress can provide an alternative corridor for natural gas
 >>/40782/ lb George Papadopoulos bio pdf
 >>/40840/ lb Find the check mark, do the capcha to post on 8kun!
 >>/40844/ lb Chalupa DNC operative linked to DOJ hacking attacks on state voting systems 2018
 >>/40857/ lb All things Soros last 10 days
 >>/40876/ lb Hacked Emails Expose George Soros As Ukraine Puppet-Master, other Soros pdfs
 >>/40903/ VP Pence makes surprise visit to Iraq
 >>/40904/ Soros/Ukraine State docs pdf
 >>/40905/ HRC chief of staff Luzzatto/Leiter is husband/lobbied for Burisma after Hunter brought on
 >>/40916/ Liberal Law Prof Tells Disappointed CBS Hosts Impeachment Is “Designed To Fail” (VIDEO)
 >>/40922/ Prince Charles paid a visit to Christchurch New Zealand
 >>/40923/ The global purl resolver is down this morning -- essentially, the Net just broke
 >>/40935/ Q
 >>/40938/ Q
 >>/40939/,  >>/40948/ (you), >>/40964/,  >>/40966/ ETS/Ukraine
 >>/40942/ (you) Call for memes!
 >>/40943/ (you) Call for memes!
 >>/40952/,  >>/41353/ Rudy has an insurance file on the Bidens. Dead man's switch.
 >>/40962/ Q Vids
 >>/40969/ CEO of Ukraine State Gas Firm to testify in Guiliani probe
 >>/40973/ Occhionero Durham made his third trip to Italy.
 >>/40981/ Grassley harvest almost complete #cornwatch
 >>/40982/ PapaD Durham's 3rd trip to Italy
 >>/41001/ (you) Gibbs memes! Social ammo needed, listed themes!
 >>/41005/ (you),  >>/41004/ (you)>>,  >>/41028/,  >>/41029/ Iran nuclear deal framework, Fordo goes active
 >>/41007/ Mueller may have helped cover up joint Bush-Bin Laden family investments
 >>/41012/,  >>/41015/ (you),  >>/41016/ Grassley and Johnson request Suspicious Activity Reports from Treasury Financial Crimes Enforcement

 >>/41014/ anon decode of Calm before the Storm
 >>/41033/ (you),  >>/41039/,  >>/41034/ (you),  >>/41035/ (you),  >>/41036/ (you),  >>/41037/ Potus twat misspells/decodes
 >>/41044/ @kimguilfoyle economy has created a whopping 6.4 million jobs,
57 percent of these jobs have gone to women
 >>/41053/,  >>/41074/,  >>/41077/ Atlantic Council.Org/Millennium Fellowship/Schiff staffer Sean Misko/McAuliffe/Whitehouse/Burisma/Ukraine
 >>/41091/ 'It’s only one side’s perspective': Carter Page slams FISA report as 'sloppy'
 >>/41093/ RBG hospilized for fever/chills
 >>/41100/ Whistleblower and Leaker Lt. Col. Vindman Accuses John Solomon of Lying, John Solomon Responds with a 28 Point List and a Warning
 >>/41115/ 2016 elections AntAC/Ukraine
 >>/41116/, >>/41132/ Pentagon Pedophile Task Force ask Florida Governor Ron DeSantis implement Operation Feral Porcine/Timothy Holmseth
 >>/41123/ C_A/Darpa twats Your tax dollars hard at work!
 >>/41125/ State Dept records Guiliani/Pompeo/Ukraine
 >>/41135/,  >>/41136/,  >>/41148/ Jerome corsi)/Aldobrandini Fam connect
 >>/41140/ Q with cap
 >>/41150/,  >>/41152/ DS message to the Watkins?
 >>/41161/ Lee County sheriff being investigated for fraud
 >>/41164/ Monsanto Pays Out $10 Million For Spraying Toxic Chemicals On Hawaiian Crops
 >>/41171/ USMCA agreement resolution
 >>/41175/ Ukraine Foia docs, lost the link to them
 >>/41177/ FOIA Ukraine docs pdf
 >>/41182/ Nasif twat from JA?
 >>/41184/ Is this the same Devon Archer working with HBiden?
 >>/41200/ Q X2 with cap
 >>/41265/ Q reviews
 >>/41267/ Nunes accuses CNN of 'criminal activity' for reporting he tried to get Biden dirt
 >>/41272/,  >>/41282/,  >>/41365/,  >>/41366/,  >>/41367/,  >>/41368/,  >>/41375/,  >>/41381/,  >>/41495/ Corsie/Stettner, Century Foundation
 >>/41278/,  >>/41279/,  >>/41281/ Barr Concludes What Happened To Clinton Buddy Jeffrey Epstein
 >>/41296/,  >>/41298/ Committee to Investigate Russia
 >>/41327/,  >>/41339/ Biden/Ukraine/State Ukraine docs pdf


Notables pt2
 >>/41338/ Ukraine Officials Allege Major Corruption Scandal with DNC Linked Company/Biden/DNC
 >>/41341/ Lutsenko Shokin interviews
 >>/41348/ Spygate/Netanyahu/Ukraine/Brexit/time for the West to outlaw Soros' Open Society, investigation of data analytics in pol campaigns, final
 >>/41377/ Mysterious deaths before testimony
 >>/41379/ Q projectDcomms
 >>/41392/,  >>/41396/ (you),  >>/41397/ (you),  >>/41398/ (you), Social Go! Memes!
 >>/41408/ Q's
 >>/41410/ AFIA Air Force Inspection Agency (1 of less than 10)
 >>/41414/ Official Secrets/ Soros/skippy email/Europe/Ukraine
 >>/41446/ BREAKING: FBI Lawyer Who Altered FISA Docs and His Lover Worked for Current ICIG Who Edited IC WhistleBlower Form to Legitimize Schiff Sham
 >>/41460/ Stone Prosecutor Begins Media Blitz, Potentially Violating Gag Order
 >>/41472/,  >>/41473/ AP Reporting Now Being Funded by Left-Wing Orgs
 >>/41519/,  >>/41520/ PP docs/vids
 >>/41522/,  >>/41523/ Readout of Vice President Biden’s Meeting with Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos of Romania/Biden/Romania
 >>/41533/,  >>/41540/VP Biden/Romania/Moldova/gas/defense budget
 >>/41534/ Bridge project/HABfoundation
 >>/41535/ Biden/Ukraine US Meddling
 >>/41536/ 2015 Obama admits US role in 2014 Ukraine coup
 >>/41537/,  >>/41538/ Official Secrets/Sedition/Espionage
 >>/41541/ Chevron/Romania/gas exploration
 >>/41542/,  >>/41601/,  >>/41596/ (you),  >>/41601/ shale gas/Romania/BNK Petroleum/Soros/UN
 >>/41545/,  >>/41550/ Schiff/MWaters/DWS/Pstains brother/Humpty Dumpty Institute/UN/State Dept
 >>/41547/ Senior DHS cyber official Jeanette Manfra to step down
 >>/41551/ Blue star mention in heiress Millstein bio
 >>/41559/ comms POTUS QDROPS Decode,
 >>/41563/,  >>/41566/,  >>/41569/,  >>/41570/Omar working for Qatar
 >>/41570/ Bender affidavit pg 40
 >>/41577/ CALL TO DIG FAGGOTS We need to dig on Vicky Ward. "British Journalist" for CNN
 >>/41578/ (you) RALLY NIGHT BITCHES
 >>/41580/,  >>/41581/,  >>/41584/, >>/41586/,  >>/41591/ Vicky Ward
 >>/41593/ (you),  >>/41594/ (you) Sunrise Rally notes
 >>/41601/ Soros/Ukraine nonpaper pdf, Poroshenko/Petro/Yatsenyuk/Arsenly(12/23/14) pdf
 >>/41605/ Soros in Romania pts1-10,
speaking of George Soros's & Company activities in Romania, The road map to Deception and Corruption, this formula needs to end all over the world.
 >>/41614/ Foundation to Promote Open Society
 >>/41621/,  >>/41622/, Open Society
 >>/41623/ Bad Investment: The Philanthropy of George Soros and the Arab-Israeli Conflict How Soros-funded Groups Increase Tensions in a Troubled Region
 >>/41624/Open Society Foundations, 2015-2018 STRATEGY
 >>/41625/ Black Lives Matter Funded By George Soros
 >>/41627/,  >>/41628/ SOROS NETWORK. MONEY "WHITE" for politicians and NGOs involved in political life in ROMANIA
 >>/41659/ Romney
 >>/41667/ Soros

 >>/41668/ (PB)
> Those are literally the same name, just localizations.

Agreed, the point is when searching in those locations..for info..better results might be delivered, with those names. Always thinking about the dig Anon:)

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God made everything , got bored , made angels from a part of Godself, sent them to planets to learn stuff , Earth was made so the angels could perfect creating. Angels could come and go wherever and whenever they liked -it was glorious. Then overtime some thought they had a great idea to change the atom as they thought it would make creating even better. As soon as they did it cut them off from all they'd known !! They have been trying to fix the mistake ever since !!! Stuck in a loop until they do. We are those angels and this is 3rd time round . We don't have that long actually....remember ?

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thumbnail of The George Soros philosophy – and its fatal flaw.png
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thumbnail of The George Soros philosophy – and its fatal flaw(2).png
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thumbnail of The George Soros philosophy – and its fatal flaw(4).png
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The George Soros philosophy – and its fatal flaw 
(Written by Daniel Bessner Fri 6 Jul 2018) 
(1 of 2)

Not usually a fan of this publication..however there is a very useful piece of information here.  I would seem that GS adopted his philosophy from Karl Popper. 

To put the focus on GS and the way he thinks, its important to understand his influences Karl Popper was the original planner of Open Societies. 
Included here is a snippet from the Guardian article as well as the works of Karl Poppers original publishing both 1 and 2. 


The Open Society And Its Enemies

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thumbnail of George Soros I’m a passionate critic of market fundamentalism Letter.png
George... png
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thumbnail of The Capitalist Threat.png
The... png
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thumbnail of The Capitalist Threat(1).png
The... png
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thumbnail of The Capitalist Threat(2).png
The... png
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GS Responds with and oped:

George Soros: I’m a passionate critic of market fundamentalism 
Fri 13 Jul 2018 

In his response to the Guardian article GS refers the reader to another oped he wrote in the Atlantic February 1997, in which he details his philosophy completely.

The Capitalist Threat
What kind of society do we want? "Let the free market decide!" is the often-heard response. That response, a prominent capitalist argues, undermines the very values on which open and democratic societies depend.

Soros Minibun

 >>/40857/ lb All things Soros last 10 days
 >>/40876/ lb Hacked Emails Expose George Soros As Ukraine Puppet-Master, other Soros pdfs
 >>/40904/ Soros/Ukraine State docs pdf
 >>/41348/ Spygate/Netanyahu/Ukraine/Brexit/time for the West to outlaw Soros' Open Society, investigation of data analytics in pol campaigns, final
 >>/41542/,  >>/41601/,  >>/41596/,  >>/41601/  shale gas/Romania/BNK Petroleum/Soros/UN
 >>/41601/ Soros/Ukraine nonpaper pdf, Poroshenko/Petro/Yatsenyuk/Arsenly(12/23/14) pdf
  >>/41605/ Soros in Romania pts1-10, speaking of George Soros's & Company activities in Romania, The road map to Deception and Corruption, this formula needs to end all over the world.
 >>/41614/ Foundation to Promote Open Societ >>/41611/ OPEN SOCIETY U.S. PROGRAMS BOARDy
 >>/41621/,  >>/41622/, Open Society
 >>/41623/ Bad Investment: The Philanthropy of George Soros and the Arab-Israeli Conflict How Soros-funded Groups Increase Tensions in a Troubled Region
 >>/41624/Open Society Foundations, 2015-2018 STRATEGY
 >>/41625/ Black Lives Matter Funded By George Soros
 >>/41627/,  >>/41628/ SOROS NETWORK. MONEY "WHITE" for politicians and NGOs involved in political life in ROMANI
 >>/41667/ Soros
 >>/41700/,  >>/41701/ The George Soros philosophy – and its fatal flaw


Wife and Children

Soros has five children and has been divorced twice. He married his third wife, Tamiko Bolton, in 2013.

There is more than Alex..I think we need to find the other 4 to see what if any role they play here.


Don´t forget that Bitcoin is a scam created on Diego Garcia Island in the British unregulated territories & US bases as a way to scam the planet. Created by HC, The Pentagon, the same group of scammers trying to take-down Trump!


 >>/40641/ Burisma In Ukraine is Owned By Brociti Greek Company
 >>/40642/ The email revealed that “GS”
 >>/40659/ (P) Is Romania compliant with the EU legislation regarding money laundering?
 >>/40678/ keep in mind LeVant papad energy cypress
 >>/40680/ Moldova
 >>/40687/  >>/40692/ Mesopotamia
 >>/40698/ Islamic State's financial withdrawal poses big anti-laundering challenge
 >>/40699/ Atlantic Council > Soros
 >>/40716/ Joe Biden touched down in Bucharest Romania
 >>/40723/ US Vice President Joe Biden arrives to Cyprus (Photos added)
 >>/40725/ our views as regards the Cyprus problem
 >>/40726/ Joe Biden assures Anastasiades he is at his disposal to help
 >>/40728/ We've got people all around the world who want to invest in Joe Biden.
 >>/40729/ The LeVant News
 >>/40731/  >>/40737/  >>/40741/ Maps of the Levant
 >>/40734/ Egypt is not often thought of as part of the Levant
 >>/40742/ What Countries Comprise the Levant?
 >>/40744/  >>/40745/ Financing of the Terrorist Organization Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) levant = ISIL
 >>/40747/ The Islamic State
 >>/40748/ Islamic State's financial withdrawal poses big anti-laundering challenge
 >>/40749/ Biden in Cypress minbun
 >>/40750/ Mantos/Skippy minibun
 >>/40751/ Khoury and Thessaloniki port privatization minibun
 >>/40762/ George Papadopoulos: Sanctions have done little more than to turn Russia towards China
 >>/40763/ PapaD is very knowledgeable
 >>/40764/ Joe Biden will visit Poland, Romania and the Czech Republic
 >>/40773/  >>/40775/  >>/40776/  >>/40786/ what does biden and the romania guy have to do with energy? 
 >>/40779/ crowdstrike open society
 >>/40780/ soros ukraine i think
 >>/40782/ George Papadopoulos
 >>/40785/  >>/40788/ Papadopoulos’ Work Focused On Energy (ben carson)
 >>/40789/ this all seems to be about the oil in Israel
 >>/40790/ Lil Papa was a scarecrow, like Manafort
 >>/40791/ Davis twat, Hill worked for Soros, Open Society
 >>/40792/ cypress soros ukraine romania
 >>/40801/  >>/40802/ what was that land deal for
 >>/40806/ “Soros 'dark money' behind ads urging Republicans to impeach Trump”
 >>/40807/  >>/40812/ look for what PapaD says about his encounter ( >>/40803/)
 >>/40809/ Romania being one of the biggest. Wash heaven
 >>/40811/ Papa Georgie is definitely in it for Georgie
 >>/40813/  >>/40815/ how much of the UN's lucis money do they wash?
 >>/40817/ Soro's brand rule of law for Ukraine..in exchange for getting them out of the hole
 >>/40857/ All things Soros last 10 days
 >>/40868/ https://dailycaller.com/2019/11/22/soros-dark-money-impeachment/
 >>/40876/ Here are those Soros doc's (Hacked Emails Expose George Soros As Ukraine Puppet-Master)


Of course The Atlantic is Soros. Soros is an agent of the CIA. The CIA is an agent of The British Empire, of the Khazarian mafia, of the Black Nobility Crown banking cartel, which even rules over the Queen!



x were on romania and the money laundering.

can u connect rommania money laundering to the UN

thinking soros is the connection
any companies involved ran by the DS kids.

where the hell is our money going?



Silk Airlines is via Azerbaijan and the former Soviet satellite nations, via Bulgaria etc...GWebb and Jason got all the docs from a consulate whistle blower and it even proves that they transport White PHOSPHORUS WEAPONS!

can u connect our money buying these weopens and sending to isis?

im sure the energy companies and money laundering are in play. im getting there myself, but lots to do atm and tis THANKSGIVING EVE BITCHES kek


There are a quite many posts on this subject and some recent ones on my main page:


Find more info here:


The info is embedded in the recent posts, so will take time to put it all together...much of it is gathered from experience....

see x the way it works is. 
u make a statement, then supply a backing element as some form of proof of your statement.

for instance.

State Department Links to George Soros’ Open Society Foundation

supporting documents


I would but so many start attacking and accusing others of so many things that it makes it difficult to get productive things done..I can give you a few pointers in the right direction...just ask and I can explain what you don´t understand...


The MLiberty page is just a reference point, a point to gather years of research....it would take up hundreds of pages to put it all in one place...but I can give you pointers and key info to know where to look etc...as my posts above have done...that will be a good starter....


Ok, those tidbit backing links are all within my posts..here I only make general statements summarizing the content of the posts, which contain the tidbit links you ask for...the references etc.... see my latest post for example.... exposing how the IC IG and Whistle Blower broke the law.

again follow our money

paris accord
we send money
money washed in ukraine/romania
washed money sent to soros
soros sends to isis in moldova?

pretty sure this is the MO could be wrong tho

nightshift helm is once again urs, onward to romania. soros on the radar. where is biden in this mess.

are they setting up payment recvng companies for their cut of our money from soros?


To get to the point to be able to decode that, you need to have gone through all the posts I made, links, research, info in order to be able to compile it into these vast detailed explanations of CrowdStrike, the Clowns, Soros, how they rig elections, control the P.K.I keys to the Internet and so much more...



Soros receives his money from the CIA after a series of operations take place to generate cash...this money is from

- Stolen patents.

- CIA cut-out agents and companies.

- Elections rigging money which Soros pays out - the CIA PAYS OUT.

- Other DS & Shadow Gov operations such as drug running, Eric Holder guns trading, black-mailing of Congress members and more...this money then funds the other DS operations to take over nations, depose Presidents, create chaos between the Ukraine and Russia, etc....

Richard C. Walker, James P. Chandler, other British Empire agents steal patents via the British Gov. - Shadow Gov control over the U.S. patent office. Facebook, for example was created by the CIA - gov. using a stolen patent. All social media is based upon this stolen patent. Now the Gov. owes Leader Tech and Michael McKibben trillions in royalties for using his stolen patent to rig elections, to control the ISIS Management - Avid Tele-prompters..to run the Social Media scam, the surveillance programs and so much more...explained all in my posts..


USMCA is an economic unit of which theory says there will be 10 which will make up the NWO, lots of info out there, nothing we can do to stop it, we had to choose between DJT or HRC.  I think we chose right.  In the end the military will dominate because the world is set up by oligarchs for just that.  Can't choose who knocks at your door but......


See the posts on The Steps to Restore The Republic.

We need to advocate for ending the Federal Reserve System as this will solve many problems.

Next, we issue and mint our new currencies free of the Fed and U.S. Treasury now under state capture by this Venetian Black Nobility Banking Cartel.

We can only get our ideas listened to when We The People, as one, unite.

We need to help educate others as well on the need to restore the Republic.

Our window of time to achieve this is limited and time is running out.

All of the above is a good start.


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Hope you had special Thanksgivings.
I did.
I suppose they get more special, esp if you plan them and ALL help out.
Not that I planned, i jus helped out and it was a wonderful day.
Made sure the wood box was full.
Ate for 10 or less.
Gave thanks for 10 or less.
And all the Anons working together.
Who can stop those United?
Only a bigger force.
Who is bigger than the American People, who bow to no queen or king?
Come Election, how many can we inform?
If informed, how will they Vote.
No violence.
Brains will overcome.
Know Truth; Faith says Truth sets free.

alabama ukraine romania UN moldova
are these the hubs for the darkweb?
is this how they traffic?
what was on the DNC server
What was really on the DNC server?

Proof of Trafficking?

'These Dem Sens. r running against #Trump in #2020Elections: 

- @ewarren
- @KamalaHarris
- @MichaelBennet
- @amyklobuchar
- @CoryBooker
- @BernieSanders

Should these Sens. recuse themselves from sitting as a juror at Senate #Impeachment Trial?'

'"We’re going to end the absurdity of women making 80 cents on the dollar compared to men."
--@SenSanders 11/27/19

Women make 80cents on the dollar compared to men FOR DOING THE SAME WORK? REALLY? Then why don't employers fire men, hire women--and pocket the labor cost savings?'

 >>/41555/ PB Corrected

comms POTUS QDROPS Decode

22 44 55
TWITTER MARKER  My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us.......
                                     God bless.

121, 1111

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tenor gif
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Hello anons, this is blue anonymous on my home computer. I saw that y'all are having a slow Friday night so I decided to drop in with some info concerning the latest 8kun update. projectdcomms and qrnews are both empty and boring but there is some activity over on /qpatriotresearch/ :
Always remember that individually we are weak twigs, but together we form a mighty faggot lol. Happy belated thanksgiving, have a great weekend, and may Kek bless all o' y'all.

 >>/40897/ Hacked Emails Expose George Soros As Ukraine Puppet-Master
 >>/40910/ adam-schiff named both companies burisma-us-ukraine-corruption-case
 >>/40939/ PE Ivanov Vitaliy Sergeevich (Ukraine Trafficking Server?)
 >>/40964/ Christian Center for Science and Apologetics CIA UKraine
 >>/40966/ Thornton Group + Rosemont Seneca Partners LLC  China ==>Bulger (mafia), Biden, Heinz. ($55 Bill+)
 >>/40970/ GS to target 'non partisan' career officials
 >>/41002/  >>/41003/  >>/41004/  >>/41005/ Iran Nuclear Deal
 >>/41053/  >>/41074/  >>/41076/  >>/41077/  >>/41079/ Atlantic Council.Org
 >>/41105/ GodFather III
 >>/41348/ It’s Time for the West to Outlaw George Soros’ Open Society
 >>/41353/ RG update Biden Family – Adds Iraq
 >>/40939/,  >>/40948/ (you),  >>/40964/,  >>/40966/  ETS/Ukraine
 >>/41442/ AIA About Us
 >>/41493/ cypress pappad levant energy
 >>/41522/ Readout of Vice President Biden’s Meeting with Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos of Romania
 >>/41523/ US-Romania Strategic Partnership
 >>/41533/ US Vice President Discusses Romanian Shale Gas, Defense Budget for [R]omania & [M]oldova
 >>/41541/  Chevron has the rights to extract shale gas from  Bârlad,
 >>/41542/ and now we connect romania Shale Gas to the UN and Soros GS -> Quantum Partners ->BNK
 >>/41597/ Ponta described as "very important" for Romania to have a capacity of its own natural gas production (minibun)
 >>/41601/ Soros Manifesto for Ukraine
 >>/41605/ Soros in Romania (Link Dump)
 >>/41614/ Foundation to Promote Open Society
 >>/41621/ Open Society Foundations (OSF) (1 of 2)
 >>/41622/ Open Society Foundations (OSF) (2 of 2)
 >>/41623/ George Soros and the Arab-Israeli Conflict
 >>/41624/ Open Society Foundations
 >>/41625/ Black Lives Matter Funded By George Soros
 >>/41627/ SOROS how the network in Romania (1 of 2)
 >>/41628/ SOROS how the network in Romania (2 of 2)
 >>/41667/ Library of Congress has additional information including different names he has used.


 >>/41700/,  >>/41701/ Soros philosophy and it's fatal flaw, his response
 >>/41714/ Keep in mind LeVant, PapaD, energy, Cyprus 
 >>/41719/ Trump accomplishments
 >>/41742/ Need to connect US money buying weapons and sending to ISIS, energy co's and money laundering in play.
 >>/41762/ paris accord, we send money, money washed through Ukraine/Romania, sent to Soros who sends it to Isis in Moldova?
 >>/41764/,  >>/41787/ Qdrop mil intel graphic
 >>/41793/ Operation USMCA Dec 4th
 >>/41806/ Alabam, Ukraine, Romania, UN, Moldova darkweb hubs? What was on the servers?Trafficking?
 >>/41814/ Should these Sens. recuse themselves from sitting as a juror at Senate #Impeachment Trial?
 >>/41828/ Adam Shiff Daughter dating whistleblower?


Did you know Bob Iger, the Chairman of the Walt Disney Company, 

He is married to Willow Bay. 

They have a child who's name is 

Robert Maxwell Iger

That's a stupid coincidence considering ABC (owned by the Mouse) cover-up of Epstein island. 

That's a stupid coincidence considering Disney cruise line visits Little St. James Island. 

You know, the same Epstein who's handler was Ghislaine Maxwell?

Who's father was a renowned mos agent, Robert Maxwell?

If you're collecting things, you forgot to put Sessions on the A.
He's important.

Also, Schiff should be on U. Have you guys found that news yet?

R is going to be mostly Soros and associates (democrats, globalists, traitors), will start to tie everything together.

Very cool!

Bad pic, sorry


Human Domain Solutions (HDS), LLC is now hiring Casualty Role Players (CRP) to participate in a National Guard Bureau disaster and emergency response training exercise taking place Dec 3-7, 2019, near Round Rock, TX

CRP / Actors will assist in providing training aimed at purposefully strengthening security and resilience through systematic preparation for threats that pose the greatest risk to the security of the nation. Emergency responders will exercise search and rescue, medical trauma treatment and first aid application in order to expand and strengthen communication, coordination and integration. As such, CRPs will be moulaged (application of injury makeup and fake blood) to portray various physical and emotional injuries and conditions, before going through simulated medical triage and decontamination processes multiple times during the exercise.

HDS seeks diversity among our CRPs, including gender, ethnicity, age, body types, disabilities, and foreign language abilities. Participants fluent in American Sign Language are also desired. Priority will be given to those with previous experience with role playing, acting, military, and/or first responder/disaster response experience.

Those who have participated in past disaster preparedness exercises have found it especially rewarding because you get to support an important community service that saves lives and protects the citizens of your state while getting paid to have FUN while doing so.

ELIGIBILITY: There is no security clearance requirement, so it is open to all, but criminal background checks and U.S. employment eligibility checks will be accomplished. All personnel must have appropriate ID and be without criminal background. All IDs are scanned by security personnel and persons with felony convictions will not be allowed to participate. Also, due to a potentially strenuous decontamination process, and varying outside temperatures, CRPs should not have life-threatening or serious medical conditions.



 >>/41717/ (WarRoom)
Even my loses teaches me valuable lessons.
Faith keeps me going.
Our Position in this chess game is strong.
I play as insurance.
MAGA is a catchy phrase.
Something many of USALL can agree on.
If you don't agree, thank God for 1A.
In the End, we Vote and SEE who wins.
We SEE many things watching the World watch us.
(you) are a trip; the Matrix anomaly.
Once you can SEE, BOOM; Matrix mode.
Checkmate Mode.
Game over for many fake news and fake leaders.
Swamp drain.
Anons on duty.
Swamp boots required.
Patience required.
I don't think Anons ever retire, only breaks.
Can't go back to the Matrix.
Would you want to?
Histroy in the Future will tell us some answers.
The more Anons dig, the more Truth for the World.
The more join the Anons, multiplies factors by _
'Choice is yours'
ty Q+ Q

'Hunter Biden is requesting to have his financial records sealed

His lawyers worry the records will be used “maliciously” by the media

Exposing the truth about how he and his father sold out our country isn’t “malicious”

RT if the Senate should subpoena his financial records!'

'Far-Left "historian" Doug Brinkley predicts President Donald Trump will lose public support after House Democrats vote to impeach him.'

'BREAKING:  A Lister Accuses Oprah of KNOWING About Harvey Weinstein’s Past Sexual Misconduct...


'DEVELOPING: Why is Schiff still withholding transcript of ICIG Michael Atkinson's Oct 4 closed-door testimony which lasted 8+ hours? He's released 15 witness transcripts but is still hiding Atkinson's. Also, what's Atkinson's connection to Obama officials including David Laufman?'

'Billions of dollars in scientific research funded by American taxpayers has been stolen by China right under our noses and the U.S. government has no plan to stop the ongoing theft of the highly valued intellectual property.

I hope Q+ Q had a great Thanksgiving, kek.
As well as ALL the Anons and the GOOD People.
Already winning, becoming obvious to mainstream.
uh oh.
Reality sinking in.
Let that sink in, eh Hannity?
Mainstream swamp drain live beginning for the Normies?
How will they take it?
Their heroes turning to villains b4 their eyes.
Wrong for awhile now, feeling foolish Voting for villains.
If you know their mind, what can be prevented?
Work together PRAY share Notables Research b4 Vote ExposeCNNNYTWaPO NoBuy game over

I don't trust John Huber.  What has he done to deserve it?  while digging on Romney's connection to the polygamist cult that fled to Mexico I noticed the Huber's joined them.  John's father Edward Huber was in military intelligence and was also part of a construction company in Utah that received government contracts. His wife Lori Ann Clayton Huber is an attorney in Magna, UT and John is very high up in the LDS church as was his father Bishop Huber.  The family has been part of the church all the way back to Brigham Young.  Why does his Wikipedia not contain any family relations?  He has 7 brothers and sisters, one sister is a Peterson, I wonder if there is a connection to the child trafficking Peterson in AZ.  Why hasn't there been any digs on Huber?  Q said disinformation was necessary so why blindly trust Huber?  Warren Jeff"s cult existed for years under his watch.  





Repost Thread


 >>/41853/ One of the richest men in America is also a Mormon named Huber, is that a coincidence? One of the sons on the obituary is listed a Dee Huber, could it be David?

Dr. David R. Huber, Ph.D.,


'President Amlo is very weak on dealing with the Mexican Terrorists and thank you @realDonaldTrump
 for standing up for America’s public safety and national security! LEAD, FOLLOW OR GET OUT OF THE WAY. Must protect our citizens first. TU @TuckerCarlson
 and @MarkSteynOnline'
Sara retwt.

Mainstream media will not capitulate.
Their goal is not to report truth or the news, but to control the dialog.

See: Protocols of Zion.
Or, compare news we share here and on kun vs what MSM would ever report...

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kek. reverse psychology

QAnon is the one conspiracy theory to rule them all

 (CNN)If you watched any of President Donald Trump's campaign rally in Tampa, Florida on Tuesday night, you likely caught a glimpse of people holding up signs with "Q" or "QAnon" printed on them. Those people are adherents of a broad-scale conspiracy theory that pits President Trump against a global elite seeking to murder him.
Yes, you read that right.
With QAnon moving from the fringes of Internet thought into something much closer to the mainstream, I reached out to the Daily Beast's Will Sommer, who has been writing and thinking smartly about QAnon since its inception. (Read his full explanation of QAnon here.) Our conversation, conducted via email and lightly edited for flow, is below.


> how many q anons would this trigger to fight o/

kek pretty brilliant
i warn you tho, ime, 'triggering' 'reverse psychology' has a tendency to backfire, ime.
i try not to do it, even tho i seem to do it a lot, kek
most time, i won't realize i'm doing it until after
sometimes i plan it then do it
in those moments, our best paid to the details and experiences = GOOD show
Choice is yours how to play.
Trust yourself.
as i say, pretty brilliant imo

'Horowitz is the prelude to Durham, he’s not the main act. Durham’s probe examined all the foreign governments that were colluding with the Brennan CIA to spy/entrap me and other associates. Their tricks failed and now all are being exposed around the world.'

How to get to C if A+B=C and method B is a tricky play?
'all options are on the table'
D, E, F, G H, ...
which options hurt the People less?
which options hurt you the least?
use those

Dude had written books about the past and it only makes one concerned as to what bullshit he gas written about the past. As he has no qualms about making speculations on the future of which we can see he lacks judgment and we can judge him based on those errors, it makes one wonder what wild things about the past he has written for which there are scant few who can call him out on. He has come out of his security blanket if time and onto the public stage for people see his judgments about current events. Too bad folks probly won’t be reminding this fool of his stupidity. 
Who pulled this guy, a historian, might as well be librarian, out of nowhere?

'There was one person on this planet that lived the spy scandal that rocked the world: me. And I am telling you that the CIA and MI6 was behind it. Focus on the global nature of the spying: Australia, Ukraine, Italy and the UK all had skin in the game for a Clinton presidency.'

'Horowitz does not have the ability to issue supoaneas, impanel a grand jury or prosecute. Given that, he STILL found evidence to initiate criminal investigations against the investigators. Durham’s probe can. It’s global. According to Italian media,he is planning a THIRD trip!'

Interdasting that Italian connection. No sauce on this but kind of watching yachts as a boatfag. Some of them have pretty awsome antenna arrays. Wonder if they might hang around a country to pick up electronic chatter. Think about it. Nobody hassles yachts. Especially if they have a British ensign like from Caymans. You have a pretty large platform, dome yachts being quite big. Park a yacht in someone’s harbor, “kick the hornet’s nest” and listen for any panicked communications. 

Have seen one yacht that was seen in La Romana, near Punta Cana, that went to Nice and Cannes then laid off Italy and Sicily duringvtime Barr was there. It’s now off Tarragona, Spain and has been there a while. Coincidence that Nancy Pelosi and her delegation are/were in Spain for that clinate conference in Madrid? Would’ve been nice to have a spy-ship disguised as a yacht on the coast to pick up chatter from Deep Staters there. There only for the purposes of a climate change conference?

> What to do?
don't be like them; don't raise Children to be like them
if you want to help, lead by example works best ime/imo
you don't have to help, free Country
How can you help if overworked, stressed, sick, etc?
Who must be healthy before any work gets done?
Fear used by some, not all.
Sometimes is most effective method, unfortunately
recognizing the rare times is important, avoiding protects so many
Using it to sell books/control the narrative, evil imo

Did some digging on HAM and was shot down for it by nay-sayers, but did toy know that, using HAM technology, you can bounce a signal off the MOON to reach parts of the earth not thought accessible? 

The parlance used is “Moonbounce.”

The CIA had an operation MOONBOUNCE in which they were able to passively detect radio traffic at Soviet nuclear testing facilities. 

If they could pick up unintentional radio chatter from the Russians bouncing off the Moon, then imagine what can be done with intentional signals. And doesn’t one of our 5 eyes partnets have one of the biggest and top secret antenna arrays in AUSTRALIA?

Clinton's pay to play charity and the now being revealed kickbacks from foreigh aid to multiple countries may soon blow the lid off our capitol if everything becomes known.

Very nice, connections leading to more questions
if the right track, imagine what you will find or what others might find off your post
good discipline: sources for statements
w those, how can anyone argue w you
saves time
source even on memes
End an argument w 1 image, kek

noName institute, another example
follow the money
'Clinton Cash' book
how come not revealed sooner
to do more money, what was needed
can a scam get to big?
what happens then?
what are fake dems/fake news/shills/etc all trying to do these days, kek

You might find these articles informative on just how much can be done with HAM and, in the article on Operation Moon Bounce, the use of vessels disguised as another type of vessel to secretly receive(and send?) comms. Wonder if any advancements in technology (ie miniturization, resistors, microprocessors) might have occurred to allow even smaller disguised vessels to accomplish what they did on those old navy transports converted into “research” vessels. 



technology advances
i can only imagine what they have now
usually their tech demonstrated in movies
flying crafts jus high enough not to be seen but easy enough to listen/video 
i assume they have it all
i assume this was an 'eventuality'
if USA didn't do it, other countries would
Therefore, what ever the tech, countries race
last places can lose their sovereignty

You are right of course, anon. 

Am just kinda shitposting but serious yet about what I dig. It’s all open source, which kind of takes away from any “bombshell Notable” response to it. And it can’t be proven by anyone here except the guys at NSA. 

Only so much we can do. And Q, if you guys watch all these bosrds, there is only so much we can do WITH WHAT WE ARE GIVEN. 

We don’t know what Nellie did with the HAM. Did she send? Did she receive instructions? Nada. 

Yet we dig.

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yup you see it well
is there good change happening
if we needed more, would Q drop more
if we have enough, would Q drop more
perhaps what you ask about Nellie will be reveled in a hearing in front of Hannity and Anons
would that be a good card to hang onto and keep Quiet?
idk, i can only imagine and enjoy the show w other GOOD Anons
thanks for digging Fren

Dayshift Task Board

Dec 4th USMCA
Nelli Ham Radio
Sorors Open Foundation Atlantic Council connection to UN Biden/Schiff?

And Proud to call my self an American! o7
God Bless America

> At the same time the U.S. Navy was developing Moon-bounce transmissions, the National Security Agency (NSA) had begun developing signals intelligence (SIGINT) collecting ships. 
> In 1961, the NSA commissioned its first SIGINT ship, the Private Jose F. Valdez, which cruised the coast of Africa Soon thereafter, the Joseph E. Muller was converted. 
> Following the success of the Valdez and Muller, the Navy took on a larger role in the program. The Navy operated the next five ships added to the program for the NSA.  The ships, called Auxiliary General Technical Research (AGTR) ships, were much larger and faster converted World War II LIBERTY and VICTORY class cargo-ships. 
> These “research” vessels carried equipment and personnel to 
> conduct oceanographic experiments to create a valid cover for their covert activities. 
> The first was the USS Oxford, which received the first Moon-bounce transmission test in 1961, re-designated as an AGTR.
> In 1964, it added [...] the Liberty (AGTR-5).
> In 1964, it added [...] the Liberty (AGTR-5).
> In 1964, it added [...] the Liberty (AGTR-5).


dec 4th is USMCAnow Day.
am pushing that atm
afterwards will work on pushing cnn nyt wp fraud
cali cali cali...
calm the masses
awakening the masses...yeah... Angels.
gtg atm. ty again anon o7 GODBLESS all and fam and frens too. 
-Till The End my Frenz /\

A bird sings AFTER the rain stops, or after they stop getting wet (zion).

Ever heard a bird sing in the rain?

Ever been outside when the rain stopped and heard the chatter?

Just my thoughts on when a bird sings. Really stuck out in my mind today when the rain finally stopped in D.C.

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Gotta run.

Keep this board active, folks!
The quality here I thought was way higher per-post for a while (while 8kun was down) than when 8chan was up.

I've noticed a few key members are gone, seems we are down to one baker now?

Don't let this board die. We've got plans.


'Remember these texts: 
“[Trump’s] not ever going to become president, right? Right?!” Page texted Strzok in August 2016.
“No. No he won’t. We’ll stop it,” Strzok responded.
And we're supposed to believe they had no biased in the probe?
 https://saraacarter.com/lisa-page-is-not-a-victim-her-actions-damaged-the-fbi-and-our-nation/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=social-pug via @SaraCarterDC'
tanks Sara

do you have a reference? I don't know what you mean. Granted... I was never tasked with trying to search for more answers myself, I was simply told what it really was.

also, if you want to describe it, picture a big cicle. Now, inside of that circle, picture a square, where the corners meet tangentially with the rim of the circle. 
Now, view the area within the circle but not the area within the square.
Behold, now you see.

was going to put up 2 posts but didn't wanna dirty the bread, so putting them both here...

Just some thoughts on Andrew Yang's $1k a month for everyone for life BS. Saw a gay poll he was winning over Trump and a few others...(wtf over?)

The ploy as I see it, They give us the $1k, then raise taxes, so Cost of Living is $1k more than prior to them giving it to us. So it's a wash...except, and here's the kicker, and what I believe to be the plan, if (not gonna happen) he makes it to the OOffice, Now EVERYONE including the middle class, is basically on Welfare and dependent on that $1k a month, just to break even...like it or not, otherwise you are shelling out $12k a year just to even up. Then they take the $1k for a crap economy, too much debt or any number of reasons. and we are slaves, broke af, sad af.

Of course another reason is to offer free shit to get the idiots to jump on board, but yeah that's my take.


I also have a take on all the candidates flying over the cuckoos nest, with their cray cray ideas, they are setting up KillDawg or Big Mike to look like saints when they announce their bid, thinking they will reunify the base, and snag the nomination easily. They have to because of all the BS last time (Seth Rich) etc. that they did to Bernie, that cat is out of the bag, this is their new way of kinda doing the same thing. Think about it, they don't have to go on record with anything during the Dem debates, they save a lot of money for the campaign against Trump, (maybe why Dems are being so stingy with there candidates nationwide in spending... well that and DNC being broke af). 

Ok anyway thems just some thoughts been bouncing around in my head. Carry on Anons and godless, we are nearing the finish line, because of all of you, Q and Trump...


a game?

Baldur's Gate is a fantasy role-playing video game developed by BioWare and published in 1998 by Interplay Entertainment. It is the first game in the Baldur's Gate series and takes place in the Forgotten Realms, a high fantasy campaign setting, using a modified version of the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd edition rules. It was the first game to use the Infinity Engine for its graphics, with Interplay using the engine for other Forgotten Realms-licensed games, including the Icewind Dale series, as well as other licensed D&D campaign worlds such as Planescape: Torment. The game's story focuses on players controlling a protagonist of their own creation who finds themselves travelling across the Sword Coast alongside a party of companions, to unravel the mystery surrounding a sudden iron crisis affecting the region and attempting to discover the culprits behind it, while uncovering dark secrets about their origins and dealing with attempts on their life.

> The Cult of Saturn was a group led by Frank Webster who through the vessel of Gwyn D Earl found a hells mouth on the internet and brought about change on a global scale.


Baldr (also Balder, Baldur) is a god in Norse mythology, and a son of the god Odin and the goddess Frigg. He has numerous brothers, such as Thor and Váli.

During the 12th century, Danish accounts by Saxo Grammaticus and other Danish Latin chroniclers recorded a euhemerized account of his story. Compiled in Iceland during the 13th century, but based on much older Old Norse poetry, the Poetic Edda and the Prose Edda contain numerous references to the death of Baldr as both a great tragedy to the Æsir and a harbinger of Ragnarök.

According to Gylfaginning, a book of Snorri Sturluson's Prose Edda, Baldr's wife is Nanna and their son is Forseti. Baldr had the greatest ship ever built, Hringhorni, and there is no place more beautiful than his hall, Breidablik.

Indeed, that's what seems to be agreed upon with them.
Although, unraveling the puzzle is only half of the journey.

I'm being told wnespicsefomunah is more about what affects us, binding us here. 
As for my interpretation, this is us being told the ego was created and injected in to us. 


by the way, is this grvl?

The Akashick Records reside within you, anon.
Climb the Stairway to Heaven. Discover Morodloeth, attune with your higher self.

What sits at the top of the spine, connecting the brain to the rest of the body?

I'm pointing you toward a specific, digital, place.
This isn't me being cryptic about escoterism anymore. The place harbors most of the information I've shared with you. You will know it when you find it.
My apologies. Part of this process, for me, is learning to teach adequately. I may have used you, sure, but to both of our benefit.

1. Get on Worlds.com
2. Ask about any of the following: 
Book of the Key and the Lock, the Cult of Saturn, Frank Webster, Nexialist, Morodloeth, Trail of Deceit, FalseProphet-HQ, The Rape of Heaven, the Space Between, Excalibur or the 'Energy is Eternal'
3. Hope someone with the key comes

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what is common, what is dif between Worlds, esp this1 and others
Does each person have their own Worlds?
World population, thas a lot of Worlds.
Ours being watched, fewer these days.
Now the old new place is heating up, show them the flippening, kek
how come they))) don't do polls anymoar, kek
rest well to stay strong these final months.
was an Honor to meet (you) ALL

What is the name of that children’s card game? 
Is it Snap? I was trying to find better pics on the net of the playing cards. I found some vintage card sets for Animal Rummy but the cards are usually numbered. Can’t see numbers on ones in FLOTUS tweet. 
In Animal Rummy, the aninals usually have cute names like Silly Goose, Funny Bunny, Etc. Don’t see that here. 
As far as picturing a Rat in a children’s game goes,, I would imagine it would be very unusual to see in a children’s game due to rats being so disgusting. Maybe a mouse, duckling and parrot? 
Mice- get trapped in mousetraps?  Duck- prepared for trouble, for rain with an umbrella even though water runs off a duck’s back.  Parrot- the news media parroting the 4am talking point news?

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Has there been any discussion of the hidden domino? I haven’t seen it mentioned in the number calculations. 

Any DominoAnons? 

Looks like the way the dots are patterned, altho only showing 5 dots, hints at 9 dots(at least)- from the way they are grouped. Need to get other pics of domino tiles to show.

Temple OS?
is this the digital place to find you...

could of sworn it was worlds 3d.

dont think there are any other digital places atm we have discussed.

except for the world between worlds a place that can be accessed by tor or your mind.

'The Old Room'

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Very nice, ty
jus suggestions:
date on Notables
date on and 'POTUS' is a bit large, might cover text
add link to POTUS source so ppl can follow and learn a new source
no link on Notables per request most Anons
however if you recog a good worker, show them the ropes



Principles are to be found in many places, a blessing in the Beltway where principles are needed on a daily basis. One such principle is enshrined in the appropriations clause of the constitution: “No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law.” And here is another principle not found in the constitution: “Punish your enemies and reward your friends.”

posible this is the connection for A and sessions

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Schiff Ukraine Biden


Now this…
Democrat Adam Schiff is linked to both US corporations named in the $7.4 BILLION corruption case.

Can we get the old porta potty shill back?
This new one is too good at leading the curious astray.
Be careful who you follow. Blind leading the blind sends both into the abyss...

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Hey anons. Here is the place from which Q’s recent Paris oic was taken. 

Posting it here on Endchan first because you were my home when 8ch went down. Lots of cafes and hangouts nearby where the targets probly ducked in for a meeting.

holly crap anon, see heres a small dilema. i wasnt looking for this info. so atm i have a shitton of info in my head and its all just floating around up there kek.

now if you could help pinpoint what or when i mentioned earlier that would help a lot.

again i know of only a few digital places atm

world between worlds tor
worlds 3d download
temple os 

by chance are any of these on the list?

Well the Q pic is definitely not taken around Nov/Dec. Too COLD at that time. See people in T-shirts, shorts, flip-flops. This anon has been there for 3 weeks in October. Was very cold in 3d week of October yet.

BTW- does skinny ass dude in jeans remind anyone of A SHIT! Anyone got pics of SHIT from behind?

'“We're trying to get Nancy Pelosi to put [the USMCA] up for a vote. You know if it gets put up for a vote, it passes. But so far she hasn't decided to do that.”—@realDonaldTrump

Dems continue to hold the USMCA hostage as part of their partisan game—hurting MILLIONS of Americans.'
(video: Trump explaining Nancy holding up USMCA)

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Ascension Is a Choice

“Ascension is the expansion of awareness. This expansion of awareness comes naturally when we process fear, as well as debilitating programs and firewalls, and other low vibrations, from our lives. Why is it called Ascension? Because our overall vibration becomes higher, and we are able to tap into and work within higher “dimensions”.”

Another definition provided by SoulSoothingsounds’s blog is that “Ascension is an awakening, or becoming conscious of our god-self, or our soul. It is the total integration of the human and the divine. Of the body, mind and spirit. It is the total acceptance of the self, and all of its aspects, without judgment.”


'WOW: Adam Schiff hired former colleague of alleged whistleblower Eric Ciaramella the day after Trump-Ukraine call'

Just how far could Nellie Ohr communicate with HAM radio you might ask? 
Some questions you might ask yourself: Do you think her HAM rig was the same aa the average citizen amateur? Do you rhink it is possibke Nellie got some CiA training on communications? Do you ever wonder if there might be other side benefits to spraying chemtrails with aluminum oxide variants ? (I speculate) say for an agent who might not have the right atmospheric conditions for a good-ol’e HAM radio comm burst? (‘member how they used outdated comms/code in the movie Independence Day? ) 

An article below: 
Communicating over great distances via VHF continues to fascinate many amateurs. EME (Earth-Moon-Earth) communication, also known as "moonbounce", meteor scatter, and VHF cw DX are some of the techniques used. In the case of EME and meteor scatter, the concept is simple: use the moon or the ionized trail of a meteor as a passive reflector for VHF and UHF signals. A simple but effective station is within the reach of most amateur experimenters. With the advent of very sensitive receiving preamplifiers and commercially available high-gain Yagi antennas, many VHF operators are enjoying successful weak signal contacts. With a total path length of about 500,000 miles, EME is the ultimate DX -- for the time being! Weak signal VHF work is discussed in a operational way at the Weak Signal Operating page.(on the website)


Wanted to continue with info for anons. Some brain food. Pat attention to how they could use something such as a meteor shower!

All Gods are a choice.
Thoth too is a choice. You can invite the Divine Knowledge, or you can be burned by it. You don't want to find out what that's like... trust me.
Having to stare at the truth and not be able to realize it for a lifetime isn't worth it. You should really trust me on this.

anon just posting something i came across last night studying ascension

it follows the theories you have presented, as well as a WWg1Wga mentality

believe when i tell you i do trust you.

still so much to learn and comprehend. so many lies. a lifetime. What you have shown us is beyond anything we could have ever known. thank you.

I have not left. i am following. irl calls atm workfag, get ready for the storm, usmca warfare. and a few odds and ends. but yes the truth is in me. i can feel it. x... tbc.

The kingdom of God/Thoth is in me.
'The Old Room'

Well, when you find out where we hang out, we'd all love to have you.
I told you once something like 
> Aha! I knew you'd find it!
Find that and I'm sure you'll discover where I'm pointing you to. 
Keep in mind, it's imperative you disabuse yourself of the notion of the false paradigm they've created for us. Things are not black and white, things are simply balanced out. Karmic energy isn't just present, it governs the duality we all reside within. 
If you fuck something up, you'd better believe you'll be corrected. It's typically YOU nudging you again, saying "Hey, me, don't fucking do that. Correct things right now."
And trust me, those events can be scary.

> Aha! I knew you'd find it!

yes i remember thos words
disk001.rar i think it was refrencing. will relook again when have time.

still got the AURUM to fill in.
you are me and i am you we are really 1. 
thank (You)

> and lots to learn... but getting there. soon may be able to help others i hope <3

Body Snatching in Baltimore


Baltimore Mayor Warns Of Body "Snatching" White Van Targeting Young Girls To Sell Their Organs

over the last few days a couple of shares and likes, but it seems i dont get much on twitter. I dont have much of a following.

gab shares well

can we get q to drop a usmca tweet account for the people for sharing

I'm not sure what you're asking.

Twitter really sucks for those without a following. You basically have to be Q'd or get in with a group to be very visible.
Hashtag / Trend stealing is very effective.
Reddit provides a better platform, as you don't need a following to be seen/heard. But it's very compartmentalized and you really are only reaching ordinary people who already can see.
Gab is great, but the lack of audience is an issue.

Thank you for your efforts, though! Especially when you tag an elected official, it will be read by a government agent at some point. Keep doing that.


i was thinking if we could get q to share this USMCA tweet post as a Optics on Patriot. this would cause others to share it as well and ultimately get the word out on USMCA


I like the idea, but I think that is poor optics.
Imagine Buzzfeed's response: "Qanon Conspiracy Supports USMCA - And here is why that is the worst thing ever!"

I've been putting a lot of thought into it. I personally don't have any hope of Pelosi putting it to a vote. My hope is that, instead, USMCA not passing (and people being made aware of it not even being voted upon) will serve to help us clean up the house during the 2020 election.
Especially consider blue districts that would really benefit: Detroit really comes to mind.

JS Lays Out What He Expects From Horowitz Report

(good reporting, as always)

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Nice work pushing USMCA
Do you see the Rs asking 'why not sit down and get some work done'?
Dems have no response.
Normies watching tv.
If you feel GOOD, thas great!
If you feel tired, i know that feeling.
Sometimes things don't catch even tho they should.
Up-hill battle.
Sometimes your effort alone squeaks us over the finish line.
Choice is always a gamble.
Sometimes, a lot of times, walk alone.
Others have their priorities.
Very tricky shills sabotaging.
Hopeless feeling.
Thas their specialty, 'hopeless feeling' leading to quit.
i saw our channels pushing USMCA, but 90% of msm will try to keep it quiet.
Be careful their illusions.
For all we know, Americans are talking about USMCA but News is not.
How would we know?

TY and yes seen the pubs stating usmca and yes every little bit helps.

We did well working together.
We know we are not alone.
We are all just busy atm.

But yes i tracked some of the USMCA effort


Lots of Politicians Pushing
funny when i did a search for #qanon. potus was in the list kek

But yes seems to work better in masses. so how to direct the masses... planned, slowly, truthfully, carefully.

Slow Pill, Plant the seed and help it grow.


Is there any project that need focused on that we are missing?

> Nightshift the helm is once again yours... Set course for: Romania/UN/SOROS/Biden/DS Kids.

-Advisors, Thank You.


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Dems took losses today.
Good chance to rest or salt the wounds, kek
Kamala out yelling racism, only it's a Dem primary, so she calling Dems racist, kek
No one want to watch the Schiff show.
Dems can't win if ratings are dropping.
Dems can't turn back, not safe for them as long as POTUS sits.
Impeach is their 4th Quarter pass and the reciver jus dropped the ball.
Sondland, 'he said he wants nothing'
Feelz like a holiday, kek.

"The media is trying to characterize Mifsud as a nobody. Yet, the guy has been literally kept in hiding by Italian intelligence services for TWO YEARS. If he was not in on the plot he would have come out immediately. Halper and him, what’s common? Both went underground immediately'

'You know what could have been done in 8.5 hrs instead of today’s sham hearing stacked w biased “expert witnesses”?
 Passing USMCA
 Drug pricing
All of the above awaits action from @SpeakerPelosi
. In the meantime @realDonaldTrump
 continues working for 
retwed by Trump WarRoom

Any NavyAnons that can comment on a sailor’s duty station while their vessel is in dry-dock? 

Trying to figure why the Pearl Harbor shooter would come into conlflict with civilian dry-dock personnel. 

Can only speculate that he had no authority to be there, wanted to access the ship (to get something? contraband?) they told him to fuck off and clear the area, he came armed, or came back armed a the shit hit the fan?

Good morning anons.  I was reading the plot of "Law Abiding citizens" the movie Q linked to. There is a part that talks about the prisoner escaping thru an underground tunnel.  I did a little searching and the jail Epstein was in also had an underground tunnel that used to be used to bring in prisoners.  


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htt ps:// en.wik ipedia.org/ wiki/Attack _on_Pearl_Harbor
> The Japanese military leadership referred to the attack as the Hawaii Operation and Operation AI, and as Operation Z during its planning.
false flag at the site of a false flag
> Operation Z
> December 7, 1941
> 41
> Hawaii Operation
> Operation AI ("ai")

> Nov 22
> Nov 30
PH Shooter
> Dec 4 [7-3]
> Dec 7

> Q Advent Calendar
< 3

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 abused his power by targeting his political opponent for his personal political gain.

Could you imagine if a Republican member of Congress went digging through a Democrat’s phone records?'
'digging' = signal
twt to Schiff followers?
Focus Schiff, share results w the People?
> 'abused his power by targeting his political opponent for his personal political gain.'

'“This is unprecedented & looks like the abuse of government surveillance authority for partisan game.” @WSJ

Adam Schiff’s shameful abuse of power truly knows no limits. 

Let’s remember: the ONLY Member of Congress caught on tape digging up dirt from foreigners is Adam Schiff.'
retwted by POTUS 
hmm might be working w Jordan

Are you replying to posts of representatives or other high-profile people? That is how you can get around not having a large following and still get a large audience -- be in the replies of big audience folks.


>  BUSTED: Ukrainian Prosecutor Says Ambassador Yovanovitch Lied Under Oath When She Said She Never Provided Him An 'Untouchable List' (that included the Biden's) of People That He Was NOT Allowed to Investigate. Says Yovanovitch Got Angry When he Refused.



>  Justice IG Horowitz has 104 criminal or administrative investigations of alleged misconduct related to FBI employees open as of Sept. 30, according to new OIG report. The criminal investigations involve "serious allegations of official misconduct."


^ This guy is anti-Trump though, but was first to report on it (I think)

so from what i can tell.
mans earliest recolation was a golden age of when saturn was our quasisun. then we fucked up with the atom/adam and was cast into the realm we created. we rember saturn, venus and ported these ideas to the orion belt and sirius and used this to mark the beginning of winter.

am i close o/

I am replying to Politicians with high following and low comment replies. 

I am replying to politicians commenters with high following and low comment reply.

I am posting directly to my timeline.

I am Posting Replies to my Comments

Eyes are Seeing o7

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...All myth, legend and scripture are astronomical guides; These heavenly events have been deliberately misconstrued by the corrupt 'ruling' powers, turning the stories into something terrestrial, rather than accounts of what happened in the skies, during the planetary disalignment of Mars, Venus and Saturn. 
Planets emit radio signals, likely playing a part in human 'evolution' in thinking.

Quit confusing them.
Many myths aren't just made up stories about the stars. There is significant overlap with man's perspective of them, but many things did in fact happen.
You genuinely have the audacity to insist there has been no ET involvement in our species? Archaeology alone has in the past decade had the rug pulled out from under it. 
None of the public knows shit. We keep finding mummies of all kinds of beings we can't explain, imprints of unnatural kinds, monuments we have no way of explaining the origins of, all sorts of shit. Yet you sit here and insist you've figured it all out, that people putting in troves of work to uncover important information are simply lying.

Your sciences have taught you nothing. You know next to nothing about all of the legends of old, and dismiss them as mere stories.
How you have the gall to deny this without saying any more than the two lines you keep repeating and posting the same picture over and over again is embarrassing. 

You should be ashamed, anon.
Now, either pay attention to what I went and learned to share with all of you, or ignore us.
Of course, I'd love if you made further arguments. That'd actually be interesting.

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> https://joecoleman.com/
> https://www.instagram.com/joecolemanartist/
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe&#95;Coleman&#95;(painter)
< cook me like one of your French babies, Joe

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i just dont think i have it all downloaded. is there another source besides anonfiles to download from?

can i ask one of you bandwithfags to download this and screen shot the contents of the archive. Im downloaing it. it says i have 4 gigs downloaded, but wheni extract theres only 2 gigs of content shown. so something is off.


screenshot image is what i show
the other image is what someone esle shows

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That may be because the greatest part of that $14 billion fortune tallied by Forbes came from OxyContin, the narcotic painkiller regarded by many public-health experts as among the most dangerous products ever sold on a mass scale. Since 1996, when the drug was brought to market by Purdue Pharma, the American branch of the Sacklers’ pharmaceutical empire, more than two hundred thousand people in the United States have died from overdoses of OxyContin and other prescription painkillers.

again, this isn't about Frank.
That was one of the alternative involvements. It wasgoing on around the same time the community sprung up.
I'm not pointing you toward some cache of files to download, but a group of people with which you can interact, or simply lurk and gather important info from.

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> Gotta run.

> Keep this board active, folks!


> The quality here I thought was way higher per-post for a while (while 8kun was down) than when >8chan was up.

Anon loves this place.
End bunker has been comfy and kind.
And as you mention
the posts by and large
have been of high quality.

A BIG ThankQ to BO, BVs, Bakers, and the Patriots and Anons who make this place special.   

> I've noticed a few key members are gone, seems we are down to one baker now?

Sometimes life takes an unexpected turn and induces delays.
Down at the moment, but always watching and vigilant.
This anon has been changed for life; as surely many anon have been.
Anon will always have POTUS' and America's 6.
> Don't let this board die. We've got plans.

Never, o7.

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reverse psych.

I hate to say it, but you can sue all you want, its a matter of getting paid that counts. plus CNN. good luck with that. Now maybe a class action law suit. maybe prove how much a fraud they are or some shit might work

Any anons able to find the parentage of Josef Mifsud the Maltese professor? 
Back when 8ch was down, my digs on a possible Knights of Malta/Templars/foreign agent connection were leading me to a Spain connection and thinking he might be hiding there with aid of Knights of Malta/Hospitaliers and distant family there. And sure enough I see magazine articles rhus week saying his passport and ID were found on an island if Malaga, Spain. 
His Wiki file is scrubbed. No family mentioned. 
Even one of the guys from that BC and friends near Dominican Republic is a Knight of Malta(can’t think which one right now-phonefagging this. 
Am looking at a guy, Michael Misfud Canilla, whose Wiki file has been deleted. He is ild enough to be the father. Had a very interesting rags to riches story. Started hanging out in high society. Was made a Knight of Malta and Templar. Had a magazine, interestingly called “The Link”. Maltese father. Spanish mother with heritage to the Duke of Ahumada and even a grandmother who was a daughter of, get this, Montezuma. Well, I guess the Spaniards were there...
Anyway this Michael Misfud reads like the Tailor of Panama. His companies are in PR, corporate propaganda, magazines, a lot. 
Was thinking guys like Josef Misfud don’t just happen. He might have learned things from his dad? Taught at a school called  “The Link” school. Is the school name an homage?

So a little birdie was singing to me the following, today:

A: Alabama, Jeff Sessions begins public Q campaign (Q is between PR)
U: Ukraine, exposes massive corruption in Demonrats and Derp State. R completed flight just the other day with a plane full of witnesses, ready to testify...
R: Romania, This is still coming and exposes globalist corruption and infiltration
U: USA, Back to USA for the storm to clean house
M: Mossad, Q said Israel will be saved for last. "There is no step 5," M being the 5th letter, does that mean Israel is already taking care of their own problem?

Have fun!

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Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6  12/07/19 (Sat) 17:10:15 No.98

File: 63a8d0f8c24226d⋯.jpg (58.96 KB, 686x385, 98:55, pearl-harbor-2.jpg)


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6  12/07/19 (Sat) 17:17:34 No.99

Where is George Soros?


Who else recently traveled to Ukraine?

PANIC is real.





Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6  12/07/19 (Sat) 17:25:23 No.100


Posted on Twitter prior to shooting?

Calls to ban/remove Twitter?

Calls to ban/remove 8ch for same reason?

Congressional hearing?

Why was there a coordinated effort to ban/remove 8ch?

What was the reason?

What was the REAL reason?

Logical thinking.



Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6  12/07/19 (Sat) 17:41:02 No.101





Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6  12/07/19 (Sat) 17:52:04 No.102

File: 06efc7e0e4f2dc4⋯.jpg (57.53 KB, 519x649, 519:649, ELM7gV7VUAA2znm.jpg-large.jpg)

Ask yourself a very simple question, why?

The 'why' will be (publicly) answered soon.

Dark > Light 



Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6  12/07/19 (Sat) 18:05:46 No.103

Knowledge is power.

Think for yourself.

Trust yourself.

Do due diligence.

You awake, and thinking for yourself, is their greatest fear.

Sheep no more.




Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6  12/07/19 (Sat) 18:16:48 No.104



Think Harvard.

Think tax break.

Think political career.





Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6  12/07/19 (Sat) 18:28:22 No.105


Fight, Fight!


'Names to focus on for the report out this Monday:

1) Alexander Downer
2) Joseph Mifsud
3) Azra Turk
4) Chris Steele
5) Stefan Halper
6) UK government (Tobias Ellwood)


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sup Anons!
Night Shift!
I Love Night Shift!
Thank you to those putting their heart into it.
Tired everyday surely.
Making USALL proud AF.
I remember way back to the 1st day, I was lucky I found a GOOD Fren (maybe, can never be 100%).
I've made the biggest mistakes by trusting the wrong people costing so much.
Almost worth it tho, for we were great Frens b4 we betrayed each other.
Dominoes, and the 1 most invested loses the most.
Sad about it sometimes, but then i recount the lessons learned.
Each valuable and sharable.
Perhaps in Time to stop a bad fate.
i suppose fate can be changed.
Mine feelz changed.
Because of (you), each i Love.
Mind share, info share, News to the People is how (you) will win.
Already won, really; check the News.
Thank you @POTUS

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Thas what George wants us to focus on.
i forget what i wanted us to focus on.
dang, it was GOOD, doh
oh well, it will come back if it's meant to be.
kek kek
Thank you for your hard work, if you are the Anon i think you are.
Matrix seen.

im doing USMCA here and there. it was sd congress only in session couple weeks, so think next week is last week. i have also started to warm the ovens for the CNN Op.

all is steady and building as she goes.


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> I remember way back to the 1st day, I was lucky I found a GOOD Fren (maybe, can never be 100%).
> Almost worth it tho, for we were great Frens b4 we betrayed each other.
dif Frens
1 posts here sometimes Let it be clear!  kek
Still my great Fren altho we don't talk like we use to (i had to go my own way, same for them, nothing wrong w dat, jus Life, i will always think of them at the Parade)

still going. today irl and i wanted to follow up on the CNN from last night and get that seed planted well, so i can setup for a social Op like the USMCA.

I also checked and seen i had shares and likes. its just a numbers game now. the more that see the more that like.

Monday should be interesting. by the way did i miss the 22 44 55 Friday. or is the friday still yet to come?

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i don't know about 22 44 55 Friday, i am a lil behind
it's always been a numbers game
i been saying that since WarRoom1, kek
i happy to hear you say that.
>  its just a numbers game now.
Imagine if 400,000 understood that.
They might work together, then BOOM, Quick gameover.

thing i see atm with 8kun, they are still parting - glad to be back. so not much research or anyting else for that matter atm. maybe next week they will start to get down more to business.

Main board is always crazy, flows so fast, almost too fast.
Same time thas a GOOD thing, kek
Sometimes ironies are a GOOD sign.
Swimming upstream is very dif.
Who knows where we will end up 'going w the flow'.
Choice is ours always, like Election and what to Buy and what to Say.
With those 3 alone, the United People can control their fate by controlling their Gov.

'These are the 3 GOP senators that could vote to #impeach #Trump: 

- Sen. Susan Collins (Maine) 
- Sen. Mitt Romney (Utah) 
- Sen. Lisa Murkowski (Alaska)


'American Pravda: CNN Producer Says Russia Narrative “bullsh*t"'
'In the recent video footage obtained by Project Veritas, John Bonifield a Sr. Producer at CNN, admits to several beliefs that are in direct conflict with the official CNN narrative that Trump has colluded with Russia, and that Russia has interfered with the 2016 election.  Bonifield expresses clear doubts that there is a fire behind the Russia smoke, stating, “I haven’t seen any good enough evidence to show that the President committed a crime.”  He also confirms suspicions that CNN staff is ideologically biased against Trump, stating, “I know a lot of people don’t like him and they’d like to see him get kicked out of office…”   

Bonifield even further confirms CNN’s bias against the President, stating, “I think the President is probably right to say, like, look you are witch hunting me...you have no real proof.”

Bonifield exposes that Russia has been great for CNN’s ratings, and that orders from CEO Jeff Zucker himself have directed CNN to pursue Russia leads at the expense of other stories.  Bonifield states “And the CEO of CNN said in our internal meeting, he said ‘good job everybody covering the Climate Accords, but we’re done with it let’s get back to Russia.’” 

He further comments on Russia, “it’s mostly bullshit right now.  Like, we don’t have any giant proof...if it was something really good, it’d leak.”'

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its got to point them to the ghislaine and cnn wehn all is sd and done. figure a 3 layer riddle

a coded graphic leads to a pastebin code that leads to this imgur image. kinda what i did with anony back in the day when they were teaching class. pfft get those guys here and this thing be wrapped up in a day lel

will start tomorrow on it o7

'I enjoyed watching @SidneyPowell1
 tonight. She got it absolutely right about Mifsud. As you will learn by reading my book, officials connected to U.K. and US intel introduced me to Mifsud in Rome. Crazy story, but it’s all coming out! Fortunately we have REAL investigations!'

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convert string to binary
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b = 1


convert binary to text
00110001 00110001 00110010 00100000 00111001 00110111 00100000 00110001 00110001 00110101 00100000 00110001 00110001 00110110 00100000 00110001 00110000 00110001 00100000 00111001 00111000 00100000 00110001 00110000 00110101 00100000 00110001 00110001 00110000 00100000 00110011 00110010 00100000 00110001 00110000 00110010 00100000 00110111 00110100 00100000 00111000 00110110 00100000 00110110 00111001 00100000 00111000 00110110 00100000 00110001 00110000 00110010 00100000 00111000 00110001 00100000 00110111 00110101


convert binary to ascii 
Binary to ascii
112 97 115 116 101 98 105 110 32 102 74 86 69 86 102 81 75


convert ascii to text
pastebin fJVEVfQK



lets see how this goes

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Soros, Romania, Hussein/HRC State Dept


> Capital Research Center has exposed liberal billionaire George Soros’ funding of left-wing movements and organizations in the United States, including Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter, and the communist-connected Color of Change. But the billionaire’s goals have always been bigger than one country. In fact, in 2017, the U.S. only received 15 percent of his Open Society Foundations’ (OSF) dedicated funding—the rest went to foreign countries and global projects.

> Judicial Watch reported that with the help of then-President Barack Obama’s U.S. Ambassador to Macedonia, Jess L. Baily, the U.S. government spent “millions of taxpayer dollars to destabilize the democratically elected, center-right government in Macedonia by colluding” with Soros.

> In a 2006 Organization Trends detailing leftist NGOs’ influence in Romania, Neil Maghami observed that “in a sense NGOs are filling a power vacuum left by the collapse of the Soviet Union.”


> “This man and the foundations and structures he has set up … since the ’90s … have furthered evil in Romania,” said Social Democrat (PSD) leader Liviu Dragnea last January.

> The country’s PSD-controlled Senate passed a law in November, joining a number of Eastern European governments seeking to curb Soros’s influence in their internal affairs. The law requires non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to report in detail their revenue sources biannually, and strips their eligibility for taxpayer funding as “public utilities” if they have engaged in political advocacy in the past two years.



Sphenoid bone: A prominent, irregular, wedge-shaped bone at the base of the skull. The sphenoid bone has been called the 'KEYSTONE' of the cranial floor because it is in contact with all of the other cranial bones.


Great! Today, all eyes are on the IG drop, which will be releasing very shortly, once these congressional pre-breifings conclude.

Dairy farming is yuge in flipping California (and their reps, especially).
Automotive for Michigan, others.

Keep up the great work!

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Reply to Newly Elected Democrats. cept the4

Reply to .@RepDougCollins .@RepMattGaetz .@Jim_Jordan

If you aint Diggin on the IG REPORT we Need ya Memen

> and all anons praying /\


One of the winners of the Belmont Stakes was the horse named Iroquois. 

Owned by Pierre Lorillard IV of the P. Lorillard and Company tobacco company. 

He owned The Breakers mansion before selling it to Cornelius Vanderbilt II. 

Pierre's sister Mary Lorillard Barbey married Henry Isaac Barbey,

Who managed the Buffalo Rochester and Pittsburgh Railway. 

This is an important railroad to this discuss I believe. 

Seneca region. Need to tie Seneca to Biden. 

Also of note, the horse "Iroquois" was bred by Aristides Welch, I wonder if there's relation to Laura (Welch) Bush.

I'm starting to see that the French involvement in the colonies left a satanic fingerprint on the growing nation. 

Basically as it stands now, the gestalt is as such:

Vanderbilt, the Seneca nation, and the French are all connected. Rothschilds are within proximity through the Perry family. 

Somewhere, someplace, Joe Biden connects back to this, and his use of Seneca in the laundering company, Rosemont Seneca Partners, is an important symbolic representation of something. Either the biden family directly (doubtful) or the power player who supports/backs biden. 

Does his wife connect back to a powerful family?

Has a powerful family donated to him heavily?

I believe at the end of it we'll see the Vanderbilts. 

Did he have a relationship with Gloria Vanderbilt?

He's rather chummy with Anderson Cooper, basically making out with him at one point. https://archive.is/RgznM

This brings it all together anons. What the fuck does Biden have to do with "Seneca."



August Belmont who married Matthew Perry's daughter was a card carrying agent of the Rothschilds. 

He is also the financier of the Belmont Stakes horse race. His partner in founding of the Belmont Stakes? Leonard Jerome. 


Why is this important?

Winston Churchill is the Cousin of John Spencer-Churchill whose full name is John George VANDERBILT Henry Spencer-Churchill, 11th Duke of Marlborough *breath*. 

He MARRIED ATHINA ONASSIS NIARCHOS. Her nephew is Spyros Niarchos who married Daphne Guinness who is the sister of Tom Guinness!

Tom Guinness married Rachel Chandler the Child Handler!

Daphne and her Sister were friends/PAs for Andy Warhol of Pittsburgh! The Andy Warhol Museum works closely with the Eastman Museum for "restoration work." The Eastman received a huge grant from the Andrew Mellon Foundation. Eastman was the founder of Eastman Kodak!

Kodak (film) was the backbone upon which Hollywood was created! Eastman and Gannett were in business together in the creation of the clear-channel radio station WHAM 1180!

This is a big connection. We need to continue to expand on Belmont, Seneca, Perry, Vanderbilt to find the god damned Biden connection to "seneca". 

They used SENECA in their company name in Ukraine: Rosemont Seneca Partners. Rosemont = Heinz et. al. So what the fuck does Seneca mean to Biden!?!?!

According to payment records reviewed by Reuters that two former Ukrainian law enforcement officials say are Burisma’s, the company paid about $3.4 million to a company that was controlled by Archer called Rosemont Seneca Bohai LLC between April 2014 and November 2015.

Specifically, the records show 18 months in which two payments of $83,333 per month were paid to Rosemont Seneca Bohai for “consulting services.” The two sources said that one of those monthly payments was intended for Biden and one for Archer. Reuters was not able to independently verify the authenticity of the documents or how much money Hunter Biden received. 


Rosemont Seneca Bohai is the joint partnership with China. 

Through Bohai Harvest RST they acquired a US strategic asset in Henniges. This purchase would have required Obama sign off. 

RST in Bohai Harvest is Rosemont Seneca Thornton with the Thornton being the company of the Bulger family.


Pelosi is trying desperately to take credit for the historic Trump trade agreement.

Pelosi stalled for over a year to pass the agreement!

Democrats had the votes for passage but sat on the deal for over 400 days.
President Trump signed the agreement on November 28, 2018!


Pamela Harriman

Her son with her first husband Randolph Churchill is named Winston Churchill!

Named after his Grandfather THE Winston Churchill!

Harriman gets you to the Whitney/Vanderbilt family!

BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY (atm, for this post.)


Bill fucking Clinton.

How does this all connect to Biden, because it fucking does. Some how. 

Follow the wives?

Anything to do with Seneca?

Anything to do with Delaware? (Vanderbilt, Whitney, Harriman in deleware?)

Who DONATES to Biden? Past and present?

Good work. Remember "Eastman" connection to Beatles. She was from Rochester - claimed at first, but then later denied the family connection?

She lied. Linda Eastman

Also remember Beatles, Tavistock [connects with Russell family  of opium and Skull and Bones fame]

Beatles connect to Tavistock, it is said.

Their very special music was created by "arranger" George Martin.

Beatles manager, allegedly Pedo, 

named Brian Epstein.

Linda Eastman 's father was named "Epstein"

More on their family

Mother was heir to transportation interests and freight companies 

"Her father, Leopold Vail Epstein, was born in 1910 to Russian-Jewish immigrants, "

"We will see that since the year following Linda Louise Eastman's birth, in 1942 Shevell transportation interests and the Epstein end of Lee Eastman's family (Lee's name actually being Leopold Epstein) already were associated and making plans for the Estate of Linda's mother, Louise Sara Lindner (d. 1962 plane crash), an estate accordingly sucked into Allied Stores and other things of that nature. "


So to connect again. Beatles connection to alleged pedo Brian Epstein.

Eastman, Paul imposter's wife [that's a more imvolved story] was born of a father Epstein. But did not take his name

Man does Eastman lead to some spicy railroads. 

Look at the early investors. Brackett Clark's descendant runs a railroad that runs right by a juvenile detention center that had a history of children dying/disappearing. This rail line connects to a KraftHeinz plant down the line. It also runs towards Rochester and interfaces with the G&W line that used to run into the old Rochester Subway Tunnels. for DECADES after it was abandoned for pedestrian traffic. 

Their main customer in the subway tunnel!?


Right nextdoor to Gannett in the subway? 

Dinosaur BBQ which GEORGE SOROS was an investor in.

For those who want to help dig:

I suspect that Biden, Bloomberg, and Clintons will all tie back to Vanderbilt and Whitney families (they're basically the same family through marriage and joint ventures historically). 

Biden sure does enjoy doing events at Vanderbilt University, which has an interesting history and connections. 

We're still trying to find the connection to "seneca" as it pertains to Biden. Think Seneca Nation of native americans, Iroquois confederacy (which the US republic was modeled off of), Seneca Falls (birthplace of Feminism), and more. Remember Vanderbilt made his fortune through railroad consolidation throughout the state of new york and beyond. During the 1800s land to the east of the mississippi was still considered "the west." 

Bloomberg is heavily connected to the UN through his sister, as well as UNICEF. 

And I seem to recall (haven't dug yet) that Hillary Clinton is also connected to the Whitney family (harriman? think Marie Norton Harriman/Vanderbilt and Harriman's bank rolling of bill clinton). What else tits my illation? Isn't Hillary known as "evergreen?" Payne Whitney's gigantic LI estate was known as "Greentree Estate." which has a gigantic indoor pool I speculated last night was the 2 of 2 pools per Qs vanderbilt pool post: https://qmap.pub/read/1900

Seneca seems to be a very important symbolic representation of the Biden family. Find that and this entire network reveals itself. 

Also, Corn and Corn-elius?


Last night, at  >>/7469152/ pb, there was some juicy discussion about Biden and his connections to the term "Seneca" and possibly Vanderbilt. 

Did anything come of it last night? 

I noticed this morning that just after that bread was over POTUS twatted:

> A great choice. Bill is a winner!

He was responding to day old news about Shep Smith being replaced with Bill Hemmer. 

It could be comms about his approval of the direction of diggs. 

When Q returned a few days ago there was a mysterious anon stringer a few posts before he posted for the first time in the bread.   >>/7414543/ pb

That stringer was:

> inf_mch_on

> back_off

> restore_off

> forward_on(b_b_4_2)

Now the bread before this stringer was posted we were discussing relationships as they connect back from Ghislaine Maxwell to Podesta.  >>/7414059/ pb

Anons relied heavily on connections through Mellon, Carnegie, and Heinz to make the bridge to Podesta from Ghislaine. 

Considering all that, I believe this stealth stringer was a nudge to focus on more pertinent digs, here's my thoughts:

inf_mch_on (information about Mellon Carnegie Heinz is anons focus atm)

back_off (stop digging this direction)

restore_off (go back to focusing on other things, i take this as "don't dig on them yet")

forward_on (redirect the digging efforts towards…)

b_b_4_2 (…biden, bloomberg, clinton (42))

Now over the past week, since this stringer post, I've been digging into biden deeper, ignoring most of the heinz connections through Rosemont Seneca Partners (Heinz, Biden, Archer, Bulger) which have already been expanded on in the past. 

Anon last night ( >>/7469152/) brought up an important point: If Rosemont is the heinz family farm, and it's important enough to represent the heinz family in the naming of their corrupt money laundering company, then the other half of this power player duo would be Biden. That makes "Seneca" a symbolic representation of the Biden family, or those who control him. 

So I think POTUS basically confirmed that revealing Biden's supporters and their connections to "Seneca" is super relevant. 

Read through the aforementioned thread last night starting with the linked post and it'll shed some light on the Seneca = Vanderbilt connections.

According to payment records reviewed by Reuters that two former Ukrainian law enforcement officials say are Burisma’s, the company paid about $3.4 million to a company that was controlled by Archer called Rosemont Seneca Bohai LLC between April 2014 and November 2015.

Specifically, the records show 18 months in which two payments of $83,333 per month were paid to Rosemont Seneca Bohai for “consulting services.” The two sources said that one of those monthly payments was intended for Biden and one for Archer. Reuters was not able to independently verify the authenticity of the documents or how much money Hunter Biden received. 


TL;DR on 17 findings from IG FISA report, condensed from JS article

1 Omitted that Page was an “other agency” asset planted in campaign

2 Lied about quality of info from Steele

3 Lied about the reliability of another source

4 Lied about Steele reporting to press (Yahoo news article not original)

5 Hid testimony from PapaD that denied Russian collusion

6 Hid Page’s testimony that he had never talked to Manafort (and couldn’t be colluding thru him)

7 Hid more facts that didn’t support Page working with Russia

8 Hid facts from reliable sources that Trump had nothing to do with Wikileaks (Podesta emails)

9 Altered emails to hide Page’s “other agency” affiliation 

10 Hid info the made Steele appear unreliable

11 Hid info from Ohr showing that Simpson (Fusion GPS, rabid anti-Trump) paid Steele 

12 Hid info on Steele-Simpson-DNC relationships

13 Didn’t correct lie about Steele providing Yahoo news the info, even when proven so later

14 Hid finding that Steele info was “minimally corroborated”

15 Hid PapaD testimony that Trump was not involved in DNC (Podesta emails) hack

16 Omitted Misfud’s denial of providing PapaD info

17 Omitted info about extent of Page’s role/influence on Republican platform change on Russian annexation of Ukraine

Mostly lies of omission about quality and origins of sources and hiding of exculpatory findings

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List of 17
idk but how many b4 mathematically impossibl?
i rely on Faith and Anons.
If we win, we win together.
If we lose, we lose together.
Let's win.
List of 17: 'Hid testimony from PapaD that denied Russian collusion'
Does that sound like treason?
'Omitted info about extent of Page’s role/influence on Republican platform change on Russian annexation of Ukraine'
List of 17 treasonous items.
Once charge w treason, how does a person feelz?
What comes next?
Q & As more likely answered facing treason charges?
Answers leading to moar swamp creatures.
State so deep, reveal has to be slow and long?
Who will do the work gathering and sharing this information?
Fake news?
If you don't do it, it don't get done.
So when ds stumbles and wobbles, thas you all.
Thas why ds hates you.
oh well, what good does it do worrying about what haters are thinking.
Much to do.
Work together, grow.
With more doing the work, less work to do.


The Time of Awakening, which was also known as The Great Awakening, was a time in Vulcan history which saw the end of the races war-like ways and saw the start of their peaceful ways. In the Earth calendar, it was during the 4th century. (TOS episode: "The Savage Curtain")

The architect of this change was the Vulcan philosopher known as Surak who preached a way of peace through logic and to keep their violent emotions under strict control. His teachings would gain wide scale acceptance among many people and would change the face of the world though there would still be heavy resistance to this change. (Last Unicorn RPG module: The Way of Kolinahr: The Vulcans)

One notable group who "marched under the raptor's wings" triggered a nuclear war. Surak himself would die from radiation sickness during the last of the battles that devastated his homeworld which finally ended with the acceptance of logic. (ENT episodes: "Awakening", "Kir'Shara")

Though a majority of the people of Vulcan accepted this change, a large group refused to accept the peaceful ways being accepted and decided to leave their homeworld. (TNG episode: "Gambit, Part II") This group, some of which consisted of Surak's followers who believed that their homeworld might destroy itself in nuclear war, left their homeworld and would journey to the planet Romulus where they would become the Romulan people. (TOS - Vulcan's Soul novel: Exodus)

In the mirror universe, the Time of Awakening likewise occurred during the 4th century and led to the Vulcan-Romulan schism. While his patron Gul Madred erroneously believed that it had occurred 2,000 years earlier than that, the archaeologist for hire Jean-Luc Picard chose not to correct him for his own safety. (TNG - Mirror Universe novel: The Worst of Both Worlds)


"My universe. Q’s universe. And, the universe of the beings known as Ramos. That is Kris’s sixth species. And, that is where Q’s 'trial' is going to take place. Currently, your ship cannot go there. It needs modifications." Geordi said, "What modifications are we talking about?"

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This is probably my coolest seal/badge.
Anyone wanna try to Pepe-tize it?

It's already got 5:5 on it.

The red dot can't be the sun, that wouldn't match perspective. Sol is larger from Earth than the moon. Must be something else...

2 (crosses) + 2 non-earth solar bodies = 4 rings around earth. 

13 reversed-illumanati triangles, becoming upward arrows. Or maybe trees outside Earth...

Anyway, someone make something this cool Endchan related? I'll give you like, 5 whole (you)s in exchange. Thanks in advance.

I was digging on Biden in Scranton and saw that he claimed his father worked for Scranton Lace.  Scranton lace went under because of a venture into Hollywood and film.  There was a director named Preston Sturges who's real name was Edmund Preston Biden.  His mother (Mary Desti} had an affair with ALEISTAR CROWLEY.

His mother, ultimately known as "Mary Desti" through her fourth marriage, was famous for her friendship with Isadora Duncan, even giving her the scarf that led to Duncan's freakish death. The young Sturges would sometimes travel from country to country with Duncan's dance company. Mary Desti also carried on a romantic affair with Aleister Crowley and collaborated with him on his magnum opus Magick (Book 4). In his memoirs Crowley described the young Sturges as "a most god-forsaken lout", and Sturges returned the favor with a vituperative mention of Crowley in his own memoirs.


so the golden age was when the earth, mars and venus use to be satellites of Saturn. 
Saturn Was Our Quasi-Sun in the beginning of our human existence.

then this current sun drew our system near caused the extinction of the dinosaurs and most of mankind

we want to align to the same frequency as saturn?
God is not Saturn, God created Saturn.
Venus and Saturn brought life to the earth.

There is a Global Consciousness, is there a universal one?
Are we Alone?
What Dimension Does God exist in
we have been through this 3 times already, how do you know?
we are running out of time. time to do what? awaken? what happens when time runs out?

do you have a time line of events to share. starting from our inception to this universe. 

nothing on net for gwyn d earl/ frank webster hells mouth.

who is moloch, is this the evil global consciousness?
are there arch angels?

Did cro magnon come from neanderthal?
when did we stop becoming angels and show up on earth?
how did we show up on earth?
are we on other planets?

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So yesterday I was lurking on the
generals and I learned that Q was right yet again and misspellings are important:
Clinton = dinton
Comey = corney
Obama = 0bama, 0barna, ()bama, °bama
So... is soros s0ro$?
How many of these have we yet to discover?
Nice trips btw
Maybe one day i'll learn how to "check 'em"
Lastly endchan's captcha is 10x better than 8kun's.

8kun repost

Roll For Position

0 - Dig IG Report
1 - Meme Voter ID 
2 - Meme Impeachmenthoax
3 - MEME Usmca Potus accomplishment
4 - Meme School Choice
5 - Expose CNN
6 - Expose WP
7 - Dig Soros Romania Energy
8 - Dig Soros Ukraine
9 - Dig Heinz, Hershey

I realized the other night.
Potus is making statement to make them come true.

He is in fact Creating via his words
Believe it is so and it is.
Speak as if it is already done.

You are what you Believe and Focus On.

Yah lot of late night youtube my frenz kek

Learning tho... learning.
We Are Divine!


Roll Faggots

0 - PRAY
1 - Dig Expose CNN
2 - Dig Expose WP
3 - Dig Soros Romania Energy
4 - Dig Heinz, Hershey
5 - Dig IG Report
6 - Meme Voter ID
7 - Meme Coup
8 - Meme Potus accomplishment
9 - Meme School Choice

> get 1


> i keep telling you Saturn was never our sun.


> Sol came first. It had to.

Saturn, Venus, and Mars created a  "twilight", in the Age that Was, called Zep Tepi by the Egyptians. In this current Age, (in the Occult), the Sun replaces Saturn and the Moon replaces Venus. If you don't know that, you are already decades behind the learning curve.

As far as the Gnostics, they also believed that God created the Heavens, but that Archons created the physical world.

Where is the Hammer?  It's time.  Someone post this on 8kun, I'm still banned.

Sponsored by Rep. Bobby Rush D.: 

H.Res.757 - Calling for the resignation and disbarment of United States Attorney General William P. Barr, and for other purposes.


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I thought this was interesting.  Jerry Nadler' wife Joyce Miller {Josephine Langsdorr Miller} is the President and CEO of a company called Tier One Public Strategies. Tier One specializes in social media PR & marketing.  They train people how to be Instagram Influencer's.  They posted this pic on there twitter account and it reminded me of the smocking picture with John Podesta and Valerie Jarrett. I bet this company is raking in the money with all these politicians trying to clean up their old social media posts. She also teaches at Columbia University.




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Jerry Nadler has a long history of opposing all things Donald Trump. I believe Joyce Miller would have been comptroller and in charge of City of New York Department of Housing Preservation and Development during the time this video was taken. Seems like a conflict of interests to me. Trump used to call him "Fat Jerry" for good reason.  His wife was much fatter back then also.

Rep. Jerry Nadler recounts battling Donald Trump in 1980s NYC 



more ammo


A CNN producer abruptly resigned, according to a Thursday report, just weeks after he was implicated by another network staffer of sexual misconduct, in leaked videos from the controversial conservative watchdog group Project Veritas.

In October, Steve Brusk, CNN Politics' supervising producer, was accused of "making advances" at female employees at social gatherings. He allegedly would "put his arms around them" and "try and touch their leg" as well as being "flirty and inappropriate" in email exchanges, according to Rick Saleeby, whom Project Veritas identified as a senior producer for "The Lead with Jake Tapper."

"I'll tell you this. In this climate that's going on right now, he definitely would have been fired," Saleeby told an undercover journalist for Project Veritas, who was secretly recording the conversation.

Saleeby recalled an incident in which he saw Brusk approach an intern who was intoxicated at a party. The producer said he could "see the hand," suggesting that it was about to go up her skirt, and said he "grabbed her" to keep the intern away. He also claimed that Brusk "had already been accused of things prior."

Good evening, frens.
Any Anons here that can offer some advice regarding eviction?
I realize this is completely unrelated to Q/research-but as a loner my options are extremely limited & usually someone here has the answers to just about everything.
I've never been evicted from a place in my life but since I got behind on my rent several months ago (despite making pmts to the property mngmnt company every 2 weeks & trying to keep up with the $175/mo. late fees that they kept shoveling on)they told me just a couple days before Thanksgiving to vacate the premises. I called & asked for clarification (i.e, how long before I have to be out??) and they said on Monday (less than 5 days to pack & find a new place and be out...needless to say that was not feasible and so on the 5th they put the official notice to vacate on my door). So, from what I've learned from my local sheriff's office, they said legally I have approximately 40 days (give or take) from the time of the official notice to be out...so basically I have about 2, maybe 2 weeks left to find another place and get out.
Budgetary problems aside from a moment, part of what I'm seeking guidance on is this: When I asked the girl at the property management company what she would tell a prospective landlord if they were to call her about my rental history, she immediately told me not to put her down as a reference because she said, by law, she would have to tell them that I am in the process of being evicted. Bear in mind I've lived there for 2 1/2 years & have never been a problematic tenant (I'm on my 3rd lease with them-I just fell on hard times over the last 6 months but no issue prior to that).
So a friend whom I've known for over 25 years suggested that I put their name down as my current landlord, put their address as my own, and say that I've been renting a room from them for the last couple of years..and to give a prospective landlord their phone number when they call for recent rental history/reference. 

Can anyone here see if/how that could backfire on me...and if so, can you offer an alternative solution?
Bottom line, in all of the depressingly crappy places I've looked at that are within my price range (under $700/mo...and I have 2 30-pound dogs I'm unwilling to part with...it makes it damn near impossible to find a place period-let alone one that isn't in a crime-infested area)the one thing that almost every advertisement states is NO EVICTIONS or NO EVICTIONS WITHIN THE LAST 6 YEARS, etc.

So, if I'm honest & put my actual current property management company down as a reference, prospective landlord 100% finds out I'm in the process of being evicted-that's pretty much game over for me.
If I do as my friend suggests & put down their name, address, etc...I stand the chance of being found out and being rejected for that.
Can anyone here help? I'm sorry to drop this here but I am running out of time and my options are extremely limited as it stands.

Thank you in advance for any advice.
Desperate/worried Anon here.

Bear in mind, there are lots of places to rent (but quite honestly they are cringeworthy regardless of one's race) but my biggest question in this scenario is: Is it better to be upfront about the entire situation knowing that the prospective landlord will for sure find out that my current landlord is evicting me (thereby virtually guaranteeing that I will be turned down)....or do as my friend suggested and give them a "fake" address/landlord/phone number. etc...(essentially pretending that my current situation is not happening) and see if I can get by with that?
Don't get me wrong, I hate lying...but I'd hate worse for, in 2-3 weeks time (tops) to be homeless with my 2 precious dogs. 
Having never been in this predicament in my life, I don't know how thorough the average landlord/apartment complex/whatever are when they check prior rental history, etc.
I am literally sick to my stomach every waking moment worrying about this (not that that helps anything-but how does one not worry about being homeless?
Then I would lose my job (showering & wearing clean clothes to work daily are pretty important) and I can't have me and 2 dogs living out of my car.
Sorry to go on about this here...I'm just out of time, options & ideas.

as juupiter approaches we should see possible somkething in the southern hemisphere happen
-antartic ice shelf breaks off and melts. 

further, we should start to experiecene the Awakening begining to increase. 

as jupiter reaches us, the gravity force will pull the deep water from under the crust and flood the earth. washing it clean.

this will also be the pinnacle of out awakening. 

when jupiter leaves we will begin to revert?

What have we forgotten.
We are Eternally Divine.
Thank You GOD /\

as juupiter approaches we should see possible somkething in the southern hemisphere happen
-antartic ice shelf breaks off and melts. 

further, we should start to experiecene the Awakening begining to increase. 

as jupiter reaches us, the gravity force will pull the deep water from under the crust and flood the earth. washing it clean.

this will also be the pinnacle of out awakening. 

when jupiter leaves we will begin to revert?

What have we forgotten.
We are Eternally Divine.
Thank You GOD /\

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Town sounds rough and mean.
Chance to relocate.
Print screen your post.
Show it to anyone you try to rent from.
If no one gives you a chance, town is not survivable; time to move, imo.
Continue to do GOOD deeds.
ime, sometimes they come back
lying has a way of backfiring, ime
These days i have Faith the Words will be w me when I need them, not before.
Most times, honesty earns the most respect, thus the most trust, thus the most opportunities.
Dogs; think country, open area.
Mainly, it's keep warm and water.
All more is luxury.
Ears open, eyes open, humbleness, avoid evil people for they will recognize your desperation and take advantage.
Avoid drinking/drugs, esp now when you need to be your most presentable, when you need all your awareness.
In my scariest times, I prayed the hardest in my life.
Afterwards miracles, ime.
Sometimes not, but still survive on wits and skill.
Depend on what you earned thru practice and experience.
We will PRAY for (you).

Do not include anything for a "rental agency" kind of place. You're going to need to rent directly from a person: either rent a room (search craigslist) or rent a place from a direct person. Don't include the previous tenant that is evicting you.
Here's the thing: eviction is a criminal procedure. It is on your record, and will be found in any background check. All rental agency places will require such a background check.

My overall advice remains the same as before: hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. Invest in a tent so that worst case, you and your pets have a home whilst you work on getting back on your feet.
As far as showers and shaving -- you can join many gyms for $1 / first month, and maybe $30 / mo thereafter. Otherwise, you can survive and be clean off "travel wipes" and public restrooms.
It's not ideal, but if you don't plan to handle failure, and it comes... it's going to hit like a freight train of bricks.
Hope this helps, best of luck to you!!!

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Really surprised that nobody on here found this. Wasn't 2051 a suspect date? Didn't get my "third level" clue? Eagles talons? Why you'd need to turn to your 6?
No autists left on here?
Q World Wide.

One person outside here I think may have found it. If you did -- keep the faith, E.


Great job on VoterID campaign, and keep pushing that "what does USMCA mean for American workers, and how did Trump renegotiate one of the worst trade deals into one of the best?" The 4am talking points include that USMCA is basically just NAFTA with a different name. Many sheeple are stupid and far too trusting, and won't look further than these talking points. Your ExposeCNN will help with some of these, but there are many who don't use the internet at all. Need to target folks within two degrees of these people socially, so that it comes up in casual conversation. Get them interested, and want to find more -- turn off CNN and turn us on; we are the news now.
I like the games idea, that will attract leaders / intelligent people to whom the sheep will look towards for explanation, especially once trust in the Mossad Stream Media is broken.

Great work anons, keep chugging along! This train has NO BREAKS!!!

Have fun with it!
Is there a better use of your time than helping to save the world?

We used to have a fair amount of active people here, and high intelligence. Seems like several went silent. Wanted to keep this place a little ahead of kun, to prepare the influencers to guide the anons who guide the world. Maybe we still can?
I'd like to keep this place "difficult to find, but not if you're looking in the right places" to keep the folks here of high caliber and focus direction/discussion. But, we've also dwindled massively in traffic since kun launched so....
Up to Gerbil to decide how to approach this. I drop on a rate depending on folks noticing (has to be organic, or close). Most of my proofs aren't acknowledged (let us keep it that way), and some of my clues aren't followed (or at 
least I don't see them mentioned).
Anyway, I'm droning on here, so I'll leave you guys to it. Great work on keeping the USMCA talk alive (and look at the results!) 
Let's see how you rock Voter ID! Ohio, etc., it's coming back to the news cycle. Watch Tom Fitton.

< 3 Bless.

gertbil here
i am here. i am enjoying life. not sure how much gonna have after god arrives. but yes, i am activly still seeking high autist and such, and 8kunfags know this as a backup. the thing is, that i want more hacktivist here, not so much research. looking for more thn just diggers and lurkers. gonna take a moment. but the 17ww was a good start. ty. yes games, puzzles should work great to direct hackktivist pepes here. again so much to do. only 1 person atm maybe 2 of us. go Social woohoo \o/ just want to go slow and steady, no real rush to flood this room with shills/bots. i actually enjoy the piece and quiet. more time to gather thoughts. and less time worrying about getting the next bread running. 

GodBless, GodWins, Amen /\
> Voter id... damn cali is all dem districts.

13th	Barbara Lee official portrait.jpg Barbara Lee (D-Oakland)			April 21, 1998 – present	
14th	Jackie Speier official photo (cropped).jpg Jackie Speier (D-Hillsborough)	April 8, 2008 – present	
43rd	Congresswoman Waters official photo.jpg Maxine Waters (D-Los Angeles)		January 3, 1991 – present	
18th	Anna Eshoo official photo.jpg Anna Eshoo (D-Atherton)				January 3, 1993 – present	
40th	Lucille Roybal-Allard official photo.jpg Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-Los Angeles)	January 3, 1993 – present	
19th	Zoe Lofgren, Official Portrait, 112th Congress.jpg Zoe Lofgren (D-San Jose)	January 3, 1995 – present	
30th	Brad Sherman official photo.jpg Brad Sherman (D-Sherman Oaks)			January 3, 1997 – present	
5th	Mike Thompson.jpg Mike Thompson (D-St. Helena)					January 3, 1999 – present	
32nd	Rep-Napolitano.jpg Grace Napolitano (D-Norwalk)					January 3, 1999 – present	
28th	Adam Schiff official portrait (cropped).jpg Adam Schiff (D-Burbank)		January 3, 2001 – present	
53rd	Susan A. Davis 113th Congress.jpg Susan Davis (D-San Diego)			January 3, 2001 – present	
38th	Linda Sánchez official photo.jpg Linda Sánchez (D-Whittier)			January 3, 2003 – present	
16th	Jim Costa official portrait (cropped).jpg Jim Costa (D-Fresno)			January 3, 2005 – present	
9th	Jerry McNerney (2014).jpg Jerry McNerney (D-Stockton)				January 3, 2007 – present	
37th	Karen-Bass-2012.jpg Karen Bass (D-Los Angeles)					January 3, 2011 – present	
2nd	Jared Huffman official photo.png Jared Huffman (D-San Rafael)			January 3, 2013 – present	
7th	Ami Bera official portrait (cropped).jpg Ami Bera (D-Elk Grove)			January 3, 2013 – present	
15th	Eric Swalwell 114th official photo (cropped).jpg Eric Swalwell (D-Dublin)	January 3, 2013 – present	
26th	Julia Brownley official photo.jpg Julia Brownley (D-Westlake Village)		January 3, 2013 – present	
29th	Tony Cárdenas 114th Congress (cropped).jpg Tony Cárdenas (D-Pacoima)		January 3, 2013 – present	
36th	Raul Ruiz, official portrait, 113th congress.jpg Raul Ruiz (D-Coachella)	January 3, 2013 – present	
41st	Mark Takano 113th Congress official photo.jpg Mark Takano (D-Riverside)		January 3, 2013 – present

47th	Alan Lowenthal 113th Congress Portrait.jpeg Alan Lowenthal (D-Long Beach)	January 3, 2013 – present	
51st	Juan Vargas official photo.jpg Juan Vargas (D-San Diego)			January 3, 2013 – present	
52nd	Scott Peters official portrait 116th Congress.jpg Scott Peters (D-San Diego)	January 3, 2013 – present	
11th	Mark DeSaulnier-1.jpeg Mark DeSaulnier (D-Concord)				January 3, 2015 – present	
31st	Pete Aguilar Official Portrait, 115th Congress.jpg Pete Aguilar (D - Redlands)	January 3, 2015 – present	
33rd	Congressman Ted W. Lieu Official Photo.jpg Ted Lieu (D-Torrance)		January 3, 2015 – present	
35th	Norma Torres 115th official photo.jpg Norma Torres (D-Pomona)			January 3, 2015 – present	
17th	Ro Khanna, official portrait, 115th Congress.jpg Ro Khanna (D-Fremont)		January 3, 2017 – present	
20th	Jimmy Panetta official portrait.jpg Jimmy Panetta (D-Carmel Valley)		January 3, 2017 – present	
24th	Salud Carbajal official photo (cropped).jpg Salud Carbajal (D-Santa Barbara)	January 3, 2017 – present	
44th	Nanette Barragan official portrait.jpg Nanette Barragán (D-San Pedro)		January 3, 2017 – present	
46th	Lou Correa official portrait.jpg Lou Correa (D-Santa Ana)			January 3, 2017 – present	
10th	Josh Harder, official portrait, 116th Congress.jpg Josh Harder (D-Turlock)	January 3, 2019 - present	
21st	TJ Cox, official portrait, 116th Congress.jpg TJ Cox (D-Fresno)			January 3, 2019 - present	
39th	Gil Cisneros official portrait.jpg Gil Cisneros (D-Yorba Linda)			January 3, 2019 - present	
45th	Katie Porter, official portrait, 116th Congress.jpg Katie Porter (D-Irvine)	January 3, 2019 - present	
48th	Harley Rouda, 116th Congress.jpg Harley Rouda (D-Laguna Beach)			January 3, 2019 - present	
49th	Mike Levin.jpg Mike Levin (D-San Juan Capistrano)				January 3, 2019 - present	
34th	Jimmy Gomez official portrait (cropped).jpg Jimmy Gomez (D-Los Angeles)		July 11, 2017 – present	
27th	Judy Chu official photo (cropped).jpg Judy Chu (D-Monterey Park)		July 14, 2009 – present	
12th	Official photo of Speaker Nancy Pelosi in 2019.jpg (D-San Francisco)		June 2, 1987 – present	
6th	Doris Matsui Official Photo.JPG Doris Matsui (D-Sacramento)			March 10, 2005 – present	
3rd	John Garamendi official photo.jpg John Garamendi (D-Walnut Grove)		November 3, 2009 – present	
25th	Vacant										October 27, 2019 - present

getting hella comments

We need to get a citizen referendum passed in each state mandating paper ballots be used, with citizen observers elected by a public record lottery process, and mandating a cleanup of voter rolls by cross referencing against both death records and the list of aborted fetuses that were given birth certificates but not death certificates, and against lists of illegals who were recorded as being in the state in any law enforcement records, and mandating voter ID. 


Just check out what happened to Orange Co. It's who counts the votes...

There is also vote fraud on the input side. I have personally seen elections stolen when huge numbers of provisional ballots overwhelmed the system. Same day registration + unverified provisional ballots is something to watch. You don't need to rig machines with this method. It also works fine with paper ballots.


democrats have developed the entire election process here (i'm in CA) to be a fraud-projection device to eliminate the possibility of defeat by conservatives. There are only a few districts with truly conservative reps in congress. I'm blessed to live in one of them (district 4 - Tom McClintock).

Massive voter fraud is the only explanation. It needs to stop.

As of December 1st, I am into them for approx. 2,000...that being said, I don't really think they'd let me stay even if I got caught up. 
It is time for me to get out of this godforsaken neighborhood...I just wish so much that it wasn't on these terms with so little time. I cannot eat, sleep, or spend any waking moment not obsessing about this mess. But thank you for taking the time to reply, fren.

> You're going to need to rent directly from a person
I'm thinking you're correct on this.
That's primarily what I'm looking at this point-only problem is it's hard to know who's reputable & who's going to take your security deposit (plus whatever else they can squeeze out of you) only to find out they are doing some shady shit...like taking your rent money but not paying their mortgage so that in 60 days' time you end up getting kicked out for their failure to pay. 
I was thinking (obesessing) about this all last night, and I had basically reached the same conclusion: That it would show up on any background check. Thing is though, I am not technically evicted yet..as in it is not on my rental history/etc..yet. I don't know the exact time frame but I estimated I have until the end of this month. I also recently learned that as long as you vacate before the eviction is finalized at the end of the 30-40 days & tell the landlord that you are surrendering the property & return the keys-that that will stop the eviction from ending up on your background/rental history (another reason I'm racing the clock here).
> eviction is a criminal procedure
This I did not know...and it could affect my job in the future as my job requires a squeaky-clean criminal history.

Thanks so much for the sound advice (again), fren. Sincerely.

Anon, your words & advice make the most sense to me of all...I think one of the main reasons I'm so sick & conflicted is that, as I said, I hate lying...and you're right: it usually has a way of backfiring.
I have no problem telling someone straight up that I fell on hard times a few months ago...but prior to that I've never been evicted, I was keeping up with the rest of my bills until about a month ago (I missed ONE car pmt and my credit score tanked 100 points!1). I have a steady job (albeit the pay is crap) and I'm just trying to get back on my feet. I have no intention to screw over someone who takes a chance by renting to me and can understand that sometimes in life, things happen that are beyond your control; all you can do is keep working and pushing forward until you get on more solid ground. There's got to be someone out there that can understand that & that will hopefully not take advantage of another person's need and desperation....at least I hope so. 
I'm just mentally exhausted 100% of the time going over and over and over all of this in my head...I can't think clearly.
You made some very concise points, fren.
> Most times, honesty earns the most respect, thus the most trust
This contains the most truth and I believe it. 
I cannot thank (You) and some of the other Anons here for your concern and your guidance & I need and welcome all prayers.
God bless you all.

Anon, even the birds of the field are covered by god, how much are you. Pray. Meditated. See if they take partial payment. Get a roomate(s). borrow. gamble. sell the car. pawn the jewelry. all is possible if you put your will to it.

Thank you, fren.
I have prayed (fervently but perhaps not enough), I have gone through every scenario I can think of 100 times over, as of this morning I sold the last thing I owned that was of any value & I pawned the rest just in the last month trying to make ends meet and try to save up for a place, I even played the lotto last week (something I never do) just hoping to win maybe 2-5k just so I can get out of here and into another place...no luck though.
My circle of people in my life is extremely small...and there's really no one to ask for help/loans/even a very short-term place for me to crash so I don't end up on the streets. It's saddening but it is what it is, I suppose. Quite honestly I'm terrified, but I haven't given up hope yet...if for no other reason than I owe it to my dogs.
I will pray some more.
Thank you. /\

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Too many brains around here not to come up w something.
Keep us updated.
Anons pray for Anon.
Set up emergency gofundme or similar in case the worst.
W moar Faith, less worry, but not easy.
PRAY now.
If you survive, never forget the favor and next time will have moar Faith.
Warmth and Water.
Eyes open, ears open, opportunities.
Turn a loss into a big Win, hopefully.
We root for (you).

'Illegal immigrants in New York will able to obtain driver’s licenses starting next week after a last-minute legal challenge was dismissed -- making it the 13th state to allow the practice, but one that critics say is unconstitutional.

The Green Light Law, signed by Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo earlier this year, allows anyone to apply for a driver’s license regardless of immigration status and does not require a Social Security number.


Illegal immigrants can use a combination of documents that include a valid passport from a foreign country and a valid foreign driver’s license, as long as it has been expired for less than two years.

“After waiting 18 years to have their right to drive restored, thanks to our legislature, New York can now officially join 12 other states in making driver’s licenses legally available to all residents,” New York Immigration Coalition Executive Director Steve Choi said in a statement this week, arguing that it will make roads safer and the economy stronger.

"This is a major step forward for all New Yorkers as we keep building New York to live up to its full potential of equity, opportunity and justice," said State Sen. Luis Sepúlveda (D-Bronx). "We also look forward to the significant economic and safety benefits the law will bring to communities across our state."

The controversial measure faced multiple lawsuits. Erie County Clerk Michael Kearns, whose lawsuit was dismissed last month, argued that the measure violated federal law and would make New Yorkers less safe.

"My concern is that, after 9/11, New York state put a prohibition on illegals having driving licenses and now with REAL ID in 2005 after we were attacked there will be a gap from today to Oct. 1 that anyone who is here illegally can get into a federal buiulding and can fly on our airplanes and cross our border," he said Saturday on "Fox & Friends."

According to the Wall Street Journal, the latest challenge by Rensselaer County Clerk Frank Merola was dismissed Friday after a judge ruled that he had not demonstrated a “cognizable injury” and therefore lacked the standing to sue. The judge warned, however, that the ruling shouldn’t be read as an affirmation that the law is “legal.”


“To the dissatisfaction of the parties and public-at-large, courts are at times unable to pass upon the merits of a case for one reason or another,” the judge wrote.

The Associated Press cited an estimate by the Fiscal Policy Institute that approximately 265,000 illegal immigrants in New York will get driver's licenses in the next three years, with more than half from New York City. ...'

the coffee iw purfect ty anon. 
i think my vacation is starting to end here shortly. back to the grind stone.

Romania Biden
DS Kids

Get more hacktivist... more games.
lots to do...

and blessings to anon, i pray today that anon finds a place to rent. amen /\

any anons here that can join me in the chat room. want to build it up to entice pepes to join.

im sending them to the chat room, from there i determine if they good enough to join us here.

tfw you forgot you use to be part of anonymous back in the day. the Deep Anonymous o7

Lots of Hacktivist, but been so long. sine ive talked to any of them. hope they still remember me kek. where is V damnit, he loved this shit.


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locate democrat comments and meme dahell out of em


and of course always leave one for the target

> Building ammo up atm. 
Soon we run an OP and Gather the masses then PICARD MANEUVER


That "plan to save the world" is a psyop. These people are copy cats and have created a fake version of a legitimate plan to save the planet. Do not fall for it anons. This is an Intelligence community run psyop using 12 year old David Wilcock ideas of "mass arrests of the cabal" and other such wild ideas, to attempt to convince patriots that the good guys are taking-down the cabal. Nothing could be further from the truth. Many are being deceived by these lies and deception. There may have been an original group connected to CICADA 3301 posting as Q but the trip code was hijacked long ago by sell-outs who are pushing disinfo upon an unsuspecting public.

I need to go out soon but will be back later...check out the link I gave you.  If you have any questions or comments, I will reply to them later... In any case, I expect resistance from those who do not want the truth out.



X ty so much for your time and effort. the problem i see is you are not really helping, but are more dividing. it does not matter who made the plan. its GOD'S plan and nothing will ever stop it. Nothing. so with that out the way, can we work together for a means to and ENDchan. 

I notice you like to post. would you mind blasting out #ExposeCNN intel. I could use any and all leads regarding CNN and Zucker/Epstein.


My objective is to weaken CNN, possibly WP/NYT, time aloud. 

But for now weaken CNN, then Hit with the Cali VoterID op.

Thinking this Wednesday be a good day to blast CNN and their followers with some truth.

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November 23, 2018 BY  STEVEN AHLE

The numbers just don’t add up. The main election for California voters was, of course, the race for governor. Not only that, but Republican John Cox (who ran a putrid race) beat Newsome in Orange County despite wide margins of victory in the two traditional Democratic districts. Yet, in the House races, Democrats beat Republicans by about 186,000 votes and there were more votes for reps than for governor –  by 299,931. There is no way that makes sense, especially considering how hardcore Republican Orange County has always been. For those numbers to be right, 3 out of every 10 voters in Orange County would have had to skip voting for governor. Does that make sense?
Orange County, a traditionally conservative enclave in Southern California turned all blue after Democrats found tens of thousands of votes post election day.

Just two years ago in 2016, only 2 Congressional districts in Orange County voted blue–now just two years later every single district voted blue.

Biden anon here.
Please disregard all the latest info that came out about brothers and their involvement in Ukraine.
I talked to the CuiA and they assure me that these are NOT in their 4am talking point plans.

Also, forget Cicada 3031, Joe 30330 absorbed them long ago. And we're here every year, not just every seven. Also, we aren't locusts so we don't destroy crops.
Anyone who disagrees can challenge boss to a push-up contest

- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You think someone paid to shill here who is already c_a affiliated is going to turn rogue? Even if they did, how could you ever trust them?

>  Muh Q is a LARP, it started out real but then they stole [our] tripcode yet there was no conflict nor multiple posters under the same trip
< Muh retarded self thinks anyone would buy this

> X ty so much for your time and effort. the problem i see is you are not really helping, but are more dividing. 

Whether I am diving or not, that is a mere side effect. Of course if I am the original creator of the Q movement and when people find-out, there will be those who say I am dividing, as yourself.  But what is better, people continue blindly following something that was stolen from someone else so as to infiltrate the movement, divide it -  take it over via controlled opposition or that the truth be told?  So who is really dividing is the one who or the group of people, whoever they are, who destroyed the movement a true patriot created and then ran with it claiming it to be their own. They are dividing by preventing a true grass-roots movement from taking off the ground and substituting it with a psyop.  They are stealing a huge reward offered to the original source. They were preventing the original creator from posting on their controlled opposition board on 8-chan and then selling out their patriotism to the highest bidder and pushing-out lies. Truth mixed with lies. This group of shills doing this and those stealing the trip code from others and posting as "Q" are the ones dividing, not the one who created the movement to start with.

> it does not matter who made the plan. its GOD'S plan and nothing will ever stop it. 

Of course it matters who created it. This because if all know, they will know what information is legit and what is controlled opposition.  And who is to say what is "God´s plan"? You define it that way but that is your subjective opinion. I say God´s plan is that the entire truth be told. God hates lies.

> Nothing. so with that out the way, can we work together for a means to and ENDchan. 

In your mind nothing will stop what you are following. But nothing will stop me from telling the true story - the truth and nothing but the truth, even if some do not like to hear it. Although the truth may be buried for a generation, in the end the truth will out. You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time but not all of the people all of the time.

Continued next post...(my response was too long for one single post)....


...continued from the previous post...

> I notice you like to post. would you mind blasting out #ExposeCNN intel. I could use any and all leads regarding CNN and Zucker/Epstein.

CNN is basically ISIS. Both created by the CIA. The CIA was created basically by The Jesuits and associated groups. These groups represent the rogue Venetian Black Nobility Crown Banking cartel -  the Khazarian mafia - Rothschild - Vatican - British Intel - Privy Council - Rhodes - Round Table mafia groups. They all work together to subvert the American Republic. The Knights of Malta also have their own intelligence group.

AT&T apparently is the parent company of CNN. That is how Shifty Schiff was able to get phone call records of Nunes, who is suing him for releasing confidential information while violates California law. Schiff is a criminal. I coined the term Shifty Schiff and now Trump uses it.

> anything?

Facebook and Zuckerberg - base patent stolen by James P. Chandler, the IBM Eclipse Foundation, the government. Federal Judges involved. SCOTUS Roberts involved. Zuckerberg is just a card-board cut-out and does not even know anything, an idiot. The original source code was stolen from Leader Technologies (from Michael McKibben) and their logo and trademark was removed from the top of the code, the code was altered and the thieves put their copy right at the top of the code, then distributed it free across the planet. Now the government owes Leader Technologies hundreds of billions maybe even trillions for the aggregated theft. The stolen base code was used to create a host of technologies. I created an entire blog post on this and was first to crack it fully, among other things. Leader has come-up with a solution and way to give the source code to Trump so he can request the companies to produce the original source code. They will not be able to as they have a modified version. This will be grounds for Trump to seize their assets. All of it.

Epstein - It seems George Webb has some interesting videos on this, connecting Epstein to Barr Senior and this group is then in turn as you see connected to the current administration. Now we have Trump apparently working with the same Epstein lawyer, so it is said, to put out a new executive order blocking institutions from getting Federal Funding unless they act to prevent people from criticizing Israel and the Zionists...if this is true, it is a sad state of affairs truly. USMCA needs to be exposed as well. I also created a blog post on this nine months ago. I can provide the links.



Voter fraud affects all U.S. states. See this post exposing this:

https: //busy.org/@motherlibertynow/u-s-and-global-elections-rigging-by-soros-the-cia-the-british-empire-roths-proof

(To view the post, remove the space after the https: and paste the link in your browser).

I have another post I created on how Soros - the CIA rig the elections via a central AI. I believe it may be connected to the Google AI Manhattan Project.

The CIA also via CrowdStrike took control of the digital keys to the Internet and this is how they rig the  elections as well. This is how they are able to view all traffic on the Internet.


Our middlepoint server keeps crashing. I've healed it twice now in the last fifteen minutes, but then it goes again. I may disappear without warning and be away for a few days. Can't post through normal secure mobile because of end's captcha.

Alright C_A shill, who can't recognize folks...
If your motives are pure, and you actually want to save the world... why do you advocate against mass arrest of the cabal? Why do you fight against and try to divide people who do good work? You need the fame of being the OG Q? That's very selfish. We're a selfless movement.
Go ahead, give me your best retort.

- R-1

Great work btw, Gerbil.

Per your earlier comment, what are your intentions behind attracting hacktivists? The intelligence, freedom-loving type, or are you planning some sort of attack? I don't think it wise to associate Q with illegal activities, we work within the law to accomplish the needed preparations for what is coming.
I ask because it was a big issue a bit of time ago, where shills were associating Q with Anonymous (the latter anonymous, after it was infiltrated by the FB_) in an attempt to associate us with kiddie porn and DDOS nonsense.
It's your board, you run it how you like. Many good folks were a part of the original "Anonymous" hactivist group. But there's a reason it doesn't officially exist anymore outside shills. Are these folks you personally had worked alongside?
Also, pool is still closed. :)

> Alright C_A shill, who can't recognize folks...
> If your motives are pure, and you actually want to save the world... why do you advocate against mass arrest of the cabal? Why do you fight against and try to divide people who do good work? You need the fame of being the OG Q? That's very selfish. We're a selfless movement.
> Go ahead, give me your best retort.
> - R-1

First of all, I don´t work for the CIA nor for any Intel agency.

Second, if you think all are claiming  I am one, either these folks are all delusional or yourself are.

I am not against mass arrests of the cabal. Who said so? The only thing is, if we do not follow the proper steps, mass arrests cannot take place nor can military tribunals of those arrested in mass. There is a difference. 

Next, there is a huge group of people fighting against me. I am not the one who picked the fight. They stole the movement I created, used spies to attack me, prevent me from posting places, erasing boards, content it took me two years to create. They created an all out war against the truth. They picked the fight, not me. And thus they are the ones dividing, by taking-down a legitimate plan and movement to restore the Republic and replacing it with a psyop. So I am not the ones dividing. The ones running the controlled opposition op are the ones who are dividing, putting out truth mixed with disinfo, subverting a legit movement to restore the Republic and replacing it with clever lies, subverting it while pretending to be supporting it. This is the infiltrate method, controlled opposition, divide and conquer. This is what they are doing to the movement the legit source of the sauce created. 

Next, I seek no fame. I hate fame fags.


Crashing again, let's try to type this quicker.

Okay, so, firstly, YOU said the "arrest the cabal" was a psyop.
What are these proper steps? Why don't you share them? You can get on kun with tor, so banning isn't an excuse.
Also, why fight against it? Are we not getting results? Do we not have thousands and thousands of proofs? If you weren't associated with the current Q, then you didn't have the most powerful man in the world associated, how could you hope to accomplish anything?

Next, yes, you are here picking fights. You are contributing nothing of value except "Stop trying, you guys are doing it wrong, go to this sketchy URL so I can track your IP and put you on muh list."

Again, if you have the good ideas, provide them. If you have pure intentions, stop trying to divide. If someone actually took over your movement (lol), then screw it, start another one on the side. Or provide truth to the existing one. Why don't you do either of these things? All I see is anger and division from you, seed of doubt, etc. You're much better than the last shill, I've already admitted that. But tjat doesn't make you pure or good...
So, what is your plan? Why don't you provide it? What is stoping you from executing it? Why tdidn't you archive offline? Isn't that a Q phrase? Do we spout that to mock you?
(part 2 of 2)

And if you think you're winning by getting me to talk to you instead of Gerbil, or any of the read-only folks here... you're wrong.
This is just me shitposting for my own keks. I already know. /\

Got your messages, btw. Thanks. You're doing great work.
I don't know how much we can do at this point to resolve the exposure issue. The situation is... delicate.
But you have people checking on you daily. New people are the issue. Statistics are completely fake, do not trust them.

> Okay, so, firstly, YOU said the "arrest the cabal" was a psyop.

It is a psyop if it is not possible under the present conditions. So the psyop is to fool the masses with a fake sense of justice.
> What are these proper steps? Why don't you share them? 

I have shared them many times in my blog posts. Seek and yee shall find. 

> You can get on kun with tor, so banning isn't an excuse.
> Also, why fight against it? Are we not getting results? 

I fight only for the truth.
> Do we not have thousands and thousands of proofs? 
I can show you one by one how all the proofs are fake.

> If you weren't associated with the current Q, then you didn't have the most powerful man in the world associated, how could you hope to accomplish anything?

Because I was chatting with Potus and Steven Miller on another board until our chat got taken down and wiped Dec. 31st 2017. Then the entire board was wiped by the fourth or so...and that is when the fake Q larp began on 8-chan Q Research, with Pamphlet and the fake pay-tree-ots Soap Box running the psyop. They are sell outs. They stole my one million reward.  That is when Rogers was forced to resign as well, at the time time as their larp began.
> (part1)


> Next, yes, you are here picking fights. 
I am not picking any fight. The ones picking the fight are the ones who stole the movement I created and then blocked me from telling the truth and wiped years of my work from the net to prevent people from finding it. How would you feel if the Shadow Government or the Deep State did this to you and then ran with the movement you created and subverted it with lies?

> You are contributing nothing of value except "Stop trying, you guys are doing it wrong, go to this sketchy URL so I can track your IP and put you on muh list."

In your opinion I am contributing nothing. I takes me from two days up to 3 days sometime to create each unique blog post and I am not paid one penny for it. Stop complaining and read the info I have posted.
> Again, if you have the good ideas, provide them. If you have pure intentions, stop trying to divide. 
I have provided my good ideas, including I am the author of the plan to unite the two Koreas, which Trump ran with, coined the terms The Storm, Shifty Schiff and many other terms that even Trump uses now. And yet you say I contribute nothing. I even created a plan to stop elections rigging, the plan to restore the Republic and the legit Plan to free the planet. I was first to crack how the take over of the digital P.K.I keys has led to a host of technologies. I was first to crack how the CIA - CrowdStrike took control of the master keys... I expose elections rigging and am first with many new innovative ideas, yet you claim I am contributing nothing...obviously you are confused and lack any basis for your claims...clueless actually...

> If someone actually took over your movement (lol), then screw it, start another one on the side. 

I already spent two years on this and have much work in real life to do...I cannot afford to spend more time on this then I already am..the blog posts I write already is a full time job...and I am not paid one penny for it..

Continued next post...


Hacktivist are Digital Warriors, no not advocating an attack per say. more of a raid. people who will help meme and get the word out. not so much the wanting or neediing haxors. they already work for the gov kek. but yeah people who are willing like me to help get the word out, people with ideas on how to get the word out. peole who can create memes. just need more of people like me. clones :)

yes i worked with them. the ones i know. one was here a time ago. we invited A. someone i met through my classes, but again that is almost 5 years ago. it would take me a moment to find them again. but not really wanting them. more again people like me, willing to help and work at it. thats all.

>  It is a psyop if it is not possible under the present conditions

So, the weatherman says it's going to rain tomorrow. That's a psyop until it rains?
Or a better example. In 200 days from now, we will be in Summer. That's a psyop because it's not possible to be in summEr now?
I don't follow.

>  I have shared them many times in my blog posts

Okay. Still not clicking those. Post screenshots if you don't like copy+paste. You do know how we document things, riiiiiiight?

>  I fight only for the truth.
A disproven distortion of reality, maybe. And if you prove yourself true, hypothetically, of course, then how does that help anything? You've now indirectly admitted to famefagging. Don't try to play checkers against a grandmaster.......

>  I can show you one by one how all the proofs are fake.

Alright, let's try a recent one: the latest tripcode update. How did 4 10 20 manage to include in capital letters ALL but the letter "q" matching the new tripcode within one minute of assignment?
Let's see you disprove math/statistics+probability.

>  my one million reward
Again, you said you weren't selfish. Now you care about money.

None of your response seems to indicate anything about a love for God or Country.

Help me to believe you. Where's the contributions?

>  Dec 31 2017

Ah, so you shitposted for a few months on 4chan and now you want a million dollars for it. Got it.

- Professor Utonium

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and here we go

EXPOSE CNN OP 12/18/19
EXPOSE CNN OP 12/18/19
EXPOSE CNN OP 12/18/19
EXPOSE CNN OP 12/18/19

Collect your Ammo Now.


> Share this shit fagots!


> Or provide truth to the existing one. 

I have provided more truth then you can imagine but obviously you have not read any of it nor looked into it.

> Why don't you do either of these things? All I see is anger and division from you, seed of doubt, etc.

You are just interpreting things in your own way and lack information to be able to make a judgement. You are looking at it from your own limited vision looking glass. Wait until you can see THE BIG PICTURE as I can, and then you will understand.
> You're much better than the last shill, I've already admitted that. 
Why do you call everyone a shill simply because you do not agree with the person? Do you even know what a shill is? I am not paid ONE PENNY for all my work and have dedicated myself almost full time to tell the truth...

> But tjat doesn't make you pure or good...
Who is pure or good and is that your objective?

> So, what is your plan? Why don't you provide it? 

Obviously you have not read anything I have posted...

> What is stoping you from executing it? 

Only when people are properly educated about the truth can we all together make a difference. If you are fighting against the truth, you are fighting against the restoration of the Republic.

> Why tdidn't you archive offline? 

I did but the Clowns even erased all my archived images and PDF files, making the archives I created useless!

> Isn't that a Q phrase? Do we spout that to mock you?
> (part 2 of 2)

Is that all you got? Pretty weak actually... do your homework and read what I have posted for heaven´s sake!



You are trying to argue with me via semantics while refusing to read anything I am posting..this will only be a waste of time for me...not worth arguing with you... if anyone truly wants to read what I have posted, I am willing to chat, otherwise no way..


> Ah, so you shitposted for a few months on 4chan and now you want a million dollars for it. Got it.

That is a lie also. You have no clue what you are talking about. You are just jumping to conclusions without any clue at all. It is not even worth my time reading anything you post...


>  I am not picking any fight.
Yet you are picking fights with all of Qanon.

>  How would you feel [if wiped from history]

Until automatic archives started happening, almost everything I put on the internet was transient. How do I feel about that? Great! I reach the people who are there to be reached, and every moment, every word was special and unique. There is more responsibility when being constantly archived... I try not to care, but it's hard sometimes. Sometimes, I do wish I planned things here better than just scattered clues and proofs, similar to how certain other posts are planned in advance, to be referenced later, forming a map. But it's really nice to have a place to just post stream of consciousness, ja feel?

>  and subverted it with lies
Welcome to my entire life, and that of most of the world.
Thing is, an individual and their ideas cannot be unwillingly subverted. Those working for the evil ones must make it a choice. [They] have just learned to work around it by limiting understanding and controlled opposition. Yes[hidden] or No1[visible] or No2[visible]. Like that. Similar to how we return the favour with multiple options on how to lose.

>  In your opinion I am contributing nothing. [I spend a long time on stuff]
But yet you won't take a screenshot and post it here? Why do I have to go to your site to get your information, when you're here? It takes wayyyy less than three days to copy+paste and/or screenshot.
Give me your best work.

>  I wanted peace, I coined "The Storm" Schifty Schiff, etc.
Okay. So why are you famefagging again? We accomplished peace. But you mad because you didn't get credit? What exactly was your plan to unite the Koreas? Because to the rest of the world it looks like the fall of the DS meant Kim was free. He wants peace!
Also, no, most/all (depending on your interpretation of what makes a Q term) of the Q terms are borrowed from literature and/or movies. I even posted origin of The Great Awakening above, decades before Q. The Muse works in mysterious ways, friend.

>  Created a plan to stop election rigging
Yeah, that's been around for a long time. Just never implemented because those in power depended on the corruption. And even without it, the POZ ensured most were too stupid and enslaved (willingly) to understand the difference.

>  I was the first to... I was the first to...
Ok. So how are you helping the world again? This really reads like a "acknowledge me, love me, pay me" thing. Maybe I'm just not seeing your benevolence. You know Big T doesn't even take a salary for his part, right?

>  Calling me clueless
lol. Answer the real questions, then! Show me!

>  I already spent two years on this
You can't kill an idea. There's already millions of eyes on kun, and it's all archived automatically. Post your stuff there. If they're good ideas, people will run with them. You still haven't explained how you're banned when TOR exists and the shills somehow manage to understand how proxies etc work.

Look forward to your next reply! But I'm only here a short bit longer... so be quick!


I am not even going to read what you posted. This because you refuse to read my blog posts. So obviously you will jump to all kinds of conclusions, want to get into a drawn out fight, argue with me, accuse me for whatever reason you have. Go ahead, it does not bother me anymore. Nothing does. All I want is to see the Republic restored. I don´t want to get into long debates with people picking a fight and who have not read anything I have written and are just accusing me, jumping to conclusions, slandering me and falsely accusing me.

Sorry, not playing your game.


>  I can disprove all of them
< Okay, disprove this one

^ Conversations with X.

kek, okay. I'm done. We got any real questions or otherwise here before I leave?

i looked at ur post. ty. but so much time right now to get other stuff done, and again im not too concerend on whos plan it is, GODS WINS. and again im not much of a digger, less i have too. more of a hacktivist. I make shit happen. but yes ty.

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Reverse the bottom order and you're right on track.
Also, not just kids. Two degrees - follow the wives (different last name), and their immediate family. Brothers, cousins, etc, too.

Voter ID is about to / is blowing up, again.

Also, here, have a serious bird!

Oh, so you're nice to Gerbil, but when R comes on here and just wants to help your image, by explaining yourself and giving you the opportunity to speak Love and Truth and God, you just insult me.
Very telling.
Get better soon!

> Oh, so you're nice to Gerbil, but when R comes on here and just wants to help your image, by explaining yourself and giving you the opportunity to speak Love and Truth and God, you just insult me.
Very telling.
Get better soon!

Accusing me falsely, jumping to conclusions, not reading anything I have posted....that is not giving anyone a chance..that is a delusion... I am willing to chat with those who are sincere and at least take some time to read what I have posted.. I am not here to argue with those adopting such dirty tactics.


Alright, thanks X for a kekful evenihng. Thanks Gerbil for continuing to push forward. I look forward to seeing the gains!!!

Signing off!

As always, Be B(l)es(s)(e)t!!!! /\


The USMCA needs to be exposed. Trump 5G needs to be exposed. The Trump Mnuchin Executive order of Dec. 2017 needs to be exposed. Trump using the Epstein lawyer needs to be exposed..and on and on...so much for MAGA hey?

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> #ExposeCNN https://imgur.com/a/UwtQJIu
> #ExposeCNN https://imgur.com/a/UwtQJIu
> #ExposeCNN https://imgur.com/a/UwtQJIu
> #ExposeCNN https://imgur.com/a/UwtQJIu


Mark it on the Calendar and be ready to Meme Wednesday. This is a GO. We are HOT. GO GO GO!!!

> Gather the masses, Share this. Voat.gab.chan.redet.twitter.fb.insta


'>The Department of Justice said this month that it could not release records on Democrat technology aide Imran Awan due to “technical difficulties,” but later admitted in court documents that it could not release records on him because there is a secret ongoing case related to the matter.

> could not release records on him because there is a secret ongoing case related to the matter.

> secret ongoing case related to the matter.

secret ongoing case related to the matter.'


None of the big wigs from the Intel community are coming down. None of the Deep State = SES either. They are agents of The British Empire.

Details here:

https: //busy.org/@motherlibertynow/the-two-tiered-shadow-justice-system-exposed

(To view the link, remove the space after the https: and paste the link in your browser). 



You can be sure, however, that the Venetian Black Nobility Crown Banking Cartel = CIA - Soros - NWO Vatican - Black Pope - Knights of Malta - Five Eyes gang of criminals will use ex Soviet Countries like this to run their energy deals. Good to check with George Webb, he has great knowledge on this subject. See his YT videos.

> try to control your thinking and tell you who to listen to, which board to follow, which version of Q to follow

and all i was doing was asking for halp memen on wednesday.

see how a shill works kek


These shills try to set traps for others then attempt to use their words to paint a black picture of what is while. This is how you recognize shills as this one anons.

True anons who are not paid shills listen to the truth, dig into things, do not let others think for them. Use your brains and dig. The truth is too important then to simply let controlled opposition shills like this attempt to smear the very only one bringing you the truth and nothing but the truth.


This image above explains it all. Either you allow paid shills to think for you or you come along and reason with us. If you do not dig and read, study what the source has to present to you, you will end up just consuming whatever they tell you to consume and end up missing the BIG PICTURE!

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expose-cnn png
(937.71 KB, 1158x1168)
Patriots and Followers Notified 



/x/ as soon as things settle down.
still researching tho o7

How to imagine we have always existed. 

In the Begining was God and the Word was with God...

We are the Living Word
> String Theory... sounds musical kek

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