/qanonresearch/ - Q War Room

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Welcome To Q Research @ /QAnonResearch/

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.



Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening


-Clear Access: endchan.net/qanonresearch/

-TOR v3: enxx3byspwsdo446jujc52ucy2pf5urdbhqw3kbsfhlfjwmbpj5smdad.onion

-TOR v2: 

-Zerochan (Decentralized)

*404 Bunker >> /qrb/
*505 Bunker >> freenode.net #qanonresearch

PDF: 8chan https://(eight)ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809
PICS: 8 chan https://(eight)ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821
* All Q's posts, archived at
- qanon.app (qanon.pub) 
- qmap.pub 
- qanon.news 
- qposts.online

* QResearch Search Engine https://qresear.ch/

* QProofs
QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs
QAnonProofs.com ------ Website dedicated to Q Proofs
Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w
Book of Q Proofs ----- https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/
8chan The Best of the Best Q Proofs https://(eight)ch.net/qresearch/res/4004099.html

Q's 8chan Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board --- https://eightch.net/qresearch/qposts.html

Q Proofs
8chan Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity  >>/4004099/
QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs
QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs
Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w
Book of Q Proofs —– https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

Q Happenings Calendar
Submit an event here - https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a
Main Calendar URL —- https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

QPosts Archives
* QMap & Mirrors PDF:
MEGA: https://mega. nz/#!cjZQRAaL!aTvYqIifJmSRQYUB5h4LmOJgjqNut2DOAYHFmYOV1fQ
MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ux6qfl2m40vbaah/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VI.pdf/file
SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/408371553/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VI?secret_password=m2IeU6xGZ7OtQhl7vvyg

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/
* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub
* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)
* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats
* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t & 3: pastebin.com/iteQ8xAt
* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY
* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip
* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/
* Memo & OIG Report Links: OTHERCH.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188
* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

War Room
Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!
[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'
[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!
[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.
[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:
Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!
Be your own tweet storm army.
Useful twat hints on war room info graphs
Best Times to TWEET:
Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Sealed Indictments
Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677
Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y
Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more – https://bad-boys.us/

8chan Resignations Thread —————–  >>/2714136/
All Resignations Website ———– https://www.resignation.info
Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://qresear.ch

Tools - Tag Post with Tools Items.

Tweet Tools
* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets
* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com
* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/
* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools
* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com
* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors
* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb
* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg
* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)
* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases
* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/
* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/
* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com
* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/
* New google doc tracking deplatforming/bans on social media:  >>/6484178/
* Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

Meme Ammo
8chan 49  >>/7077975/
Q Research Graphics Library recent folders by date
2019-Jul https://mega.nz/#F!6xkHmYrZ!wxAJLCRIW3EQO3TpyHf1BA
2019-Jun https://mega.nz/#F!K89jwQgB!ij-qXn6rnqv2ZozlXIWiFg
Epstein Drone Photos https://mega.nz/#F!DwNkwAZQ!xa6JLeW9_632P0yw3MhlNw
Trump Accomplishments after 2 Yrs in Office https://mega.nz/#F!C49DHYIa!jOxYHczFjauTrdWWb9VUqw

Watch - Tag Post with Watch Items.

twitter djt
twitter military
judicial watch
the hill
washington examiner

are not endorsements
*this is a dump Notables usually not this extensive.

 >>/156/ It's starting

Anon-collected Notable bun
 >>/9/ Deaths & injuries from rocket engine explosion in Russia
 >>/11/ Iran jamming ship's GPS systems in Gulf to lure them into its waters
 >>/12/ POTUS tweets on new DNICC/ADNI
 >>/17/  >>/153/ Off-duty firefighter stopped FF in Springfield, MO Walmart
 >>/18/ 2nd female scientist goes missing on Greek island
 >>/24/ Sleeping Giants harassing Epik to keep 8ch offline
 >>/25/ POTUS message to anons: It's easy when it's fun, WRWY
 >>/34/ Lead US Prosecutor In Epstein's 2008 Case Unexpectedly Resigns
 >>/45/ twitter liars: El Paso shooter posted in QResearch on 8ch
 >>/51/ Sealed case proceedings/indictments 8/19
 >>/86/  >>/88/ List of archived digs on Epstien, etc.
 >>/124/ Richard Dawkins on Lolita Express?
 >>/125/ WhatsApp vulnerabilities may be used to excuse Bruce Ohr convos with Chris Steele
 >>/136/ Bruce Ohr said Christopher Steele was worried about Comey testimony, FBI notes show
 >>/139/ Epstein Documents Hit; Accuser Says Trump 'Didn't Partake In Any Sex With Any Of Us'
 >>/152/ NYT headlines re: POTUS before & after leftist freakout
 >>/158/  >>/178/ 2nd Circuit court issues mandate to unseal large tranche of Epstein-related texts
 >>/161/ POTUS tweet on Background Checks (BC = Bill Clinton?)
 >>/162/ Tech Tent: Taking 8chan offline (+ BBC podcast)
 >>/165/ US Navy tweet: Mission Continues, Keep up the Great Work
 >>/166/ US Army tweet: Taking care of people
 >>/167/ WH RT Rep. Jim Jordan - Hard working men & women of Border Patrol
 >>/168/ The Week in Tech: How Does 8chan Whack-a-Mole End?
 >>/170/ US DoD tweet: Most important resource is our people
 >>/171/ 8Chan Refugees Blow Their Anonymity
 >>/172/ Epik is still helping 8chan despite distancing itself due to "lawless content."
 >>/173/ FBI’s McCabe Leaked Intel About Seth Rich, New Lawsuit Says
 >>/174/ Rep Nadler Begins a Movement to Impeach Judge Kavinaugh (video)
 >>/175/ 8chan, incels, QAnon: 5 things on the internet DEMONIZED by MSM & what they REALLY are
 >>/176/ Former 'Sex Slave' Says She Met Al Gore Through Jeffrey Epstein's Close Aide, Unsealed Docs Say
 >>/177/ Epstein files unsealed: Thousands of accusers' documents released
 >>/179/ Multiple videos on El Paso shooter's father
 >>/180/ TBeanz' take on FBI 302's released by Judicial Watch + link to JW press release
 >>/181/ Latest X22 report: Dark to Light, Prepared, Strong, Ready, [DS] Fell Right Into The Trap
 >>/183/ WhatsApp Steele & Ohr ?? The bugs could be used to dictate your responses in conversations.
 >>/184/ FBI ranks 'Black Identity Extremists' Bigger Threat than Al Qaeda, White Supremacists: Leaked Documents
 >>/188/ 2nd Amendment - Truth vs Threat
 >>/191/ Previously unreleased 9/11 footage (videos)
 >>/192/ 4 & 8 chans are "angigragile systems"
 >>/195/ Free speech memes
 >>/205/ Notables list links
 >>/210/ ZeroNet = decentralized, uncontrollable, anon's explanation of fear-mongery
 >>/225/ Link dump on martial law, deep fakes, HRC docs & moar
 >>/226/ Work Work Work
 >>/228/ All those uploading and/or discussing manifesto also evil?
 >>/229/ State Department worker quits because of failed resistance to Trump policies
 >>/263/ WhatsApp vulnerability may be excuse for OhrSteele convos
 >>/282/ Suicide weekend?
 >>/288/  >>/291/  >>/293/ Epstein "dies by suicide"

 >>/294/ Shoppers buying guns, getting CCPs
 >>/298/  >>/299/ Brooke Mueller attended ‘Eyes Wide Shut’-type sex parties in the Hamptons
 >>/304/ The Standard Hotel has chartered flights to Hamptons - "N822BB" tail number (!!)
 >>/309/  >>/310/ Epstein nose-not-matching
 >>/318/ Resignations update (CEOs/govt) + EO on lawful detention of terrorists
 >>/326/ AG Barr statement on Epstein
 >>/327/ BNL: Guards on shift told to leave 3 hrs earlier
 >>/328/ Epstein's "suicide" timeline 4/pol/
 >>/331/ Taken off suicide watch
 >>/332/ "Camera malfunction"
 >>/337/ Ghislane Maxwell/TerraMar - human smugglers
 >>/340/  >>/341/  >>/343/ Epstein docu dump
 >>/347/  >>/348/  >>/349/ photos of Epstein being removed from facility
 >>/362/ Brad Pitt Reveals: Elite Hollywood Pedophiles Control America
 >>/379/ Spoopy Swedish IG accounts tied to Walter Pierce
 >>/385/ Final panel of 14mi Border wall (video)
 >>/389/ Symbol/logo identification help requested
 >>/391/ Thread on Epstein & Elite Pedo issue - normie friendly
 >>/392/ Sara Carter excoriates over 2-tier system of Jusice
 >>/394/ SDNY statement on Epstein, investigation ongoing
 >>/401/ Ted Williams tells powerful Epstein associates: 'You're really not off the hook'
 >>/404/ POTUS Message to Anons WW graphic
 >>/407/ Epstein/trafficking meme fodder
 >>/417/ Conspiracy theories taking hold - CBS
 >>/418/  >>/419/ POTUS/Fed squabbling
 >>/421/ COs didn't check on Epstein for several hours
 >>/423/ Conservative Alejandro Giammattei wins presidential election in Guatemala (right after Pelosi delegation)
 >>/424/ Ghislane Maxwell-Maddy McCann connection
 >>/426/ 2 of Epstein's lawyers have hired CRIMINAL DEFENSE attny's
 >>/427/ Podesta-Epstein Connection
 >>/429/ NBC explains "conspiracy theories" swirling around Epstein so ME must be "extra careful"
 >>/430/ Epstein’s ‘bizarre’ treatment during stay in jail filled with multiple oddities
 >>/469/ NASTY BUSINESS: Part One — A Himmmm Blind Story
 >>/478/  >>/479/  >>/480/ Anons' theories on Blind Story
 >>/482/ Dan Scavino pic clarified
 >>/487/ Ghislane Maxwell-Kashoggi connection
 >>/485/  >>/490/ Why did q put ux in the killbox
 >>/488/ Jim w/ latest update on 8ch
 >>/263/ WhatsApp vulnerability may be excuse for OhrSteele convos
 >>/282/ Suicide weekend?
 >>/288/  >>/291/  >>/293/ Epstein "dies by suicide"
 >>/294/ Shoppers buying guns, getting CCPs
 >>/298/  >>/299/ Brooke Mueller attended ‘Eyes Wide Shut’-type sex parties in the Hamptons
 >>/304/ The Standard Hotel has chartered flights to Hamptons - "N822BB" tail number (!!)
 >>/309/  >>/310/ Epstein nose-not-matching
 >>/318/ Resignations update (CEOs/govt) + EO on lawful detention of terrorists
 >>/326/ AG Barr statement on Epstein
 >>/327/ BNL: Guards on shift told to leave 3 hrs earlier
 >>/328/ Epstein's "suicide" timeline 4/pol/
 >>/331/ Taken off suicide watch

 >>/332/ "Camera malfunction"
 >>/337/ Ghislane Maxwell/TerraMar - human smugglers
 >>/340/  >>/341/  >>/343/ Epstein docu dump
 >>/347/  >>/348/  >>/349/ photos of Epstein being removed from facility
 >>/362/ Brad Pitt Reveals: Elite Hollywood Pedophiles Control America
 >>/379/ Spoopy Swedish IG accounts tied to Walter Pierce
 >>/385/ Final panel of 14mi Border wall (video)
 >>/389/ Symbol/logo identification help requested
 >>/391/ Thread on Epstein & Elite Pedo issue - normie friendly
 >>/392/ Sara Carter excoriates over 2-tier system of Jusice
 >>/394/ SDNY statement on Epstein, investigation ongoing
 >>/401/ Ted Williams tells powerful Epstein associates: 'You're really not off the hook'
 >>/404/ POTUS Message to Anons WW graphic
 >>/407/ Epstein/trafficking meme fodder
 >>/417/ Conspiracy theories taking hold - CBS
 >>/418/  >>/419/ POTUS/Fed squabbling
 >>/421/ COs didn't check on Epstein for several hours
 >>/423/ Conservative Alejandro Giammattei wins presidential election in Guatemala (right after Pelosi delegation)
 >>/424/ Ghislane Maxwell-Maddy McCann connection
 >>/426/ 2 of Epstein's lawyers have hired CRIMINAL DEFENSE attny's
 >>/427/ Podesta-Epstein Connection
 >>/429/ NBC explains "conspiracy theories" swirling around Epstein so ME must be "extra careful"
 >>/430/ Epstein’s ‘bizarre’ treatment during stay in jail filled with multiple oddities
 >>/469/ NASTY BUSINESS: Part One — A Himmmm Blind Story
 >>/478/  >>/479/  >>/480/ Anons' theories on Blind Story
 >>/482/ Dan Scavino pic clarified
 >>/487/ Ghislane Maxwell-Kashoggi connection
 >>/500/  >>/508/  >>/510/  >>/604/ Ghislaine Maxwell and The Lady Ghislaine Digs
 >>/519/  >>/521/  >>/514/  >>/515/ FBI Raids Epsteins Pedophile Island
 >>/537/ Epstein dead after exactly 66.6 years of life ?
 >>/552/  >>/613/ Planefaggotry
 >>/585/ Anons' Q Researsh Bread Archives
 >>/620/ Potus twat decode: PROUD of (YOU)
 >>/659/  >>/663/ Sauce to Google Leak dump
 >>/680/  >>/681/  >>/682/ Flynn and Papadopoulos to speak at QAnon conference
 >>/701/ Grassley Investigation of DOJ and FBI handling of the Clinton Investigation Memo
 >>/702/  >>/703/ Tor Onions
 >>/709/  >>/712/  >>/713/ Comms?
 >>/716/ Planefag chimes in epstiens plane.

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For Those Who Have Eyes To See...Let's Talk About Ears & Noses

There has been a lot of discussion on the 4ch about the difference in the ears and nose in Epstein Alive photos and the EMT picture of the Dead Epstein being brought to the hospital. There has even been speculation that the Dead Epstein looks like Anthony Bourdain.
Unless you are a Medfag or an Anatomy Professor, you will have to refer to the anatomy terminology that I posted to understand my discussion. Please pay attention to three specific areas – the CRUS of HELIX, the ANTERIOR NOTCH, and the INTERTRAGIC INCISURE / NOTCH.

I compared all three ears, Bourdain, Dead Epstein and Alive Epstein. The ears are all different, although Bourdain’s ear is more similar to the Dead Epstein picture.
As far as the noses go, well they also appear to be different. Dead Epstein has a more rounded bridge of nose, but was it broken? Bourdain’s nose is longer with a more rounded tip. It is difficult to be as certain with the noses, because you would have to have exact size photos in a frontal view to do measurements. 

The cervical collar pushes up on the Dead Epstein ear, specifically on the Tragus part of the ear, but that pressure would not change the shape and location of the Crus of Helix which is a hard cartilage. 

WHAT I DO KNOW – The Ears are different. The Alive Epstein and Bourdain pictures are authentic.

WHAT I DON’T KNOW – Is the Dead Epstein EMT picture actually Epstein as he was brought into the hospital OR a picture of another emergency victim that the photographer/journalist used to post the story???

The Dead Epstein picture came from a story posted by Laura Loomer  I emailed her to ask if she had used a stock EMT training photo or if that was actually Epstein.  I am waiting for a reply.

So guys, Verify that the Dead Epstein picture is authentic… and we have got a proof. 

I think it is more likely a stock photo, although the corpse is wearing orange prison pants.

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According to his lawyers, Epstein supposedly sold the Lolita Express in June, BEFORE he was arrested. 

Ep. still owned a Gulfstream G550 but not the infamous Boeing 272-200 known as the Lolita Express. No one has yet said to whom, he sold it to. Until that is known it really isn't Epstein's plane but someone else's making the flights that have been reported. 



I would guess that whoever he sold it to was "no ordinary citizen". Anyone who can freely take a flight to a continent that is generally off limits must have some interesting connections....


..found this one which is the only one showing in the general area.

"Troll Airfield is an airstrip located 6.8 kilometres from the research station Troll in Princess Martha Coast in Queen Maud Land, Antarctica. Owned and operated by the Norwegian Polar Institute, it consists of a 3,300-by-100-metre runway on glacial blue ice on the Antarctic ice sheet."

> Lolita Express
Turns out it was true, I rarely browse /pol/ boards on both 8chan and 4chan. I browse paranormal boards like /x/ and others and what fascinated me was the /x/ iceberg memes and how there's people who knew about these things way before you guys discussed them back in 2017 up until now. I've heard older mentions about 'Lolita Express'.


Might be that they have body doubles.

What I want to ask though is will (or ever) Q discuss about the Mandela Effect?
Pretty sure Hillary Clinton was Hilary Clinton back in the election days, I'm not joking, this is called a flip flop. Even now, Hillary's twitter is @hillaryclinton


declas is in progress!

Google “Machine Learning Fairness” Whistleblower Goes Public, says: “burden lifted off of my soul”


Epstein's Mossad Handler, Maxwell, Signals She Wants to Come In from The Cold

Ghislaine Maxwell spotted at In-N-Out Burger in first photos since his death

Maxwell, 57, the alleged madam to the multimillionaire pedophile, was scarfing down a burger, fries and shake al fresco at an In-N-Out Burger on Monday while reading “The Book of Honor: The Secret Lives and Deaths of CIA Operatives,” a nonfiction best-seller by journalist Ted Gup.


Surely no one thinks that Ghislaine Maxwell was out eating hamburgers with the common folks, because that's just "who she is"......this was some kind of a strategic move and someone coached her into what to do, what book to be reading, what to say --- it was all scripted. But I guess we won't know for a while what the reasoning is........

Was it a public relations stunt to make her look human before the trials begin and the really sickening stuff comes out? In and Out pics


> moar https://poal.co/s/QStorm/84849

yes anon. It has been picking up a whole lot. Plus Q had a 30+ day absence after the "kickoff destruction of the old guard" drop.So even if 8chan does not return (i doubt that) we will have had a larger drought of drops. Plus we have more than we know.So its just up to us to keep the breads going. Preferably we could pick up some of the old posters. The problem is of course as anons there is little to do except find a q pocket thread on 4chan and link to the board. Otherwise the only thing i can think of is twitter people like eyethespy who is well aware of all bunkers im sure. Shill or not. You see that is what sucks about it we should have established a Sampson option.(though Q may had done so with the word end in a few drops) I would have promoted endchan more had it not have looked shilly to do so. The asshat who spammed neinchan had planted that seed and they got a lot of migrations but thankfully we have a portion of our old user-base.

I've been looking all over for you guise. It's been quite lonely for this anon-as I don't have a twatter acct & hence it's difficult to stay in the loop. I had this site/address from a long while back (many, many months) but I had part of it wrong. In any case, it's good to be back amongst frens.

I've been following /CM/'s twatter page online & I was waiting for the "all clear" from him-but I also thought that if he announced it that the (old?) board would be flooded with both Anons & many curious newfags that resulted from the extensive lie-filled hit pieces that were written.

Can some Anon kindly reply to me so that I don't feel like I'm talking to myself?
I just want to be sure I'm in the right place (finally) and then I shall proceed to lurk...even an oldfag can benefit from lurking from time to time.

Ah, yes! There IS Anon life here...I feel so much better. It's one thing to go a significant period of time w/o Q posts....but it's quite another to not be amongst frens [homeless] during an extended Q absence. Thank you for replying fam, and yes-it is gloriously comfy here. Shadilay!

A small group has one strength over a big one - you can at least keep track of what's happening. Even though I'm a veteran anon, I can't really understand how you kept to be productive under such a big torrent of posts and so I mostly came for Notables to get truthful information when happenings happened.

t. Anon who enjoys an 8chan vacation month

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> illustrious

second time i have seen people say the "illustrious" operators of 08chan. Symbolical language.
> that page 

 This is a page to say to download and run zeronet. I appreciate the guide but i would rather use 0net.io and be 19 hours behind lurking. I see that as the bunker if here goes down. The way i see it is if you can access zeronet you can lurk both at the same time. I will try to do the same.

> second time i have seen people say the "illustrious" operators of 08chan. Symbolical language


And both times were me.

It's a word I use... part of my vocabulary?

Just using it in the textbook definition sense:



well known, respected, and admired for past achievements.

> "his illustrious predecessor"
       synonyms:eminent, distinguished, acclaimed, noted, notable, noteworthy, prominent, preeminent, foremost, leading, paramount, prestigious, important, significant, influential, lionized; More

I can understand the instant suspicion of words that start with "illu".

But, we are on the same team here, anon.

I just seek to keep the lines of communication open between the bunkers.

Travel and distribute at your own will.


Using TOR and then opening zeronet to access 08 is safe.  Been doing it since the first day over there.  Bouncing back and forth to endchan.  I would not recommend going to 08 just using zeronet as this may expose your IP, but if done with TOR your are totally anonymous.  and no you won't get CP on your hard drive.

What is the possibility that the photos of recently deceased Epstein is a painted silicone recreation? It sounds silly, but people will make very realistic looking dolls out of the stuff.

"In the III and IV stage of asphyxia, there is a cardiac arrest due to hypoxia and reduction of activity of the bulbar centers. However, the heart retains its contractile capacity and can be restarted by electrical stimulation"

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No Amount of Fashion Language Can Dress This Up!

Secretary of Summer! Hillary Clinton looks relaxed in a pinstripe shirt dress and a sporty sunhat as she enjoys a stroll with a friend in the Hamptons
    Hillary, 71, was seen walking with a friend near Amagansett Square, a shopping and dining area in Amagansett, New York
    The former secretary of state donned a long-sleeve shirt dress and navy flats
    She accessorized her look with a sunhat, a crossbody bag, and dark sunglasses 
    The two women appeared to be deep in conversation when Hillary's pal clasped her hand outside of a boutique in the shopping center, the Pink Chicken, a children's clothing boutique in Amagansett Square.  
    Hillary was spotted enjoying the Hamptons with her husband, former President Bill Clinton, twice last week.

(archived page via TOR) http://archivecaslytosk.onion/A3y40

> Dell, in December 2017,[54] began showing certain laptops on its website that offered the "Systems Management" option "Intel vPro - ME Inoperable, Custom Order" for an additional fee. Dell has not announced or publicly explained the methods used. In response to press requests, Dell stated that those systems had been offered for quite a while, but not for the general public, and had found their way to the website only inadvertently.[55] The laptops are available only by custom order and only to military, government and intelligence agencies.[56] They are specifically designed for covert operations, such as providing a very robust case and a "stealth" operating mode kill switch that disables display, LED lights, speaker, fan and any wireless technology.[57]
All computers can be remotely controlled even if switched off while connected to power unless you are chosen synagogue of Satan

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saw on voat (working on how to cleanly archive voat)

It looks like CODE MONKEY wants us to do SOMETHING. Be vocal. I guess he will let us know more before the hearing next week. I can't imagine WHAT we can do. I hope he tells us.

"To everybody asking, we will remain offline until at least September 5, 2019. Thank you for all your support and kind words. As law-abiding Americans, we will NEED YOU ALL to be RESPECTFULLY VOCAL IN THE DAYS BEFORE THE HEARING.. Please stay tuned."

> dairy queen confirms that burders are not made with HUMAN MEAT
odd thing to confirm

Dairy Queen confirmed Friday that their burgers are made completely with beef after rumors began around
what the burgers were made of at a South Carolina location.

Federal agents surrounded the Dairy Queen on Wednesday after a corporate inspector told the restaurant
manager someone complained about “human meat being inside a burger.” “If that was the case, they already
would have shut me down,” manager Saif Momin reportedly said.

Rumors spread quickly and a local newspaper reporter had to contact the Greenwood County coroner for
confirmation that human beings were not cooked into DQ’s hamburgers. “I promise you, I’ve never had
anything of that nature asked of me. I’ve never suspected anything like that. I can honestly say that’s
the first I’ve heard of it, and I don’t see any validity in that at all,” County Coroner Sonny Cox
reportedly said.

I agree with others its been incredibly lonely this month.  X22report, and the matrix have been incredibly informative during this, while Voat was a faithful lifeboat.   Great to see you all!!

some 'voat notables
((Bill Maher)) starred in a 1991 movie called "Pizzaman"....stranger yet, in the movie he kills Donald Trump with a bomb....(and he owns a media company named "With Kid Love Productions") - https://hooktube.com/watch?v=xugptrvoVtc
"Sex work is empowering at any age." -Epstein's madam - https://youtube.com/watch?v=UiipZMEYioU

=Archive Updated=
*added document/image drops archive

Textual Archive | Documents Archive zip

#9414 https://ia601400.us.archive.org/9/items/9414_20190819/9414.html | https://anonfiles.com/y1KfKc37ne/9414_files_zip
#9413 pt1 https://ia801501.us.archive.org/13/items/9413_20190809/9413.html | https://anonfiles.com/QcJ0Kd3an4/9413_files_zip
#9412 https://ia601402.us.archive.org/2/items/9412_20190809/9412.html | https://anonfiles.com/VcJ8K532ne/9412_files_zip
#9411 https://ia601406.us.archive.org/32/items/9411_20190809/9411.html | https://anonfiles.com/PeJ2K23enf/9411_files_zip
#9410 https://ia801406.us.archive.org/33/items/9410_20190809/9410.html | https://anonfiles.com/TbJ0K431n7/9410_files_zip
#9409 https://ia801502.us.archive.org/0/items/9409_20190809_201908/9409.html (on the move)

#9408 https://pastebin.com/UvGjxBcz (on the move)
#9407 https://pastebin.com/3tcghQJg (on the move)
#9406 https://pastebin.com/6w8SjMcZ (on the move)
#9405 https://pastebin.com/P9TYZQYX (on the move)
#9404 https://pastebin.com/raw/gr0fN4hF (on the move)
#02 https://ia601409.us.archive.org/16/items/8597418/8597418.html | https://anonfiles.com/R6D4K337n9/8597418_files_zip
#01 https://ia601507.us.archive.org/20/items/8570879/8570879.html | https://anonfiles.com/PeCdK13cnb/8570879_files_zip
#001 https://ia601401.us.archive.org/19/items/4chanpol001_201908/4CHAN-POL-001.html | https://anonfiles.com/mdG4Kf3bnd/4CHAN-POL-001_files_zip

#9408 Page dump https://pastebin.com/ZaVfjteW | https://anonfiles.com/C7B7K530n5/9408-08ch_zip
#9400 Page dump https://pastebin.com/5kdB1eDq | https://anonfiles.com/6695Ka33n6/9400-08ch_zip

Current Nchan Boards
https://endchan.net/test/res/34.html TBA
https://endchan.net/b/res/178.html TBA
https://endchan.net/b/res/273.html TBA

Current 4chan Boards
https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/224137994 TBA

> bakers collect ur notable buns *cough 08. will try to archive all when i can.
git https://endchan.net/test/res/34.html
FG&C o7


transition qresearch threads archived

> 34 https://anonfile.com/Sd61se43n3/34_zip

> 178 https://anonfile.com/Lf60sc42n2/178_zip
> 273 https://anonfile.com/Ub6bs641n4/273_zip


> eyes on patriots

Epstein's pilot has a daughter in the US military and rumored to be in intelligence.
https://web.archive.org/web/20190808001828/https://i. imgur.com/WNSiKMz.jpg
https://web.archive.org/web/20190808001845/https://i. imgur.com/WMSuOSR.jpg
https://web.archive.org/web/20190808002006/https://i .imgur.com/O5J4OtL.jpg
#2: https://archive.today/6ZT61
#3: https://archive.today/aqCds
#4: (Noriega): https://archive.today/0rcYv
#6: https://archive.today/BbWQs
#7: https://archive.today/GIM1h
#8: https://archive.today/JX0mG
#9: https://archive.today/A17E4
#10: https://archive.today/NVd8f
#11: https://archive.today/1OYuC
#12 https://archive.today/6DdOJ

https://archive.today/C7kJa rotherham
https://archive.today/9NldJ satan twins #2

https://youtube.com/watch?v=R6-gUqNPi4 [Embed] - "OPUS 167 Mossad Epstein Connection"
https://youtube.com/watch?v=VUH-4XXEuoc [Embed] - "Zionist Jews Admit That Mass Immigration Is #1 On Their Agenda"
https://youtube.com/watch?v=YSy6ENVAJlY [Embed] - "Yossi Gurvitz: When Israel Is Mighty"
https://youtube.com/watch?v=wb_4U2UJucE [Embed] - "Muslims are Jews’ natural allies in Europe – Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt"
https://invidio.us/watch?v=TAzBsVzYH1o - “How Israel censors the Internet”
https://youtube.com/watch?v=Cki0RVX841I [Embed] - “Rabbi says pedophile rape is not to be reported according to jewish law”
https://pastebin.com/Dxfbz9ip - “Just for some perspective”
https://youtube.com/watch?v=kAFhYEiwldc [Embed] - “1 - The Jewish Question - Dr. Tony Martin”
http://archive.vn/buNnX - “The Life of an American Jew in Racist Marxist Israel”
https://youtube.com/watch?v=Y9dv6_h9Vp0 [Embed] - “The Lobby: USA Pt1 (The film Israel Lobby didn't want you to see)”
https://archive.is/8rBlF - “When Victims Rule: An Examination of Jewish Pre-eminence in America And Its Historical Origins”
https://youtube.com/watch?v=ldkw62WkaBU [Embed] - “Jeffrey Epstein Deep Dive- The Mossad, Fraud and His Creepy Temple”

By 1938 the corporate Federal Government had the true bankruptcy case they had been looking for. The bankruptcy that had been declared back in 1930 could now be upheld and administered. That's why the Supreme Court had to be stacked and made corrupt from within. The new players on the Supreme Court fully understood that they had to destroy all other case law that had been established prior to 1938. The Federal Government had to have a case to destroy all precedent, all appearance, and even the statute of law itself. That is, the Statutes at large had to be perverted. They finally got their case in Erie vs. Thompkins. It was right after that case that the American Law Institute and the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws (listed right in the front of the Uniform Commercial Code) began creating the Uniform Commercial Code that is on our backs today. Let us quote directly from the preface of the Official Text of the Uniform Commercial Code 12th Edition:
"The Code was originally approved by its sponsors and the American Bar Association in 1952, and was revised in 1958 to incorporate a number of changes that had been recommended by the New York Law Revision Commission and other agencies. Subsequent amendments that were deemed desirable in light of experience under the Code were approved by the Permanent Editorial Board in 1962 and 1966"
The above named groups and associations of private lawyers got together and started working on the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC). It was somewhere between 1938 and 1940, I don't recall, but by the early 40's and during the war, this committee was working to form the UCC and getting it ready to go on the market. The UCC is the Law Merchant's code for the administration of the bankruptcy. The UCC is now the law of the land as far as the courts are concerned. This Legal Committee of lawyers put everything: Negotiable Instruments, Security, Sales, Contracts, and the whole mess under the UCC. That's where the "Uniform" word comes from. It means it was uniform from state to state as well as being uniform with the District of Columbia.
It doesn't mean you didn't have the uniform instrument laws on the books before this time. It means the laws were not uniform from state to state. By the middle 1960's, every state had passed the UCC into law. The states had no choice but to adopt newly formed Uniform Commercial Code as the Law of the Land. The states fully understood they had to administrate Bankruptcy. Washington D.C. adopted the Uniform Commercial Code in 1963, just six weeks after President John F. Kennedy was killed.

There was a formal state of emergency declared in December of 2o17 with all the powers that entails, and the E.O. remains in force:


Military tribunals are in preparation:


Vast asset seizures have taken place:


Sealed indictments are running at 30+ above the [normal level].


Thousands of senior executives have resigned.


Abnormal numbers of politicians have not sought reelection.


This is far from over, because it is about the blackmail of top level officials.

17a. A law enforcement search of Epstein’s Upper East Side apartment reportedly revealed compact discs in a locked safe labeled "Young [Name] + [Name]," which, give credibility to the allegations that he was running a blackmail operation.
http://archive.vn/YcWcO - “Does Jeffrey Epstein have 'blackmail tapes'?”
http://archive.vn/aC9tB - “Prosecutors say FBI discovered nude photos of apparently underage girls at Jeffrey Epstein's mansion”
http://archive.vn/Fwfve - “Jeffrey Epstein accuser: video exists of underage sex with powerful men”

17b. The FBI knew that Epstein had cameras everywhere, including in the bathroom, to capture the acts of pedophilia being committed upon the minors by his guests (which confirms that the Epstein cases are not only about the pedophilia, the rape, and the sex trafficking, that those were just tools used by all involved to facilitate the blackmail of high-profile people, many of them politicians, world-wide).
http://archive.vn/NnCAm – Picture related
https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/6250478-Giuffre-Exhibits.html – Origin of picture related above
https://web.archive.org/web/20190810125656/https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/6250478/Giuffre-Exhibits.pdf – Backup of item above

18. Police found Epstein’s 2nd passport with a different name on it claiming Saudi residency.
http://archive.vn/2mR52 - “Epstein Safe Had 'Piles Of Cash', Diamonds And Expired Passport Claiming Saudi Residency”
http://archive.vn/jYo7o - “Epstein Used His Fake Passport In Multiple Countries”

19. Acosta (former persecutor) was told to backoff and cut a deal because Epstein belonged to Inteligence.
http://archive.vn/RYrxx - “REPORT: Acosta Was Told Epstein ‘Belonged To Intelligence’ So ‘Leave It Alone’”

20. There are claims that Epstein worked for Mossad.
http://archive.vn/kwv7L - “Giraldi: Did Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein Work For Mossad?”
https://youtube.com/watch?v=R6-gUqNPi4I [Embed] [Embed] - "OPUS 167 Mossad Epstein Connection", by Steve Pieczenik (former CIA officer)
https://youtube.com/watch?v=ldkw62WkaBU [Embed] [Embed] - “Jeffrey Epstein Deep Dive- The Mossad, Fraud and His Creepy Temple”
http://archive.vn/PYUQo - “Mega Group, Maxwells, and Mossad: The Spy Story at the Heart of the Jeffrey Epstein Scandal”
https://web.archive.org/web/20190809162814/https://www.mintpressnews.com/mega-group-maxwells-mossad-spy-story-jeffrey-epstein-scandal/261172/ - Backup of item above

21. In 2008, Jeffrey Epstein visited Israel, his spokesman said "he took time on Passover, meetings with Israeli science researchers, and tours of military bases."
https://www.newspapers.com/image/?clipping_id=34643753&fcfToken=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJmcmVlLXZpZXctaWQiOjI5OTE4NDI1MiwiaWF0IjoxNTY1Mjg0NjQwLCJleHAiOjE1NjUzNzEwNDB9.iLN7ZC9nVN6czJ3xhtc94ZL5ugUS4fwybL9J7mhC_zc – Clip from Palm Beach Daily News (Palm Beach, Florida), 27 Apr 2008, Sun, Page 17 – Article called “Bleznaks rose to still-cool occasion”, by sdonnely@pbdailynews
http://archive.vn/zMBil – Archive pic of the clip in question

Here is some ammo:

Epstein court doc dump 2:

> Epstein Docs
> 2024 Pages - Contributed by Insider Staff, Insider, Inc. - Aug 09, 2019
> http://www.documentcloud.org/documents/6250471-Epstein-Docs.html
> https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/6250471/Epstein-Docs.pdf
It seems that this has everything up until now


thumbnail of t_f48dc443a42c5f2e53429a2f61eb512c-imagejpeg.jpeg
thumbnail of t_f48dc443a42c5f2e53429a2f61eb512c-imagejpeg.jpeg
t_f48dc443a42c5f2... jpeg
(40.08 KB, 112x128)

Full sized images Q posts/responds to updated:

(nested) Screenshots (in EST) updated
By month-
Oct: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2129wssfu/
Nov: https://postimg.cc/gallery/25jkgoa9m/
Dec: https://postimg.cc/gallery/cw0hra4a/

Jan: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2d9qnnchm/
Feb: https://postimg.cc/gallery/1yauk9hga/
Mar: https://postimg.cc/gallery/288psr0d6/
Apr: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2f58y6jyy/
May: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2se525yca/
Jun: https://postimg.cc/gallery/gqfcs7cq/
July: https://postimg.cc/gallery/10efwhs6y/
Aug: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2rc5iqf5m/
Sept: https://postimg.cc/gallery/fi9cz256/
Oct: https://postimg.cc/gallery/gej1ubtm/
Nov: https://postimg.cc/gallery/m6s6nh96/
Dec: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2ujftsfju/

JAN: https://postimg.cc/gallery/wj2o5tkq/
Feb: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2jgywchdm/
March: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2d9ahuk56/
April: https://postimg.cc/gallery/16gtgjvx6/
May: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2uneblcuy/
June: https://postimg.cc/gallery/31uv0lwqi/
July: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2atvilh6i/
Aug: https://postimg.cc/gallery/1anknsku2/

All images in these galleries are permanent, do not expire, you need no account, no nothing to access them, and you can post them anywhere, share them with link easily (or download)

OCT: https://anonfile.com/65D3Ad1an2/Oct_2017_rar
NOV: https://anonfile.com/h1ucJ614n4/Nov_2017_rar
DEC: https://anonfile.com/x9t0Kf14n6/Dec_2017_rar

JAN: https://anonfile.com/ubg9Lf1fn1/Jan_2018_rar
FEB: https://anonfile.com/C8A8bah7be/Feb_18_rar (incomplete)
--> and https://anonfile.com/U8e8L71dna/Feb_18_rar (complete)
MAR: https://anonfile.com/x0Bcb4hbbb/Mar_18_rar
APR: https://anonfile.com/TeB0bch2b7/Apr_18_rar
MAY: https://anonfile.com/h1D0b2h6b2/May_2018_rar
JUN: https://anonfile.com/QcDfbeh5b7/June_18_rar
JULY: https://anonfile.com/2eE4bbh6b5/July_18_rar
AUG: https://anonfile.com/25F3b3h2b2/Aug_2018_rar
SEPT: https://anonfile.com/61Mbxei4bf/Sept_18_rar
OCT: https://anonfile.com/59d2q5k4b7/Oct_18_rar
Nov: https://anonfile.com/n4Z6W4m7b9/Nov_18_rar
DEC: https://anonfile.com/7ai6L6p6b0/Dec_18_rar

JAN: https://anonfile.com/E70dAat5bc/01-19_JAN_rar
FEB: https://anonfile.com/ufqe74v6ba/02-19_FEB_rar
Mar: https://anonfile.com/sbg732b3n4/03-19_MAR_rar
APR: https://anonfile.com/sdk0o9m3ne/04-19_APR_rar
MAY: https://anonfile.com/R1PbZbw5na/05-19_MAY_rar
JUN: https://anonfile.com/IcJf9ay4n7/06-19_JUN_rar
JULY: https://anonfile.com/7ft6Rd16n2/07-19_JUL_rar
AUG: will be created at the end of the month, will update board with link
--> RIGHT-CLICK, CHOOSE "SAVE AS" to download zip file

All articles Q posts/responds to are also being ARCHIVED due to high risk of editing/deletion to scrub evidence.

Patriots, archive offline!

Simple bash-script for searching raw HTML sources
Simple bash-script for searching raw HTML sources
Uses Unix's Commons: awk, grep, head, tail

Will run for cygWin (winOS) as well, but make sure
you've got the path right to your archive (arcDir)


# Local archive folder
# --> Edit here for your own local path
# For CygWin, path could be for example:
# arcDir="/cygdrive/D/archive/pol/res"

# SearchTerm provided by user -- make sure it's there and not too short
if [ "${srcTerm}" == "" ]; then
echo "Script searches for expressions in a HTML-archive"
echo "No search term given -- script will exit. Next time"
echo "try e.g.: ./searchArchive \"puzzle ever\""
if [ $(echo -n "${srcTerm}" | wc | awk '{print $3}') -eq 1 ]; then
echo "# Search term is 1 character long -- that's not smart..."
echo "# Script refuses to search for \"${srcTerm}\""
elif [ $(echo -n "${srcTerm}" | wc | awk '{print $3}') -le 3 ]; then
echo "# Warning! Length of search term is /dev/null | wc -l

if [ ${nf} -eq 0 ]; then
echo "# Error! No HTML-files found in \"${arcDir}\""
echo "# Please check if archivePath (\"arcDir=...\") is set correct."
echo "# Searching for \"${srcTerm}\" in \"${arcDir}\" (${nf} files)"

# TempFile and store all HTML-files in there
ls ${arcDir}/*.html > ${tmp}

# Make some substitutions in searchTerm, like escaping spaces & "."

echo "${srcTerm}" | sed 's/\ /\\\ /g' | sed 's/\./\\\./g'

# Read tempFile line by line
while read ifile; do
# Count number of occurrences in current source file

cat "${ifile}" | grep -iob "${srcstr}" | wc -l

# If count is > 0, list occurrences
if [ ${n} -gt 0 ]; then
echo ">${n} occurrences in \"${ifile}\":"
for off in

cat "${ifile}" | grep -iob "${srcstr}" | awk -F":" '{print $1+1}' | tr '\n' ' '

; do

expr $j + 1

echo -n " (${j}) "
tail -c+${off} "${ifile}" | head -c640
echo ""

08 chan and missing threads

Go to ZeroHello page

Click the three little dots next to 08chan

Click 'Check Files'

When that finishes up;

Click 'Update'

If that doesn't get you loading the content:

On the 08chan zite, swipe over the 0 menu, and click 'Rebuild' under 'DATABASE'.

If none of that works:

Delete zeronet, extract a brand new instance, start from scratch with a new zeroID.

The BO over on 08 just pushed a site-wide update;

Basically applying the millchan patch to the whole site.

Let us know if you need any further assistance!

Watch list: Twitter >> Military


eyes on patriots

POAL Repost

Antifa Threatens to Burn Down Theater Hosting Debate on Political Violence | Breitbart

Jeffrey Epstein was given three poor 12-year-old triplets from France as birthday present

Ghislaine Maxwell STAGED photo at In-N-Out with her close friend and attorney

Epstein Signed His Will Two Days Before "Committing Suicide"

Joseph Mifsud Gave Audio Tape Deposition Before Going into Hiding to Avoid being Suicided

Trump Defunds Planned Parenthood, Abortion Biz Loses $60 Million in Taxpayer Dollars

Andrew's 4-day stay with a sex offender

Exposing the Darkness (Mark Taylor and Chris MacDonald)

How much trouble is Jeffrey Epstein's death for the Royal Family? - BBC Newsnight - Invidious

add to watch list

Ace of Spades
Andrew Malcolm
Ann Coulter
Astute Bloggers
Atlas Shrugs
Bad Blue
Belmont Club
Black and Right
Bob Owens
Carol Platt Liebau
Chicago Boyz
Cold Fury
Conservative Review
Corruption Chronicles
Doug Ross
Dr. Helen
Ed Driscoll
Elephant Bar
Fausta's Blog
Flopping Aces
FOX Nation
FREEDOM!'s Lighthouse
Free Republic
Gates of Vienna
Gay Patriot
Got News
Grand Old Partisan
Hugh Hewitt
I Own the World
Jammie Wearing Fool
Just One Minute
Legal Insurrection
Maggie's Farm
Mark Steyn
Michelle Malkin
News Busters
Orbus Max
Outside the Beltway
Pamela Gellar
Pat Dollard
Poor Richard's News
Power Line
Prairie Pundit
Protein Wisdom
Pundit & Pundette
Reaganite Republican
Rebel Pundit
Red State
Riehl World View
Right Wing News
Right Wing Nuthouse
Roger L. Simon
Say Anything
Scared Monkeys
Sister Toldjah
Sooper Mexican
Sound Politics
Strata Sphere
Sweetness & Light
Tammy Bruce
Teri O'Brien
Texas Rainmaker
The Anchoress
The Autonomist
The Conservative Treehouse
The Futurist
The Jawa Report
The Last Tradition
The News Commenter
The Other McCain
The Postil
The Right Scoop
The Shark Tank
This Aint Hell
Verum Serum
Viking Pundit
Volokh Conspiracy
Weasel Zippers

Notables from /test 34.html

Anon Notables
#48 Ten Days of Darkness 16th - 26th
#49 Operation Mad Hatter Leads to Multiple Arrests in Central Arkansas
#51 GOP lawmaker shares 'tip' about 'illegal coup' against Trump
#55 New Zealand mosque shooter sent letter from prison cell that was published on 4chan
#59 @Google allegedly called police to perform a “wellness check” on #whistleblower
#62 Project Veritas
#67 Pstain Medical Examiner
#71 Trump's purge of his own national security team is almost complete
#76 Comms?
#77 in and out burger
#78 pressure cooking shuts down NYC subway
#100 Nellie Ohr Documents Indicate Obama Deep State
#103 Amazon terrorist link
#108 Barr removes prisons chief
#110 CIA Whistleblower Warns, The Fed "Is Out To Get President Trump"
#117 Updated Watch list
#118 Q info to add to bake
#120 Epstein's pilot has a daughter in the US military and rumored to be in intelligence.
#121 #122 Youtube Drop
#126 unrealeased 911 footage.
#133 Ammo for the pepes
#134 spreadsheet to add to bake
#135 Simple bash-script for searching raw HTML sources
#137 Project veritas dump
#162 add to watch list
#165 Updated Q clock
#187 Terrorist of Criminal?
#201 Did ‘The Simpsons’ really predict Trump would try to buy Greenland?
#219 anon asks Can (You) determine weather a video has been doctored?
#230 #231 Anons speculates on coming days
#239 Early Suicide weekend?
#244 Overstock CEO: FBI asked me to pursue a romantic relationship with Maria Butina
#254 Grand Jury Subpoenas Issued For Up To 20 Officers At NYC Prison Where Epstein Died
#256 Arkancide
#257 80 Years Ago This Week, Hitler and Stalin Cut the Deal That Triggered WWII
#259 Mesa College Professor Under Fire for Showing QAnon Video in Class
#260 38 Ex-Students Sue Yeshiva University Over Child Sex-Abuse Claims
#264 DC Court of Appeals Agrees to Hear Laura Loomer’s Lawsuit Against Google on Tech Censorship
#270 Sarah Huckabee Sanders Joining Fox News as a Commentator
#272 Add to watch list

@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

> b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

> TRUMP 4EVA 6/21/19
ARCHIVED LINKS http://pastebin.com/ynXV6CHT
SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool: https://publicpool.kinja.com/

> add to dough

Joe Walsh Info

MAY 2011
What Did He Just Say?
Meet Rep. Joe Walsh, the biggest media hound in the freshman class

JULY 2011
Rep. Joe Walsh Defends Not Paying $117,000 In Child Support:

July 2012
Joe Walsh doesn’t want to hear about military service

Republican Rep. Joe Walsh of Illinois under fire after suggesting double-amputee Iraq veteran Tammy Duckworth not a ‘true hero’


November 2012
Rep. Joe Walsh gets the boot

Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington



> Ghislaine Maxwell
> close associate of financier Jeffrey Epstein
> become an advocate for the ocean as founder of The TerraMar Project.

> The TerraMar Project, based in New York, New York, was[1] an environmentalist non-profit organization involved in protecting the world's oceans.
> Their mission is to create a "global ocean community" based around the idea of shared ownership of the global commons, also known as the high seas or international waters.

> international waters or trans-boundary waters
> high seas or, in Latin, mare liberum (meaning free sea). The Convention on the High Seas, signed in 1958

> The high seas are the international waters where no state has jurisdiction.


So basically they want to smuggle people without intervention of countries.



There was quite a big leak from Google today by a Google insider. The same one that appeared on Project Veritas anonymously, but this time he appeared unmasked. The insider apparently had mentioned "qanon" and "zionism" in his previous tweets[citation needed].


The files are to be downloaded with a special downloadable tool. Therefore some anon on 4chan reuploaded the files to Mega, so you just need a web browser to download them:


Among others, the leaks describe how Google handled censorship, there is a censored topic list (mostly about recent shootings, like Las Vegas one) and a censored news website list. There is extensive information about an ML fairness issue (how it affects search, hires, and so on), how they handle news and past elections influence. Not much, but anyway it may be an interesting document set for digging.

A word of warning for the less technical users out there: the PDF and HTML files in the archive may contain macros or may cause your computer to connect to external servers. For better security you may want to explore them inside a non-networked virtual machine (virtualbox.org). The multimedia content (JPG, PNG, MP4) should be safe.

4chan ressearch threads:

POAL Repost

Antifa Threatens to Burn Down Theater Hosting Debate on Political Violence | Breitbart

Jeffrey Epstein was given three poor 12-year-old triplets from France as birthday present

Ghislaine Maxwell STAGED photo at In-N-Out with her close friend and attorney

Epstein Signed His Will Two Days Before "Committing Suicide"

Joseph Mifsud Gave Audio Tape Deposition Before Going into Hiding to Avoid being Suicided

Trump Defunds Planned Parenthood, Abortion Biz Loses $60 Million in Taxpayer Dollars

Andrew's 4-day stay with a sex offender

Exposing the Darkness (Mark Taylor and Chris MacDonald)

How much trouble is Jeffrey Epstein's death for the Royal Family? - BBC Newsnight - Invidious

thumbnail of rosecrusian-temple.jpg
thumbnail of rosecrusian-temple.jpg
rosecrusian-tem... jpg
(337.3 KB, 740x921)
Any similarities between the Epstein island temple and this 17 th century drawing of a rosecrusian temple?

German School, (17th century). Medium: engraving. Date: 1618. Theophilus Schweighardt is the pseudonym of Daniel Mogling (1596-1635) German alchemist; book is a manifesto of the Rosicrucians, a secret society of mystics; the image shows the Temple of the Rose Cross

/test/ 34-html
Link Dump






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>  >add to dough

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The Antarctic Treaty (Specially Protected Areas) Order 1968


Antarctic Specially Protected Area

An Antarctic Specially Protected Area (ASPA) is an area on the continent of Antarctica, or on nearby islands, which is protected by scientists and several different international bodies. The protected areas were established in 1961 under the Antarctic Treaty System, which governs all the land and water south of 60 latitude and protects against human development.



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Endchan is powered by MEME GOD DB and InfinityNow, 

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> add to dough

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> who is this goi???

when endchan was down we were in test mode.
during test mode we had 3 boards running

well, im archiving and shit and remembered that i had a NOT Q post on the 34 board. anon confirmed possible q post. (check archive). anyways im starting to archive thread 178 and guess what. another fawking NOT Q post... dahell is going on here. so then i look at thread 273 around the same time and QOOM!!!

i think we have a ghost in the channel.

34 | 173 | 278 archive

repost nchan/test


I have to agree. 8ch fawked up. they did not have an exit strategy. they put all thier eggs in one basket.

i agree their should be multiple threads, but not on the same board

someone needs to go over to /bant and start one. go to bunkerchan and start one. needs lots of Q threads ebeware...

OG BAKER 08 Nchan-#34.html

Good digs on endchan will probably funnel out to FB/Twat with links, and start attracting those who prefer a chan board.
And Gab may be an even better place to combine efforts with:

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repost /test/34

ok dint want to say anything until i saw another stat. and that just hit today.

SOOOOOO..... am thinking we are now at the 100% mark for the 10 days of darkness  >>/48/

and this is boom week. 3 booms if not mistaken.
thus next weekend is suicide weekend.
could be wrong tho

> not datefagging, just speculating a date. ok so datefagging fuck off o7

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repost /test/34

link dump

> lots of bs no researching or posting

34 | 173 | 278 archive

repost b/273

o.p.s.e.c. died in utah. 
> all digital data goes through c.e.r.n. and ends in utah data center. 
with the advent of quantum n.e.l.f.[s]  realtime parsing =AllDatæ became Absolute Reality.
< there Is No anonymity on Any net... this has been the fact for several years naow. 

From Voat, same writer that reported Epstein suicide also wrote about Kubrick 20 years ago.
NYP writer, so pretty much confirmed kike, needs digging?
also credited on imdb..

> b/273

universal background checks off the table

> b/273

Repost b/273

from Voat, same writer that reported Epstein suicide also wrote about Kubrick 20 years ago.
NYP writer, so pretty much confirmed kike, needs digging?
also credited on imdb..

does not define intervene.

Video from decades ago when some news still actually reported on real issues:

The horrific story of a girl who survived long-term Illuminati Satanic rituals and sexual abuse. Her grandmother gave her to luciferian elites to have group sex with men & animals. Was impregnated by the men at least 8 times, and was forced to eat parts of her own baby which was murdered as soon as it was born.

> These people are evil.
> Nobody can possibly imagine the pure evil and corruption out there.

Please share this vid on social media, and make a copy before it's taken down. Found on https://happening.watch where links to on-topic articles and vids are posted daily.

- http://archive.is/PImKd


> August in Washington can be the political equivalent of an elephant graveyard: One good rain can wash away the dirt and expose the bones of scandals past.

And this August did not disappoint. Thanks to the relentless investigative work of Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), we are learning that the Hillary Clinton email case may not really be settled.

< august_hot



> b273 repost

Do you have the ability to determine weather a video has been doctored?

This is supposedly dash cam footage from a Camp Navajo Base Security Patrol Car on the way to work at Army Base Camp Navajo on the morning of May 13, 2019.

The day Isaac Kappy "forced himself over" a 24ft bridge in Bellemont, AZ.

Are there any AVI anons that can determine weather there are any elements of this video recording that have been edited or modified?

This .mp4 came directly by email from the Coconino County Sheriffs Department.

> (.mp4 file is too large to upload directly to board, uploaded to anonfile at this link)


> b/273


Twenty-seven people were injured Thursday night in a train derailment in north Sacramento, the fire department said.

The light rail train derailed around 9:45 p.m. at Marconi Avenue and Roseville Road, west of the Winter Street light rail station, the Sacramento Fire Department said. A passenger train and a maintenance train were involved, Sacramento Regional Transit said.

Two people suffered moderate injuries and 25 people are described as walking wounded. No one has life-threatening injuries, the fire department said.

The fire department said 13 people were transported to nearby hospitals; the 14 others were treated on the scene.

Sac RT is investigating what happened.

No other details were released.

> b/273

Sure is alot of bone mass for "artificial compression".


> Results of ancient DNA analyses indicate that the individual without artificial cranial deformation shows broadly West Eurasian associated-ancestry, the individual with the elongated skull has East Asian ancestry and the third individual has Near Eastern associated-ancestry," said Ron Pinhasi, head of the ancient DNA laboratory at the University of Vienna, who co-directed the study, in the statement.

> b/273

Lost Book of Enki
The story in the Sumerian tablets about the Annunaki

Uh, guys, have y'all seen the synchronicities going on over on 4pol:

more on the blood and fashion rachel chandler connection. From @kingkongmagazine https://files.catbox.moe/ye45m7.webm and i realize they have another "walk through the night" video. https://files.catbox.moe/z6a1yw.mp4

In the first video I believe he is under the influence of some kind of drug. Maybe high on blood. Milo did this stuff too in the tub. it gets even odder. the strange fashion rag "king kong magazine" posted this (probably as a flyer to their regular events similar to thestandard hotel stuff w/ art) https://files.catbox.moe/sfblz3.mp4 this kind of seems symbolical maybe im insane. Someone else found @kingkongmagazine and thanks to that anon from 8chan. I had skimmed the account never looked at the videos until now.

> b/273


Might be taking it out of context. I say that doesn't matter knowing the nature of the show most people tune out.i heard this while listening to Joe Rogan. Sometimes he says things and frames it in a Hegelian dialectical way. This is much the same. He is using the context of liberals to then recapitulate the liberals talking points legitimizing them. He says "people associate Trump with everything bad in america, white nationalism,terrorism, mass shootings, misogyny keeping the immigrants out being mean being america first". I heard that not even listening to the show that popped out because its an agenda.This is how they do it and it makes his listeners hear that. And then they repeat it because they heard joe say it. They don't want to be mean. Also odd joe has a translucent american flag over the brick wall background

saw this on voat.

from the article :

"A Colombian Instagram model moonlighted as an international underage sex trafficking madame who recruited vulnerable girls to service celebrity clients, according to authorities.

The high-profile trial for Liliana del Carmen Campos Puello is now underway in Cartagena, where prosecutors say she headquartered the child prostitution ring along with 17 others, The Times of London reported.

Authorities arrested the accused in a July 2018 sting known as “Operation Vesta.”

Among the horrors the child sex slaves were allegedly forced to endure, were tattoo brandings by their “owners” and sex parties on luxury yachts and hotels.

The 48-year-old buxom brunette, nicknamed “La Madame,” reportedly recruited up to 400 girls, many from poor backgrounds, to service glamorous clients, including celebrities and politicians.

On social media, she flaunted the fruits of her labor."

I wonder what some of the earmarks are for sex trafficking specifically. Because i have focused mainly on the occult symbolism/possible ritual activity.

> b/273

> fiona barnett comes out with book called "eyes wide open" about satanic ritual abuse
> all the eyes wide shut talk from earlier
from darkness to light

there is a constant theme here with the orginized satanic aspect.


links to all kinds of articles and stuff like pic related https://www.winterwatch.net/2018/09/killer-clown-john-wayne-gacy-connected-to-large-ring-of-homosexual-sadists-murderers/

> b/273

another gas explosion

> b/273

New Movie - Angel has Fallen!!!

The Assassination Attempt of President Allan Trumball

sure. there is a lot of people on /v/GreatAwakening. thinking of a way to screenshot the whole page. pici.picidae.com would work if you could view it unlogged in. for now just skimming the front page here are a few

Voat notables https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening

The PLAN Was Completed Before We Even Started! It's Been Decades In The Making (58 years). Hidden Captives Are Freed. The Great Awakening Is The FINAL Stage!

Timothy Holmseth Hearing today in Minnesota - HUGE HUGE HUGE


sticky 8Chan admins advise shall remain offline until at least 5 September


Rudy Giuliani responds to SETH RICH tweet!

UN Lucis Trust > The satanic globalist version of a One World Government


CPS Whistleblower Kathy Hall Goes Missing for 36 Hours

will do more it says there is over 150 active users on the Q sub new posts all the time

> b/273


(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch today released the deposition transcript of Justin Cooper, a former aide to President Bill Clinton and Clinton Foundation employee who registered the domain name of the unsecure clintonemail.com server that Hillary Clinton used while serving as Secretary of State. Cooper admits that he spoke with Cheryl Mills, Clinton’s former chief of staff, one week prior to his deposition and let her know that the deposition had been scheduled. Cooper also said that he worked with Huma Abedin, Clinton’s deputy chief of staff, to create the private email system, but can’t recall if Clinton had any input in its creation or if he wiped the original server. The entire transcript is available here.


UPDATE: CPS Whistleblower Found, Shaken Up After Scare

Thanks to patriots coming together she has been found. It appears intimidation tactics were used to try to silence Kathy. Here is what we know.


ouTube disables 210 accounts spreading misinformation about Hong Kong

YouTube has disabled 210 accounts linked to the recent protests in Hong Kong, Google announced in a carefully worded blog post on Thursday. Google says the removals are "consistent with recent observations and actions related to China announced by Facebook and Twitter."


Why Did Bill Gates Fly On Epstein’s ‘Lolita Express’ After Pedophile’s Prison Stint?

Former Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates may not be able to escape Epstein-gate after all, after it was revealed last week that the billionaire traveled with Jeffrey Epstein on his infamous ‘Lolita Express’ Boeing 727 in 2013 – four years after Epstein served time for pedophilia.


> b/273

voat notables

Tom Fitton Says PROVEN: The OBAMA WH Coordinated the Lies and Obstruction of Information About the Clinton Email Usage in Late 2012 and Early 2013



Corey Lynn - The Network Behind Jeffrey (Dave Janda)




Isaac Kappy. Brackets In Jackets, The Song. March 20 2019 (Must watch)

HYPOCRITE’S BALL: Woody Allen, Katie Couric, Chelsea Handler, George Stephanopolous Busted Partying At Epstein’s Mansion

Seeking to put a lid on a scandal showing little sign of abating, the Duke of York coyly referred yesterday to his ‘former association or friendship’ with Jeffrey Epstein.

Those who attended a glittering party in the Duke’s honour on December 2, 2010, in New York might be surprised at his choice of words.

Jeffrey Epstein was MURDERED, claims victims’ lawyer after ‘receiving new information from prison source’

A LAWYER for Jeffrey Epstein’s victims says he has obtained new information that suggests the billionaire paedo did NOT commit suicide but was murdered.

Spencer Kuvin, who accurately predicted that shamed financier would not last until his trial, told Sun Online he had been contacted by an anonymous prison worker who claimed it was “highly unlikely” the perv killed himself.


> b/273

voat notables
Love This Short Video - Trump: Calm Before the Storm - You'll Find Out

Bill Gates Admits Vaccines Are Used for Human Depopulation > add his nifty formula (shill nye would be proud off) less people = less CO2

The movie called American Satan has a scene about ritual sacrifice for the cabal to become famous






more google shenanigans.

> Isaac Kappy. Brackets In Jackets, The Song. March 20 2019 (Must watch)

Kappys in the portal

discord is next

> Members of online message board 8chan are looking for new platforms after it was shut down earlier this month. One of them is Discord...

> b/273 The End

'A very British coup:' British PM to suspend Parliament before Brexit

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson will limit parliament's ability to derail his Brexit plan by cutting the amount of time it will sit between now and EU exit day on Oct. 31, infuriating opponents who urged Queen Elizabeth to intervene.


> is this the Qoom i was looking for???

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the father of William barr wrote a book..

the plot of the book

"Diplomat is kidnapped and sold into slavery, eventually thinks his way out of captivity and back to civilization.On Kossr, where boredom and absolute power have driven the rulers to a special kind of madness, Craig is auctioned off to the exquisite Lady Morgan Sidney, a beautiful, sensual woman.."

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Here is another 17 th century drawing of a rosecrusian temple.

- underground temple
- round dome
- 4 elements, earth/wind/fire/water what according to Arts Goeta represents 4 kings of hell.
- white rabbits
- Pelican on top of the dome?

Oh finally back!  Hello, frens!

Anybody see the interview with the ex-CEO of Overstock.com?  He kept referring to Maria Butina as a "red sparrow". Any connection to Q's reference to "SPARROW RED"??

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Mattis swipes at Trump, warns of ‘storm clouds gathering’ amid fractured alliances

Former Defense Secretary Jim Mattis took several implicit swipes at President Trump’s leadership in an op-ed published Wednesday, warning about the fallout from fractured alliances and increasing divisiveness under the current administration.





In June this year the King of the Netherlands joined the Orther of Garter. The queen of UK is the leader of the order.


Order of the Garter is the core of the Committee Of 300 


The Committee of 300 evolved out of the British East India Company which was established in 1727 by the British elite


Current day the committee of 300 dictates the policy of by example the (semi-communistic) UN, Bilderberg group, Club of Rome, etc.


They are not on top of the chain tho, higher councils above that.

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Pic related

In credits of "Eyes Wide Shut" as a "journalistic adviser"

Happens to be the first to report on Stanly Kubrick's death

Happens to be the first to be the first to report on JFK jr's death (on the day eyes wide shut is released)

Happens to be the first to report on Epstein's first suicide attempt AND his "successful" one

Has the skinny on NYPD deaths as well...

Larry Cenola
Royal Lancer

> Anybody see the interview with the ex-CEO of Overstock.com? He kept referring to Maria Butina as a "red sparrow". Any connection to Q's reference to "SPARROW RED"??
Dunno, but here's a body language analysis of him


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National Security Concerns Threaten Undersea Data Link Backed by Google, Facebook 


(U.S. firms and Chinese partner have sunk hundreds of millions of dollars into Los Angeles-Hong Kong cable project)

U.S. Intel Gatekeeper Dragging Feet on Trump-Russia Files, Insiders Say


FBI raids homes of current, former UAW presidents as corruption investigation continues 


Jeffrey Epstein's 'sex slave' Virginia Roberts' describes Simpsons creator Matt Groening's 'crusty toenails' which she claims she massaged on the pedophile's private jet in newly unsealed memoirs


British actress, 42, who went to school with Kate Middleton reveals she was 'manipulated, coerced and sexually abused' by Jeffrey Epstein as a teenager at hearing alongside 30 of the pedophile's victims


A Betrayal of Trust: Child Molestation Alleged in Contra Costa CPS


Fake News MSNBC Hack Lawrence O’Donnell Panics and ‘Apologizes’ For Trump-Russia Smear After POTUS Threatens Lawsuit



Maybe is not related but

Red Sparrow is a 2018 American spy thriller film directed by Francis Lawrence and written by Justin Haythe, based on the 2013 novel of the same name by Jason Matthews. The film stars Jennifer Lawrence, Joel Edgerton, Matthias Schoenaerts, Charlotte Rampling, Mary-Louise Parker, and Jeremy Irons. It tells the story of a Russian intelligence officer, who is sent to make contact with a CIA officer in the hope of discovering the identity of a mole.


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DOJ inspector general found all four Carter Page FISA warrants were illegally obtained, Joe diGenova says

The Justice Department inspector general has determined all four Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrants against onetime Trump campaign aide Carter Page were illegally obtained, attorney Joe diGenova said this week.


was this my 2nd Qoom i missed yesterday?

Who is Victoria Nuland

Victoria Nuland is not interesting per se, but only as a representative of certain (close to vice president Cheney) forces in the USA foreign policy (aka neocons) which seems now fully control the State Department; forces which are so divorced from President Obama policies that are can talk about hijacking of the US foreign policy by a group of ideologies. One hallmark of those forces is close cooperation with far right (including openly neo-Nazi) elements in Europe and elsewhere. In this sense Victoria Nuland became a symbol of neocon forces within the State Department in Obama administration, providing amazing (but fully explainable within the concept of "deep state") continuity of foreign policy, policy that contradicts not only Barack "yes we can" Obama election promises but also his later statements. In a way it became symbol on complete inability of Obama to shape foreign policy during his presidency term, exposing him as a mere "placeholder" of POTUS position.

The majority is not even aware of the folly of our governments, especially now that the media are burying the Ukraine dossier headlines under the tritest domestic news, and censoring disapproving comments. A casual or less informed reader/viewer (the vast majority) most likely has no idea of how our politicians are playing with fire and supporting the new Nazis, or that the Ukraine story is more important than all the other news items.

As an Austrian I find this situation particularly infuriating. For all my five decades I've had to listen to reproaches that my people did not stand up to the Nazis' takeover of Austria, and now that Nazis are once again marching in Europe with swastikas and all, who is supporting them? The very countries that were acting oh-so-disdainful and morally superior (as well as our own clueless politicians), and the most supposedly "liberal" media.

Another thing - there has been so much fake crying of "wolf" in calling populist right parties Nazis (I vividly remember the "sanctions" on Austria in 2000), that now the real thing has apparently emerged, nobody is taking the danger seriously any more. And suddenly, it's Russia that has to be sanctioned, not the real-life fascists.

The hypocrisy of all this is breathtaking in its audacity and scope.

On the other hand, we now have a better idea how long and patiently the US/UK must have worked to get all the important media and politicians suborned, blackmailed or paid off - a huge number of ducks must have been put into a row for this moment, and they are probably furious that the propaganda is still not getting enough traction internationally.

I can just imagine the secret briefings to new US Presidents where they get handed a list of US "assets" including many of the "free" world's leading politicians, and told that all these are firmly "under our control". This would explain much of the hubris and arrogance we have all observed.

Victoria Nuland (born in 1961), a former the principal deputy foreign policy adviser to Vice President Dick Cheney, is a pretty interesting female chicken hawk among Washington's neocons in a sense that she continued the policy started with unforgettable Madeleine "not so bright" Albright who started disastrous interventionist line in US foreign policy by bringing the US into "humanitarian" bombing of Serbia. This line later was expanded by decimation Iraq (with approximately a million people killed and wounded), bombing of Libya and then supporting jihadists in Syria. In line with Madeleine tradition, Victoria Nuland policies essentially managed to bring the US in partitioning of Ukraine business.

In now way I would claim that she is inept. She was top student in a prestigious university and generally all State Department employees that I used to know were really highly competent and dedicated civil servants. Here we can talk about "attained institutional idiocy", kind of groupthink. There was recently a good discussion in The Guardian about type of people to which Nuland belongs:

New DJT Tweet

The Economy is doing GREAT, with tremendous upside potential! If the Fed would do what they should, we are a Rocket upward!

7:05 AM - 29 Aug 2019


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“Shark Tank” Star Involved in Deadly Boat Crash

"Shark Tank” star Kevin O’Leary was reportedly involved in a boat crash on a lake in Ontario, Canada, that left two people dead.


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West Virginia State Senator Charged in Prostitution Sting

West Virginia state Senator Mike Maroney has reportedly been arrested following a prostitution sting.


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Man Who Has Spent Decades in Jail as Part of Life Sentence for $50 Robbery Released from Prison

An Alabama man who has spent decades in jail as part of a life sentenced has been released from prison.


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US Space Command launches, the next step to realizing Trump’s dream of a Space Force

AND WE HAVE LIFTOFF: Today’s ceremony reestablishing U.S. Space Command marks a significant step in fulfilling President Trump’s vision of a full-fledged Space Force as a separate, albeit the smallest, branch of the armed forces.


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Biden blooper bonanza forces campaign to combat fallout

DES MOINES, Iowa — Joe Biden’s campaign is working relentlessly to minimize his habitual verbal lapses, accusing the media of unfairly scrutinizing the Democratic front-runner while dismissing critics’ suggestions that he is unfit for the presidency.


> i think joe knows hes on the list and is trying to back out of the spotlight

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Trump recently said Putin outsmarted Obama this is that situation. 

"F*ck the EU": neocons show EU its real place and endanger the US national security

Victoria "f*ck the EU" Nuland  appointed a neoliberal Ukrainian prime minister and organized coup d'état to install him in power

( Making Ukraine "Khaganate of Nuland"; "Khaganate of Nuland" is an apt amalgam of khanate and Kagan, a hint on Victoria's notorious neo-con husband Robert.


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“Epstein Did Not Act Alone”: In Tuesday Hearing, Prosecutors And Attorneys Target Co-Conspirators

Up to 30 women were expected to address the court, along with prosecutors and Epstein’s lawyers. Lawyer Brad Williams, who represents dozens of accusers, said that 15 women he represents will testify on Tuesday, while another 20 declined — “some out of fear of public exposure, others because the way in which this case ended will never bring full justice and they decided it was best for them not to talk today.”


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Off with Her Head? Soros-funded ‘Best for Britain’ Group Threatens Queen over Brexit

The EU loyalist Best for Britain group appeared to invoke the fate of the beheaded King Charles I after Queen Elizabeth II agreed to prorogue (temporarily suspend) Parliament for a few weeks before the Brexit deadline.


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Illinois Passes New Law Requiring LGBTQ Classes in Middle School

Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker has signed a new bill into law requiring the state’s schools to teach “LGBTQ history” to students by the eighth grade.


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China formally arrests Australian writer on ‘spying’ charge

Authorities in the Chinese capital have formally arrested an Australian academic and writer for espionage after holding him incommunicado for seven months with no access to a lawyer or family visits, prompting sharp criticism from Canberra.


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Russian firm sues Boeing over 737 MAX jet, citing negligence

A Russian state-owned aircraft leasing company is suing Boeing, accusing the plane maker of hiding defects in its 737 MAX passenger jet.


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The Man Having an Affair with Ilhan Omar Received $230K from Her Campaign

Rep. Ilhan Omar’s campaign has paid Tim Mynett’s E. Street group around $230,000 for fundraising consulting, digital communications, Internet advertising and travel expenses since 2018, records showed. The 37-year-old congresswoman was spotted back in March with Mynett at a California restaurant.


Portly Hillary Clinton Spotted in Hamptons Looking Rough Wrapped in a Tent

What is wrong with Hillary Clinton? 

Twice failed presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton was spotted in the Hamptons on Monday looking rough wrapped in a tent.


For years Hillary Clinton has denied she has significant health problems, but she looks unwell in recent pictures.

Thank God this woman is not president.


> what is wrong with hillary. is it that time now?

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9/11 First Responders Monument Vandalized in New York, Police Seek Information About the Culprit

A memorial for 9/11 first responders was vandalized in New York on Tuesday.
The memorial, installed on Long Pier in Geneva on Seneca Lake in September of 2016, is “in memory and in honor of those who serve and protect our great country.”


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Mar 25, 2019 | www.theepochtimes.com

Originally from: Spygate The True Story of Collusion [Infographic]

The State Department, with its many contacts within foreign governments, became a conduit for the flow of information. The transfer of Christopher Steele's first dossier memo was personally facilitated by Victoria Nuland, the assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs. Nuland gave approval for FBI agent Michael Gaeta to travel to London to obtain the memo from Steele. The memo may have passed directly from her to FBI leadership. Secretary of State John Kerry was also given a copy.

Steele was already well-known within the State Department. Following Steele's involvement in the FIFA scandal investigation, he began to provide reports informally to the State Department. The reports were written for a "private client" but were "shared widely within the U.S. State Department, and sent up to Secretary of State John Kerry and Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, who was in charge of the U.S. response to Putin's annexation of Crimea and covert invasion of eastern Ukraine," the Guardian reported.

Nuland passed on parts of the Steele dossier to the FBI. (Mark Wilson/Getty Images)
In July 2016, when the FBI wanted to send Gaeta to visit Steele in London, the bureau sought permission from the office of Nuland, who provided this version of events during a Feb. 4, 2018, appearance on CBS's "Face the Nation":

"In the middle of July, when [Steele] was doing this other work and became concerned, he passed two to four pages of short points of what he was finding and our immediate reaction to that was, this is not in our purview. This needs to go to the FBI if there is any concern here that one candidate or the election as a whole might be influenced by the Russian Federation. That's something for the FBI to investigate."

Steele also met with Jonathan Winer, a former deputy assistant secretary of state for international law enforcement and former special envoy for Libya. Steele and Winer had known each other since at least 2010. In an opinion article in The Washington Post, Winer wrote the following:

"In September 2016, Steele and I met in Washington and discussed the information now known as the 'dossier.' Steele's sources suggested that the Kremlin not only had been behind the hacking of the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton campaign but also had compromised Trump and developed ties with his associates and campaign."

In a strange turn of events, Winer also received a separate dossier , very similar to Steele's, from long-time Clinton confidant Sidney Blumenthal. This "second dossier" had been compiled by another longtime Clinton operative, former journalist Cody Shearer, and echoed claims made in the Steele dossier. Winer then met with Steele in late September 2016 and gave Steele a copy of the "second dossier." Steele went on to share this second dossier with the FBI, which may have used it to corroborate his dossier.

Winer passed on memos from Christopher Steele to Victoria Nuland. (State Department)
Other foreign officials also used conduits into the State Department. Alexander Downer, Australia's high commissioner to the UK, reportedly funneled his conversation with Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos -- later used as a reason to open the FBI's counterintelligence investigation -- directly to the U.S. Embassy in London.

Read more:


4Chan User Claims to Be Behind MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell Hoax

A 4Chan user has taken credit for the hoax which lead to MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell issuing an apology on air on Wednesday evening.
O’Donnell had reported, based on one single source, that Russian oligarchs had co-signed Donald Trump’s loans from Deutsche Bank in 1998, which was a lie.


> 4chan ur next

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Victoria Nuland, Wife Of Arch-Neocon Robert Kagan On Russian ‘Hacking’

By Susan Glasser –Politico.com
[FF Editorial: Read the commentary of Alan Knutson before you read the article exposing the war criminal Victoria Nuland and the Zionists’ counter-propaganda against the FISA Memo, declassified by President Trump showing the treasonous plot by the top operatives of false Muslim Obama in the FBI and DOJ to prevent Trump becoming President before and after the election! To those who still think that Trump is a lapdog of the Zionists and would jump at the mere command of the Zionists, we hope that they would ask a simple question – “Why would the Jewess Victoria Nuland plotted to derail Trump’s election and be part of the false ‘Russiagate conspiracy?]
Alan Knutson’s Commentaries
Organized Jewish Interests are getting worried. As the FISA Memo was released last week showing that Trump and his organization, through back-handed means, was indeed illegally spied on with the explicit approval of people in the FBI and Department of Justice, the Jews had to counter-punch somehow and all they’ve got is this crazy Russian business, “Russia hacked the elections” or “Russia interfered with the election.” Take your pick. They are so desperate that they even pulled out this discredited Jewess and stuck her on Sunday morning television yesterday on Face The Nation.  She basically confessed publicly that she had used Christopher Steele’s intel before when she was orchestrating the coup in Ukraine and is still pushing this whole “investigate Russia as the bad guys and Putin in particular” narrative, but since the Jews control the press and media in America, no one will be calling for charges against her for false intelligence reporting. And keep in mind, she is the one the Russians caught on tape in a phone call she was having with one of her minions deciding which puppet they wanted to install in Ukraine. At the time, the EU membership were pushing a particular person she didn’t like and in her conversation with this minion, she was heard to famously say, F**k the EU“

Read more:

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BREAKING: Department of Justice Declines to Prosecute Comey Over Leaked Memos

The Justice Department’s internal watchdog on Thursday released a report stating that former FBI Director James Comey violated FBI policies and his employment agreement with the bureau by leaking memos containing classified information.

“We conclude that Comey’s retention, handling, and dissemination of certain Memos violated Department and FBI policies, and his FBI Employment Agreement,” the Justice Department inspector general report states.

Attorney General William Barr has declined to press charges against Comey for the handling of the memos.

Comey responded to the report on Twitter.


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DOJ inspector general releases report on James Comey

Former FBI Director James Comey speaks to reporters on Capitol Hill Washington, Monday, Dec. 17, 2018, after a second closed-door interview with two Republican-led committees investigating what they say was bias at the Justice Department before the 2016 presidential election.


> tic toc

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Now James Comey won't be charged

No wall

Terrorists and diseases are coming in

Realistically 2.4 million illegals this year

Traitor Hillary Clinton didn't get locked up

No FISA declassification

No FBI texts

No dossier details

Q check your brackets [RR]

No Anthony Weenie laptop emails

No uranium one arrests

No Clinton emails

Nothing from Huber

Nothing good from Horowitz

Nothing from Sessions

Podesta brothers are free

Susan Rice unmasked Americans

Samantha Power unmasked Americans

Bruce Ohr dossier handler

Nellie Ohr dossier architect

Comey leaked - got off free

Adam Schiff leaked

Brennan lied to Congress

Clapper lied to Congress

McCabe lied to Congress

Comey lied to Congress

Strzoks committed treason

Page committed treason

Mueller operated illegal special counsel

Maxine Waters covered up money transfers for the uranium one deal to Clinton

Potus Speech on Spaceforce.

in the beginning of the speech potus states


"...all resources are focused on the arriving sto[r]m"

he says stom not storm

can i get a verification?


‘Totally not suspicious’: DARPA freaks people out with urgent request for underground complex


crosspost - https://endchan.net/news/res/15109.html

Notables Bun #9415

Not Q
 >>/864/ Stay Strong
 >>/909/ Who is this Goi?

Baker Collected Notables
 >>/752/ For Those Who Have Eyes To See...Let's Talk About Ears & Noses
 >>/762/ VP Stopped from takeoff
 >>/763/ Dclass in progress
 >>/776/  >>/777/  >>/911/  >>/913/  >>/916/ Anon Datefags Aug 26th Qoom Day
 >>/803/ Shoutout Bunker 08ch.net
 >>/815/ Time to Buy?
 >>/834/ Plaefag report
 >>/841/ Hillary moomoo dress
 >>/859/ Voat Notables
 >>/861/  >>/862/ Achive updated
 >>/865/  >>/874/  >>/875/  >>/876/  >>/878/  >>/880/  >>/882/  >>/899/  >>/902/ update dough
 >>/866/ Epstein's pilot has a daughter in the US military
 >>/867/ Youtube drop
 >>/868/ Uniform Commercial Code UCC  >>/951/ (cap)
 >>/869/ previously unrealeased 911 footage.
 >>/873/ Epstein court doc dump 2:
 >>/879/  >>/884/  >>/889/ Poal Repost
 >>/881/ Notables from /test 34.html
 >>/883/ Joe Walsh Info
 >>/888/  >>/901/ Anon is sorry but this is too weird
 >>/891/  >>/892/  >>/893/ Link Dump /test/ 34-html
 >>/919/ o.p.s.e.c. died in utah.
 >>/920/ same writer that reported Epstein suicide also wrote about Kubrick 20 years ago.  >>/956/ (cap)
 >>/922/ Italy's P.M. Conte announces resignation
 >>/927/  >>/928/  >>/929/  >>/930/  >>/931/  >>/932/  >>/933/  >>/934/  >>/936/  >>/937/  >>/938/  >>/939/  >>/940/  >>/941/ b/273 repost
 >>/943/ British PM to suspend Parliament before Brexit. Aug 28th 1y 2d delta Qoom Day?
 >>/947/  >>/950/ Rosecrusian temple.
 >>/948/  >>/962/ Anybody see the interview with the ex-CEO of Overstock.com? 
 >>/972/ Darpa Looking to Move?
 >>/979/  >>/981/ Mortimer Zuckerman in bid for The Jerusalem Post (caps)
 >>/986/ How to get sued in 140 characters or less (cap)
 >>/999/ DOJ inspector general found all four Carter Page FISA warrants were illegally obtained, Joe diGenova says
 >>/1002/  >>/1022/ Who is Victoria Nuland
 >>/1008/ Up Up and Away!
 >>/1019/ 911 Monument Vandalized, get the gunes
 >>/1020/ Spygate The True Story of Collusion 
 >>/1025/ OIG REPORT!!!!!!!!!!! (View)
 >>/1028/ New DJT Tweet Get Ready! (cap)
 >>/1036/  >>/1047/ US AirForce Happening Now! (cap)

Cameras outside Jeffrey Epstein’s jail cell sent to FBI crime lab for analysis


Dramatic Video Captures Epic Firefight On The Streets Of Baltimore City


Police in Baltimore, NYC making fewer arrests due to reforms following high-profile deaths


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Trump August 30
"We're all working very very hard... 
...it looked like it was going to be a very small storm.
It hit the Virgin Islands, but not as bad as it could have."  (Epstien?)
"And now it's looking like it could be an absolute monster.
We're ready. We have the best people in the world ready.
All indications are that it's going to hit very hard and it's going to be very big.
Be aware, and be safe, and God bless you."


> The time has come to take back our great land.
> The time is now.
> Rest assured POTUS is backed by the absolute finest people alive who are all dedicated to the eradication evil and corruption from the US/World.
> Find peace.
> God is with us.
> God bless and be safe.

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Plz oh plz oh plz oh plzzzzzzz

Matthew Whitaker: Andrew McCabe to Be Indicted ‘Imminently’

Former Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker has warned that Andrew McCabe is about to be indicted on federal charges ‘imminently’.

Whitaker told Fox News that McCabe’s lawyers’ meeting with Deputy Attorney General [DAG] Jeffrey Rosen appears to have been what’s known as a “DAG appeal.”

Whitaker said “sophisticated defense lawyers” ask for the meetings “to lay out your case as to why your client shouldn’t be charged.”

“I have not seen a DAG appeal be successful. I have seen them many times, again, with sophisticated defense lawyers, but this is usually when somebody is imminently going to be charged, they try to get to the deputy attorney general and plead their case,” said Whitaker.

Video and Moar here: 

is this our 3rd boom before suicide weekend

Trump Aide And Oval Office 'Gatekeeper' Fired For 'Leaking' 


Trump’s executive assistant resigns from White House


Case against Jeffrey Epstein dismissed following his death


Ok so since there is no QTDDTOT and this board/site seems dead, help an anon out. 
There is a female in my life who is very dear to me. But recently I have discovered that she is partaking in the treasonous act of race mixing, as in dating outside the race, and although she claims shes "not into sex" or something to that effect, I know it's only a matter of time til that is no longer a valid statement.
Wat do? I've seen so fucking many females in my life and turn to mud men and end up with mud babies. I'm kind of going banana right now because this was totally unexpected and I only recently found out.
I really don't want to see her end up taking mud cock and shitting out mud babies but fuck I don't know what to do.

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Thunderstruck – Flynn Attorney Sidney Powell Drops Atomic Sledgehammer of Truth on DC Court….

Oh boy… how federal Judge Emmet Sullivan will handle this latest motion from Mike Flynn’s attorney Sidney Powell is an unknown; however, the content is delicious.

In an explosive response filing today, which includes the phrase”sunlight is the best disinfectant”, attorney Sidney Powell has outlined the soup-to-nuts construct of the malicious government action taken during their targeting her client Michael Flynn.

In the 19-pages (full pdf below), Ms. Powell walks through the history of the DOJ, FBI and intelligence apparatus weaponization against Mr. Flynn and lays out the background behind everything known to have happened in 2016, 2017 through today.

From the corrupt DOJ lawyers who were working with Fusion-GPS and Chris Steele, including Mr. Weissmann, Mr. Van Grack and Ms. Zainab Ahmad; to the 2015/2016 FISA database search abuses; to the CIA and FBI operation against Flynn including Nellie Ohr; to the schemes behind the use of DOJ official Bruce Ohr; to the corrupt construct of the special counsels office selections; to the specifics within the malicious conspiracy outlined by hiding FBI interview notes of Mike Flynn,… all of it…. Is a stunning filing that many CTH readers are well prepared to understand.

Moar here:

> zeronet
Apart from the part where not everyone can see your posts and you could be posting to yourself.

I have. It's not all it's made out to be.
It is ok for being decentralized and they can't take it down, but no one sees the same version of the site, so you could be posting and no one can see/read what you're writing.

Elizabeth Holmes’ “Theranos” fraud was actually a plot to surveil the blood and DNA of everyone


Shots Fired! Rosenstein Slams Comey For His Corruption, Abuse of Power in Wake of DOJ IG Report


PROTECTION — FBI seized infamous photo of Prince Andrew with Jeffrey Epstein S E X Slave — THEN DID NOTHING


New MIT paper outlines plan to fight election interference (technical)


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Dunblane massacre

The Dunblane school massacre took place at Dunblane Primary School near Stirling, Scotland, on 13 March 1996, when Thomas Hamilton shot 16 children and one teacher dead before killing himself. It remains the deadliest mass shooting in British history

dug up this..!! (Blair&Andrew)


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Happening: Iran oil tanker heading for Syria

The tanker was detained off Gibraltar by the British and released after giving assurances that it would not head to Syria. listed its destination in its Automatic Identification System (AIS) as Mersin, Turkey, but data from the ship-tracking website MarineTraffic on August 29 showed that the vessel reversed course and was traveling to Syria.

Current destination is listed as ISKENDERUN, a city in Turkey that doesn't even have a refinery. The closest oil refinery is in Banyas, Syria.



Live map:

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Iran's Failed Rocket Launch Spotted from Space 


Iranian Rocket Launch Ends In Failure, Imagery Shows


President Trump Tweet


voat links from front page


Full PDF >> US v Flynn - Brief in Support of Motion to Compel Brady Material and Order to Show Cause


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Ghislaine Maxwell Wrote For HuffPost For A Year And No One Noticed


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(maybe it has already been posted)

Resurfaced video from a 2005 police raid on Epstein's mansion shows a mysterious photo seeming to show him with accused madam Ghislaine Maxwell in the White House


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Jeffrey Epstein's 'madam' Ghislaine Maxwell could be first to face charges - but her whereabouts remain a mystery

Federal authorities are weighing charges against Epstein's inner circle
That could include his top lieutenant, British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell, 57
Epstein's accusers say that she lured them into working as sex slaves 
Maxwell remains in the wind after phony photos claiming she was in California 


Tennessee Health Care Executive Sentenced to Prison for Role In $4.6 Million Kickback Scheme

A Tennessee health care executive was sentenced to 42 months in prison yesterday for her role in a $4.6 million kickback scheme.


U.S. Unleashes Military to Fight Fake News, Disinformation

(Bloomberg) -- Fake news and social media posts are such a threat to U.S. security that the Defense Department is launching a project to repel “large-scale, automated disinformation attacks,” as the top Republican in Congress blocks efforts to protect the integrity of elections.


VIDEO: Dozens of illegals walk AROUND border wall in Arizona
AUGUST 30, 2019

In the Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge in Arizona, there’s a special place where folks trek by the dozens to start their new lives in the land of opportunity.


Trump's personal assistant fired after comments about Ivanka, Tiffany

Madeleine Westerhout, who left her White House job suddenly on Thursday as President Trump’s personal assistant, was fired after bragging to reporters that she had a better relationship with Trump than his own daughters, Ivanka and Tiffany Trump, and that the president did not like being in pictures with Tiffany because he perceived her as overweight.


KMOX EXCLUSIVE: Illinois GOP congressman John Shimkus will not run in 2020

ST. LOUIS (KMOX) — Illinois GOP Rep. John Shimkus announced Friday on the Mark Reardon Show that he will not run for reelection in 2020.


Dueling protests break out at "Straight Pride Parade" in Boston

Boston's first-ever "Straight Pride Parade" kicked off in Boston on Saturday to dueling reactions. Dozens of police officers populated the parade route to try to keep the peace as counter-protestors rallied at City Hall


Earthquake fault long thought dormant could devastate Los Angeles, researchers say

Scientists citing new research say an earthquake fault along the Los Angeles coast, previously believed to be dormant, is active and could cause a destructive 6.4 magnitude earthquake if it ruptured.


> onced lived in San Pedro o/ hella hood

Investigators seize enough fentanyl to kill 14 million people in massive drug bust

Law enforcement officers in Virginia have seized enough fentanyl to kill 14 million people, busting a massive three-state drug ring as part of what they called "Operation Cookout." Thirty-five suspects were arrested, and four others are on the run.


Follow Follow @Breaking911
BREAKING: California appeals court throws out the sole conviction against an illegal immigrant who fatally shot Kate Steinle on the San Francisco waterfront in 2015


Follow Follow @Breaking911
Mobile, Alabama Police: At least 10 shot at Ladd Peebles Stadium after HS football game; 2 In custody


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BREAKING NOW: President Trump and the First Lady Surprise US Troops in Iraq

President Trump and First Lady Melania surprised American troops in Iraq Wednesday; meeting with service men and women and military leadership just days after announcing his decision to withdraw US soldiers from Syria.


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U.S. Justice Ginsburg says she is on her way to 'being very well'

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who is on the court’s liberal wing, told a packed audience Saturday that she was on her way to “being very well” after cancer treatment, and will be prepared when the court’s next term begins in October.


Convicted RFK assassin Sirhan Sirhan stabbed in California prison: reports

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Sirhan Sirhan, the Palestinian refugee found guilty of shooting U.S. presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy to death in 1968, was wounded in a stabbing at a California prison on Friday, according to media reports.


DNC announces October 15 date for debate

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) announced Saturday it will hold its fourth presidential primary debate on October 15 in Ohio.


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NLPC Files FEC Complaint Against Rep. Ilhan Omar and Her Lover Tim Mynett

Today, NLPC filed a Complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) against Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) alleging that she and her campaign violated the prohibition on the personal use of campaign funds by reimbursing political consultant Tim Mynett for his travel in 2019.





It almost seems like their main goal is to try to flip Texas from red to blue...but I don't see that happening. 
Besides, I didn't think FF/mass shootings could occur now that 'muh 8ch with muh hate speech' has been unnecessarily censored & taken down. 
Such bullshittery going on lately, man...wtf?

Don't think both scenarios haven't been on my mind. I've been trusting the plan for going on 2 years-but for the past couple of weeks I've really had to ask myself: Whose plan is it ultimately? I want so much to trust POTUS & Q for obvious reasons...but sometimes I wonder.

well i would follow them.
so far so good.

have we had set backs, yes but so what.

this is for the long haul. this will not happen overnight. this is 30 years in the making to take down 1000's of years of evil.

> God Bless Potus and All.

You're probably right; I do miss 8ch and the constant flow of free thought and info between anons. If 8 doesn't come back up after the hearing I don't know what I'm going to do. Been at this for so long and since I have no other distractions, being in the dark like this for close to a month has been incredibly difficult.

Meh...that's reaching a bit, anon.
I guess time will tell if there's anything to that...hopefully not *too* much more time though.

I'm so exhausted & working a 12-hr shift...I feel like I'm gonna lose my mind with the constant level of boredom. Also mildly concerned about the hurricane...muh. *defeated sigh*

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Georgia Alvarez
Aug 29
My first sign that said #QAnon was stolen! It was attached to my fence since Jan 2019. On Aug 8th, Chico PD Motorcycle cop stopped & took a picture of it/it was gone by Mon Aug 12th! Presenting my newest sign! It will be a shocking experience to steal this one! #MAGA2020 #KAG2020


> Never Forget - Never Surrender - FGNC

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ɹǝpʎꓤ ǝʇᴉN
Down The Rabbit Hole We Go! 
Clinton Foundation
B'nai B'rith
Anons Dig! This will be fun!
Dark to light! 
#WWG1WGA #Qanon


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Presidential Corruption of the highest order!
#QIsReal so #TakeTheRedPill & #FollowTheWhiteRabbit into #TheGreatAwakening where our #QAnon #QArmy must #QuestionTheNarrative to bring #DarkToLight as #FinishingWhatJFKStarted is to #DrainTheDeepStateSwamp #TrustThePlan #WWG1WGA


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"Trust the Plan" What is the plan?
I Imagine a dial & needle that indicates how many are awake vs asleep. More people still asleep = more likely there will be civil unrest upon disclosure
POTUS+Q monitor this data 2 know when 2 begin each phase. Anons are here to push the needle.


They want to establish fear. I would not even be surprised if that particular incident today was copycats thinking of harming people. That is the other side of it not everyone is aware its a false flag. these are false flags but some people braindead mountain dew normies play call of duty all day and think its like a recreation to do this shit so that is also a concern. I would say do not report spree incidents for the simple fact it just is thrown into politics and not solving the issue. The same way you do not acknowledge streakers during football games these are people losing their sanity into these attacks if in fact they are not ALL staged etc.  The main problem. I believe they are all staged or mkultra kind of avatar shit is going on where kill teams go in and they place a braindead zombie on the scene like the aurora movie theater attack. imo is the promotion of violent themes in the socio-matrix media.  the fbi saying Qanon is a threat was not necessarily wrong. If that was not directed at us per se. Rather through the uncovering of actual conspiracies we are open to having these sort of frame job false flags like the one that shut down 8chan. In that sense it is a terroristic threat though by the actual cabal not qanon patriots. I said that the day it came out that memo. I said it is somewhat of a threat because the cabal is so fragile to exposure they will do all kinds of false flags to stop dissemination or open sourced digging into their cult.

I agree, anon. They need to stop promoting violence by plastering it all over the news (always putting the name, etc of the shooter(s) out front while omitting info about the victims-sans the *number* of killed/wounded).
The song/lyrics to "Legion of Monsters" by Disturbed sums up the sickness the MSM feeds by providing non-stop wall-to-wall coverage of this shit every time it happens.

As MUCH as I would love for that to mean *The* "D5" that we've all been waiting & hoping for...I think it would be too good to be true right now. I guess I don't wanna get my hopes all up again only to be crushed and let down again.
But it would be incredibly awesome if that was the case...good looking out, fellow anon.

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In central Florida...so no, not really.
However, POTUS sure is spending a good bit of time posting about it on twatter (particularly that video he did of himself in the Rose Garden 3 days ago that he has had "pinned" at the top of his page ever since. I thought (and I'm sure I'm not the only one) it was not really about the impending hurricane as it was "The Storm"...because the situation w/ Dorian has changed pretty drastically (prediction path-wise, anyhow) and POTUS' statements in that vid aren't really very accurate-so I kept thinking that if he were really talking about Dorian-he could have easily made an updated video sometime over the past 48 hours. I also find it telling that he's sending Pence to Poland in his place "due to the storm"...but even that sounds unnecessary imho. 

I just hate to get my hopes up only to be let down again & no 8ch to be with frens/fam that tend to help each other deal when things don't pan out the way we thought & hoped they would. I guess we'll see...but I'm glad some of our Anons/Patriots are here (halfchan is literally painful just to lurk, ffs).

New POTUS twat...hmmm...related?

hope I'm wrong..but i'm wondering about:

On the 3rd of September (Tuesday), the University of Alaska Fairbanks will release a long-awaited report using finite element modeling, which will discredit the official story of 9/11. It is expected that this report will make quite an impact, and could persuade a lot of people into 9/11 official story disbelief.
After Epstein's suspicious death, conspiracy theories are becoming more mainstream (!!); more and more people are starting to question the things that they are being told. This is a possible tipping point. This means that the release of the 9/11 building 7 study seems to comes with a very bad timing for the DS. They will be trying extra hard to discredit the 9/11 report release, and to distract from it..(possible FF in the next week??)




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We all know "look to twitter, exactly this..."

I have been pondering what if this statement is imminent? What would the implications be? Some one or some thing created a hurricane or the future IS known?

If (big if) it comes to pass that the "storm is upon us" even this long time black pilled anon will have some things to reconcile.


The same question I have been asking myself for some time. There are four cases in my humble opinion: either they have very advanced and sophisticated quantum computing systems capable of "predicting", so to speak, an event in certain areas, or there are actually systems capable of modifying, or altering locally (and therefore specifically) certain physical conditions. Naturally, the third hypothesis remains open: that is, that the capacity to move dimensionally over time actually exists. The last is that we are all experiencing a gigantic cognitive blackout, and something fundamental (such as a premise of the reasoning we take for granted) is eluding us

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25 Qpost 08/31/2018
1 yr 2 day delta tomorrow. 09/02/2019
> wonder if anything gonna happen?

Alex Podesta's Portrayal of White Rabbits Kidnapping, Torturing and Consuming Kids
Saudi Arabia was the Epicenter for Human Trafficking
White Rabbits is the Name for the Human Traffickers
POTUS Labels Fake Polls "Suppression" Polls (Q Proof)
Email Referring to Hillary as "Alice" From the "Hatter"
Hillary and Alice in Wonderland Connection (Major Q Proof)
Jeff Sessions in Background (Silent Assassin)
Ex-CIA Agents Running for Office as Democrats in an Attempt to Reclaim Power
How They Gamed the FISA Process and Abused Five Eyes Program (UK) to Spy on POTUS
"FISA? Yeah, they're just a big-ass rubber stamp, dude"
POTUS Calls for Hearing on FISA Court Fraud and Potential Criminal Referrals
Bombshell: No FISC Hearing on 4x Carter Page Warrants
Red Wave: Vote Corrupt Politicians Out of Office
California Officials Blowing Budget on Illegals to Stay in Power and Enrich Big Pharma
Nancy Pelosi Seeks New Money Sources in Absence of Federal Funding
Full Session in Congress on Tuesday
Impatience Building on the Right Over John Huber's "Perceived" Lack of Action
The Psychology of Fake News/Polls and the Push to Censor Social Media (Q Marker)
Mueller's Camp Loses Two Cyber Security Experts
General Public Told to Support Jeff Sessions (All Part of the Plan)
Fake News & Polls Projecting Disapproval for POTUS and Support for Mueller/Sessions
Q's Link to Utah NSA Data Center Parody Website Still Informative
UTAH: Home of John Huber and NSA's Massive Data Center

[30] day koolaid countdown started on the 08/28/2019.
1 yr 2d delta = 08/26/2018
Qpost 1933 Suicide Weekend [30]

09/28/2019 => Koolaid Weekend (a saturday :)

> [30] day koolaid countdown started on the 08/28/2019.
> 1 yr 2d delta = 08/26/2018
> Qpost 1933 Suicide Weekend [30]
> https://qmap.pub/read/1933

> 09/28/2019 => Koolaid Weekend (a saturday :)

Not Q
 >>/1268/ Archive offline
 >>/1277/ Hear that?
 >>/1303/ Call to 08ch
> who is this goi

Baker Collected Notables
 >>/1062/ Who is Victoria Nuland >wrong id
 >>/1064/ Greenland referendum on joining US
 >>/1066/ Cameras outside Jeffrey Epstein’s jail cell sent to FBI crime lab for analysis
 >>/1068/ What if Red Cross...
 >>/1071/ Q August 31 2018, 1 year delta
 >>/1074/ Trump Aide And Oval Office 'Gatekeeper' Fired For 'Leaking'
 >>/1099/ Case against Jeffrey Epstein dismissed following his death
 >>/1104/ Hurricane Dorian Live Steam.
 >>/1130/ JW fed judge grated additional hillary doc request (cap)
 >>/1132/ [30] day Koolaid weekend Countdown initiated?
 >>/1137/ b(2)
 >>/1139/  >>/1151/  >>/1159/ is 08ch the new 8chan
 >>/1142/ 170 tv stations start banner mornings
 >>/1149/ Thunderstruck – Flynn Attorney Sidney Powell Drops Atomic Sledgehammer of Truth on DC Court….
 >>/1164/ 4Chan User Claims to Be Behind MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell Hoax
 >>/1166/ Shots Fired! Rosenstein Slams Comey For His Corruption, Abuse of Power in Wake of DOJ IG Report
 >>/1169/ 2,389 Photos of WTC Ground Zero Sept-Oct 2001
 >>/1170/ NYC Chief Medical Examiner Statement on Jeffrey Epstein Autopsy, August 11, 2019
 >>/1175/ PROTECTION — FBI seized infamous photo of Prince Andrew with Jeffrey Epstein S E X Slave — THEN DID NOTHING
 >>/1178/ Trial date set at Guantanamo prison for 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed
 >>/1182/ Tankerfag Report
 >>/1183/ Failed Launch for Iran
 >>/1187/ Voat Notables
 >>/1190/ Full PDF >> US v Flynn - Brief in Support of Motion to Compel Brady Material and Order to Show Cause
 >>/1200/ Lucky Larry
 >>/1202/ 1 Trillion Dollars+++
 >>/1205/ U.S. Unleashes Military to Fight Fake News, Disinformation
 >>/1207/ Trump's personal assistant fired after comments about Ivanka, Tiffany
 >>/1217/ Convicted RFK assassin Sirhan Sirhan stabbed in California prison: reports
 >>/1223/ NLPC Files FEC Complaint Against Rep. Ilhan Omar and Her Lover Tim Mynett
 >>/1230/ Ooops wrong person
 >>/1252/ 50 Billion for Obama Wall (Q the memes)
 >>/1253/ Trust the Plan (graphic)
 >>/1265/ drudge report scrape links add to douch - watch list
 >>/1287/ [30] till koolaid weekend?
 >>/1293/  >>/1298/ Anon Call to dig Seth Ator
 >>/1299/ DJT?

add to archive dough.

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imagine ALL and ALL human knowledge in one place, one computer, one AI. What could it know? What could it achieve. Maybe humans can't travel time, but quantum particles can exist in any space and in any time. Not beyond the laws of physics.
The storm is nearly here.

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Camp Century

Camp Century was an Arctic United States military scientific research base in Greenland.[1] It is situated 150 miles east of Thule Air Base. It was part of Project Iceworm to install sites for launching nuclear missiles in Greenland. Powered by a nuclear reactor, the camp operated from 1959 until 1967. The base consisted of 21 tunnels with a total length of 9,800 feet (3.0 km).

> nuclear powered btw



Murdered for speaking out: Last words of David Goldberg warning of mass murder of Americans

Project pogo uses gatekeepers and channels to attract truth seekers, then track them
Project zyphr is the other project, and it is going to be implemented in 2020 or 2021, and that is where they are going to use power blackouts, flu viruses and other measures to get rid of millions of Americans who are question things Goldberg was talking about


Drudge Report




Inside Putin's feared GRU spy network that casts a shadowy web of covert operations across the globe and whose agents are blamed by Mueller for trying to influence the 2016 US election


GOP Judiciary member predicts Horowitz FISA report will lead to indictments

Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s investigation into alleged abuse of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act by the DOJ and FBI will result in indictments, a Republican member of the House Judiciary Committee said Sunday


Rudy Giuliani: ‘Prosecutions Will Happen’ Following Damning IG Report on Comey

Rudy Giuliani weighed in on the explosive DOJ Inspector General Report on former FBI Director James Comey’s handling of the Russia probe and promised that “prosecutions will happen,” despite the Justice Department’s decision to refrain from prosecuting Comey.


What We Know About Sarah Kellen, Who Allegedly ‘Recruited’ Girls for Jeffrey Epstein

effrey Epstein, deceased financier and pedophile, allegedly molested dozens of girls in a vast and elaborate web of abuse. Since his death by apparent suicide in a Manhattan jail cell earlier this month, public and legal focus has increasingly shifted to the figures accused of facilitating his predatory operation — most notably, his alleged madam, Ghislaine Maxwell.


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B-2 stealth bombers deploy to Europe for joint training

Airman 1st Class Austin Sawchuk, a crew chief assigned to the 509th Bomb Wing, marshals in a B-2 Spirit on the flight line at Royal Air Base Fairford, England, on August 27, 2019. A Bomber Task Force deployment of the stealth bomber aircraft, Airmen and support equipment from the 509th BW at Whiteman Air Force Base, Missouri, arrived in the U.S. European Command area of operations for a deployment to conduct theater integration and flying training. The deployment of strategic bombers to the United Kingdom helps exercise RAF Fairford as a forward operating base for the unit, ensuring they are engaged, postured and ready with credible force to assure, deter and defend the U.S. and its allies in an increasingly complex security environment. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Kayla White)


Millionaire Model Agency Boss and Close Friend of Jeffrey Epstein — Who Is Thought to Have Information on the Epstein Case — Has Disappeared

Jeffrey Epstein once allegedly had three 12-year-old girls flown in from France and delivered to him as a birthday present, a former “sex slave” says in newly released court documents.


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It's been three hours and #HurricaneDorian has yet to move from its location over Grand Bahama, the northernmost island of the #Bahamas. #Dorian

Some people are getting pounded relentlessly by flooding and 185 mph winds.

The firm has been recognized by Tampa Bay Association of Environmental Professionals for its pro bono contribution of groundwater studies at the Sulphur Springs Pool, which traced the source of bacterial contamination to urban stormwater runoff into upstream sinkholes. In 1988 the Greater Tampa Chamber of Commerce named EEC the Small Business of the Year. Rob Wallace subsequently judged the event and was Co-Chair of the Small Business of the Year committee in 1991.

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raining and Certifications:

• Asbestos Abatement Supervisor (EPA)
• Asbestos Building Survey (EPA)
• Asbestos Management Plan (EPA)
• Florida Asbestos Consultant (EA024)
• Certified Environmental Manager, #33624
• Water Well Contractor, #2877 Certified
• Operator, Class C Wastewater #2627
• Noise Measurement and Control
• Hazardous Materials Site Safety (OSHA)
• Radon Measurement Technician, R0236.

something, something twin towers asbestos...


Quote "Some people are getting pounded relentlessly by flooding and 185 mph winds."

Not according to interactive weather maps. Max wind gust speed is way lower.

MSM probably fakes that it is a category 5 hurricane. Probably so they can try to blame muh climate change.

Here is the max wind gust speed according to Ventusky


Here according to Windy.com


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NWS issues 2p EDT update re: #HurricaneDorian:
• About 25 mi NE of #Freeport, #GrandBahamaIsland
• About 105 mi E of #WestPalmBeach, #Florida
• Moving WNW at 1 mph
• Max sust winds at 150 mph

#Dorian #Bahamas #FLwx #Abacos #AbacoIslands #DorianFlorida #GrandBahama

You can see water outside the window and the owner said in his video that widow is 15 feet high.

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NWS issues 2p EDT update re: #HurricaneDorian:
• About 25 mi NE of #Freeport, #GrandBahamaIsland
• About 105 mi E of #WestPalmBeach, #Florida
• Moving WNW at 1 mph
• Max sust winds at 150 mph

#Dorian #Bahamas #FLwx #Abacos #AbacoIslands #DorianFlorida #GrandBahama

You can see water outside the window and the window is 15 feet off the ground... Mega disaster.

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< round&round&round...

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< round&round&round

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Researchers warn: New magnetic storm heading for Earth

According to Russian researchers, the Earth is currently experiencing a magnetic storm, which began on Saturday and with G2 strength is the second strongest so far this year. The researchers warn that a storm of this magnitude will hit the Earth again at the end of September.


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Republican lawmaker makes ominous prediction about IG Horowitz’s FISA abuse report

Republican Judiciary Committee member Rep. Andy Biggs (Ariz.) predicted Sunday an investigation probing potential abuses Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act will end with indictments.

“I anticipate that we’re gonna see some very stark revelations of manipulation of the whole system for political purposes,” Biggs said on Fox News. “When you see that happen, that’s when I think you’re going to see references or referrals for indictments, and I think you’re actually gonna see some indictments.”


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I wonder what this is about: POTUS tweeted this out, then 4 minutes later he retweeted the same exact tweet-the only change made was the apparent twitter handle of the journalist/reporter he was talking about (see attached pics related); then he deleted only one of the original tweets and left the other one...I wonder what that is about? Thoughts, fam? I'm at a loss.
I just checked it again (for the 3rd time) as I was finishing typing this post & he finally-several minutes later than he deleted the 1st part of the original tweet...very odd indeed.

That was the only thing I could think of also, anon. This is just one of many, many reasons why I miss 8ch/QR. Digging isn't nearly as fun/interesting when you're digging alone with no one to bounce ideas, thoughts & conclusions off of.

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Potus does not make mistakes with his tweets.
"They made a big deal about this..." 
 This is a message for us. Correcting a tweet about a lightweight reporter's statement 4 times, that is a lot of emphasis.
So what do we have here,  
4 deltas min at  25, 21, 10, 5 that is 5, 11 & 4 min apart.
 a C for a K 
jon  vs jonathan   or anthan 

Any ideas??

I know he doesn't, that's why I always keep his twitter page up & monitor it as often as possible. It's basically the only way he can comm with us since 8 went down. I'm only a moderate autist-I notice abberrations (sp?) but I get lost when it comes to decoding the timestamp deltas, etc. I wish I were a more useful anon...

Good find, anon.
I was just rereading POTUS' tweet (yet again) and I saw something else-which may be a bit far-fethched, but given what we know...consider POTUS' phrasing: "Such a phony hurricane report..."


The way I'm reading it now, it sounds like he was saying/implying that the hurricane was phony...as in not real. The report about the hurricane was made-up. 
And I know you guys might say, "But look at the Bahamas & all the damage.."
BUT...if we were/are WATCHING A MOVIE...there is the *possibility* that the news coverage and video footage, etc.. that has come out during this multi-day spectacle (distraction) is either staged or from a hurricane that occurred in the past. Perhaps Dorian was a distraction from something else they don't want people paying attention to-and let's face it-there's a LOT that they want the public to not notice...and what could be better than the 'most powerful storm ever' (in so many words) which has been *stationary' for about 48 hours now and apparently seems to be burning itself out down there. 
Also consider that video that POTUS did in front of the WH in the Rose Garden several days ago...he left that highly inaccurate video pinned to the top of his twitter feed for 4-5 days even when it was clearly no longer accurate in terms of where it was heading, etc...I've felt that was odd for the past 3-4 days regardless of anything else that's happened in the last 24 hours.

Does this make sense to anyone else....or have I wandered too far out into conspiracy territory, anons?

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Yes, I saw that when I searched his name, glad you brought it forward.


and 15 min from Disney
Would really hate for this negative speculation to be true.

Any contribution and brain storming is welcome, we are so few here.  I think it is quite real from what I have seen on NOAA, but it is unusual for it to stall for so long.

AOC warned by First Amendment attorneys against blocking folks on Twitter — she says she has every right

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) has been warned by a group of attorneys from Columbia University that she cannot block people from Twitter because of her capacity as a public official.


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Notice anything familiar? This is a historical photo from the Virgin Islands that was published in a March, 2019 article about the Virgin Islands history month. 


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Maine’s Senator Angus King owns property in St. Thomas. Cohen was alleged to be involved in a pedo issue in the 90s. A man disappeared over a brownstone file on Cohen (www.dearpresidenttrump.org) . Maine has its own Maine community foundation. I did an open source dig and found the form 990s suspect (money laundering?). It was set up by Peter Hunt (Chicago Area Projects). He has digs on ME coast. King is connected through his boston lawyer brother-in-law Tom Hermon to FMR Corp, who made him an overnight millionaire, FMR set up COLT-City of London Telecommunications (cyber/security of City of L- connected to Rothshilds). King and Cohen, along with Sen S. Collins (bloodline family) have been running Maine with Sussman and their complete spider web through the foundations

Hey lovely Anons.  I am glad to be out of the poal.    Can ya give me your thoughts of Steve Quayle?   He pushes the scariest material and i used to read everyday.  I still have friends who cling to his mega add thoughts.    https://www.stevequayle.com/index.php?s=33&d=2311

Celeste has an article about washington NW and FEMA.  WE WONT SEE THIS WITH TRUMP, right.  She states beheadings and documents the inception, all dates are pre Trump.

I am researching her background now.   


Latest story on washington fema repatriation and

China Builds Port in Bahamas, Provides ‘Military Assistance’ And Equipment 180 Miles Off U.S. Coast


> follow the stars?

Follow the Stars Home is a 2001 American made-for-television romantic drama film directed by Dick Lowry. The film is based upon Luanne Rice's 2000 novel of the same name and was produced for the Hallmark Hall of Fame.[1]

Kimberly Williams as Dianne Parker-McCune
Campbell Scott as David McCune
Eric Close as Mark McCune
Alexa Vega as Amy Williams
Blair Brown as Hannah Parker
Roxanne Hart as Tess
Tim Ransom as Buddy
Amanda and Caitlin Fein as Julia Parker-McCune
Patricia Belcher as Counselor
Judith Drake as Admitting Nurse
Suzy Nakamura as Martha


> or did u mean literally follow the celebrities, or actual stars?

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A controversial Minnesota congresswoman known for racially inflammatory anti-Semitic views has publicly declared her support for a terrorist organization in her native Somalia. Democrat Ilhan Omar is demanding that a telecommunications company founded and operated by a renowned terrorist financier, receive protection from that country’s government and peacekeeping forces. An Israeli-based newspaper broke the story a few days ago, but the American mainstream media has been notably silent on the matter.


Department of Justice 'to propose quick executions for perpetrators of mass shootings' amid wave of massacres - and legislation could be part of a wider gun control package

U.S. Attorney General William Barr has drafted legislation that would speed the death penalty for people who have committed mass murder, a White House official said on Monday.


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WikiLeaks-Connected Hacker Called to Testify Before Grand Jury That Chelsea Manning Was Jailed for Defying

LONDON, ENGLAND – APRIL 11: Julian Assange gestures to the media from a police vehicle on his arrival at Westminster Magistrates court on April 11, 2019 in London, England. After weeks of speculation Wikileaks founder Julian Assange was arrested by Scotland Yard Police Officers inside the Ecuadorian Embassy in Central London this morning. Ecuador’s President, Lenin Moreno, withdrew Assange’s Asylum after seven years citing repeated violations to international conventions. 


Liberal FEC chairwoman targets online news she considers ‘fraudulent’

New concerns are being raised that online conservative media outlets could face federally imposed censorship going into the 2020 elections.

Years after Republicans on the Federal Election Commission claimed Democrats were targeting conservative speech on outlets like the Drudge Report, the liberal head of the FEC is teaming with an anti-Trump free speech advocacy group to host a symposium targeting online “disinformation.”

> outlets like the Drudge Report


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Walmart plans to dramatically step back from ammunition sales after ‘horrific’ shootings

Walmart said Tuesday it will discontinue all sales of handgun ammunition and sales of short-barrel rifle ammunition that can be used with military-style weapons, following two “horrific” shootings at Walmart stores this summer. It will also stop all handgun sales in Alaska, marking its complete exit from the handguns category.

> we dont need no stinkin ammunition


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This comprehensive database of credible sightings and related reports is maintained by an all-volunteer network of bigfoot/sasquatch researchers, archivists, and investigators in the United States and Canada--the BFRO.

Anons do you think Big Foot is real?



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The logo of Living Waters has that familiar nested little/big symbolism, which may be significant. The "leaves" are nearly the same shape as the "drop of liquid". The name may have a Satanic double meaning and really be about blood.

The logo has no cross. The website is also strangely lacking in crosses. Now that I notice it, it feels ominous.

On the board of directors there I see Ray Comfort. It turns out that he is the "founder & CEO" of Living Waters.


Ray Comfort is a character with certain notoriety. He is supposedly an apologist for Christianity, but he is known for engaging in very weak and easily-refuted arguments and intellectual dishonesty supposedly in defense of Christianity. RationalWiki has a lengthy article on him because he is such a juicy target for promoting atheism.

Note: This is not an endorsement of RationalWiki, which can also be very intellectually dishonest in the name of its agenda.

Now, it would make sense for a secret Satanist pretending to be a Christian apologist to line up garbage-tier arguments for atheists to refute while laughing at the stupidity.

Ray Comfort has an organization called Way of the Master. The name Baal means "Master" in English. In the Bible God is referred to as the Lord instead and Baal worship is severely warned against. Who is Ray Comfort's Master?

Those book sales, speaking fees, etc. could also hide a lot of money laundering.

Ray Comfort's close associate is Kirk Cameron, a former child star and current actor who habitually stars in terrible Christian movies, such as Saving Christmas, one of IMDB's lowest-scoring flicks with 0% on Rotten Tomatoes. Here is another case of supposedly trying to promote Christianity but in actuality making Christianity look bad. Kirk Cameron and his like could be worth looking at too.


Turkish Businessman Sentenced to 27 Months Imprisonment for Conspiracy to Violate U.S. Sanctions by Exporting Marine Equipment from the United States to Iran
Resit Tavan, a Turkish Businessman and owner of the Istanbul-based Turkish business Ramor Dis Ticaret Ltd. (also known as the “Ramor Group”) was sentenced on Thursday, Aug. 29, 2019, in Federal District Court in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to 27 months imprisonment in connection with his conviction for conspiracy to violate U.S. sanctions by exporting specialized marine equipment from the United States to Iran between 2013 to 2015.

Of course they are but nobody will ever get evidence unless they allow it. They are a 4 density being banished here into 2 density bodies as punishment for destroying their world. Read the law of one it will open your eyes.

I’m with you on the fake reporting Dorian was obviously not as powerful as it was made out to be. Looking at the destruction in the Bahamas tells the story if a hurricane took 24 hours like this one did to pass over an island and it had even 120 mph winds there would be very few things left standing and if you look most of the trees are still there and have leafs on them. Houses are still standing some are destroyed of course that is normal in a hurricane and remember they don’t have our building codes there. Just imagine the total destruction of a cat 5 monster with 185-200 mph winds that’s the same speed as a tornado with 24 hours to scrub on you. There wouldn’t be a blade of grass left just sand and water after that beast was done with it. So yes it’s fake reporting idk about a complete fabricated story of a hurricane that doesnt exist.

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>  When one tries to reason with a lefty Democrat, remember you are dealing with a person who believes that a man can be a woman and a woman can be a man and that such a delusion should be encouraged, not discouraged. Discouragement of the delusion is considered immoral and bigoted. Thus, our society has unnecessary dilemmas concerning bathrooms, athletic competition at all levels, and “pronoun” controversies subjecting ourselves to all manner of laws, rules, regulation and more needless government control.

>  Here is a suggestion to break the left’s ridiculous gender ideology and denial of biological reality.

>  President Trump should make a declaration that he is identifying as a woman. The left will have to admit the absurdity of their gender ideology or accept and celebrate “Donna Trump” as the first woman president, thus beating Hillary, Liz Warren, Amy Klobuchar, Kamala Harris and Kirsten Gillibrand to the glorious goal of one of their female firsts.

>  Furthermore, if he remains married to Melania he will also be the first gay president and the first lesbian president. He will also be the first lesbian president married to an immigrant! What a most glorious event for the Democrats to celebrate.

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My general way of thinking is 8chan is unlikely to be back online until SHTF. I do think if all is going according to plan there is no reason to have the forum back up (plausible deniability). If it comes back online  it's hard to fathom Q/Q+/Q++ would post again.

If Q does ever show again then I think we're in for another year at least. But the heat is on, anons are aware, and Q has simply confirmed what we've theorized.

This probably won't happen that fast.

> 8ch.net is currently offline with no immediate plans to bring it back.

The Bahamas being threatened by hurricanes is well known to locals. Proper concrete buildings can take more wind than wood frame buildings. If it's built like a bunker it can survive a Category 5 hurricane, which not all the local houses managed to do.

But why am I responding to that fake nonsense post?

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Just dropping this FWIW: 
Yesterday POTUS' tweets were a topic of discussion & today I noticed that he used an abbreviation (one today & one on Aug 28) that I have not noticed him using before that. As much as I shudder to think about it, I am wondering if that is his way of telling Anons to go to /pol/. (I shudder because when I am not here, I'm there...and it is often painful to be there. In any case, just dropping this here for Anons' discernment. (pic related-See use of word "Pols" instead of politicians).

Trump administration raids military construction projects for border wall

The move is likely to further inflame Democrats who have accused the administration of illegally overriding Congress’ spending decisions.


MYSTERY: Before His Grisly Suicide, Top FBI Agent Was Questioned About NYPD Sister’s Double Murder-for-Hire Plot

The mysterious case and public death of FBI boss Salvatore “Sal” Cincinelli just gotten even stranger.

The FBI has said nothing publicly about the grisly public suicide death of one of the Bureau’s top financial crimes supervisors who reportedly shot and killed himself on a crowded nite-club dance floor in July.


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Mattis Torches Obama, Biden for ‘Ignoring Reality’ When It Comes to Foreign Policy in New Book

Former Secretary of Defense James Mattis tore into his former boss over his handling of foreign policy in his new book released Tuesday.

Mattis blasted former President Barack Obama for his “failure” regarding foreign policy in his new book “Call Sign Chaos: Learning to Lead,” saying that the time he spent overseeing Central Command (CENTCOM) under the former president ended with him seeing “strategic frustration.”


umm, That is not what stands out to me.  He must have deleted the first tweet where he spelled Khan's name as Sadque, which is French for sadist. (too bad I did not cap it 17 hrs ago)
 But, you might have something there, hope it is just a shout out that he knows we are posting on /pol/ and traveling around to the different boards.

That's definitely a possibility.
Hasn't that been the M.O. for child traffickers in 3rd world places like Haiti: wait for a natural disaster such as an earthquake or hurricane & then sweep in under the guise of 'disaster relief', etc..only to use the opportunity to grab all of the kids displaced from their parents or who were orphaned by said disaster?
I feel like we're all getting closer to the real answer but we're not quite there yet. 

I must've missed that tweet about Khan, good catch, though.
/pol/ is utter chaos & spewing of hatred..at least that's what I've encountered during my time there.
Would be NICE to have 8 back up by this weekend.

Google target of new U.S. antitrust probe by state attorneys general

Sept 3 (Reuters) - More than 30 U.S. state attorneys general are readying an investigation into Alphabet Inc's Google for potential antitrust violations, a source knowledgeable about the probe said on Tuesday.

Texas leads the group of 30-plus attorneys general, which plans to announce the probe on Sept. 9, the source said.


Facebook considers experimenting with hiding likes

Another way to help improve users' mental health.

(ah ah ah)


YouTube says harassment policy update coming soon, bans thousands of videos for hate speech


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Ted Cruz Accepts Alyssa Milano’s Challenge to Debate Gun Violence

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) accepted a challenge from actress Alyssa Milano to debate gun rights and the Constitution following the left-wing activist’s request to expose his “bullshit” to the American people.



Gingrich: Obama, Loretta Lynch Knew FBI Was Spying on Trump Campaign

Sunday on New York AM 970 radio’s “The Cats Roundtable,” former House Speaker Newt Gingrich argued that it is not “conceivable” for neither former President Barack Obama nor his Attorney General Loretta Lynch to not know the FBI was spying on the Donald Trump campaign.


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Anons remember Trump said he would declassify everything Hannity well guess what he walked that back the next day. 

Trump lied he isn't declassifying anything zip nadda.

No wonder Comey walked. 

We got played.

 >>/1332/ Payback for Today
 >>/1343/ A unique Bridge
 >>/1344/ Rep Robert Wallace Suicide EEC
 >>/1401/ Ready to, "follow the stars?"

Baker Collected Notables
 >>/1309/ Anon Archives entirety of qmap offline
 >>/1310/ Lighting it up US army twat.
 >>/1315/ /Our/National_Bird
 >>/1320/ military-seeks-role-players-to-portray-injured-citizens-in-ny
 >>/1322/ Camp Century in Greenland Nuclear Powered
 >>/1324/ Rudy Giuliani: ‘Prosecutions Will Happen’ Following Damning IG Report on Comey
 >>/1328/ Murdered for speaking out
 >>/1331/ Comey Attacks President Trump as a Narcissist
 >>/1336/ the-end-of-the-dollar-as-we-know-it
 >>/1339/ Rudy Giuliani: ‘Prosecutions Will Happen’ Following Damning IG Report on Comey
 >>/1341/ B-2 stealth bombers deploy to Europe for joint training
 >>/1342/ Millionaire Model agency Friend of Jeffrey Epstein — thought to Have Information — Has Disappeared
 >>/1345/ The eye of hurricane Dorian.
 >>/1352/  >>/1353/  >>/1356/  >>/1523/ Is MSM hyping the Dorian Storm?
 >>/1355/ "North of 22 million" FACTS MATTER
 >>/1358/ cataclysmic-shift-in-progress-unraveling-evil
 >>/1360/ Researchers warn: New magnetic storm heading for Earth
 >>/1361/ Before the Koch Bros, there where the Pews..
 >>/1363/ Are Anons Being Called to 08ch?
 >>/1365/  >>/1394/ DJT Tweets and Deletes
 >>/1375/ /our/guy
 >>/1380/  >>/1382/  >>/1383/  >>/1384/  >>/1476/  >>/1513/ Call To dig - Living Waters
 >>/1385/ Iran not Rocking with their Rocket
 >>/1386/ AOC wants to block ya
 >>/1387/ Keystone last ditch effort - FAIL
 >>/1388/ Notice anthing familiar? *Epstein Temple
 >>/1389/ King and Cohen, along with Sen S. Collins network
 >>/1391/ Anon Glad to be home
 >>/1393/  >>/1406/  >>/1408/ Boat Down
 >>/1410/ Never Forget! John Kasich Says John McCain Was "PUT TO DEATH"??!!!
 >>/1411/  >>/1412/  >>/1413/  >>/1419/  >>/1420/ Anon CTD - Truth Aquatics >Truth
 >>/1421/ Baker finds Auto Archive Extension
 >>/1449/  >>/1450/ Anon Feels Alone
 >>/1466/ Department of Justice 'to propose quick executions for perpetrators of mass shootings' 
 >>/1467/ WikiLeaks-Connected Hacker Called to Testify Before Grand Jury
 >>/1469/ Walmart plans to dramatically step back from ammunition sales
 >>/1474/ BO Reminder Dont Spam the Chan
 >>/1477/ Turkish Businessman Sentenced for Exporting Marine Equipment to Iran
 >>/1485/ How to Trigger the Left
 >>/1501/ Potus Tweet /POL/
 >>/1503/ Trump administration raids military construction projects for border wall
 >>/1505/ James Mattis tore into his former boss over his handling of foreign policy
 >>/1506/ USDOJ OIG Inspector General Manual, Volumes I-VI
 >>/1508/ u-s-blacklists-two-executives-for-alleged-oil-trade-with-north-korea
 >>/1510/ Redacted Vs Unredacted
 >>/1511/ the-unholy-alliance-between-george-soros-and-pope-francis/
 >>/1516/ Google target of new U.S. antitrust probe by state attorneys general
 >>/1517/ Facebook considers experimenting with hiding likes
 >>/1518/ YouTube says harassment policy update coming soon, bans thousands of videos for hate speech (archive offline)
 >>/1519/ Ted Cruz Accepts Alyssa Milano’s Challenge to Debate Gun Violence

> Final Bun Roll

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