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Welcome To The QR Bunker

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.
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Shortly after the shooter was confirmed dead an AFT employee appeared on the roof and took cell phone photos of the SN of the rifle used. The ATF then looked up in their illegal database the name and address of the purchaser of the rifle. The legal method for the ATF to trace a firearm is by contacting the manufacture for the name and address of the FLL that the gun was sold too then going to that FLL to view the ATF Form 4473 filled out by the person who purchased the firearm from the FLL

ATF traced Trump rally shooter’s gun using records stored in West Virginia and opposed by some in GOP
Perry Stein The Washington Post

Soon after a Secret Service sniper killed the man who attempted to assassinate Donald Trump, officers grabbed the AR-style weapon by the shooter’s body and started to record its make, model and any details they could glean.
The young man carried no ID. If the gun was purchased legally from a licensed dealer, law enforcement officials hoped to use the serial number etched onto the side of the weapon to figure out who he was.
They were able to do so in about 30 minutes, federal law enforcement officials said in a statement. The search used sale records from an out-of-business gun store that the government is required to collect - but which Republican lawmakers and the gun lobby would like to place off-limits.
The attempted assassination of a former president and current White House nominee gave the public a glimpse into “the time pressure that law enforcement, the ATF agents and our local police partners are under to solve these cases and advance the investigation,” said Steven Dettelbach, director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. “Having the ability to search the records is absolutely a big part” of that work.
The federal government is prohibited from compiling a national database of gun owners. Those who oppose allowing the government to collect records from shuttered gun shops said they are equivalent to such a database, which they believe could be used to track and punish law-abiding gun owners, even though the records cannot be searched by a person’s name.
ATF, which is responsible for regulating sales and licensing of firearms, is allowed to keep sale records only from gun stores that have closed. The nation’s 80,000 or so operating licensed gun dealers are required to maintain their own records, with law enforcement agencies contacting the shops directly if they need to identify the buyer of a weapon used in a crime.
“They could make a door-to-door confiscation list with these out-of-business records and that’s a huge threat to the Second Amendment,” said Aidan Johnston, director of federal affairs at Gun Owners of America, which has backed legislation that would destroy the types of records that ATF relied on to trace the firearm to the Trump rally shooter.
While Trump was receiving medical treatment Saturday, law enforcement officials at the Butler, Pa., rally site called employees of the National Tracing Center in West Virginia, which is open 24 hours a day, to relay the serial number and other details of the shooter’s weapon, according to people briefed on the tracing process who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe internal details of the probe.
That was step one.
From there, a West Virginia employee searched the serial number in the ATF computer system, which found the licensed dealer that sold that firearm. The weapon was purchased at a now-closed gun store by a man who lived in Bethel Park, Pa. - about an hour from the rally site. Since the business was no longer operating, the ATF’s West Virginia facility had the federal form the buyer completed.
Some of the records at the facility are only in paper form. But the sale records for this closed shop had been digitized, according to people familiar with the investigation. Employees searched through scanned copies until they landed on one that matched the serial number of the gun used in the assassination attempt.
Within roughly a half-hour of the tracing center receiving the weapon’s serial number, officials learned that the father of 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks purchased the weapon in 2013. Authorities soon identified the younger Crooks as the gunman in the shooting and later said they have no evidence that the father purchased the gun for his son to use.

The identification of Crooks reflects a speeded-up version of the traces that occur hundreds of thousands of times each year when authorities find a gun potentially linked to a crime and discover it was purchased at a store that has since closed. A typical request takes seven or eight days to complete. An urgent request can take up to a day. That’s a dramatic improvement in turnaround from two years ago, according to ATF data.
But officials familiar with the tracing of Crooks’s weapon said the request was pushed to the front of the line. It helped that the gun was purchased legally and that Crooks’s father was the original owner. Officials say more and more crimes are linked to “ghost guns” - weapons made from homemade kits that can be assembled into firearms - which typically do not have serial numbers and cannot be traced.
Dettelbach says that ATF is well within the bounds of the law and is not maintaining a registry by keeping the records. The West Virginia center, he said, is filled with tons of boxes of records from defunct gun dealers. While most have now been digitized, he said, searching them is still a cumbersome process.
The records are organized by the name of the shuttered gun dealer, with officials needing to manually open each of the scanned records to match a weapon’s serial number to a record that identifies the person who purchased the firearm.
Rep. Michael Cloud (R-Tex.) introduced legislation last year that would force ATF to discard their closed-business records and prohibit closed gun dealers from turning over their records. The bill has 78 Republican co-sponsors but has not received a committee or full House vote. Cloud declined to comment for this article.
Last week, Rep. Andrew Clyde (R-Ga.) tacked an amendment onto the appropriations bill for the Justice Department, which oversees ATF, that would prevent the agency from using money to maintain digital copies of its out-of-business records. The amendment passed a committee vote and is now up for a vote on the full House floor.
“The ATF is brazenly violating the law by recording out of business records - creating the foundation for a digital gun registry,” Clyde said in a statement. “I’ve long warned that gun registration inevitably leads to gun confiscation.”
ATF officials say they receive nearly 7 million pages of records each month from licensed gun dealers that are closing their businesses, representing upward of hundreds of thousands of gun sales. In all, ATF officials say, they processed 7.6 million gun trace requests between 2000 and 2021, with 53 percent of those traces completed using closed-business records. ATF is typically assisting local and federal law enforcement in their investigations and does not track how many crimes have been solved through the traces.
Until 2022, closed shops previously had to hand over 20 years of records. Then the Biden administration changed the regulations to require stores to hand over all their records when they go out of business.
The agency has received nearly 1 billion pages of records, with more coming each month, much of it in paper form. At one point, officials said, the West Virginia facility held so many paper records that the floors started sagging, prompting them to speed up their digitization process and build temporary structures to store the records in the parking lot.
Republican critics of ATF have proposed slashing its $1.6 billion budget by more than 10 percent, which Dettlebach said would impact efforts to maintain the trove of closed-business records and deploy agents to work with federal and local law enforcement agencies investigating gun crimes.
"When our partners call us, we go,” Dettlebach said. “But we need the tools to support law enforcement.”


 >>/143169/ Pres. Trump walks into hospital after being shot
 >>/143173/ Rep. Gaetz interrupts Sen. MacCarthy if he speaks he will be booed
 >>/143176/,  >>/143191/ Sen. Blackburn "The American people deserve answers from the Secret Service"
 >>/143177/,  >>/143178/,  >>/143179/,  >>/143180/,  >>/143181/,  >>/143182/,  >>/143183/,  >>/143184/,  >>/143185/,  >>/143186/,  >>/143187/,  >>/143188/ Swamp Today July 17, 2024
 >>/143191/,  >>/143192/ Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle on role of local law enforcement at the rally
 >>/143213/,  >>/143230/,  >>/143245/,  >>/143253/ Water Tower mp4 juxtaposition with Trump speech
 >>/143219/,  >>/143247/,  >>/143248/,  >>/143249/,  >>/143251/,  >>/143252/ How Trump survived - KEKS
 >>/143220/ PF - Zelensky on the ground in London
 >>/143221/,  >>/143222/,  >>/143223/,  >>/143224/,  >>/143225/,  >>/143226/,  >>/143228/,  >>/143229/,  >>/143231/,  >>/143233/,  >>/143235/ The Swamp Today bun - Thursday, July 18 2024
 >>/143255/,  >>/143285/,  >>/143309/ News Max, FOX News: Biden could drop out as soon as this weekend
 >>/143256/  2024 Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin - 7/18/24
 >>/143260/,  >>/143262/,  >>/143263/,  >>/143264/,  >>/143267/,  >>/143268/,  >>/143269/,  >>/143270/,  >>/143271/,  >>/143272/,  >>/143273/,  >>/143278/,  >>/143279/,  >>/143280/,  >>/143281/,  >>/143282/,  >>/143307/,  >>/143308/,  >>/143312/,  >>/143313/,  >>/143314/,  >>/143317/ Microsoft Azure Outage July 18, 2024 03:42 PM (PST)
 >>/143275/ Timelines
 >>/143276/,  >>/143284/ President Donald Trump Speaks at Republican National Convention in Milwaukee (7-18-24)
 >>/143286/,  >>/143287/,  >>/143288/,  >>/143289/,  >>/143290/,  >>/143291/,  >>/143292/,  >>/143293/,  >>/143294/,  >>/143295/,  >>/143296/,  >>/143297/,  >>/143298/,  >>/143299/,  >>/143300/,  >>/143301/,  >>/143302/,  >>/143303/,  >>/143304/ Swamp Today July 19, 2024
 >>/143310/ Deadly drone attack near US embassy in Tel Aviv
 >>/143311/ Whistleblowers allege hardly any Secret Service agents at Trump rally during shooting
 >>/143315/ Inside Austin Private Wealth’s huge Trump stock short bet
 >>/143327/,  >>/143343/ MIT Educated Neurosurgeon leaves career due to dissatisfaction and ethical concerns about effectiveness of his work
 >>/143328/ Supreme Court of Canada rules state can be held liable for enacting clearly unconstitutional laws
 >>/143329/ Sum Of All Fears
 >>/143332/ 9th Circuit Court ruled new state law requires election officials to REJECT voter registrations without proof of citizenship
 >>/143337/ President Trump and JD Vance Hold Major Rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan - 7/20/24
 >>/143340/ WazirX Prepares Bounty Program to Recover $230 Million Stolen in Security Breach in India
 >>/143341/,  >>/143342/ Bangladesh police given ‘shoot-on-sight’ orders amid national curfew
 >>/143344/ MS Azure Outage, Cloudstrike Update or Hacked
 >>/143347/ Puccini’s aria ‘Nessun dorma’
 >>/143348/,  >>/143360/,  >>/143361/,  >>/143362/ Was the photographer there for the “Perfect Pulitzer Prize Head Shot"?
 >>/143350/ “The Deep State Mafia is running both political parties” Journalist Whitney Webb reveals
 >>/143352/,  >>/143354/,  >>/143358/,  >>/143364/ FOX: President Biden announces on social media he will not seek reelection
 >>/143359/ DJT: "Crooked Joe Biden was not fit to run for President, and is certainly not fit to serve"
 >>/143363/ DJY: "Kamala was in on it"
 >>/143372/,  >>/143373/,  >>/143374/,  >>/143375/,  >>/143376/,  >>/143377/,  >>/143378/,  >>/143379/,  >>/143380/,  >>/143381/,  >>/143382/ Swamp Today July 22, 2024
 >>/143385/  Oversight of the U.S. Secret Service and the Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump
 >>/143386/ VP Harris speaks for first time after Biden drops 2024 bid
 >>/143393/ WA Post: ATF traced Trump rally shooter’s gun using records stored in West Virginia and opposed by some in GOP
 >>/143169/ #448


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Welcome To The QR Bunker

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.
README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK: https://8kun.top/qresearch/welcome.html

To all anons
This board was born during the 8chan QResearch 93 day hiatus from Aug 5 - Nov 2 2019. Dough was revised in Jan 2021. Anons from any Q platform are welcome here.
PLEASE NOTE: This is a free speech board. For our purposes here, free speech excludes illegal content, spam, hardcore porn, gore, or personal attacks.
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In the end, Paschal waffled in every direction, so that not only Henry V, but also the bishops and cardinals no longer trusted he could lead the Church with any believable authority. Clearly, Paschal had been honest with the Sacred College who elected him: monastic life had not equipped him to deal with the weighty problems confronting the papacy in such troubling times. And although he followed the lead of his predecessors he met with little success. Several times he was forced to flee Rome as one or another contingent sought to grab power, including no less than four anti-popes. Paschal received support from King Philip and the French people, but not from Germany from which Henry V, the Emperor, came. He was, however, successful in mediating a dispute between King Henry I (of England) and the archbishop of Canterbury, the pious Anselm. Through the work of a papal delegation and further mediation by Queen Matilda, a concordat was concluded between the king and the archbishop that prevented clergy from being invested by a monarch. In return, before their consecration, they first had to take an oath to the king.

The feud between Archbishop Anselm and Henry I was of utmost importance since the King had exiled the archbishop and confiscated all the assets of the Church.

In 1113, Pope Paschal officially recognized the Knights of Malta as a religious order through a papal bulla. The Order was founded in Jerusalem around 1050. It is still functioning today as one of the oldest Catholic Orders in the world. The Order’s mission is to protect the Catholic faith and to care for the sick and the poor. While they provide protection at various sporting events as part of their mission today, they can also be found in some of the most dangerous zones in the world aiding the poor. They celebrated their 900th anniversary in Rome in 2013.

The first Crusade to recover Jerusalem from the Muslims occurred at the beginning of Paschal’s reign, but he was unable to repair relations with Eastern Christianity because of his insistence on the supremacy of the Bishop of Rome, and because he had also supported another Crusade that sought to usurp lands in the East not rightfully theirs.

Paschal spent his final years squabbling with the Emperor and excommunicating anyone who supported him.

Despite his poor aptitude at diplomatic work in his papacy, he did repair buildings and restore various churches, one of them, right before his last flight from Rome due to bloody riots. Although he returned in January of 1118, he died at Castel Sant’ Angelo amidst new riots. He was buried in the Lateran after an unhappy reign as pontiff.


#447  @300
 >>/142863/ Catherine Herridge: Being Fired From CBS
 >>/142864/ MEP Christine Anderson, global roll-out of mRNA Covid "vaccines" remembered as "biggest medical scandal ever."
 >>/142870/ Rep. Luna: Second Chance of Garland Inherent Contempt Vote
 >>/142871/,  >>/142872/,  >>/142873/,  >>/142874/,  >>/142875/,  >>/142876/,  >>/142877/,  >>/142878/,  >>/142879/,  >>/142880/,  >>/142881/,  >>/142882/,  >>/142883/,  >>/142884/,  >>/142885/,  >>/142886/,  >>/142887/,  >>/142888/,  >>/142889/,  >>/142890/,  >>/142891/ Swamp Today July 12, 2024
 >>/142898/,  >>/142899/,  >>/142903/,  >>/142906/,  >>/143115/,  >>/142903/,  >>/142904/,  >>/142906/ @realDonaldTrump - “Jack Smith Isn’t a Special Counsel ‘by Law’”
 >>/142900/,  >>/142901/ Orbán Viktor meets with Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago
 >>/142907/ Don't stir up the Weewoos
 >>/142908/ Court Just Nailed Hillary for FEC Violation 45x Bigger Than Trump’s So-Called Violation
 >>/142909/,  >>/142914/,  >>/142917/,  >>/142918/,  >>/142927/,  >>/142939/,  >>/142943/,  >>/142944/,  >>/142970/,  >>/142972/,  >>/142985/,  >>/142988/,  >>/142995/,  >>/142996/,  >>/143005/,  >>/143010/,  >>/143017/,  >>/143019/,  >>/143046/, DJT: Join me today in Butler, Pennsylvania 
 >>/142980/ Pres. Trump shot at rally - MSM Headlines at 23:30 UTC 13JULY2024
 >>/142997/ White House statement on shooting at Butler, Penn DJT rally
 >>/142999/ Witness says he saw man with gun on building roof before DJT rally
 >>/143006/,  >>/143008/,  >>/143009/ DJT thanks Secret Service
 >>/143022/ What is known about assassination attempt on former US Pres. Donald Trump
 >>/143023/ Tammy Bruce: What would have been his last public words knowing he had been wounded were "fight, fight, fight"
 >>/143028/,  >>/143081/ President Biden leaving church said he had not been briefed
 >>/143029/,  >>/143039/,  >>/143040/,  >>/143042/ Kimberly Cheatle, Director of US Secret Service updates Biden
 >>/143033/ Supporters pointed at the media “This is your fault!”
 >>/143035/ Four female secret service agents under 6'3" tall
 >>/143038/ They're not after me, they are after you
 >>/143048/ Mississippi congressman's field director says 'don’t miss next time'
 >>/143055/ DJT: "It was God alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening"
 >>/143057/ Security Expert says allowing near Trump assassination to take place either extreme incompetence or collaborated plot
 >>/143058/ MELANIA TRUMP letter to the public
 >>/143060/ Donald Trump calls for ‘unity’ after assassination attempt
 >>/143061/ LiveNOW FOX: Bomb materials found in vehicle of suspected shooter
 >>/142992/,  >>/142995/,  >>/143005/ False: He's not shooter who tried to murder Donald Trump; he's a journalist
 >>/143066/ Biden statement on Trump Assassination Attempt with Asmongold
 >>/143067/,  >>/143068/,  >>/143070/ Fire Commissioner Laura Kavanagh to Step Down
 >>/143072/,  >>/143079/,  >>/143103/,  >>/143148/,  >>/143149/,  >>/143153/ Trump rally observations
 >>/143080/ 'Trump’s life was saved by a miracle, not by his security' — Russian Spetsnaz veteran
 >>/143083/ Dropping Russian FAB-3000 M46
 >>/143086/ SS Resources Were Diverted to Jill Biden’s Saturday Campaign Event in Pittsburgh
 >>/143087/,  >>/143088/,  >>/143089/,  >>/143090/,  >>/143091/,  >>/143092/,  >>/143093/,  >>/143094/,  >>/143095/,  >>/143096/,  >>/143097/,  >>/143098/,  >>/143099/  Swamp Today July 15, 2024
 >>/143102/ Reminder 2012 @realDonaldTrump "When you’re “hot” the lowlifes really shoot at you…"
 >>/143106/ Trump arrives in Milwaukee for RNC after assassination attempt
 >>/143108/ FBI investigates rally shooting as 'possible act of domestic terrorism'
 >>/143111/,  >>/143115/ Trump Classified Documents Case DISMISSED by Florida judge
 >>/143112/ Pres. Donald Trump: "I believe it is imperative that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. receive Secret Service protection immediately"
 >>/143119/ THE NOMINATION - 2024 Republican National Convention
 >>/143120/,  >>/143122/ Trump's VP announcement
 >>/143134/,  >>/143136/,  >>/143137/,  >>/143138/,  >>/143139/,  >>/143140/,  >>/143141/,  >>/143142/,  >>/143143/,  >>/143144/,  >>/143145/ Swamp Today July 16, 2024
 >>/143156/  Trump Derangement Syndrome strikes Canada after fatal rally shooting
 >>/142859/ #447

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Welcome To The QR Bunker

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.
README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK: https://8kun.top/qresearch/welcome.html

To all anons
This board was born during the 8chan QResearch 93 day hiatus from Aug 5 - Nov 2 2019. Dough was revised in Jan 2021. Anons from any Q platform are welcome here.
PLEASE NOTE: This is a free speech board. For our purposes here, free speech excludes illegal content, spam, hardcore porn, gore, or personal attacks.
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All Q's posts, archived here --- qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub, qalerts.pub
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–RCMP charges government consultant accused of overbilling by $250,000==


A federal consultant for the Liberal government has been arrested after allegedly ripping off Canadian taxpayers for $250,000.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police announced that its Sensitive and International Investigations unit had charged Clara Elaine Visser, a 63-year-old federal consultant, with fraud on Tuesday.

Visser faces charges of fraud of over $5000 in violation of the Criminal Code.

According to a news release from the RCMP,  Public Services Procurement Canada, the government’s central treasurer and accountant, launched an investigation against Visser in the summer of 2021 after the organization discovered “evidence” that she had submitted fraudulent timesheets.

Canadian AG asks court to dismiss lawsuit against gov’t for imposing COVID jab travel mandate


 Businessmen Karl Harrison and Shaun Rickard are seeking damages of $1 million each, claiming that their charter rights were violated.

The Canadian attorney general’s office is looking to dismiss a lawsuit filed against the federal government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau by two men who said their mobility “charter rights” were violated because of COVID jab travel mandates.

On July 2, per an Epoch Times report, the attorney general filed a motion in Canada’s Federal Court to have the $2 million lawsuit filed by businessmen Karl Harrison and Shaun Rickard dismissed because it has argued some of the men’s charter rights were not violated.

 >>/142554/,  >>/142557/,  >>/142566/ Hunter Biden 2020 incident in Cornville, Az
 >>/142558/ New Diddy lawsuit: ADRIA ENGLISH v. SEAN COMBS a/k/a “P. DIDDY, DIDDY, PUFF, PUFF
 >>/142559/ Reform MPs Nigel Farage, Tice, Anderson & Lowe on the political earthquake
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 >>/142600/ Hundreds of Doctors and Scientists Sign HOPE Accord Calling for Suspension and Investigation of mRNA Vaccines
 >>/142608/,  >>/142610/,  >>/142611/ "Docu-drama" about future dystopia
 >>/142614/ Gorge Amphitheater evacuated after wildfire ignited due to pyrotechnics
 >>/142617/ Freeland’s SHAMEFUL Davos SCANDAL Gets LEAKED
 >>/142619/,  >>/142620/,  >>/142624/,  >>/142625/ SHOCK RESULT AS LEFT TAKES LEAD IN SNAP FRENCH PARLIAMENTARY ELECTION
 >>/142622/ Alberta, Canada: 3328% increase in unexplained children's deaths
 >>/142627/ Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov: French elections designed to "manipulate will of voters"
 >>/142628/ Boeing to plead guilty to avoid trial over fatal 737 Max crashes
 >>/142630/,  >>/142631/,  >>/142632/,  >>/142633/,  >>/142634/,  >>/142635/,  >>/142636/,  >>/142637/,  >>/142638/,  >>/142639/,  >>/142640/ Swamp Today July 8, 2024
 >>/142643/ Matthew Perry's Death Could Expose Hollywood Drug Dealing Scheme 
 >>/142648/ The Latest International News with Sputnik
 >>/142649/ White House pressed on Parkinsons Specialist Visits
 >>/142657/ If 8kun had a content delivery network services it could solve the problem
 >>/142671/ Mick Jagger Gets BOOED after Praising Justin Trudeau
 >>/142704/,  >>/142705/,  >>/142707/,  >>/142708/,  >>/142710/,  >>/142711/,  >>/142712/,  >>/142714/,  >>/142715/,  >>/142716/,  >>/142718/,  >>/142719/,  >>/142720/,  >>/142722/,  >>/142723/,  >>/142724/,  >>/142725/ Swamp Today July 9, 2024
 >>/142746/ Canada’s “climate change” envoy racked up over $250,000 in luxury travel expenses
 >>/142747/ Woman with ‘brittle bones’ advised to access assisted suicide, wants to live
 >>/142755/,  >>/142756/ Potato says "Ukraine can and will stop Putin" with the full support of NATO
 >>/142779/,  >>/142780/,  >>/142781/,  >>/142782/,  >>/142783/,  >>/142784/,  >>/142785/,  >>/142786/,  >>/142787/,  >>/142788/,  >>/142789/,  >>/142790/,  >>/142791/,  >>/142792/,  >>/142793/,  >>/142794/,  >>/142795/,  >>/142796/,  >>/14279/ Swamp Today July 10, 2024
 >>/142800/ Ivermectin is anti-cancer, anti-viral, anti-parasitic and now neuroprotective
 >>/142805/ Quebec RCMP asks public for help to uncover Chinese foreign interference
 >>/142807/ Democrat Sen. Michael Bennet: "Donald Trump is on track, I think, to win this election..."
 >>/142808/ Former Church of England vicar appears in court charged with nine historic offences 
 >>/142836/,  >>/142837/,  >>/142838/,  >>/142839/ Guatemala's Secretary General Interview: Scandal In Guatemala & Allegations of US Child Trafficking
 >>/142842/ Biden Just Introduced Zelensky as “President Putin”
 >>/142843/ Macron and Zelensky dance off
 >>/142851/ Canadian AG asks court to dismiss lawsuit against gov’t for imposing COVID jab travel mandate
 >>/142547/ #446


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Welcome To The QR Bunker

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.
README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK: https://8kun.top/qresearch/welcome.html

To all anons
This board was born during the 8chan QResearch 93 day hiatus from Aug 5 - Nov 2 2019. Dough was revised in Jan 2021. Anons from any Q platform are welcome here.
PLEASE NOTE: This is a free speech board. For our purposes here, free speech excludes illegal content, spam, hardcore porn, gore, or personal attacks.
Thank for understanding.

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see on original /qresearch/ board --- 8kun.top/qresearch/catalog.html
[not recorded here because this is a backup board for use mainly when 8kun is down (and Q is not posting)]

Q's Private Board --- https://8kun.top/projectdcomms/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6

All Q's posts, archived here --- qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub, qalerts.pub
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French 'Excalibur' sword vanishes after 1,300 years as the sword in the stone — literally

An ancient sword known as the French version of King Arthur’s legendary “Excalibur” has mysteriously vanished from the town where, according to local lore, it had remained lodged in a rock for 1,300 years.
The Durandal sword appears to have been taken by a thief from its stone in the tiny medieval town of Rocamadour, where it was one of the town’s main attractions, The Telegraph reported.
For centuries it’s been believed the sword once belonged to Roland, a semi-legendary knight who bravely fought for Charlemagne in the eighth century.
Officials in Rocamadour have launched an investigation into the disappearance of the sword, which was yanked from its spot in a cliff wall some 100 feet off the ground.


 >>/142102/, ,  >>/142103/,  >>/142104/,  >>/142105/,  >>/142106/,  >>/142107/,  >>/142108/,  >>/142109/,  >>/142110/,  >>/142111/,  >>/142112/,  >>/142113/,  >>/142114/,  >>/142115/,  >>/142116/,  >>/142117/ Swamp Today June 27, 2024
 >>/142121/ “Just shameful”: Kevin O’Leary slams Trudeau, Freeland over economic record
 >>/142253/,  >>/142254/,  >>/142255/,  >>/142256/,  >>/142257/,  >>/142258/,  >>/142259/,  >>/142260/,  >>/142261/,  >>/142262/,  >>/142263/,  >>/142264/,  >>/142265/,  >>/142266/,  >>/142267/,  >>/142268/,  >>/142269/,  >>/142270/,  >>/142271/,  >>/142272/,  >>/142273/ Swamp Today June 28, 2024
 >>/142278/,  >>/142283/ Identical Walmart shopping list reordered 45 items increased $126 in 2022 to $414 in 2024
 >>/142280/,  >>/142285/,  >>/142286/,  >>/142287/ Supreme Court issues major ruling on Jan. 6 
 >>/142284/ Rep Thomas Massie wife dies
 >>/142288/ Rep. Thomas Massie bans foreign lobbyists from entering his congressional office
 >>/142290/,  >>/142291/,  >>/142302/,  >>/142303/ Rep. Massie: Not a Cent Of Hush Money for Congress Reported As Campaign Finance Expense
 >>/142296/ Washington State: Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force arrest P.A. National Guard Sargent Aaron Von Krueger
 >>/142301/ Trudeau BUSTED In MASSIVE Mar*juana Scandal
 >>/142304/ Gold Star family speaks out after Biden falsely claims no troops have died on his watch: 'Shame on you'
 >>/142308/ 20 Biggest Whoppers Biden Told During His Debate With Trump
 >>/142312/,  >>/142334/ Around 90 J6 Prisoners currently incarcerated may be impacted by the 1512 opinion
 >>/142335/,  >>/142337/,  >>/142348/ USDC D.C. January 6th "Chief Judges" BOASBERG & HOWELL signed illegally changed Oaths of Office
 >>/142339/ Alberta politians publicly defend Pedophiles & child sex abusers
 >>/142341/ @America1stLegal releases documents highlighting egregious errors in the politically-motivated prosecution of President Trump 
 >>/142343/ FBI Raid of Oakland Dem Mayor, Sheng Thao
 >>/142346/ Palm Beach County judge released grand jury records in 2008 Jeffrey Epstein criminal case
 >>/142350/ Judge Ural Glanville transfers motions to recuse to another judge 
 >>/142351/,  >>/142352/,  >>/142353/,  >>/142354/,  >>/142355/,  >>/142356/,  >>/142357/,  >>/142358/ Swamp Today July 2, 2024
 >>/142363/ US set to announce $2.3 bln arms package for Ukraine 
 >>/142364/ FDA, Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna stated in FACT SHeet COVID-19 Vaccine was "your choice"
 >>/142367/,  >>/142368/ House GOP files suit to force Garland to turn over Biden-Hur interview audio
 >>/142392/, >>/142392/,  >>/142393/,  >>/142394/,  >>/142396/,  >>/142397/,  >>/142398/,  >>/142399/,  >>/142400/,  >>/142401/,  >>/142403/,  >>/142405/,  >>/142406/,  >>/142407/,  >>/142408/,  >>/142409/,  >>/142410/,  >>/142411/,  >>/142412/,  >>/142413/,  >>/142414/,  >>/142415/,  >>/142416/,  >>/142417/,  >>/142419/,  >>/142420/,  >>/142421/,  >>/142422/,  >>/142423/,  >>/142425/ Swamp Today July 3, 2024
 >>/142429/ Assange is FREE
 >>/142537/ Law enforcement involved shooting in Yellowstone National Park  
 >>/142538/ French 'Excalibur' sword stolen after allegedly 1,300 years as the sword in the stone

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Welcome To The QR Bunker

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.
README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK: https://8kun.top/qresearch/welcome.html

To all anons
This board was born during the 8chan QResearch 93 day hiatus from Aug 5 - Nov 2 2019. Dough was revised in Jan 2021. Anons from any Q platform are welcome here.
PLEASE NOTE: This is a free speech board. For our purposes here, free speech excludes illegal content, spam, hardcore porn, gore, or personal attacks.
Thank for understanding.

Q's Latest Posts
see on original /qresearch/ board --- 8kun.top/qresearch/catalog.html
[not recorded here because this is a backup board for use mainly when 8kun is down (and Q is not posting)]

Q's Private Board --- https://8kun.top/projectdcomms/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6

All Q's posts, archived here --- qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub, qalerts.pub
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 >>/141606/,  >>/141607/,  >>/141608/,  >>/141609/ Clooney Foundation initiating proceeding in Europe based on criminal code banning "spreading war propaganda"
 >>/141614/,  >>/141615/,  >>/141616/,  >>/141617/,  >>/141618/,  >>/141619/ Swamp Today June 19, 2024
 >>/141622/ Putin’s state visit to North Korea
 >>/141627/  >>/141628/,  >>/141629/,  >>/141630/,  >>/141631/,  >>/141660/ Russia's President Vladimir Putin arrives in Hanoi
 >>/141632/,  >>/141634/ Trump Proposes Replacing Income Tax With Tariffs as Primary Source of Federal Revenue
 >>/141636/,  >>/141637/ VP Kamala Harris invites Queer Eye cast to White House
 >>/141640/ Health Canada delays information release on contaminated COVID-19 vaccine investigation
 >>/141641/ Jim Jordan Explodes at Birx for IMMUNITY bragging
 >>/141642/,  >>/141643/,  >>/141644/,  >>/141645/,  >>/141646/,  >>/141647/,  >>/141648/,  >>/141649/,  >>/141650/,  >>/141651/ Swamp Today June 20, 2024
 >>/141654/ An Injection of Truth - Live in Calgary
 >>/141655/ X hashing algorithm exposed
 >>/141659/ Paul Ryan Held Steel Dossier Never Told Devin Nunes and Kash Patel
 >>/141662/,  >>/141663/ ‘M*A*S*H’ Actor Donald Sutherland Dies at 88'
 >>/141669/ Cyberattack hits car dealerships across the U.S.
 >>/141670/,  >>/141671/,  >>/141672/,  >>/141673/,  >>/141674/,  >>/141675/,  >>/141676/,  >>/141677/,  >>/141678/,  >>/141679/,  >>/141680/,  >>/141681/,  >>/141682/,  >>/141683/,  >>/141684/,  >>/141685/,  >>/141686/,  >>/141687/,  >>/141688/,  >>/141689/,  >>/141690/,  >>/141691/,  >>/141692/,  >>/141693/ Swamp Today June 21, 2024
 >>/141715/ President Trumps $500 tip at diner in Philadelphia with inscription “No Tax on Tips”
 >>/141716/ US government pays stipend to every Taliban member's family
 >>/141718/ Story on Corrupt Atlanta Judge Throws Citizens in Jail & POCKETS Bail Money!
 >>/141719/ Former U.S. Border Patrol Chief Rodney Scott on Biden government gag order
 >>/141720/ AOC, Jamaal Bowman, and Bernie Sanders driven out of  Bronx by angry protestors
 >>/141721/ USA Today cries "North Carolina is on the verge of getting a MAGA governor. Why do we let this happen?"
 >>/141722/ Study Removed by Lancet, Now Peer-Reviewed and Public: Reveals 74% of Deaths Directly Linked to COVID-19 Shot
 >>/141873/ Coverage of U.S. Spacewalk 90 at the International Space Station
 >>/141945/ Scott Ritter: This is direct attack on Russia by US, NATO, and non-NATO European entities
 >>/141948/ Corrupt Atlanta Judge Gets Arrested for ATTACKING Cops in Fulton County
 >>/141974/,   >>/141974/,  >>/141977/,  >>/141978/,  >>/141979/,  >>/141980/,  >>/141981/,  >>/141982/,  >>/141983/,  >>/141984/,  >>/141985/,  >>/141987/,  >>/141988/ Swamp Today June 24, 2024
 >>/141992/ July 2023 Resolution Plan submissions identified a weakness in plans from Bank of America, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, and JPMorgan Chase
 >>/142013/ Lockbit 3.0 Claims Attack on Federal Reserve: 33 Terabytes of Sensitive Data Allegedly Compromised
 >>/142021/,  >>/142048/,  >>/142057/ Julian Assange pleads guilty in deal with US authorities
 >>/142024/ FIVE U.S. States are SUING Pfizer for LYING About 'Safe and Effective' Covid Vaccines 
 >>/142029/,  >>/142030/,  >>/142031/,  >>/142032/,  >>/142033/,  >>/142034/,  >>/142035/,  >>/142036/,  >>/142037/,  >>/142038/,  >>/142039/ Swamp Today June 25, 2024
 >>/142046/ War and shutting down food supply 
 >>/142048/ Julian Assange not permitted to fly commercial airlines
 >>/142049/ U.S. and NATO attempt to maintain control over Africa
 >>/142051/,  >>/142052/,  >>/142053/ Calgary, Canada: Tommy Robinson arrested after event organised by Ezra Levant
 >>/142054/ New White House Associate Communications Director Tyler Cherry
 >>/142060/ Tennessee election officials asks 14,000+ voters to prove citizenship
 >>/142061/,  >>/142062/,  >>/142063/,  >>/142064/,  >>/142065/,  >>/142066/,  >>/142067/,  >>/142068/,  >>/142069/,  >>/142070/,  >>/142072/,  >>/142073/,  >>/142074/,  >>/142075/,  >>/142076/,  >>/142077/ Swamp Today June 26, 2024
 >>/142082/ Rep. Luna Holds News Conference on Holding Atty. Gen. in "Inherent Contempt"
 >>/142083/,  >>/142084/ "He’s not going to be able to match the acumen and readiness of Donald Trump,” said Speaker Johnson
 >>/142086/ Kim Dotcom "Wikileaks deleted DNC files. Don’t worry, Pirate Bay still has them"

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Welcome To The QR Bunker

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.
README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK: https://8kun.top/qresearch/welcome.html

To all anons
This board was born during the 8chan QResearch 93 day hiatus from Aug 5 - Nov 2 2019. Dough was revised in Jan 2021. Anons from any Q platform are welcome here.
PLEASE NOTE: This is a free speech board. For our purposes here, free speech excludes illegal content, spam, hardcore porn, gore, or personal attacks.
Thank for understanding.

Q's Latest Posts
see on original /qresearch/ board --- 8kun.top/qresearch/catalog.html
[not recorded here because this is a backup board for use mainly when 8kun is down (and Q is not posting)]

Q's Private Board --- https://8kun.top/projectdcomms/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6

All Q's posts, archived here --- qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub, qalerts.pub
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What happened to the likes? X is now hiding which posts you like from other users

NEW YORK (AP) — Social media platform X is now hiding your likes.

In an update posted on the platform formerly known as Twitter earlier this week, X’s engineering team said it would be “making Likes private for everyone to better protect your privacy.” That means that users will still be able to see their own likes, but others will not — putting an end to a feature that many had long used.
The change went into effect Wednesday. As of the afternoon, the “Likes” tab appeared to only be available on users’ own profile page. But when visiting other accounts, that tab is no longer available.
Users also received a pop-up notification that seemed to suggest the change would result in more user engagement.
“Liking more posts will make your ‘For you’ feed better,” the message read.
According to the engineering team’s update, like counts and other metrics for a user’s own posts will still show up under notifications. Posts still appear to show how many likes they have — but the author will be the only person who can see a list of those who liked it.


 >>/141188/,  >>/141189/,  >>/141190/,  >>/141191/,  >>/141192/,  >>/141193/,  >>/141194/,  >>/141195/,  >>/141196/,  >>/141197/,  >>/141198/,  >>/141199/,  >>/141200/,  >>/141201/,  >>/141202/,  >>/141203/,  >>/141204/ Swamp Today June 13, 2024
 >>/141208/ Saudi Arabia officially joins BRICS bloc
 >>/141210/,  >>/141228/,  >>/141229/,  >>/141233/,  >>/141234/,  >>/141236/,  >>/141240/,  >>/141236/,  >>/141242/,  >>/141303/ Hearing on Manhattan District Attorney's Office
 >>/141211/ New Congressional Report Exposes Dr. Fauci’s Department for Concealing Plans to Engineer Mutant Monkeypox Virus
 >>/141212/,  >>/141298/ Puerto Rico’s elections commission reviewing contract prior with Dominion Voting Systems after finding hundreds of discrepancies
 >>/141213/ Pres. Trump Addresses the Media in D.C.
 >>/141248/ Nigel Farage's Reform UK overtakes Tories for first time ever in bombshell poll
 >>/141296/ Tesla's extra, unsold inventory is just sitting in parking lots
 >>/141302/ Top Analyst Exposes Cover-Up of Mass Deaths Among Vaxxed Children
 >>/141304/ Moderna’s Covid vaccine was manufactured by a government contractor with close connections to the CIA, FDA and Gates Foundation
 >>/141315/,  >>/141316/,  >>/141317/ 1929 Stock Market Crash: "but word of cheap stocks brought a fresh rush of "stags," amateur speculators and investors"
 >>/141319/,  >>/141320/,  >>/141321/,  >>/141322/,  >>/141323/,  >>/141324/,  >>/141325/,  >>/141326/,  >>/141327/,  >>/141328/,  >>/141329/,  >>/141330/,  >>/141331/,  >>/141332/,  >>/141333/,  >>/141334/,  >>/141335/,  >>/141336/,  >>/141337/,  >>/141338/,  >>/141339/,  >>/141340/,  >>/141341/,  >>/141342/ Swamp Today June 14, 2024
 >>/141347/ NATO has rejected Vladimir Putin's peace deal
 >>/141353/,  >>/141353/ Colonel & Dr Jeffery Kunz arrested in child sex trafficking sting in WA State
 >>/141357/ Criminal Referral Requests Against Anthony Fauci, Deborah Birx, Rochelle Walensky, and Other Public Health Officials 
 >>/141358/ House Committee No Longer Trusts NIH/NIAID to Oversee Risky Monkey Pox Research
 >>/141393/ Argentina's inflation rate (MoM) has now fallen 5 months in a row under Javier Milei leadership
 >>/141394/ Hear former U.S. Army General & Under Secretary of Defense Policy @ajtata confirm what every America can benefit from hearing
 >>/141395/ Fort Bend County candidate charged for allegedly faking racist social media attacks against himself
 >>/141406/,  >>/141430/ Senate Armed Services Committee Proposes Mandatory Draft Registration for Women in FY25 Defense Policy Bill
 >>/141424/,  >>/141425/,  >>/141426/,  >>/141429/ [PIC]President Trump to The People’s Convention in Detroit, Michigan
 >>/141427/ Live Fani Willis Case : New Legal Trouble for Fani
 >>/141442/ Biden Regime's End Game Plan 
 >>/141445/ Rep. Harriet Hageman: "Climate Activist want to destroy affordable energy. This is evil."
 >>/141446/ Rep Hagemen reveals Biden's FTC Chair Khan is not in good standing with NY Bar
 >>/141447/,  >>/141449/,  >>/141450/ What’s the Real Reason E Idaho Farmers Don’t Have Enough Water? Cobalt Mining
 >>/141448/ COVID “vaccines” aren’t vaccines after all, according to a ruling from the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals
 >>/141449/,  >>/141595/ X begins censoring "Likes"
 >>/141474/,  >>/141475/,  >>/141476/,  >>/141477/,  >>/141478/,  >>/141479/,  >>/141480/ Swamp Today June 17, 2024
 >>/141577/ Kansas Attorney General sues Pfizer for "misleading Kansans on COVID vaccine."
 >>/141579/,  >>/141580/,  >>/141581/,  >>/141582/,  >>/141583/,  >>/141584/,  >>/141585/,  >>/141586/,  >>/141587/,  >>/141588/,  >>/141589/,  >>/141590/ Swamp Today June 18, 2024
 >>/141593/ FBI Knew in 2016 of Hunter Biden’s $120 Million Deal with Burisma Owner While Joe was VP
 >>/141594/ Hearings to examine origins of COVID-19, focusing on available evidence
 >>/141160/ #443


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QR Bunker General___ PNG
(398.8 KB, 658x441)
Welcome To The QR Bunker

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.
README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK: https://8kun.top/qresearch/welcome.html

To all anons
This board was born during the 8chan QResearch 93 day hiatus from Aug 5 - Nov 2 2019. Dough was revised in Jan 2021. Anons from any Q platform are welcome here.
PLEASE NOTE: This is a free speech board. For our purposes here, free speech excludes illegal content, spam, hardcore porn, gore, or personal attacks.
Thank for understanding.
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Police Frequency
Seattle has FALLEN and is joining the growing list of left wing cities that have decided to turn to illegal aliens to fill the ever-increasing void in the ranks of their police department, following cities such as Los Angeles.

Unconstitutional? Seattle police, facing manpower shortage, to hire illegal immigrants with DACA status as cops
SEATTLE, WA - Seattle is joining the growing list of left wing cities that have decided to turn to illegal aliens to fill the ever-increasing void in the ranks of their police department, following cities such as Los Angeles. This is due to severe understaffing that has gutted many large city departments in primarily blue cities. 
In April, KTTH’s Jason Rantz reported that staffing on the Seattle PD is at levels not seen in 67 years. As of December 31, 2023, the department had only 424 police officers working, the last date for which data was available. That number was confirmed to Rantz by the Seattle PD in an email. 
Moreover, of those 424 officers, 66 were eligible for retirement, and 84 are over the age of 50 according to a human resources document obtained by Rantz. 
Law Enforcement Today reached out to a member of the Seattle Police Officer’s Guild, who told us that the anti-police mindset of the city administration is leading to officers leaving the department in droves. 
While the exodus was exacerbated due to the anti-police sentiments embodied by left-wing city leaders during the George Floyd riots, it had actually already started the year before, when the city passed an accountability ordinance targeting cops. Among the “highlights” of that ordinance was giving leftist activists subpoena power while removing arbitration rights away from police officers. 
Now, faced with what can only be called an emergency due to low staffing, the city is taking advantage of Senate Bill 6157, signed into law by far-left Gov. Jay Inslee, a Democrat, which will allow DACA recipients or so-called “dreamers” to apply to become police officers. 
One issue facing DACA recipients becoming police officers is because they are in the country illegally, which means that they are not generally permitted to carry a firearm. However, Biden’s ATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, FIrearms and Explosives) has ruled that “It is ATF’s position that DACA recipients can possess duty firearms and possess ammunition as part of their official law enforcement officer duties,” according to the Police Executive Research Forum (PERF). 


In the case of Los Angeles, Chief Michel Moore modified department policy so DACA recipients can possess their firearms while off duty, now classifying off-duty hours as part of the “performance of their official duties.” 
According to ATF, if an officer is required to possess a firearm at all times, whether on or off duty, it is legal for DACA recipients to possess firearms in either capacity. However, if policy doesn’t have such a requirement, DACA recipients are only able to possess firearms while on duty and must turn it in at the end of each shift. 
PERF is clearly in the tank for Democrats and the Biden administration. The blog piece notes that the military allows people who are non-citizens but “legal permanent residents” to serve in the military, noting “they get advanced training, a weapon, and are sent to defend this country,” but rues the fact that they are not allowed to become police officers. The writer suggests an “accelerated path to citizenship” for those who choose to become police officers. 
The writer goes on to call it a “win-win.” Call us crazy, but allowing people who entered the country illegally, also known as “criminals” to serve as police officers sends a mixed message. If someone is that inclined to “serve their community,” let them enter the US like my parents and millions of others did…legally.


 >>/141149/,  >>/141150/

8 hours ago | Comment by: Ron
My law enforcement & criminal justice work extends over 50 years. 25 years a LEO, 45 years a LEO trainer and 32 years a federal/state qualified police practices expert. I would not let an illegal alien "cop" arrest me and I would defend any person who was arrested by an illegal alien "cop." You are either here legally, or you are not. You might have constitutional rights as an illegal alien, but being a LEO is a codified privilege, not a civil right as articulated in the Bill of Rights. Just because you waive a magic wand and make an illegal alien a "cop" and give them a gun doesn't make it legal. WTH have we come to in the former "United" States of America. It's becoming like the UN running this country. Dr. Ron Martinelli


 >>/140967/,  >>/140968/,  >>/140969/,  >>/140970/,  >>/140971/,  >>/140972/,  >>/140973/,  >>/140974/,  >>/140975/,  >>/140976/,  >>/140977/  Swamp Today June 5, 2024
 >>/140980/ Belgorod hit by US missiles
 >>/140981/ Ukraine Officers Say Recruits Arrive At Front Lines Pathetically Undertrained
 >>/140983/ Australia's eSafety boss sensationally drops action against Elon Musk's X
 >>/140986/ Twitter disclosed to FEC they were warned of ‘a hack and leak operation involving Hunter Biden’ by federal law enforcement 
 >>/140988/ Garrett Ziegler hanging at Hunter's court appearances
 >>/140989/ Fauci testified BOARD OF NIH approved gain of function research not him - his wife is head of NIH BIOETHICS
 >>/140990/ GA Appeals Court HALTS Trump Case, TRUMP WIN, Fani Lost
 >>/140991/ 'What Gives You The Authority?'Massie Clashes With AG Garland About Jack Smith
 >>/140993/,  >>/140994/,  >>/140995/,  >>/140996/,  >>/140997/,  >>/140998/,  >>/140999/,  >>/141000/,  >>/141001/,  >>/141002/,  >>/141003/,  >>/141004/ Swamp Today June 6, 2024
 >>/141007/ Brian Lilley past and present scandals of liberal government of Justin Trudeau
 >>/141008/ Joe Biden whisked out by Jill MID CEREMONY in Normandy
 >>/141011/ Main events in the world morning of June 6, Sputnik
 >>/141012/ BRICS is a dialogue of cultures - Alexander Dugin
 >>/141013/ Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov: Western countries see relations with global South as "an opportunity to live at the expense of others, to gain unilateral advantage"
 >>/141014/ Two African ministers who studied together in the Soviet Union meet at #SPIEF2024 decades later
 >>/141015/ Russian foreign minister's visit to Chad will mark a turning point in the development of bilateral relations, Chadian media Alwihda says
 >>/141016/ Burkina Faso signs three cooperation memoranda with Russian civil nuclear giant
 >>/141017/ "Multipolarity opens up the possibility of renewing alliances that are beneficial to the population" Central African prime minister opening of #SPIEF2024
 >>/141018/,  >>/141019/,  >>/141021/,  >>/141022/,  >>/141023/  >>/141024/,  >>/141025/,  >>/141026/,  >>/141027/,  >>/141028/,  >>/141029/,  >>/141030/,  >>/141031/,  >>/141032/ President Trump Rally Phoenix, AZ
 >>/141034/ Kash Patel: Merrick Garland just told Congress he is going to break the law...
 >>/141035/,  >>/141036/ Swamp Today June 7, 2024
 >>/141040/ Liberal Chelsea Handler Tells 50 Cent He Can't Vote For Trump Because He's Black
 >>/141049/ TikTok Follower Count of President Trump v Biden-Harris HQ, Trump has 5.5 million more followers
 >>/141051/ AZ Governor Katie Hobbs officially under criminal investigation for alleged "Pay-to-Play" scheme
 >>/141053/,  >>/141054/,  >>/141055/ John Luman Smith a.k.a. Jack Smith appointment affidavit
 >>/141056/,  >>/141057/ Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov calls Clooney Foundation 'madmen'
 >>/141058/ Ketanji Hauls $1.5M in ONE YEAR
 >>/141082/ Austrian-Canadian Billionaire Accused of Sexual Assaults Dating Back to 1980s
 >>/141086/,  >>/141087/,  >>/141088/,  >>/141089/,  >>/141090/,  >>/141091/,  >>/141092/,  >>/141093/,  >>/141094/,  >>/141095/ Swamp Today June 10, 2024
 >>/141102/,  >>/141103/,  >>/141104/,  >>/141105/,  >>/141106/,  >>/141107/,  >>/141108/,  >>/141109/,  >>/141110/,  >>/141111/,  >>/141112/,  >>/141113/  Swamp Today June 11, 2024
 >>/141118/ Verdict in Hunter Biden Gun Trial: GUILTY OF ALL THREE FELONIES 
 >>/141120/ Canada Revenue Agency paid employees up to 1k per article to produce fake "news" stories 
 >>/141121/ MPs vote on motion to call Justice to investigate allegations parliamentarians collaborated with hostile foreign governments
 >>/141122/,  >>/141123/,  >>/141124/,  >>/141125/,  >>/141126/,  >>/141127/,  >>/141128/,  >>/141129/,  >>/141130/,  >>/141131/,  >>/141132/,  >>/141133/,  >>/141134/,  >>/141135/,  >>/141136/,  >>/141137/,  >>/141138/,  >>/141139/  Swamp Today June 12, 2024
 >>/141142/ House Rules Committee Debates Attorney General Garland Contempt of Congress Resolution
 >>/141144/ Steve Scalise - If the White House has nothing to hide they'd release the tape of Biden's interview
 >>/141145/ DEVELOPING: Police point guns towards FBI Office in Seattle, WA for unknown reason
 >>/141149/,  >>/141150/,  >>/141151/ Unconstitutional? Seattle police, facing manpower shortage, hire illegal immigrants with DACA status as cops


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Welcome To The QR Bunker

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.
README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK: https://8kun.top/qresearch/welcome.html

To all anons
This board was born during the 8chan QResearch 93 day hiatus from Aug 5 - Nov 2 2019. Dough was revised in Jan 2021. Anons from any Q platform are welcome here.
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 >>/140811/ Islamic critic Michael Stürzenberger along with two others were just stabbed in Mannheim
 >>/140812/ Donald Trump convicted in ‘hush money’ trial: Live updates
 >>/140813/,  >>/140814/,  >>/140815/,  >>/140816/,  >>/140817/,  >>/140818/,  >>/140819/,  >>/140820/,  >>/140821/,  >>/140822/,  >>/140823/,  >>/140824/,  >>/140825/,  >>/140826/,  >>/140827/,  >>/140828/,  >>/140829/,  >>/140830/,  >>/140831/,  >>/140832/   Swamp Today May 31, 2024
 >>/140835/ Voter Roll Chaos: Over 26,000 Dead Voters, 92,000 Inactive Voters in Michigan.
 >>/140837/ Pres Trump holds major press conference after guilty verdict
 >>/140840/ Military reconnaissance in Europe, May 31, 2024
 >>/140842/,  >>/140843/,  >>/140867/ Ex-Ukrainian Prime Minister: Zelensky is Nothing But Impostor Since May 21
 >>/140844/ Philippine House of Representatives committee investigation into 100k excess deaths believed linked to COVID-19 vaccines
 >>/140845/ Former Hillary 2016 Donor Shaun Maguire Explains Why He Contributed $300K To Trump After Today’s Jury Announcement 
 >>/140846/ Robert De Niro stripped of prestigious award for his anti-Trump rant outside court
 >>/140847/ Trudeau government sold pandemic ventilators for scrap to 'understand recycling'
 >>/140849/ Ottawa cop accused of misconduct argues COVID-19 vaccines merit 'criminal negligence' investigation
 >>/140851/ Elderly Ontario woman trying to gift property forced to pay $40,000 capital gains tax
 >>/140854/ Former Joe Biden Secret Service Agent: We Had to Protect Women From Him
 >>/140855/,  >>/140860/ Congressmen paid $17 million of TAXPAYER MONEY for undisclosed hush payments to cover up sexual harassment claims
 >>/140856/,  >>/140857/ PRECEDENTS ESTABLISHED BY PRESIDENT TRUMP: Boomerang
 >>/140858/,  >>/140859/,  >>/140866/ Gary Gensler, Hillary official oversaw filing payments for fake Steele Dossier as 'legal expenses'
 >>/140861/ Argentina files world's first criminal charges against Pfizer for concealing known injuries by Covid-19 vaccines
 >>/140868/ Donald Trump has reached 1M followers on TikTok in under 10 hours
 >>/140869/ The New York Courts deleted page showing Judge Juan Merchan works as DOJ funded Fellow
 >>/140870/ Nothing, and I mean nothing, can stop Trump!
 >>/140871/,  >>/140872/,  >>/140873/,  >>/140875/ American Colour Revolution Leads To Atomic Mushroom Clouds And Societal Collapse 
 >>/140877/ Russia's Progress MS-27 cargo spacecraft docks at International Space Station
 >>/140878/ China's Chang'e-6 lunar probe successfully lands on back side of moon to collect soils
 >>/140882/ Canada to LOWER VOTING AGE to help Trudeau win? | Redacted with Clayton Morris
 >>/140883/ NY psychiatrist who will testify Hunter didn't lie on a gun form because he thought rehab cured his addiction has a credibility problem: FEC records show he donated to Biden's 2020 and 2024 campaigns
 >>/140884/ Bill of Rights: Alexander Hamilton, Federalist, no. 84, 575--81
 >>/140885/ The Chief Judge for 11th Circuit Court of Appeals official end to THOUSANDS OF COORDINATED COMPLAINTS against Judge Aileen Cannon
 >>/140886/ NIH scientists made $710M in royalties from drug makers
 >>/140888/,  >>/140888/,  >>/140889/,  >>/140890/,  >>/140891/,  >>/140892/,  >>/140893/,  >>/140894/,  >>/140895/,  >>/140896/,  >>/140897/  Swamp Today June 3, 2024
 >>/140903/,  >>/140904/,  >>/140905/,  >>/140906/,  >>/140908/ Scott Ritter and Judge Andrew Napolitano scheduled as guest speaker at St.Petersburg International Economic Forum removed from plane in NY by State Dept
 >>/140910/,  >>/140911/,  >>/140913/ Tony Fauci was told on March 16, 2020, that Hydroxychloroquine effectively treats COVID-19 in China
 >>/140915/ Study Links COVID-19 mRNA Shots, Not Infection to Heart Failure in Children
 >>/140916/ The Maui fire battalion chief indicted on sex crimes involving children
 >>/140917/ It turns out deaths from COVID vaccinated patients were labeled as unvaccinated
 >>/140919/ Fauci made-up 6-foot social distance rule
 >>/140921/ Marjorie Taylor Greene on lies
 >>/140805/ #441-A

 >>/140925/,  >>/140926/,  >>/140927/,  >>/140928/,  >>/140929/,  >>/140930/,  >>/140931/,  >>/140932/,  >>/140933/,  >>/140934/,  >>/140935/,  >>/140936/,  >>/140937/,  >>/140938/ Swamp Today June 4, 2024
 >>/140941/ Jim Jordan submits legislative proposals to DEFUND lawfare by Jack Smith, Fani Willis, Alvin Bragg, and Letitia James
 >>/140942/ Utah Satanic ritual abuse case against David Hamblin recently assigned to new prosecutor
 >>/140943/ Senator Joni "Earnest" bottom line
 >>/140945/ NY Times comes clean reporting COVID virus most likely came from Wuhan lab
 >>/140947/,  >>/140951/ Jim Jordan's AG Garland takedown
 >>/140948/,  >>/140950/ Fauci Received Email Cheering Hydroxychloroquine Treatment of COVID in China – Days Later He Publicly Rebuked President Trump
 >>/140949/ Canada: House Speaker and Singh CAUGHT In MASSIVE Scandal
 >>/140696/ #441-B


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Welcome To The QR Bunker

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.
README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK: https://8kun.top/qresearch/welcome.html

To all anons
This board was born during the 8chan QResearch 93 day hiatus from Aug 5 - Nov 2 2019. Dough was revised in Jan 2021. Anons from any Q platform are welcome here.
PLEASE NOTE: This is a free speech board. For our purposes here, free speech excludes illegal content, spam, hardcore porn, gore, or personal attacks.
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see on original /qresearch/ board --- 8kun.top/qresearch/catalog.html
[not recorded here because this is a backup board for use mainly when 8kun is down (and Q is not posting)]

Q's Private Board --- https://8kun.top/projectdcomms/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6

All Q's posts, archived here --- qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub, qalerts.pub
101 replies omitted. Click to expand viewer
Biden gives Ukraine permission to carry out limited strikes within Russia using US weapons
 President Joe Biden has given permission to Ukraine to strike inside Russian territory with American munitions, though he has restricted their use so Kyiv can only hit targets over the border close to Kharkiv after Russia made significant advances around the city in the northeastern part of the country close to the Russian border, two US officials told CNN.

“The president recently directed his team to ensure that Ukraine is able to use US supplied-weapons for counterfire purposes in Kharkiv so Ukraine can hit back at Russian forces hitting them or preparing to hit them,” one of the officials said.

The loosening of the restrictions marks a break from long-standing policy and comes amid growing international pressure from close US allies. But it is limited to the area around Kharkiv, and Ukraine has not requested permission beyond that, the official said, adding that they do not anticipate the US widening the area allowed.

Politico was first to report the news. 

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==Biden secretly gave Ukraine permission to strike inside Russia with US weapons'''
It’s a major reversal that will help Ukraine to better defend its second-largest city.

05/30/2024 03:28 PM EDT
Updated: 05/30/2024 03:49 PM EDT

The Biden administration has quietly given Ukraine permission to strike inside Russia — solely near the area of Kharkiv — using U.S.-provided weapons, three U.S. officials and two other people familiar with the move said Thursday, a major reversal that will help Ukraine to better defend its second-largest city.
“The president recently directed his team to ensure that Ukraine is able to use U.S. weapons for counter-fire purposes in Kharkiv so Ukraine can hit back at Russian forces hitting them or preparing to hit them,” one of the U.S. officials said, adding that the policy of not allowing long-range strikes inside Russia “has not changed.”
Ukraine asked the U.S. to make this policy change only after Russia’s offensive on Kharkiv began this month, the official added. All the people were granted anonymity to discuss internal decisions that haven’t been announced.
In the last few days, the U.S. made the decision to allow Ukraine “flexibility” to defend itself from attacks on the border near Kharkiv, the second U.S. official said.
In effect, Ukraine can now use American-provided weapons, such as rockets and rocket launchers, to shoot down launched Russian missiles heading toward Kharkiv, at troops massing just over the Russian border near the city, or Russian bombers launching bombs toward Ukrainian territory. But the official said Ukraine cannot use those weapons to hit civilian infrastructure or launch long-range missiles, such as the Army Tactical Missile System, to hit military targets deep inside Russia.
It’s a stunning shift the administration initially said would escalate the war by more directly involving the U.S. in the fight. But worsening conditions for Ukraine on the battlefield –– namely Russia’s advances and improved position in Kharkiv –– led the president to change his mind.
The National Security Council did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
President Joe Biden speaks during a campaign event at Girard College, Wednesday, May 29, 2024, in Philadelphia. | Evan Vucci/AP

Ottawa cop who inquired about link between vaccine harms and infants testifies in disciplinary tribunal


'I have a duty under my oath to investigate and to keep the public safe,' Const. Helen Grus said in reference to her inquiry. 'It’s my duty to investigate [if I have grounds to believe there is] any crime in progress,' she continued. Continue…

 >>/140701/ Scientists Decode Deadly Blood Clot Disorder Triggered by COVID Vaccines
 >>/140703/ Report Reveals CIA Role in Creation of COVID Vaccines
 >>/140704/ Explosion seen in sky over Japan
 >>/140706/ Rest in peace to late great Bill Walton
 >>/140708/ Special Forces Colonel Targeted at HIS HOUSE from Foreign ASSETS?
 >>/140710/,  >>/140711/,  >>/140744/ New marking on Russian military equipment, Rune of Gungnir, Odin's Sword
 >>/140712/ Fauci Capo Testifies to Congress: ‘I Don’t Even Know What Our Ethics Office Does’
 >>/140713/ James Biden associate Keaton Langston pleads guilty to $51M Medicare fraud
 >>/140714/ Did Joe Biden Just Commit Another Crime To Protect Hunter?
 >>/140715/ 81% of Minnesota COVID-19 Deaths Are from Nursing Homes, but Facilities Still Allowed to Admit Positive Patients
 >>/140716/ Did @NIH's “FOIA lady” teach Dr. Fauci’s team how to hide COVID information?
 >>/140717/,   >>/140718/,  >>/140719/,  >>/140720/,  >>/140721/,  >>/140722/,  >>/140723/,  >>/140724/,  >>/140725/,  >>/140726/ Swamp Today Tuesday May 28, 2024
 >>/140732/ Trump Campaign: Joe Biden sending his campaign outside of this criminal courthouse—it is a full-blown concession
 >>/140734/ Robert DeNiro and January 6 Officers News Conference at Trump Hush Money Trial
 >>/140735/ Campaign 2024: Former President Trump's Family Members Speak Outside New York Courthouse
 >>/140736/ Campaign 2024: Trump Campaign Officials News Conference at Hush Money Trial in New York
 >>/140740/ Starlink says it is "experiencing a service outage" 
 >>/140742/ Canada: Pizza man who "lost everything" sues gov't after charges for feeding unvaxxed are dropped
 >>/140745/ World Health Organization is still trying to pass the Pandemic Treaty before June 1st
 >>/140746/,  >>/140747/,  >>/140748/,  >>/140749/,  >>/140750/,  >>/140751/,  >>/140752/,  >>/140753/,  >>/140754/,  >>/140755/,  >>/140756/  Swamp Today May 29, 2024
 >>/140759/ SidneyPowell:Email Discussion Marked "CONFIDENTIAL" Shows Discussion About MI Electors With Trump Impeachment Lawyers and Office of Attorney Norm Eisen
 >>/140761/ Illinois citizens group files formal complaint with state Board of Elections after unearthing what could possibly be an elaborate election fraud scheme
 >>/140762/ Ursula Von der Leyen exposed in huge corruption scandal enabling Russian steel companies to circumvent EU Sanctions
 >>/140763/ Engineered food shortages:Farmers must kill 4.2 million chickens after bird flu hits Iowa egg farm 
 >>/140764/ Ryan Salame, a former executive at FTX, has been sentenced to 7.5 years in prison for his involvement for illegal campaign donations
 >>/140765/ New lawsuit argues that America's ‘first operational reparations program,’ offering $25,000 payouts to black Illinois residents, is unconstitutional
 >>/140766/ Is Justin Trudeau's Regime Coming to an End?
 >>/140767/,  >>/140768/ Eric Trump: My thoughts on today’s sham trial
 >>/140769/ President Trump Speaks As Jury Begins Deliberations in Hush Money Trial
 >>/140772/ GOP Rep. Elise Stefanik Files Misconduct Complaint with New York State Unified Court System Related to “Random” Assignment of Judge Merchan
 >>/140773/ Canadian Taxpayers Federation launches legal challenge against CBC over executive bonuses
 >>/140774/ Republicans blast Trudeau for freezing Freedom Convoy bank accounts in debate over CBDCs
 >>/140777/,  >>/140778/,  >>/140779/,  >>/140780/,  >>/140781/,  >>/140782/,  >>/140783/,  >>/140784/,  >>/140785/,  >>/140786/,  >>/140787/ Swamp Today May 30, 2024
 >>/140793/ Donald Trump found guilty in historic New York hush money case
 >>/140797/ Ottawa cop who inquired about link between vaccine harms and infants testifies in disciplinary tribunal
 >>/140796/ Politico: Biden secretly gave Ukraine permission to strike inside Russia with US weapons
 >>/140696/ #440


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Welcome To The QR Bunker

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.
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To all anons
This board was born during the 8chan QResearch 93 day hiatus from Aug 5 - Nov 2 2019. Dough was revised in Jan 2021. Anons from any Q platform are welcome here.
PLEASE NOTE: This is a free speech board. For our purposes here, free speech excludes illegal content, spam, hardcore porn, gore, or personal attacks.
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Q's Private Board --- https://8kun.top/projectdcomms/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6

All Q's posts, archived here --- qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub, qalerts.pub
136 replies omitted. Click to expand viewer

 >>/140559/ Attorney General Garland “personally approved” use of DEADLY FORCE against President a Trump during Raid of Mar-a-Lago
 >>/140560/,  >>/140561/,  >>/140562/,  >>/140563/,  >>/140564/,  >>/140565/,  >>/140566/,  >>/140567/,  >>/140568/,  >>/140569/,  >>/140570/,  >>/140571/,  >>/140572/,  >>/140573/,  >>/140574/,  >>/140575/,  >>/140576/ Swamp Today May 22, 2024
 >>/140579/ Three of Mike Johnson’s Top Staffers Abruptly Resign
 >>/140580/ Portland voters fire pro-crime, Soros-funded DA Mike Schmidt in landslide defeat
 >>/140586/ RNC’s headquarters in DC on lockdown, hazmat team on scene
 >>/140589/ Deleted World Economic Forum Memo Reveals President Trump Is on ‘Hit List’
 >>/140590/ Alina Habba: "You assign a case randomly…but in the new America, under the Biden Regime, we are sitting here in a politicization of all our judicial systems"
 >>/140592/ The next pandemic is being manufactured by Canadian Public Health officials led by Theresa Tam, Chief Public Health Officer
 >>/140593/ Infinite Taxation
 >>/140595/ New evidence from IRS whistleblowers released by @WaysandMeansGOP reveal multiple instances where Hunter Biden lied during his congressional deposition
 >>/140596/ Court Lets Lawsuit Over Refusal To Give Dying Woman Ivermectin Proceed
 >>/140597/,  >>/140600/ PLA Eastern Theater Command is conducting joint military drills surrounding #Taiwan island from May 23 to 24
 >>/140598/ Kaiser Permanente is begging doctors they fired over the COVID shot to crawl back to the HMO & reapply
 >>/140604/,  >>/140605/,  >>/140606/,  >>/140607/,  >>/140608/,  >>/140609/,  >>/140610/,  >>/140611/,  >>/140612/,  >>/140613/,  >>/140614/,  >>/140615/,  >>/140616/,  >>/140617/ Swamp Today May 23, 2024
 >>/140620/ In a landmark 9-0 ruling on Wednesday the US Supreme Court undercut all DEI-based discrimination
 >>/140621/ FBI raids office of controversial Soros-funded Mississippi DA and the cigar shop he owns
 >>/140623/ Remember 2 weeks ago when DJT made that “Mistake” on spelling Smoking Gun? 
 >>/140625/ AOC Is In A Full Blown PANIC Over Trump South Bronx Rally
 >>/140628/ Joe Biden's ATF assembles to raid Bryan Malinowski's home
 >>/140629/ Ex-Baltimore prosecutor Marilyn Mosby to be sentenced for mortgage fraud and perjury convictions 
 >>/140630/,  >>/140633/,  >>/140634/,  >>/140636/,  >>/140639/,  >>/140640/,  >>/140641/, The trade settlement period will be shortened to one day beginning May 28, 2024
 >>/140631/ Small Wisconsin Town Under Review by Feds After Eliminating Electronic Voting Machines and Opting for Paper Ballots
 >>/140632/ Wind the CLOCK
 >>/140644/,  >>/140645/,  >>/140646/,  >>/140647/,  >>/140648/,  >>/140649/,  >>/140650/,  >>/140651/,  >>/140652/,  >>/140653/,  >>/140654/,  >>/140655/,  >>/140656/,  >>/140657/,  >>/140658/,  >>/140659/,  >>/140660/,  >>/140661/,  >>/140662/,  >>/140663/,  >>/140664/,  >>/140665/,  >>/140666/,  >>/140667/,  >>/140668/,  >>/140669/,  >>/140670/,  >>/140671/,  >>/140672/,  >>/140673/,  >>/140674/  Swamp Today Friday May 24, 2024
 >>/140677/ David Geffen School of Medicine in Los Angeles boasts Nobel Prize winners on its faculty has plunged from sixth to 18th place in the rankings since the appointment of DEI-fixated dean Jennifer Lucerno 
 >>/140682/ Leaked Video Shows Moderna CEO Telling Fauci “We Should Fake a Pandemic” – One Month Before COVID
 >>/140683/,  >>/140685/,  >>/140686/, Julie Kelly: Names of law enforcement involved in the clandestine armed raid are redacted—per Cannon order
 >>/140555/ #439


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