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Donald J Trump
A very strong Bill by great State Senator Doug Mastriano (hopefully the next Governor of the Commonwealth) just passed in the Pennsylvania House and Senate, The Poll Watcher Empowerment Act, which will bring transparency back to the election process and make sure there is no counting in back rooms, such as in Philadelphia, where they cheat, cheat, cheat! This, and other Election Integrity measures like banning drop boxes, no private funding, Voter ID, and same day voting with paper ballots, should be tied to the State Budget. Republicans must get tough and smart if they want to win (easily) Pennsylvania!
I, I will guess what.
You were watching the water and saw a great catastrophe upon a distant planet.
You saw strange creatures on fire, screaming in agony at the fiery inferno of destruction.
You watched the moon fall from the sky and give birth to a great Lion, who rules the universe for one thousand eons.
Anywhere close?
Yeah not heir first losing it moment.  I have to act as though I never heard any news or I will be in a shit show with most people I talk to.   But when I find that needle in the haystack, someone watching the news for legit info, we can't stop talking!!!!

It's going to take the Donetsk Peoples Republic to bring this shit to an end.  They got 2 Brits and a Moroccan they captured on the battlefield with Kiev and found them guilt and sentenced the merks to death.   If the DPR carries out the sentence you're going to see a shit ton of beta warmongers run away.

Assange appeals UK decision to extradite him to US

Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, has appealed the decision made by the UK to extradite him to the US, where he is facing charges of espionage, the Wall Street Journal reported on Friday.

Critics say that the whistleblower's extradition to the US is on par with a death sentence, as plots by the US have come to light wherein it became clear that Washington was planning to assassinate Assange.

Amnesty International warned that the extradition of Julian Assange to the US would put him at great risk and sends a chilling message to journalists the world over.

Agnes Callamard, the Amnesty International Secretary General said earlier in June: “If the extradition proceeds, Amnesty International is extremely concerned that Assange faces a high risk of prolonged solitary confinement, which would violate the prohibition on torture or other ill-treatment. Diplomatic assurances provided by the US that Assange will not be kept in solitary confinement cannot be taken on face value given the previous history”.

According to the lawyer, Assange filed two appeals to the UK high court on Thursday in an effort to prevent his extradition.

This new legal dispute may last for months and may delay his extradition to the US.

Plans to assassinate Assange

In 2017, former US State Secretary Mike Pompeo and former CIA Director Gina Haspel reportedly explored various ways to carry out a "rendition" to capture Assange from the Ecuadorian Embassy in London and then transport him to a third country, which would eventually hand him over to the US.

The CIA's reported plans were pushed forward after the American intelligence community was informed of a Russian alleged plan to bust Assange out of the UK. 

In response, the US spy agency started planning ways to intercept the whistleblower, which included crashing a car into a Russian diplomatic vehicle carrying the man, shooting out the tires of a Russian plane with the journalist on board, or outright starting a gunfight on London's streets with Kremlin operatives, the Yahoo investigator team claimed. 

The US authorities were so desperate for the Russians not to put their hands on Assange that they were willing to assassinate him. 

The CIA's plans didn't go through because of several reasons, including American officials who strongly objected to the assassination plan, precisely officials in the National Security Council.
You played your hand early anon but all is not lost because they will remember you in the future. For now keep quiet and you'll hear them saying things like "I only got the first booster and I'm not taking anymore" and "Me neither"…Just walk on by and give them the side eye… They'll say "Have you seen the price of gas" "Have bought a gallon of milk lately"?
You're supposed to soften the blow not deliver it. They have see for themselves, you can not force them or you look like the crazy person…
Janvowicz is a disinfo agent, not expert on defeating it, but spreading it. Interview on PBS, and she supports, Ambassador Yovanovitch
Nina Jankowicz on Ukraine and the Impeachment Inquiry
In testimony to the Congressional impeachment inquiry, the U.S. Ambassador to the EU Gordon Sondland says that President Trump directed him to work through Rudy Giuliani rather than government channels. It’s the latest development in the impeachment saga, much of which has focused on conflicting claims of corruption.Ukraine and disinformation expert Nina Jankowicz joins the program to discuss.

CHRISTIANE AMANPOUR: He said — this was a perfect phone call, on these issues that you’re talking about with President Zelensky, how would you interpret that? What’s your reaction to that?

NINA JANKOWICZ, DISINFORMATION FELLOW, WILSON CENTER: Well, I don’t think it was the perfect phone call for Ukraine and I certainly don’t think it was a perfect phone call for the United States either. We need to be supporting Ukraine in its path towards democratic development, in its anti-corruption work, not weaponizing that corruption that exists in Ukraine and creating disinformation around it in order to meet our own domestic political gains. It’s certainly not the role that the United States has played in the past and one that I hope we don’t play in the future.

AMANPOUR: Well, you know, and we sort of introduced this concept as we were coming to you, that now the E.U. ambassador, the U.S.-E.U. ambassador, Gordon Sondland, is testifying, and he’s — you know, we’ve got a look at his opening statement where he actually says that, you know, we thought it better to go through government channels, but we were directed to go through Rudy Giuliani. And he went on to say, you know, we all agreed perhaps that was the best way to go. It wasn’t until later that we thought perhaps there was an ulterior motive on Giuliani’s part and his henchmen — and his associates’ part. Tell us what you — how do you analyze what’s going on in — with all of these ambassadors and Trump appointees, not to mention the fired or recalled official U.S. ambassador to Ukraine?

JANKOWICZ: Well, I think it’s a very murky situation. I was in Ukraine during the presidential election, the Ukrainian presidential election this spring, covering it, and the — all thesmearing of Ambassador Yovanovitchstarted just 10 days before the Ukrainian presidential election, first round. And I thought to myself, this is a terrible time for people who are outside of U.S. politics to be undermining U.S. foreign policy in Ukraine. 

We need to be sending a signal of support, not one of confusion and this incongruence between official policy and what the White House and Trump’s associates are saying and doing. And from the very beginning, it was clear that Mr. Giuliani and others surrounding President Trump were attempting to smear the ambassador, a career ambassador who has served under Republican and Democratic administrations andis always pitch perfect in everything she says, her support for Ukraine, her support for democracy writ large. 

That’s the sort of message that the United States needed to be sending. And now, unfortunately, as we know, Ambassador Yovanovitch was recalled ostensibly because of the work she did in Ukraine and the strong support that she had in terms of delivering that U.S. stance, which we had taken for many, many years.

> Anon's never had a woman kill his offspring
Well my wife and I have a room of aborted babies. Every time our child misbehaves we bring that child into the room to remind it this is going to happen to you if you keep behaving this way. 
Our child is a saint.
> Any sources on the "Khazar thing"? Genuinely curious.

Start here:
This is a redone older article but is still the best primer that I'm aware of. 

After you've read and absorbed what is there, perform this , bookmark it, and then take your pick as you go.  
Much good information you won't find elsewhere.

And for that butt-hurt Khazar from the last thread:  
This other anon asked for info and I pointed him in the right direction.  
I don't much care if you filter me. Go ahead . . .  prove Henry Ford correct again !
First Monkeypox Case Confirmed in US Military Service Member: Spokesperson

A U.S. military member based in Germany has been identified as the Armed Forces’ first known case of monkeypox, according to a spokesperson.

Captain William Speaks, a spokesperson for European Command, told CNN that the active-duty service member at a base in Stuttgart “recently tested positive for monkeypox,” a virus related to smallpox that has been found in several European countries, Canada, Australia, the United States, and elsewhere.

“The individual was seen and treated at the Stuttgart Army Health clinic and is currently in isolation recovering in their quarters off-base,” Speaks said.

Authorities have determined that the single case presents a “very low” risk to the general population, Speaks said. “As a precautionary measure,” he added, “contact tracing is being done for clinic staff who interacted with the patient. The case in Stuttgart is of the West African strain, which is generally mild and human-to-human transmission is limited.”

Monkeypox, which is endemic to several African nations, primarily spreads via an infected individual’s bodily fluids or pox-like lesions. It can also spread via contaminated materials including bedding, clothing, and linens, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which recently raised its travel alert over the virus.

As of Thursday, the CDC has reported 45 confirmed or probable cases in 15 states and Washington, D.C., over the past several months. Worldwide, more than 1,350 confirmed or probable cases have been found in about three dozen countries, with most occurring in the United Kingdom, Spain, Portugal, Germany, and Canada, according to the CDC.

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Dr. Jane Ruby – WARNING: EXTREMELY GRAPHIC – Stop Getting Vaccinated IMMEDIATELY – SHOCK Images
MAR 2, 2022


Dr. Jane Ruby is a medical professional and pharmaceutical drug development expert with over 20 years’ experience in regulatory processes for drug approval with the FDA and the EMA.

She joined me to show us shock images and footage given to her by an Embalmer, who says that he has never seen anything like this coming out of bodies in his entire career. He advised he started seeing it at the time of the “vaccine” rollout.

WARNING: This is extremely graphic footage, however Dr. Ruby emphasises the importance of the world seeing this, as not one more of these lethal injections should enter another human being.

We also discuss VAIDS, Nanotech, transhumanism, and future potential bioweapons.

You can follow Dr. Jane Ruby via Telegram, and watch her show on Red Voice Media.

Dr. Byram Bridle discusses mRNA in breast milk and how the study leaves him with more questions than answers


Viral immunologist and vaccinologist Dr. Byram Bridle tried to warn the public that the COVID-19 vaccines are not benign entities that stay in the shoulder, as we’ve been led to believe. Evidence in breast milk shows that he was right.

As early as May 2021, Dr. Bridle appeared on a radio talk show during which he expressed grave concerns with the biodistribution capability of the novel COVID-19 injections based on emerging science at the time.

Dr. Bridle’s concerns were fiercely labelled as misinformation. He was vigorously fact-checked, smeared, and censored. Dr. Bridle’s reputation – both personally and professionally – has been tarnished repeatedly for information that is showing in real time to be factual.
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Self Help Symposium

2 hour film with Gen. Vallely, Gen. McEnerny, Reiner Fuellmich and others speaking of the intl conspiracy to use Covid to create the New World Order/Great Reset run by the WHO 

talks about idea of individuals as corporate entities Act of 1871

Note: John O'Looney (unfortunate name) gives some great insight of his experiences and the people he has spoken to during his time of exposing the deaths by covid. John is a funeral director in the u.k. Matt le Tissier is a ex footballer turned pundit turned truth host, both men are principled and honourable. John talks about meeting Sir Graham Brady, who is Brady, the guy who right at this moment is in the eyes of the media, who is setting up the process to pick the next P.M of the U.K and the head of 1922 committee. look him up, a very important high profile figure, he knew about the covid plan of depopulation and states to john that the migrants are U.N troops being housed in army compounds to quell unrest amongst the British people during or in case of a uprising. (something to consider) !!!



First published at 11:56 UTC on October 20th, 2022.

https://www.bitchute.com/video/5FrnyG2cOQlm/ [Embed]

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