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8:00 AM EST
Robert Woodson Discusses Martin Luther King Day 2023 & Race in America
Robert Woodson, founder and president of the Woodson Center, discusses Martin Luther King Day 2023 and race in America.

8:00 AM EST
33rd Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Breakfast - Keynote Speaker Valerie Jarrett, Chief Executive Officer of the Barack Obama Foundation
United Negro College Fund

8:00 AM EST
Global National Coordinators' Workshop - Day 1, 12th Annual Session of the IGTWG “National Coordinator for the Management of Animal Genetic Resources”
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

8:40 AM EST
Spencer Overton Discusses Martin Luther King Day 2023 & Race in America
Joint Center for Political & Economic Studies President Spencer Overton discusses Martin Luther King Day 2023 & Race in America.

8:45 AM EST
Live streaming - Eurogroup Meeting
Eurogroup meeting, Brussels

9:00 AM EST
Webinar on Trade Facilitation and e-Business Standards and Recommendations by UN/CEFACT for Members of the National Trade Facilitation Committees of the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)

9:00 AM EST
Daily U.S. Agricultural Weather Highlights - Released No Later Than 9:00 a.m. ET Every Day
National Agricultural Statistics Service and World Agricultural Outlook Board, U.S. Department of Agriculture

9:15 AM EST
Benjamin Chavis Discusses the Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King
No Labels' Benjamin Chavis discusses his op-ed on what Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. can teach Americans on working together despite differences.

9:30 AM EST
President Joe Biden to Join Rev. Al Sharpton, National Action Network for Annual Mlk Day Breakfast in Washington, D.C.
National Action Network (NAN) 

10:00 AM EST
37th Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Lecture: "The (R)evolution of MLK: from Segregation to Elevation"
Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, University of Michigan

10:00 AM EST
Free Day: Martin Luther King Day
National Constitution Center

10:30 AM EST
Benkadi Drum and Dance Group
John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum

10:30 AM EST
The President departs New Castle, Delaware en route Washington, D.C.
Official Schedule

10:30 AM EST
Pres. Biden Speaks at National Action Network's Annual MLK Breakfast
President Biden, Rev. Al Sharpton, Rep. Pelosi (D-CA), and eminent civil rights leaders speak at National Action Network’s annual breakfast celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. Day, at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington, DC.
11:25 AM EST
The President arrives at the White House
Official Schedule

11:35 AM EST
The President departs the White House en route the National Action Network Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Breakfast
Official Schedule

12:00 PM EST
POSTPONED Vietnam: In-person Luncheon with His Excellency Nguyen Quoc Dzung, Ambassador of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam to the United States
Business Council for International Understanding

12:00 PM EST
At the opening ceremony of the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2023, meet the winners of the 28th Annual Crystal Awards.
World Economic Forum (WEF)

12:00 PM EST
Virtual Tour: INL Facilities
Idaho National Laboratory

12:00 PM EST
The President delivers remarks at the National Action Network Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Breakfast
Official Schedule

12:30 PM EST
Kevin Spacey at the National Museum of Cinema - a Masterclass on the Occasion of Receiving the Museum's Highest Honor, the Stella Della Mole Award.
Museo Nazionale del Cinema - Fondazione M. A. Prolo, Torino, Italy

12:30 PM EST
Opening Concert, Entitled "I Sea You" - World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2023
World Economic Forum (WEF)

12:30 PM EST
Open Forum: In Harmony with Nature - World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2023
World Economic Forum (WEF)

12:55 PM EST
The President arrives at the White House
Official Schedule

1:00 PM EST
Vice President Harris Participates in MLK Day Event at George Washington University
Vice President Harris participates in a Martin Luther King, Jr., Day of Service and Leadership event at George Washington University.

1:00 PM EST
(R)EVOLUTION from Segregation to Elevation: The Quest for Health Equity - 33rd Annual MLK Health Sciences Keynote Lecture, with Dr. George Taylor, DMD, MPH, DrPH
University of Michigan School of Public Health

3:00 PM EST
The Ford School Presents 4th U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson
Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, University of Michigan

6:30 PM EST
13th INSA Achievement Awards
Intelligence and National Security Alliance (INSA)
 3 end 
Understood. o7

The day End went down and I posted it, there was no issue. The CP didn't show up untill the next day, long after End was back up.
I only posted it as an End Bunker, (not QRB), and just as a fyi type of thing. 
I'm glad both you (BO) and End-Admin cleared everything up, and explained things.

Morn'n Anons,

I try my best here, but most days I have a hard time communicating, (irl health,DV), especially in the morning.
Ok I don't want this to be a feels post,...

Have a good day frens.
IF you could theoretically have any say in matters in which your country was run, and could be granted three personal choices to change law or regulate domestic policy (economic, political or social) what three changes would you like to see most in your country? I'll list my three wishes to give an example:

1. All politicians and governmental employees must be natural-born citizens who have a record of paying taxes. This would mitigate foreign influence which leads to a lot of corruption we see today.

2. All laws, rules and regulations MUST be passed into law through Congress and the President, no more "executive orders" or bureaucrats creating laws, rules and regulations out of thin air! Every single law, rule and regulation would need to be voted on and passed into law by our representatives. No more governance by fiat.

3. A return to sound monetary policy by recognizing silver and gold as a legal tender (with or without fiat money in circulation): the right of the people to buy, sell, barter or trade using physical precious metals. This would allow people to escape inflation while giving them access to a much more fair free market system outside the control of central banking/central planning monopolist oligarchs.

ENGAGE HERE: http://endchan.org/b/res/45044.html
> delete the cache of your browser asap, while these are just thumbnails, the full images don't get downloaded if not opened, it is still a good idea to do that (or use incognito mode, or some browser addon that clears the cache for you, or disable caching, or any other solution).

Good idea. I always do that when I visit these kinds of sites. With software like Bleachbit or Ccleaner you can manually add browser profile session caches (like the .sqlite files) for the custom wipe option and utilize custom wipes with default wiping. Once you get all that added in, one click of a button and you can erase all your browser history/logs/cookies/caches.
Unfortunately this is reality, not a movie, and in reality you can get hurt by "collateral damage" or unintended consequences, especially during a global war. Think wisely and be prepared for unexpected outcomes.
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> A return to sound monetary policy by recognizing silver and gold as a legal tender (with or without fiat money in circulation):
Gold and silver are physically too heavy to not have a currency associated with it. No problem. Bring back gold certificates and silver certificates.
no standing army = no military–industrial complex (MIC)

very few federal agencies - no dept of labor, osha, hhs, dept of ed, usda

not sure how to fix walmart, fast food, etc taking out small businesses & mom and pop neighborhood businesses but it would be on my list
BLOWBACK: Once Illegals Flood Into Democrat Cities, NOW They Change Their Open Border Stance

New York City mayor Eric Adams has taken aim at the Biden administration for failing to take action and enact immigration reform to stem the illegal immigration crisis at the southern border while declaring there is “no room” in New York City for the “migrants” being sent to the city.

Adams, a Democrat, made the comments during a visit to the Texan border city of El Paso on Jan. 15 where he was joined by El Paso Democratic Mayor Oscar Leeser.

Busloads of illegal immigrants have been shipped to Democratic-run sanctuary cities such as New York, Washington, Chicago, Houston, and Los Angeles in recent months, which has placed a strain on those communities as has been the situation in border towns for many years, and in some cases, has further exacerbated an already existing housing and homeless crisis.

Adams said on Sunday that migrants are being given a “false impression” about what to expect in New York via websites advertising that the city is home to automatic employment opportunities and will house migrants in hotels, as opposed to offering sheltered housing.

“There’s a conversation among those who are asylum seekers and migrants who are given the false impression that if you come to New York City, everything is fine. We have to give people accurate information,” Adams said, according to The New York Post.

In all reality, Democrat leaders should give people accurate information, as most people would realize their cities have fallen into complete third world crime and impoverishment due to horrible policies throughout the many decades they held onto power. So please, let the truth be known...

“We are now seeing more people arrive than we have ever seen—averaging over 400 people each day this last week, with 835 asylum seekers arriving on one single day alone, the largest single-day arrival we’ve seen to date. All this is pushing New York City to the brink,” Adams said.

> very few federal agencies - no dept of labor, osha, hhs, dept of ed, usda

True, but the problem is many of those agencies were never created by Congress or legislated into power in the first place. Another major problem is these agencies granted themselves fiat regulatory powers. And I pointed out THIS solution to that major problem:

> 2. All laws, rules and regulations MUST be passed into law through Congress and the President, no more "executive orders" or bureaucrats creating laws, rules and regulations out of thin air! Every single law, rule and regulation would need to be voted on and passed into law by our representatives. No more governance by fiat.

> No more governance by fiat.

That would be an option. I should have also expanded on that issue and said that any commodity could be recognized as legal tender too, that way people would have multiple options how to store and secure their wealth, as well options to counter or replace corrupted markets/currency in general.
thanks for the response admins
appreciate that
just to be clear, I was the BV that pulled the alarm
it was not the site that was the probem, it was the poster of that info that had a direct link to the CP that set things off, I take out porn all day on 8Kun, so I am aware it sneaks up
I didn't want the link in notables and I deleted the post
Not your bad, was on the poster
New Leaks Reveal Big Pharma Lobbied Big Tech Companies To Push State-run Covid-19 Narratives

Today's Twitter Files drop contains several notable pieces of evidence: https://twitter.com/lhfang/status/1615008625575202818?s=20

First, that lobbyists for the pharmaceutical industry launched a 'massive lobbying blitz to crush any effort to share patents/IP for new covid-related medicine," according to The Intercept's Lee Fang. As part of this effort, lobbying group BIO "wrote to the newly elected Biden admin, demanding the U.S. gov sanction any country attempting to violate patent rights and create generic low cost covid medicine or vaccines."

Of note, Pfizer and BioNTech raked in $37 billion in revenue in 2021 alone from the COVID-19 vaccine, while Moderna made $17.7 billion the same year (and has recently announced a plan to hike the price of the Covid-19 vaccine by approximately 400%).

BioNTech, which developed the Pfizer vaccine, "reached out to Twitter to request that Twitter directly censor users tweeting at them to ask for generic low cost vaccines."

According to Fang, "Twitter's reps responded quickly to the pharma request," while "A lobbyist in Europe asked the content moderation team to monitor the accounts of Pfizer, AstraZeneca & of activist hashtags like #peoplesvaccine."

Meanwhile, the "fake accounts" flagged by the pharmaceutical companies for action were real people - one of whom Fang spoke with on the phone.

"It's not clear what actions Twitter ultimately took on this particular request. Several Twitter employees noted in subsequent messages that none of this activism constituted abuse. But the company continued monitoring tweets."

"For more than two years, a global movement has been speaking out against pharmaceutical greed and demanding that everyone, everywhere has the tools to combat pandemics," said Maaza Seyoum, a campaigner for the People’s Vaccine Alliance. "Whatever nasty tricks companies and governments pull," she continued, "we cannot and will not be silenced."

Second, 'Pfizer & Moderna's lobbying group, BIO, fully funded a special content moderation campaign designed by a contractor called Public Good Projects (PGP), which worked w/Twitter to set content moderation rules around covid "misinformation."' according to Fang.

BIO funded the PGP campaign, "Stronger,"  to the tune of $1.275 million. Its focus? Helping Twitter 'create content moderation bots,' selecting which public health accounts would be verified, and helping to crowdsource content takedowns.

Of note, the Moderna/Pfizer-funded campaign included regular emails to Twitter officals with takedown and verification requests.

"Here's an example of those types of emails that went straight to Twitter's lobbyists and content moderators. Many focused on @zerohedge, which was suspended."

"To try and stifle digital dissent during a pandemic, when tweets and emails are some of the only forms of protest available to those locked in their homes, is deeply sinister," said Nick Dearden, director of Global Justice Now.

Temporary Morgues are Being Built Across UK Due to Unprecedented Increase in Excess Deaths
The unprecedented increase in deaths has prompted the construction of temporary morgues in various locations throughout the UK, including tourist hotspots and airports.

Baker was looking for sauce to earlier post by anon but see link was posted later. The article refers to Office for National Statistics (ONS) but never links to it. GW looks a lot like National Enquirer...
yesterdays GP article posted here said something like "according to our (GP) reporting last year..." "X amount higher deaths than normal/last year"
weasel words IMHO
It was the morticians who brought up the covid deaths to the public two years ago. I want to know what those same whistleblowers say about this story. They are on the front lines.

carry on
 >>/116416/ How to Make Reports for CP, etc.  >>/115421/,  >>/116414/


#323 A
 >>/116246/ President Donald J. Trump Calls for Probe into Intelligence Community’s Role in Online Censorship
 >>/116247/,  >>/116249/,  >>/116248/,  >>/116250/,  >>/116251/,  >>/116252/ The Swamp Today, Thursday, January 12, 2023
 >>/116259/ Many Illinois Sheriffs Say They Won't Enforce Ban On Semi-auto Rifles
 >>/116263/ Even MORE Biden Docs; Garland Appoints Special Prosecutor; Twitter Files 14 on RussiaGate Hoax
 >>/116265/,  >>/116269/ [video] Are you suffering from a Medical Coincidence?
 >>/116273/ What Biden said about President Trump after the FBI raid at Mar-a-Lago…
 >>/116276/ @SharylAttkisson - What if they knew about Biden docs long ago...
 >>/116278/ Biden classified Docs vs Trump Classified Docs
 >>/116279/,  >>/116280/ High school senior dies of cardiac arrest after found unresponsive in bathroom after gym class
 >>/116287/,  >>/116288/ The Swamp Today, Friday, January 13, 2023
 >>/116294/,  >>/116295/,  >>/116296/,  >>/116298/ New Emails Expose White House Colluding With Facebook To Censor Covid Vaccine Injury & Death
 >>/116297/,  >>/116310/ BREAKING: Cardiologist Tells BBC News COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Are Likely Causing Excess Deaths
 >>/116303/,  >>/116304/,  >>/116313/,  >>/116368/ Jim Stone: A Realization About The "Beast System" To Throw Out There
 >>/116309/,  >>/116311/,  >>/116315/ Biden admin pressured to reveal guests to Delaware home of stashed docs
 >>/116312/ Facebook Admits Suppressing 'Often True' Content on COVID-19 Vaccines
 >>/116317/ Prioritizes a woke agenda in their budgets, FAA fails to update pilot messaging system
 >>/116325/ Army Of Doctors Who Pushed Lockdowns, Masks & Experimental Vax on Twitter Were FAKE ACCOUNTS
 >>/116326/ JUST IN - Explosion at gas pipeline connecting Latvia and Lithuania
 >>/116329/,  >>/116330/ WATERGATE 2.0: New Twitter Leaks Expose DNC Using Law Enforcement To Track Political Opponents
 >>/116331/ BREAKING: CDC to Investigate Link Between Strokes & COVID-19 Vaccines
 >>/116332/ Transplant patients list of emerging complications linked to the vaccine


#323 B
 >>/116333/ Case Missouri vs Biden more stunning developments
 >>/116335/,  >>/116364/ New medicines not requiring testing on animals to receive U.S. FDA approval, according to legislation signed by President Joe Biden
 >>/116337/,  >>/116372/,  >>/116374/ Canada Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, is caught and called out by Senator regarding the investment of 2B tax payer dollars to a company that doesn't exist
 >>/116351/,  >>/116356/ Michigan Middle School Threatens to Sue After Official Releases Photos of Grade School Children Pole Dancing at Club During School Outing; School District, Michigan School District Spying on Parents’ Social Media Posts, Reporting to Employers
 >>/116359/ VAERS Shows 2-Year-Old NH Girl Died Within 24 Hours After Getting COVID Vaccine
 >>/116360/ Lead author in re-analysing mrna vaccine, @JosephFraiman claims to have conclusive evidence that vaccines induce sudden cardiac death
 >>/116363/ Arming Ukraine Is ‘Just Common Decency’ Says Condoleezza Rice
 >>/116365/ German 'Green Party' Shut Down Nuclear Power Plants, Coal Consumption For Energy and Energy Prices Has Skyrocketed
 >>/116369/ Fulton County 2020 Election Case Dismissed for ‘Lack of Standing’ is Reinstated by Georgia Appeals Court
 >>/116370/ Democrat County Commissioner charged with stuffing ballots 
 >>/116373/ Canadian taxpayers to pay billions subsidizing green energy investors 
 >>/116383/,  >>/116384/,  >>/116386/, Temporary Morgues are Being Built Across UK Due to Unprecedented Increase in Excess Deaths
 >>/116386/ World Bank Stats Death Rate per 1000 people
 >>/116388/ The Lindell Report (1-6-23) on election fraud, Wisconsin Speaker of the House Robin Vos
 >>/116395/,  >>/116396/,  >>/116407/ BO and Admin on endchan spam
 >>/116398/,  >>/116399/,  >>/116400/ The Swamp Today, Monday, January 16, 2023
 >>/116413/ BLOWBACK: Once Illegals Flood Into Democrat Cities, NOW They Change Their Open Border Stance
 >>/116418/ New Leaks Reveal Big Pharma Lobbied Big Tech Companies To Push State-run Covid-19 Narratives
 >>/116429/ Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene - It’s all about Ukraine

please check 'em
Never did I believe the American government would be so corrupted that they would make the Russians look like the good guys. What a shame.
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You sound like a cold-war leftover - "Ruskies, harumph!"
They aren't commies anymore.
Oooh! The're an "oligarchy"...eeeew.
Whatever. Those people survived communism. They know. USAians would dissa-fucking-pear from the face of the Earth if they had to go through what Russia did under the Bolsheviks. 
Focus less on who's not a "good guy" and more on "holy fuck we're the bad guys". Unless something like "The Plan" destroys the US elites, we're fucked in the butt all six ways and twice on Sundays.

THE TWITTER FILES: PART 16 – FULL TRANSCRIPT! How the pharmaceutical industry lobbied social media to shape content around vaccine policy.

1. New piece from the TWITTER FILES. How the pharmaceutical industry lobbied social media to shape content around vaccine policy. The push included direct pressure from Pfizer partner BioNTech to censor activists demanding low-cost generic vaccines for low-income countries.

2. In 2020, it was clear that the pandemic would require rapid innovation. Early on, there was a push to make the solution equitable: an international partnership to share ideas, technology, new forms of medicine to rapidly solve this crisis.


3. But global drug giants saw the crisis as an opportunity for unprecedented profit. Behind closed doors, pharma launched a massive lobbying blitz to crush any effort to share patents/IP for new covid-related medicine, including therapeutics and vaccines.

4. BIO, the lobby group that represents biopharma, including Moderna & Pfizer, wrote to the newly elected Biden admin, demanding the U.S. gov sanction any country attempting to violate patent rights and create generic low cost covid medicine or vaccines.


5. That brings us to Twitter. The global lobbying blitz includes direct pressure on social media. BioNTech, which developed Pfizer’s vaccine, reached out to Twitter to request that Twitter directly censor users tweeting at them to ask for generic low cost vaccines. ..
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sup bwahs

Revealing images. They were all quietly laughing at Putin when he wanted to make the Minsk deal permanent. Merkel recently admitted it. But she kept a poker face here. Zelensky didn't even bother.

Zelensky laughs at the Minsk accords and grins as Putin talks back in 2019.

let them investigate this. let them investigate that.

moar distractions. with every new thing, and every investigation of that new thing, they advance their plans right under our noses.
as I suspected

4. Leading causes of death

Figures 4 and 5 show the 10 most common underlying causes of death registered in July 2022, compared with the five-year average for July (2016 to 2019, and 2021), for England and Wales respectively. Causes of death are based on our leading causes of death groupings."

in each case 2022 was lower than the 5 year average
I know that this dataset is not exactly what we'd want, but if deaths have spiked, the dark blue and light blue values would be reversed, no?

I call BS on GP. If I am wrong, it's covid's fault. kek
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Things We Should Understand: The Aristocracy Is Eating the Peasants
< Jan 11

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round 1 is ending
round 2 is basically the same as round 1 with emphasis on those who woke up in round 1

good time to plan your coincidence crimes, or use your heart attack guns, eliminate dissent, anything but fess up
 >>/116416/ How to Make Reports for CP, etc.  >>/115421/,  >>/116414/


#323 A
 >>/116246/ President Donald J. Trump Calls for Probe into Intelligence Community’s Role in Online Censorship
 >>/116247/,  >>/116249/,  >>/116248/,  >>/116250/,  >>/116251/,  >>/116252/ The Swamp Today, Thursday, January 12, 2023
 >>/116259/ Many Illinois Sheriffs Say They Won't Enforce Ban On Semi-auto Rifles
 >>/116263/ Even MORE Biden Docs; Garland Appoints Special Prosecutor; Twitter Files 14 on RussiaGate Hoax
 >>/116265/,  >>/116269/ [video] Are you suffering from a Medical Coincidence?
 >>/116273/ What Biden said about President Trump after the FBI raid at Mar-a-Lago…
 >>/116276/ @SharylAttkisson - What if they knew about Biden docs long ago...
 >>/116278/ Biden classified Docs vs Trump Classified Docs
 >>/116279/,  >>/116280/ High school senior dies of cardiac arrest after found unresponsive in bathroom after gym class
 >>/116287/,  >>/116288/ The Swamp Today, Friday, January 13, 2023
 >>/116294/,  >>/116295/,  >>/116296/,  >>/116298/ New Emails Expose White House Colluding With Facebook To Censor Covid Vaccine Injury & Death
 >>/116297/,  >>/116310/ BREAKING: Cardiologist Tells BBC News COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Are Likely Causing Excess Deaths
 >>/116303/,  >>/116304/,  >>/116313/,  >>/116368/ Jim Stone: A Realization About The "Beast System" To Throw Out There
 >>/116309/,  >>/116311/,  >>/116315/ Biden admin pressured to reveal guests to Delaware home of stashed docs
 >>/116312/ Facebook Admits Suppressing 'Often True' Content on COVID-19 Vaccines
 >>/116317/ Prioritizes a woke agenda in their budgets, FAA fails to update pilot messaging system
 >>/116325/ Army Of Doctors Who Pushed Lockdowns, Masks & Experimental Vax on Twitter Were FAKE ACCOUNTS
 >>/116326/ JUST IN - Explosion at gas pipeline connecting Latvia and Lithuania
 >>/116329/,  >>/116330/ WATERGATE 2.0: New Twitter Leaks Expose DNC Using Law Enforcement To Track Political Opponents
 >>/116331/ BREAKING: CDC to Investigate Link Between Strokes & COVID-19 Vaccines
 >>/116332/ Transplant patients list of emerging complications linked to the vaccine

#323 B
 >>/116333/ Case Missouri vs Biden more stunning developments
 >>/116335/,  >>/116364/ New medicines not requiring testing on animals to receive U.S. FDA approval, according to legislation signed by President Joe Biden
 >>/116337/,  >>/116372/,  >>/116374/ Canada Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, is caught and called out by Senator regarding the investment of 2B tax payer dollars to a company that doesn't exist
 >>/116351/,  >>/116356/ Michigan Middle School Threatens to Sue After Official Releases Photos of Grade School Children Pole Dancing at Club During School Outing; School District, Michigan School District Spying on Parents’ Social Media Posts, Reporting to Employers
 >>/116359/ VAERS Shows 2-Year-Old NH Girl Died Within 24 Hours After Getting COVID Vaccine
 >>/116360/ Lead author in re-analysing mrna vaccine, @JosephFraiman claims to have conclusive evidence that vaccines induce sudden cardiac death
 >>/116363/ Arming Ukraine Is ‘Just Common Decency’ Says Condoleezza Rice
 >>/116365/ German 'Green Party' Shut Down Nuclear Power Plants, Coal Consumption For Energy and Energy Prices Has Skyrocketed
 >>/116369/ Fulton County 2020 Election Case Dismissed for ‘Lack of Standing’ is Reinstated by Georgia Appeals Court
 >>/116370/ Democrat County Commissioner charged with stuffing ballots 
 >>/116373/ Canadian taxpayers to pay billions subsidizing green energy investors 
 >>/116383/,  >>/116384/,  >>/116386/, Temporary Morgues are Being Built Across UK Due to Unprecedented Increase in Excess Deaths
 >>/116386/ World Bank Stats Death Rate per 1000 people
 >>/116388/ The Lindell Report (1-6-23) on election fraud, Wisconsin Speaker of the House Robin Vos
 >>/116398/,  >>/116399/,  >>/116400/ The Swamp Today, Monday, January 16, 2023
 >>/116413/ BLOWBACK: Once Illegals Flood Into Democrat Cities, NOW They Change Their Open Border Stance
 >>/116418/ New Leaks Reveal Big Pharma Lobbied Big Tech Companies To Push State-run Covid-19 Narratives
 >>/116429/ Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene - It’s all about Ukraine
 >>/116439/ THE TWITTER FILES: PART 16 – full transcript
 >>/116440/ Zelensky laughs at the Minsk accords and grins as Putin talks back in 2019
 >>/116434/ Office for National Statistics (UK mortality stats)
 >>/116446/ Bandim Health Project (BHP) - The best vaccine dataset in the world
 >>/116447/ Things We Should Understand: The Aristocracy Is Eating the Peasants


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