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Chuck Callesto  - @ChuckCallesto

JUST IN: Monica Crowley suggests COVID-19 was manufactured in Ukraine.. 
What do you think?
Red Voice Media
8:16 AM · Mar 1, 2023

> suggests
> What do you think?
Does she also go on to say here's muh sauce bitchez now prove me wrong?
Many such cases of suggests.
Here's the solid sauce... eh not so much these days.
That said, yeah there are/were some nasty up to no good biolabs in Ukraine and it's very possible the product was being exported to who knows where.
But, until it's sauced solidly one cannot state with certainty and sets themselves up for being purveyors of look here not there fake news.
She uses the word speculation a lot.

Sounds like she's just riffing off the top of her head. There are years of scientific papers and financial funding relating to covid research in and around Wuhan before the big outbreak in 2019/2020 which makes it the most likely source of the disease. I can't even find a mention of SARs in the Ukraine before Covid-19.
CONUS Activity: CFC1 CL-60 departed Ottawa to Vancouver, B.C.Trudopegettin' outta dodge after this came out yesterday below and "meeting w/ nursing students"..cause that is reeeeally important stuff there

Chinese Billionaire Made $1 Million Donation to Trudeau Charity Following Election that Brought Liberals to Power


29% Adolescents have serious cardiovascular effects after taking DARPA injections


Cardiovascular Effects of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine in Adolescents


This study focuses on cardiovascular effects, particularly myocarditis and pericarditis events, after BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine injection in Thai adolescents. This prospective cohort study enrolled students from two schools aged 13–18 years who received the second dose of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine.
The Choice To Know Will Be Yours

PiE_r  -  @Megohelie1

Attorney Todd Callender
They put 3 HIV proteins in these shots and gave the world vaccine induced AIDS  
The DOD database reports a 500% increase in HIV in 2021
thumbnail of WaPo DARPA Covid Vaccines.png
thumbnail of WaPo DARPA Covid Vaccines.png
WaPo DARPA Covid... png
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You're right, you don't need DARPA to kill the populace. But that doesn't mean they aren't using DARPA. 


Some excerpts from the article referencing just a tiny aspect of the hand and glove funding and technology development relationship of the clot shot from DARPA's desk to the pharmaceutical companies' labs:

> The first company in the United States to enter clinical trials with a vaccine for the virus was funded by DARPA. So was the second company. And the P3 program has already led to the world’s first study in humans of a potential covid-19 antibody treatment. If successful, antibody treatments would offer up to three months of immunity against covid-19. Unlike vaccines, they could also help heal people already infected with the virus.

> Some of the vaccines and antibodies linked to DARPA could be ready later this year, which would mark one of the speediest responses to a global pandemic in the history of medicine.

> By 2019, a project DARPA funded at the Massachusetts-based company Moderna demonstrated in a Phase 1 clinical trial that RNA could indeed deliver an antibody to humans and provide protection against the mosquito-borne virus chikungunya.

> In addition to Moderna, two other pharmaceutical companies — Pfizer and CureVac — are pursuing RNA vaccines, as is a small laboratory at Imperial College in London and the People’s Liberation Army Academy of Military Sciences in China. CureVac was also funded by DARPA.

> Inovio Pharmaceuticals, funded by DARPA, entered Phase 1 trials for its DNA-delivered covid-19 vaccine in April, making it the second company to enter trials in the United States. 

It goes even deeper.
The whole thing is a military OP.
From the creation of the virus to the vaccine to its promotion.
And documentation exists.
I'm horrible at cataloging that shit though. 
A strong failing on my part.
thumbnail of Moderna DARPA.png
thumbnail of Moderna DARPA.png
Moderna DARPA png
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thumbnail of DARPA Pfizer.png
thumbnail of DARPA Pfizer.png
DARPA Pfizer png
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More proofs of DARPA working with Pfizer and Moderna



text from the article:
The Department of Defense announced eight defense contracts on Wednesday. Worth $198.4 million in total, the contracts ranged in value by a factor of 10 -- from as much as $80 million to as little as $7.7 million. Yet it was that very smallest of the eight contracts awarded yesterday that was the most interesting.

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) awarded Pfizer (NYSE:PFE) a $7.7 million contract to research whether it might be possible to "identify and subsequently induce the production of protective antibodies to an emerging pathogen directly in an infected or exposed individual."

The traditional method of "curing" a disease -- from which DARPA is deviating -- involves extracting a pathogen, isolating its antigen, and using that antigen to create a vaccine in vitro. This vaccine is then injected into a patient to stimulate his or her immune system to fight off subsequent exposures to the pathogen. DARPA, however, appears to be tasking Pfizer with finding a shortcut, whereby all of this would happen in vivo, within the patient's body, thus dramatically cutting the time between the discovery of a pathogen and the military's ability to treat it. Incidentally, if Pfizer is successful in this work, its research could have significant applications in the civilian world as well.

Pfizer's DARPA contract will run through Dec. 8, 2016.
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You're right to have skepticism. So many fantastical claims are too easily believed. And once again, you're right about the Rockefellers and their depopulation agenda.

> Commonly known as “The Rockefeller Commission Report,” after its chairman John D. Rockefeller, the report remains one of the most substantive studies on the environmental consequences of unsustainable population growth in America.

> The reports warnings on population growth in the U.S. were clear:

> “After two years of concentrated effort, we have concluded that, in the long run, no substantial benefits will result from further growth of the nation’s population, rather that the gradual stabilization of our population through voluntary means would contribute significantly to the nation’s ability to solve its problems.”


The corrupt DOE will just give the new advanced technology to China. Don't believe me?


The best thing Elon can do is to open source this stuff NOW, get it out in the open so anyone can make it and utilize it for the better good.
vanadium battery sounds like a loser - let them have it
the move to sulpher would clean up a lot of environmental concerns. Giving that tech to some perceived enemy could be sold to the masses as the green thing to do, and it would be.
technology exchange is not always bad, unless you are dealing with fallen angels ;)  (DARPA)
Chip Roy goes NUCLEAR on spineless Republicans and entire Swamp in fiery tirade


Did you figure it out yet, he has
> voted for a status quo Speaker of the House
> surprised by a status quo House

Made me laugh that he was bitching about Frank Luntz's influence on the party when he voted for Frank Luntz's boyfriend to be Speaker. 
Maybe he thought McCarthy was an honest broker?
He thought wrong.
We had an opportunity when the vote for Speaker was taking place in January. 
We squandered it.
Thanks for sharing anon.
thumbnail of 2023-03-01_Greece Train crash.mp4
thumbnail of 2023-03-01_Greece Train crash.mp4
2023-03-01_Greece... mp4
(29.95 MB, 1112x622 h264)
Aftermath of Greek train crash

🔖🇬🇷Aerial images show aftermath of Greek train crash: Aerial images show the aftermath of a head-on collision between two trains that left at least 36 people dead and 85 injured. The accident, described as Greece's worst ever train tragedy, has left a tangled mess of metal.
Who is being truthful? Thaler or Pulitzer?

Streamed on: Mar 1, 8:00 am EST

MADNESS in MARICOPA - The Curious Case(s) of John Thaler and Cartel Collusion!

Breaking: Senate Votes Unanimously to Declassify COVID-19 Wuhan Lab Leak Intelligence

Allegedly Covid-19 has never been isolated. A internet search for Covid-19 virus has always shown the SARS-CoV-2 structure.

scroll down link to series of FOI requests for record of "Covid-19 virus" isolation/purification 

 >>/121813/,  >>/121814/,  >>/121815/ DARPA Using Aerosolized Nanoparticles To Dumb Down America For Mind Control Subjugation
 >>/121818/ SpaceX scrubs Crew-6 astronaut launch due to ignition-fluid issue
 >>/121819/,  >>/121820/,  >>/121821/,  >>/121822/,  >>/121823/,  >>/121824/,  >>/121825/,  >>/121826/,  >>/121827/,  >>/121828/ The Swamp Today, Monday, February 27, 2023
 >>/121837/, EMP tests on Solar Panels, iPhone, PC, & more
 >>/121838/,  >>/121839/, Governmental Censors Are Using AI To Target Podcasts
 >>/121846/ Ohio residents experiencing disturbing symptoms after toxic train derailment
 >>/121851/ FAA and NTSB Investigate CTEH tragic plane crash
 >>/121852/ OAN report - More evidence the war in Ukraine is to protect U.S. military labs conducting illegal biological experiments
 >>/121853/ Gov. Ron DeSantis officially signs into law the stripping of Disney's special privileges
 >>/121861/ Cardiac Testing At Washington Event Found 53% Myocarditis Rate
 >>/121871/,  >>/121872/,  >>/121873/,  >>/121874/,  >>/121875/,  >>/121876/,  >>/121877/,  >>/121878/,  >>/121879/,  >>/121880/,  >>/121881/,  >>/121882/,  >>/121883/,  >>/121884/,  >>/121885/,  >>/121886/,  >>/121887/,  >>/121888/ The Swamp Today, Tuesday, February 28, 2023
 >>/121897/ Supreme Court to hear arguments on student loan forgiveness 
 >>/121898/ Chicago mayoral election: 2 finalists may not be known for days as mail-in ballots are counted
 >>/121900/ Information of interest, DOE, Q-clearance, COVID, labs, etc. 
 >>/121901/ FBI Vault - Clinton Foundation failure to declare foreign donations 2001 - 2003
 >>/121904/ 270-Pound High School Student Beats Teacher’s Aide Unconscious After She Confiscated His Video Game…
 >>/121905/ Chicago Housing Authority Leaves Homeless Americans on Streets in Favor of Illegal Immigrants in Housing Application
 >>/121911/ Unsubstantiated election crime claims by Jacqueline Breger and John Thaler
 >>/121916/ Lori Lightfoot is OUT as Mayor of Chicago
 >>/121922/,  >>/121923/,  >>/121924/,  >>/121925/,  >>/121926/,  >>/121927/,  >>/121928/,  >>/121929/,  >>/121930/,  >>/121931/,  >>/121932/ The Swamp Today, Wed. March 1, 2023
 >>/121942/ Chinese Billionaire Made $1 Million Donation to Trudeau Charity Following Election Brought Liberals to Power Study - 29% Adolescents have serious cardiovascular effects after taking "DARPA" injections
 >>/121957/ The Rockefeller Commission on Population Growth at 50 and What It Means for Today

check 'em

 >>/121813/,  >>/121814/,  >>/121815/ DARPA Using Aerosolized Nanoparticles To Dumb Down America For Mind Control Subjugation
 >>/121818/ SpaceX scrubs Crew-6 astronaut launch due to ignition-fluid issue
 >>/121819/,  >>/121820/,  >>/121821/,  >>/121822/,  >>/121823/,  >>/121824/,  >>/121825/,  >>/121826/,  >>/121827/,  >>/121828/ The Swamp Today, Monday, February 27, 2023
 >>/121837/, EMP tests on Solar Panels, iPhone, PC, & more
 >>/121838/,  >>/121839/, Governmental Censors Are Using AI To Target Podcasts
 >>/121846/ Ohio residents experiencing disturbing symptoms after toxic train derailment
 >>/121851/ FAA and NTSB Investigate CTEH tragic plane crash
 >>/121852/ OAN report - More evidence the war in Ukraine is to protect U.S. military labs conducting illegal biological experiments
 >>/121853/ Gov. Ron DeSantis officially signs into law the stripping of Disney's special privileges
 >>/121861/ Cardiac Testing At Washington Event Found 53% Myocarditis Rate
 >>/121871/,  >>/121872/,  >>/121873/,  >>/121874/,  >>/121875/,  >>/121876/,  >>/121877/,  >>/121878/,  >>/121879/,  >>/121880/,  >>/121881/,  >>/121882/,  >>/121883/,  >>/121884/,  >>/121885/,  >>/121886/,  >>/121887/,  >>/121888/ The Swamp Today, Tuesday, February 28, 2023
 >>/121897/ Supreme Court to hear arguments on student loan forgiveness 
 >>/121898/ Chicago mayoral election: 2 finalists may not be known for days as mail-in ballots are counted
 >>/121900/ Information of interest, DOE, Q-clearance, COVID, labs, etc. 
 >>/121901/ FBI Vault - Clinton Foundation failure to declare foreign donations 2001 - 2003
 >>/121904/ 270-Pound High School Student Beats Teacher’s Aide Unconscious After She Confiscated His Video Game…
 >>/121905/ Chicago Housing Authority Leaves Homeless Americans on Streets in Favor of Illegal Immigrants in Housing Application
 >>/121911/ Unsubstantiated election crime claims by Jacqueline Breger and John Thaler
 >>/121915/ Reminder [video] - Army McCarthy Hearing 1954
 >>/121916/ Lori Lightfoot is OUT as Mayor of Chicago
 >>/121922/,  >>/121923/,  >>/121924/,  >>/121925/,  >>/121926/,  >>/121927/,  >>/121928/,  >>/121929/,  >>/121930/,  >>/121931/,  >>/121932/ The Swamp Today, Wed. March 1, 2023
 >>/121942/ Chinese Billionaire Made $1 Million Donation to Trudeau Charity Following Election Brought Liberals to Power Study - 29% Adolescents have serious cardiovascular effects after taking "DARPA" injections
 >>/121957/ The Rockefeller Commission on Population Growth at 50 and What It Means for Today
 >>/121801/ #344


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