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BREAKING: Newly released documents show Former President Barack Obama's personal White House attorney Kathryn Ruemmler had dozens of secret meetings with Jeffrey Epstein, none of which were disclosed at the time or explained by the Obama White House. 

thumbnail of Google NY .PNG
thumbnail of Google NY .PNG
Google NY PNG
(909.46 KB, 735x489)
Google engineer, 31, jumps to death in NYC, second worker suicide in months

A senior software engineer at Google jumped to his death from the search giant’s headquarters in Chelsea late Thursday, according to authorities and police sources.
The 31-year-old man — whose name is being withheld pending family notification — plunged from the 14th floor of 111 Eighth Ave. around 11:30 p.m., cops said. 
Police responded to multiple 911 calls of an unconscious person lying on the ground near a building on West 15th Street, opposite the 2.9 million-square-foot, 15-story Art Deco building, authorities said. 
Responding cops found the man unconscious and he was rushed to Bellevue Hospital, where he was pronounced dead. 
Officers at the scene found handprints on the ledge of a 14th-floor open-air terrace, sources said. Investigators found no note, nor a video of the fatal plunge.
The employee’s death comes months after Jacob Pratt, a 33-year-old Google employee who also worked at the Manhattan headquarters, was found dead of an apparent suicide.
Pratt appeared to have hanged himself in an apartment at the corner of West 26th Street and 6th Avenue in Chelsea just before 6 p.m. Feb. 16.


[note - looks alot like pedo flag in google logo]
Q said:
>  >These people are sick.

Merriam-Webster says:
>  > psychopath - noun : a person having an egocentric and antisocial personality marked by a lack of remorse for one's actions, an absence of empathy for others, and often criminal tendencies 

Q was right.
14 truckers involved in the Coutts demonstration are exonerated from charges in TDF win


Lawyers found that the parking violation charges were unfounded as the alleged conduct did not relate to the law that the truckers were being persecuted under.
Pentagon-Funded Censorship Firm Graphika Began Monitoring Covid “Disinformation” On Dec. 16, 2019 • Two Weeks Before WHO Supposedly Knew Covid "Existed"


Graphika, a company that monitors online communities for government agencies, began collecting data on social media users sharing "disinformation" about Covid-19 two weeks before the World Health Organization [supposedly] even knew of an [alleged] outbreak.

The private firm, which has received millions in Pentagon grants and contracts, targeted “US right-wing” communities as the top disinfo threat, right at Covid's [scamdemic] outset.

Graphika is staffed by former DOD, CIA and NSA officials, and played a key role in censoring the [fake] pandemic via the Virality Project, partnered with the federal government.

Graphika, Inc., a small but influential social media monitoring and censorship firm that has received nearly $7 million in grants and contracts from the US Department of Defense (DOD), began tracking online “conspiracy theories” about Covid-19 on December 16, 2019 – just four days after the [alleged] first patients reported symptoms [radiation posioning from 5g]  in Wuhan, China, and two weeks before the World Health Organization (WHO) was even informed [preteneded to be] about the [fake] virus outrbreak [launch of the covid scam].

As revealed by Graphika’s 35-page public report released in April 2020, Graphika began “data collection” of “global conversations” containing “conspiracy theories” about Covid origins on December 16, 2019:
The Vaccines Were a Military-Backed Countermeasure


Here is a high-level review of the manufacturing contracts between US DOD and Moderna.

Moderna’s injection, mRNA-1273 is co-owned with the US Government, as the company has been funded by the defense research grants for years and also received intellectual property transfers from the US Government, in addition to preclinical and clinical research work conducted for Moderna by the NIH Vaccine Research Center. The NIH and Moderna each have a separate Investigational New Drug number for this product.
thumbnail of 8chan_meme_Texas_Q.png
thumbnail of 8chan_meme_Texas_Q.png
8chan_meme_Texas_Q png
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I am a Texas anaon.  Know that on 5/6 this is a local election day for school board and collin county connunity college trustees.  In the middle of a deep GOP county we get a mall shooting.  based on potato photos the shooter looks white in black "gear"

I haven't been able to locate any manifesto B>S maybe people with better search talents will know how to find it.   Spouse anon and I find this shooting to highly suspicious.  New congress critter for district 3 is commenting. This is a very sleepy area. We are also wondering if this was a message to freshman congress critter to tow the line. Cogress critter Keith Self replaced muslim hone pot fukker Van Taylor.  


What we all need to know about King Charles, the would-be Great Resetter, and scion of a clan with a horrendous (and still mostly unknown) history of genocide, false flags and pedophilia
< MAY 5, 2023
Corbett video doc:

#370  @171
 >>/127424/ Drag performer Harpy Daniels is Navy's new 'digital ambassador' in bid to boost recruitment 
 >>/127425/,  >>/127427/,  >>/127428/,  >>/127429/,  >>/127430/,  >>/127431/,  >>/127432/,  >>/127433/,  >>/127434/,  >>/127435/,  >>/127436/ Swamp Today Wednesday, May 3, 2023
 >>/127441/ Rebel Capitalist - Another balloon
 >>/127442/ Majority Leader Schumer News Conference on China Competitiveness Legislation
 >>/127445/,  >>/127454/ Donald Trump World Exclusive: Nigel Farage Interview to Air on GB News Live From Trump's Turnberry Estate
 >>/127450/ How makers of the Switchblade suicide drone are changing the Ukraine war
 >>/127457/ Trudeau gov’t to remove religious symbols from Canadian Coat of Arms
 >>/127469/,  >>/127470/,  >>/127471/,  >>/127472/,  >>/127473/,  >>/127474/,  >>/127475/,  >>/127476/,  >>/127478/,  >>/127479/,  >>/127480/ Swamp Today Thursday, May 4, 2023
 >>/127484/ Thousands of new Epstein documents expose some of the world's most powerful elites
 >>/127486/,  >>/127545/ Gregg Philips, "dropping bombs"
 >>/127487/ Allegedly billionaire Stephen Deckoff, who cofounded Black Diamond Capital Management, is buying Jeffrey Epstein’s private islands
 >>/127492/ Defense Department Deputy Spokesperson Sabrina Singh briefs reporters at the Pentagon
 >>/127494/,  >>/127501/ Communist Biden Regime Says Poverty Is A Good Way To Prevent Climate Change
 >>/127495/ Robert F. Kennedy Jr: Climate Change Being Exploited To Push Totalitarian Control
 >>/127498/ St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner resigning from office June 1
 >>/127500/  Please send your prayers to Ben Garrison as he recovers from his health crisis, Tina Garrison
 >>/127502/,  >>/127504/ Ben Garrison Cartoons banned on Twitter
 >>/127508/ Peter Thiel frets over his companies finances and says moving to Florida from Silicon Valley is too Expensive
 >>/127511/, 05/05/2023 (Fri) 12:55 Id: bd2069 (30) [Preview] No.127523 [Hide User Posts] [X] del  >>/127525/,  >>/127511/,  >>/127512/,  >>/127513/,  >>/127514/,  >>/127515/,  >>/127516/,  >>/127517/,  >>/127518/,  >>/127519/,  >>/127520/,  >>/127521/,  >>/127522/ Swamp Today Friday, May 5, 2023
 >>/127527/ Brave Search Engine Officially Cuts Ties With Bing Over Censorship
 >>/127535/ Rasmussen Reports - Apparently upwards of 300,000 mail ballots in Maricopa County Arizona will now be checked for missing or mismatched signature 
 >>/127536/ : CBC threatened to sue Twitter if it refused to censor its enemies
 >>/127538/,  >>/127540/ Reminder - US restricts use of Johnson & Johnson Covid vaccine over rare blood clot risk
 >>/127541/ Court hearing set next week for @JudicialWatch FEDERAL CIVIL RIGHTS LAWSUIT Over YouTube Censorship
 >>/127546/ Ben Garrison "Joe is Nacho President"
 >>/127547/ Update: Embattled 1st Black St. Louis prosecutor Kim Gardner resigns
 >>/127548/ Truth Justice has just posted an amazing video with Dr. John Coleman about the Committee of 300
 >>/127571/ Newly released documents show Former President Obama's personal White House attorney Kathryn Ruemmler had dozens of secret meetings with Jeffrey Epstein
 >>/127574/ Google engineer, 31, jumps to death in NYC, second worker suicide in months
 >>/127577/ 14 truckers involved in the Coutts demonstration are exonerated from charges in TDF win
 >>/127578/ Pentagon-Funded Censorship Firm Graphika Began Monitoring Covid “Disinformation” On Dec. 16, 2019
 >>/127580/ The Vaccines Were a Military-Backed Countermeasure
 >>/127581/ Allen Premium Outlets Shooting: 8 victims killed, 7 injured; shooter 'neutralized'

also the Washington post states this bullshit-
 The gunman who killed eight people and injured seven others before being shot dead by police at a Texas outlet mall has been identified as Mauricio Garcia, 33, several news outlets reported Sunday.

A Dallas home linked to Garcia’s parents was searched by police Saturday night following the massacre outside the Allen Premium Outlets, and officials also probed a motel where the suspected shooter had booked an extended stay.

Garcia did not have a serious criminal history and was working as a security guard, though its unclear where, CBS News reported.

Officials are also investigating any possible ties between the suspect and radical beliefs after he was found wearing a patch on his chest that suggested white supremacist or neo-Nazi leanings, according to the *Washington Post.*   The Washingtoncompost leftard bias is quick to paint a Texas hispanic as a white neo nazi.  I live here that shit doesnt happen.

the victims names are not released in media because its standard practice not put out names of illegals in the media.

As i said this whole event glows IMHO.

Media doxxes parent's home-  https://www.foxnews.com/us/dallas-mall-shooter-who-mauricio-garcia
> whoa
Marjorie Greene
A lot of people are asking me when we are going to release the J6 video tapes.

Well I’m wondering the very same thing and waiting too.

The American people paid for the video cameras that are installed all over the Capitol building that they also pay for.

And most of all the riot scenes have been shown repeatedly a gazillion times in loop for over two years anyways.

It won’t give the Democrats anything new, but it might give us all something new.

January 6, 2021 is the most politicized day in American history and Democrats are going to base their entire 2024 campaigns attacking Republicans and President Trump about J6 because their party and their policies are SO BAD and America Last that they have no record to brag about, only tremendous failure.

Over 1,000 people have been arrested, charged, served time, and are still awaiting trial AND the Democrat weaponized DOJ says they are arresting 1,000 more.

Remember when Tucker Carlson released video footage especially about Jacob Chansley and everyone found out and couldn’t deny the TRUTH that the guy did absolutely NOTHING WRONG but walk in the Capital wearing a costume and a crazy bull horned hat?

And Tucker was also able to show that Brian Sicknick was not killed on J6 by protesters like ALL the Democrats and the media told you.

Yes well the rest of the video footage needs to be released to THE PEOPLE because it’s hard to lie to people all the time when they can go look at it and form their own opinion.

AOC and the well funded anarchist communists groups that support her are still organizing riots against police because she’s big mad at another white guy for bravely defending people from a dangerous known criminal who died later, instead of the innocent law abiding tax paying citizens who suffer from her horrible America Last Criminal First Democrat policies, and none of her Antifa ground troops are rotting in jail.

And we all know AOC and the Dangerous Democrats will continue to call for more riots because they DON’T believe in justice or peace.

People need to stop tolerating their violent insanity.

We need to release the J6 tapes to a public online source so that everyone knows what did and didn’t happen, we need to restore fair justice, and America can move on.
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene
Jacob Chansley was arrested, charged, prosecuted and is almost finished serving time faster than the FBI and DOJ has ever done anything on the Biden’s known corruption and crimes.

What’s the difference?

Chansley, on video, walked in the Capitol on J6 wearing a costume and was escorted by Cap Police, prayed for police and our country, told people to obey the law, and never got paid a penny, but was used as the face of the “Insurrection” and had his human rights violated and has been treated worse than most criminals.


The Biden family has participated in influence peddling of Joe Biden’s powerful political career for payments from foreign nationals and foreign governments. Hunter and his law firm participated in human sex trafficking and money laundering. Hunter is under “investigation” for tax and gun crimes for years with no action from the DOJ. And now we have proof through whistleblowers of Joe Biden himself, as VP, taking money from a foreign National in exchange for policy decisions.

And 51 people from the Intel Community LIED and signed their name to a letter saying the Hunter Biden laptop is Russian disinformation and the media regurgitated their big fat lie 24-7 to push the “talking points” for Biden in the 2020 election just because they hated Trump. Politico stated today that they have not yet verified the contents but some of the emails are real, what a sad pathetic joke. Even Hunter Biden has admitted it’s real by suing the laptop repair shop and other mainstream media has verified its real. You only have to be alive and breathing to know that laptop is real and it’s contents are 100% produced by Hunter Biden.

The most pathetic and disgusting thing about all of this is that Washington knows all about the Biden’s corruption and embarrassing vile behavior and does NOTHING.

Without full control, Republicans in the House must use the power of the budget and appropriations to remove those who abuse their power to protect criminal elites.

That is how we drain the Swamp.
The most horrifyting Pfizer document to date

"This document is among the most horrifying yet to emerge in the public view. It reveals both Pfizer and the FDA knew by early 2021 that Pfizer's mRNA Covid vaccine, BNT 162b2 resulted in horrible damage to fetuses and babies."
Katie Daviscourt
Twitter’s the media now 👀 

#BREAKING: Tucker Carlson spoke to Elon Musk about working together, ready to ‘torch Fox News’: report

Tucker Carlson spoke to Elon Musk about working together,
 ready to ‘torch Fox News’:…
“His team is preparing for war. He wants his freedom.”

8:24 PM · May 7, 2023

Donald J Trump
In the History of our Country, there have never been Crowds like a MAGA Crowd, and there have never been Rallies like a “Trump” Rally!
California Defaults On $18.6 Billion In Debt, Saddling Employers With The Expense

California's recent decision not to pay back some $20 billion borrowed from the federal government to cover unemployment benefits during the pandemic will fall on the shoulders of employers, according to experts.
"The state should have taken care of the loans with the COVID money it received from the government in 2021," said Marc Joffe, policy analyst at the Cato Institute—a public policy think tank headquartered in Washington, D.C., in a statement to the Epoch Times.
In the state's proposed 2023-2024 budget, $750 million was allocated to start paying down the loans, until Governor Gavin Newsom nixed the provision in early January, leaving businesses in the state responsible for the loans, as mandated by federal regulations - so that the federal unemployment tax rate of .6 percent will increase by .3% per year starting in 2023 until the loan is extinguished.
"California is just not really an employer-friendly state," said Joffe. "This one thing will not be a difference between a business remaining open or closing, but it’s just another burden on top of the many burdens the state puts on employers."
In total, 22 states borrowed money for unemployment insurance from the federal government. All but four, California, Colorado, Connecticut, and New York, have paid back their debts - with California owing the most by far at $18.6 billion as of May 2, followed by New York at $8 billion, Connecticut at $187 million and Colorado at $77 million, according to data from the US Treasury.
Initially, the state borrowed from its reserves to pay the benefits, but after exhausting its coffers borrowed to cover expenses, analysts said.
Exacerbating the situation were unprecedented levels of fraud occurring across the state, due to limited oversight and antiquated computer systems, according to Lee Ohanian, professor of economics at the University of California–Los Angeles.
Analytics firm LexisNexis estimated the total cost of the fraud at $32.6 billion.
Investigations have since uncovered that illegitimate unemployment benefits payments were paid to convicted felons, with one address receiving 60 separate fraudulent payments.
Fraud is a persistent issue historically with the program, and a $2 million federal grant in 2013 sought to address the issue with new computer software systems.
The upgrade successfully stopped instances of fraud, but further improvements stopped with the end of the grant in 2016, reportedly due to the agency’s reluctance to take on the annual expense for the third-party service.
“They were penny wise and pound foolish,” Ohanian told The Epoch Times.
At a cost of $2 million annual investment, the program would have cost $14 million to operate since it was terminated.
“Sadly, this is just a trifecta of bad decisions,” Ohanian said. “The [Employment Development Department] made a bad decision to not renew its lease for the fraud detection software, the state government took out a loan and chose to welch on the debt—which is outrageous—and now businesses are repaying more in taxes for the incredibly unwise decisions and mistakes of the state government.”
Reports that the state is seeking forgiveness from the federal government were met with resistance by policy experts, including Ohanian.
“We’ve made a lot of bad decisions and we expect the rest of the country to pay for it,” he said. “It also raises questions about the future: If the state is going to default on the $20 billion federal loans, how safe are municipal bonds from California?”

This is exactly the scenario I have been concluding they will do:  A nuke on US soil.  

"The Sum of all Fears" to quote Q. 

WHY will they do it?  - to remain relevant, to keep the anti Russia/China psyop going, to make sure that once again Amuhricans get good and pissed-off about whoever the enemy is, and endorse whatever the response is.  To continue the farce that this is a looming existential conflict between us and the 'bad guys'. 

WHERE will this happen?  - Either a big city in the South, or a location that would have maximum negative impact to the food supply.  It won't be DC or NY, and that is how you'll know it was not a Russian or Chinese attack.  It will be designed to either remove massive R voters from the roles, or enhance government dependence. 

WHEN will this happen?  - Logic would say, the sooner they do this, the more likely they will be able to remain in power leading into the next election.  Declare emergency powers, etc.  This year. 

HOW will they do this? - Club K, or just a nuke-in-a-UPS truck.

WHO will do this?  - CIA / MOS / MI6.  The usual players.  They have escalated from triggering wars to presidential assassinations to fake elections and pandemics.  This is the next step, easy to pull off.
 >>/127424/ Drag performer Harpy Daniels is Navy's new 'digital ambassador' in bid to boost recruitment 
 >>/127425/,  >>/127427/,  >>/127428/,  >>/127429/,  >>/127430/,  >>/127431/,  >>/127432/,  >>/127433/,  >>/127434/,  >>/127435/,  >>/127436/ Swamp Today Wednesday, May 3, 2023
 >>/127441/ Rebel Capitalist - Another balloon
 >>/127442/ Majority Leader Schumer News Conference on China Competitiveness Legislation
 >>/127445/,  >>/127454/ Donald Trump World Exclusive: Nigel Farage Interview to Air on GB News Live From Trump's Turnberry Estate
 >>/127450/ How makers of the Switchblade suicide drone are changing the Ukraine war
 >>/127457/ Trudeau gov’t to remove religious symbols from Canadian Coat of Arms
 >>/127469/,  >>/127470/,  >>/127471/,  >>/127472/,  >>/127473/,  >>/127474/,  >>/127475/,  >>/127476/,  >>/127478/,  >>/127479/,  >>/127480/ Swamp Today Thursday, May 4, 2023
 >>/127484/ Thousands of new Epstein documents expose some of the world's most powerful elites
 >>/127486/,  >>/127545/ Gregg Philips, "dropping bombs"
 >>/127487/ Allegedly billionaire Stephen Deckoff, who cofounded Black Diamond Capital Management, is buying Jeffrey Epstein’s private islands
 >>/127492/ Defense Department Deputy Spokesperson Sabrina Singh briefs reporters at the Pentagon
 >>/127494/,  >>/127501/ Communist Biden Regime Says Poverty Is A Good Way To Prevent Climate Change
 >>/127495/ Robert F. Kennedy Jr: Climate Change Being Exploited To Push Totalitarian Control
 >>/127498/ St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner resigning from office June 1
 >>/127500/  Please send your prayers to Ben Garrison as he recovers from his health crisis, Tina Garrison
 >>/127502/,  >>/127504/ Ben Garrison Cartoons banned on Twitter
 >>/127508/ Peter Thiel frets over his companies finances and says moving to Florida from Silicon Valley is too Expensive
 >>/127511/, 05/05/2023 (Fri) 12:55 Id: bd2069 (30) [Preview] No.127523 [Hide User Posts] [X] del  >>/127525/,  >>/127511/,  >>/127512/,  >>/127513/,  >>/127514/,  >>/127515/,  >>/127516/,  >>/127517/,  >>/127518/,  >>/127519/,  >>/127520/,  >>/127521/,  >>/127522/ Swamp Today Friday, May 5, 2023
 >>/127527/ Brave Search Engine Officially Cuts Ties With Bing Over Censorship
 >>/127535/ Rasmussen Reports - Apparently upwards of 300,000 mail ballots in Maricopa County Arizona will now be checked for missing or mismatched signature 
 >>/127536/ : CBC threatened to sue Twitter if it refused to censor its enemies
 >>/127538/,  >>/127540/ Reminder - US restricts use of Johnson & Johnson Covid vaccine over rare blood clot risk
 >>/127541/ Court hearing set next week for @JudicialWatch FEDERAL CIVIL RIGHTS LAWSUIT Over YouTube Censorship
 >>/127546/ Ben Garrison "Joe is Nacho President"
 >>/127547/ Update: Embattled 1st Black St. Louis prosecutor Kim Gardner resigns
 >>/127548/ Truth Justice has just posted an amazing video with Dr. John Coleman about the Committee of 300
 >>/127571/ Newly released documents show Former President Obama's personal White House attorney Kathryn Ruemmler had dozens of secret meetings with Jeffrey Epstein
 >>/127574/ Google engineer, 31, jumps to death in NYC, second worker suicide in months
 >>/127577/ 14 truckers involved in the Coutts demonstration are exonerated from charges in TDF win
 >>/127578/ Pentagon-Funded Censorship Firm Graphika Began Monitoring Covid “Disinformation” On Dec. 16, 2019
 >>/127580/ The Vaccines Were a Military-Backed Countermeasure
 >>/127581/,  >>/127597/,  >>/127597/ Allen Premium Outlets Shooting: 8 victims killed, 7 injured; shooter 'neutralized'
 >>/127583/ Video Footage of Biden Presidential "inauguration"
 >>/127602/ @RealMarjorieGreene -  When we are going to release the J6 video tapes?
 >>/127603/ Pfizer document reveal FDA knew by 2021 that Pfizer's mRNA Covid vaccine resulted in horrible damage to fetuses and babies
 >>/127604/,  >>/127605/ Fruit extract, EBC-46 kills cancer in study
 >>/127608/ Tucker Carlson spoke to Elon Musk about working together
 >>/127609/ @realdonaldtrump - "never been Crowds like a MAGA Crowd, and there have never been Rallies like a “Trump” Rally"
 >>/127611/ California Defaults On $18.6 Billion In Debt, Saddling Employers With The Expense
 >>/127419/ #370


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