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Welcome To The QR Bunker

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.
README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK: https://8kun.top/qresearch/welcome.html

To all anons
This board was born during the 8chan QResearch 93 day hiatus from Aug 5 - Nov 2 2019. Dough was revised in Jan 2021. Anons from any Q platform are welcome here.
PLEASE NOTE: This is a free speech board. For our purposes here, free speech excludes illegal content, spam, hardcore porn, gore, or personal attacks.
Thank for understanding.

Q's Latest Posts
see on original /qresearch/ board --- 8kun.top/qresearch/catalog.html
[not recorded here because this is a backup board for use mainly when 8kun is down (and Q is not posting)]

Q's Private Board --- https://8kun.top/projectdcomms/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6

All Q's posts, archived here --- qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub, qalerts.pub
Global Notables
BU board if 8kun goes down or place to post graphics/vids
How to Make Reports for CP, etc.  >>/115421/,  >>/116414/
ANONS, Please bake & note - HERE"S HOW  >>/113476/
How to ask questions about ENDCHAN  >>/113474/, End Admin Comments  >>/115424/
NOTICE TO SHILLS: NOTICE TO SHILLS: muh joos, muh girl, spam, anti-boomer & other BS will be DELETED
Notables are not endorsements

 >>/127424/ Drag performer Harpy Daniels is Navy's new 'digital ambassador' in bid to boost recruitment 
 >>/127425/,  >>/127427/,  >>/127428/,  >>/127429/,  >>/127430/,  >>/127431/,  >>/127432/,  >>/127433/,  >>/127434/,  >>/127435/,  >>/127436/ Swamp Today Wednesday, May 3, 2023
 >>/127441/ Rebel Capitalist - Another balloon
 >>/127442/ Majority Leader Schumer News Conference on China Competitiveness Legislation
 >>/127445/,  >>/127454/ Donald Trump World Exclusive: Nigel Farage Interview to Air on GB News Live From Trump's Turnberry Estate
 >>/127450/ How makers of the Switchblade suicide drone are changing the Ukraine war
 >>/127457/ Trudeau gov’t to remove religious symbols from Canadian Coat of Arms
 >>/127469/,  >>/127470/,  >>/127471/,  >>/127472/,  >>/127473/,  >>/127474/,  >>/127475/,  >>/127476/,  >>/127478/,  >>/127479/,  >>/127480/ Swamp Today Thursday, May 4, 2023
 >>/127484/ Thousands of new Epstein documents expose some of the world's most powerful elites
 >>/127486/,  >>/127545/ Gregg Philips, "dropping bombs"
 >>/127487/ Allegedly billionaire Stephen Deckoff, who cofounded Black Diamond Capital Management, is buying Jeffrey Epstein’s private islands
 >>/127492/ Defense Department Deputy Spokesperson Sabrina Singh briefs reporters at the Pentagon
 >>/127494/,  >>/127501/ Communist Biden Regime Says Poverty Is A Good Way To Prevent Climate Change
 >>/127495/ Robert F. Kennedy Jr: Climate Change Being Exploited To Push Totalitarian Control
 >>/127498/ St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner resigning from office June 1
 >>/127500/  Please send your prayers to Ben Garrison as he recovers from his health crisis, Tina Garrison
 >>/127502/,  >>/127504/ Ben Garrison Cartoons banned on Twitter
 >>/127508/ Peter Thiel frets over his companies finances and says moving to Florida from Silicon Valley is too Expensive
 >>/127511/, 05/05/2023 (Fri) 12:55 Id: bd2069 (30) [Preview] No.127523 [Hide User Posts] [X] del  >>/127525/,  >>/127511/,  >>/127512/,  >>/127513/,  >>/127514/,  >>/127515/,  >>/127516/,  >>/127517/,  >>/127518/,  >>/127519/,  >>/127520/,  >>/127521/,  >>/127522/ Swamp Today Friday, May 5, 2023
 >>/127527/ Brave Search Engine Officially Cuts Ties With Bing Over Censorship
 >>/127535/ Rasmussen Reports - Apparently upwards of 300,000 mail ballots in Maricopa County Arizona checked for missing or mismatched signature 
 >>/127536/ : CBC threatened to sue Twitter if it refused to censor its enemies
 >>/127538/,  >>/127540/ Reminder - US restricts use of Johnson & Johnson Covid vaccine over rare blood clot risk
 >>/127541/ Court hearing set next week for @JudicialWatch FEDERAL CIVIL RIGHTS LAWSUIT Over YouTube Censorship
 >>/127546/ Ben Garrison "Joe is Nacho President"
 >>/127547/ Update: Embattled 1st Black St. Louis prosecutor Kim Gardner resigns
 >>/127548/ Truth Justice has just posted an amazing video with Dr. John Coleman about the Committee of 300
 >>/127571/ Newly released documents show Former President Obama's personal White House attorney Kathryn Ruemmler had dozens of secret meetings with Jeffrey Epstein
 >>/127574/ Google engineer, 31, jumps to death in NYC, second worker suicide in months
 >>/127577/ 14 truckers involved in the Coutts demonstration are exonerated from charges in TDF win
 >>/127578/ Pentagon-Funded Censorship Firm Graphika Began Monitoring Covid “Disinformation” On Dec. 16, 2019
 >>/127580/ The Vaccines Were a Military-Backed Countermeasure
 >>/127581/,  >>/127597/,  >>/127597/ Allen Premium Outlets Shooting: 8 victims killed, 7 injured; shooter 'neutralized'
 >>/127583/ Video Footage of Biden Presidential "inauguration"
 >>/127602/ @RealMarjorieGreene -  When we are going to release the J6 video tapes?
 >>/127603/ Pfizer document reveal FDA knew by 2021 that Pfizer's mRNA Covid vaccine resulted in horrible damage to fetuses and babies
 >>/127604/,  >>/127605/ Fruit extract, EBC-46 kills cancer in hours in study
 >>/127608/ Tucker Carlson spoke to Elon Musk about working together
 >>/127609/ @realdonaldtrump - "never been Crowds like a MAGA Crowd, and there have never been Rallies like a “Trump” Rally"
 >>/127611/ California Defaults On $18.6 Billion In Debt, Saddling Employers With The Expense
 >>/127419/ #370
 >>/127250/ ‘International Pedophiles Day’: Activists Unveil New Flag and Demand Civil Rights
 >>/127252/ Intelligence watchdog questions cyber agency's approach to international law, CSE insists it was above board
 >>/127253/ Bannon: CCP Triads partner with Mexican Drug Cartels to launder
 >>/127254/ 'I ain’t leaving': Soros-backed prosecutor Kim Gardner refuses to step down from 'rudderless ship of chaos'
 >>/127255/ If they won't care for a living infant, why does anyone think you or someone you love is safe in a hospital?
 >>/127257/ AOC Is Wrong, Study Shows Deplatforming Never Works As Intended
 >>/127258/ Report on the Censorship-Industrial Complex, by @mtaibbi
 >>/127260/  Epstein’s Private Calendar Includes CIA Chief, Obama's White House counsel And Other Prominent Names
 >>/127268/ Devin Nunes: Chinese nationals flooding US border with Michael Yon
 >>/127312/ Planefag
 >>/127313/ Black Woman WENT OFF About Trump and Drops FACTS
 >>/127314/ Report of Investigation of Former FBI Director James Comey's Disclosure of Sensitive Investigative Information and Handling of Certain Memoranda
 >>/127320/ Bannons War Room: Exclusive Sit Down With President Donald J. Trump
 >>/127321/ Donald J Trump -in fact, America will be GREATER THAN EVER BEFORE!!!"
 >>/127323/ The Truth about the Hunter Biden Laptop Letter with Jim Jordan
 >>/127335/, >127336,  >>/127337/,  >>/127338/,  >>/127339/,  >>/127340/,  >>/127341/,  >>/127344/,  >>/127348/,  >>/127357/ The Swamp Today Monday, May 1, 2023
 >>/127349/ Reminder Putin “The CIA does not work on behalf of the American people or act in their interests”
 >>/127351/ Texas attorney general launches investigation into Big Pharma for Covid vaccine fraud
 >>/127352/ Whistleblower fired from Trump’s Truth Social after turning over docs
 >>/127356/ Rebel Capitalist - JP Morgan ignores laws to scoop it up
 >>/127358/ Airbnb Sued After Guest Squats for Months and Trashes Unit
 >>/127359/ Latin Mass Churchgoers Witnessed Suspicious Activity After FBI’s ‘Radical-Traditional Catholic’ Memo
 >>/127360/ Possible toxicity of chronic carbon dioxide exposure associated with face mask use, particularly in pregnant women, children and adolescents
 >>/127361/  Rasmussen Report: The Konnech Election Systems Bombshell - A Thread Election poll forecasting is rendered useless by election fraud
 >>/127371/ Donald Trump says ‘it’s great to be home’ as he arrives in Scotland
 >>/127372/,  >>/127373/ First Republic Bank Bailed Out After Collapse As Nations Move Away From US Dollar
 >>/127377/,  >>/127378/,  >>/127379/,  >>/127380/,  >>/127381/,  >>/127382/,  >>/127383/,  >>/127384/,  >>/127385/,  >>/127386/,  >>/127387/,  >>/127388/,  >>/127397/ The Swamp Today Tuesday, May 2, 2023
 >>/127392/ FOX News: WSJ exposes Epstein's private meetings
 >>/127393/ The federal government wants to move Gen. Flynn’s case to DC 
 >>/127394/ FAA sued over SpaceX Starship launch program following April explosion
 >>/127395/,  >>/127396/ Hearing to examine Supreme Court Ethics Reform
 >>/127398/ Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene - Every American should understand our situation as it stands right now
 >>/127404/ The Trojan Unicorn: Queer Theory and Paedophilia 
 >>/127245/ Canadian PM’s brother to testify about Trudeau Foundation’s alleged links to Communist China
 >>/127245/ #369
 >>/127050/,  >>/127051/,  >>/127052/,  >>/127053/,  >>/127054/,  >>/127055/,  >>/127056/,  >>/127057/,  >>/127058/,  >>/127059/,  >>/127060/,  >>/127061/,  >>/127062/,  >>/127063/,  >>/127072/ The Swamp Today Wednesday, April 26, 2023
 >>/127074/ She Made ‘The Real Anthony Fauci’ Required Reading for Her Students. Here’s What Happened Next
 >>/127075/ A History of NASA's Supercomputers
 >>/127076/ Hunter Biden ORDERED to Appear in Court
 >>/127078/ Texas Senate Passes Bill Banning China from Purchasing Farm Land
 >>/127080/ Canadian Govt to Rush Novel Drugs to Market Before Proven Safe
 >>/127081/ Tucker’s last monologue on Fox, he confirmed the US has “sensitive American nuclear technology” in Ukraine
 >>/127082/ Former member of the Fugees Pras Michel has been convicted on 10 felony counts
 >>/127083/ Photo appears to show Biden cheat sheet
 >>/127085/ Whistleblower Alleges Federal Government Acts as 'Middleman' for Cartel Child Trafficking
 >>/127106/ Tucker at 12,100,000 views now. He released it at 8:01pm on twitter
 >>/127107/ Tucker Carlson releases video statement foretelling eventual end of Regime Media and asserts in the end, truth prevails 
 >>/127108/ Seattle Mayor Wants to Solve Drug Crisis by Giving Homeless Addicts 'Gift Cards' for Treatment Services
 >>/127112/,  >>/127114/ Tucker Releases New Video After Fired As Fox News Ratings Plummet To Record Low
 >>/127116/,  >>/127117/,  >>/127118/,  >>/127120/,  >>/127121/,  >>/127122/,  >>/127123/,  >>/127124/,  >>/127125/,  >>/127126/,  >>/127127/ The Swamp Today Thursday, April 27, 2023
 >>/127131/ The President Participates in a Take Your Child to Work Day Greet
 >>/127133/ Robert F. Kennedy Jr - Twitter files reveal Pentagon partnered with Vanguard in billion dollar project to censor free speech in America
 >>/127134/ Microplastics Detected Entering The Brain Just 2 Hours After Ingestion
 >>/127136/ Pentagon Press Secretary Holds Briefing
 >>/127138/ MORE on Tiffany Jones, Ray Epps adopted daughter
 >>/127139/ Scientists discover antibiotic resistance genes in clouds
 >>/127141/,  >>/127142/,  >>/127143/,  >>/127144/,  >>/127145/,  >>/127146/ NEW LEAKS PROVE THE US GOVERNMENT IS ENGAGED IN INFORMATION WARFARE AGAINST US CITIZENS
 >>/127149/ A beginner’s guide to vaccines and Germ Theory, with Roman Bystrianyk
 >>/127153/ Whistleblower Who Was Planning to Reveal ‘Explosive’ Information on Biden Family Corruption Has Disappeared
 >>/127155/ Eurodollar University - Both the yield curve's 3-month/10-year spread and Fed's near term forward spread nose-dived in April
 >>/127159/  If You Want to Know How 1930s Germany Happened, Just Look at the Past 3 Years
 >>/127160/ War Room - Sinister Dr. Fauci, DOD, & CDC Funded Deadly Pathogen Research At Sudanese Biolab Seized By Militants
 >>/127043/ #368-A
 >>/127164/,  >>/127165/,  >>/127166/,  >>/127167/,  >>/127168/,  >>/127169/,  >>/127170/,  >>/127171/,  >>/127172/,  >>/127173/,  >>/127174/,  >>/127175/,  >>/127176/ The Swamp Today Friday, April 28, 2023
 >>/127179/ Red Line Crossed: DNA Contamination of mRNA "Vaccines" Poses Risk to Everyone on the Planet
 >>/127180/ X22: Kash Patel - Hunter Will Be Indicted, [DS] Advocated An Overthrow, Rule Of Law Must Be Followed
 >>/127182/ National Covid Emergency Declaration Issued Very Quietly by HHS Secretary Two Days After Biden Ends the Emergency by Signing 
 >>/127183/ Another MAJOR Train Derailment (Sabotage) Event Hits Mississippi River
 >>/127185/ 'Egregious Misconduct' by State Police Lab Gets 27,000 Cases Reopened
 >>/127189/ Fully VACCINATED NBA player career is over because of blood clots, blames vaccine says NBA tried to cover it up
 >>/127202/,  >>/127226/,  >>/127205/,  >>/127221/ ABC News edits RFK Jr interview on the subject of vaccines
 >>/127203/,  >>/127236/ Masks Had No Effect on COVID Cases Among Children: Finnish Study
 >>/127204/ Pfizer's jab contains the SV40 sequence which is known as a promoter of the cancer virus
 >>/127206/ Bud Light Prepares a Plan to Sucker Republicans and Regain Support
 >>/127208/ @MarcoPolo501c3 shows the control of Skaneateles LLC is being held by Kevin Morris, Hunter’s top attorney
 >>/127209/ Trapped Americans In Sudan "Shocked & Disgusted" Left By Biden To Fend For Themselves
 >>/127212/ Georgia trans person faces more than 50 child sex abuse felonies following arrest at daycare
 >>/127216/ @SenRonJohnson: The People Controlling the Narrative During Lockdowns Were the Ones BENEFITTING from the Lockdowns
 >>/127217/ PSAC hypocrites condemned the Freedom Convoy while doing much worse to inconvenience Canadians 
 >>/127229/ A large-scale, multi-agency nuclear incident TRAINING EXERCISE will take place May 1-5 in southeast Houston 
 >>/127230/ Judicial Watch "We have smoking gun information showing that the U.S govt, specifically the Fauci agency (NIH), knowingly funded gain-of-function research and creation of coronavirus ‘mutants’
 >>/127235/ Oh Snap, Did Neil Oliver Just Go Full Tucker Carlson
 >>/127043/ #368-B

Previously Collected Notables
 >>/126868/ #367
 >>/126160/ #363-B,  >>/126352/ #364,  >>/126457/ #365,  >>/126756/ #366
 >>/125703/ #360,  >>/125723/ #361,  >>/125967/ #362,  >>/126160/ #363-A
 >>/124037/ #356,  >>/124384/ #357,  >>/124559/ #358,  >>/125375/ #359
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The Swamp Today
Timelines Change.
Monday, May 8, 2023

The House Stands Adjourned Until May 9, 2023 at 12:00 PM EDT
The Senate Stands Adjourned Until May 9, 2023 at 3:00 PM EDT

Deputy Secretary of State Wendy R. Sherman attends meetings and briefings at the Department of State.
Deputy Secretary for Management and Resources Richard R. Verma attends meetings and briefings at the Department of State.
Under Secretary for Political Affairs Victoria J. Nuland attends meetings and briefings at the Department of State.
Assistant Secretary for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs Todd D. Robinson is on travel to South Africa and Ghana from May 4-9, 2023.

. . .

Welcome to Hope For The Warriors 2023 Memorial Day 30x30 Challenge.
This Memorial Day challenge was made to get YOU moving and motivate you to incorporate any type of physical movement for 30 days for a minimum of 30 minutes. 

Daily Weather Map
National Centers for Environmental Prediction, Weather Prediction Center

National Forecast Charts
National Centers for Environmental Prediction, Weather Prediction Center

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Arm In Arm

Bob Moran @bobscartoons - Coronation

Gary Varvel Views From The Right - Bidenomics = Redistribution of wealth

grrrgraphics Ben Garrison - Bad Moon Rising - Coming Back to Haunt Them

RealityBites by Broc Smith - The Wise Latina

RealityBites by Broc Smith - Another One Bites the Dust

Stonetoss Comics @stone_toss - Since #LGBWithoutTheTQ is trending

The Daily Cartoonist - “Little Mice” by Caleb Spell, New Local Comic Strip by 13-Year-Old

Jumble Daily

Congressional Record (Most Recent Issue)

Weekly Schedule: Week of May 8th

Text of Bills for the Week of May 8, 2023

60-Second Civics Podcast

On-Demand Webinar: Best of Core Forum: Incorporating Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Principles into Our Metadata
ALA American Library Association

NOAA Tide Predictions - Washington DC
Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

NOAA Observed Water Levels -  Station 8594900 Washington DC
Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

May 5, 2023 - May 14, 2023
Weekly schedule of public speaking engagements and other activities Friday, 05 May 2023 - Sunday, 14 May 2023
European Central Bank

May 8, 2023 - May 9, 2023
Summit on American Democracy: A Conference on the Current State of American Democracy and Elections
Center for Election Innovation and Research
 1 and txt file 
May 8, 2023 - May 9, 2023
Eighth Executive Board Retreat
International Fund for Agricultural Development of the United Nations (IFAD)

May 8, 2023 - May 9, 2023
Safe & Just Communities Summit
The National Urban League and John Jay College of Criminal Justice

May 8, 2023 - May 9, 2023
Innovative Approaches to Improve Maternal Health
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

May 8, 2023 - May 9, 2023
Trans NIH Workshop: Innovative Approaches to Improve Maternal Health
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

May 8, 2023 - May 9, 2023
Heterogeneity and Successful Aging
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

May 8, 2023 - May 10, 2023
AIM for Climate Summit
Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research (FFAR)

May 8, 2023 - May 10, 2023
The Time is Now: Uniting for Universal Representation
Vera Institute of Justice

May 8, 2023 - May 10, 2023
World Utilities Congress 2023
dmg events

May 8, 2023 - May 11, 2023
Exec. Ed. Online: Innovation with AI in Health Care - Digital Transformation of Health Care Organizations using Artificial Intelligence
Harvard University T.H. Chan School of Public Health

May 8, 2023 - May 11, 2023
SOF Week 2023 #SOFWeek2023 Tampa, Florida
USSOCOM, The Global SOF Foundation and Clarion Events

May 8, 2023 - May 12, 2023
UN Forum on Forests – 18th Session
United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA)

May 8, 2023 - May 12, 2023
26th International Conference on Computing in High Energy & Nuclear Physics
Norfolk, VA

May 8, 2023 - May 12, 2023
All of Us Journeys to NIH Campus
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

May 8, 2023 - May 26, 2023
U.S. v. Khalid Shaikh Mohammad, et al., Motions Hearing - CANCELED
Office of Military Commissions

May 8, 2023 - May 26, 2023
U.S. Sixth Fleet and STRIKFORNATO to kick off FORMIDABLE SHIELD 2023

May 8, 2023
2:00 AM EDT
In Depth: Philip K. Howard
Attorney & author Philip K. Howard joins Book TV to talk and take calls about government and legal reform in America. Mr. Howard’s books include “The Death of Common Sense” and the recently published “Not Accountable.”

3:00 AM EDT
Montenegro Review - 43rd Session of Universal Periodic Review
United Nations

4:00 AM EDT
UN Trade Forum 2023
United Nations

4:00 AM EDT
2,699th Meeting, 93rd Session, Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC)
United Nations
4:00 AM EDT
1,969th Meeting, 85th Session, Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)
United Nations

4:00 AM EDT
Briefing Day, Ninth Conference of States Parties (CSP9) Preparatory Process - Arms Trade Treaty
United Nations

4:00 AM EDT
Tucson Festival of Books: His Name is George Floyd. Authors Toluse Olorunnipa and Robert Samuels discussed their book, "His Name is George Floyd." This event took place at teh Tucson Festival of Books.
American History/BookTV

4:00 AM EDT
New Paradigm Workshop - Resetting the Economy after the Crises
Forum NewEconomy

4:59 AM EDT
Tucson Festival of Books: Susan Crane, "Nothing Happened - A History". University of Arizona Professor Susan Crane discussed her exploration of what it means to look at the past and remember that "nothing happened." This interview took place at the 2023 Tucson Festival of Books.
American History/BookTV

5:18 AM EDT
Tucson Festival of Books: The Politics of Reproduction.  Authors Becca Andrews ("No Choice"), Dahlia Lithwick ("Lady Justice") and Joshua Prager ("The Family Roe") discussed the politics of reproduction. This event was part of the 2023 Tucson Festival of Books.
American History/BookTV

6:15 AM EDT
Wilson (Woodrow) International Center for Scholars: Carolyn Eisenberg, "Fire and Rain". Hofstra University U.S. history professor Carolyn Eisenberg talked about the Vietnam War during the Nixon/Kissinger years. This virtual event was hosted by the Wilson Center in Washington, DC.
American History/BookTV

7:00 AM EDT
Washington Journal: Open Phones
Viewers responded to the question “Who has the right approach on the debt ceiling?”

8:00 AM EDT
Washington Journal: Alex Rouhandeh Discusses the Week Ahead for Congress
Newsweek congressional correspondent Alex Rouhandeh discusses the week ahead for Congress.

8:00 AM EDT
2023 Science of Patient Engagement Symposium: Patient Empowerment in the Digital Health Era
National Health Council
FDA Commisioner & Other on Patient Empowerment & Digital Health Care
FDA Commissioner Dr. Robert Califf and others discuss digital healthcare and patient empowerment at the National Health Council’s (NHC’s) Science of Patient Engagement Symposium in Washington, DC.

8:30 AM EDT
Washington Journal: Andrew Selee Discusses the End of Title 42
Migration Policy Institute President Andrew Selee discusses what to expect as the pandemic-era border policy known as Title 42 comes to an end, the Biden administration’s plans for stemming migration, and the implications of recent proposals brought....

8:30 AM EDT
United Arab Emirates Review - 43rd Session of Universal Periodic Review
United Nations

9:00 AM EDT
1,970th Meeting, 85th Session, Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)
United Nations

9:00 AM EDT
Summit on American Democracy: A Conference on the Current State of American Democracy and Elections Day 1
Center for Election Innovation and Research
9:00 AM EDT
Daily U.S. Agricultural Weather Highlights - Released No Later Than 9:00 a.m. ET Every Day
National Agricultural Statistics Service and World Agricultural Outlook Board, U.S. Department of Agriculture

9:00 AM EDT
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) - Innovative Approaches to Improve Maternal Health Day 1
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

9:15 AM EDT
Washington Journal: Open Phones
Join us with your calls and comments on social media as we review the latest news headlines out of Washington.

9:30 AM EDT
Welcome Corps: Private Sponsorship of Refugees Comes to America
American Enterprise Institute

9:45 AM EDT
Security Council Media Stakeout (Middle East (Syria); Other Matters)
United Nations

9:50 AM EDT
Pentagon Force Protection Agency New Officer Ceremony

10:00 AM EDT
2004th Meeting, 76th Session, Committee Against Torture (CAT)
United Nations

10:00 AM EDT
(1st Meeting) UN Forum on Forests, 18th Session
United Nations

10:00 AM EDT
The Situation in the Middle East (Syria) - Security Council, 9,317th Meeting
United Nations

10:00 AM EDT
The United States Development Approach in an Age of Great Power Competition: A Conversation with Former USAID Administrators
Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)
Former USAID Administrators Discuss Development and Great Power Competition
Former U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) administrators discuss the impact great power competition has on U.S. global assistance and development during a conversation hosted by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)

10:00 AM EDT
Workshop: Heterogeneity & Successful Aging Day 1
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

10:00 AM EDT
2023 Economic Indicator Release: Monthly Wholesale Trade: Sales and Inventories March 2023
US Census Bureau, Department of Commerce

11:00 AM EDT
A Watchman in the Night: Cal Thomas' 50 Years Reporting on America
The Heritage Foundation

11:00 AM EDT
Predicting Where Endangered Animals and Plants Are via Human-AI Collaboration
ai for Good Is Organized by ITU in Partnership With 40 UN Sister Agencies and Co-convened With Switzerland

11:00 AM EDT
RNA Biology Laboratory Seminar Series
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

11:00 AM EDT 
Acting Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs Derek Hogan meets with Portuguese Ministry of Foreign Affairs Political Director Rui Vinhas
Department of State
12:00 PM EDT
Daily Press Briefing by the Spokesperson of the Secretary-General and the Spokesperson for the President of the General Assembly.
United Nations

12:00 PM EDT
Policing, Public Safety, and Mental Health: Findings From the New Jersey ARRIVE Together Program
Brookings Institution

12:00 PM EDT
Warm and Full: Neural Circuits for Behavioral Regulation of Homeostasis - NIH Only
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

12:00 PM EDT
American Corporate Partners: The Power of a Mentor - Online
Veterans Administration

1:00 PM EDT
45V and Defining Green Hydrogen
Center for Strategic and International Studies

1:00 PM EDT
Climate, Health & Equity: Toward a Sustainable Future
Harvard University T.H. Chan School of Public Health

1:00 PM EDT
AI Inventorship Listening Session - West Coast
United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)

1:00 PM EDT
Broadband Technical Assistance Funding Opportunity Announcement Webinar
Veterans Administration & USDA Rural Development’s Rural Utilities Service

1:00 PM EDT
Under Secretary for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights Uzra Zeya delivers remarks at the Rotary-Organization of American States Luncheon on Engaging for Cooperation and Prosperity of Displaced Populations in Central America and Mexico
Washington, D.C.

1:15 PM EDT
Department Press Briefing with Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Patel
Department of State

1:30 PM EDT
Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona will travel to Hampton, Virginia, with U.S. Congressman Robert C. “Bobby” Scott to tour Bethel High School and learn firsthand from the school's leaders and teachers about how the college and career readiness programs have prepared students for college and beyond.
Department of Education

1:45 PM EDT
The President Delivers Remarks on Protecting Consumers When There Are Flight Delays or Cancellations; The Secretary of Transportation Participates
The White House

2:00 PM EDT
Webinar: National RTAP and NADTC Understanding the Entry-Level Driver Training Requirements
Federal Transit Administration (FTA), Department of Transportation (DOT)

2:30 PM EDT
Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre
The White House

2:45 PM EDT
Security Council Media Stakeout (1559 Report; Other Matters)
United Nations

3:00 PM EDT
(2nd Meeting) UN Forum on Forests, 18th Session
United Nations

3:00 PM EDT
(Part 1) Multistakeholder Hearings in Preparation of the General Assembly High-Level Meetings on the Fight Against Tuberculosis, Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response and Universal Health Coverage - General Assembly, 77th Session
United Nations
3:00 PM EDT
Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona and Congressman Scott will visit Hampton University where they will participate in a conversation with education leaders about the importance of wrap around services in order to support students throughout college.
Department of Education

3:30 PM EDT
Maya MacGuineas on the Debt Ceiling, Federal Spending and the Looming Default Date
Washington Post Live

3:30 PM EDT
Secretary Antony J. Blinken meets with North Macedonia’s Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski
Department of State

4:00 PM EDT
Inaugural Michael Klag and Lucy Meoni Lecture: Political Determinants of Health: How We Can Repair the Past and Advance Health Equity
Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health

4:00 PM EDT
Grand Strategy from the Ancient World to the Digital Age
American Enterprise Institute

4:00 PM EDT
The Sassoons: The Great Global Merchants and the Making of an Empire with Joseph Sassoon
Woodrow Wilson Center

4:10 PM EDT
Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona and Congressman Scott will participate in a press gaggle in Hampton, Virginia.
Department of Education

4:30 PM EDT
Autism Special Interest Group Round Table on Leadership and Mentorship
Association of University Centers on Disabilities

6:30 PM EDT
2023 Alexander Hamilton Award Dinner
Manhattan Institute

6:30 PM EDT
New Whiggery Dinner with Shadi Hamid
The Institute on Religion and Democracy

7:00 PM EDT
2023 Ina Levine Annual Lecture — Trauma, Privilege, and Adventure: Jewish Refugees in Iran and India
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

7:45 PM EDT
The President hosts a screening of “American Born Chinese” in celebration of Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Heritage Month by 7:00 am]
The White House

9:00 PM EDT First Aired: May 03, 2023
Hearing on Combating Disinformation
Senate Foreign Relations Committee

9:30 PM EDT
Georgia Secretary of State & Other Election Officials Discuss Elections
Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and other state election officials discuss voter lists, counting ballots and other election policy during an event hosted by the Center for Election Innovation and Research.

11:00 PM EDT
Military vehicles roll into Moscow ahead of Victory Day parade
Russian Federation, Moscow

May 9, 2023
2:45 AM EDT
Moscow hosts Victory Day parade in Red Square
Russian Federation, Moscow
 6 end 
RIP America, once such a great nation loved and adored by the whole world, the beacon for freedom and prosperity. Those days are long gone. America as we once knew it no longer exists. With that said, more news headlines:

Close To 190 More US Banks Face Collapse


Homeless Encampments Are Exploding In Size All Over America As Rents Soar And Evictions Surge


US Heading Toward Power Grid 'Reliability Crisis,' Energy Commissioner Warns


PURE EVIL: Leading US Medical Institutions Are Deliberately Confusing Toddlers And Converting Them Into Transgenders


US Military Turning Into A Freak Show As Navy Uses ‘Non-binary’ Sailor Drag Queen In Failed Recruitment Campaign


Peaceful Protesting Is Now "Seditious Conspiracy" In America, Claims DOJ Prosecutors


Ranchers Report Biggest Cattle Supply Drop In 40 Years As Shortages Hit Grocery Stores


Biden Wages War On Small Businesses During National Small Business Week


Migrants Storming Open US Border


Yep, they're literally rigging the election in our faces at this point and nothing has been done to stop them, so they will continue to do whatever people put up with at this point, just as any other criminal does.
The answer will always be, signature verification, like what is supposed to happen now in AZ (only to investigate the last election - they have not made it permanent) Stay tuned...

The courts have the power. Use the court of public opinion to shame the courts into doing their jobs concerning elections. Let the people know that inaction on the court's part is aiding and abetting criminals.
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State-run Media Says You Will Own Nothing In The Future, Personal Choice Does Not Matter

A recent piece in BBC’s “Future World” series on its surface celebrates someone who choose to live an “ultra low carbon lifestyle”.

Throughout the Western world, per capita carbon output ranges from 4.46 (France) to Canada being the highest at 15.43, that does not include any Eastern nations like Russia, India or China.

The article talks about the personal challenges around living an ultra-low carbon lifestyle. According to the piece, 2 tonnes/year is also about half the output of a single gas powered car in the US, so the first step for any Americans (or Canadians) wanting to do this, they would have to start by ditching their vehicles. This of-course is absurd knowing more than half the population in America relies on private transportation to commute to work and to go shopping!

Other behaviours which move the needle would be: eating a plant based diet, buying green energy and forgoing one transatlantic round-trip per year. Of-course this could only happen under very hellish totalitarian enforcement, which would also rely on mass surveillance and an end to our traditional civilized courtesy of the right to privacy in your own home.

In terms of what level of personal CO2 emissions gets the job done “for the climate”, estimates vary. While the 2 tonne number was somewhat arbitrary, there are other climate focused think tanks that feel the number has to be 1.4 tonnes of C02 per person by 2040 and 0.7 by 2050.

Going back to Canada’s “excessive” carbon footprint – if we look at a metric that really means anything – total CO2 output – Canada is basically a rounding error to the world’s largest emitter, China.

The State-run media claims the ultra-low carbon lifestyle isn’t just for the eco-minded, it has to be for everybody. Or it isn’t going to work (“work” being defined as controlling the planet’s climate decades out).

Well if the answer is “no” then that means the ultra-low CO2 lifestyle has to be  for everybody. Would that not include China, Russia and India too then?

“With the right policies, infrastructure and technology in place to enable changes to our lifestyles and behaviour, we can reduce overall greenhouse gas emissions substantially by 2050… In richer countries, this means moving towards a far lower carbon lifestyle for most people. But the changes to get there aren’t necessarily painful or even negative. For example, research has shown that good public services enable higher well being at lower energy use.”

If you read between the lines of this propaganda we see the implications of this. It basically means that an ultra-low carbon lifestyle has to be brought about through systemic change, government policy and massively expanded public services – or said differently, increasing dependence on The State.

We live in a world where many people believe many different things, but nowhere else do we find the kind of mandatory buy-in required as with the so-called climate crisis. Fortunately we’re hearing from an increasing number of scientists that there is no crisis, and whose voices are getting louder even in the face of corporate media “fact checking” and other headwinds of narrative control.

Climate crisis or not, I personally think decarbonization will happen anyway if for no other reason than that fossil fuel supplies are finite. With rational energy policies, including nuclear, natural gas and hybrid EVs (as opposed to full EV), we could significantly ratchet down CO2 emissions while still providing increased energy inputs to a world hungry for higher living standards.

The reality is there is no viable path forward that makes reduced energy usage and standard of living reductions a requirement, let alone mandatory.

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I suggest the whole country stock up on 30 days of food, then we name a date and stop going to work on that date, stop purchasing anything, and starve the gov of their tax money for 30 days. Hit them in the pocketbook. They can't abide by that.

We can lock down ourselves and hit them where it hurts at the same time. The economic outcome will ensure no one will vote for the Biden crime family. And that makes it even harder to steal the election. Let's have a RESET, our way.
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for those with big brains --anon

SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Accumulation in the Skull-Meninges-Brain Axis: Potential Implications for Long-Term Neurological Complications in post-COVID-19

"Whole body distribution of spike S1 protein in a mouse model

To identify all potential tissues that are targeted by SARS-CoV-2, we mapped the distribution of fluorescently labeled spike S1 protein in intact transparent mice. While not a direct measurement of viral tropism, recent studies demonstrated the utility of the recombinant spike protein as a proxy to study SARS-CoV-2 targeting and pathology in mice32,27."

I'll never forgive Fox or any MSM --anon

AB still believing they are correct and this whole boycott mess is on misinformation.  Really?  Yuengling is my new beer. Cheaper and taste better.

Doukeris further stated that there was “misinformation and confusion” that circulated online that included a Bud Light can with Mulvaney’s likeness on it. Again distancing Bud Light from Mulvaney, he said that it was “never intended to make it for general production and sale for the public.”  Lies- who is really making you destroy yourself, AB?

Big pharma harvesting doner shit to feed to people with gut issues.
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==Stream of migrants with fresh haircuts enter Texas before Title 42 expiration

NEW: Stream of migrants enter Texas before Title 42 expiration.
Over 6.3 million illegal aliens entered the country since January 2021. 
33 states have a population below 6.3 million.

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Peaceful Protesting Is Now "Seditious Conspiracy" In America, Claims DOJ Prosecutors

I want to walk through jury instructions on seditious conspiracy to demonstrate the vagueness of the charge and how easy it is to prove.
Just look at (2)--this could apply to essentially any political protest on the federal level.
[Image 1]
So agreeing to a "conspiracy" (I'll get to that laughable definition in a moment) to interfere in the execution of federal law is "seditious" but oh btw it's not necessary for DOJ to prove that the accused knew which law they conspired to break🤔
[Image 2]
There are not enough LOLs in the world for this.
One prosecutor told Proud Boys jury that a "wink and a nod" constitutes agreement to a conspiracy.
Now do you see the low bar to indict Trump?
[Image 3]
But it says "by force!" Here's DOJs burden of proof.
Basically none.
Further, what "force" was used when no one brought a weapon, no one assaulted police, and some (Nordean) walked through an open door WITH POLICE RIGHT THERE.
Further, Enrique Tarrio was in Baltimore on Jan 6
[Image 4]
Consider how this would apply to nearly every protest in Washington, especially climate demonstrations and Kavanaugh confirmation process.
This is conspiracy to obstruct Congress.
[image 5]

Julie Kelly 🇺🇸
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The Swamp Today
Timelines Change.
Tuesday, May 9, 2023

The House Stands Adjourned Until May 9, 2023 at 12:00 PM EDT
The Senate Stands Adjourned Until May 9, 2023 at 3:00 PM EDT

Deputy Secretary Of State Wendy R. Sherman attends meetings and briefings at the Department of State.
Deputy Secretary for Management and Resources Richard R. Verma attends meetings and briefings at the Department of State.
Under Secretary for Political Affairs Victoria J. Nuland attends meetings and briefings at the Department of State.
Assistant Secretary for Arms Control, Verification and Compliance Mallory Stewart is on travel to South Africa and Egypt from May 6-12, 2023.
Assistant Secretary for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs Todd D. Robinson is on travel to South Africa and Ghana from May 4-9, 2023.

. . .

Welcome to Hope For The Warriors 2023 Memorial Day 30x30 Challenge.
This Memorial Day challenge was made to get YOU moving and motivate you to incorporate any type of physical movement for 30 days for a minimum of 30 minutes. 

Daily Weather Map
National Centers for Environmental Prediction, Weather Prediction Center

National Forecast Charts
National Centers for Environmental Prediction, Weather Prediction Center

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Big Ears

A.F. Branco Flashback Toon - Mayorkas’s Border

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Uncle Samantha

Gary Varvel - The battle for the soul of America's future
Why the left wants porn in school libraries

grrrgraphics - Royal Pain

RealityBites by Broc Smith - Coins for the Boatman

RealityBites by Broc Smith - The Frog Prince

Stonetoss Comics @stone_toss - If Communism is Good....

Jumble Daily

Congressional Record (Most Recent Issue)

60-Second Civics Podcast - Donations & Political Equality: Campaign Finance in the U.S., Part 5

MCRP 3-40A.9: First Aid
U.S. Marine Corps

Diamond and Silk Chit Chat Live - Dr. Naomi Wolf Talks About Report 69: BOMBSHELL and What Pfizer and the FDA Knew 5/4/23

NOAA Tide Predictions - Washington DC
Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

NOAA Observed Water Levels -  Station 8594900 Washington DC
Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

May 9, 2023 - May 10, 2023
National Science Board Meeting
National Science Foundation

May 9, 2023 - May 10, 2023
Advances in Aging, Immunity and Chronic Inflammatory Diseases
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services
 1 and txt file 
May 9, 2023 - May 10, 2023
Heterogeneity and Successful Aging
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

May 9, 2023 - May 10, 2023
WIoT Industry Day
Northeastern University Institute for the Wireless Internet of Things

May 9, 2023 - May 10, 2023
Joint Meeting of the Nonprescription Drugs Advisory Committee and the Obstetrics, Reproductive and Urologic Drugs Advisory Committee
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

May 9, 2023 - May 10, 2023
National Library of Medicine NLM Board of Regents Meeting
National Library of Medicine, Department of Health and Human Services

May 9, 2023 - May 11, 2023
Administration for Children and Families' (ACF) 2023 APBI
Department of Health and Human Services 

May 9, 2023 - May 12, 2023
Mobilising the Sustainable and Digital Transition in Global Financial Markets: Adapting to the Paradigm Shift in Investing and Funding
Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum (OMFIF)

May 9, 2023 - May 12, 2023
Surge Arresters (TC 37) Technical Committee Meeting -  Components for Low-Voltage Surge Protection (SC 37B)
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)

May 9, 2023 - May 12, 2023
Electrical Installations for Lighting and Beaconing of Aerodromes (TC 97) Technical Committee Plenary and Its Working Groups (WG) Meeting
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)

May 9, 2023
Victory Day in Russia

May 9, 2023
May Fellows Breakfast with Assistant Secretary Arun Venkataraman
The World Affairs Council

May 9, 2023
2:45 AM EDT
Moscow hosts Victory Day parade in Red Square
Russian Federation, Moscow

2:00 AM EDT First Aired: May 03, 2023
Hearing on Combating Disinformation
Senate Foreign Relations Committee

3:00 AM EDT
Israel Review - 43rd Session of Universal Periodic Review
United Nations

4:00 AM EDT
1971st Meeting, 85th Session, Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) Consideration of Timor Leste
United Nations

4:00 AM EDT
1st Meeting, 2nd CSP9 Informal Preparatory Meeting - Arms Trade Treaty
United Nations

4:00 AM EDT
3,620th Meeting, 74th Session of the International Law Commission - Piracy
United Nations

4:00 AM EDT
Europe's Balancing Act: Taming Inflation Without a Recession
Jacques Delors Centre

4:00 AM EDT
How Nigeria Can Build a Post-Oil Economic Future
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
5:00 AM EDT
António Guterres, UN Secretary-General receives the Carlos V European Award (Yuste, Spain)
United Nations

5:00 AM EDT
Entrepreneurship for Military Spouses and Caregivers
Department of Labor

7:00 AM EDT
Washington Journal: Open Phones
Viewers commented on the question, “What is your message to Washington on raising the debt ceiling?”

8:00 AM EDT
Ash Carter Exchange on Innovation and National Security
The Special Competitive Studies Project (SCSP)
The SCSP is inspired by the Rockefeller Special Studies Project (SSP), launched in 1956 by Nelson Rockefeller and led by Henry Kissinger.

8:30 AM EDT
Women Challenging Washington with Sens. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.), and Reps. Stephanie Bice (R-Okla.), Lisa Blunt Rochester (D-Del.) and Mikie Sherrill (D-N.J.)
Punchbowl News

8:30 AM EDT
Liechtenstein Review - 43rd Session of Universal Periodic Review
United Nations

8:30 AM EDT
Summit on American Democracy: A Conference on the Current State of American Democracy and Elections Day 2
Center for Election Innovation and Research

9:00 AM EDT
1,972nd Meeting, 85th Session, Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) Consideration of Timor Leste (cont'd)
United Nations

9:00 AM EDT
2,702nd Meeting, 93rd Session, Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) Consideration of France
United Nations

9:00 AM EDT
2nd Meeting, 2nd CSP9 Informal Preparatory Meeting - Arms Trade Treaty
United Nations

9:00 AM EDT
Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall Provides Remarks at the in-person and virtual Ash Carter Exchange on Innovation and National Security
The Special Competitive Studies Project (SCSP)

9:00 AM EDT
National Library of Medicine NLM Board of Regents Meeting
National Library of Medicine, Department of Health and Human Services

9:00 AM EDT
Acting Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs Derek Hogan participates in the 49th Session of the United States-Portugal Standing Bilateral Commission
Department of State

9:00 AM EDT
Innovative Approaches to Improve Maternal Health Hybrid Workshop Day 2
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

9:00 AM EDT
2023 NIAID Robert M. Chanock Memorial Lecture: Human Monoclonal Antibodies for Emerging Infections
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

9:00 AM EDT
Advances in Aging, Immunity and Chronic Inflammatory Diseases Day 1
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

9:00 AM EDT
Soldiers' Angels Military and Veteran Food Distribution - Charleston
Veterans Administration
9:00 AM EDT
Daily U.S. Agricultural Weather Highlights - Released No Later Than 9:00 a.m. ET Every Day
National Agricultural Statistics Service and World Agricultural Outlook Board, U.S. Department of Agriculture

9:30 AM EDT
Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps Gen. Eric M. Smith Provides Remarks at the in-person and virtual Ash Carter Exchange on Innovation and National Security
The Special Competitive Studies Project (SCSP)

9:30 AM EDT
NPC Headliners Newsmaker: Japan's Ambassador to the U.S. Koji Tomita
National Press Club

9:30 AM EDT
The Parent Trap: Reducing Social Inequality by Supporting Parents and Their Children
Brookings Institution Co-hosted by The MIT Press

10:00 AM EDT
NATO's Mircea Geoana on Security, Freedom, and Prosperity in Eastern Europe
Atlantic Council

10:00 AM EDT
Addressing the Underlying Causes of the Banking Crisis of 2023
American Enterprise Institute

10:00 AM EDT
(Part 2) Multistakeholder Hearings in Preparation of the General Assembly High-Level Meetings on the Fight Against Tuberculosis, Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response and Universal Health Coverage - General Assembly, 77th Session
United Nations

10:00 AM EDT
(3rd Meeting) UN Forum on Forests, 18th Session
United Nations

10:00 AM EDT
NLM Board of Regents Meeting - May 2023
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

10:00 AM EDT
Workshop: Heterogeneity & Successful Aging Day 2
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

10:00 AM EDT
Field Hearing, Staten Island, New York - Trade in America: Securing Supply Chains and Protecting the American Worker - Staten Island
House Ways and Means Committee
House Ways and Means Committee Field Hearing on Securing Supply Chains
The House Ways and Means Committee holds a field hearing in Staten Island, New York, on securing supply chains and U.S. trade.

10:15 AM EDT
Press Briefing: Previewing G7 Leaders’ Summit in Hiroshima
Center for Strategic and International Studies

10:30 AM EDT
A Conversation with Cote d’Ivoire National Assembly President Adama Bictogo: The Role of Parliamentarians in Peace and Security
United States Institute of Peace

11:00 AM EDT
Saving Medicare: Now and for the Future
Heritage Foundation
11:00 AM EDT
Ukrainian Wartime Art: A Decolonial Perspective
Woodrow Wilson Center

11:00 AM EDT
Disinformation and Deepfakes: Countering Gender-Based Online Harassment
Center for Strategic and International Studies

11:00 AM EDT
Secretary Antony J. Blinken meets with UK Foreign Secretary James Cleverly
Department of State

11:00 AM EDT
NLM Intramural Research Program IRP Seminar
National Library of Medicine, Department of Health and Human Services

11:00 AM EDT
National Advisory Council on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism - May 2023
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

11:00 AM EDT
Veterans Benefit Seminar - Post Falls, ID
Veterans Administration

11:00 AM EDT
DECODE Seminar Series
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

11:15 AM EDT
Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr. Provides Remarks at the in-person and virtual Ash Carter Exchange on Innovation and National Security
The Special Competitive Studies Project (SCSP)

11:30 AM EDT
Decarbonizing Food Production to Advance Healthy Food and Nutrition (Hosted by Tetra Pak)
World Resources Institute

11:30 AM EDT
The Secret Diaries of Charles Ignatius Sancho: Remarks from Actor and Author Paterson Joseph
The City Club of Cleveland

11:30 AM EDT
Rain and Snow in Your Backyard and Around the Globe
Library of Congress

11:30 AM EDT
RNA Biology in Aging and Cancer
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

11:30 AM EDT
Mindfulness in the Workplace
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

12:00 PM EDT
Daily Press Briefing by the Spokesperson of the Secretary-General and the Spokesperson for the President of the General Assembly
United Nations

12:00 PM EDT
A Collaborative Conversation on Investigator Initiated Trials, Stem Cell Research, and IRB Oversight
Department of Health and Human Services

12:00 PM EDT
Warm and Full: Neural Circuits for Behavioral Regulation of Homeostasis NIH Only
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

12:00 PM EDT
Learn About the Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for AIA Proceedings Before the PTAB
United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)

12:00 PM EDT
Weekly International Weather and Crop Highlights - Released Tuesday (Or Second Business Day) Afternoon
National Agricultural Statistics Service and World Agricultural Outlook Board, U.S. Department of Agriculture
12:00 PM EDT
U.S. House of Representatives: Morning Hour
The House today will consider several science-related bills under suspension of the rules. Off the floor, House and Senate top leaders are scheduled to meet with President Biden at the White House to discuss the debt limit deadline.

12:15 PM EDT
Secretary Antony J. Blinken holds a joint press availability with UK Foreign Secretary James Cleverly
Department of State
Secretary Blinken Meeting with British Foreign Secretary
Secretary of State Antony Blinken meets with British Foreign Secretary James Cleverly.

12:30 PM EDT
NPC Headliners Luncheon: Ashley Judd
The National Press Club

12:30 PM EDT
Launch Conference: Wadhwani Center for AI and Advanced Technologies
Center for Strategic and International Studies

12:30 PM EDT
Better Money vs. Easy Money: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about the Origins and the Future of Money
Cato Institute

12:30 PM EDT
DNA Repair Interest Group - May 2023
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

12:30 PM EDT
DNA End Recognition by the MRE11 Complex: Implications for DNA End Resection, Telomeric Protein Counting Model and Cas9 Based Gene Editing
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

12:45 PM EDT
National Advisory Council on Drug Abuse - May 2023
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

12:50 PM EDT
Public Service Recognition Week Awards Ceremony

1:00 PM EDT
(To be confirmed) General Assembly Media Stakeout: The President of the General Assembly and WHO Executive Director Dr. Tedros on the two-day multistakholder hearing related to health (TB, pandemic preparedness, and universal health coverage)
United Nations

1:00 PM EDT
Continental Reckoning: The American West in the Age of Expansion
National Archives

1:00 PM EDT
San Francisco Giants Hiring Expo - San Francisco, California
Veterans Administration

1:00 PM EDT
Remote Work Symposium - Online
Veterans Administration

1:00 PM EDT
Mimicking the Cellular Microenvironment with 3D Hydrogels enables Target Discovery and Drug Screening
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

1:00 PM EDT
BME-SIG Lecture with Molly Schoichet
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

1:00 PM EDT
Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre
The White House
2:00 PM EDT
Defense Innovation Unit Director Doug Beck and Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Director Dr. Stefanie Tompkins Provides Remarks at the in-person and virtual Ash Carter Exchange on Innovation and National Security
The Special Competitive Studies Project (SCSP)

2:00 PM EDT
Prohibiting Pay Secrecy Policies Webinar
Department of Labor

2:00 PM EDT
Learn About the Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for AIA Proceedings Before the PTAB
United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)

2:00 PM EDT
Attend DOCX Filing Training
United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)

2:00 PM EDT
National RTAP and AASHTO MTAP - Succession Planning 101
Federal Transit Administration, Department of Transportation

2:00 PM EDT
Free Live Webinar – Sustainable Science: How to Make Research Labs Greener
Department of Health and Human Services

2:00 PM EDT
Religion, Spirituality, and Health Scientific Interest Group (RSH SIG) Full Group Meeting
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

2:00 PM EDT
U.S. House of Representatives: House Session
The House today will consider several science-related bills under suspension of the rules. Off the floor, House and Senate top leaders are scheduled to meet with President Biden at the White House to discuss the debt limit deadline.

2:30 PM EDT
Tackling Climate Super Pollutants in China
Woodrow Wilson Center

2:30 PM EDT
Leveling the Playing Field for Female Soccer Players
Washington Post Live

2:30 PM EDT
Therapy Induced Senescence and Polyploidy in an Evolving Tumor Microenvironment
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

2:45 PM EDT
Deputy Secretary of Defense Dr. Kathleen H. Hicks Provides Remarks at the in-person and virtual Ash Carter Exchange on Innovation and National Security
The Special Competitive Studies Project (SCSP)

3:00 PM EDT
(4th Meeting) UN Forum on Forests, 18th Session
United Nations

3:00 PM EDT
(Part 3) Multistakeholder Hearings in Preparation of the General Assembly High-Level Meetings on the Fight Against Tuberculosis, Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response and Universal Health Coverage - General Assembly, 77th Session
United Nations

3:00 PM EDT
LIG Seminar Series -  Three mechanisms to fold chromosomes
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

3:00 PM EDT
U.S. Senate: Senate Session
The Senate will continue work on President Biden’s executive nominations.
3:00 PM EDT
Electronic Health Record Modernization Deep Dive: Pharmacy
House Veterans' Affairs Committee

3:00 PM EDT
First Lady Jill Biden Participates in a Writing Seminar for Gold Star Children and Siblings: As part of the First Lady’s Joining Forces initiative, Dr. Biden participates in a Writing Seminar for Gold Star Children and Siblings hosted by The War Horse.
The White House

3:15 PM EDT
Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Officer Dr. Craig Martell Provides Remarks at the in-person and virtual Ash Carter Exchange on Innovation and National Security
The Special Competitive Studies Project (SCSP)

4:00 PM EDT
Reid Hoffman on the Future of Artificial Intelligence
Washington Post Live

4:00 PM EDT
Weekly Weather and Crop Bulletin - Released No Later Than 4:00 p.m. ET Every Tuesday (Or Second Business Day)
National Agricultural Statistics Service and World Agricultural Outlook Board, U.S. Department of Agriculture

4:00 PM EDT
2023 Demystifying Medicine Lecture Series: mRNA: Will it Deliver Us from Illness?
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

4:00 PM EDT
History Unfolded Research Sprint
Library of Congress with the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum

4:00 PM EDT
The President meets with Speaker Kevin McCarthy, Leader Hakeem Jeffries, Leader Chuck Schumer, and Leader Mitch McConnell at the White House
Oval Office
President Biden Meeting with Congressional Leaders on the Debt Limit
President Biden meets with congressional leaders in the Oval Office on raising the debt limit.

4:00 PM EDT
H.R. 2 - Secure the Border Act of 2023; H.R. 1163 - Protecting Taxpayers and Victims of Unemployment Fraud Act of 2023
House Rules Committee
H.R. 2 - Secure the Border Act of 2023 (as introduced)
H.R. 1163 - Protecting Taxpayers and Victims of Unemployment Fraud Act (as reported) 
Report from the Committee on Ways and Means to accompany H.R. 1163 
House Rules Debates Border Security & Unemployment Fraud Bills
House Rules Committee debates and votes on a border security measure as well as a bill to protect against unemployment fraud.

4:30 PM EDT
Secretary Antony J. Blinken hosts and delivers remarks at a reception to celebrate Eid Al-Fitr
Blair House
Secretary Blinken Remarks at Eid Reception
Secretary of State Antony Blinken delivers remarks at an Eid reception at Blair House in Washington, D.C.
4:30 PM EDT
Under Secretary for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights Uzra Zeya attends a reception to celebrate Eid Al-Fitr
Blair House

4:45 PM EDT
Hearings to Examine Department of Defense Missile Defense Activities in Review of the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 2024 and the Future Years Defense Program
Senate Armed Services Committee
Honorable John F. Plumb
Assistant Secretary of Defense for Space Policy, Department of Defense
General Glen D. VanHerck, USAF
Commander, United States Northern Command and North American Aerospace Defense Command
Vice Admiral Jon A. Hill, USN
Director, Missile Defense Agency
Lieutenant General Daniel L. Karbler, USA
Commanding General, United States Army Space and Missile Defense Command

5:15 PM EDT
Army Gen. Mark A. Milley, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Provides Remarks at the in-person and virtual Ash Carter Exchange on Innovation and National Security
The Special Competitive Studies Project (SCSP)

5:45 PM EDT
Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona will host teachers from the DMV areas and various states for a Teacher Appreciation Week event at the U.S. Department of Education. This event is closed press.
Department of Education

6:30 PM EDT
Under Secretary for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights Uzra Zeya attends the Freedom House 2023 Annual Awards Ceremony
Washington, D.C.

7:00 PM EDT
Matthew Desmond - Poverty, By America
The Jimmy Carter Presidential Library

7:25 PM EDT
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Don Giovanni
Met Opera Free Live Audio Streams
 9 END 
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FDA Approves Pills Containing Human Feces

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently approved Vowst, the first oral biologic drug for fecal microbiota that was shown in clinical trials to be as effective as fecal microbiota transplants given rectally. Biologic drugs are derived from blood, proteins, bacteria, and other living organisms.

In a traditional fecal microbiota transplant or FMT, healthy donor stool is transferred into the colon of a patient, usually via colonoscopy or retention enema. Late last year, the FDA approved the first microbiota product for rectal administration to C. diff patients.

C. diff, often contracted by taking antibiotics, is highly a contagious bacterial infection that causes severe diarrhea, abdominal pain, and fever and can result in organ failure and even death. Recurrent infections within two to eight weeks are a problem for about one in six patients, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Risk factors include recent hospital or nursing home stay, a weakened immune system, and previous C. diff infections.

In response to the approval of the new oral microbiota product, Dr. Peter Marks, director of the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, said in a news release:

“The availability of a fecal microbiota product that can be taken orally is a significant step forward in advancing patient care and accessibility for individuals who have experienced this disease that can be potentially life-threatening.”

Vowst—taken as a dose of four capsules for three consecutive days — is not free of risk. The donated human fecal matter is screened for transmissible pathogens before it is manufactured. However, as the news release pointed out, there is a possibility that donor stool used in the pill could be infected with infectious pathogens, as well as food allergens. The potential for adverse reactions caused by Vowst due to such allergens is unknown.

That’s a potential concern, Dr. Sabine Hazan, gastroenterologist, CEO of ProgenaBiome, and expert on gut bacteria told The Epoch Times.

“As much as we can solve one problem, we may be developing others,” she cautioned. “We have to be careful and monitor these patients carefully to make sure they don’t develop other problems.”

There’s no FDA-approved screening test for COVID-19 on the donor samples, Hazan said, so it’s incumbent on the companies that collect donor stool and process it for transplants to do their own testing. The virus can be isolated on a forensics level.

Another concern, she said, is that there’s a reliance on the healthy status of donor stool, which isn’t subject to any particular standard. In Hazan’s practice, patients choose their own donors—usually from among close family members if possible. All health conditions of the donors are considered and discussed.

That’s not to say the new pill cannot be successful. Hazan pointed out that the field of using poop to treat infections and diseases is a bit crazy, but the results with C. diff are some of the more impressive results seen.

“We are advancing the field by approving this,” she said. “Hopefully it will do well and it’s safe, and it doesn’t cause any complications. Going from the clinical trials to the clinic are two different things.”

America First Legal Releases New Documents Obtained from Lawsuit Against CISA Further Exposing the Deep State for Censoring Americans’ Free Speech

May 9, 2023


9:36 AM · May 9, 2023

SMOKING GUN! Caught On Tape: Trudeau Trying To Bring Back VACCINE MANDATES!


A Liberal Party MP's office CONFIRMED that Trudeau Government DID discuss bringing BACK the authoritarian vaccine mandates at their 2023 convention.

Mandatory Vaccination

A re-elected Liberal government will:

Require that travellers on interprovincial trains, commercial flights, cruise ships, and other federally regulated vessels be vaccinated.

Ensure vaccination across the federal public service. As the country’s largest employer, this will protect the health and safety of the federal public servants and their communities, across Canada.

We will also keep working with employers in Crown corporations and federally regulated workplaces to ensure vaccination is prioritized for workers in these sectors.
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CBS News

BREAKING: A jury has found former President Donald Trump liable for battery and defamation in the. E. Jean Carroll civil trial, awarding her $5 million total in damages.
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Imran Khan post yeterday before arrest

Imran Khan

May 8
As someone who has suffered 2 assassination attempts on his life in last few months, can I dare to ask SS the following Qs: 
1. Have I, a citizen, the right to nominate those I feel were responsible for assassination attacks on me? Why was I denied my legal & Constitutional right

Imran Khan
May 8
to register an FIR? Does SS tweet mean mly officers are above the law or that they cannot commit a crime? If we allege one of them has committed a crime, how is institution being maligned?
3. Who was so powerful as to sabotage Wazirabad JIT while PTI govt was in power in Punjab?

Imran Khan
May 8
4. Can SS answer why the ISI took over ICT Judicial Complex evening before my appearance there on 18 March? Why were ISI personnel in CTD & lawyers camouflage? What was motive & what business did ISI have in the Complex? 
When SS can truthfully answer these Qs, all will point to

Imran Khan
May 8
one powerful man & his accomplices all being above the law. Then it is time for us to officially declare that in Pakistan there is only law of the jungle where Might is Right.
Another breaking news day.
Another Proto On.
PDJT Rally this Saturday.
Go ahead and call The Bunker the rally bread place to go ahead of time.
Awan Brothers back in the news?
Bill Clinton back in the news?
Brace for impact anons.
Who sent the operative in to bake Warren Buffet's cookies?
Habbenings anons. Trump ain't fuckin' around.
For anons only.
The path to the light.
Don't forget the path to the light.
Don't forget to lead others and to forgive the slights.
Anons. It's nothing personal. You are here to revolutionize what the truth really means.
It's nothing personal. They don't know any better. Remember your oath.
Posted that Schumer is a Canaanite and God hates Esau and then the gorefag spam strikes. lol
Many such anons are over at /pol/ rn in PTG and the Orange Man Rapist leftythreads.
Get used to 2 tabbing over to /pol/ when there's habbenings.
I can't 'member the last time it wasn't Proto On during one.
4:45 PM EDT
Hearings to Examine Department of Defense Missile Defense Activities in Review of the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 2024 and the Future Years Defense Program
Senate Armed Services Committee
Honorable John F. Plumb
Assistant Secretary of Defense for Space Policy, Department of Defense
General Glen D. VanHerck, USAF
Commander, United States Northern Command and North American Aerospace Defense Command
Vice Admiral Jon A. Hill, USN
Director, Missile Defense Agency
Lieutenant General Daniel L. Karbler, USA
Commanding General, United States Army Space and Missile Defense Command




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Anons tolerate 80% of a SSDD boring board as long as it has big habbening coverage the other 20% of the time.
Is Jim basically holding habbening/rally breads hostage?
Nobody wants to sign up that's totally obvious at this point.
Mexican standoff until further notice especially when half is open for business during Ron Paul Meme times.
=The jurors have reached a verdict in the E. Jean Carroll v. Trump lawsuit - 

Trump is cleared of rape but found liable for sexual abuse

The damages awarded to Carroll: $5 million.

A very strange finding by the jury - it didn't believe Carroll's rape story but did believe her abuse story.

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Elon just teamed up with Tucker.
Tucker's next generation version of his show will be done there.
Twitter is THE battleground.
> t. meanwhile on QR...
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> Is Jim basically holding habbening/rally breads hostage?
I never would have doubted him back in the day if he hadn't stood by idle during the slimey onion reign of terror for so long.
And I wouldn't be doubting him now if it weren't for this proto 'solution', compounded by cringe AI 'art' that he's like, trying to market...
Idk man
having 8kun locked with proto really hamstrings anons for stick up for truth when the media is aping out over this nutjob case
Longest they have left proto on in awhile. Gore gag dsnt always trigger it maybe it was something else.
hate to say this kevin mccarthy press conference is actually pretty good major differences between what Biden and his team are preaching.
CIA Solicited Signatures For Hunter Biden Laptop Letter

“The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) both solicited signatures for and eventually approved the infamous 2020 letter claiming that the Hunter Biden laptop story was a Russian disinformation plot, recent congressional testimony suggests. According to a report to be released Wednesday by the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, multiple former U.S. intelligence officials testified under oath about the CIA’s involvement in the distribution of the letter, which was eventually signed by more than 50 former senior U.S. intelligence officials.”

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biden solving world... MP4
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“All right," said the Cat; and this time it vanished quite slowly, beginning with the end of the tail, and ending with the grin, which remained some time after the rest of it had gone.” 
― Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland / Through the Looking-Glass 

Biden, Lawmakers meet as Debt Ceiling Crisis Looms
🇺🇸“The leader of the free world” Joe Biden: "We're gonna solve all the world's problems."
Donbass Devushka
Trump's Split Verdict: E. Jean Carroll LOSES Biggest Claim
Robert Gouveia
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==Tucker join Musk and brings new TC show to what he calls the "only free speech platform,  Twitter"

Tucker Carlson
We’re back.
1:42 PM · May 9, 2023
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Sometimes you can't TELL the public the truth.
Only then, at the precipice, will people find the will to change

#371  #160
 >>/127624/,  >>/127625/,  >>/127626/,  >>/127627/,  >>/127628/,  >>/127629/ Swamp Today Monday, May 8, 2023
 >>/127636/ Current News Headlines reflect the state of U.S.
 >>/127637/ Congressman Jamie Raskin called for Trump to be charged with Seditious Conspiracy
 >>/127639/ Dangers of Microgravity For The Human Body 
 >>/127641/ State-run Media Says You Will Own Nothing In The Future, Personal Choice Does Not Matter
 >>/127646/ 'Creepy' New AI Traffic Cams Peer Into Cars Seeking Violations
 >>/127652/ Anheuser-Busch CEO Blames Bud Light Boycott on ‘Misinformation’
 >>/127653/,  >>/127675/ FDA Approves First Pill Containing Human Feces
 >>/127656/ Stream of migrants enter Texas before Title 42 expiration
 >>/127657/, Peaceful Protesting Is Now "Seditious Conspiracy" In America, Claims DOJ Prosecutors
 >>/127661/,  >>/127662/,  >>/127663/,  >>/127664/,  >>/127665/,  >>/127666/,  >>/127667/,  >>/127668/,  >>/127669/,  >>/127704/ Swamp Today Tuesday, May 9, 2023
 >>/127676/ America First Legal Releases New Documents Obtained from Lawsuit Against CISA Further Exposing Deep State Censoring Americans’ Free Speech
 >>/127677/ SMOKING GUN! Caught On Tape: Trudeau Trying To Bring Back VACCINE MANDATES!
 >>/127684/,  >>/127723/,  >>/127771/,  >>/127773/ A jury has found former President Donald Trump liable for battery and defamation in the. E. Jean Carroll civil trial
 >>/127685/,  >>/127692/ Pakistan former Prime Minister Imran Khan arrested during a court appearance
 >>/127754/ Rebel Capitalist - They're Lying To You About The Debt Ceiling
 >>/127756/ CIA Solicited Signatures For Hunter Biden Laptop Letter
 >>/127757/ The leader of the free world Joe Biden: "We're gonna solve all the world's problems"
 >>/127761/ Victory Day fireworks in Moscow
 >>/127775/ Tucker join Musk and brings new TC show to what he calls the "only free speech platform, Twitter"
 >>/127780/ Alleged U.S. backed Color Revolution in Pakistan leads to arrest of Imran Khan
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The Swamp Today
Timelines Change.
Wednesday, May 10, 2023

The House Stands Adjourned Until May 10, 2023 at 10:00 AM EDT
The Senate Stands Adjourned Until May 10, 2023 at 10:00 AM EDT

CNN Republican Presidential Town Hall with Donald Trump

Deputy Secretary of State Wendy R. Sherman attends meetings and briefings at the Department of State.
Deputy Secretary for Management and Resources Richard R. Verma is on travel to New York on May 10, 2023.
Under Secretary for Political Affairs Victoria J. Nuland attends meetings and briefings at the Department of State.
Assistant Secretary for Arms Control, Verification and Compliance Mallory Stewart is on travel to South Africa and Egypt from May 6-12, 2023.
Assistant Secretary for International Organization Affairs Michele Sison is on travel to Switzerland and Italy from May 10-23, 2023.

. . .

Welcome to Hope For The Warriors 2023 Memorial Day 30x30 Challenge.
This Memorial Day challenge was made to get YOU moving and motivate you to incorporate any type of physical movement for 30 days for a minimum of 30 minutes. 

Daily Weather Map
National Centers for Environmental Prediction, Weather Prediction Center

National Forecast Charts
National Centers for Environmental Prediction, Weather Prediction Center

A.F. Branco Cartoon – On The March

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Triggered

Gary Varvel - How media propaganda has corrupted the culture

RealityBites by Broc Smith - Governors of Corruption

Stonetoss Comics @stone_toss - How Can We Protect Ourselves From These White Supremacists?

Jumble Daily

Congressional Record (Most Recent Issue)

60-Second Civics Podcast  

MCRP 3-30D.2, Devotional Field Book
United States Marine Corps 

NOAA Tide Predictions - Washington DC
Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

NOAA Observed Water Levels -  Station 8594900 Washington DC
Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

May 10, 2023 - May 11, 2023
Central Banks and Digital Currencies - the Global Annual DMI Symposium
Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum (OMFIF)

May 10, 2023 - May 11, 2023
Considerations for Buprenorphine Initiation and Maintenance Care
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

May 10, 2023 - May 12, 2023
BCIU Mission to Brussels and Berlin
Business Council for International Understanding

May 10, 2023 - May 12, 2023
Invention-Con 2023: Building Tomorrow's Innovation - The Place for Inventors, Makers, and Entrepreneurs
United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)
 1 and txt file yuge day today aaaaaahhhhh 
May 10, 2023 - May 12, 2023
e-Transporters (TC 125) Technical Committee Meeting
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)

May 10, 2023 - May 12, 2023
Intergovernmental Group of Experts on E-Commerce and the Digital Economy, Sixth Session
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)

May 10, 2023 - May 19, 2023
Meeting ITU-T Study Group 11: Signalling Requirements, Protocols, Test Specifications and Combating Counterfeit Telecommunication/ICT Devices
International Telecommunication Union (ITU) of the United Nations

May 10, 2023 - May 19, 2023
Sub-Committee on Navigation, Communications and Search and Rescue (NCSR) 10th Session
International Maritime Organization (IMO) of the United Nations

May 10, 2023 - May 19, 2023
IEC Forum (IF)
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)

May 10, 2023
NATO Military Chiefs of Defence Meeting
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

May 10, 2023
Senate Democratic Agenda
Following their weekly caucus luncheon, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and other members of Senate Democratic leadership speak with reporters.

May 10, 2023
Senate Republican Agenda
Following their weekly caucus luncheon, Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and other members of Senate Republican leadership speak with reporters.

May 10, 2023
2:30 AM EDT
Livestreamed Opening Remarks by Admiral Rob Bauer, Chair of the NATO Military Committee, and Mr. Jens Stoltenberg, NATO Secretary General
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

3:00 AM EDT
Serbia Review - 43rd Session of Universal Periodic Review
United Nations

4:00 AM EDT
3rd Meeting, 2nd CSP9 Informal Preparatory Meeting - Arms Trade Treaty
United Nations

4:00 AM EDT
1,973rd Meeting, 85th Session, Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) Consideration of Sao Tomé and Principe
United Nations

4:00 AM EDT
2,703rd Meeting, 93rd Session, Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) Consideration of France (cont'd)
United Nations

4:00 AM EDT
3,621st Meeting, 74th Session of the International Law Commission - Piracy
United Nations

6:30 AM EDT
Prime Minister's Question Time
UK House of Commons
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak fields questions from members of the House of Commons on a range of issues during the weekly Question Time session

7:00 AM EDT
Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova will hold a briefing on current foreign policy issues at 2 pm MSK 
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation
7:00 AM EDT
Washington Journal: Open Phones
Viewers commented on the impasse between House Republicans and President Biden over raising the debt limit. The president and top congressional leaders met in the Oval Office the day before but made no progress on a compromise.

7:15 AM EDT
David Rubenstein will interview Bernard Looney, Chief Executive Officer of bp
Economic Club of Washington, D.C.

8:00 AM EDT
Setting the Gold Standard for Climate Transition
Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum (OMFIF)

8:00 AM EDT
Washington Journal: Rachel Cohrs Discusses Efforts to Lower Drug Prices
STAT News' Rachel Cohrs discusses congressional and White House efforts to address rising prescription drug prices.

8:30 AM EDT
Washington Journal: Susan Ferrechio Discusses House GOP Investigations & the Biden Family
Washington Times national politics correspondent Susan Ferrechio discusses the latest on the House Republicans' investigations into the Biden family.

8:30 AM EDT
FDA/CRCG Drug-Device Combination Products 101: Identifying, Developing, and Evaluating Drug-Device Combination Products
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

8:30 AM EDT
Advances in Aging, Immunity and Chronic Inflammatory Diseases Day 2
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

9:00 AM EDT
Washington Journal: Shai Akabas Discusses Stalemate over Raising the Debt Limit
Bipartisan Policy Center Economic Policy Director Shai Akabas discusses the stalemate over raising the debt limit and the potential impact of a default.

9:00 AM EDT
4th Meeting, 2nd CSP9 Informal Preparatory Meeting - Arms Trade Treaty
United Nations

9:00 AM EDT
1974th Meeting, 85th Session, Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) Consideration of Sao Tomé and Principe (Cont'd)
United Nations

9:00 AM EDT
2704th Meeting, 93rd Session, Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) Consideration of Jordan
United Nations 

9:00 AM EDT
Within Our Orbit: The Promise of Space Capabilities in Global Economic Development
The Center for Global Development

9:00 AM EDT
Good Neighbors: Using Housing Data to Reframe Homelessness - Day 1
American Enterprise Institute

9:00 AM EDT
Will China's Financial Sector Remain Forever State-Dominated?
Peterson Institute for International Economics

9:00 AM EDT
2025 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee: Meeting 2
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services
9:00 AM EDT
Daily U.S. Agricultural Weather Highlights - Released No Later Than 9:00 a.m. ET Every Day
National Agricultural Statistics Service and World Agricultural Outlook Board, U.S. Department of Agriculture

9:00 AM EDT
Secretary Antony J. Blinken participates in a bicameral conversation with Members of Congress on illicit fentanyl issues
Capitol Hill

9:00 AM EDT
LIVE: Republicans Hold Press Conference: Investigation into Biden Family’s Business Schemes.After lengthy investigations, hard evidence has come forward, linking the Biden family to foreign governments. Join RSBN in this developing story.
House Oversight Cmte. Chair James Comer Holds News Conference on Hunter Biden Investigation
House Oversight and Accountability Committee Chair James Comer holds a news conference on the panel’s ongoing investigation into President Biden’s family.

9:30 AM EDT
Press Briefing: Previewing Quad Leaders’ Summit in Sydney
Center for Strategic and International Studies

9:30 AM EDT
Adoption of the Reports - 43rd Session of Universal Periodic Review
United Nations

9:30 AM EDT
Joint Financial Services-Agriculture Subcommittee Hearing Entitled: The Future of Digital Assets: Measuring the Regulatory Gaps in the Digital Asset Markets
House Agriculture Committee and House Financial Services Committee
Mr. Andrew Durgee, Head of Republic Crypto, Republic
Mr. Matthew Kulkin, Partner and Chair, Futures and Derivatives Practice, Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP and former Director of the CFTC’s Division of Swap Dealer and Intermediary Oversight
Mr. Marco Santori, Chief Legal Officer, Kraken Digital Asset Exchange
Mr. Daniel Schoenberger, Chief Legal Officer, Web3 Foundation
Witnesses to be added

9:40 AM EDT
Washington Journal: Open Phones
Join us with your calls and comments on social media as we review the latest news headlines out of Washington.

9:45 AM EDT
Hearings to Examine Conflict in Sudan, Focusing on Options for an Effective Policy Response
Senate Foreign Relations Committee
The Honorable Victoria Nuland
Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs
U.S. Department of State
Washington, D.C.
Ms. Sarah Charles
Assistant to the Administrator
Bureau of Humanitarian Assistance
United States Agency for International Development
State Department & USAID Leadership Testify on Sudan Conflict
Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland and Sarah Charles, a top USAID official, testify on the conflict in Sudan before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

10:00 AM EDT
(5th Meeting) UN Forum on Forests, 18th Session
United Nations
10:00 AM EDT
Assessing the State of Transatlantic Tech-Trade Relations
Information Technology and Innovation Foundation

10:00 AM EDT
Trust Issues: Examining Declining Confidence in Political Institutions
Bipartisan Policy Center

10:00 AM EDT
Schriever Spacepower Series with Maj Gen Shawn N. Bratton, Commander, Space Training and Readiness Command
The Mitchell Institute

10:00 AM EDT
Compliance Assistance for Federal Contractors
Department of Labor

10:00 AM EDT
Interdisciplinary Approaches to Reveal Parasite Vulnerabilities
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

10:00 AM EDT
NIH Transcription Interest Group Webinars
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

10:00 AM EDT
110th CRAN and 11th Joint Meeting of the National Advisory Council on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, National Cancer Advisory Board and the National Advisory Council on Drug Abuse
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

10:00 AM EDT
NIMHD DIR Seminar Series - New Frontiers in Diabetes Diagnosis in Sub-Saharan Africa
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

10:00 AM EDT
U.S. Senate: Senate Session
The Senate will continue work on President Biden’s executive nominations.

10:00 AM EDT
U.S. House of Representatives: Morning Hour
The House will begin work on the Republicans' border security bill as well as legislation to provide states incentives to recover fraudulent unemployment insurance benefit payments during the COVID-19 pandemic.

10:00 AM EDT
Executive Session
Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee
S. 229 Securing Semiconductor Supply Chain Act of 2023
S. 576 Railway Safety Act of 2023
S. 1280 TRANQ Research Act of 2023
S. 1284 TORNADO Act
S. 1414 National Weather Service Communications Improvement Act
S. 1416 NOAA Weather Radio Modernization Act
Coast Guard Promotions (PN440)  

10:00 AM EDT
Hearings to Examine the Nomination of Xochitl Torres Small, of New Mexico, to Be Deputy Secretary of Agriculture
Senate Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Committee
Xochitl Torres Small
The Honorable Xochitl Torres Small, of New Mexico, to be Deputy Secretary of Agriculture, vice Jewel Hairston Bronaugh
10:00 AM EDT
Hearings to Examine Proposed Budget Estimates and Justification for Fiscal Year 2024 for Indian Country
Senate Appropriations Committee
The Honorable Roselyn Tso
Indian Health Service
The Honorable Bryan Newland
Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs
Department of the Interior

10:00 AM EDT
Hearings to Examine the Nomination of Jeffery Martin Baran, of Virginia, to Be a Member of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Senate Environment and Public Works Committee

10:00 AM EDT
Subcommittee on National Parks Hearing to Examine the President's Budget Request for the National Park Service for Fiscal Year 2024
Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee

10:00 AM EDT
Fiscal Year 2024 Environmental Protection Agency Budget Request
House Energy and Commerce Committee

10:00 AM EDT
ESG Part I: An Examination of Environmental, Social, and Governance Practices with Attorneys General
House Oversight and Accountability Committee
Sean Reyes
Attorney General
Steve Marshall
Attorney General
State Officials Testify on Activists & Corporate Policies
Utah and Alabama attorneys general as well as Illinois' treasurer testify on the Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) practices before the House Oversight and Accountability Committee.

10:00 AM EDT
Modernizing U.S. Arms Exports and a Stronger AUKUS
House Foreign Affairs Committee
The Honorable Jessica Lewis
Assistant Secretary, U.S. Department of State
The Honorable Mara Karlin
Assistant Secretary of Defense for Strategies, Plans, and Capabilities, U.S. Department of Defense

10:00 AM EDT
Taking on More Risk: Examining the SBA'S Change to the 7(a) Lending Program Part I
House Small Business Committee
10:00 AM EDT
Freight Forward: Overcoming Supply Chain Challenges to Deliver for America
House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee
Mr. William “Lewie” Pugh
Executive Vice President
Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association
Ms. Anne Reinke
President and Chief Executive Officer
Transportation Intermediaries Association
Mr. David Fialkov
Executive Vice President, Government Affairs
NATSO, Representing America’s Travel Plazas and Truck Stops
SIGMA: America’s Leading Fuel Marketers
Mr. Cole Scandaglia
Senior Legislative Representative and Policy Advisor
International Brotherhood of Teamsters 

10:00 AM EDT
Full Committee Hearing - An Overview of the Budget Proposal for the National Institute of Standards and Technology for Fiscal Year 2024
House Science, Space, and Technology Committee
Dr. Laurie E. Locascio, Director, National Institute of Standards and Technology

10:30 AM EDT
Gold Star Family Film Screenings
Veterans Administration

10:30 AM EDT
CLOSED: The President’s Fiscal Year 24 Budget, U.S. Competitiveness, and the U.S.-China Relationship
Senate Appropriations Committee
The Honorable Dr. Ely Ratner
Assistant Secretary of Defense for Indo-Pacific Security Affairs
Department of Defense
The Honorable Daniel J. Kritenbrink
Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs
Department of State
The Honorable Thea D. Rozman Kendler
Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Export Administration at the Bureau of Industry and Security
Department of Commerce

10:30 AM EDT
Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee Hearing: “Closing the Digital Divide: Overseeing Federal Funds for Broadband Deployment”
House Energy and Commerce Committee

10:30 AM EDT
Hearings to Examine Leadership Perspectives and Experience on the National Costs of Climate Change
Senate Budget Committee
The Honorable Malcolm Turnbull
Former Prime Minister, Australia
The Honorable Bill Frist, M.D.
Global Board Chair
The Nature Conservancy
Former Senate Majority Leader
Additional Witnesses to be Announced

10:50 AM EDT
The President departs the White House en route to Joint Base Andrews
Official Schedule

11:00 AM EDT
Remote Sensing Enables Monitoring Life Above and Under Water & Global Vegetation Monitoring With Probabilistic Deep Learning
ai for Good Is Organized by ITU in Partnership With 40 UN Sister Agencies and Co-convened With Switzerland
11:00 AM EDT
Chasten Buttigieg on Memoir 'I Have Something to Tell You'
Washington Post Live

11:00 AM EDT
Type 2 Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease: a Focus on Heart Failure
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

11:00 AM EDT
NIH Annual Police Day
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

11:00 AM EDT
Depth, Not Breadth: How Do Epithelial Cells Organize in Z
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

11:00 AM EDT
First Diversity, Equity, Inclusion EDI Director's Speaker Series Lecture - NIH Only
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

11:00 AM EDT
What to Expect: Compliance Reviews
Department of Labor

11:00 AM EDT
Veterans Benefits Seminar - Moscow, ID
Veterans Administration

11:00 AM EDT
White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanics: Vice President Harris ceremonially swears-in the Commissioners for the White House Initiative on Advancing Educational Equity, Excellence and Economic Opportunity for Hispanics.
The White House

11:20 AM EDT
The President departs Joint Base Andrews en route to New York, New York
Joint Base Andrews

11:30 AM EDT
Press Conference with Chair of the NATO Military Committee, Admiral Rob Bauer; Supreme Allied Commander Europe, General Christopher Cavoli; Supreme Allied Commander Transformation, General Philippe Lavigne
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

11:40 AM EDT
Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre will gaggle aboard Air Force One en route to New York, New York
Air Force One

12:00 PM EDT
Daily Press Briefing by the Spokesperson of the Secretary-General and the Spokesperson for the President of the General Assembly.
United Nations

12:00 PM EDT
Law Enforcement and Public Safety (LEAPS) Technology Forum
Armed Forces Communications & Electronics Association (AFCEA)

12:00 PM EDT
Veterans Benefits Seminar - Everett, WA
Veterans Administration

12:00 PM EDT
NIH Electric Vehicle Users' Virtual Meeting
National Library of Medicine, Department of Health and Human Services

12:00 PM EDT
Clinical Center Grand Rounds: Exploring the Link Between Sickle Cell, ? Thalassemia, P Falciparum Malaria and Burkitt Lymphoma in Africa
National Library of Medicine, Department of Health and Human Services

12:00 PM EDT
Made at the Library: "Saving Freud" with Andrew Nagorski
Library of Congress

12:00 PM EDT
Veteran Business Q & A - Online
Veterans Administration
12:00 PM EDT
U.S. House of Representatives: House Session
The House will begin work on the Republicans' border security bill as well as legislation to provide states incentives to recover fraudulent unemployment insurance benefit payments during the COVID-19 pandemic.

12:15 PM EDT
The President arrives in New York, New York
John F. Kennedy International Airport

12:30 PM EDT
NYC Luncheon feat. Kevin D. Williamson
Competitive Enterprise Institute

12:30 PM EDT
Cdks and Phosphatases in Transcription: Making the RNA Pol II Train Run
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

12:45 PM EDT
The President Arrives at Westchester Airport, White Plains, New York
Westchester County Airport, White Plains, NY

1:00 PM EDT
Virtual Hiring Fair: Skilled Trades, Construction, and Manufacturing
Veterans Administration

1:00 PM EDT
Genealogy Series - Basic Military Records at the National Archives: Revolutionary War to 1917
National Archives

1:00 PM EDT
Spring 2023 Environmental Health Seminar Series
Boston University School of Public Health

1:00 PM EDT
Managing Configuration Settings with the CDM Agency Dashboard ES-5 (CDM202)
Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)

1:00 PM EDT
NCI Myeloid Malignancies Program MDS/AML Didactic Series
National Library of Medicine, Department of Health and Human Services

1:00 PM EDT
Metabolic Signals Regulate Longevity Across the Scale
National Library of Medicine, Department of Health and Human Services

1:00 PM EDT
Assistant Secretary for Educational and Cultural Affairs Lee Satterfield meets with Finnish Ambassador to the United States Mikko Hautala
Washington, D.C.

1:00 PM EDT
The Need to Make Insulin Affordable for All Americans
Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee
David Ricks
Chair and Chief Executive Officer
Eli Lilly and Company
Indianapolis, IN
Lars Fruergaard Jørgensen
President and Chief Executive Officer
Novo Nordisk
Bagsværd, Denmark
Paul Hudson
Chief Executive Officer
Paris, France
David Joyner
Executive Vice President and President of Pharmacy Services
CVS Health
Woonsocket, RI
Adam Kautzner
Express Scripts
St. Louis, MO
Heather Cianfrocco
Chief Executive Officer
Eden Prairie, MN
Pharmaceutical Industry CEOs Testify on the Cost of Insulin
Pharmaceutical industry CEOs and senior executives testify on lowering the cost of insulin before the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee.

1:30 PM EDT
Climate, Energy, and Economic Win-Wins in the Farm Bill - Briefing Series: Farm Bill in Focus
Environmental and Energy Study Institute
1:30 PM EDT
Understanding How to Do Business With DLA Troop Support
Defense Logistics Agency, Department of Defense

1:30 PM EDT
President Biden Discusses Why Congress Must Avoid Default Immediately and Without Conditions: The President discusses why Congress must avoid default immediately and without conditions, and how the House Republican Default on America Act will cut veterans’ health care visits, teachers and school support staffs, and Meals on Wheels for seniors
SUNY Westchester Community College, Valhalla, NY
President Biden in New York on Debt Ceiling Debate
President Biden delivers remarks in Valhalla, New York on raising the nation’s debt limit. The president is visiting the district represented by GOP Rep. Mike Lawler and comes a day after meeting with congressional leaders on the issue.

2:00 PM EDT
The Case for Good Jobs: How Great Companies Bring Dignity, Pay, and Meaning to Everyone's Work – A Book Talk with Zeynep Ton
Aspen Institute

2:00 PM EDT
Empire in Africa: History vs. Hoax with Bruce Gilley
The American Conservative

2:00 PM EDT
A Contested Domain: From Space Theory to Practice - Fireside Chat With U.S. Space Training and Readiness Command (STARCOM) Commander, Major General Shawn N. Bratton
Center for Strategic and International Studies

2:00 PM EDT
CANCELED NIH Director's Wednesday Afternoon Lecture Series: Enemy Within: How DNA Triggers an Immune Response
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

2:00 PM EDT
NIH Director's Wednesday Afternoon Lecture Series: — Modulating Immunity Through Ligand-Receptor Engineering
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

2:00 PM EDT
Pre-Application Webinar for RFA-ES-23-006: Strategies for Responsibly Reporting Back Environmental Health and Non-Genomic Research Results (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)
Department of Health and Human Services

2:00 PM EDT
NINDS Scientific Director Candidate Seminar: Bryan Traynor, MD, PhD - NIH Only
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

May 10 2023
2:00 PM EDT
Return on Unprecedented Investment: An Analysis of the Department of Energy’s Implementation of the IIJA, the IRA, and the CHIPS and Science Act
House Science, Space, and Technology Committee
Dr. Geraldine Richmond, Under Secretary for Science and Innovation, U.S. Department of Energy
Dr. Kathleen Hogan, Principal Deputy Under Secretary and Acting Under Secretary for Infrastructure, U.S. Department of Energy
2:00 PM EDT
Risky Business: Costly Inaction on Federal Legacy IT
House Oversight and Accountability Committee
Mr. Kevin Walsh
Director, Information Technology and Cybersecurity
U.S. Government Accountability Office
Ms. Suzette Kent
Chief Executive Officer
Kent Advisory Services

2:00 PM EDT
Examining China’s Coercive Economic Tactics [Original Jurisdiction Hearing]
House Rules Committee
Dr. Victor Cha, Senior Vice President for Asia and Korea Chair, Center for Strategic and International Studies
Mr. Jamil Jaffer, Founder and Executive Director, National Security Institute
Dr. Derek Scissors, Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute
Ms. Yaqiu Wang, Senior China Researcher, Human Rights Watch

2:00 PM EDT
Examining Policies that Inhibit Innovation and Patient Access
House Ways and Means Committee

2:00 PM EDT
Federal Responses to Recent Bank Failures
House Ways and Means Committee
Ms. Margaret E. Tahyar, Partner, Davis Polk & Wardell LLP
Mr. Jonathan Gould, Partner, Jones Day

2:00 PM EDT
Evaluating High-Risk Security Vulnerabilities at our Nation’s Ports
House Homeland Security Committee
Rear Admiral Wayne R. Arguin Jr.
Assistant Commandant for Prevention Policy, U.S. Coast Guard
Eric Goldstein
Executive Assistant Director for Cybersecurity, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
Neal Latta
Assistant Administrator for Enrollment Services and Vetting Programs, Transportation Security Administration

2:30 PM EDT
The US Coast Guard in an Increasingly Complex World: A Conversation with Admiral Linda Fagan, 27th Commandant of the USCG
Brookings Institution

2:30 PM EDT
ScHARe for Educators: Introductory Session
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

2:30 PM EDT
To Receive a Closed Briefing on Certain Intelligence Matters
Senate Intelligence (Select) Committee
2:30 PM EDT
OPEN/CLOSED: A Review of the President’s Fiscal Year 2024 Funding Requests for the Federal Bureau of Investigation and for the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration
Senate Appropriations Committee
The Honorable Christopher Wray
Federal Bureau of Investigation
The Honorable Anne Milgram
U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration
FBI Director and DEA Admin. Testify on the President's 2024 Budget Request
FBI Director Christopher Wray and Drug Enforcement Administration Administrator (DEA) Ann Milgram testify before a Senate Appropriations subcommittee on the president’s 2024 budget request for their agencies.

2:45 PM EDT
Oversight Hearings to Examine the Library of Congress
Senate Rules and Administration Committee
Dr. Carla Hayden
Librarian Of Congress, Library Of Congress
Washington, DC
Librarian of Congress Carla Hayden Testifies at Oversight Hearing
The Senate Rules and Administration Committee holds an oversight hearing with the Librarian of Congress Carla Hayden.

3:00 PM EDT
International Day of Argania 2023 - Socio-Economic Development & Sustainability of the Argan Ecosystem
United Nations

3:00 PM EDT
(6th Meeting) UN Forum on Forests, 18th Session
United Nations

3:00 PM EDT
Policy Paper Release: Scale, Scope, Speed, and Survivability: Winning the Kill Chain Competition with  Brig Gen Richard A. Goodman, Commander, 57th Wing
The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies

3:00 PM EDT
Q-FARM Seminar - Jeongwan Haah (Microsoft)
Q-FARM - Quantum Science and Engineering at Stanford

3:00 PM EDT
Food Security in the Middle East: A Conversation with HE Minister Mariam Almheiri of the UAE
Center for Strategic and International Studies

3:00 PM EDT
Oscar Munoz on Immigrant Life Story and Leading United Airlines
Washington Post Live

3:00 PM EDT
Strengthening US-Danish Relations for European and NATO Security: A Conversation with Danish Ambassador Christina Markus Lassen
The World Affairs Council

3:00 PM EDT
Online Caregiver Chat
Veterans Administration

3:00 PM EDT
Heroes Connect: Military to Manufacturing featuring Saint-Gobain - Online
Veterans Administration

3:00 PM EDT
Secretary Antony J. Blinken meets with Spanish Foreign Minister José Manuel Albares
Department of State
3:40 PM EDT
The President departs Westchester Airport, White Plains, New York, en route to New York, New York
Westchester County Airport, White Plains, NY

4:00 PM EDT
The President arrives at Wall St. Landing Zone, New York, New York
Downtown Manhattan Heliport, NY

4:00 PM EDT
Neuroimmune Ecosystems
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

4:15 PM EDT
Secretary Antony J. Blinken participates in a memorandum of understanding signing ceremony on the Global Equality Fund with Spanish Foreign Minister José Manuel Albares
Department of State

4:20 PM EDT
Secretary Antony J. Blinken holds a joint press availability with Spanish Foreign Minister José Manuel Albares
Department of State

5:00 PM EDT
Book Talk. These Are the Plunderers: How Private Equity Runs – and Wrecks – America
Center for Economic and Policy Research

5:15 PM EDT
The President participates in a campaign reception
New York, NY

5:30 PM EDT
Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona will participate in a cabinet meeting.
Department of Education

6:00 PM EDT
"Life, Liberty, and the Fruits of Your Own Labor" with Phil Berger, Jr
American Institute for Economic Research

6:00 PM EDT
Using Chronicling America for Historical Research: The Atlanta Campaign of the United States Civil War
Library of Congress

6:00 PM EDT
Conversation with Derek Leebaert, Author of Unlikely Heroes: Franklin Roosevelt, His Four Lieutenants, and the World They Made
Henry A. Wallace Center at the FDR Library & Home

6:00 PM EDT
Oak Ridge EM SSAB Meeting – May 2023
Office of Environmental Management, Department of Energy (DOE)

6:00 PM EDT
2023 Twilight Tattoo: U.S. Army Live Military Experience
Hosted by GEN Randy A. George, Vice Chief of Staff of the Army
6:35 PM EDT
Webcast: Twilight Tattoo hosted by VCSA General Randy George

6:30 PM EDT
Bubbly with the Board
The National Press Club

6:30 PM EDT
Educator Appreciation Night at the LBJ Library
LBJ Presidential Library

6:30 PM EDT
Under Secretary for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights Uzra Zeya delivers keynote remarks at the Intergovernmental Consultations on Migration, Asylum, and Refugees Senior Officials Meeting
Washington, D.C.

7:00 PM EDT
"The Evolution of the Economic System in the United States" with Germinal G. Van
American Institute for Economic Research

7:00 PM EDT
Brooklyn Talks: Wildflower with Aurora James and Huma Abedin
The Brooklyn Museum
 >>/18797466/ pb

7:00 PM EDT
Dan Carter - Unmasking the Klansman: The Double Life of Asa and Forrest Carter
The Jimmy Carter Presidential Library
7:00 PM EDT
Jazz and Guitar, A Truly American Experience with Ilya Lushtak
Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum

7:00 PM EDT
CANCELED? Anna Sokolow, Alex North and the Reimagined Roots of Anti Facist Dance
Library of Congress

7:00 PM EDT
The President participates in a campaign reception
New York, NY

7:30 PM EDT
Secretary Antony J. Blinken attends the Kuwait-America Foundation Dinner in support of UNHCR
Blair House

8:00 PM EDT
CNN Republican Presidential Town Hall with Donald Trump
CNN’s live Town Hall with former President Donald Trump moderated by CNN Anchor Kaitlan Collins will stream live, without requiring a cable log-in, on CNN.com’s homepage
 >>/18800736/ pb

8:30 PM EDT
The President departs Wall St. Landing Zone en route to John F. Kennedy International Airport
Downtown Manhattan Heliport, NY

9:00 PM EDT
The President departs New York, New York en route to Joint Base Andrews
John F. Kennedy International Airport

10:00 PM EDT
The President arrives at Joint Base Andrews
Joint Base Andrews

10:20 PM EDT
The President arrives at the White House
 14 END 
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 Release Report on How Senior Intelligence Community Officials and the Biden Campaign Worked to Mislead American Voters on the Hunter Biden “Intel” Statement 

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A New Blatant Attack Against America's 1st Amendment Rights Is Developing

With the Biden regime elevating alternative opinions and critical thinking to a national security threat, as codified in its first-of-its-kind "National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism", published in June 2021, new government and non-government offices dedicated to fighting so-called "foreign disinformation" are cropping up everywhere.

To oversee organizations like the Pentagon's new Influence and Perception Management Office and at least four organizations inside the Department of Homeland Security alone, the Director of National Intelligence has created a new office - the Foreign Malign Influence Center, The Intercept reports:


In testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee Thursday, Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines for the first time mentioned the creation of the Foreign Malign Influence Center, or FMIC. “Congress put into law that we should establish a Foreign Malign Influence Center in the intelligence community; we have stood that up,” Haines said, referring to legislation passed last year. “It encompasses our election threat work, essentially looking at foreign influence and interference in elections, but it also deals with disinformation more generally.”

Talk about election interference and a true risk to democracy....

Established on September 23 of last year after Congress provisioned funding, the FMIC was only announced publicly after The Intercept inquired. The group, operating under the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), 'enjoys the unique authority to marshal support from all elements of the U.S. intelligence community to monitor and combat foreign influence efforts such as disinformation campaigns," according to the report.

That said, it isn't just monitoring foreign threats... as the FMIC is also authorized to monitor "the public opinion within the United States."

Though its name starts with "foreign," FMIC's congressionally determined objective includes protecting American "public opinion," suggesting the potential for policing domestic narratives.

Journalism participants in an Aspen Institute exercise before the 2020 election, intended to prevent the spread of "hack-and-dump" disinformation from foreign governments, were explicitly told their suspects were "foreign or other adversarial entities" meaning domestic sources.

Let that sink in. The US Government is trying to criminalize free speech and critical thinking to enforce their narratives. This runs absolutely contrary to how America was founded, a once-free nation.

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.@realDonaldTrump is being harassed while DOJ protects Biden crime family. Devastating chart detailing Chinese communist corrupt ties.

America is under regime change, a coup, and it may be foreign influenced. I do not think for a second true American patriots are in control at all, not even in our military anymore. Hijacked nation.
Mark Levin

How the hell has Merrick Garland been able to protect Joe Biden without appointing a special counsel given the enormous amount of information showing the laundering of foreign corporate and state monies through a score of shell companies for none Biden family members?
May 10, 2023, 9:54 AM


🚨#BREAKING: George Santos has just been arrested and changed with fraud and money laundering


🚨🚨BREAKING: George Santos has been arrested by federal authorities and is now in police custody — the 13-count criminal indictment was just unsealed.
The Bidens took steps to hide, confuse, and conceal payments they received from foreign nationals. Here’s one example how a CCP-linked associate layered domestic limited liability companies to pay Hunter Biden.

Second Bank Records Memorandum from the Oversight Committee’s

Investigation into the Biden Family’s Influence Peddling and Business Schemes  

MSM assets COMPLICIT? [knowingly]
Paul Sperry

NEW: CNN and MSNBC, as well as C-SPAN, have all blacked out this morning's press conferenceby the House Oversight Committee on Biden family corruption. Only Fox is covering it

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Biggs: The Bidens used their associate Rob Walker, to bring in millions of dollars from China and Romania. Walker's limited liability company, Robinson Walker LLC, paid Hunter, James, Hallie, and others in the Biden network, more than two million dollars, after foreign money hit his account. One-thrid to the Bidens. That was the pattern.
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Mace: Money flow from the Chinese Communist Party, aligned with individuals, into American shell companies, and then that money was wired and transferred to Biden family members. This could be the most corrupt scheme in American politics, where a sitting vice president; where we saw members of his family, nine members so far, there may be more, that were enriched from countries all over the world.
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Armstrong: It is clear that the patterns shows two separate foreign companies paid millions of dollars through [Rob] Walker, of which the Biden family received a one-third cut….a possible influence peddling scheme.
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Donalds: The Biden family doesn't really have a business. There is no business structure around this family except politics.

Donalds: The purpose of all these companies being created is to conceal money that the Biden family has been gaining because Joe Biden has been sitting at the upper echelon of our politics for almost five decades.

Donalds: It's interesting that the Department of Justice has been investigation Hunter Biden for quite some time, and we seem to just never really get anywhere…I wonder what's going on at the Department of Justice.
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Jordan: Suspicious Activity Reports…there are a hundred and seventy of those reports, many of them put together by the Treasury Department of our government, in the Obama/Biden administration.
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Comer: What Business is there?

Comer: We believe that [Joe Biden] has been involved in this from the very beginning…what we've cited today, what we're updating you with today is four banks…we believe there are twelve banks.

Comer: We got the bank records.
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Comer: If you look at the countries that this [Biden] family was influence peddling in, China is probably the most reputable country on the list.

Comer: If you're doing something legitimate, if you're providing something of value, why not just get the payment directly from the payer? Why do you have to funnel it through three or four different bank accounts?

Comer: If these were legitimate payments, and those were legitimate businesses that your family created, then I would assume you have invoices. I would assume you have books and business models to tell us what the businesses actually were.

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Comer: If you're doing something legitimate, if you're providing something of value, why not just get the payment directly from the payer? Why do you have to funnel it through three or four different bank accounts?

Comer: If these were legitimate payments, and those were legitimate businesses that your family created, then I would assume you have invoices. I would assume you have books and business models to tell us what the businesses actually were.
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Comer: The way that the Bidens have set this up; there's no business. President Carter's brother got the money directly from Libya. And Joe Biden ironically was on the committee that investigated President Carter's brother when that took place.

Reporter: You said there is at least nine Biden family members…when are we going to learn about the other six? Who are they?

Comer: Joe Biden's son. Joe Biden's brother, Joe Biden's brother's wife. Hunter Biden's girlfriend. Hunter Biden's ex-wife. Hinter Biden's current wife, and three children of the president's son and the president's brother. We're talking about a grandchild, that's odd. Most people's grandchild doesn't get a wire from a foreign national or anything like that.

#371 @205
 >>/127624/,  >>/127625/,  >>/127626/,  >>/127627/,  >>/127628/,  >>/127629/ Swamp Today Monday, May 8, 2023
 >>/127636/ Current News Headlines reflect the state of U.S.
 >>/127637/ Congressman Jamie Raskin called for Trump to be charged with Seditious Conspiracy
 >>/127639/ Dangers of Microgravity For The Human Body 
 >>/127641/ State-run Media Says You Will Own Nothing In The Future, Personal Choice Does Not Matter
 >>/127646/ 'Creepy' New AI Traffic Cams Peer Into Cars Seeking Violations
 >>/127652/ Anheuser-Busch CEO Blames Bud Light Boycott on ‘Misinformation’
 >>/127653/,  >>/127675/ FDA Approves First Pill Containing Human Feces
 >>/127656/ Stream of migrants enter Texas before Title 42 expiration
 >>/127657/, Peaceful Protesting Is Now "Seditious Conspiracy" In America, Claims DOJ Prosecutors
 >>/127661/,  >>/127662/,  >>/127663/,  >>/127664/,  >>/127665/,  >>/127666/,  >>/127667/,  >>/127668/,  >>/127669/,  >>/127704/ Swamp Today Tuesday, May 9, 2023
 >>/127676/ America First Legal Releases New Documents Obtained from Lawsuit Against CISA Further Exposing Deep State Censoring Americans’ Free Speech
 >>/127677/ SMOKING GUN! Caught On Tape: Trudeau Trying To Bring Back VACCINE MANDATES!
 >>/127684/,  >>/127723/,  >>/127771/,  >>/127773/ A jury has found former President Donald Trump liable for battery and defamation in the. E. Jean Carroll civil trial
 >>/127685/,  >>/127692/ Pakistan former Prime Minister Imran Khan arrested during a court appearance
 >>/127754/ Rebel Capitalist - They're Lying To You About The Debt Ceiling
 >>/127756/ CIA Solicited Signatures For Hunter Biden Laptop Letter
 >>/127757/ The leader of the free world Joe Biden: "We're gonna solve all the world's problems"
 >>/127761/ Victory Day fireworks in Moscow
 >>/127775/ Tucker join Musk and brings new TC show to what he calls the "only free speech platform, Twitter"
 >>/127780/ Alleged U.S. backed Color Revolution in Pakistan leads to arrest of Imran Khan
 >>/127783/,  >>/127784/,  >>/127785/,  >>/127786/,  >>/127787/,  >>/127788/,  >>/127789/,  >>/127790/,  >>/127791/,  >>/127792/,  >>/127793/,  >>/127794/,  >>/127795/,  >>/127796/ Swamp Today Wednesday, May 10, 2023
 >>/127800/,  >>/127801/,  >>/127809/,  >>/127810/,  >>/127815/,  >>/127816/,  >>/127817/,  >>/127818/,  >>/127819/,  >>/127820/,  >>/127821/,  >>/127822/,  >>/127823/,  >>/127824/,  >>/127825/ GOP House Committee reveals evidence of Biden Family's Business Schemes
 >>/127802/ How Senior Intelligence Community Officials and the Biden Campaign Worked to Mislead American Voters on the Hunter Biden “Intel” Statement 
 >>/127803/ A New Blatant Attack Against America's 1st Amendment Rights Is Developing
 >>/127804/ @TomFitton -  DOJ protects Biden crime family while devastating chart details Chinese communist corrupt ties
 >>/127806/ Mark Levin - How has Merrick Garland been able to protect Joe Biden without appointing a special counsel
 >>/127808/ George Santos has just been arrested and charged with fraud and money laundering
 >>/127813/ CNN, MSNBC, C-SPAN, blacked out morning's press conference by the House Oversight Committee on Biden family corruption
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"The best, indeed the only, method of promoting individual and public health is to teach people the laws of nature and thus teach them how to preserve their health. Immunization programs are futile and are based on the delusions that the law of cause and effect can be annulled. Vaccines and serums are employed as substitutes for right living; they are intended to supplant obedience to the laws of life. Such programs are slaps in the face of law and order. Belief in immunization is a form of delusional insanity." 


Suppressed Facts About Vaccination
Eleanor McBean

If you were a Facebook User between 5/24/2007 and 12/22/2022,
you may be eligible for a Class Action Cash Settlement. Below is
a link to information for submitting a claim.
LOL he should ban them for their BS
CBC News comes crawling back to Twitter after rage quitting


 "Today, the CBC will resume some activity on a handful of Twitter accounts…"

Less than a month after rage quitting Twitter, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation announced they were returning to the platform.

The outlet posted from their official CBC News account, "Today, the CBC will resume some activity on a handful of Twitter accounts, including @CBCNews, but we will significantly reduce our overall Twitter footprint and continue to assess the platform against our social media strategy."
Why the fuck do they keep doing this proto bullshit?  Fucking getting sick of that place
The coup has already taken place. When the country was shut down 2 and 1/2 years ago and the nation's capitol was boarded up and fencing was put up to keep citizens out. They installed tater and no one was there to stop it.
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Okay, I'll concede to that Anon that called Proto being turned on during the town hall.  He called it.  Why though?  To make us pay attention rather than shitpost or meme?  There is a reason it's turned on.  Perhaps so BO and BVs can have a break and watch?  Doesn't matter.  So we can't post there for a while.  We'll post there when it's over.
I don't get it! Why do anons, at least many anons believe that when Proto is triggered,  it's ok, it's a good thing?  Bullschitt! It's a trigger against us! It's purposeful and it's against freedom  of speech.  Why do so many anons love Jim so much, they're blind  to this constant move?! Enemies within!
Trump just delivered the lumber. My God was that a total own or what? Treated her like a child that was being absolutely insolent. Trump played that shit like a pro.
Is it still on?
kek it sure is
I'm pretty used to going to /pol/ now whenever there's a happening.
Proto will be on again for the rally Saturday.
Prove me wrong.
That debate will be a 100% studied event in modern debate courses going forward.
Trump delivered a textbook performance under the most intense pressures possible.
Trump owned that shit from wire to wire. Impressive.
Fuck I'm helf drunk right now just finished some last minute trimming around the property what am I missing?
How does Haitlin, I mean Kaitlin know more trump indictments are coming in the summer?
Did anybody else hear that, towards the end.
If she knows then did some clown FBI informant tip themCNN off.

Kaitlin knows of charges in the summer, those are her words.
She was real adamant about the words POTUS used and immediately corrected him.
I'm so sure shes telling the truth.
FBI talks to CNN like they talk to twitter.
Can somebody clip that part.
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I wondered why all of a sudden the posting just about stopped. Cant have free speech if trump is doing well.
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Avoiding or Learning From Rookie Mistakes as a Journalist Covering a Campaign
> 230 views | May 8, 2023 | UChicago Institute of Politics
The campaign trail can be grueling. Hear from veteran reporters – and the practitioners who have worked with them – on how to avoid mistakes, stay healthy and sane, and maintain momentum in the fast-paced world of presidential election campaigns.

Featuring: Lynn Sweet, Chicago Sun-Times; Kaitlan Collins, CNN; Lis Smith, political strategist; Priscilla Thompson, NBC News

About the 2024 Campaign Journalism Conference: With races for control of Congress and the White House and statehouses on the horizon, the nonpartisan University of Chicago Institute of Politics (IOP) and the Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard put together the 2024 Campaign Journalism Conference, an intensive two-day boot camp to equip journalists with practical tools to cover increasingly more complex local and national elections.
> watched this yesterday...Lis...
> The hacker known as /pol/ just put out their QRD from tonight
CNN hosted a "Town Hall" in New Hampshire where a crazy bitch who was perma-aggro tried to grill Trump and Trump kept outwitting her and making the audience howl with laughter. It started off pretty cringe when Trump kept taking the bait, but after Trump derails CNN's bait train and starts railing on about immigration and the economy, it gets hilarious.
Trump was a total gentleman, even when calling a hoe a hoe. That man is under control. Disciplined. Determined. What's not to like after BayWatch Trump appears and drives 'em all wild? This man has got God on his side, or so it's said.
There's like 3 proto Users on 8kun
one is posting useful and interesting stuff
one is posting random shit and Notableing itself
The other is the baker
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Planned World Wars Don't End Very Well For Some People: Norway Discovers Thousands Of Missiles Dumped Into Lakes

The Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) has investigated four dumping areas in lake Mjøsa, from Gjøvik down to Totenvika.

Ammunition has been dumped from Raufoss and the Norwegian Armed Forces in Mjøsa from 1940 until 1970.

Earlier it was said that between 100 and 200 tonnes had been dumped in total, mainly ammunition for handguns. 

Additionally, an area of the bottom of the lake is covered by around a thousand Sidewinder missiles, FFI stated in a press release.

The Raufoss Ammunition Factory test-fired the air-to-air missile Sidewinder for years from Fjellhaug, in Eastern Norway.

The three-metre-long rockets landed in the water four to six kilometres from the launch pad. Around a thousand of them sank to a depth of 3-400 metres in a concentrated area.

According to FFI, they are still tightly packed and are clearly visible in the images captured by the institute's underwater vehicle during its expedition last autumn.

“We are reasonably confident that these missiles pose little environmental risk. There are probably no explosives in them. In practice, this is a large collection of empty aluminium tubes,” the researchers say, who presented their preliminary findings during the Ocean Week event in Gjøvik last week.

So no muh global warming there either, no?

Jim is blessed and Jim is doing things that (magic) defeat the enemy. Anon duty is doing the duty wherever their keyboards attach to. Jim is a hero.
When anons think that Jim is making it right for anons and elevating anon posts by taking out the trash, that's the reality anons create. Anons, this is your reality to make or to surrender to others that will mold a reality to enslave you.
Trump put you in the room at the head of the table. Jim ain't doing anything but backing that shit up with the tech.
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Hear Trump's response when asked if he owes Pence an apology for Jan. 6
> 41,576 views | May 10, 2023
During a CNN town hall, Kaitlan Collins asks former President Donald Trump if he owes former Vice President Mike Pence an apology for the Jan. 6 insurrection that put Pence in danger.
Jim make sure you check proto accounts.
The shills just jumped over here.
Shill group has a proto.
They are a group of people.
They are here now.
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O’Reilly on CNN town hall: ‘Trump went into his greatest hits’ | CUOMO
> 3,602 views | May 10, 2023  
Former President Donald Trump made a primetime appearance in a live CNN town hall Wednesday. Former Fox News host Bill O’Reilly says Trump said “stuff you’ve heard a thousand times” and that the town hall “turned into a fiasco.”
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I can't wait for the mass hysteria as this goes on. It makes the liberals crying in their car videos look tame.
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O’Reilly: Trump ‘put himself in jeopardy’ by talking about Carroll case at town hall | CUOMO
> 406 views | May 10, 2023
Former President Donald Trump’s prime-time appearance in a live CNN town hall came a day after a New York jury found him liable for sexually abusing a woman nearly 30 years ago and defaming her. Former Fox News host Bill O’Reilly said Trump “put himself in jeopardy” by speaking about the case at the town hall but skipping the trial.
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Trump: Then we had a rigged election

Kaitlin: "The election was not rigged you cant keep saying that all night long Mr. President she whines. You cannot keep saying the election is rigged."
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Kaitlin asks Presiden Trump about Zero Tolerance policy.

Trump says remember when they said I was building prisons for children? Turns out it was Obama that was building prisons.
Hoes mad trump said the election was rigged. Thanks to the EO before the 18 election,  mil knew it. Scotus heard it. Fraud vitiates everything.  The election was nullified - but not redone. Meaning that trumps term was de facto just extended.  The 3 Bidan actors are doing a great job. It's going to get a lot more fun soon. The fences in DC? With the tunnels blown, they keep the rats in their cages, should congress mis-step their boundaries. It's to keep them in, not us out. Bidan is going to get a lot worse yet, get some popcorn.
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Kaitlyn from the audience has voted for President Trump before. She asks President Trump if he supports continuing support for Ukraine. We've given them 171 Billion dollars. Trump says if he is president he will have that war settled in 24 hours. Trump wants everyone to stop dieing. Europe needs to put up more money.
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Aaaaaand ... they're not waking up. Are they? Wait ... wtf just habbened? Member? Trump said he was going behind enemy lines or some shit n then he said maybe the enemy was changing?
 >>/127624/,  >>/127625/,  >>/127626/,  >>/127627/,  >>/127628/,  >>/127629/ Swamp Today Monday, May 8, 2023
 >>/127636/ Current News Headlines reflect the state of U.S.
 >>/127637/ Congressman Jamie Raskin called for Trump to be charged with Seditious Conspiracy
 >>/127639/ Dangers of Microgravity For The Human Body 
 >>/127641/ State-run Media Says You Will Own Nothing In The Future, Personal Choice Does Not Matter
 >>/127646/ 'Creepy' New AI Traffic Cams Peer Into Cars Seeking Violations
 >>/127652/ Anheuser-Busch CEO Blames Bud Light Boycott on ‘Misinformation’
 >>/127653/,  >>/127675/ FDA Approves First Pill Containing Human Feces
 >>/127656/ Stream of migrants enter Texas before Title 42 expiration
 >>/127657/, Peaceful Protesting Is Now "Seditious Conspiracy" In America, Claims DOJ Prosecutors
 >>/127661/,  >>/127662/,  >>/127663/,  >>/127664/,  >>/127665/,  >>/127666/,  >>/127667/,  >>/127668/,  >>/127669/,  >>/127704/ Swamp Today Tuesday, May 9, 2023
 >>/127676/ America First Legal Releases New Documents Obtained from Lawsuit Against CISA Further Exposing Deep State Censoring Americans’ Free Speech
 >>/127677/ SMOKING GUN! Caught On Tape: Trudeau Trying To Bring Back VACCINE MANDATES!
 >>/127684/,  >>/127723/,  >>/127771/,  >>/127773/ A jury has found former President Donald Trump liable for battery and defamation in the. E. Jean Carroll civil trial
 >>/127685/,  >>/127692/ Pakistan former Prime Minister Imran Khan arrested during a court appearance
 >>/127754/ Rebel Capitalist - They're Lying To You About The Debt Ceiling
 >>/127756/ CIA Solicited Signatures For Hunter Biden Laptop Letter
 >>/127757/ The leader of the free world Joe Biden: "We're gonna solve all the world's problems"
 >>/127761/ Victory Day fireworks in Moscow
 >>/127775/ Tucker join Musk and brings new TC show to what he calls the "only free speech platform, Twitter"
 >>/127780/ Alleged U.S. backed Color Revolution in Pakistan leads to arrest of Imran Khan
 >>/127783/,  >>/127784/,  >>/127785/,  >>/127786/,  >>/127787/,  >>/127788/,  >>/127789/,  >>/127790/,  >>/127791/,  >>/127792/,  >>/127793/,  >>/127794/,  >>/127795/,  >>/127796/ Swamp Today Wednesday, May 10, 2023
 >>/127800/,  >>/127801/,  >>/127809/,  >>/127810/,  >>/127815/,  >>/127816/,  >>/127817/,  >>/127818/,  >>/127819/,  >>/127820/,  >>/127821/,  >>/127822/,  >>/127823/,  >>/127824/,  >>/127825/ GOP House Committee reveals evidence of Biden Family's Business Schemes
 >>/127802/ How Senior Intelligence Community Officials and the Biden Campaign Worked to Mislead American Voters on the Hunter Biden “Intel” Statement 
 >>/127803/ A New Blatant Attack Against America's 1st Amendment Rights Is Developing
 >>/127804/ @TomFitton -  DOJ protects Biden crime family while devastating chart details Chinese communist corrupt ties
 >>/127806/ Mark Levin - How has Merrick Garland been able to protect Joe Biden without appointing a special counsel
 >>/127808/ George Santos has just been arrested and changed with fraud and money laundering
 >>/127813/ CNN, MSNBC, C-SPAN, blacked out morning's press conference by the House Oversight Committee on Biden family corruption
 >>/127831/ Facebook User between 5/24/2007 and 12/22/2022 Settlement
 >>/127834/ CBC News comes crawling back to Twitter after rage quitting
 >>/127930/ Planned World Wars Don't End Very Well For Some People: Norway Discovers Thousands Of Missiles Dumped Into Lakes
 >>/127933/,  >>/127944/,  >>/127948/,  >>/127949/,   >>/127952/,  >>/127956/,  >>/127968/,  >>/127972/ Trump and CNN induce an entertaining attack of cognitive dissonance in viewers
 >>/127961/ Liz Harrington: Trump ‘won over’ people at CNN town hall 
 >>/127620/ #371


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