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London pics, Piccadilly, Embankment, Red bus, Winter Wonderland, Corinthia Hotel, Northumberland. UK ANONS. Leaving these bread crumbs for you in case you search these terms. 
NEW UK BREAD at Endchan.org. Get over here! Look for our flag banner.
Nice work. 

> when the HISPANIOLA goes pink (2016 I >believe), the palm is gone
Looking for sauces between 22DEC2013 and 31DEC2013. My theory, based on that severe storm on 23DEC is that the little palm took a thrashing and that its fronds look worse for wear after 22DEC. Why is it that we can’t make out the palm’s branches in the ROT1 pic? Other small details on the deck area can be made out. It is possible this lends proof of a “not before” bookend on 22DEC. We already believe we have a “not after” bookend on 30/31DEC with the First Aid sign near the cabman shack.
Hey Boat. I see you were able/dared to post on the kun. Since you are so bold, may I be so bold to ask, could you leave a discreet breadcrumb on the UK Bread for our Vidanon and UK baker who never made their  way here?  If you can leave a breadcrumb reminder that Endchan dot org is here as a bunker for anons it will be much appreciated. Thanks Boat.
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Bit too far for any resolution on my device. 
In other news. Hey when I was looking for potted palm tree Christmas sauces on HISPANIOLA, I did run across a new CRANE ‘stake in the ground’ quite by accident. In some random pics from a gourmet foodie article re HISP’s XMAS menu published 7DEC2013, caught some glimpses of ONE CRANE behind London Eye. Our previous stake in ground for ONE crane was 23NOV. 

Current stakes: 

Sauce article: 
On the 7DEC food article there are 3 different angles showing only ONE crane. The logic being that there was a progression from NO cranes in September, ONE crane appearing by 23NOV, still ONE crane by 6DEC, til by 14DEC we had TWO cranes all the way thru 30DEC. 
We know ROT1 has TWO cranes, and we know the EMB was changed by the banners and signd being hung probly on 30DEC. 
Our logic tells us that by reason of LISAMI6 having a Christmas match via the MILLBANK building lights. So intuitively, we are thinking 25DEC +/- one day for the EMB series. But we must remember that LISA is an outlier pic at the EMB by reason it lacks the wheelie bins that are seen in the other EMB pics. 
So, treating the EMB pics like they could have been on another evening than LISA. 
There is a similar problem with the CORINTHIA series of pics. Not all show trash bins out. Could be they were put out later but we just don’t know. 
So for the EMB pics we can only go by the sauces we see for the cranes. Yes, there is the Westminster construction shrouding market but it is much more long-lasting than the time period for the two cranes marker. So, just by the cranes marker sauces we have so far, we can only narrow the EMB pics to between 6DEC and 30DEC. I still think the utter lack of PUBLIC buses points to Christmas Day in all the London pics. 
Btw, do you have dates on those pics you dropped? Some are intriguing but can’t be discussed without dates.
Would love to have good sauce on the pics but Tineye is being uncooperative, For instance, ran the one in  >>/75892/ through, got an August 2021 date, which we know to be false because of that white-topped funnel on TATTERSHALL CASTLE (and the fact of the 2017 move down to Horse Guards)
Thank you, Baker. Am afraid it appears the rest of us from UK Bread will never post there again since the new posting requirements kicked in. You can see from the last UK kun bread, none of the anons but yourself has posted there. Please leave a crumb for Vidanon and UK Baker to find the bunker on End.
Since it’s just us here, am going to post FOR NEW EYES this rather narrow dig on the WINTER WONDERLAND pics. Doesn’t narrow the date of the pics but might very well five us an idea of the time of evening the pics were taken. Some of us find that interesting to ponder when thinking about operatives what was going on in those pics, the targets of surveillance being spied upon as they were engaged who knows what. A UK anon much involved in digging the London pics was of the opinion that the two WW pics showed the park near closing. That opinion based on his assessment of the crowds being relatively light based on scrutiny of hundreds of open source pics and parkgoers’ videos of WW from not just 2013 but the other years as well. He also noted that there are no ride vehicles on the Wilde Maus coaster captured in that pic. His thought was that the ride, although still operating, may have been sending out fewer cars for fewer people. As the park normally closed at 10pm, he came to the same conclusion that the Q pic was taken near closing based on pictorial evidence. This dig is not based on that anon’s markers used but on a different marker which if true yields the same evidence of a time, somewhere around 9:30pm. The means used is a bright but solitary star seen above the Wilde Maus coaster at a bearing of about 312 degrees. This bearing is approximated using a detail map of the 2013 WW layout, and as cross referenced with night sky simulations which were focused on that area of sky to look for likely stars to be found at that bearing between sunset and the 10pm park closing. That area of sky is pointing close enough to true North to show a limited number of stars that could be there in that time period because the stars seen are the ‘circumpolar’ stars and constellations which circle the North pole star. They move quite slowly as they take 24 hours to make a circle around the North Pole star. That means it takes 6 hours to traverse one quarter of a circle around the North Pole star. And our time period from sunset, around 4:30pm, to 10pm is what was looked at. And we know the star we are looking for would be in that quadrant of sky as we look for it to reach that compass bearing at 312 degrees. 
(To be continued)
General Research #21824 https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/17799855.html#16407560

The journalist-run, intelligence-linked operation that warped British pandemic policy

Presented as an independent voice for “unbiased” scientific advice, iSAGE provided a channel for media spinmeisters, spies and psy-op specialists to influence Britain’s pandemic policy without accountability. Leaked internal emails show members fretting over its unethical methods.

Throughout Britain’s response to the COVID-19 crisis, a lobbying group known as the Independent Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (iSAGE) served as a key driving force behind the government’s most draconian lockdown policies. 

While it presented itself as a non-governmental organization composed of forward-thinking health experts, The Grayzone can reveal iSAGE not only maintains an array of ties to the British security state, while relying largely on political, rather than scientific, considerations when crafting policy recommendations.

With Winter ahead in Europe and calls for the reimposition of COVID-19 restrictions growing once again — not least from iSAGE itself — the outfit’s endeavors provide a disturbing look at the role of the security state and mainstream media in corrupting British public health policy.

Nearly three years since the world first heard of COVID-19, societies across the globe are still reeling from prolonged lockdowns and harsh social restrictions, which many governments implemented in order to supposedly “stop the spread” of the virus. Britain is no exception, and while the full long-term impact of such measures remains unknown, some grueling effects are already painfully apparent.

Patients receiving care for cancer, cardiovascular, and respiratory disease were prevented from accessing routine treatment; rates of clinical depression and mobile phone addiction among university students skyrocketed; adults of all ages reported worsening mental health conditions; and the number of Britons seeking help for drug addiction increased by 81% between 2020 and 2021. 

Meanwhile, school closures exposed Britain’s youth to food insecurity and increased likelihood of falling victim to domestic abuse, while the rapid digitization of education further widened learning gaps between wealthy and low-income students in the country.

“We were mesmerized by the once-in-a-century scale of the emergency and succeeded only in making a crisis even worse. In short, we panicked,” lamented Professor Mark Woolhouse, an Edinburgh University epidemiologist, in January 2022.

As with many contemporary critics of the British government’s initial “Zero COVID” strategy, Woolhouse argued a targeted response to protect the most vulnerable members of society, such as the elderly, would have done more to curb Britain’s death toll than blanket, nationwide lockdowns.

“This was an epidemic crying out for a precision public health approach and it got the opposite,” he explained.

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New bookend found for Q Red Bus pic near Piccadilly
A UK anon found a video from 24NOV2013 which shows neither the bus stop sign nor the overhead street decorations @ Coventry. The Q pic is from a later date. We know from sauces in December 2013 that the new bus stop sign is seen and appears after that in many sauces. We know also that the overhead street decorations @ Coventry Street must also be in the Q Red Bus pic. The soonest those decorations are seen is 28NOV2013. 
This new stop sign sauce firms up the NOT BEFORE bookend for the Red Bus pic at 28NOV2013. 
As for the Q Piccadilly Circus pics, we are focusing on the first appearance of the 75% off Sale signs and the small Christmas tree decorations on the Cool Britannia store, neither of which are present yet. There is a 50% Sale sign seen at CB at the end of NOV. The 75% off sale occurred in DEC. No sale signs were seen in a 9DEC sauce, so later than that for the Q pics @ Piccadilly.

Are we having more storms?

Stormy weather is not unusual in the winter and we only need to go back to the winter of 2013-14 to see a similarly stormy winter. Overall, the period from mid-December 2013 to mid-February 2014 saw at least 12 major winter storms, and, when considered overall, this was the stormiest period of weather the UK has experienced for at least 20 years.

We have seen comparable or more severe storms in recent years, including 3 January 2012 and 8 December 2011, each of which caused widespread impacts.

Posted this at UKBread.

Interdasting AI tool for guesstimating details of faces on poor or low quality originals. FWIW.

Please use with caution. With that AI (definitely not organic) the results can look like copaypastas but the program takes all kinds of inputs. Try something. Observs?


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 >>/17939984/ UK bread 8kun
> Revisiting "The Communications Building" (misnamed Communications House in some of my previous posts).
48 Leicester Square, the building used to be (still is?) owned by the Automobile Association (called Fanum House) and was for many years its head office and vehicle breakdown control centre.
Attack hit just as we started humming along on the Red Bus pic cam vantage point. Lots of pics vital to that dig and analysis.

In additon, an anon dropped good reminders about the Big Picture, DEC-2013.

Question: are the pics in the UK bread safely preserved or should make efforts to preserve. The pic drops were moving fast and at v gud quantity/quality ratio. Not all held tightly at homebase.

Access expected soon? Or is that way too hard to figure?
Added white and yellow mark-ups indicating line of sight from Cafe (not Casino) entrance way that would include:
1. Ticket Kiosk (at least apex of rooftop and flank facing shopfront)

2. Red Telephone Booth (at least the forward or Coventry side top)

3. Space between 1 and 2.

If Anon who posted the Sat image could please post sauce, that would greatly appreciative and it would help confirm the sight lines to markers on East side of 48 Leicester, Comm Bldg.
From what I recall from looking into older breads before:
Once the bread has dropped off the catalog and been archived, most pics are no longer visible. png's may stay but I believe everything else goes away.

Option A is our old firend Midnight Riders UK #25
That bread has only 98 posts in it, extremely slow moving, and is pinned to top of catalog. I'd suggest if anons had pics that were really important, drop a copy in there with a note of what it is for future reference. Question is which pics turn out to be gold?
Option b is archive offline

As far as safeguarding my own posts:
Big Picture analysis of London Pics DEC-2013
 >>/17958920/  >>/17958962/  >>/17958974/
Would that make me a "wanker", a "cockwomble", or a "bell end?"
My ego is not big, and I used qresear.ch with search term Hunter Biden, and looked at results for UK to get  >>/17958962/ while  >>/17958974/ was going to metacrawler.com and plugging in the address 100 Victoria Embankment London
> If Anon who posted the Sat image could please post sauce, that would greatly appreciative and it would help confirm the sight lines to markers on East side of 48 Leicester, Comm Bldg.


Will that do?
Anons, not to be moar paranoid than a good autist should, we may have picked up a 'fellow traveller' type in the last couple of days on UK eight. I think he made two posts as Anon but has switched to BLUE NAMEFAG last coupla posts which makes me mistrust even moar coz that's how shills identify themselves or they don't get paid. Temperature feels very shilly and I don't like it. Chatty fellow with a dreadful writing style for a bloke working Wall Street. His overuse AND MISUSE of the comma in a sentence had me thinking he was trolling me for my casual approach to using commas. I will admit I err on the side of using a comma to show an aside or a pause, but this guy? Wow. Really odd sentences. Seems too chatty and I don't trust. Be advised.
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The UK BREAD may have found the SEQUENCES Q mentioned in Q128 embedded in the TIMESTAMPS/DATES of ALL of the Q Posts. We are currently trying to understand the purpose of these sequences.

This new discovery occurred in UK BREAD #49, after anons had determined to take a stab at learning to read the Q Map. An attempt to decode a Q clock riddle in post 833 about a clock on which up is down and right is left, anon turmed the image of a backwards clock upside down with the timestamp time on the clockface but appearing to be a mirrored time was initially thought to be a failure. The new mirrored time seemed close to a backward reading of the timestamp but was off by 5 minutes. It was this dig that showed anon to look at the timestamp from both the left and right sides. We noticed a kind of palindromic aspect to the timestamps which led us to start backward reading the timestamps first from the right and then from the left. We noticed we could find 2 numbers which were 2 numbers of SEQUENCE. We were aware of Q's encouragement to make us think of SEQUENCES to read the map when Q asked us, 'What is a sequence?' 
We have found that there are sequences embedded in ALL of the timestamps of the Q posts. Some examples of sequences would be 2 numbers like 110 and 210 or 181 and 281, 2102 and 3102. ALL of the Q post timestamps/dates contain these sequences. They are found by reading the first number from RIGHT TO LEFT on the timestamp and the second number from  LEFT TO RIGHT in the datestamp to meet in the middle with a number from the timestamp. It immediately became apparent that the 2 numbers must meet in the middle with a common [number] which we are calling a conjunction. We think these shared numbers are an integral part of the importance and perhaps the reason for the sequences. We are not yet sure of how these shared numbers are used in the map, but they are critical to finding the sequences. They must occur in each sequence decode. 
UK Bread is currently engaged in decoding these sequemces in all of the UK/London drops in the hopes that we can see another pattern in how all of the posts are tied together. These [conjunction] numbers in the sequences may be the skeins of the spiderweb a series of related Q posts Or they may be a secret number to apply to a substituon cypher like a decoder ring wound around a clock. We don't know. But we think we are onto something and taking a good look.
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Some thoughts on how the SEQUENCES embedded in the date/time stamps might be used to link posts together by date.

Thinking about the whole reason for the sequences. Obviously related to the reading the map discussion in Q post 128. What is their reason for being? Am giving some speculation toward the deltas betw the two numbers, and also if that [conjunction] number is related. 
Could it be possible there is some predictive code in them? Something that  tells is how many minutes later or the next date of a post related? Am looking for time to be added to a timestamp or datestamp. 
Some of the SEQ deltas are 10s, some 100s, some single digits. Related to positions on a timestamp? 
Also, some posts have higher SEQ numbers on left or right side. Should we be paying attention when the SEQ numbers are higher on the left side vs right side? Possibility that is important? If so, then a decreasing number could mean subtract the delta rather than add it.
WHAT FOLLOWS IS SPECULATION, NOTHING MORE, BUT INTENDED TO ENCOURAGE THOUGHT ON HOW THE Q MAP MIGHT BE PREDICTIVE. So, if the date, also normally written in a 6-digit format, needed to be telegraphed for change from a current date of OCT (10th month) written in the middle positions of a date stamp thus: 00:10:00 (dd:mm:yy) one could telegraph a future date in FEB, how would you communicate that? Could re-think that if using computer code- would be written opposite. 
Would one maybe use single-digit SEQ deltas to change the year [00:00:xx]?
Maybe multiples of 10 SEQ deltas to indicate MONTHS (00:xx:00) and multiples of 100 to show changes +/- to the days, (xx:00:00)? Year deltas, God willing, would be single digit deltas for manifestation of any future occurrences. 
Maybe a future date might only need be stated with the month and day change, as time can only go forward and it would be superfluous to indicate the new YEAR or even mention it in each post.
For safe keeping:

UK #50 Bearings

Going around the compass:
Hispaniola pilot house 145.4
Big hotel obscuring Urbanest site (Park Plaza Westminster Bridge ), centre, 147.3
Urbanest, centre of complex, 147.7
London Eye 151.5
St. Thomas Hospital, centre of building closet to Thames, 165.0
Park Plaza (purple building) centre of angled side facing Hungerford 178.3
Millbank, centre of tower 188.7
St. George's Wharf tower, centre of building 189.1
Big Ben, centre of tower 192.7
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Was poking around who was in Trump’s Energy department and came across an innerdasting tidbit that I neber heard of.



“The U.S. official overseeing the nation’s nuclear weapons stockpile resigned Friday after clashing with Energy Secretary Dan Brouillette.

Lisa E. Gordon-Hagerty, administrator of the National Nuclear Security Administration and undersecretary of Energy for nuclear security, resigned after being told by Brouillette’s office that President Donald Trump had lost faith in her ability to do her job, according to two people familiar with the matter.”

Most dasting that Trump fired her 3 days after the 2020 election. But she was fine before that? Very odd timing to suddenly ‘lose confidence’ in someone.

[email protected]

Dheyaa Ibrahim
may be arrested or imprisoned after this video. 




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