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The eternal robot

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Welcome to /r10k/. A board for users of 4chan's /r9k/ board who are fed up with its current state.

This board will attempt to be the most comfy that it can be. To ensure the board stays comfy, these rules are in place.

1. Only male virgins are allowed on this board.
2. Please avoid pointless namecalling, spamming, or flaming. Try to keep things comfy and civil.

Also, meta thread. Feel free to make suggestions or discuss things ITT.


Please be sure to lurk before posting on any board you are new to. These sites have their own unique culture, and they should be respected.
19 replies omitted. Click to expand viewer
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Alright. I've been a lazy bitch lately, but I'm back around for the board now and plan to do some more general building.

I should be transparent with my intentions, and that is to provide a forum or a place for discussion for all /r9k/ users, at least the ones that aren't trolls (which, sadly, infest /r9k/ lately)

I understand that multiple people want to split up / separate the community, so I've decided to try to build two communities for /r9k/ with time that I have. These two communities will be called /r10k/ (the board we're on now) and /r9k/ (a board on mewch.net)

/r10k/ will be dedicated to providing a high-quality place for virgin males
/r9k/ @ mewch.net will be dedicated to providing a high quality place for cyborgs, the LBGT community, etc.

Time has shown me that these places almost never work well together, so I find separation to be the best overall plan for the board's community as a whole. 4chan has refused to do this, so I'm going to try.

If you have any issues at all with how I'm managing any board, feel free to contact me here on Endchan or at mewch.net. You can find my /r9k/ thread right over here: https://mewch.net/r9k/res/1.html

Best regards,
Why do you want to provide a place for cyborgs and transfags?
Don't they have millions of places on the internet already?
Come on now

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Not in a tranny way, I have no interest in trooning out, but I look at the agatha board and I see all this bipolar women with an army of loyal fans all because they're cute girls, and it makes me wish that I could have an army of loyal fans for just existing. But I'm an ugly schizo man, and so I have no loyal fans, it's kind of depressing.
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Not in a tranny way, I have no interest in trooning out, but I look at the cat board and I see all this bipolar cats with an army of loyal fans all because they're cute fluff balls, and it makes me wish that I could have an army of loyal fans for just existing. But I'm an ugly schizo rat, and so I have no loyal fans, it's kind of depressing.

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wsp endchan; havent been here in a while; haven't needed to for the most part but i started using 4chan and my "boyfriend" found out and said its not healthy for me so i might just move here instead :p
reccently we fought because i overthink things a lot and he wants me to be open about it but i feel like whenever i am he gets upset with me over it :/ i tried to distract myself from wanting to self harm by looking at gore/other peoples self harm and he thought it was weird/bad and i didnt know what to do other than cry, ive got very bad copying mechanisms and i feel like he doesnt understand that still

Anyone got a good firsthand experience of Jewish words/behaviors?
anything to make us rage or lol would be great.

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Green Test stories about your last interaction with relative.

>  > Comfy at home not having spoken to family in years

>  > Get a phone call from an unfamiliar number

>  > Ignore, straight to generic non-identifying voicemail

>  > "Hey anon this is little bro. I'm not sure if this is you or if it will reach you but mom is sick. Call me back"

>  > Block the number, filter any numbers family has used in the past

>  > Comfy once again.

Get away from your family now and don't look back.
If you have had bad relations with your family, by this I mean if your parents we're too authoritative to you, then it's ok to leave them, or if there's room for improvement, just talk to them more rarely.

> Aunt prides herself for being a supposedly cheap eater

> in fact, she prides herself in all things that she does and sees all as inferior to her

> I don't eat like her, as I'm neither obese nor am I a vegan

> being skinny and tall and male doesn't help the situation when she's short and fat and 3 times divorced, thus hates men with a passion

> She hates me and thus uses my supposed bad spending habits as a target of passive aggressive bullying

> knowing all this and seeing it made apparent by the barely concealed disgust on her face, I devise my plan. For 3 months I research and create it

> after 3 months, I have built up a dynamic with her of joking about my bad food expenditures

> Not that I agreed with her, but merely allowed her to continue saying these things

> then comes the bomb

> get first real money earned (I got fired after 4 days anyway)

> she decides it's time for oh so expensive me to buy my own food and see the REAL cost

> agree completely with her

> got to the store, she spends the entire journey talking at me about how hard it will be for me to eat cheaply when I eat mainly "junk" food (aka normal southern east coast food)

> go around shopping, ignore her advise

> carefully check the nutritional and caloric content per dollar on every item

> work it down to about 2 dollars average per day, including slightly expensive items at her angry request

> get to the check out

> see her smugly waiting for me with the food she bought to eat on our trip in the car tomorrow (a disgusting thing she does every day consisting of spending 10+ hours driving around and 30 minutes completing "work" tasks for her mexican boss)

> ring it up with my newly bought credit card

> see the cost, it's about 55 dollars for one months worth of food

> she goes to pay for hers

> 59 dollars is the price of her vegan snack collection amounting to barely 3000 calories

> unaware of this, she looks up at me smiling smugly

> "mine was much less, wasn't it?"

> give a tiny smirk

> her face falls into one of disbelief

> "n-no way"

> "that's not right, there's no way yours is-"

> "I think it might be less"

> "that's impossible!"

> "Well, mine was 54.79, how about yours?"

> she simply gapes

> stuttering and ranting the entire way back about how I must have miscalculated and how bad my food must have been to be so cheap and that she's the one who really made the good economic choices

> her pride and delusion of superiority, crushed

> naturally, being a woman, she complains for the rest of the night, but that cannot destroy the taste of sweet victory

> infinite GBP for the rest of the year


hi anon! why are you in dead servers you dont talk in? both you and me know you dont enjoy it. come join a better place where its not dead and where you wont get ignored for older members. here we treat everyone equally so you can get all the attention you want. come be our friend!!


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Come join DESU, the best server for robots

we got porn, nudes, and roles out the wazoo

we have people who will talk constantly if thats ur thing and u jus wanna talk too


repost because I don't know how I fucked up that reply
really getting into Path of Exile, honestly a nice relaxing game.
also one of the nicest communities, just typed in chat for advice on better gear and some guy (lvl 95+) invited me, gave me free stuff and left.
I was honestly surprised
well if you were in the standard league that's probably why. It kind of encourages being nice. They have a lot of limited time leagues that are more cutthroat and competitive at least in the beginning. When it's over all that stuff moves to the standard league so there's just a lot more stuff in there so it's no biggie if you're really into the leagues, hardcore, or hardcore league because all that stuff will end up in standard eventually.
This board seems impossibly slow. What are the odds that the guy from 3 months before will even read your post?
What are the odds you will even read my post?
hey, i think i made that post when there was some activity on the board but didn't realize this particular thread was so old

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