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At www.truecels.org, we ban all females and sex-having normalfags on sight! Only incels need apply!
We're also a free speech forum where anything goes, as long as the comments are all pro-incel and pro-misogynist. Race realist discussion is also allowed.

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> want to go to counseling to get my autism/schizophrenia/paranoia checked out and recommended to a psychiatrist so I can get NEETbucks
> pathological liar mode automatically kicks in because I'm too afraid to reveal my true self to another person and I try to hide and downplay my problems or outright lie
How do I solve this dilemma?
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Counselors are trained and paid to keep a straight face for the duration of their session, no matter how weird the conversation would be in any other social setting. They've seen it all and are legally required (in first world countries) to keep their mouth shut. Unless you're sharing pedo or violent thoughts about harming yourself or another, that gets you vanned. Meet guy saying that he's a antromorphic teapot from Zeta Reticule sent to liberate coconuts? They've seen weirder.
I tried to make accurate models of fighter planes, trains, and star wars spaceships. I guess I could tell her about that. I really cannot function in society, I'm too weak to do manual labor, too autistic to do retail, and too dumb to do anything else. I can't even be a trucker or some other hikki-tier job because I can't get my license to save my life.
you have schizophrenia? you shouldn't even have to try to convince him/her.

but yeah, never open up to anyone.
Yeah, but I hide it. Also I don't really want to talk to the counselor about the different personas I interact with because I like some of them.
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I'm in the exact same boat except I can't bring myself to talk to a psych doc because of my paranoia. How many personas/masks do you have in your head and are any of them violent? I've been having issues with a violent one trying to do some janky shit

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> 23 y/o loser

> Crave affection and love

> Want to find someone I can connect to

> Automatically make OKC, Match, Chemistry, and Tinder accounts again

> Start working out again 

> Pick my best clothes to go out in public and possibly met someone at a bar or something

> I stop when I realise I've tried this dozens of times already and failed miserably

> tfw I'm repulsive on the inside and outside and will die alone

How do accept my fate? It's too late for me but my head can't accept it no matter what I do.
> Want to find someone I can connect to 
Create an empty space where you can connect to and force anybody into it.

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What's stopping normanfaguts and homosexual gays from shitting up this board Mr.Mod?
Are you gonna ban them at first sign of trouble?

Pic not related

PS: why is everyhing so small?

PPS: the layout is a bit weird
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Noted. There are some CSS bugs that I'm aware of I'll fix. I'll try to balance the font-sizes where appropriate. Thanks for the feedback.
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nothing's going to stop normalfags. face it, without memes like the tendie stories, NEET threads, virgin/chad, shandshake dad, poems and other creative memey shit this boards nothing but a dry, dreary hugbox where people post their problems that they already know have no answers to.

/r9k/ has been acting like memes are the problem when in reality they are the only way we have to express our struggles and feelings all whist laughing at the obserdity of it all.

you wanted to get rid of redditfags but only brought in traps, roastie whores, orbiters and personality test fags. But redditers and normalfags are what circulate those memes and keep them fresh, like healthy bacteria.

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What is the absolute maximum that your body can lift without the mass overcoming the force holding your body parts in place? It seems no one can answer this. They can talk about maximum practical potential and maximum psychologically possible potential, but no one has ever talked about what the body, viewed purely as a machine and without considering the constraints of the mind, can move. At what point does the human body run out of "power" to complete the action? The point where the limbs would simply tear off under the pressure?
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> I want to analyze
No you don't, you're a fucktard and want misuse reason. And the legwork is the last thing you'd do.
I'm not planning on doing it myself you absolute moron. I don't plan to ever do more work than makes my back tingle a little. Why won't ANYONE answer this question?
If you're a healthy, trained strongman with ubermench genetics, ideal diet, and proper form, the first thing that will likely fail during a heavy lift will either be your tendons/ligaments, or the blood vessels in your brain. Disregarding the latter, the physical limit will probably be dictated by how strong human tendons/ligaments can theoretically get.
So, could a human body move 6 tons and be destroyed by it? 12 tons? Would the bodys structure fail and tear apart after 6 tons? And by "move" I mean move something with the same mass exerted by 12 tons that is inhibited by the amount of friction on, say, a set of lubricated wheels.

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Shantih    shantih    shantih


And thus concludes the fifth, and final, day of this song.  Though perhaps unwanted, perhaps awaited, I leave it here, a beacon and a testament to those fellow ghouls who would prefer to stare into the light and go blind than skulk about, averting their eyes until they expire.  This board, though a noble effort, will probably be as bare as a desert in a month.  And yet, I hope that in this small corner of the net, this lighthouse stands for a while longer.  If you kneel at the precipice, undecided as to whether the pits of hell deserve another day of your presence, know that I, a brother, stand with you, at least until the day Satan tells us to fuck off.


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