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> knew two girls in middle school who lived near me and rode the bus
> they were like twins in how they stuck around each other
> they were pretty nice to me even though I was a total sperg and the school joke
> one time one of the girls asked me what I would say if the other one wanted to date me
> thinking it would be funny, I said "tell her I want to see her vagina first"
What the FUCK

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> thinking it would be funny, I said "tell her I want to see her vagina first"
> implying it wasn't funny and that you wouldn't say it now if you had the chance
wth all these r10k losers have matured enough to feel embarrassed by their fuckups, but despite I'm the opposite and still find that shit awesome and hilarious I still get no pussy. There's no way to win, everything is a lie.

It was funny, my own uncaring personality of when I was younger amazes me. I wish I was still able to be so blissfully stupid without giving a shit at all. I also showed my guitar class that sucking your own dick is indeed possible. In class.

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> you should workout. Even at home. Keeps you fit and healthy. Even makes you feel better by the end of the day
I've been trying to lay off soda too. Makes me feel better but more drained at the same time. Anyone else trying to get off Pepsi/Coke?

You will definitely want to drop soda and any drinks other than water and the occasional tea.

I used to be a heavy soda drinker, I quit cold turkey and my body heavily craved the sugar, but now I have no feelings for it and I have greatly lost weight despite the fact I don't exercise very frequently.

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> The only person who understands and is willing to talk about a popular conspiracy breakthrough but dont feel like taking shit from normies concern trolling and dont want to give the robotic alt shills their chance to show daddy domino their goyness.

I am too 6'4, and tiny women make me puke. It's an instinctive reaction to that breeding with a womanlet would dilute and waste the good genes I have. I won't even waste spit on a woman under 5'7

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