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What was it this time?

Thanks, she's pretty. Nice profile, nice smile. 

Would be cool if Audra was a "kill the jews" type tbh fam.

idk how it particularly works out, but women with tiny nostrils always seem to be otherwise attractive to me.

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Brazilian supreme court (on behalf of the WEF) ruled that it can decide if the other branches "failed" in some area and rule in their place, and ruled that they failed in dealing with homelessness and declared that states are not allowed to remove homeless people from the streets or invaded properties, punish them for small crimes, etc... basically, absolishing private property for plebs.

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Well damn. That's been de facto the situation in a lot of US states, but to put it into federal law is big. 
Every day I ask myself why I don't steal more stuff like how the homeless/migrants get to do, though as a mayo monkey I think I'm at a disadvantage. I steal some small stuff from self checkout stores, but that's small potatoes.

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Yeah. It's not just cars, it's houses too. First they made them unaffordable for the masses, now they're taking them away retroactively. What's happening in Argentina (and to me in particular) smells like a very deliberate part of a plan to kill off the middle class. Buying a house costs at the very least $50-60k for the cheapest mud huts in favela tier towns. Most people make around $5-8k a year and have zero margin for saving any part of it because they necessarily need to spend all of it on food, rent and other essentials. So buying a house is quite literally impossible for most; wages would need to arbitrarily increase tenfold. But then, OTOH, people that do own houses (through inheritance, from back when it WAS possible for the middle class to buy them) will make no more than $1-2k a year from renting them out. So neither party wins. Only the rich do; for them the price of any property in Argentina is spare change

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It's related to what we were discussing in the last thread: Being given a loser hand in the material reality. Those people were the past losers.
When we reached illuminism, and understood the natural laws and order of this world, there were clear winners and losers. Jews, blacks, gays, etc... were losers. The "correct" evident path was to phase them out and optimize humanity to thrive in this world.
But they didn't accept that and declared war against nature itself. They executed scientists who defended genetics en masse under communism, etc...
What used to be a battle for self-transformation and transcendence, became a battle against the natural order in a societal scale.

All of those perspectives are wrong, if you comprehend the dual nature of humans. But they are materialists, they think this is all there is to themselves and that they are legitimate inferior and need to find a way to not be genocided and win in the end. Their constant fear of genocide is because they think they should be genocided themselves, if they don't find a way around the laws of nature.

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San Francisco and the surrounding negro areas are the best examples of "food deserts" in the US. Basically you let niggers get away with crime, then they do lots of crime, and then all the stores close. SF gets most of the attention but this is every city with black people in it. 

I'd probably be on their side if they weren't so gay and gross. 

My trash bag princess :3

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The left creates problems, the right fixes the problems, they are part of the same masonic mechanism of alchemic transformation.
Ordo Ab Chaos (order from chaos).

Genetic modification would have no reason to be researched if we were allowed to practice eugenics to reach near ideal humans. But if the population is all disgusting mutts, we have a big reason to fix that.

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Wouldn't these undesirables be genociding themselves in a sense if they all modify their genes and become some nordic gigachad? Seems very hubristic.
Nice to see Millie looking somewhat normal.

Sorry sir but you're poor so you don't get to give it up so easily. My little truck has just over 400k miles and it's doing... okay. I just put new tires on it so it better not give me any trouble.

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> chinese brand comes up with new base trim for their compact suv that's considerably cheaper and much better bang for the buck than the previous one
> sales literally triple month over month

if henry ford was alive today he would be chinese

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Oy we goin on a chew hundred moyle journey to the pub in Titfuckcockshire

Good work on the body language

Nice. I think western companies know that cheap cars will sell, but they refuse to make mars TOO cheap because there is less profit in it. 

You must own useful items and break as many laws as possible. Globalists hate these simple tricks. 

Long girls

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> I think they self-genocided long ago
idk man, I step outside and to me it looks like there is still much work to be done. 

Do they have any stone castles in Brazil? I had a dream where I time traveled to a castle made of dark stone and it was in my mind that I was in Brazil.

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It could have been a fort that I astral projected to. I didn't see any luxurious stuff, just a hallway and a weird asymmetrical room.

> self proclaimed jews
Like the Cananites? Anyway, wouldn't any "improvement" they do on themselves be a destruction of what makes them how they are?

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I don't do that, the part I found relatable was the praying you aren't left stranded and the expression of sheer focus on her face when she's hoping it'll start. She's using every last inch of her willpower like Goku summoning the genkidama. You just know her hearing is amplified tenfold for those few seconds too 

I think most people are probably sensitive to the sheer amount of sodium in those things. I've never tried them and if I can help it I never will

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How tall is that woman? She's ayylmao tier in proportions.
sheer focus on her face when she's hoping it'll start
True. I'm not a fan of that feeling. 

Next time I'll dump out the starchy water when I cook the noodles. My buddy at work said his wife cooks them that way and it's easier on the stomach.

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> How tall is that woman? She's ayylmao tier in proportions.
very tall. Modelwerk profile states 5' 11

that car can't possibly be worth more than $1.5k, how the fuck do you end up with a $15k down payment 

Nikocado Avocado gives great diet advice IMO. In the same way that 20yo trust fund kids from Calabasas LA that wear their baseball caps backwards give the absolute best financial advice

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so basically here's what I need to do. I need to take this database (in an xls file) and import entries from it into this other spreadsheet in random order and quantity. But I need to set certain parameters - it can't be completely random (e.g. needs to be between X and Y amount of entries per spreadsheet, certain combinations of entries in the different columns can't be allowed, etc). I have to repeat this process several hundred times. Any idea how I'd go about automating it? The winner gets 10% of my pay (that's all you dirty smelly plebs get don't try begging it won't work) (10% of my pay is five bucks to be perfectly honest with you) 

the car of her dreams is some old rusty cheap low end Ford? 

yeah I don't know much about the older american brands but Buick definitely seems like it was one of the most interesting and least boring. it's a shame how they're pretty much all gone and what little is left is owned by either GM or some chink

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Listen Doc let me tell you something I've learned about life. The only way you'll get anywhere is if you hustle. There's no skipping hard work. Maybe you think $5 is not much - but what would a starving African child think? He could feed himself for decades with that money. What I'm saying is, you need to start somewhere. Maybe you think you're too good for that, but I assure you that's not the case. You're no good at all. Now get to work or I'll find someone else

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Thanks, but I sincerely hope you didn't think I was being even 1% serious. You shouldn't waste your time. I think you guys sometimes confuse my shitposting for some kind of manipulative normie-style insinuative talk, but that's not what it is at all. Hungry man is probably going to call me melodramatic again but I want to go on record and clear this up because IT'S IMPORTANT TO MEEEEE. I'm too autistic to even be capable of girly normie behavior like that in the first place. It's just a coping mechanism, that's all it's ever been, a way for me to make sense of and tolerate a reality that would seem unbearably absurd and nightmarish if I were to take it seriously. I don't know if my mind is too primitive or too advanced for it but that's beside the point. Anyway thanks for the help, I appreciate it

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Microblog: I had the issue of low motivation and energy for a few weeks but now I have the issue of hyperfocus and wanting to do nothing else but work on 3D stuff 24/7. The issue is that I have had this many times before with other topics or interests, and when I have it, I do nothing else, often forget everything else, i.e. I wake up, do the thing I am hyperfocused on from the morning until I fall asleep. I don't know if this is autism, ADHD, mania of some kind or something else. Can any of you relate to this or have you had this before too?

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nigga I've struggled with this kind of random ass behavior my whole life. and my smooth ass brain never picks anything that's the slightest bit productive or useful. it was fucking Pokemon (i.e. shit that didn't even exist) when I was 9, at 19 it was waifus (who I'd never meet), at 29 it's fucking cars (that I'll never be able to afford). it just goes on and on and on

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Then all you have to do is find a way to somehow direct this autism onto something useful or productive. I did that for my first programming project I did with AutoIT and learned a lot from it. After this was a time I think where my mind expanded in some way, like Doc talked about before, how programming somehow increases your mental capacity. It was a relatively big project that I didn't think I would be able to complete, or would be too dumb to do, but I managed to do it due to perseverance and autism

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Also do you have any favorite vidya waifus? I think my favorite would be Claire Redfield from RE2 remake, even though I have never played the game, I only saw playthroughs of it. But she is so beautiful somehow. I know she is modeled after a real girl, but her model looks almost even better than the real girl
Ashley Graham from the new RE also looks good too

But it's good that you have this autism. Once you can find a way to utilize it and use it to your advantage you will have a big breakthrough in your thinking. You said you are 29, I think that was around the same age where I started that project I wrote about above

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I'm making some progress with the script. Pandas and numpy seem to be the right tools. Hopefully I'll have it figured out by tomorrow. Doing what other people want from me gives me headaches and spiritual pain 

Did you know Peugeot has been reusing the same engine for their subcompact cars in South America since the 206 launched in 1999? It's gone through different iterations and its exact size, power output, materials and KM/L have varied slightly throughout the years, but it's always been the same design. It was used for the 206, C3 I, 207 Compact, C3 II, 208 I and is currently present in the 208 II and C3 III as of 2024.

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One of those days I have to write some sperg before sleeping more:
People seem to think reaffirming natural beauty, strength, etc... is an effective cultural war strategy. 

Making traditional games, movies and such prosper, etc... It is resisting, but to them it is resisting in the same sense of a native throwing his cutlery off the table and throwing poop at the colonizers and refusing the learn the civilized way.
In essence, those are the positions we are playing, they are the colonizers and we are the "savages".

The only real effective way to shift the cultural war is to convince them of how our culture is secretly highly advanced and in tune with nature, and how they are too savage and low IQ to comprehend it.
It's an ego fight, down to the bottom of it. And you have to soyjack them.

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You could probably get it done with excel macros or shell script.
But doing in python is just as easy if not easier, and you can scale it up in any way you want later, you can even have it print out picture files or edit picture files or post it automatically somewhere or anything your dreams can imagine.

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I assumed giving a computer orders would be slightly more complicated. 

Cute Devons

Jo Beth Casey from Timesplitters I guess, I never had a serious vidya waifu.
Claire is a good one. 

I agree about soyjaking them, but is it possible to sell being in tune with nature to people who don't have any natural strength or beauty?

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Violeta is cute I don't care what the mean bullies say 

It is. That script doesn't do 1/10th of what I need, that's not even a script really it's literally just one function. My script is going to be like a hundred lines probably. Still tiny compared to say the games Doc makes 


But the 1.6 VTi engine. Peugeot keeps reusing it. These are the important topics that we need to discuss. This board is not about you. Also we all know they won't be paying you anywhere near $5

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Did Peugeot add variable valve timing and direct injection over the years? 

> it is
I get that none of the parameters about different columns or whatever is in there. It's that those lines of code are a lot closer to yelling "computer, save this data to a new excel spreadsheet for me" at the computer than I assumed.

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me having breakfast at 3pm

> Did Peugeot add variable valve timing and direct injection over the years? 
you're a clever boy aren't you

> It's that those lines of code are a lot closer to yelling "computer, save this data to a new excel spreadsheet for me" at the computer than I assumed.
yeah, Python is never very abstract, that's why it's the go-to language for beginners, and the only one I've ever used personally

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On the topic of trivia autism; Ford used the small block "Windsor" engines for 41 years. First sold in 1961 and then phased out by 2002 in favor of the overhead cam "modular" V8 that featured stronger aluminum blocks and variable valve timing. The oldest ones used a weird type of rope instead of rubber to seal against the spinning crankshaft. 

> you're a clever boy aren't you
It's kinda my only skill and hobby. Engines having those little jets that squirt oil at the bottom of the piston to cool it; that's another nice feature that warrants new engine designs. 


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On the subject of chatgpt, if you had access to Devin or a similar AI agent, he would not only generate the code for you, he would install all of the tools, set them up, test the code, and debug it.

I think you can get access to some agents already, doubt its free (yet). There are open source ones, but they are more work to run than doing that script.

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> LED light bar on my truck dies
> amazon has a replacement for 1/2 price because it's "lightly used"
> it's broken
> wire leads were damaged by a nignog with too long a screw
> replace the wires
> it works now
More of a draw than a win, but I'm glad I didn't pay full price for this piece of trash. 

Neat video. She has a nice storage shed.

> face toilet suit
> dead cat
Oh cool

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> The only real effective way to shift the cultural war is to convince them of how our culture is secretly highly advanced and in tune with nature, and how they are too savage and low IQ to comprehend it.
I would agree. Their methods are low consciousness, which keeps the people they are psyopping but also them themselves in low concsciousness as well. Or like how Aristotle said it

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yesterday I browsed different 3d artists and I saw one foot fetish tickling artist who makes around 10k a month on patreon. And while his output looked good, I think making videos or renders like him would not be as difficult as it seems. I don't need money super badly right now, but I think I might try to do something similar in the long term. It would be a way to channel my coomer brain into doing something semi productive, and I never had a steady income before which would be nice to have, the way I have made money so far has always been some form of gambling where it's possible to also lose money

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sometimes I feel angry and resentful towards society and other times I feel apologetic as if I had wronged an entity that did nothing to me beyond just existing. I know that isn't very relevant I'm just blogging again. at least I keep the pph high

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I don't think that's true. At least not in a general sense. Yes an evil person may end up destroying themselves, but "evil" itself most definitely does not destroy itself. In fact nothing destroys evil, it's very clearly an indestructible force, existing outside of time and space, yet eternal and widespread. I think the saddest thing about evil is that it's often rewarded by people. The hunters always win. They are the CEOs and the presidents and the billionaire cartel leaders. Society is very much their turf. And it has nothing to do with capitalism or with this particular era, like some people say. It's just the way humans are built it would seem

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What portion of the world runs on evil? Ever think about that? Because it's not just the blatant, explicit stuff like cartel activity. It's almost all of politics and a good chunk of businesses too. Public and private, like I was saying the other day. There are birds of prey everywhere. And also billions of people that are not evil, or at least didn't commit evil acts, up until the day they needed food money, or their kids needed an expensive medical treatment. People are always willing to compromise. My life over yours, my kids lives over some other kids. That's just how it works I guess. The animal self takes over and both reason and belief go out the window

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It's interesting though, how we punish people if they were to steal that food money they needed, but we don't punish the ones that steal billions. You'd think the former would be the more forgiveable act of the two, not less. People are constantly switching back and forth between individualistic and collectivistic views. It's insane and it drives me insane. It's senseless behavior. One moment it's socialism is gonna kill us all, the next it's oh no look at that poor little girl begging on the sidewalk 

I have my values and I abide by them, so why can't other people do that? Why are they constantly changing like shapeshifting alien creatures? How THE FUCK do they not see anything wrong with that? They'll call almost anything "weird", but somehow their totally illogical and hypocritical behavior is not weird to them. I'm not saying nobody should ever compromise in the slightest, that's obviously not a viable model, but people could at least make a little more sense right? Be a little less cuckoo

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AI can't replace India soon enough

> Why are they constantly changing like shapeshifting alien creatures?
Normies and women are only loyal to their feelings, nothing else. Having values is either too abstract of thought, or it denies them cummies, or both, so they don't have them. imo you shouldn't feel bad for liquidating them and taking their stuff.

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"Evil" is built into the basic rules of this entropic anthropophagic universe.
Your mere existence requires the suffering of countless other life forms.
There are thousands of brutal alien-looking machines in a single pool of water.
Even being outside of gravity will implode your red blood cells and kill you, everything outside this thin crust of planet earth will instantly kill you, and planet earth will kill you in a brief lifespan.
Valentinian Gnosticism is hated for speaking such truths of so called "god's creation", saying the universe is inherently evil and Jesus taught how to escape it. Most religions are about escaping the cycle of being reborn in it.

I don't quite agree with that vision, but is a disagreement on interpretation rather than disagreeing with the facts of how brutal this universe is.

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what the fuck am I reading? jesus CHRIST. you see what I'm telling you about people calling everything and anything weird and then not being the tiniest bit fazed by utterly bizarre stuff like this?

I was mostly talking about the evil of people, not other life forms, but I did have similar thoughts about the universe in general. I have a little too much time to think, probably. Cool painting btw

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What I am saying is that there are no actions that "are" wrong. 
Like "killing is wrong", or even torture, rape, cannibalism, etc...

A truthful answer to any question like "what is best for me and my loved ones", or even "what is best for humanity" will include some very brutal actions. And any answer that does not include some brutal actions will cause more suffering and more brutality than a truthful answer.

But that is just because we exist in a brutal universe that has physical limits that create make us have to make those questions/choices in first place.

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Most humans are barely conscious animals but much more intelligent and capable than any animal, its essentially the description of a monster.

There were 3 paths for humanity:
1- Select into ever more brutal predators killing each other in dark forests.
2- Be brutally selected into fully conscious beings that surpass the need for violence. By killing the less conscious/intelligent ones.
3- (The path we took) create elaborate social/reward/punishment systems that keep the barely conscious animals sufficiently under control so that we can leave in relative peace and prosperity. Basically, tame the beasts, instead of evolving the beasts.

That was our "mistake".

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Suzanne says this too. All well and good when it's just part of a philosophical rant on the internet, but you need to abide by society's basic moral guidelines in order to take part in it at all. Well, unless you don't mind ending up in solitary confinement or death row before you're even an adult, which is valid I guess, if more than a little tragic, mostly for the victims. God knows I've held back many times when I couldn't tolerate certain people's behavior anymore. Sometimes I couldn't tolerate anyone I knew. But I do believe in not killing, torturing, raping or cannibalizing, circumstances and possible apparent justifications aside. While I often disagree with lizbro's practical and worldly worldview I do think that even if a mind is capable of all sorts of seemingly clever observations and theorizing, it needs to come back down and "touch grass" at some point. It's just a mind after all and you're probably much more versed in epistemology than I am so you know what that means

> And any answer that does not include some brutal actions will cause more suffering and more brutality than a truthful answer.
I don't know how specific or general you're being with this statement, but I don't fully agree with it. For the most part I think you're right, it's just that it sounds like typical "tough love" or "man up" type of logic, which has never worked for me personally, as lizbro here can attest. Therapy helped me (if not necessarily because of the actual work the therapist thought he was doing), being thrown into some meat grinder job or the army when I hit 18 definitely wouldn't have. I'm pretty sure that would've ended badly both for society/humanity and for myself. So while I think what you said does apply in most cases, I'd add a disclaimer that it's not always the case. I think brutality can just make things worse sometimes

yeah we gave niggers guns instead of killing them all 

you're so ungrateful, just jumping boat like this. I MADE YOU

car electricians are rare for a reason

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Looks wise or personality wise? 

> I like this blonde you post sometimes
Yeah she's a beaut. Her name is Luna May, since you apparently forgot. lunimay on IG. I forgive you for forgetting because she doesn't post much content so you guys don't see her much 

That old joke about people identifying as attack helicopters may be worn out at this point but it does a great job of illustrating just how absurdly stupid people can be, even with the top tier formal education and free access to unlimited information that they have now

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It's like I said when we were talking about AI wifebots months ago. The only thing I would change about her would be making her a little less hyper/childish and more quiet, and obviously make her like me. Iman doesn't even need the chill pill, only the second part. They're both close to perfect

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> Looks wise or personality wise? 
Both I would say. She seems weird and looks weird. I remember you talking about that she is a jewess

> Yeah she's a beaut. Her name is Luna May, since you apparently forgot. lunimay on IG. I forgive you for forgetting because she doesn't post much content so you guys don't see her much 
Yep, she is great. Nice beautiful face

Plentiful breastage overflow

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Lately I often feel overwhelmed because there are so many different things I want to or need to do, and I don't know what to do in which order and I also have a tendency to focus on just one thing and then do nothing else. Not sure how to solve it

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All the screeching and the odd appearance and movements is enough to make me aware of them, I don't need my calendar to remind me.

There's a lot of fatties out there, especially in north america, and you don't have to convince them, they're usually the ones trying to convince us. 


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> I don't know how specific or general you're being with this statement, but I don't fully agree with it. For the most part I think you're right, it's just that it sounds like typical "tough love" or "man up"

When I say "answer", I mean more like a moral code. How far would you go in defending yourself and yours if it came to it, how much you have to prepare, and what kind of efforts you support. 
It can range from: I'm a pacifist even if it means I have to watch my daughters being raped by dogs, and I oppose the research of any weapons. To literally hitler.

To be fair to our ancestors, they didn't have the genetic knowledge to understand what effects large civilizations would have on us. They thought they were being smart.
Now we are at a point we are closer to gene editing than we are to being smart enough to do eugenics right. So be it, we already paid the price.

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people do tell me I look like a Hollywood actor all the time

I don't think those roof lights look cool at all. They only look good on actual purpose made (well, modified) rescue trucks IMO, otherwise they look awkward and out of place. Also "sports" pickup trucks are one of the most ridiculous products ever conceived, and that one in particular is ugly as sin

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Do you guys also experience being in too good of a mood for people? Like you feel like they're upset or jealous that you're not as miserable or tired as they are? So they act aloof or mock you or disrespect you in other ways

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Yeah I don't like that truck much either, but mostly I was trying to point out how THE LIGHT FROM THAT THING HE SPENT LIKE $250 ON CANNOT REACH ANYTHING EVEN CLOSE TO THE ROAD BECAUSE HE MOUNTED IT SO LOW BEHIND HIS CAB

I'm low IQ as well because I've spent too much time already trying to fit a decent one to my truck over these last few days, and I'm not even done. 

No memories come to mind about that. Usually I'm the one who's not in a good mood.

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Fwiw I don't blame you for being bitter. That's how I normally am too. It's just my good days seem to be a little too good for normies. Or "allistics" as I'll call them from now on (I got an education) (from youtube channels about autism run by hot jewesses) 

> posts moral relativism 
> likes Dune

typical. bet you browse reddit too

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> Do you guys also experience being in too good of a mood for people? 
I feel like this most of the time in general, I can't answer the second part because I try to keep contact to other people to a minimum
But I think it's a normal or common phenomenon for people who are in a bad mood or depressed to want other's to be miserable too

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yeah but I meant literally everyone else reacting that way. meaning whatever I'm doing or saying must be seriously different from what's expected 

luv rylee's nips. I know you said you don't like Naomi but she's also a slender pale girl with nice A/B cups

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I can remember the last time, but now how long ago it was. Over 4 years probably. I try to avoid meaningful conversations as me being too meaningful may show my power level. 

There's a business opportunity for you; Realistic/sexy armpit addons


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(143.49 KB, 1080x1343) she's so fucking cute I want to eat her farts til death do us part 

When I say meaningful I don't mean anything super deep, just any conversation that's remotely interesting to me. It's only ever inane small talk or about some monkey brain shit I couldn't care less about. Nobody talks about interesting topics, they don't even talk about the sort of commercial media I liked. No one listens to music worth talking about, no one here knows what a "Tolkien" is, they apparently didn't even play videogames back when EVERYONE played videogames. They were probably too busy doing drugs and getting pregnant and then doing more drugs while pregnant. Fucking townies I fucking hate them. Also now I'm curious, what was your last meaningful conversation about? 

More like Melissa shows am I right

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I see. That's certainly an interesting topic. Do you miss your dad? Do you wish he was still alive now? 

> Hmmmmmmm
Look I know you're one angry hardass but if you start bullying innocent disabled women I'm gonna have to cross out your name in my will. If you want a part of this empire you better behave 

Cool. You seem excited about it. I'd probably be extremely anxious, as I have been the few times I tried to seem competent and normal in order to land a job

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Where the hell is Isabel bro? I hope his 400lb black nurse didn't fall on him and kill him while filming a tiktok

> Do you wish he was still alive now?
Definitely. He married and had kids with this tard woman, it should be him taking care of her while I try to live some shred of a life. That aside I do miss him. 

I wouldn't bully her. There looks to be a long delay for the TTS anyway, time for the simp mods to make sure my chats are kosher. 

Good luck to you.

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> "99 cent only" stores are closing down in the US
Damn, man. Where am I going to get cheap lighters and tubes of super glue now? They used to have good deals on energy drinks but the well ran dry on those nearly a year ago sadly. They sometimes had great deals on chocolate bars and gummy candy too. Thanks BRANDON

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> 53503
My approach is to assume the people that stopped showing up are rotting six feet under after a slow and painful death, except for sershbro, who is probably just back in rehab or the mental ward again 

> I wouldn't bully her 
She seems like one of the good ones. Humbled by her disability in the best possible way. She's sweet and submissive and not the slightest bit woke or angry. What women are supposed to be. You know what, maybe we should be putting something in the water to make more women blind... I'll call it gender conformity terrorism, or alternatively my only chance at pulling a girl

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> she's so fucking cute I want to eat her farts til death do us part 

> blind girl vs wow
> first thing she does after logging in is run into a wall

> Laptop set up for the interview.
Good luck

> Where the hell is Isabel bro? I hope his 400lb black nurse didn't fall on him and kill him while filming a tiktok
He said he was contemplating going to college, maybe he is focusing on that. Or he is still recovering from his accident and being nursed back to health by a hot nurse

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Once I got my phone to shoot through the welding helmet lens I had just missed it, but I'm only in the 20% coverage range anyway. But hey here's a pic of the full sun that you could see at any time. 

I remember that one from GTA Vice City. Good song.

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> Reviews are nothing but soy now, playing with the touch screens and judging how big of a dog can fit in the back (a stat for women)
yeah it's ridiculous how boring they are. half the time the reviewers themselves are either women or literal faggots too

how do I not remember it? I played a fuckton of Vice City back in the day. My brain must be more fried than I thought

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> Too busy listening to V-Rock I guess.
I was one of those weird kids who didn't deliberately listen to music ever. Started at like 18-19... with Ariana Grande and Taylor Swift they were actually pretty good back then no rugrats

> When's the last time you've seen someone do a J-turn in a car review? (5:18)
oh I clicked on your video but apparently I skipped the best parts like a fucking retard. yeah that kind of driving in a review was rare even back then I think 

congrats. I'm not surprised they're cool, most studios that work on games are. Hip young fun loving people and all that stuff. Reminds me of that Simpsons episode on the topic. That was a good one. Anyway I'm impressed by your mastery over life once again (even considering that you have the advantage of being old, wrinkly and senile)

> also Beacon 23 season 2.
oshit finally some actual good news in my life

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shiro needs to find an honest man who loves her for who she is and go live in a cabin in the woods with him. cut off from the internet and the simps. and she needs to do it now, not at 38 when she'll have far fewer options

I was genuinely impressed by the performance of that car in the review I posted. It's the brazilian made Ford Versailles I linked the other day, except it was sold as "Galaxy" here. Not sure why they did that since Argentina is the country with the stronger cultural connection to France out of the two, but that's Ford for you. 192 km/h (120 mph) top speed and 0-60 in 10 seconds. That's the same as any of the entry level compact cars being sold now, 30 years later. It's better than two of the entry level "SUVs". Yeah this car was a midsize so apples and oranges, but still. I really may need to get me one of those if I ever can, they're way too cheap for what they are

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goddamn I know this feeling well. usually I'll be totally on edge and ready to hit someone too. maybe replace the funny music with the very worst slam/noise song you've ever heard to get a better idea of how it feels. it's not permanent for me but it happens fairly regularly, almost always triggered by certain people or social situations

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Someone in the comments of that short said that being "stuck in a freeze response" like that may be caused by CPTSD so I looked it up (again, I have plenty of free time) and when I read this part I was reminded of my mom's abuse during her alcoholism phase, around the time I was 12-15. That experience meets all of the criteria. There are so many newfangled terms for all this stuff that it's kind of overwhelming. Back in the day the nutjobs just killed other people and then got killed themselves. Things were simpler ya know. I just hope I can use this to leech money off the state sometime soon. Dear Milei I have autism and CPTSD and depression and generalized anxiety disorder, I'm thinking $1k per condition

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accidentally reposted because Android likes to generate thumbnails different from Windows's. Speaking of tech issues, does anyone else have this problem where if you play an embedded video on here it'll start playing a second instance of the audio at some point? Sometimes even after the video has already ended. And if it hasn't ended, pausing it stops only one of the audio tracks. It happens on both Brave and Firefox for me, and with every video

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> I just hope I can use this to leech money off the state sometime soon
That's the right attitude to have! I hope so too.

I get like that once in a while when I'm thinking how to efficiently do whatever task I'm working on.

That never happens with me, on brave or on android brave.
> model tip 1: When the bearded guy squats over you, just go with it!

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The latest Brazil/Elon/Javier events are very interesting.
First instance of transhuman/corplords vs worldgovlords becoming very clear.

Lula said:
> There are even billionaires trying to build a rocket, trying to take a trip to see if they can find some space to live  out there. There is none. He will have to learn to live here. He's going to have to use a lot of the money he has to help preserve this here.

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They are smaller round ones that have a decent wide low beam. The purpose is to use them as good normal headlights because the 70s style sealed beams are pretty dim. I've tried most of the "upgraded" sealed beam stuff and it all either looks ugly or doesn't work that well, so I'm just adding extras. 
> find your perfect waifu somewhere in the desert
Just like that Fast & Furious movie where they are driving through the tunnels in Mexico. That would be cool.

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Yeah they have a new interface for desktop where they make better use of the width. Video and recs on the left column, description and comments on the right. Objectively speaking it's way better than the old one but it's still different so I hate it

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did you see the new Alfa? it's a compact SUV and based off a Peugeot lol. what's worse, the design is a typical mishmash of generic lame european, american and chinese designs. they couldn't even be bothered to try and work a spoiler into the design or anything remotely original or cool. between this and the Lancia Ypsilon, I think they'd be better off just putting both brands out of their misery now

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Would that be the Tonale? Or the all new, all electric Milano?
Not that it matters much. Neither is pretty enough to me to make me want a car so over priced. 


Has that Alexandra girl from Twitter posted anything lately? I don't have a twitter so I can't really check.

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Yeah. You'd have to be insane to want the normie "middle class" (haha like that's still a thing) wagecuck consumerist lifestyle. It's the most sisyphean thing one can imagine. Need to work more to make more to spend more, just this neverending cycle of spiritual suffering that's more pathological than anything I have but you bet it's not only accepted but also celebrated. Probably because it serves the interests of the guys at the top to have their little cuck army slaving away nonstop 

But is it fall? I couldn't care less tbh. Terrible, awful, lame, boring setting. Not saying they can't do something interesting with it though, Westworld S1 was excellent and this is by the same guy right?

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The Milano. The idea of Alfa coming out with an SUV (!) that's also slow and has a generic boring design is so absurd. That's not an Alfa, not even close, that's a fucking Chrysler or something. The Ferrari Purosangue is ridiculous too but that thing at least had the saving grace of being decent looking and going fast

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> The Ferrari Purosangue is ridiculous too
I agree, but it has a v12 and isn't too ugly so that's something, like you say. I've heard good things about it's active suspension system too.

It's a race to the bottom; that's freaking CAPITALISM for you

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New cars went from being useful tools to status symbols to an idiot tax 

How many eps out? Just one or the whole season? Because I wouldn't get too hyped over an episode or two. If what we saw from Westworld was any indication, Jonathan Nolan could run out of steam early on. Good to hear it's not safe and boring at least

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still an idiot tax. those people couldn't care less about horsepower or road manners so they could all be driving around in old Corollas and saving a shitton of money every year. owning a new car was a status symbol back when they were genuinely superior to the older stuff, now they're just essentially the same thing but with planned obsolescence, subscription plans, etc

you like to take your time huh? well if you're the one who's paying you get to set the pace. she doesn't get to complain

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this is what it feels like to woman. One day you get home after wageslaving the whole day like a good little cuck so that she can afford to get her nails done at the best place and it's just "I killed her". That's your welcome. You don't know if she's talking about the nanny, your sister, your daughter or her alter ego born out of her incurable psychosis. I don't know how men could possibly be opting out of the dating market, why would they want to miss out on such pleasant experiences and happy memories

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well technically everyone does scat, most people just don't record themselves and post it on the internet. there are a couple other models hat are surprisingly good looking considering their career of choice, but I don't like to post degens on here if I can help it. well, more degen than usual anyway

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My waifu Devon is so pretty

> Nice selfie. I've been stalking the instagram of her gym but they haven't posted her in a while.
How did you find that? Does she have an instagram?

Who is this short hair girl btw

Kino dance vid from Xochi

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I was looking at new cars on Mercado Libre a few days ago and I noticed that all of a sudden they were offering financing again, e.g. $9k down and $9k over 24 months for the cheapest ones. financing and credit in general are slowly coming back. that's something people take for granted until inflation gets so bad that it's not viable for banks and other businesses to do it anymore

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(127.97 KB, 1080x809) looks like the algorithm likes this one. I liked it too. the first couple minutes are great sadboi music. great theme for a black metal song too, although one could argue that being "excluded from humanity" is more of a boon than it is an affliction. I mean that's literally what I've been doing in order to HEAL. maybe if I wrote a BM song it'd be called just "humanity"

how does a single person split up? the only method I know involves a saw and lots of pain. I guess it would be fitting in this case haha

> kino girl
yeah, she's the same girl in all the other pics. Vika/Viktoria Nikolskaia. sadly she's not that tall, "only" 1,77

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I think the actual problem is that we're wired to be social and connect with other people (on a spectrum of more shallow and deeper levels) but when you deviate a little too much from the standard patterns of thought and behavior that becomes either very difficult or downright impossible. That's what I struggle with. Maybe some people (like cam) are innately fine with being alone, or maybe that's something that develops over time or under certain circumstances; but I'd like to be with other people that are more like me, not alone. I mean people that are capable of questioning the system (whether they take part in it or not) and aren't only concerned by my "career" or my "love life" as if there were 2 or 3 things in total that constitute the whole of a person. That's what the world looks like to most people and it's just not compatible with me the puzzle pieces do not match. Again that's not to say I don't want to work or have a family or any of that stuff, I actually like most of the traditional ideas as to how a person's life should be (at the least I like it much better than the lifestyles the jews are pushing now), it's just that it feels like I'm missing certain immaterial things before I can even get started with any of that

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Also it's embarrassing to admit but at this point I've probably done not insignificant damage to my brain. I don't drink or do drugs but I have two or three other vices (depending on criteria I guess) and I've indulged way too much for several years now. I think if I were to get a regular job that was the least bit intellectual I could probably do it but I'd have to go through the whole process of starting off with something easier first and ramping it up gradually from there, as I did with night school (I took chess and art classes at a local library before, as a way to practice socialization, since I had been a total shut-in NEET for so long). But it's not that that's stopping me, it's the lack of willpower, ambition, drive, whatever you want to call it. I have no reasons to "live", only reasons to sit at the computer and stay put, nothing left to give, no gas in the tank

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Those episodes with my mom when I was a kid were fucking horrible but they weren't what broke me. They were more like the start of a very long process I think. I still felt hopeful sometimes even after that, when she got better and I was the one in treatment, up until I was 18 or 19. Maybe I was too young to break. Night school a couple years later was great, although it did confirm that I was not going to get along with many people. And ever since I got my degree it's been just misery almost exclusively. There were a couple occasional twinkles of hope, where I thought maybe I'd be able to get a job I could do or I'd find some other purpose in life, but that never happened. My mom is never going to recover, my little sister is a lost cause, my dad is the only person I can still rely on and trust (for the most part) but he's getting old and fragile and forgetful. Autismal retards like me do better when they have a full and functional family and mine has always been the polar opposite of that. These days I never feel any hope anymore, I only feel good when I'm content with my present, living in the moment so to speak, probably by having a cup of tea and playing some of the same crappy music I'm always linking here

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It's Hoechella season once again 

Women don't seem to have that disgust response like from that meme I posted. Thanks for limiting the degeneracy a bit. 

> My waifu Devon is so pretty
It's true.
Just some old fashion internet stalking. gym is @themillergym, her insta is @wingbud (private of course)
Short hair girl is Nora Powers, insta is @noras_notions I think. She has good content. 

Very jewish threat from the URL alone

It sounds to me like you need to get your mom's and sister's names off those rental properties at all costs. That will let you be neet, and instead of you having to deal with them, THEY will have to deal with YOU.
I've been listening to that loud black man's livestreams (I linked that clip of him about therapy and therapists). He has some advice about women that make sense to me (have leverage over them, never split any bills or responsibilities/make everything a yes or no, don't get legally tied up with them because they will cause nothing but problems)

Bro just take some vitamin D bro, and some joe rogaine Alphabrain black label bro. But for real, you know things are going wrong so do just a little bit to change it. 


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My crow frens do not like almonds; of the handful of nuts I left them they ate everything but those. 

Not to shill to hard but he's entertaining and seems legit. He even knows what jews are, which is rare for an african american. 

I'd genuinely pay to see her recreate all the "single white mother with brown child" meme images.

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which do you think I'd rather watch, some nigger rambling about politics or that cute girl's industrial dance videos? but I appreciate you sharing his african wisdom (sexism). I didn't want to ask my mom to relinquish those properties to me, but I'm starting to think if I don't do it somebody else will, now that she's sick and more easily manipulated. I hate that that's something I need to worry about. I'm so done with worrying in general. I fucking hate this world and (almost) everyone in it. It's all so fucking disgusting it makes me want to vomit out my organs and die

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> new Toyota parked outside the dirt hut
Thanks globalism
The girl of course, but when I'm outside waging or driving I will listen to the negro, or other listenable content. 
> Somebody else will
Sadly true. Don't let this disgusting world fuck you over.

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she's been helping me free of charge (yes, a lawyer working ad honorem) all this time and that's the reward she gets. and somehow I'm considered weird or sick for being depressed or wanting to kill my enemies. somehow that's not a perfectly appropriate response to the state of the world

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You bought Harvest Moon, but got Fear & Hunger instead. It's understandable you don't want to play, but you have to die to stop the game and you have no idea of what happens next.
You can choose to accept this new game for what it is, and upon accepting it from your worst to best estimations, you will regain the drive to enjoy it, or not.

Of course, by accepting I don't mean rationally accepting alone, I mean that whole process of setting your subconscious straight on what is up via metaphor, etc...

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what you mean I have to go get it myself? utterly disgusting behavior on your part. absolutely immoral and indubitably villainous

> You bought Harvest Moon, but got Fear & Hunger instead.
yes, I've put it in similar terms myself, but it was so long ago and I make so many blog posts that you probably forgot. but yeah that's a good way to put it 

> Of course, by accepting I don't mean rationally accepting alone, I mean that whole process of setting your subconscious straight on what is up via metaphor, etc...
yeah, that's the hard part obviously

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It's happening bros: I uploaded my first 3d pic to deviantart and got my first favorite on it

> yeah, she's the same girl in all the other pics. Vika/Viktoria Nikolskaia. sadly she's not that tall, "only" 1,77
That's pretty tall and a good height imo. I like her

> It's true.
> Just some old fashion internet stalking. gym is @themillergym, her insta is @wingbud (private of course)
> Short hair girl is Nora Powers, insta is @noras_notions I think. She has good content. 
Thanks and good job on the stalking

Are you making any progress with them eating from your hand?

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As an example, in Fear & Hunger, for the last dozen days my female pet cat has been having daily respiratory issues, possibly due to mold in the closet of the rented house. I dealt with the mold but she keeps having daily sudden moments she gets pretty close to death, but then recovers and just jumps around, eat, etc... it may be a congenital issue as well.
I'm dealing with that at the same time I deal with the new job stuff and bureaucracy stuff and a dozen other things.
I medicated her to my best ability to diagnose, the veterinarian situation is either absolute incompetency and disinterest or extremely expensive exploitative pet mommy shit I can't afford. This all also parallels with my mother's past situation.

But I'm in fact not even feeling angry or sad over any of it. It's all normal.
The day I took the cattos in many years ago I knew this would be a scenario playing out eventually. It was worth it for me and for the cattos, its alright however it plays out.

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There's 3 ways to get to this point of development:
1- Being raised in the real world by example of people who are at this point and don't shelter their kids.
2- Getting beaten over and over by life for many decades and surviving.
3- Using introspection to give yourself that experience, removing all brakes and comforts and seeking the pain, in less decades and with less real life consequences and spirals of worsening of the situation.

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In my experience, when someone says something like "and a dozen other things", they're not THAT unbothered or in control. But I'll take your word for it because you're always intellectually honest

> The day I took the cattos in many years ago I knew this would be a scenario playing out eventually. It was worth it for me and for the cattos, its alright however it plays out.
That's good. Cold simple logic. My autistic ass likes that. It's just that, like you've always said, it's the other side of the mind that needs to learn certain lessons. But even if it's only any good for the conscious side, that sort of talk does help 

option 1 is not possible anymore. the other two sound horrible. and how can removing the brakes be the less risky option? maybe I'm just overthinking and things would work out if I did precisely that. but I can't help but think I'd end up realizing my murder fantasies and making things way worse. Suzanne had a similar conversation with a guy in one of her Q&A streams, and he had the same worry, I know it's actually very common for people to have that fear that if you let go you'll just kill everyone. If I remember correctly, Suzanne said something about his mind/ego being afraid, planting those ideas in order to defend itself against its deconstruction

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I didn't need you to specify, what I meant was that usually when people say that they're some degree of overwhelmed. Also I thought my fridge was dying too until I tried getting rid of the extension cord. Turns out that was causing all the symptoms. The motor was fine 

> In introspection 
What do I need to find out about myself?

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You get whatever situation/reality is making you angry or hopeless, and stare at it, just vent out how fucked it is, how much a piece of shit you are, how much a piece of shit other people, even people you love are. Disregard how anyone would feel about it, be entirely selfish and entirely self-hating. Once you have the scenario laid bare, you create hypothetical ways "should this be the reality" you would go about living on it, what it takes for you to accept it. Should you just fuck over everyone, be a manipulative monster, be a thief, and or counterpoints, idealized versions of yourself who would handle it better, what if you were raised by survivalist parents and such. You just see the selves that fit the this world better.
If you replay these fantasies from time to time, reference them when things happen, etc... this is a "platform" in which you can communicate with your irrational self, he can see/feel that fantasy, unlike abstract ideas. So you put the abstract ideas in that chess board you are playing with him.
The pieces will move by themselves, but that is him responding, so to say.
Doing other shit like lucid dreaming will make the dialogue far more intense and effective, but its not necessary.

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In alchemical terms, this is "deconstruction/dissolution", aka, chaos. In order to bring about order, reconstruction.
If you can't reduce reality to its ultimate meaningless, fake, pointless and disgusting truth, you can't see what is so wonderful, beautiful and truly valuable on it. Starting from your personal situation, expanding into the situation of all life in this universe.

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Third fallout episode watched, still good.
I assume the black brotherhood squire is meant to be literally retarded. Even that element is well written, very accurate to reality and potentially educative for others like him, while still having higher elements for normal people.

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this is an interesting topic. I think the best autismo characters are bound to be the ones that were written accidentally, based on someone the writer knew (or on themselves) without realizing it was autism, thus making them less archetypal and more realistic and dynamic. I don't care about any of the characters she named but the comments had 2 good ones, Abby from NCIS and Bones from... Bones. Coincidentally those were two of my favorite characters back when I watched a lot of TV as a teen. Bones in particular had some really blatant symptoms of autism, they were core traits of her character and often played to comic effect, but there was never any explicit mention of autism in the show AFAIK

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> nothing can stop you now. Before you know it you'll be at your own exhibition, wearing a tuxedo, holding a martini, talking to old money socialites about what inspired you to make this or that piece
It would be funny if there were real deviantart exhibitions. For example I just saw this pic. it would be funny if someone were standing in front of an audience with a mic and described the pic like he does in the description

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I'm with Argie 100% here, these Porsche nerds need to shut up about their stretched VW. Oh your wheels have little braces for the rubber valve stems? Maybe get some metal valve stems if you're actually serious and not just a gay faggot.

I have a brother with real autism, like yelling and hitting yourself autism, so I'm not patient about these millennials who need some extra personality points. Also I hate women.

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I don't know if I can watch any new shows like Fallout anymore. Everything I tried to watch from the recent times was absolutely awful and full of psyops. I can't enjoy the ugliness of it. I mostly re-watch older shows if anything or One Piece.
There is also a show with Amy Acker in it called Angel that I am saving up to watch in the future

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I think the ugliness is on purpose. It is not a coincidence that everything is ugly now, it is by design. i.e. controlled demolition. Like I mentioned before there are cycles in the stock market; it is a reflection of human psychology. It is like a rollercoaster: if you want to go up (and profit from it) you have to go down, to go back up again

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Porsche does seem to be one of those companies that have a cult-like following of retarded manchild NPCs, like Apple or Funko. To be fair several car brands have those types of fans, particularly german and japanese brands. Most of the fans of american/italian/french brands seem more open minded and less braindead from what I've seen 

Beacon 23 has an interracial couple as the protagonists and a flamboyant faggot character (only in occasional flashbacks though) but it's actually pretty good despite the psyops, Doc was right about it 

you're either very lucky or just talented. I hope it's the former so I don't have to feel bad about my constant failures

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> you're either very lucky or just talented. I hope it's the former so I don't have to feel bad about my constant failures
I am just joking, I don't think it's a big accomplishment to get some favorites or comments on deviantart, especially for coomer related stuff

> these people on the comments of a teenage girl trying to show off her first car
I know women revving their car engine is a fetish to some people but I don't know why. It's one of the few fetishes I don't understand

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> just vent out how fucked it is, how much a piece of shit you are, how much a piece of shit other people, even people you love are. Disregard how anyone would feel about it, be entirely selfish and entirely self-hating. Once you have the scenario laid bare, you create hypothetical ways "should this be the reality" you would go about living on it, what it takes for you to accept it
Don't we all already do that in a way? Just by navigating through life? Is there really so much about the reality of things that we're missing in that constant, routine process? So many things I'm not seeing about myself and others and the world? It feels like I know what's going on. I don't trust (almost) anyone, I'm not naive about people. I'm not delusional about myself either, I mean I'm the one posting 95% of the self-deprecating humor on this board. But you know what makes me think that you could be right despite all this? The fact that whenever I do try to look inward and find that less apparent stuff, something stops my mind dead in its track. It's like it bounces against a force field or something

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Interesting clip. She's vague, but it sounds like the classic mistake of trying to emulate the normies and the normies immediately noticing that you're different and fucking with you.

I could see myself laughing about that

> thumbs down'd his ass
hehe. What kind of car did she get?

He can communicate pretty well. Over the years he has advanced a lot, but he's still "special needs". 
> hills have eyes genetics
Real. For me it was the sin of my father; he had kids with my mom instead of kicking her into a big pit like in the movie 300.


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I don't think I have a particular fetish for girls and cars, but when it happens it's like a 2 for 1 deal on things I like.  
To all cute girls reading this, please don't rev your engine for me if it's not at operating temperature. 

Like Tedward is jerking it about how he can reach the brake reservoir from the front trunk, nigga every car is like that. And find me one other 1986 car that has manual steering that he wouldn't say is an archaic pile of crap.

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Well yeah, that would be the path 2.
The difference in path 3 is that you do it to yourself rather than life and you go way beyond what life would, life would only go on insofar as it conditions you for being useful to it, not in freeing you.

The process started when you figured out the world view you were raised to be happy with turned out to be incompatible with what everyone else is doing, and circumstances in the world changed so you could not keep that illusion going.
Can you just adopt their world view and be happy? Actually, no, because you know their world view is also an illusion.
What don't you know? You don't know what really is your current world view and yourself, and if they are even real. Currently they are in a shattered state, made of some pieces of the old world view, some of other people's world views, some of your own ideas.
The process has to go on, questioning and being critical of everything that is false, be things that keep you sane and feeling good, be things that make you feel bad.
Then you get to build yourself a solid foundation with just what is essential to you.

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There are some really weird psyops going on. 
around 2 months ago I wrote a blog post about disassembling a pen and now Elon posted this post. This is now the 10th time or so Elon has somehow referenced something I wrote about
Explain this, /rapport/

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I realize spamming childish swear words is not funny to most people but I still do it every day. Mostly when I'm joining a Battlefield server for the first time in the night and I'm excited. That's how I greet everyone. I could never say just "hello" or "hi" in that context. You'd have to point a gun at my head. I also like to talk in cliched Hollywood movie dialogue lines, which is also not amusing to anyone except me, apparently

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I honestly think all the "masking" I've done (or tried to do, I don't think it ever REALLY works for anyone who needs to do it in the first place) may have been what caused the wear of my mind. It's too much effort to keep up that facade. I've talked about this before but I'm circling back into that idea now after exploring other possibilities and theories. I think introspection or no introspection, I WILL have to drop the facade at least partly. And the only realistic way to do that is by first changing my expectations about my own socialization. Cam is right about that I think. Whether the problem is on my end, or on their end, or there is no problem per se, the normies and I are incompatible. It's not going to work and I need to pick my struggles better. I also need rest, which I've been getting a good amount of, thank God. But after all the complete and absolute roaming bipedal mammal bullshit I've had to endure I feel like I could not talk to anybody IRL for a whole decade, if I was allowed the privilege

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(707.06 KB, 1179x2096) y'know you don't need to call it "autism" if that sounds too serious (I'd PREFER that it was called something else) but whatever this woman has, and her friend, I have it too. it's undeniable. I'm not going to parade it around for pity I may apply for welfare though and I don't think it makes me special or better than the normies in any way (I have endless other traits that do that) but it's DEFINITELY there. they tell anecdotes that happened to me as well, and they happened EXACTLY as told, down to the words that were used. not a coincidence

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notice how she doesn't stare like a "normal" person. it's like a computer is looking at you or something. I don't fucking know how to describe it. it's impossible to put into words. but I know what's going on inside her head. for the most part. she's still a separate person with other traits beyond the tism obviously 

thank you for being better

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Just to avoid being called a "vagueposter schizo".
Anti-Individualists: People who believe individual action cannot achieve anything real. Deny or reject agency of the individual. They not only believe that, but they seek to destroy the concept of individual because it is a "lie" that keeps us down. The myth of the hero, of the self-made man, etc...

The social man (as per Rousseau) is a man who defines himself, his own identity, based on what others think of him. He is the result of the denial of the individual agency. 

The "essential" motivation behind this (and the final outcome they seek) is the need to be loved/accepted/understood unconditionally/regardless of who you are. If there are no individuals, everyone has to love you. Etc... it's the concept behind the "Human Instrumentality" (Evangelion, hence the goo people gifs).

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She's legit imo. I found her instagram and it's all pictures of her dog and trees, NO men. Do you feel like people can read your mind when they look at you? And do you like those mudkip looking animals that they like? Interesting video, no matter. 

Would that Syndrome kid from The Incredibles be like that? Maybe I'm not a real villain, I just want power and money.

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A rare brand new Alex appearance has been made.
So hot how she height, neck and collarbone mogs all these womanlets despite being twice as old. Her trapezius muscles look good in the pic as well. I hope she and Rachel Zegler have an individual pic together because it would be the perfect culmination of contrasts of height and skin tone difference

I researched it and it is the specific name of her lipstick. There are 68 different colors of that lipstick on the website with different numbers associated with it, but she chose this one with this number. I also posted a while ago about how she is now part of the club after doing a photoshoot with all the symbology in it

> is it the one with the protruding chin and brow ridge?
This one might be a tranny too. Or it could be an ugly woman. I used to not know what trannies are when I was younger and always just assumed they were really ugly women

One amazing fact that not too many people know about Alex is that she has starred in over 70 movies and not a single one of them was good

> that's Liev Schreiber's crossdressing little kid from that one pic?
Yep, I think so

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> One amazing fact that not too many people know about Alex is that she has starred in over 70 movies and not a single one of them was good
back when I waifued Ellen, before the Great Tragedy, she had the exact opposite status. some journo came up with a ranking by aggregating the review scores of every A list actor and actresses' films and Ellen turned out to be one of the top 10 actresses with the best averages

> Yep, I think so
it's crazy what money can do. and very very early HRT without a shadow of a doubt

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you joke about it but she's CONSTANTLY referencing cannibalism in both overt and more subtle ways. She and her innocent little smile give me the creeps 

> NO men
Lol as if that means anything in regards to her condition. Even downies get married and have kids. Autists seem to be one thing or the other, either self isolating in/volcels (like this woman seems to be, or me) or sensory-seeking degenerate nymphomaniacs. They deal in extremes a lot more often than "allistics" do, for some reason. Not just in their sexuality but in everything; that seems to be a core aspect of the condition, attitudes towards things are practically binary/dichotomous as opposed to there being a lot of greys like you'd normally see within a group of people. It's a neurological condition, not unlike your brother's autism, just less severe I guess, but it's definitely not made up. I'm qualified to assure you there are awful symptoms even if you're more or less functional. My anxiety disorder is most likely caused by the structural differences of my brain brought about by autism. I've been anxious for like 70-80% of the time I've been conscious throughout my life. Most people can't imagine what that's like

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> back when I waifued Ellen, before the Great Tragedy, she had the exact opposite status. some journo came up with a ranking by aggregating the review scores of every A list actor and actresses' films and Ellen turned out to be one of the top 10 actresses with the best averages
I remember watching Hard Candy. The ending song of it was cool:
I think I actually saw a lot of her movies as well as Trailer Parks a while ago

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Ah shit you're right lol. Having a Hollywood mom is a slow motion death sentence.
Alex does have some wide shoulders but you know I like that.

Yeah that crap about adopting a new name or whatever sounded retarded. Cool cemetery though. The East side of the US has by far the best ones as they are all older; the west coast cemeteries are nothing but cheap flat grave markers and mexicans pouring out their bud light, very un-aesthetic. 

Who ever said it was a rags to riches story? I'm with Cam, this is just small boob propaganda.

Going down her list of roles that's pretty accurate. I enjoyed the Percy Jackson movies, or at least the 1st one, but I wouldn't fight over it not being "good"

She does hehe. It's one of those jokes where I say it because it's a chance to be clever, but I really would enjoy biting her.

> as if that means anything
To me it does, it's a sign she isn't faking because she's actually paying a price, It's not just "tee hee I'm so autistic" and then she goes to Coachella and does drugs in some millionaire's private tent. 
> attitudes towards things are practically binary
That's curious considering their autism, and usually their sexuality too, is on a spectrum. 
> anxious for like 70-80% of the time
Damn that's a stark way to state it. Are you really that avoidant with eye contact? I didn't mean to be disingenuous when I was asking.

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> Who ever said it was a rags to riches story? 
she did. that's THE HWOLE POINT you fucking retarded american piece of shit

> Damn that's a stark way to state it.
I mean I could probably get a lot of pity if I tried, but that's no way to live

> Are you really that avoidant with eye contact? I didn't mean to be disingenuous when I was asking.
No, I don't really avoid eye contact anymore. I used to, though. It's not something I enjoy (some people seem to seek it out unnecessarily) but it doesn't bother me anymore, at all. I can also wear denim, which was quite literally impossible for me as a kid/teen, but I still struggle with that more than the eye contact tbh, I wear cotton sweatpants almost exclusively. That's not a problem at all obviously. It's the social stuff that makes life so hard 

> That's curious considering their autism, and usually their sexuality too, is on a spectrum.
the autists claiming sexuality is a spectrum are the trannies. the ones on the /pol/ side disagree. but notice how they're all either /pol/fags or trannies

what good is she looking like that? just dump her in a mass grave

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> retarded american piece of shit
Hey I didn't watch it OKAY
Is the aversion to denim a texture thing? It's a good thing you weren't born Canadian hehe.

Israel already has F35s, what would they want some old ass F16 for? 

The system of oppression works. Nice Naomi outfit.
> Denmark passes on it's older planes to 3rd world disaster zones like Ukraine and Argentina in exchange for F35s
Ah, so you guys had to pay 300 million but Ukraine got theirs for free? Now that's some jewing.

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> Is the aversion to denim a texture thing?
I guess it is. I didn't think of it as such back then, I only thought of denim specifically, because I didn't have that problem with any other textures. 


damn she looks even better somehow. I saw that keyboard when I was browsing Mercado Libre. It's overpriced shit and ugly af imo. I didn't realize she had such bad taste. At least it sounds good

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I had an aversion to beans for a long time because on cowboy day in kindergarted we had room temperature hotdogs and beans for a snack and I thought it was really gross, but eventually I accepted beans again. Though that's not really autistic and I know why I felt that way. 

> such bad taste
It's part of her anime girl aesthetic; I don't like the keyboard either but she knows what she's doing imo

Hehehe. Did he expect to totally dictate markets and not take any losses? Don't worry Larry, just ask that weird Aladdin AI computer what to do.
Also very nice thigh content.

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I doubt they ever planned to have the scheme running forever, they make villains, they make the heroes to save us from the villains, etc... it's all theater.

Nature/Humanity tends towards stability. "Unfair" and stable systems. If they don't keep stirring the pot, they will sink down to the bottom. Forever.

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I had a similar problem with ricotta cheese. I got over it many years later, after trying a much better ricotta cake lol

you're absolutely right, but the point I was really getting at is that he seems more concerned with Israel than with Argentina, even though they're doing WAAAAYY better than we are in every aspect that's not armed conflicts. he's too chill about our own situation and the execution of his supposed plan has been too slow (where they haven't just gone and done the exact opposite of what was promised). Also they've kept too many people from the previous government in their respective jobs, including several that were known to be disgustingly corrupt, and continue to steal millions upon millions even now. I haven't lost all faith in his government yet but things aren't looking good

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I'm still happy that inflation is finally subsiding of course. That's going to be a massive boon to the economy with credit coming back, general stability that allows for long term planning in business, etc. But it could be so much better than this, if they'd just shrink the state half as much as they promised they would. Maybe they just weren't granted permission for that by their NWO overlords

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(243.71 KB, 1200x1799) the masculine urge to buy the absolute worst car out of all your options just to see how bad it really is

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speaking of games and shooters specifically, Combat Arms is still alive. idk if any of you played that back in the day but I did. A lot. Recently checked if it was still going out of boredom and yes it is. Just have to learn to avoid certain lobbies because it's like starting Quake 3 Arena as a newbie. Also there are no SA servers only NA and EU so ping is always high for me. Other than that it holds up surprisingly well 

good morning

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Look, I found you another example of being female, young and attractive not being good enough. I think this may actually be a phenomenon on the rise. The combination of the hubris of contemporary women and there being a lot more autism and other disorders in the air is probably going to result in many more femcels

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Jade on bass, Isabel would be lead guitar... I need to start manifesting this

> "Order for Lillith, Lillith your soy latte is ready"

> Nooooooo you can't tell her that things aren't going to get better. You can't just say that the problematic part of her personality will never go away, and that the vices she relies on are losing their effectiveness and that her body will degrade and she will die. That's a heckin malpracticearino my dude.

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After reading the article I take some of it back. When she's quoted saying "I can't do this anymore" I would like to know what "this" is, she lives with her boyfriend (reasonably high earning I assume from the article) and two dogs. Sounds normal. Maybe as a Dutch robot person she has decided that her peak is behind her so she wants to die early, but who knows.

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Yeah in Brazil 

> Now that I think about it, she's basically trying to rob a bank. That part is cool with me.
I wonder if the guy was willing to go along with it but he passed away unexpectedly before he got the chance to go to the bank

You mean GoT style edginess passed off as realism? 

If XRP falls any lower you're getting sued. Just a friendly heads up

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I thought I could trust you being white and all. But clearly you're in league with them. The signs were there all along. He likes black metal (blackrock), he's into alex daddario and ryley ladd (both known cultists), he's german (no germans are actually german they're all either turkish, jewish or a combination of both, unless they're austrian)

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> I thought I could trust you being white and all. But clearly you're in league with them. The signs were there all along. He likes black metal (blackrock), he's into alex daddario and ryley ladd (both known cultists), he's german (no germans are actually german they're all either turkish, jewish or a combination of both, unless they're austrian)
A while ago I googled my grandma's birth name as well as my last name, and I found some jewish people with the same name, so I might be jewish. On the other hand I remember speaking to my grand parents and they told me they passed the aryan test they did in Germany at that time. And my grandpa who is still alive, was in the Waffen-SS

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Notice how it's been easily over a month since the last time I linked some shitty phone video of Anneke van Giersbergen performing an acoustic cover live. I should've asked hungry man to set up a counter for that at the top of the page. I'd be on my best streak ever now 

so austrian then

You can stop enjoying things and being happy or optimistic now. That goes for Doc too. You're both on thin ice

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CC: You can stop enjoying things and being happy or optimistic now.
cam: You become what you think about. You think negatively a lot of the time so you become that
CC: Actually it is because I was so unfortunate to be born in a poor country and I have other debilitating issues
cam: Both of which can be fixed
CC: No motivation
cam: Can also be fixed
CC: _?

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It is inevitable that gold and silver will go up as their prices have both been artificially suppressed like I talked about before. Just one thing to keep in mind is that it is not the gold price or the value of gold that is going up, but the USD going down in relation to it

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I like this CC character I find him relatable 

I'm afraid this is it. I guess she's too new and hasn't done enough shoots for there to be much content

That room is tidy. I'd consider it if I was her

New research shows Devon and I much more compatible than previously thought

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I may buy some silver. At least I don't have to upload my passport and fingerprints and blood to buy it like with crypto. 

> That room is tidy
Hehe it's not bad, right? tfw there are guys out here with entire rooms of their made ready for their celebrity daughter-wife and I'm just a broke wigger with an impractical car. Shit sucks man. 
> Devon and I much more compatible 

I do some welding and I'm selling some automotive shit on ebay and facebook.
Are you watching Fallout? Doc is liking it.

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I finally found Riska's instagram. She is the pajeeta that I may have posted before.
I found her because Rylee posted her ig name. I was not aware that they were friends but it explains the connection (found boht of them on Twitter)

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> Work has been simplified in some aspects, slightly harder in others, but seems all fun to do. The experience is all directly applicable (and useful) to my project as well.
> The most time consuming part is actually playing the game and navigating around it, lol.
Cool. Is it more programming work or more designing?

Nice Kaylees

Nice autism

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I know that all the lights are out in my brain but I don't want to do any of the things that it would take to get it back in working order. I'm so convinced that everyone is stupid and insane and wrong except me that I'd rather take the L and die than try to fit in. I should've probably just continued assaulting people like in school. That was the real me I should've never stopped hurting the enemy (because that's absolutely what people are) and I should've been killed for it. That would've been an honest way to live my life not whatever this bizarre nightmarish web of lies is

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They're all just these clueless little mammals doing nothing and going nowhere anyway. Just irrelevant sacks of flesh with a totally warped sense of their own importance. And I think it'd be killing those sorts of people that would be the most enjoyable, the type that really value their lives and the material world and serious business. A particularly conscious person probably wouldn't freak out as much about dying but you can't deny it'd be fun to toy with the ones that are super invested in their silly people stuff. I'm just saying just thinking out loud

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I've been second guessing and doubting myself and my judgment my whole life. I've always put society's consensus before my own thoughts. And look where that got me... complete and absolute misery. Total defeat. I may as well be a stereotypical homeless junkie with rotting teeth. I should be making my own choices for real, clearly it can't be the worse approach of the two. I may not kill anybody (though I almost hope I get a chance to get that out of my system some day) but I swear I'll start setting more boundaries and being SO MUCH MORE HONEST

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Insofar as communicating with others, there is an issue of communicating accurately vs honestly.
If you want to tell a dog he shouldn't climb on the sofa, the most accurate way is to make it a "lesson" with punishment, than trying to repeatedly speak with him...
Often you need ruses and "lies" to actually get people to understand what you honestly mean.

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Damn Chevy was out there selling the same car 3 times. As far as looks the 1969 Impala is my favorite.
Nice titty monster 

10/10 for a woman from the poo country. 

Cute smile

If you can avoid the police or dying then this is probably a good move. The next step on your journey to not only win but make everyone else lose too because they deserve it.

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It's almost funny how everyone lost the sense of what are definitions in politics.
People were claiming the Fallout show promotes communism over America/Capitalism.
But as the games, the show is a story about how the founding father's dreams was usurped by Technocrats, and later they try to reestablish it via the NCR. The technocrats label them communists in the red-scare, which is an iffy revisionism, but lore-wise, they are not communists, just republicans.
But who knows, maybe the show runners have lost their senses as well.

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> "To be OK with what is" is a good point
I think that's what they taught to soldiers in nam in case they got captured

> I watch spiritual people like this and I can almost always sense the peacefulness of the mind that they are radiating from just watching their videos
me too. although as soon as someone talks to me again I'll be back in fight or flight mode 

very allistic of you to read through all those tags. don't tell me you read license plates too

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A girl taller than Elle is pretty cool to see

I keep getting connection failed over on .net . Not sure why; may be VPN related

> allistic
New word I have learned today

> it's actually really catchy I'll give them that
It is real german autism kino

> me too. although as soon as someone talks to me again I'll be back in fight or flight mode 
But it's good that you can at least sense it or get into that state of mind. So you know it exists and is attainable

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this youtube comment pretty much describes my situation word by word. you have no idea how relatable this is to me. the "extremely hyper and extroverted person" being my dad. but really everyone I know is super invested in the rat race, it's not just him, he's only worse because he is close. even the part about having the house to yourself and doing housekeeping is spot on. I've talked a lot on here about wanting to move for years and now that my mom is at the hospital I've cleaned up the place a lot and it looks way better. I took all her stupid dusty hippie shit and put it in bags and threw them in the closet, then cleaned all the furniture, floors, windows, etc. I still have work left to do in that regard but there's not much point anymore as she's going to be back soon sadly

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That describes me exactly too. Especially the social interactions being draining. Whenever I have to talk to people I can only do it for an hour or so because after that my mental energy is no longer existant. I have almost no social interactions at the moment and I feel perfectly happy. I used to feel like I needed to be like others and needed to hang out with people, but once I realized that it's not necessary for me to be happy, it was a big breakthrough for me

> cleaned up the place a lot and it looks way better. I took all her stupid dusty hippie shit and put it in bags and threw them in the closet
This was my mom too. She literally kept every single item that was ever given to her. In a way it was sweet because she had hundreds of letters or cards she got for her birthdays and so on. When I visited my dad last year, I cleaned up the whole attic, and threw out gazillions of old stuff she collected over the years as well as most of her clothes

Other people also keep you down, especially if they live in lower consciousness. I think it's the phenomenon of Ghettoization, i.e. if there are many poor and low consciousness people, it radiates onto others in their vicinity as well

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(120.05 KB, 960x1281) this is an interesting one. super atmospheric and super melodic (like, abba or blur levels of melodic at certain points) at the same time, pretty rare in a DSBM album. I don't love it but I don't hate it either. I think the guy has talent, he just needs to make something more raw and genuine and less inoffensive the next time around 

yes, it's romantic I guess. I've never been one to display what's inside me on the outside, wear stuff on my sleeve is how the englandos like to say that I think. The one thing I did keep was a mate (as in, the cup or container where the yerba mate goes) that one of my therapists gave me for my bday before she quit and moved overseas, with my name engraved. She was a good person so I liked her even if she struggled to understand my autismal ass. But I'm not the type of person that keeps a lot of objects like that or gets tattoos or dresses in a certain style according to my tastes or beliefs or any of that stuff. I keep everything inside. Of course people are stupid and probably just assume I'm boring, but like you said that really shouldn't matter to me

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haha this shit isn't depressing anyone. it's nowhere near real enough, it's an act, a performance. sure it probably does come from a darker place compared to other genres but I'm only hearing the music, for all my brain knows I'm listening to bossa nova. Maybe you haven't heard enough of it to be desensitized like that. Which is odd because you're always the one complaining that the music I link isn't dissonant/hard enough. It's not supposed to affect you, after you've listened to enough of it. If anything I've always found the harder subgenres of metal cathartic like I said the last time we discussed this 

upper class chilean girl. there are quite a few nazi descendants among their elites even though Argentina and Brazil got the bad rep in that regard

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 >>/53816/ is LITTERLY the most infectious, beautifully melodic music I've ever heard. and it comes from a death-doom band. I've listened to (and loved) plenty of pop acts, especially power pop, synthpop, electropop. This is a genre known for being tremendously melodic and catchy. And yet Konvent has them all beat, distortion and all

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that's a good question. multiplayer videogames on the PC? if I were to go too far back, the answer would have to be everything. childhood is a good phase for most people, you're naive and everything seems great. but if I started at a point after I lost my innocence, so to speak, then yeah I'd probably say the vidya. and likeminded people on the internet like you guys. I did also enjoy learning to drive, much more recently. Well, certainly not the process, but I enjoyed the result. It's sad that I'm down in the dumps for now and I don't value any of that anymore. I hope I start feeling a little better and therefore more thankful soon

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Speaking of bday presents I got myself one for next week. 6 payments of $10 each. That's the cheapest I could find. Will post pics once it comes in the mail 

> /rapport/ explain to me right now how the arms or pits of a girl are not the most erotic body part
I genuinely think they can be... when they look like that. Most girls have flabby tiny weak arms that are anything but attractive. I love seeing decent biceps on women too 

> What album/band?
Konvent. I did name them. In fact I mention them at least twice a week even though no one I know likes them lmao. I have to get it out of my system somehow. They're one of my favorite bands ever. Pretty girls, great riffs and melodies, poetic yet raw lyrics, no wokeness, excellent stage presence, basically they do everything right. You've heard at least one song by them that I linked months ago, and you said you liked it, but I don't recall if it was Ropes Pt. II

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Their second album was kind of shit though. I liked their first one much better. Honestly I didn't even give the new one a fair chance, the first couple songs didn't stick and I dropped it because I felt like it was going to sour me on the band. But their debut album is a certified banger. They have these 3 samey songs based on the same core riff that are just *chef's kiss*. Hopefully their next album will be as good as the first or better

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Some of Kaylee's photography. Half of the shots are too "busy" with things imo, but overall they look good.

I think of it in more of a practical way; ghetto people are always making noise and playing loud music to chase the silence out of their heads, they also do more crime because of the low impulse control. It makes them very distracting to be around. Imagine trying to solve a complex math problem while a stinky fat black woman is blasting music out of her bluetooth speaker, or some browns blasting ranchero accordion music and throwing beer cans around. But generally I agree.

It didn't change my life but it's a cool song imo. It feels like the kind of thing that would grow on me.

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Watched fallout episode 1. Pretty cool overall but the little pin pricks of propaganda are annoying. The chunky brown bureaucrat types who approve of Lucy's marriage and then assume leadership in the vault once the overseer is taken though that's pretty realistic so idk if you can call that propaganda. The Ghoul having a black daughter in the pre-war scene. And a subtle one was that short scene in the BoS base where they were playing some kind of basketball with bricks and all the white players were missing their shots. 
On the positive side Ella looks great, the California wasteland looks good, and they did a pretty smooth job of jamming in as much Fallout imagery and sounds into the episode as they did. 

In the first video I think a lot of engineering goes into making them sound good, or sound "like that". Take the man's voice, he has a sound like every NPR radio host and every soy podcaster that takes themselves too seriously. The second video sounds more natural to me. 

That's why they hate her.

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Yeah this nigga is a luck build for sure

I haven't got through the plot of the "commies" in the show. 
I was thinking the Sheriff being "pushed too far" and killing the lawbreakers is like shows in real life being more morally ambiguous and jaded, like say Game of Thrones. And it's that way for the Sheriff's movie, and for our movies, because certain writers get fired or hired for political reasons.

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I hate living where I live, there's just too many people. I try to find a secluded area with the flat side of a building or something to take pics of my headlight beams on but there's random people EVERYWHERE. It's like I'm being gangstalked. I take a sudden turn and someone follows me, then I park and he parks 100 feet in front of me. Get away from me, brown freaks. 
That aside, the car runs well and the lights are nice and bright, don't care if I blind everyone, fuck them. 

Nice legz

People were actually sacked for they were communist. In the US the communists were celebrated heroes during WWII, but then after the victory of the Allies it was like a switch flipped, from heroes they became subversive elements who needed to be uprooted and removed, they became the enemy.
This:  >>/53979/
> Red Scare

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I'm vaguely familiar with that stuff. In that post I was talking about the Fallout show. 

Wow. Is this the closest we've gotten to a Wonder Woman style corset?

Hehe. Mexis usually don't steal Fords, but I am paranoid nonetheless.

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this reminds me of that african girl that got adopted by european aristocracy back in the day and grew up nasty rich and was always the one single brown person in every social event she was ever in. I don't remember her name

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I watched "Caveat" today because the same youtube channel that showcased Dagon did a video on it. It's nothing like the latter, this one was more of a standard haunted house horror movie for horny teenagers, just done in a more modern style than the staples of that genre. The first thing I disliked about it was how contrived the plot felt at the beginning. Almost as soon as it started the movie kept introducing elements that were like mechanics from a videogame, and not in very smooth ways. Another issue was that it dragged on pretty badly at certain points. It was nowhere near as slow or boring as the imdb reviews I had read led me to believe, though; those people just have no attention span whatsoever I guess. But the pacing was definitely a little sloppy. And the worst part was how vague the whole thing was; it's one of those movies that end without closure, without explaining the curse/entity/whatever else, etc, and it doesn't do it in a satisfying way, it just feels low effort. It does manage to create tension for a good chunk of its runtime though. All in all pretty mediocre I'd give it a 6

 >>/53999/ I misremembered, she was a biological daughter not adopted

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> feel somewhere between numb and content for the first half of the day
> suddenly start feeling horribly depressed for no apparent reason for the following 4-5 hours
> out of nowhere in the midst of watching a yotube video I'm fine again
am I moving my head too suddenly and making waves inside? that's my best theory thus far

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Nope, those cars will all be parked in the desert like the VWs that were cheating emissions tests. 

Sorry. I do generally sleep when the sun is down. Glad you had half a day of not being sad.

Mornin. Nice "gf pov" pics of Jenna.

Back in the day you could start a car without battery and it run as long as you filled it with fuel. Now it shuts down when the bluetooth goes off, or when the installed Windows 11 craps itself. They stuff cars with shit that 100% unrelated to the working of a combustion engine, and they make you believe you can't go without them.

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Yup. It's the necessary evil of having hybrid systems and 10 speed automatic transmissions and all kinds of shit. I hope open source hybrids like that Edison truck gain popularity. 

Sleep tight and plz wear gloves and a stocking over your head to catch any stray hairs when you do crime

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Would you say neck is your favorite body part?

Kaylee has a nice body of work but I hope she doesn't fry her skin too much in the sun

She shouldn't have to apologize for that

> Wow. Is this the closest we've gotten to a Wonder Woman style corset?
I think so

> *makes all zoomoid queer kids straight*
> Nothing personal.
Satan hand sign + tongue out + maybe one eye closed in the first pic though

Frankly they do that with everything. Back then you got an electric boiler it had a heating rod and it worked. Now it has an onboard computer and the shit doesn't work without it even tho it should because one doesn't need a fugging computer for boiling water. Same with gas boilers...

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she looks evil. not like haha reddit "evil" but actual honest to goodness evil. I feel like women that are as unconstrained or "liberated" as she is can turn into mellow hippie types or they can turn into Lilith archetypes. chaotic good or chaotic evil

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Fuck earth

Whatever you're seeing I don't see it. Though I do assume they're all my enemy.

Alex is a chad name, and I am believing in name physiognomy more amd more.

True. I blame the pursuit to make all consumer products hyper friendly for the stupid and female users.

I was just thinking about how well she tans. She's back from Mexico already so the frying has stopped.

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Riska does not even have a lot of followers but she does not advertise it very much I think. It is always weird when I see a girl who looks 10/10 to me and she has only a low follower amount. I know beauty does not always translate to follower amount, but more popularity, but I think maybe people in general are less interested in beauty than me

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Maybe it sounds weird, but whenever I go outside I feel overwhelmed by the beauty of nature, of the people, the buildings I see and so on. I don't think this is normal. Maybe it is just due to not going outside much. Or it is also a little due to how it looks like here and it feels strange to live in a different country than my home country. Like for exmaple if you don't eat all day, you will really enjoy your meal more if you get one at the end of the day

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By the way CC what is your favorite girl body part, and Doc can answer as well if he wants

> You could say so. Boobs and vaginas are interesting too, but they're in a slightly different category.
> To me the neck is high in both aesthetics and intimacy, pits are aesthetic but less intimate.
How would you rate Devon's

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these pics better come out soon

yeah ryley. this Riska girl is pretty and all but being brown makes her less exotic to me. there are plenty of brown girls with great bodies around here. pretty ashkenazi that can write books or teach college classes are much more interesting to me

For the most part I just like slender bodies and pale skin, I don't really fixate on any particular body part. I like round butts though. Not necessarily big, just full and firm. I don't like fat women or freaky looking gym rats that have done way too many squats

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I infer she doesn't want to film her smutty yoga video because there are too many people around. In contrast, gyms in the US are packed with whores recording themselves, both to make content to sell and to catch anyone who looks at them being a whore so they can start a fight and hopefully get more attention out of that. Also they're all hideous, not even the same species as Dana.

Yeah. Alex is a kept woman now.

8.5 at least. And Devon has great skin too.

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I got a physical copy of BF2 when I was a kid because the box looked cool, especially the pictures on the back, and I had already seen americans talking about it on the internet. It was one of the best games I've ever played to this day. I couldn't believe how good it looked and how many players it supported in the same server and how many different types of weapons and vehicles were available. Compared to other shooters I had played up until that point, it was like a whole theme park. I was immediately hooked on the franchise. Sadly 4 seems to have been the last good one, DICE is just a shell of its former self now

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the anon that made fun of her skull shape made me curious if I was the only one who found her very pretty. I mean she's working as a model in europe so I can't be way off right? also I'm only noticing this just now but she has the exact same smile as the blind WoW streamer girl. COINCIDENCE?

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I wish more girls had black hair

> the anon that made fun of her skull shape made me curious if I was the only one who found her very pretty. I mean she's working as a model in europe so I can't be way off right? also I'm only noticing this just now but she has the exact same smile as the blind WoW streamer girl. COINCIDENCE?
She does, and she looks a bit like her too. She does have pretty eyes but I agree about the facial shape

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Purpura is also a great exponent of why one of our early presidents banned yerba mate back in the 1800s. she spends twice as much time sitting on her ass drinking it as she does working. I swear half her content is just pictures and video footage of her drinking mate 

yeah the skinner box tard has a slightly less wide more feminine face. also her eyes don't work

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> mom mistaken for sister
Yeah right

Do you post her much? She's pretty. A bit of a manly Chad jaw but so what. 8/10 for me, though if I keep studying her I may like her more.
Why don't you want is to rate Pupura? I generally agree with Cam, not a fan of the underbite look but she has a great belly and beautiful skin. Though my favorite of your regulars is Luna.

Same, I like it too.

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> Do you post her much?
apparently not nearly enough if you don't recognize her. but yes I do in fact post her a lot. have you really been missing out on her big titties this whole time? 

> 8/10 for me
based lizbro 

> she has a great belly and beautiful skin
the two of them do

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I can confirm mechanical keyboards are as superior as everyone said they were. This has red switches which are insanely comfy for gaming (since there is no real click it feels like keys are "floating" against your fingertips whenever you do something like strafing in a game, it's weird at first but very pleasant) and much better for typing than I thought they'd be

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this could've been "free" if I had just gone through with that excel automation job but sadly I'm a fragile little bitch who breaks down easily. I'm hopeful that our rent income will continue improving as inflation goes down (and it'd help a ton if my mom could finally retire). my faith isn't any more certain than any other poor/working class person's I just don't work lol. but I could still lose everything or temporarily need a wage to survive.

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speaking of money I took some time off work last night (I didn't want to stress myself out by losing too many matches) and practiced withdrawing and depositing between different crypto wallets and trading sites. Atomic Wallet, Binance, Kraken, Satoshi Tango. I ended up not depositing anything into my Satoshi account because it has the worst fees by far (as you'd expect from an argie company), I'm not trying to lose money. They did have a week long event of 0% fees recently though, so maybe they aren't so terrible after all. Back on topic, I found it very easy even though it was a little confusing when I got started with the whole crypto thing (as cam can attest) (he probably thought I had down's). next up is setting up my bank account on binance which will require "additional verification"... I hope it's dick pics

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> check it out. I'm a real gamer now

> I'm gonna start to buy myself some hardware too now that I got a job.

I think I will get a new PC too for making 3D stuff. I might have to ask you all for help because I don't know much about hardware as I mentioned before. But I found a youtube video where someone gives a good explanation for what is necessary for a 3D pc build

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you wanna know something funny (probably only to me though). the first time I saw kraken's spot trading interface I wasn't really confused or overwhelmed at all. my immediate thought was "oh yeah this is just like the market in EVE online". I guess the people joking about that game being a work simulator weren't that wrong after all

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you really want up to date CUDA/OpenCL/AI feature support on your card if you're a "prosumer" (this is their term for anyone who's not an 80 IQ drooling redditor who uses their computer exclusively for le epic videogaemz ftw). meaning you'll probably want one from the very latest generation regardless of brand. and even then you'll want to look up the differences between each model in regards to that - sometimes they cut features in the cheapest ones, it's not just a performance difference

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> this could've been "free" if I had just gone through with that excel automation job but sadly I'm a fragile little bitch who breaks down easily.
Don't be discouraged when something does not work out in terms of jobs or making money. Just try out a bunch of different things until you find something that works for you. For example I tried a bunch of different things that all failed or did not make much money. e.g. I tried to "design" fonts and logos many years ago

I was really confused when I saw the trading interfaces for the first time. It is a lot to understand in general, but once you get used to it is not that difficult. Only make sure to never do leverage trading, ever. Many people have lost their homes, families and lives because of it

Crypto is something I would recommend that everyone should do, but more in a passive way, i.e. swing trading; which means just to play the general movements of the market which can involve not doing any trading for several years and just waiting for the right time. This can be combined with doing a regular job and using some of that money to invest in crypto when the prices are at good entry points

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> Don't be discouraged when something does not work out in terms of jobs or making money. 
I wasn't really talking about jobs or money specifically but life in general; I'm too sensitive to it. And it's not possible for me to withdraw or go into "survival mode" as Doc called it while still trying to make money. Because withdrawing doesn't only involve cutting contact with people IRL but also doing things you want to do rather than what THEY want. Whatever, I'm sure there are better times ahead

> I was really confused when I saw the trading interfaces for the first time. 
see, that's because you're dumb. maybe you should've played some silly spaceship game from bumfuck nowhere 12 years ago and then you wouldn't have been confused 

> Only make sure to never do leverage trading, ever. Many people have lost their homes, families and lives because of it
I don't even know what that is, so I guess I'm off to a good start

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I'm not that up to date on all this nerd shit anymore tbphwyf. This "man" looks like a "german" soyboy with testosterone levels in the negatives and I'd not trust him with anything ever. Sorry for being so mean but I had to stop the video after 8 seconds, it's that bad. But yeah a 4080 is obviously going to be great if you can afford it. Nvidia's high end cards have historically been kinda power hungry and sometimes too expensive for their performance but they're definitely worth it for intensive usage like 3D rendering 

Yeah, probably. It's hard to let go of them, though. And it's not like my "expectations" consist of owning hundreds of sports cars and my own private island. It's pretty humble stuff really. But yeah I get it

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Also most websites that do reviews will have benchmarks for 3D renders, video encoding, etc. It's just a matter of looking up your different options on google, looking at the benchmark scores and the prices and finding one that will do what you need and isn't too expensive for what it is (meaning don't get ripped off like some 12yo begging his mom for an Alienware PC or a journalist in an Apple store)

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> I'm not that up to date on all this nerd shit anymore tbphwyf. This "man" looks like a "german" soyboy with testosterone levels in the negatives and I'd not trust him with anything ever. Sorry for being so mean but I had to stop the video after 8 seconds, it's that bad. But yeah a 4080 is obviously going to be great if you can afford it. Nvidia's high end cards have historically been kinda power hungry and sometimes too expensive for their performance but they're definitely worth it for intensive usage like 3D rendering 
Is there even anything else other than NVidia? That is the only graphics cards producer I even know of

> The 5000 series will probably have new AI related stuff, may want to wait for that launch, it can't be too far off
I have been wanting to get a new PC for a while and I think last year or so when the 4090 was not out, people also said to maybe wait for it. But now  that it is out people say that while the performance is better it is not worth for the price peformance ratio and it may be better to get a 3090 still. So I think I might just get a slightly older card and have a better price performance ratio

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> Is there even anything else other than NVidia? That is the only graphics cards producer I even know of
Yes, there is AMD (technically Radeon, purchased by AMD many years ago) and now Intel has started making them too, though it's been a relatively shy entry

> So I think I might just get a slightly older card and have a better price performance ratio
This is what I was talking about earlier. Those people are "gamers". They're not aware of APIs meant for other applications like CUDA or OpenCL, and they don't know newer generations bring support for new features. You want those features, trust me. I just went on wikipedia and looked it up and the 3000 and 4000 series support the same API versions. Which is good if you were to get a 3000 series for cheap now, but also bad if the 5000 comes out in a month and happens to bring support for some new breakthrough feature. Like I said I don't really keep up with this stuff anymore so I can't help you as much as I wish as I could. Idk how active OpenCL development is these days or what's going on in that area in general so I can't say if waiting for the 5000 series will be worth it

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(10.55 MB, 1080x1920 hevc) googling about the 1650 Super I found this thread that perfectly illustrates what I was saying. guy buys GPU that's supposed to be better, is actually 30% worse for his use case, he can't figure out why

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In this implementation yes, but not perfectly still either. 
The near-future implementation is... way beyond that. You may not even need to take more than one picture (affecting only accuracy, like the color of the panties or the exact design of the back), and it will even animate for you, and it won't be some blurry splotty thing.

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> Nice, did it come with knee socks too?
you think you're manlier than me? I couldn't teach you manliness in a million years

nice back and sidebooba

she'd have to be completely flat, ugly or fat to look bad in that fit. basically she'd have to look like any of the women in your area

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Is that the one who is getting heat for not being gay? She's not a knockout but I would. She looks good.

> I couldn't teach you manliness in a million years
Yeah because you're gay tee hee.
I've never had a gamer keyboard that was designed to feel good. I imagine it is nice. Do you watch that youtube guy that reviews vintage keyboards?

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Dana soy pointing at the seagull made me smile.

The Celeste is tempting, the Fuego too. Probably bad long term choices, but they can't be an worse than a BMW.

Been feeling like my life is pretty much over, all but for the crying you could say. Also I've been acting more like a "bad" person and that has brought some satisfaction.

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I often feel like I've hit a dead end too. I know there'll probably be some way out at some point though. I've always wanted to live a long life but lately I wonder whether that's really going to be possible for someone like me. I'd like to believe that it's all just a "story" and I'll be able to adapt and find my place in the world but I don't know about that. I feel like whatever I have, whatever makes me incompatible, must be either neurological or very deep rooted. Maybe I got passed around in orgies when I was a newborn and I just don't consciously remember any of it, who knows. The fact of the matter is that it hasn't been easy and it's not any easier now. Hopefully one day it will be. I haven't lost all hope, though I wouldn't say I'm "hopeful" either. I just try to stay alive and work towards doing the things that seem like they would help 

That's great. Good for you Doc. Just don't forget to save up for a new fridge first before you start splurging on RGB peripherals and sex dolls

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Hey, I've messed around with girls like that when I was around that age. I'm fairly sure one of them was into me too, women are too risk averse to mess with men unless they feel safe around you and are trying to convey that I think. But I was always JUST different enough to not be able to really fit in. Every time I got close like that I'd start getting bullied by some other kid/kids (now I realize that was probably out of insecurity on their part) or I'd ruin it myself somehow. 

Oh and I had a portable radio when I was a kid so I can relate to that guy too lol. Like I've said before I didn't even listen to music until I was 18 or so, so I only used it to play around. I was never the engineering kind of autist, but I did find those sorts of small gadgets cool and interesting. I had a variety of mp3 and mp4 players for that same reason. I definitely can't relate to the guy with his dad though

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It's actually kind of an experience to look back and realize how much of the shit you've had thrown at you was because those people were jealous of one thing or another. I always fully internalized their disdain not realizing they WANTED me to believe I was inferior in some way because they needed that. Growing up I was cute, had perfect grades, relatively wealthy parents, I was good at both chess and tae-kwon-do. The other kids weren't having it I guess

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> but we never hugged.
See, that's why you need a little southern italian in you. Don't do that to you and xochi's kids

pretty much, it's probably the same in the first world for actual geniuses too. I think the only way to make it through that stage unscathed is with a real support network, a fully functional family unit and/or a good group of friends that are similar enough to you to keep you aware of your value. Otherwise you're screwed

I mean I never said she was safe around me. Aren't I constantly posting my murder fantasies on here???? But yeah they're pretty stupid, that's just my theory as to how the logic of their subconscious goes, there's no guarantee it'll actually produce satisfactory results for them. As with many things in nature it's only good enough to keep the species going, it's far from ideal. Very far I'd argue (and I'm sure you'd agree)

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I have started to make a list for all female video game characters's heights. It is not an easy job but someone has to do it
I think I will make 3D height comparison pics with all of the models lined up next to each other since I can find most of the models. But there are many different games and franchises

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> so how have you guys been feeling lately? pretend I'm a beautiful soft spoken therapist from rural france
Other than thinking about my mom every day, I feel happy. It feels weird that I will never speak to her again. Even though she made life difficult for me a lot of the time because I always worried about her, I still miss her. 
Most people always say that life gets worse the older you get, but I think they are doing it wrong. For me, life has gotten better and I feel happier than I did before.
As I said before I have a problem with hyperfocus and have been doing nothing but 3D for the past few weeks or so. I want to divide my attention to more things hopefully

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I can't wait to spend 2 and a half hours listening to Suzanne only to take away absolutely nothing from it. #justellehthings

So do you like white RGB peripherals? Doc does but lizbro thinks they're girly 

No, I haven't played either of the OW games. Not really into "hero"/"champion" based games save for one or two exceptions. OW is particularly bad in this regard because it was made out of the scraps of a sci-fi MMO Blizzard was making - they had to come up with lore that would allow them to reuse as many assets as possible. Granted it was still a massive success and even people with good taste played it, but I'd rather just play my usual shooters

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> So do you like white RGB peripherals? Doc does but lizbro thinks they're girly 
I hate the rainbow RGB lights everyone has on keyboard and PC hardware. I wouldn't mind if it was just one color light, like red for example, or a good color combination. But RGB (psyop) rainbow colors are ugly to me. I don't know if the colors can be picked by the user or if they are always RGB

> lizbro thinks they're girly 
He is right

> I can't wait to spend 2 and a half hours listening to Suzanne only to take away absolutely nothing from it. #justellehthings
I don't think that is true. It is possible there is progress being made, but it's a slow process. It just takes some time. You can't expect to immediately change your thought patterns and belief systems 

> No, I haven't played either of the OW games. Not really into "hero"/"champion" based games save for one or two exceptions. OW is particularly bad in this regard because it was made out of the scraps of a sci-fi MMO Blizzard was making - they had to come up with lore that would allow them to reuse as many assets as possible. Granted it was still a massive success and even people with good taste played it, but I'd rather just play my usual shooters
I see. I am mainly interested in getting to get familiar with some of the recent popular games so I can make 3D fetish renders from some of the characters. And I might get a bit back into gaming once I have a new PC

> "hero"/"champion" based games
So it's like a mix between a FPS shooter and DOTA

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I used to hate RGB lighting too, and in fact I still hate it on black things, but against white (especially if it's off white) it looks kinda pleasant IMO. It's grown on me. Especially now that I'm seeing it in person it looks less kitsch than I thought. And yes you can change the intensity, colors and patterns. I believe the kit I bought has "rainbow" lighting as opposed to real RGB lighting meaning there are fixed colors for each row, so you can't have it all be one color. White + yellow/golden lighting looks great IMO, and white + blue is a close second

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It's almost impossible to escape it in the low end these days. Ironically it's the higher end peripherals and cases that are less likely to have RGB lighting now. It used to be the other way around but the gooks started putting it in their cheapest stuff and they made it seem lame

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I wish stav would've gotten kidnapped so we could get a news story about how Hamas couldn't impregnate one of their israeli prisoners no matter how many times they raped her 

> White + yellow/golden lighting
also closest you can get to becoming a paladin IRL

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I agree life getting better means you are doing it right. Glad things are going well.

Not like my genes aren't trash. I would mix with Xoch, but that means nothing, it's like saying I would accept a gift of a million dollars.

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Neat. I wonder if I can make one of those melter things out of a stack of 18650 batteries, or I could learn my lessons and just buy one. How did you do it?

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says the guy with such refined and exquisite taste that he's into... Ford Mustangs

I watched my dad do that once. It looked like forbidden sorcery. Both to me and to him because he had never patched up plastic before 

I'll have you know it was $40 for both keyboard and mouse. And it's a WAY better investment than buying deodorant. I could just shower more often if I wanted

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When I picked up the work, I followed my personal rule of estimating time: Get what I think is a reasonable time to do it, double it, and that is the sensible estimate.

I got it spot on despite being outside my comfort zone. I can do probably about twice as much work on the same estimated time. But I won't push it too hard and make it all well polished instead.

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the best wage in the world won't do you any good if you're going to go out and buy deodorant, toilet paper or food like an idiot 

> But I won't push it too hard and make it all well polished instead.
I 100% agree that this is the right approach. Never do more than you're asked, make it as pretty as possible and get twice the credit than if you had accomplished multiple different tasks

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> Stellantis CEO made $39.5m USD in 2023 
> up 56% compared to 2022
these are the same people that are constantly complaining to governments about how their companies need more tax exemptions or how they shouldn't let chinese companies in because that'd be bad for everyone

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at least the gay vegan AI jew is giving us crypto UBI. and Musk is funny and he makes the bug people seethe (I'm not sure any of them have any concrete reason for hating him, they just know they're supposed to, it's kind of like TDS). all this guy does is mark up Fiats until they're the same price as a two story house

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oh no elon musk is going to plant chips in our brain and he's gonna control us!!!! what the fuck are you talking about joe you have like half a brain it's going to be a massive improvement if you're controlled by someone whose skull isn't mostly empty plus you've been doing whatever other people and the TV have told you to do this whole time also somebody else was going to do it if elon hadn't come along it wouldn't have made any difference this was always how it was going to be IT WAS FORETOLD IN THE OLD SCI-FI MOVIES

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how freaking funny is it that people don't want brain chips because that could change their way of life. nigga your way of life is the abstract, intangible equivalent of horse diarrhea. we're arguably doing worse now than when we were cavemen. what the fuck are you trying to defend exactly

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Sci-fi writers did not want their ideas come true, they meant as warnings.
Now Musk, Zuckerberg, Bezos and the rest are making them true because those were their favourite childhood readings, and they're living out their fantasies.

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Hbd Xochitl. 18 years and still a literal child. 

This is AI. There has never been a city street that empty.

That game does look well made. Have you played it?

Kino outfits. And I agree, on a spectrum of weirdness, a 3x sized Alex Daddario is not weird. 
> lock her up to protect her from the sun
True, it's for her own good, and also my good though that is pure coincidence.

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(7.36 MB, 576x1024 h264) wtf I love *pauses to scroll through videos on the channel* game design and writing discussion now 

oh, I thought you meant F4. I haven't played either of them. I find that atmospheric "walking simulator" style games are sometimes better consumed as movies rather than as games. Not always though, it depends, not just on the game but on one's mood 

like a fine wine

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T-thanks for not wearing that 2nd one to whatever event where tons of paparazzi shots would be taken.

> consumed as movies
That's not a bad way to do it now that you mention it. I'm not a fan of that japanese soy horror stuff but watching that video was tolerable, the guy not having a speech impediment would have made it nicer.

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japanese soy horror? I hope you aren't calling it that just because there are ghost girls in it

it's no problem really, dana 

> Saying some shit about how the iphone calculator wasn't a "real" calculator.
this is actually true. I read about it on facebook. Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk are working together to gaslight us and make us bad at maths as part of their world domination plans (they aren't quite there yet, they need to make us intelligent people dumb first). They put that fake calculator app in there on purpose

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> tfw no long road trip ending in a cozy log cabin stay with Dana

I'm not sure how to accurately mock those sorts of games, I need to work on it. 
Speaking of Elon I saw my first Soybertruck today. Like every vehicle made in the past 20 years the massiveness of the space between the beltline and the bottom of the chassis makes it look bad imo. Nice Luna pic.

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also I think describing it as "God" gives it a positive bias, at least for most people in any audience. I don't think she intended for it to sound "good", probably just didn't think of this, but maybe she should've gone with a different more neutral word

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Actually maybe she did intend for it to be "good" within her system because she's opposing it to "the hole" which is "bad". Also because she implies that it feels good. But even worse than the hole is the maze, but she describes it as insanity, and insanity isn't bad, it's just insanity. so maybe it's just not very well thought out or maybe it's not supposed to be a spectrum that starts with one extreme and ends in the other

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> barn find maserati in my youtube recs
that's rare. I don't know the first thing about them tbh but isn't maserati a fairly low-production brand for enthusiasts? I could see some of the more generic/cheaper old porsches or an audi being forgotten like that but not a maserati. there's probably some story like the original owner dying suddenly and being survived only by women that didn't know what the car was

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> dying suddenly and being survived only by women that didn't know what the car was
That's typically it. How was the video? 

Nice. Annoying how she tricked me by talking about some controversial tv show that doesn't exist, I scrolled back thinking I missed when she mentioned the title. 

Or if there's guns in the game you could use those for reference. Sounds like a lot of work, Cam should not spend so much of his time on that imo. 

I'm going to suffer through some of the songs she mentioned soon. This millennial deadbeat will be mocked.

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I think one of the main factors in the death of MMOs were the changes in the global economy. I'm not even joking. I think in general people are working more hours for the same lifestyle and there are less people living off of rent with lots of free time on their hands

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Xoch's DWTS partner made a whole montage video for her :3

I believe that. Take your own case, and how Jizzard is trying to charge you 15 american dollarydoos for their gay little game. 

She has an authentic charm to her, and the booba is big. 

> I heard one minute of a Florence & The Machine song once
I am sorry to hear that. I listened to Cosmic Love and it didn't stand out to me at all, though it does have both high and low tones of sound like she was talking about. Maybe I need more weed and face tattoos to really get it. "Purity Ring" by Grandloves was a better recommendation of hers.

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 >>/54288/ you've probably already seen this but if you haven't you really should. one of the best demolitions of a gimmicky product I've ever seen, it takes me back to the early days of /g/ memeing on Apple products

that too. MMOs don't really lend themselves well to a phone format for obvious reasons. They require decent screen space, hardware, etc, unlike clickers, idle RPGs and other genres that are much more common in app stores. Although that doesn't explain why even simplified 2D MMOs are a rarity. in the heyday of AAA Android/iOS gamedev they did make a couple "real" MMOs... "Order & Chaos" and... I forget what the other one was called. But they're probably pretty dead nowadays

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card games don't translate very well either due mainly to the lack of screen space. Wizards of the Coast had their first MTG videogame success ever with MTG Arena a few years ago but they were unable to port it to the platforms with the biggest userbases for years. There is a mobile port now but last I checked it still had pretty heavy restrictions regarding screen res and chipset, it ran on very few devices. It's almost like phones were meant for communication not gaming

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I know this is obvious and I don't actually need to say this at all but those MMOs were totally soulless gookslop with the most P2W monetization ever conceived. Unlike with most PC MMOs there was zero thought or love put into them. There's no comparing stuff like that to WoW, Secret World, EVE, etc

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> the "Gay truck" comment
hehehehe the Cybertruck segment is gold. It's surprising they would put a normal rear view mirror in the truck when the shape of the thing renders it useless, just put a screen up there, they love screens after all. Not like other manufacturers haven't already been doing that for years in their more low-visibility models. 
> having to do touchscreen menu navigation to change the direction of the AC vents
That's obscene. It should be legal to kill anyone who thinks that is ok.

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I've seen side mirrors that were actually cameras + screens on trucks, but I didn't know they did that with rear view mirrors too. Definitely makes more sense than just leaving an useless normal mirror in there 

> That's obscene. It should be legal to kill anyone who thinks that is ok.
I don't disagree. I feel the same way you do about certain people sometimes. Not only do they not deserve to have 100x more money than me, I don't think they even deserve to live

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That is what games gonna run like soon. And like I said before, the splatting is just the first attempt of getting the results of neural rendering, direct neural rendering will be able to do much more than this, and with enough data it will be able to generate whole cities or even infinite cityscapes/nature/etc...

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Today is a holiday so I can't work in the company stuff, so I'm working on my own stuff. 
It's nice how the ideas accumulated over that time and I can just apply them quickly. 
Got the level loading speed up by 6x, which was a concerning bottleneck. I thought I would have to implement some kind of pooling system to re-use actors instead of spawning new ones, but turns out its just Unreal Blueprints being poorly optimized.

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what a fucking retard jesus christ

> Has anyone here (Argiebro) read or listened to Elliot Rodger's manifesto?
No I haven't. I assume it's just generic incel stuff which isn't really my thing, I hate everyone and everything not just women. but I do find the skelly meme very relatable 

Do you still keep up with Hollywood production? It's been several years since the last time I had a decent idea of what was in the works, what was in preproduction or planning, etc

We've reached the point where you want the chinese engines rebranded "ecoboost" rather than the real deal

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The manifesto goes a bit deeper than "reeeee girls don't like me". His talk about the world being evil and unjust, and his love of WoW reminded me of you (not meaning to insult)

> what a fucking retard
Hehe yeah. They really don't get how few "fellow girlies" there are on the internet outside of the ones shilling for their own social media porn careers. Her content is too cutesy and genuine (her singing at least) to go viral anyway. She needs to do feminism clickbait to have a chance.

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Sent this one to my work friends but idk if they get it

At least you can go down the slides.

True. If they actually behaved like liberals in their personal life instead of just whining about how other people are too mean I think society would be more pleasant.

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