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I suspect this happens because of narcissism. They can't understand the bigger universal philosophical issues are more valuable than the small personal self-insert personal issues. It always gets derailed into petty narcissism with female directors, no matter how genius they are.
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I doubt 100% of women are incapable of realizing the importance of the big things. It's just that the poor ones grow up thinking about dick and food and the rich ones grow up thinking about dick and shoes. Basically the same as men except replace shoes with cars or gaming PCs. More likely it's something that just kinds of happen at some point during a person's neurological development. There may be correlation with IQ but it's probably not the same type of intelligence. I feel like "narcissism" is just a buzzword used to describe the typical ooga booga egotistical selfishness that the overwhelming majority of people display INCLUDING all the people that use the buzzword with zero self awareness
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soft body + pretty face

sorry, I'm unfamiliar with that particular piece of australian/prison slang

I speak as if I had no ego but that's obviously not the case at all. I struggle to apologize or make amends when I should and rage almost always takes over. It's probably exacerbated by the fact that I was always treated like a dumb naive bluepilled weakling so now I default to being the exact opposite of that (except for the dumb part, because murder is pretty dumb). It's better than actually being bluepilled and weak, but nowhere near as good as exerting conscious control over the ego
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things Covenant did better
> 6' tall protag just like sigourney
> downer ending as befits an actual horror movie
> handling of android/AI themes
> worldbuilding
> production values (if not by a big difference)
> actors performances across the board 

things Romulus did better
> being directed by a fellow med chad instead of Scott's senile ass
> not trying to be a dozen different movies at once
> pacing and editing
> not ruining the lore (probably related to item #1)

things both sucked at 
> not being generic sterile 2h runtime money grabbing slop
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The topology of the mind can't possibly be communicated via any combination of words. You shouldn't take the words too seriously.
What happens eventually is that your brain AI gather enough data to connect the dots of the real concept behind the words, and then it just comes to you as an epiphany, and it exists beyond words in your mind shaping your thoughts. Often you even need to learn unrelated crafts to piggyback on them to cognize those concepts.

Its kinda like how when learning a new language, there are many cases of 1-1 translations not conveying the same meaning and you can only infer the meaning after seeing many examples. But with a lot more layers.

Narcissism and Ego are such "concepts" by many names with very specific nuanced structure and topology.

When I say narcissism, what comes to my mind is people who think it is normal to only care about your own personal satisfaction and don't obtain pleasure in satisfying others and think its bizarre anyone would do such thing.
It's such a divergent perspective, its very "another species" tier. Like the whole "no internal voice" thing.
It's not quite the same as psychopathy, those people are fully capable of feeling guilty and getting sad via empathy. 
It's more specifically a limit in capacity to enjoy vicariously from a "different perspective", they tend to only enjoy roleplaying characters who are very similar to themselves or a specifically idealized version of themselves. 
You see it a lot in woke games.
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Reminds me of that Lego marketing story where they found that boys will role play as other characters but girls would try to change those characters to be more like themselves. The example was girls having Batman go shopping for dresses instead of the things Batman typically does. And yeah it's everywhere in western femnigger media.
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It's more limited to the realm of "relating" to other people than being emotionally affected by them.
Women rank people on how similar to themselves they are or how they benefit themselves.
Men would rank on a degree of how awesome the person is and secondarily how well they would interact with that person.
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I know it's complicated. I think you know what I meant by exerting conscious control over the ego. Like when you breathe in and control the rage and choose to react in a better way (again, rage could be preferable sometimes). It's a little funny for me to put it in those terms though because my worldview has always been very deterministic and I always suspected that that apparent "choice" you made was an illusion. That's just how it's always felt to me, but at the same time I've tried to believe in nicer stuff than fate because fate is kind of a doomer concept. Oh and I learned recently (thanks to mommy springbok's asmr vid) that determinism is actually closely related to stoicism, or rather it could be construed as being one of its roots. Which is funny because I always saw myself as the opposite of a stoic. The thought that everything is predetermined just makes me hate existence, not stop caring
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I sure as fuck don't believe in determinism insofar as "I don't have control over my behavior and emotions". We do come with a baggage of nature and nurture stuff to deal with, but its all within the realm of possibilities to reshape or maintain as we desire, with enough inner work.

Even higher abstracts concepts of determinism like the idea that because mathematically the laws of the universe are time reversible it means the universe is predeterminate are highly questionable, but I can't outright deny them.
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I'm not saying women are deterministically incapable of making genius movies, but the odds are only slightly higher than a woman who is a top ranker in MMA against men.

I expect in the future, if women continue to exist, they will have the means to overcome their nature baggage and achieve it on a regular basis, as we improve our communication tools and creative tools and self-knowledge.
But odds are women may not be going to continue to exist by then, to be honest.
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it gets a lot easier to start believing in determinism when you do everything by the book and things only continue getting worse in response. Instead of moving on to the Next Step of a decade of doing "inner work" I'd much rather just turn everyone into fresh cuts of meat and laugh at their misfortune
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Unlike our limited monkey brains think, we are not all powerful entities who can move entire countries if we just get mad enough.
Of course I don't need to redditpost explaining why rationally, the fact things are going to shit is just a matter of time, place outside of your control and the feeling you are cursed and being persecuted by demons is not true. 
But that you do feel it and we all feel it is just true and you can't just not feel it and not feeling it wouldn't fix things either.

What you don't want is to A: cloud your reasoning and overestimate or underestimate the problems, either preventing you from resolving them or protecting yourself from them. or B: accumulating undue trauma from such cursing to the point it actually comes to be.

You can embrace blissful living in the moment ignorance with one side, and cold hard realistic pessimistic rationality with another, just giving each its turn and jurisdiction to act.
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All of the good choices I made in the recent past in regards to jobs and stuff didn't feel possible, didn't feel natural, didn't feel right. 
I only had reason and a lot of research to believe they would work, and they worked. It feels like cheating, but its just how it is. And it gets easier after some times.
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I got a job. Then I got too scared to get on the highway because I didn't even have a license (still don't, because the tests are early in the morning) and the fact it was summer break and there was a lot more traffic than normal made it more intimidating. My dad would've had me try my luck, as he's done his whole life (he survived 2 major accidents one of which put him in a coma for months, but all he knows is that driving is manly and that's what I gotta do). I had no one to drive me to the site, plus the idea of spending 13 hours a day there wasn't particularly exciting. All for what? A little more money while I still have to deal with all the bs? Money isn't the problem. At this point if I really tried to improve my life again I'd need help with EVERYTHING. Even literal breathing is an issue. A hypothetical war veteran recovering from a grenade blast is in better condition than I am. What am I gonna do, work 8-13 hour shifts every day (how? I can't even talk to other people anymore much less work) and save up for years just so I can move away from my parents? And then what? How would I even move anyway? I don't even want to lift my arms anymore, much less move heavy objects. All the times I've put in effort into anything (which there have been many) it changed absolutely nothing. Things are the worst they've ever been. Yes I made A LOT of progress in regards to my capabilities because when I was 18 I couldn't even leave the house. You think anyone gives half a shit? They see me as much more of a failure NOW than they did then. That's what I got out of all that effort. Now after pushing myself further than I should have for years, I'm supposed to get started with le inner work so that all these bags of flesh turds blood and piss can feel better when I'm around. Like lmao fuck off. Bend over faggots
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I wasn't joking either. When daddy made a new rear bumper for the van he made it out of absurdly thick steel. It must be about 2/3rds of my weight, he needed help to put it in place. He loves that stereotypically manly Mad Max sort of stuff just like you. I think it's horrible and I almost broke a nail. Plus steel is so last season
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Idk, sounds like death would be a relief thus you shouldn't really care about dying while driving.
As for a job, the whole point of one is being able to get away from the sacks of flesh more. If you have to spend 13 hours a day in one, scheme to find one in which you don't do around sacks of flesh such as a night guard, librarian, selling shit online or remote work.
You really don't need much to save yourself from a lot of trouble.
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I think you think you're talking to some normie who suffers from mild depression or something. I'm a little bit past that. I've been looking for "trouble" for a while. Not your fault of course. I like coming here. It's one out of like 3 things I do anymore. Four if you count sleeping. But I skip that too sometimes. How is work? Is it still less fun than you hoped?
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I became so hateful over time because I was exposed to too much immoral wankery and I ran out of coping mechanisms ig. At some point you just stop believing. It's like that Calva Louise song says, yo no creo en ti ni en nadie yo solo creo en mi muerte. Wise words. Ricardo Iorio wrote basically the same lyrics decades ago, but he wasn't a cute girl so it doesn't really count does it
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And I did always try to be the one good one. Clark Kent himself. I've done things that would probably give your average amoral nihilistic normie a stroke because of how absurdly selfless they were. Not for praise (which I was wise enough to know would've been empty and fake) but just because that was what was right. And doing all those right things got me here. More hated and humiliated than ever before. Treated like trash even by people that have been to jail more than once. Who would have thought martyrdom was this much like martyrdom?
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I never said it was not fun, when I complain its hard its because its literally hard. But its ultimately satisfying when I finally figure out a particularly hard bug.
Normally its very easy and I feel like I'm stealing their money.

Nothing wrong with just following your morals even if they are not convenient to yourself or others. You only need to find means to not be forced to be judged by others who have no inherent right to judge anything to begin with.
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Its hard to even watch someone playing the new Life is Strange ironically.
Its a weird psyop. Very boring and filled to the max with obvious symbology and direct occult references. 
I can't quite get what is the deal. If its lazy normalization slop or there is anything to it.

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