/ratanon/ - Rationalists Anonymous

Remember when /ratanon/ was good?

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Attack on Titan STARTED out good. It went to hell when they introduced titan shifters and undid that thing they did, and it never recovered.

I really, really want to see the nihilistic cosmic horror show I thought I was getting.

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SPOILERS AHEAD (Pictures are spoilers too).

How far did you watch after the first shifters?

Shifters are pretty horrifying, that girl on all fours is a brainwashed child soldier, she walks like that because her shifter is quadrupedal so she got used to it, inhereting a shifter power is done by eating the former host after being turned into a mindless "pure titan" with a spinal fluid injection, they all die 13 years afterwards. Eren became a shifter after eating his dad and has like 5 years left.

The island with the 3 walls they all think is the last bastion of humanity is actually a "penal colony" for their race (only they can turn into titans) that hasn't been wiped out yet because of an alleged dead man's switch, the mindless "pure titans" oaming outside are mostly people that got exiled and turned into titans as punishment by the rest of the world which views their race as subhuman devils (shifter soldiers help the humans outside fight the island partially because of brainwashing and partially to earn a chance for their families to become honorary humans and be granted minimal human rigths).

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Suppose your life and well-being depends on earning $2 each hour you live, no matter what you do (~$1,500/month). 

You can't take any illegal steps, launch a crowdfunding campaign, collect it in social benefits or UBI, sell bodily fluids, webcam, invest a large sum of money, or work - except for a short period of setting up a stream of passive income and managing it for an hour or two per week.

Whatcha gonna do, Ratanon?
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Scott is becoming a vegetarian.

Every single one I know is a crazy, virtue-signalling weakling. Gut flora changes probably lead to mental illness, the body atrophies and they become incompatible with sane people…

What would be the most rational way to convince him against this nonsense?
> Every single one I know is a crazy, virtue-signalling weakling.
Scott is already like that though. I like the guy, and his signalling is likely both honest and done because he considers it prosocial, but still.

> Gut flora changes probably lead to mental illness, the body atrophies and they become incompatible with sane people…
I'd guess it's not that going vegetarian makes you a weirdo, but that you'd have to be pretty odd already to go vegetarian/vegan and stick to it.

> What would be the most rational way to convince him against this nonsense?
Farm animals have no moral value, there's no reason to care about minimizing their suffering. Good luck explaining why it's fine and important to care about human suffering after saying that though. Also good luck explaining to a 9001 IQ AI why it should care about you when you don't care about the cow that got killed to make your hamburger. Even if you don't think you'll ever meet such an AI, you'll be talking to people who believe they will, and they'll want you to prepare their argument.
Alternatively, prove that vegetarian diets have significant negative impact on health and argue that improving a person's (be it any given person or one person in particular) well-being and productivity outweighs saving some animals from being factory farmed and slaughtered.

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I don't expect it to be common, and I'm wary of doing something as hands-on as making a sticky that wasn't there before I took over. I'll reconsider if something like this happens again. I didn't consider the possibility of someone posting dox before it happened.
I wouldn't ban someone for not knowing about illegible rules, of course.

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> Flare is a proposal for a new programming language, the first annotative programming language, in which programs, data, and the program state are all represented as well-formed XML.

Lol, so late 90s/early 2000s

Too lazy to fill this out for Flare: https://famicol.in/language_checklist.html

The most obvious candidate is of course
> [ ] You have reinvented Lisp but worse
The similarities to Lisp are constantly stressed, which makes it all the much funnier to run into the sentence
> I have substantial experience in C++ but none whatsoever in LISP

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I haven't been following ssc for a while but I like this sequence.

> Deleted a controversial section which I still think was probably correct, but which given the number of objections wasn’t provably correct enough to be worth including. I might write another post giving my evidence for it later, but it probably shouldn’t be dropped in here without justification.

Does anyone have an archive link or something ? I'm curious.

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The average IQ in many parts of Sub-Saharan Africa is in the low 70s, they are never goin to "develop." That's a standard deviation lower than the shitty parts of Latin America. They are basically a different branch of the genus homo.

AI will advance to a degree that it can be easily controlled by the elites to reign over their homogenous africanoid worker population who subsist on insects and live in coffin apartments.

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What's your EA horror story, Ratanon? 

I've read and heard countless reports on toxic power games, nepotism, lack of transparency, skyrocketing burnout rates, fake empathy, sexual misconduct allegations or exploitative practices. What's going on? 

Is it because every big movement attracts Normies (occasional contributors), Nerds (seekers of meaning) and Sociopaths (malevolent influencers/leaders), but EA particularly attracts and rewards game-playing Sociopaths, as the cold utilitarian framework gets (poorly) extrapolated on organizational and interpersonal dynamics?

How does the EA culture compare to academia, freelance work or IT industry in these regards?
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Those don't necessarily contradict each other - you've got a movement with a lot of libertarians, aimed at helping poor people. People make significant personal sacrifices that are ultimately just as driven by signaling as everything else, but perhaps more visibly so because of poor social skills. And maybe people dumb it down in an attempt to be more accessible without properly tackling elitism.
But I'm not involved in any EA communities so I wouldn't really know.

It doesn't deserve to be popular.
Rats and adjacents by way of their rationalist outlooks absolutely suck at aesthetic, holistic and passion-driven things.

Tainted good isn't the same as untainted good. Surely you see the stratification.

Is this actually the case? Plenty of people  who would be rat-adj today had decent to great aesthetics, like some golden age science fiction authors. At the same time even the most anti-rationality blue tribe members suffer from bad aesthetics similar to those of Bay Area rats. I am thus inclined to blame blue tribe memes for the aesthetics problem and not assume it is inherent. You can't make an awe inspiring religion substitute out of the stuff, which is why Humanism and EA are so stale.

> There are certain people for whom it is not the right decision to donate a kidney. An incomplete list:
> …
> People who wish to save their kidney to increase the chance that family members or friends make it to the creation of a superintelligence.
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Valid methodological criticisms, however it's treated as common knowledge among the surgeons I know that every instance of general anesthesia is using up a certain resource. 

It's pretty bad. Before, I could remember pages of text verbatim (no superhuman von Neumann shit, but occasionally it worked), or retell the few minutes of conversation. Now I'm like an animal that has no ability to mark stuff as "important" and is forced to expressly repeat stuff many times (Anki helps a little), and to re-derive/reread most everything I didn't use for a few months.

It was to treat a case of testicular torsion. Pretty sure that didn't have anything to do with brain function.

> however it's treated as common knowledge among the surgeons I know that every instance of general anesthesia is using up a certain resource. 
Then it's disturbing there isn't more research on it, let alone warnings for patients.

> and to re-derive/reread most everything I didn't use for a few months.
Is that so unusual? After multiple months of not thinking about something read one time, how many people would remember it?

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