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Men over a certain age, say about 23, don't really have friends. It's just a conspiracy by "alpha males" and females to keep supposedly beta males down. Let's review:

Your coworker
>  not friend. Coworker

Your coworker's "friends" from his old workplace that he goes out drinking with
>  not friends. Ex-coworkers

People you hang out with at rationalist meetups
>  not friends. People who can bear to hear you talk about crazy rat shit that normies wouldn't tolerate, intellectually or morally

That person you grew up with
>  most likely you grew apart and never talk to them any more, so - not friends. And sending them a generic card once a year does not count as "talking to them".

That person who keeps blagging drugs/food/money/homework off of you
>  not friend. Leech.

That person you added on Facebook after talking to them once, and have never directly communicated with again
>  Seriously? Not friends

Male celeb papped on holiday with a "close female friend"
>  not friends. They're banging. Or he's gay and she's his beard.

Pop star who shoots a music video with his "friends"
>  not friends. Paid actors. Or groupies.

That smoking hot girl who "likes" you
>  not friend. Once-in-a-lifetime opportunity

Your gf/bf/spouse's male "friend"
>  not friend. You're about to get cucked. Or you already have been.

Man who works in a shop and greets people he knows by name
>  not friends, customers. Economically-motivated friendship isn't actually friendship

That one guy who seems to know a lot of important people that are unrelated to his job 
>  those aren't friends, he's actually a Freemason and those people are other members of his lodge. Or he's a fantasist and they don't exist.

Roko's Basilisk
>  definitely not your friend

In conclusion, friends don't exist.

And even if they did exist, they would be a waste of time - time which could be better spent reading LessWrong, ratanon or SSC. As male rationalists, we need to focus on what's important in life, and stop beating ourselves up over imaginary crap like "you have no friends". No other man our age has friends anyway. While this also include alpha males, they cultivate fake friends to make it look like they do have friends, and use the "no friends" line as a means of social dominance. Don't fall for it.

Pic unrelated

Aristotle was writing before the internet, so his argument no longer applies. People don't have friends any more because boomers are right: the internet and video games have replaced the necessity and the motivation for real human contact outside of work, sports and fucking. But the boomers are just as guilty with their chain emails and their mountains of culture war bullshit (a person is also not your friend just because they're fighting alongside you in a culture war, BTW).

Obviously poors living in mud huts in Afghanistan or Tanzania still have friends because they don't have internet. This shouldn't affect your decision about whether to give to Against Malaria Foundation or Give Directly either way, because friendship has no real value.

You're just typical-minding (or typical-lifing, rather). There are a lot of lonely people, probably more now than in the past, but not everyone is lonely. Societal changes didn't completely destroy the possibility of traditional friendship.
> People you hang out with at rationalist meetups
>  > not friends. People who can bear to hear you talk about crazy rat shit that normies wouldn't tolerate, intellectually or morally
I don't get this one. Friends don't count if they're weird? Isn't it about the relationship rather than the person?

"Friendships" are a sign of weakness. It's okay to work alongside men and exchange ideas and intellectual matter. Emotional attachment is useless. Loneliness is the natural state of the superior individual, we thrive on it while only proles and brainlets are driven mad by it.

Emotional attachment is a carefully evolutionarily fine-tuned dedicated subsystem to establish mutual trust. Rejecting it means rejecting your full potential for cooperation and limiting your own power.

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