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Hey, I got banned from the discord, I live in South America and there ar e no friends for me here… Does anyone knows more good communities? I don't know what the fuck to do, my last connection to other people was the discord SSC and now that's gone, I can't even get my account back to speak with my friends or see the other servers, I'm banned from facenbook twitter reddit etc. it's asking me for a phone number and I don't huave it my dad's dying I have nobody to talk to jesus fucking christ man I just said one bad word drunk and that's it?

Mostly being edgy on purpose or accidentally. I't's not just the internet, I was also expelled from every school, unironically exorcised as a young kid (for following my schoolmate's idea and larping a "demon summoning chant"), etc. I used to do great with small groups before fully losing my mind (For a few years now I can't even open myself to my family and I dream the people that I know including loved ones torture me to death if I don't get high before sleep every night) but whenever there's a "cop" figure (Like 90%+ "Respect to authority" Deluks) I end up getting fucked rather fast.

I've considered some kind of chemical solution but idk what, stims or "pro social drugs" are only going to make it worse as it's when I'm at my best that it happens, I overestimate comonality and shared affection etc. It's not mania either. 

Lol, don't worry I don't want into any hangouts that would mind that.

I don't even care at this point tbh, I was going through a mental breakwdown of sorts so I asked my only friend to come and stay with me yesterday but he wouldn't stay, said his gf would be mad because he hadn't slept there in 3 days and it was "family sunday"

When he said I that I broke, finally understood clearly what is it that hurts and terrifies me about people; In all my nightmares the reasons I'm getting tortured and killed are misunderstandings or small taboo violations I'm not even aware of. "Family sunday" HAHAHAHAHA… And these are all I people I'd go to hell for. 

Then he couldn't stop trying to suck my dick whenever I hugged him, even after I told him that I wasn't at all in the mood.

The humans are dead.

Nah, I'm not that incapable of supressing myself, it was "Chink" which asians don't give a shit about afaik (it's a baizuo sensibility), I even learned and became fond of it because of an asian ""friend"".
And it was in the context of venting about the upcoming triumph of fucking chinks and the chinkification of my people so not like abusively calling blacks nigger at all :shrug:

I'm not sure what happened but it started asking for cellphone confirmation so I lost that account, most of the people I liked from the discord can't be reached if we don't have a server in common and I lost all the other servers too. This is similar to what happened with Twitter, they just banned me on "suspicion of automated activity" and now I can't make accounts without a phone.

What's up with that server?

Maybe but I doubt it, the rat community is the only community I know of that has people I really felt are my people and it's very weird. And not even the entire rat community as every server other than SSC is full of… A different kind of rationalist.

I wish I could meme myself into joining a religion, at the end of day they're not actually any more authoritarian or witch-hunty than even the supposedly witch-friendly spaces and they appear actually willing and capable of caring for each other. 

Or I could try making my own server for smart, diverse people but with kindness replacing "correctness" as a civility and etc. enforcement mechanism. Would anyone be interested in something like that or believes it could be successful somehow?

> Does Scott have an email? I just want to talk with someone a friend
You can email him at scott[at]slatestarcodex[dot]com. Note that emailing bloggers who say they are psychiatrists is a bad way to deal with your psychiatric emergencies, and you might wish to consider talking to your doctor or going to a hospital instead.

Everyone has to actually like each other and be kind to each other, you get banned if you don't do that but you're allowed to be as edgy, controversial, opinionated, etc. as you want if you do.

IDK I wanted to talk with him more as the Scott whose mind in words I've read so much than Scott the psychiatrist, there's nothing psychiatriesque that I'd want for him anwyay unless he happens to know some miracle drug (there aren't) and that would be just one phrase mentioning it.

You're right though, he'd just be annoyed by it especially in my current state so I won't, after all it's an entirely assymetric situation. Unfortunately doctors here are 90iq animals that would diagnose me with glossolalia if I forgot to use less than 100 words, I'm staying as far away as I can from that whole thing. Also real psychiatrists don't care about patients, they care about money.

Also, I forgot, the rule should be only about how you treat your fellow members not about being "kind" to political movements and anything else people might care about. I at least have never felt anything anywhere close to personal hostility when the ideas are directed at the ideas / coalitions etc. which is why I've liked people from full insect communists to reactionary christian conservatives, if anything the people that are more hostile to ideas they dislike are more gentle in the personal.

Not really, you look at someone like /u/eaturbrainz (a unironic communist), /u/summerspeaker (a unironic SJW trans-unicorn) and it's incredibly clear they care about people and have a friendly disposition, even when ranting.

Then you look at someone like /u/darwin2500 and it's clear that he doesn't. Always sophistry, always snark, mocking whenever possible, baiting people into getting banned and throwing the mods at anyone from his outgroup the second an opportunity appears…

You look at what kinds of stuff people talk about, whether or not they only talk about one thing all the time, how they react to fellow members requesting advice or talking about someone else (I can talk about eg. game modding or MTG or my life with no problems with a political enemy who is friendly but I can't talk about anything with Darwin2500)

Of course it's much harder than going by some formalized heuristic abusable by psychopaths, prone to false positives and frankly harmful for almost anyone involved, as most people that do fine still are comparatively psychically mutilated because of it, even if they don't realize it.

Have you tried rationalist tumblr? It's a lot different from what the tumblr stereotype made me expect, though it does have its problems.
It's defined more by a certain mindset than by the topics it discusses, relative to other rationalist communities, so you get a wide range of topics and types of content.
Tumblr has a very particular dynamic where you choose who to follow but not what to follow. I've figured out that by following only people who aren't too uncharitable and don't get into stupid arguments I get a constant stream of very diverse reasonably high-quality content.
On an imageboard, subreddit or discord it's much harder to avoid people who keep making bad posts, without heavy-handed filtering. But I haven't felt the urge to block anyone on tumblr.
Your mileage may vary of course, but it's worth checking out.

Tumblr has private real-time chat, but I've never used it because I'm too shy. As far as I know it works fine.
People do use it for long blog posts, but most interactions are on the timescale of your typical forum. It can pretty much scale from Twitter to Wordpress.

No offense but for difficult to explain reasons the way you write suggests you've lost your mind and need help. Do you do or have you done a lot of drugs besides pot? If you get high every night before sleep have you tried other ways to suppress the nightmares?

Idk, I'm as lucid as ever though admittedly having strong and volatile emotions, which I could try to control but imo they're cathartic and useful in the long term. I'm more afraid of ossification than of being in pain for a while

I've done drugs but not thaaaat many, never had a negative reaction other than one bad """lsd""" trip reminiscent of this that forced me to face the extent of my loneliness and distance from other people, years ago. It resolved when the lsd wore off and I did lsd a few times after that with no problems. I became more distant after that bad trip. No drugs other than pot for more than a year now. (I tried DMT but it was defective, burnt poorly or something because it did almost nothing to me and others who tried it)

I smoke *a lot* of pot everyday but it has no noticeable negative effects other than the usual laziness + minor paranoia. Haven't smoked in the past 2 days beyond a bit with my "friend" and one minuscule roach today, it's very weak pot so I noticed practically no effects anyway. The nightmares might be gone at this point, I haven't slept lucid in ages (I think it takes a few months of abstinence to regain that after heavy cannabis use? Dreams are gone now even if I don't smoke that day so idk)

I certainly could use some help (this thread is indeed called "Please help me") but when people say that they usually mean something else, "you're not seeing reality clearly so you need someone else to override your will or you're going to harm yourself even if you try to do the opposite" 

I don't feel I'm there and there's like half a person at most I could trust with something like that.

No offense taken, and I grant that I'm not in a good place now but would appreciate you trying to explain further. Many people have been accusing me of madness because of how I write or what I say my whole life, even when I'm doing really well, what you noticed is probably just that + intense emotion.

> would appreciate you trying to explain further
Not the poster you're replying to either, but your posts do look a lot like mania. Pressured speech (or whatever the writing equivalent is), going off on tangents, oversharing with strangers, assuming we'll understand your private references ("the humans are dead"?)
Some of it overlaps with imageboard culture (and with rationalist culture), but if you write/speak similarly in real life it might explain why people are put off by it.

I'm banned by deluks as well. Are you willing to come to another rat discord?

I'm about to set up a private subreddit for mostly secular far-rightist rats. Our main topic will be race and HBD.


> Reddit's design nudges you towards using a single account for everything. This means that when (not if) a leak happens in a private community your main account will be tainted.

I see. What do you recommend then? Maybe we should just stay here or shall I start /ratpol?

There was already  >>/rationality/48/. You could try to revive that board. You could start /ratpol/ here or on endchan.net. Endchan.net might be more pro free speech. You could make Voat your main base. Although Voat has the same design as Reddit it is less probable that a rationalist would use a Voat account for other purposes or have personally identifiable information there. It doesn't sound like you do but if you expected paranoid users could create a forum on Freenet.


Thanks! I don't. However in order to post threads on Voat I had to get 10 comment points. This caused me to imitate the chimpverse crowd to get the points ASAP which caused a certain leftist troll on Reddit to pretend to be me, reveal my Voat posts and crucially try to pretend to be me and post anti-white nonsense using my terminology in order to ruin my East Kekistan movement.

No regular r/SSCer wants to associate with me any more after they saw me go full Chimpmania in order to farm points to maintain my Voat subverse. That's for sure.

"Pressured speech" is true assuming you mean coming across as "no-chill" but that's common for me. It happens much less irl, not sure why, maybe "mood synchronization" with others? Typically it happens when I'm going on about something I'm passionate about.

You're right about tangents and oversharing with strangers, though the latter not without shame.

"The humans are dead" was frankly pleb-tier venting and writing to myself, emotions were much stronger when I wrote that. I wasn't expecting people to get it (if anything it was bad not to care, I can always write to myself in notepad) though now that you mention it that's one of my most common issues when I'm normal, I even sometimes get angry when strangers don't understand because I assume they're doing it in bad faith. 

I suspect I've been manic before and this doesn't feel like it tbh, there are similarities but no extra energy, I slept normally and already want to take a nap after eating some cake. The other times I've been "manic" I was awake for like 3 days and had to remind myself to eat.

The one thing that makes little sense and worries me is that I feel ok now and I shouldn't, it gets blurry trying to think about the things that made me sad or about my friend. I fear this is a defense mechanism that leads to emotional stunting and detachment, precisely what I'm trying to prevent by talking about this and being open.

> This caused me to imitate the chimpverse crowd to get the points ASAP 
How did the leftist troll trace it back to you? Did you do this from an account with the same name as your /r/SSC account? I hope you didn't. That would be a pretty fucking stupid and impulsive deed for a rationalist.


Yeah I used a known alias. Well we shouldn't talk about that in this thread any more as it has nothing to do with OP.

Any alias would be known though as long as I admit that I'm in control of the subverse.

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