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people like you make me mad

> south slavs

> posts picture of gypsies as proof that serbians are subhumans

nice try ante but you have gypsies as well in croatia. Look at my picture, this is a gypsy. He lives in Serbia. He may have citizenship but he will never be neither Serbian nor Slavic.

> "south west slavs"

> implying there is such a thing as south west slavs

no matter how much you guys don't see yourself as balkans people, you still are and you always will be balkans people.

> contributed electricity

and wrong again ante, Nikola Tesla was Serbian. His father was an orthodox priest.

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> Afterall doesn't slav come from slave?

Yes. But that is english (germanic) label for us.

We call ourselves Slovani ( / Słowianie ), which comes from the word "slovo" ( / słowo ) which is literally a word for "word" in slavic.

So, we call ourselves "the people of word", where germanics call us slaves.

Actually it was probably the other way around. Slav doesn't come from slave, but slave comes from Slav.

That's because Germans, Turks and other empires were using slavic slaves for a long time.

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Tito was a commie but he was based. He was a benevolent dictator, he was competent to lead and unite a divided nation and he never let the international kikes spread their cancer. I respect him even if he was a gommie

> inb4 yugostan was natsoc

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Belarus webm
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