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> BBS scripts

> Image board lists
http://dramatica.org.ua/List_of_image_boards (if still down : http://web.archive.org/web/20160829200019/http://dramatica.org.ua/List_of_image_boards )

> Board consacred to imageboards

Will post a different chan everyday.
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Hey did you ever get an answer to this? I'd like to see where I can market some of mine too! although mine may not be as destructive.

I recommend pirating a bunch of high-level Physics textbooks and learning as much as possible about nuclear science. A kid managed to set off a slow nuclear reaction in his backyard once, so there are definitely things you can do.

> porn
> onion
hiddenwiki should cover that. but as far as i recall there is only one thing worthwhile and its a defunct site called pinkmeth or something. Supposedly was a repsitory of camwhore nudes or someshit.

thumbnail of eleusis.pdf
thumbnail of eleusis.pdf
eleusis pdf
(3.28 MB, 0x0)

thumbnail of Cj.jpg
thumbnail of Cj.jpg
Cj jpg
(23.28 KB, 257x367)
is homosexuality a mental disease. I assume yes because most homosexuals I meet have a bad past like all molesty and shit from uncle cock holster. so I tried to do research and all I could find was "Perspectives" of doctors. but I want the black and white. yes or no. and if so why.
“A problem repeatedly occurred”, much like your lack of hand eye coordination.
> We have silver, we have space gray, I repeat: We have space gray. Sorry to our prospective money pits, we’ve run out of gold for Team N-Word_
Imagine I put this “ “ at the prompt so you can trick yourself that you’ve been playing along The Whole Way.

How do you go about finding women who are into pedophilia or incest nowadays? Fanfiction and RP sites used to be a frigging goldmine, but it's much harder nowadays with the fanfic trend being blown over by other online media, and RPers being increasingly secluded and divided between many platforms, often hard to navigate.

Also both fanfic and RP communities have been hampered by increasingly restrictive sites, both anti-"illegal" and anti-sex overall, and many former writers/dedicated RPers have just went along with it or disappeared. For those few remaining souls who dare, there are few active havens left, especially now that 8chan is gone too.

I know women into these things are out there in larger numbers than it seems, but i come across them way too seldom nowadays, and the ones i do really aren't interested in a relationship, especially with someone living far away, so what's your secrets? Any tips?

You might want to actually check whether a user is logged in at the start of your functions. and stop the backup from running when it's already running backup.

Also, use separate files, this is a mess.

leaving this here to help sony(fags) on their deprecated ps vita subject
bug firmware ?-3.68
boot system as usual launch ps4 link press downright bubble to enter settings go to restore settings press cancel right after you have hit restore button which should've disappeared from screen but can still be pressed on now you should be sucked in the application until your battery runs dry

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