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My opinion: the guy from LibreSignal was using the Signal servers, consuming their energy, and using their marketing. This is not right.
About the Signal requirement to have google shit, it's very unfortunate. Though, people should just use other thing and stop all this buzz.

LibreSignal (WebSocket-fork) in experimental repository on  has been finally updated. But it could be latest version.
I doubt that LibreSignal is of any importance at all. Signal without the Google dependence is still shit.

> LibreSignal was using the Signal servers, consuming their energy, and using their marketing.

If you care for free software then you must not exclude alternative implementations, otherwise you'd have to implement some form of DRM.

> moxie: I'm not OK with LibreSignal using our servers, and I'm not OK with LibreSignal using the name "Signal." You're free to use our source code for whatever you would like under the terms of the license, but you're not entitled to use our name or the service that we run.

There is not much to say about this.

Generally any attempts to provide secure applications are futile as long as the underlying OS is non-free.

Yet the Signal devs claim that their app is working correctly on IOs and Android without any caveat. Third parties like Micah Lee (EFF, TheIntercept) shill for Signal as well, exactly repeating claims like that.

In short they basically say that free-software is not mandatory for security. Moreover they even claim that Android and IOs are secure operating systems.

> Is Signal a threat to Free Software?
Signal is a threat but also completely insignificant. It doesn't solve any problems, the devs only want you to believe so. Also there are alternatives that actually work since ages.

> Signal is like tox: shit and made by fucking faggots.
> alternatives
Like what? The Signal Protocol is probably the most secure ever created for messaging. I only know OMEMO working like this right now, in "conversations" software.

> like tox
But there's no alternative. Let's see:
- Ricochet. It would be the number one to choose, but there's no terminal UI, and all the QT dependencies don't seem to compile on the system I use (openbsd)
- Retroshare. Bloat. Good for filesharing, but still has many bloat
- irssi + otr. Too complex for normies to use
- Probably many others, none with TUI and good encryption

I think Tox is shit too, but it seems to be the only alternative if you want to communicate with normies without installing bloatware.
If you have any alternative, I'm all for it.
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> The Signal Protocol is probably the most secure ever created for messaging.
This is completely meaningless.
If you like the protocol then use it, but you just can't build anything secure on shit like Android and IOs.
It'd be delusional to think so.

Also the Signal devs don't respect freedom so general paranoia is advised here as we don't know their incentive.

> Like what?
Implying Signal is the only messaging app ...

> I think Tox is shit too, but it seems to be the only alternative if you want to communicate with normies without installing bloatware.

the problem with tox is that anonymity was just an after thought afaik. I haven't paid much attention to this software though so I can't say if it is shit.

Maybe you could share your concerns?
> The Signal Protocol is probably the most secure ever created for messaging.

The LavaBit founder thought the same. The most secure email service ever created with famous users like E. Snowden. ( Read )

Threema user here.
ProtonMail user too.

Both based in switzerland with zero LEA / CIA / FBI / NSA attacks against the developers.

Signal is USA therefore security don't exist.
I mean this is all true but why would normies care about the NSA/NSLs/FISA courts? the most important thing is that it improves on shitty cleartext SMS. If you need better encryption you're not dealing with normies anymore. I think signal is the best they're gonna get for now. It just werks with no extra interaction required. Anything more difficult and they're just not gonna use it.
> but the normies
The whole world burns and everything goes to shit BECAUSE of normies. Do you really think that they care about a broken app?

Are you that brain dead?

It is fucking pointless.

Normies love chains and MTV gossip.
The rare individuals fed up with the system will find a way like we did.

> we also collaborate with other popular messaging apps like WhatsApp, Google Allo, and now Facebook Messenger to help integrate Signal Protocol into those products.

ok, so where is the backdoor?
Did anyone of you analyze the protocol?

so what about Riot?

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